Nov. 13, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

In an attempt to improve the frequently criticised slow speed of non-citizen naturalisation in Latvia, the Naturalisation Board has launched a wide informative campaign on promoting understanding of citizenship issues, motivating non-citizens to chose Latvian citizenship. The campaign on promoting public information and understanding of citizenship issues will be staged by the NB, the Justice Ministry's social integration department, the OSCE mission to Latvia, the UNDP in Latvia, supported by the US international development agency in co-operation with the NGO Freedom House, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Canada and Germany.

In an attempt to improve the frequently criticised slow speed of non-citizen naturalisation in Latvia, the Naturalisation Board has launched a wide informative campaign on promoting understanding of citizenship issues, motivating non-citizens to chose Latvian citizenship. The campaign on promoting public information and understanding of citizenship issues will be staged by the NB, the Justice Ministry's social integration department, the OSCE mission to Latvia, the UNDP in Latvia, supported by the US international development agency in co-operation with the NGO Freedom House, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Canada and Germany. Chas, BNS

Lauku Avize

interviews Social Democrats Saeima faction leader Egils Baldzens who tells of the Social Democrats further work in the Saeima. In fact, Egils Baldzens is now in an opposition within his own party as his and Social Democrats Party chairperson J.Bojârs stances are quite opposite on several issues. Baldzens says that he has "not come into politics to serve abstract ideas but represent the part of voters whose views on key matters coincide with mine. E.Baldzçns sees no possibility to sign a co-operation agreement with FHRUL. He forecasts that Social Democrats could have 16-18 seats at the 8th Saeima. In this year’s progress reports on EU applicant countries, which will be made public today, the European Commission will most likely confirm the expected scenario for next year, foreseeing that ten countries, including Latvia, could complete the negotiations in 2002, says

In this years progress reports on EU applicant countries, which will be made public today, the European Commission will most likely confirm the expected scenario for next year, foreseeing that ten countries, including Latvia, could complete the negotiations in 2002, says Diena. Whereas Neatkariga notes that the report on Latvia, which will be positive overall, will also include criticism for slow public administration reform. In regard to national minority issues, most probably, Latvia will be reminded that it has not ratified the EC Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. Concerning practical implementation of language policy both Latvia and Estonia should be advised to remain reasonable. Chas, Vesti Segodnja

FF/LNNK has decided to ask the General Prosecutor Office to find out the source of false language proficiency certificates, as lately a big number of false language proficiency certificates has been discovered. According to V.Balodis about 400 false certificates have been discovered already this year. FF/LNNK will also offer several amendments to the regulations that would allow the State Language Centre to re-examine state language skills of persons who have graduated from non-Latvian schools. FF/LNNK is also drafting other changes regarding language legislation: the old certificates should be replaced with the new type of documents, the State Language Centre should have rights to re-examine person’s state language proficiency only once within 12 months, besides a person should not have to pay for such re-examination.

FF/LNNK has decided to ask the General Prosecutor Office to find out the source of false language proficiency certificates, as lately a big number of false language proficiency certificates has been discovered. According to V.Balodis about 400 false certificates have been discovered already this year. FF/LNNK will also offer several amendments to the regulations that would allow the State Language Centre to re-examine state language skills of persons who have graduated from non-Latvian schools. FF/LNNK is also drafting other changes regarding language legislation: the old certificates should be replaced with the new type of documents, the State Language Centre should have rights to re-examine persons state language proficiency only once within 12 months, besides a person should not have to pay for such re-examination. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja


gives the main points of the seminar on national minority schools that took place two weeks ago in Daugavpils. gives the main points of the seminar on national minority schools that took place two weeks ago in Daugavpils.

