Oct. 8, 2001

Press Report


gives the article by Latvian Foreign Policy Institution director A.Lejins on the analysis of the relations between Russia and NATO. A.Lejins concludes that the chances of the Baltic States to join NATO have not worsened because of the recent political events. gives the article by Latvian Foreign Policy Institution director A.Lejins on the analysis of the relations between Russia and NATO. A.Lejins concludes that the chances of the Baltic States to join NATO have not worsened because of the recent political events.


devotes the whole its supplement to discussions and views of different public persons about NGOs and their role in the political scene. devotes the whole its supplement to discussions and views of different public persons about NGOs and their role in the political scene. 11 and 12 October the first Congress of Russian compatriots residing abroad will take place in Moscow. It is expected to have about 1000 participants form CIS and other countries. Latvia will be presented by the delegation of 5 members.

11 and 12 October the first Congress of Russian compatriots residing abroad will take place in Moscow. It is expected to have about 1000 participants form CIS and other countries. Latvia will be presented by the delegation of 5 members. Diena, Chas


talks to Peoples Party member V.Paegle who recently was elected to the post of the Vice-president of the PACE. V.Pagle is strictly against the ratification of the EC Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities as it contradicts to the integration programme developed by the Latvian Government. V.Paegle is also rather critical about the international organisations stating that all international system – the UN, EC, OSCE – experiences middle life crisis. These organisations have turned into the ends in themselves. talks to People’s Party member V.Paegle who recently was elected to the post of the Vice-president of the PACE. V.Pagle is strictly against the ratification of the EC Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities as it contradicts to the integration programme developed by the Latvian Government. V.Paegle is also rather critical about the international organisations stating that “all international system – the UN, EC, OSCE – experiences middle life crisis. These organisations have turned into the ends in themselves”.


interviews FHRUL leader J.Jurkans. He is critical about performance of his partys faction at Riga City Council and blames in it the restrictions in legislation and indecisiveness of Social Democrats when choosing coalition partners. About the possible merging with other political powers J.Jurkans is sceptic and says that for the moment FHRUL could accept only individual members. FHRUL leader states that Latvia does not have its own domestic policy; the state follows different directives from different sources and that the ruling parties are not concerned with humanitarian problems at all – the situation will be like that till the moment when privatisation is over. interviews FHRUL leader J.Jurkans. He is critical about performance of his party’s faction at Riga City Council and blames in it the restrictions in legislation and indecisiveness of Social Democrats when choosing coalition partners. About the possible merging with other political powers J.Jurkans is sceptic and says that for the moment FHRUL could accept only individual members. FHRUL leader states that Latvia does not have its own domestic policy; the state follows different directives from different sources and that the ruling parties are not concerned with humanitarian problems at all – the situation will be like that till the moment when privatisation is over. Central Electorate Commission is developing amendments to the Parliament Election Law. The amendments are in regard to voting procedure abroad.

Central Electorate Commission is developing amendments to the Parliament Election Law. The amendments are in regard to voting procedure abroad. Chas, Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

reports that a group of nationalistic PM have attempted to annul B.Cilevics Latvian delegation at PACE member mandate. The matter will be reviewed by the Saeima on 11 Ocotber. reports that a group of nationalistic PM have attempted to annul B.Cilevic’s Latvian delegation at PACE member mandate. The matter will be reviewed by the Saeima on 11 Ocotber.

Vesti Segodnja

publishes parts of TV show From the Position of Power with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins. Prime Minister admits that the pace of naturalisation has dropped recently, however, our goal stays the same – the integrated society. He also thinks that the Latvian Government has done its best and now it is the turn of non-citizens to take actions. In regard to the ratification of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities, A.Berzins voiced that of course, we will ratify it – the question is: when. publishes parts of TV show “From the Position of Power” with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins. Prime Minister admits that the pace of naturalisation has dropped recently, however, “our goal stays the same – the integrated society”. He also thinks that the Latvian Government has done its best and now it is the turn of non-citizens to take actions. In regard to the ratification of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities, A.Berzins voiced that “of course, we will ratify it – the question is: when”. Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii

Oct. 6, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The key achievement at the Sofia summit of NATO candidate states from the so-called Vilnius Group was the top-level confirmation of the US position on NATO enlargement remaining unchanged after the brutal terrorist attacks, said Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. At a news conference Saturday upon her return from Sofia, the Latvian president said next six months "will categorically be important for all candidates" as the decision about admitting new members to the alliance is expected next year.

The key achievement at the Sofia summit of NATO candidate states from the so-called Vilnius Group was the top-level confirmation of the US position on NATO enlargement remaining unchanged after the brutal terrorist attacks, said Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. At a news conference Saturday upon her return from Sofia, the Latvian president said next six months "will categorically be important for all candidates" as the decision about admitting new members to the alliance is expected next year. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

Original full text: “Russia is concerned about the situation with human rights in Latvia and Estonia, which, regardless of some positive changes, still remains unsatisfactory, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov told the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus yesterday. According to Ivanov, the Baltic countries are still restricting the rights of Russian-speaking residents, ethnic minorities are being assimilated, hundreds of thousands have no citizenship or political, social and economic rights. Ivanov also told Ekeus of negative tendencies in some CIS countries, where governments attempt to push the Russian language out of key spheres, creating artificial barriers for Russian-speaking residents' participation in the community's life. The Russian minister proposed increasing OSCE's role in tackling the complicated relations among various nationalities in some European countries, primarily in the CIS and Baltics. Both sides agreed that the OSCE could play a greater role in combating international terrorism, especially in Central Asia”.

Original full text: Russia is concerned about the situation with human rights in Latvia and Estonia, which, regardless of some positive changes, still remains unsatisfactory, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov told the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus yesterday. According to Ivanov, the Baltic countries are still restricting the rights of Russian-speaking residents, ethnic minorities are being assimilated, hundreds of thousands have no citizenship or political, social and economic rights. Ivanov also told Ekeus of negative tendencies in some CIS countries, where governments attempt to push the Russian language out of key spheres, creating artificial barriers for Russian-speaking residents' participation in the community's life. The Russian minister proposed increasing OSCE's role in tackling the complicated relations among various nationalities in some European countries, primarily in the CIS and Baltics. Both sides agreed that the OSCE could play a greater role in combating international terrorism, especially in Central Asia. Diena, LETA


comments on the call of FHRUL deputy Y.Pliners to protest against the transfer to the studies exclusively in the state language. The newspaper also provides the views of the experts in the field, among which also the stance of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby - studies in the Latvian language are necessary, however, the preparation period for the transfer is too short. comments on the call of FHRUL deputy Y.Pliners to protest against the transfer to the studies exclusively in the state language. The newspaper also provides the views of the experts in the field, among which also the stance of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby - “studies in the Latvian language are necessary, however, the preparation period for the transfer is too short”.


provides the data about the main political parties ratings as of 199 to this year and considerations of political scientists about the possible election results for 8th Saeima. The majority of political scientists agreed that the right wing parties together with the new party to be established by Repse would have the majority of votes, although also for the left parties the election should be successful. Attitude towards NATO could become the key issue in parties campaigns. provides the data about the main political parties ratings as of 199 to this year and considerations of political scientists about the possible election results for 8th Saeima. The majority of political scientists agreed that the right wing parties together with the new party to be established by Repse would have the majority of votes, although also for the left parties the election should be successful. Attitude towards NATO could become the key issue in parties’ campaigns.


columnist, Riga Mayor spokesperson Dz.Zaluksnis considers that with the appearance of Repse in the Latvian politician scene Latvias Way is having its last months. He writes that LW was established with the goal to implement the reforms dictated by the World Bank and IMF and to keep this regime till the successful end, that is, Latvias membership to the EU. In columnists opinion the further LW development is impossible – partys intellectual potential is drained. Also he does not believe that Repse would keep his popularity rating as high as it is now till the elections, however, he writes it would be naďve to think that Repse who is sponsored from abroad needs the support of the current politicians. columnist, Riga Mayor spokesperson Dz.Zaluksnis considers that with the appearance of Repse in the Latvian politician scene Latvia’s Way is having its last months. He writes that LW was established with the goal to implement the reforms dictated by the World Bank and IMF and to keep this regime till the successful end, that is, Latvia’s membership to the EU. In columnist’s opinion the further LW development is impossible – party’s intellectual potential is drained. Also he does not believe that Repse would keep his popularity rating as high as it is now till the elections, however, he writes “it would be naďve to think that Repse who is sponsored from abroad needs the support of the current politicians”. The main theme of weekly newspaper