Lauku Avize

gives editorial about Peoples Party deputy Dz.Abikis letter in gives editorial about People’s Party deputy Dz.Abikis’ letter in Lauku Avize Lauku Avize where he stated that the Prime Minister misinformed him that the State Language Centre took part in discussions on the regulations that limit the rights of the Centre to examine persons state language proficiency. The journalist heavily doubts such possibility. where he stated that the Prime Minister misinformed him that the State Language Centre took part in discussions on the regulations that limit the rights of the Centre to examine person’s state language proficiency. The journalist heavily doubts such possibility.

Lauku Avize

asks couple questions to FHRUL leader J.Jurkans about his visit to Moscow. J.Jurkans informs that they discussed different issues, including, language policy and education law. J.Jurkans denies that Russian officials had suggested any legislation initiatives which the fraction should submit to the Saeima. asks couple questions to FHRUL leader J.Jurkans about his visit to Moscow. J.Jurkans informs that they discussed different issues, including, language policy and education law. J.Jurkans denies that Russian officials had suggested any legislation initiatives which the fraction should submit to the Saeima.

Vecernaja Riga

writes about the first attempt to bribe the naturalisation examination commission. The commission found 50$ bill in one of the written test papers. The Naturalisation Board called police that established the attempt of bribery. The person who tried to bribe the Commission failed the test and now will be able to re-take the test only after three months if criminal charges are not raised. writes about the first attempt to bribe the naturalisation examination commission. The commission found 50$ bill in one of the written test papers. The Naturalisation Board called police that established the attempt of bribery. The person who tried to bribe the Commission failed the test and now will be able to re-take the test only after three months if criminal charges are not raised.

Nov. 12, 2001

Press Report

Diena columnist A.Ozolins writes about the required changes in the Election Laws in the context of the feasible closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia and Latvia’s membership to NATO. He also looks into Estonian Prime Minister M.Laar e-mail where M.Laar named the OSCE as an instrument for Russia. The columnist concludes that “neither the OSCE, nor the EU, nor NATO doubts the rights of Latvia to have the Latvian language as the only state language. However, its position should be strengthen by ensuring more extensive and wide usage of the language in the Saeima and municipalities and not limiting election rights of citizens.”

Diena columnist A.Ozolins writes about the required changes in the Election Laws in the context of the feasible closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia and Latvias membership to NATO. He also looks into Estonian Prime Minister M.Laar e-mail where M.Laar named the OSCE as an instrument for Russia. The columnist concludes that neither the OSCE, nor the EU, nor NATO doubts the rights of Latvia to have the Latvian language as the only state language. However, its position should be strengthen by ensuring more extensive and wide usage of the language in the Saeima and municipalities and not limiting election rights of citizens.

Newly established NGO “For Intelectual Re-birth of Latvia” had its first conference on Saturday. Among the NGO members are famous and well known public persons in Latvia – NHRO director O.Bruvers, justice minister I.Labucka, MP Slesers, priest E.Jakobsons. The leadership of the organisation claims that they are not going to participate at the next 8th Saeima election.

Newly established NGO For Intelectual Re-birth of Latvia had its first conference on Saturday. Among the NGO members are famous and well known public persons in Latvia – NHRO director O.Bruvers, justice minister I.Labucka, MP Slesers, priest E.Jakobsons. The leadership of the organisation claims that they are not going to participate at the next 8th Saeima election. Diena

Since July 1, the Constitutional Court (ST) has already received 250 petitions from individuals. During the seminar on protection of basic rights in constitutional court, ST Chairman Aivars Endzins informed that proceedings have been initiated only on 11 of the submitted petitions..

Since July 1, the Constitutional Court (ST) has already received 250 petitions from individuals. During the seminar on protection of basic rights in constitutional court, ST Chairman Aivars Endzins informed that proceedings have been initiated only on 11 of the submitted petitions.. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

Social Democrats could avoid signing agreement with FHRUL’s Saeima faction. FHRUL leader Janis Jurkans, wants a written agreement with the Social Democrats, keeping in mind coming to power at the new Saeima along with the Social Democrats. Whereas LSDSP leader Juris Bojars has not forgotten the part of elector that praise the Social Democrats for defending national interests, and has become cautious and no longer attempts to force the LSDSP Saeima faction to sign such an agreement.