The main theme of weekly newspaper Jauna is about what to be done with the vast number of non-citizens living in Latvia. The newspaper provides data of the survey regarding the feelings of non-citizens towards Latvia and its citizenship and talks with Latvian and Russias officials. Russian Federation National Immigration Political Affairs Ministry representative in Latvia T.Slickova gives some official information and data regarding procedures, people and tendencies concerning this matter. For the last year and a half the number of people who leave Latvia for Russia has increased, T.Slickova explains that with the desire of these people to provide to their children education in a mother tongue. She forecasts that in 5 years about 10 000-15 000 people would leave for Russia. Jauna columnist L.Muzikante reproaches the Latvian Government for ignoring earlier made Putins calls to Russian compatriots to return to Russia and asks opinions of some public persons about that. Social Democrat D.Ivans considers that it is only Putins and Russias own business; Vieda director A.Garda says that it is betrayal of the Latvian people. PM O.Grigs voices that non-fostering of de-colonisation is not a legal crime, however, even till now the Latvian people have to experience genocide.

Naturalisation Board deputy head J.Kahanovic informs about the course of the project of providing Latvian language course free of charge for the applicants for naturalisation. He reports that vacancies for the Latvian language courses free of charge were fulfilled immediately.

Naturalisation Board deputy head J.Kahanovic informs about the course of the project of providing Latvian language course free of charge for the applicants for naturalisation. He reports that vacancies for the Latvian language courses free of charge were fulfilled immediately. Chas

The Association to the Support of Education in the Russian Language publishes a call to Russian speaking parents, senior students and teachers to take part at II Parental Conference “Study in a Mother Tongue” on 24 November, where all interested parties should require to enter amendments in the Education Law.

The Association to the Support of Education in the Russian Language publishes a call to Russian speaking parents, senior students and teachers to take part at II Parental Conference Study in a Mother Tongue on 24 November, where all interested parties should require to enter amendments in the Education Law. Chas


talks to the teacher of the Russian language about the problems in teaching the language, students and the role of the Russian language for the new generation. talks to the teacher of the Russian language about the problems in teaching the language, students and the role of the Russian language for the new generation.

Oct. 5, 2001

 Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday Latvia's Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka and justice ministers from around 40 other countries met Russia's President Vladimir Putin at the Council of Europe conference in Moscow. It was initially intended that Putin would be sending the conference a written greeting, but he unexpectedly invited the European justice ministers for a visit to the Kremlin on Thursday afternoon. Putin said in his speech that currently the main issue is to develop joint standards in legislation so that it would be easier to fight international terrorism.

Yesterday Latvia's Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka and justice ministers from around 40 other countries met Russia's President Vladimir Putin at the Council of Europe conference in Moscow. It was initially intended that Putin would be sending the conference a written greeting, but he unexpectedly invited the European justice ministers for a visit to the Kremlin on Thursday afternoon. Putin said in his speech that currently the main issue is to develop joint standards in legislation so that it would be easier to fight international terrorism. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas

Neatkariga publishes the social poll data about the voters choice at the 8th Saeima election, in particular, how many voters would vote for the new party of E.Repse. According to the survey company SKDS almost half of Latvian population could consider to vote for Repse’s party although these results are in contradiction with the results of the survey on party popularity ratings conducted a week earlier. The latest survey also shows that the voters who would vote for Repse’s party mainly would come from the groups which previously supported the ruling parties, but FHRUL would not lose their supporters almost at all. However, the leaders of ruling parties consider their perspectives as stable when the election comes.

Neatkariga publishes the social poll data about the voters choice at the 8th Saeima election, in particular, how many voters would vote for the new party of E.Repse. According to the survey company SKDS almost half of Latvian population could consider to vote for Repses party although these results are in contradiction with the results of the survey on party popularity ratings conducted a week earlier. The latest survey also shows that the voters who would vote for Repses party mainly would come from the groups which previously supported the ruling parties, but FHRUL would not lose their supporters almost at all. However, the leaders of ruling parties consider their perspectives as stable when the election comes.


reports about the situation in bilingual education and talks to the Ministry of Education and Science, General Education Department Integration Unit Head E.Papule and Saeima Education Committee chairperson Dz.Abikis. In their opinion the issue has been politicised because of the upcoming Saeima election. Dz.Abikis denies that the transfer to studies in the state language at secondary school in 2004 would cause serious problems, especially in the rural regions, but in regard to the big cities it would just require closer monitoring from the party of politicians, municipality officials and teachers. The newspaper also reports the data of the attitudes of citizens and non-citizens toward studies exclusively in the state language. reports about the situation in bilingual education and talks to the Ministry of Education and Science, General Education Department Integration Unit Head E.Papule and Saeima Education Committee chairperson Dz.Abikis. In their opinion the issue has been politicised because of the upcoming Saeima election. Dz.Abikis denies that the transfer to studies in the state language at secondary school in 2004 would cause serious problems, especially in the rural regions, but in regard to the big cities it would just require closer monitoring from the party of politicians, municipality officials and teachers. The newspaper also reports the data of the attitudes of citizens and non-citizens toward studies exclusively in the state language.