Social Democrats could avoid signing agreement with FHRULs Saeima faction. FHRUL leader Janis Jurkans, wants a written agreement with the Social Democrats, keeping in mind coming to power at the new Saeima along with the Social Democrats. Whereas LSDSP leader Juris Bojars has not forgotten the part of elector that praise the Social Democrats for defending national interests, and has become cautious and no longer attempts to force the LSDSP Saeima faction to sign such an agreement. Diena


interviews Swedish ex-premier Carl Bildt, who says in the interview that no country is predictable today. Bildt also says that leftists have many problems with accepting new realities in Europe, adding that it is hard to swallow that there is no longer a world of socialism. interviews Swedish ex-premier Carl Bildt, who says in the interview that no country is predictable today. Bildt also says that leftists have many problems with accepting new realities in Europe, adding that it is hard to swallow that there is no longer a world of socialism.

Vesti Segodnja

publishes the article about the recent changes in the regulations on the State Language and statutes of the State Language Centre, and also comments on V.Paegles article about the OSCE in publishes the article about the recent changes in the regulations on the State Language and statutes of the State Language Centre, and also comments on V.Paegle’s article about the OSCE in Lauku AvizeLauku Avize. . Vesti SegodnjaVesti Segodnja considers the amendments to the regulations only as a deceiving step of the ruling parties – after the decision about the closure of the OSCE Mission is taken, politicians would change the regulations back. considers the amendments to the regulations only as a deceiving step of the ruling parties – after the decision about the closure of the OSCE Mission is taken, politicians would change the regulations back.


interviews Ventspils Mayor A.Lembergs. He believes that the to-be-established party by E.Repse will be successful and has devoted some amount of money for its establishment. He denies the possibility that he himself could run for the Parliamentarian election next year. The newspaper also asks his opinion about privatisation processes and further economical development of Latvia. interviews Ventspils Mayor A.Lembergs. He believes that the to-be-established party by E.Repse will be successful and has devoted some amount of money for its establishment. He denies the possibility that he himself could run for the Parliamentarian election next year. The newspaper also asks his opinion about privatisation processes and further economical development of Latvia.

Nov. 10, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

High-ranking Latvian and foreign officials as well as a number of media representatives have gathered in Riga for the international conference on the Baltic membership in NATO. The conference intends to facilitate open public discussion ahead of the NATO summit in Prague and understanding of the contribution the Baltic states will

High-ranking Latvian and foreign officials as well as a number of media representatives have gathered in Riga for the international conference on the Baltic membership in NATO. The conference intends to facilitate open public discussion ahead of the NATO summit in Prague and understanding of the contribution the Baltic states will

make to united and free Europe upon their admission to NATO. The conference was organised by the Latvian Trans-Atlantic Organisation in co-operation with Latvian defence and foreign ministries as well as with the American Latvians Association.

make to united and free Europe upon their admission to NATO. The conference was organised by the Latvian Trans-Atlantic Organisation in co-operation with Latvian defence and foreign ministries as well as with the American Latvians Association.

Indulis Berzins said that Latvia's movement towards NATO was one of the elements in consolidating the community. When a foreign reporter asked both Latvian ministers what would happen, if the Baltic States do not get invited to NATO next year, they said they felt sure the invitations are forthcoming.