provides statistics about the number of Latvian residents who still have not exchanged their old USSR passports for the passports of Latvian citizens or non-citizens. Up till September 8396 citizens and 17 142 non-citizens hold old USSR passports. provides statistics about the number of Latvian residents who still have not exchanged their old USSR passports for the passports of Latvian citizens or non-citizens. Up till September 8396 citizens and 17 142 non-citizens hold old USSR passports.


is the only newspaper in Latvian, which also provides information about drawing up the act for movie theatre Kino 52 for violating the State Language Law showing the movie in Russian without Latvian subtitles or dubbing. is the only newspaper in Latvian, which also provides information about drawing up the act for movie theatre “Kino 52” for violating the State Language Law showing the movie in Russian without Latvian subtitles or dubbing.

Vesti Segodnya

interviews OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby. interviews OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby.

Full translation of the article will be attached to an upcoming press review

Latvian Ambassador to Russia N.Penke has made his first meeting with Russian officials. The Ambassador met with the deputy of Russian foreign affairs minister A.Avdeev and discussed bilateral relations between the countries.

Latvian Ambassador to Russia N.Penke has made his first meeting with Russian officials. The Ambassador met with the deputy of Russian foreign affairs minister A.Avdeev and discussed bilateral relations between the countries. Vesti Segodnja, Neatkariga, Chas

Latvian Russian intergovernmental committee chairperson, communication minister A.Gorbunovs considers the committee an unnecessary institution, as real activities and agreements between the two countries are made on the level of specific industries and fields.

Latvian Russian intergovernmental committee chairperson, communication minister A.Gorbunovs considers the committee an unnecessary institution, as real activities and agreements between the two countries are made on the level of specific industries and fields. Vesti Segodnja, Chas

Latvia's political scientists do not have unequivocal opinion about statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin about possible change in Russia's position over NATO enlargement and later claims that alliance expansion would not increase security in Europe and the world. Political scientist M.Asmanis told that too much attention has been devoted to Putin's remarks. He believes Latvia's concerns over Russia's threats "also are fuelled by forces, which are exerting all efforts to pull us into NATO". Political scientists K.Dauksts believes Putin's remarks "generally fit into Russia's foreign policy channel". He believes these statements have rather positive nature because they point at fight of two opposite opinions inside Russia -- "the US has suffered a relative defeat in the international politics therefore Russia should go along its own path" or "Russia should co-operate with the West in fight against terrorism. Currently a period of doubts and discussions has set in the West," said Dauksts. Political scientist Artis Pabriks meanwhile believes "contradictions in Putin's remarks should be perceived rather seriously". Russia's diplomacy has often came out with contradictory statements and also this time it will "not hesitate to swap the enlargement against co-operation of Russia with the West in fight against terrorism in case the West begins doubting over NATO enlargement. It would be negative for us if Europe's position on NATO enlargement gains more weight". Therefore the Baltic states should warn and inform the Western community that they are ready to co-operate, assume responsibility, reminding about the negative domestic policy and regional consequences in case admission of the Baltic states to NATO is delayed.

Latvia's political scientists do not have unequivocal opinion about statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin about possible change in Russia's position over NATO enlargement and later claims that alliance expansion would not increase security in Europe and the world. Political scientist M.Asmanis told that too much attention has been devoted to Putin's remarks. He believes Latvia's concerns over Russia's threats "also are fuelled by forces, which are exerting all efforts to pull us into NATO". Political scientists K.Dauksts believes Putin's remarks "generally fit into Russia's foreign policy channel". He believes these statements have rather positive nature because they point at fight of two opposite opinions inside Russia -- "the US has suffered a relative defeat in the international politics therefore Russia should go along its own path" or "Russia should co-operate with the West in fight against terrorism. Currently a period of doubts and discussions has set in the West," said Dauksts. Political scientist Artis Pabriks meanwhile believes "contradictions in Putin's remarks should be perceived rather seriously". Russia's diplomacy has often came out with contradictory statements and also this time it will "not hesitate to swap the enlargement against co-operation of Russia with the West in fight against terrorism in case the West begins doubting over NATO enlargement. It would be negative for us if Europe's position on NATO enlargement gains more weight". Therefore the Baltic states should warn and inform the Western community that they are ready to co-operate, assume responsibility, reminding about the negative domestic policy and regional consequences in case admission of the Baltic states to NATO is delayed. BNS

According to

According to Vesti Segodnya columnist A.Elkin Latvian politicians have misinterpreted Russia and have not listened to the end of Presidents statement, as they had already practised before with the statement of OSCE HCNM Max van der Stoel, where the Latvian politicians heard only the part where the Commissioner said that the progress has been made, but pretended that did not hear anything about the necessity to improve the State Language Law.

Yesterday FHRUL deputy Y.Pliner released the call of Public Council of Education, Science and Culture for the mass media. The idea of the call is that parent committees and councils of national minority schools should now establish unions at city and regional councils of national minorities and launch the dialogues with deputies and municipality officials as “this is the only way how to keep our schools, protect our kids from the forcible studies in a foreign language”.

Yesterday FHRUL deputy Y.Pliner released the call of Public Council of Education, Science and Culture for the mass media. The idea of the call is that parent committees and councils of national minority schools should now establish unions at city and regional councils of national minorities and launch the dialogues with deputies and municipality officials as this is the only way how to keep our schools, protect our kids from the forcible studies in a foreign language. Chas

Latvijas Vestnesis

provides an extensive interview with Latvian education minister K.Greiskalns about different problems in regard to education, however, there is no regard to problems concerning bilingual education. provides an extensive interview with Latvian education minister K.Greiskalns about different problems in regard to education, however, there is no regard to problems concerning bilingual education.

Oct. 4, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will be on a working visit in Bulgaria 4-5 October to join the summit of Vilnius Nine group which will be attended also by top NATO officials and representatives of non-governmental organisation. And 16-18 October is scheduled for a state visit in Hungary for talks with Hungarian president, parliament speaker and Budapest mayor.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will be on a working visit in Bulgaria 4-5 October to join the summit of Vilnius Nine group which will be attended also by top NATO officials and representatives of non-governmental organisation. And 16-18 October is scheduled for a state visit in Hungary for talks with Hungarian president, parliament speaker and Budapest mayor. Latvijas Vestnesis

Russia may reconsider its opposition to the enlargement of NATO into countries of the former Soviet bloc, if the alliance transforms into a political organisation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in Brussels on Wednesday. Latvian foreign affairs minister I.Berzins considers it as a positive sign; in the opinion of Prime Minister A.Berzins it is a logic step. FF/LNNK parliament member G.Krasts hopes that “the words will be followed by real actions” and he was not surprised at the statement as he expected that Russia would try to move toward West. Foreign policy expert N.Neilands voices that Putin’s statement is very “interesting” and it could reduce the tension in Latvia Russia relations.

Russia may reconsider its opposition to the enlargement of NATO into countries of the former Soviet bloc, if the alliance transforms into a political organisation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in Brussels on Wednesday. Latvian foreign affairs minister I.Berzins considers it as a positive sign; in the opinion of Prime Minister A.Berzins it is a logic step. FF/LNNK parliament member G.Krasts hopes that the words will be followed by real actions and he was not surprised at the statement as he expected that Russia would try to move toward West. Foreign policy expert N.Neilands voices that Putins statement is very interesting and it could reduce the tension in Latvia Russia relations. Neatkariga, Chas


provides the article by provides the article by Dr.histDr.hist. L.Dribins about whether Russians should be considered a national minority in Latvia. He expresses the support to the ratification of the EC Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities and sees Russians as alive and healthy national minority in Latvia. . L.Dribins about whether Russians should be considered a national minority in Latvia. He expresses the support to the ratification of the EC Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities and sees Russians as “alive and healthy national minority” in Latvia.


reports about the tendencies in naturalisation process. On average the number of applicants for naturalisation per month this year (992v applications) has dropped in comparison to 1999 (1265 applications). reports about the tendencies in naturalisation process. On average the number of applicants for naturalisation per month this year (992v applications) has dropped in comparison to 1999 (1265 applications).

Lauku Avize

talks to Latvian foreign affairs minister I.Berzins and defence minister G.Kristovskis. The main discussion subject is the current international situation in regard to the recent terrorism attack in the USA and what influence it could have on Latvia. When asked about the statements voiced by national radicals that Latvia will experience ethnic crisis, foreign affairs minister states that radicals start to understand that Latvia is getting closer to the EU and NATO and thus Latvia in a way slipps out and gets to much safer positions. Also defence minister G.Kristovskis would like to see more support from non-citizens to Latvias membership to NATO. Foreign affair minister reproaches Latvian mass media published in Russian for not publishing his opinion on the statements coming from Russia on comparison between Latvia and Macedonia, as well as I.Berzins does not see any grounds for nervous articles in these newspapers that Latvia have to change its foreign policy. talks to Latvian foreign affairs minister I.Berzins and defence minister G.Kristovskis. The main discussion subject is the current international situation in regard to the recent terrorism attack in the USA and what influence it could have on Latvia. When asked about the statements voiced by national radicals that Latvia will experience ethnic crisis, foreign affairs minister states that radicals start to understand that Latvia is getting closer to the EU and NATO and thus Latvia in a way slipps out and gets to much safer positions. Also defence minister G.Kristovskis would like to see more support from non-citizens to Latvia’s membership to NATO. Foreign affair minister reproaches Latvian mass media published in Russian for not publishing his opinion on the statements coming from Russia on comparison between Latvia and Macedonia, as well as I.Berzins does not see any grounds for “nervous articles” in these newspapers that Latvia have to change its foreign policy. Latvian politicians voices their opinion on the statement of People Harmony Party leaders J.Jurkans and N.Neilands regarding “the necessity to review Latvian foreign policy and give up using the term “occupation””. Social Democrat J.Bojars says that it is just a word game and that “Jurkans has always tried to realise foreign policy of their party, however, up to now they have never succeeded”. Baltic Strategic Research Centre Director T.Jundzis does not consider the suggested changes could have any influence on Latvia Russia relations

Latvian politicians voices their opinion on the statement of People Harmony Party leaders J.Jurkans and N.Neilands regarding the necessity to review Latvian foreign policy and give up using the term occupation. Social Democrat J.Bojars says that it is just a word game and that Jurkans has always tried to realise foreign policy of their party, however, up to now they have never succeeded. Baltic Strategic Research Centre Director T.Jundzis does not consider the suggested changes could have any influence on Latvia Russia relations. Lauku Avize

Minister of Justice I.Labucka is taking part in the European Conference of Justice Ministers in Moscow till 5 October

Minister of Justice I.Labucka is taking part in the European Conference of Justice Ministers in Moscow till 5 October. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

reports that in Latgale three groups of non-citizens will have a possibility to attend Latvian language courses free of charge and as the only sponsor of the project the newspaper names the OSCE Mission to Latvia. reports that in Latgale three groups of non-citizens will have a possibility to attend Latvian language courses free of charge and as the only sponsor of the project the newspaper names the OSCE Mission to Latvia. One of Riga movie theatres was fined for violating Article 17 of the State Language Law. The movie theatre showed a movie in Russian and did not provide the subtitles in the state language. As the director of the movie explains “we wanted to introduce our audience with the film as soon as possible, so we did not have time to produce subtitles”. The penalty could be in the form of warning or a fine even up to LVL 100.

One of Riga movie theatres was fined for violating Article 17 of the State Language Law. The movie theatre showed a movie in Russian and did not provide the subtitles in the state language. As the director of the movie explains we wanted to introduce our audience with the film as soon as possible, so we did not have time to produce subtitles. The penalty could be in the form of warning or a fine even up to LVL 100. Chas


publishes speculations about the chances of left-wing parties at the 8th Saeima election. The estimation of the newspaper is that Social Democrats and FHRUL will have 40% of the votes in 2002 election. However, as the threat could be the new parties, as the part of voters in Latvia (20%) are ready to vote exclusively for the new parties. publishes speculations about the chances of left-wing parties at the 8th Saeima election. The estimation of the newspaper is that Social Democrats and FHRUL will have 40% of the votes in 2002 election. However, as the threat could be the new parties, as the part of voters in Latvia (20%) are ready to vote exclusively for the new parties.

Vesti Segodnja

reports about the meeting of Saeima Education, Science and Human Rights Committee members with Czech MP during which also FHRUL members had a possibility to express their opinion, in particular, about violation of the rights of Russian-speakers in Latvia. reports about the meeting of Saeima Education, Science and Human Rights Committee members with Czech MP during which also FHRUL members had a possibility to express their opinion, in particular, about violation of the rights of Russian-speakers in Latvia. Vesti SegodnyaVesti Segodnya writes that after the meeting FHRUL Y.Cilevich received reproaches from right wing party members for discrediting Latvias image. writes that after the meeting FHRUL Y.Cilevich received reproaches from right wing party members for “discrediting Latvia’s image”.

Oct. 3, 2001

 Press Report

Press Report

Journalist D.Araja published an article on the possible closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia. Latvian progress concerning national minority and human rights could give enough grounds to close the Mission but no precise forecasts are given yet. Latvian MFA considers that the Mission’s mandate has been fulfilled and the Mission should be closed. Also the President gave a direct hint about it. She had come to this conclusion after her discussion with the OSCE High Commissioner R.Ekeuss. HoM P.Semneby admits that this topic was discussed during the visit of the High Commissioner, but no exact decision has been taken yet. It is up to the OSCE member states to do it, and the possible closure will depend on P.Semneby’s regular report to the OSCE headquarters in Vienna. Political scientist N.Muiznieks pointed out that closure of the Mission would be a good signal to EU and NATO showing that Latvia was able to solve its problems. Currently the biggest objections are against the election law stipulating that deputy candidates must have the highest level of state language knowledge.

Journalist D.Araja published an article on the possible closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia. Latvian progress concerning national minority and human rights could give enough grounds to close the Mission but no precise forecasts are given yet. Latvian MFA considers that the Missions mandate has been fulfilled and the Mission should be closed. Also the President gave a direct hint about it. She had come to this conclusion after her discussion with the OSCE High Commissioner R.Ekeuss. HoM P.Semneby admits that this topic was discussed during the visit of the High Commissioner, but no exact decision has been taken yet. It is up to the OSCE member states to do it, and the possible closure will depend on P.Semnebys regular report to the OSCE headquarters in Vienna. Political scientist N.Muiznieks pointed out that closure of the Mission would be a good signal to EU and NATO showing that Latvia was able to solve its problems. Currently the biggest objections are against the election law stipulating that deputy candidates must have the highest level of state language knowledge. Diena

Latvia's government accepted the National Security Concept on Tuesday, describing Latvia's situation from security aspects and assesses factors influencing the country's security situation, reported the government's press service. The basic principles of the National Security Concept are determined by the National Security Law, passed by parliament, which are to define the basic strategic principles, priorities and events for preventing threats to the state.

Latvia's government accepted the National Security Concept on Tuesday, describing Latvia's situation from security aspects and assesses factors influencing the country's security situation, reported the government's press service. The basic principles of the National Security Concept are determined by the National Security Law, passed by parliament, which are to define the basic strategic principles, priorities and events for preventing threats to the state. BNS

Minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins will be on a visit in Bled, Slovenia, beginning today through October 5 in order to participate in the annual 47th assembly of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA). Representatives from non-governmental organizations along with NATO and associate countries are set to discuss developments in the Euro-Atlantic security and NATO expansion matters.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins will be on a visit in Bled, Slovenia, beginning today through October 5 in order to participate in the annual 47th assembly of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA). Representatives from non-governmental organizations along with NATO and associate countries are set to discuss developments in the Euro-Atlantic security and NATO expansion matters. LETA, Diena

Danish and Latvian governments' talks on bilateral cooperation program for this and following years will be held in Riga today, LETA learned at the press service of the minister for international financial affairs. The Danish-Latvian bilateral cooperation program sets guidelines for Denmark's aid to Latvia in the next several years. In 2000,

Danish and Latvian governments' talks on bilateral cooperation program for this and following years will be held in Riga today, LETA learned at the press service of the minister for international financial affairs. The Danish-Latvian bilateral cooperation program sets guidelines for Denmark's aid to Latvia in the next several years. In 2000,

Denmark's financing in Latvia was DKK 200 million, including non-refundable aid of DKK 165 million, the rest were investments.

Denmark's financing in Latvia was DKK 200 million, including non-refundable aid of DKK 165 million, the rest were investments. LETA

According to the Cabinet of Ministers' conclusions after discussions on the year 2002 budget, the Finance Ministry has amended the draft budget and raised the forecast budget's deficit up to 2.14 percent of gross domestic product instead of the 1.73 percent set initially.

According to the Cabinet of Ministers' conclusions after discussions on the year 2002 budget, the Finance Ministry has amended the draft budget and raised the forecast budget's deficit up to 2.14 percent of gross domestic product instead of the 1.73 percent set initially. LETA


Newspaper Neatkariga interviewed the new German Ambassador to Latvia E.Herold. The Ambassador told the journalist about future developments in German – Latvian relations.

Around a third - 34.2 percent - of Latvia's population considers Russia a threat to Latvia's independence, according to a poll carried out by SKDS in August. Most of those surveyed - 57 percent do not agree to the claim, while almost a tenth - 8.8 percent - have no answer to the issue. Latvian and non-ethnic Latvians differ in their attitude towards Russia with 49.7 percent ethnic Latvians considering Russia as a threat to Latvia's independence and only 15.4 percent of non-ethnic Latvians agreeing to the statement. Russia is not considered a threat by 40.3 percent ethnic Latvians and 77.3 percent non-ethnic Latvians.

Around a third - 34.2 percent - of Latvia's population considers Russia a threat to Latvia's independence, according to a poll carried out by SKDS in August. Most of those surveyed - 57 percent do not agree to the claim, while almost a tenth - 8.8 percent - have no answer to the issue. Latvian and non-ethnic Latvians differ in their attitude towards Russia with 49.7 percent ethnic Latvians considering Russia as a threat to Latvia's independence and only 15.4 percent of non-ethnic Latvians agreeing to the statement. Russia is not considered a threat by 40.3 percent ethnic Latvians and 77.3 percent non-ethnic Latvians. BNS

Latvia's government accepted an action plan for introducing Schengen requirements, foreseeing complete adoption and introduction of Schengen requirements on Latvia's borders before joining the EU, reported the Interior Minister Mareks Seglins. The State Chancellery reported that the Schengen axis is an irrevocable part of EU legislation, and that the indicative action plan is expected to be submitted by Latvia for the next EU summit, informing of the current situation, as well as on further development harmonizing and implementing EU legislation.

Latvia's government accepted an action plan for introducing Schengen requirements, foreseeing complete adoption and introduction of Schengen requirements on Latvia's borders before joining the EU, reported the Interior Minister Mareks Seglins. The State Chancellery reported that the Schengen axis is an irrevocable part of EU legislation, and that the indicative action plan is expected to be submitted by Latvia for the next EU summit, informing of the current situation, as well as on further development harmonizing and implementing EU legislation. BNS

The Naturalization Board to realize one of its tasks to revoke Latvian citizenship it needs additional 8500 LVL. Ministry of Justice has accepted the request, and yesterday the Naturalization Board Head E.Aldermane asked for support of the Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Commission. Deprivation has been one of the Board’s tasks since January 1,1999 but the institution has not received a santim for this purpose.

The Naturalization Board to realize one of its tasks to revoke Latvian citizenship it needs additional 8500 LVL. Ministry of Justice has accepted the request, and yesterday the Naturalization Board Head E.Aldermane asked for support of the Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Commission. Deprivation has been one of the Boards tasks since January 1,1999 but the institution has not received a santim for this purpose. Neatkariga

Yesterday President Vaira Vike-Freiberga accepted the accreditation letter from the new Norwegian Ambassador to Latvia J.W.Hegg.

Yesterday President Vaira Vike-Freiberga accepted the accreditation letter from the new Norwegian Ambassador to Latvia J.W.Hegg. Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis

Next year the Municipality of Moscow intends to spent 120 million RBL (about 4 million USD) to support Russian in the former USSR countries. Municipality plans to develop an action plan for working with compatriots and by the end of this year to establish a database on Russian Diaspora.

Next year the Municipality of Moscow intends to spent 120 million RBL (about 4 million USD) to support Russian in the former USSR countries. Municipality plans to develop an action plan for working with compatriots and by the end of this year to establish a database on Russian Diaspora. Chas


Newspaper Vesti Segodnya writes that Latvia got afraid of international reaction and the Saeima Commission on Human Rights unexpectedly put off indefinitely consideration of the draft law On repatriation.


Newspaper Panorama Latvii asked the leader of Freedom and Fatherland/LNNK M.Grinblats to explain his recent statement that it would be bad for Latvia if parties favoring cooperation with Russia win the next Saeima election. Mr.Grinblats said that what he meant was if in the government was dominated by forces, for which it was typical to obey to Russias policy, it would be a disaster for Latvia, because Russia regarded all former USSR states as its estate and did not want to change its attitude.

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