Indulis Berzins said that Latvia's movement towards NATO was one of the elements in consolidating the community. When a foreign reporter asked both Latvian ministers what would happen, if the Baltic States do not get invited to NATO next year, they said they felt sure the invitations are forthcoming. Diena, BNS, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja, Chas


informs that Estonian Prime Minister Mart Laar has sent a dramatic e-mail message to fellow members of the party, warning them of Russian provocations to explain the need to ease language proficiency requirements in Estonia. In his words, Russia's best instrument to achieve its goals is the presence of the OSCE Mission to Estonia. At the disposal of Latvian foreign affairs minister I.Berzins there is no similar information, and he believes that there are no grounds for the further OSCE presence in Latvia. The minister also notes that Latvia has fulfilled the OSCE guidelines for Latvia and admits that the Estonian Parliament has passed the abolishment of the strict state language proficiency requirements for deputy candidates, however, it was the task given to Estonia, while Latvia did not have such requirement. Up till now Latvia has fulfilled all requirements, therefore OSCE member states do not have ground not to believe that Latvia would not abolish the language requirement if it is asked to do that. informs that Estonian Prime Minister Mart Laar has sent a dramatic e-mail message to fellow members of the party, warning them of Russian provocations to explain the need to ease language proficiency requirements in Estonia. In his words, Russia's best instrument to achieve its goals is the presence of the OSCE Mission to Estonia. At the disposal of Latvian foreign affairs minister I.Berzins there is no similar information, and he believes that there are no grounds for the further OSCE presence in Latvia. The minister also notes that Latvia has fulfilled the OSCE guidelines for Latvia and admits “that the Estonian Parliament has passed the abolishment of the strict state language proficiency requirements for deputy candidates, however, it was the task given to Estonia, while Latvia did not have such requirement. Up till now Latvia has fulfilled all requirements, therefore OSCE member states do not have ground not to believe that Latvia would not abolish the language requirement if it is asked to do that”.

Lauku Avize

publishes the letter of MP Dz.Abikis where he states that the new regulations that limit the rights of the State Language Centre to check state language proficiency should be specified and recommendations of the responsible institution, that is the State Language Centre, should be taken into account. Also the former editor-in-chief of the newspaper gives his comments about the adoption of the regulations. He writes we are told that these are the rules of the EU; also the OSCE headed by Mr.Semneby wants to impose on us the amendments to the Election Laws. We are frightened that otherwise the OSCE would not leave…In my opinion, Mr.Semneby is a nice and kind person, and he should do what he has to do, but our President and Ministers should act in accordance with our interests. Not anybodys else. MP Peoples Party deputy V.Paegle writes about the OSCE, the history of the organisation, its activities and role in political processes of Latvia and its feasible closure at the end of the year. She voices that the issue about the closure of the Mission is so topical right now because of the increasing role of Russia in fighting against terrorism, as well as it should be searched in OSCE history, in particular, that the establishment of the Organisation was the initiative of Russia. V.Paegle believes that the requirement to amend the Election Law is politically grounded and Latvia will have to give its political response while searching for compromises that would be as less harmful as possible to Latvias dignity and long-term interests. The deputy also states that we should ask for the higher level of responsibility and competence from MoFA and CoM officials who represent the interests of Latvia at international court proceedings. publishes the letter of MP Dz.Abikis where he states that the new regulations that limit the rights of the State Language Centre to check state language proficiency should be specified and recommendations of the responsible institution, that is the State Language Centre, should be taken into account. Also the former editor-in-chief of the newspaper gives his comments about the adoption of the regulations. He writes “we are told that these are the rules of the EU; also the OSCE headed by Mr.Semneby wants to impose on us the amendments to the Election Laws. We are frightened that otherwise the OSCE would not leave…In my opinion, Mr.Semneby is a nice and kind person, and he should do what he has to do, but our President and Ministers should act in accordance with our interests. Not anybody’s else.” MP People’s Party deputy V.Paegle writes about the OSCE, the history of the organisation, its activities and role in political processes of Latvia and its feasible closure at the end of the year. She voices that the issue about the closure of the Mission is so topical right now because of the increasing role of Russia in fighting against terrorism, as well as it should be searched in OSCE history, in particular, that the establishment of the Organisation was the initiative of Russia. V.Paegle believes that “the requirement to amend the Election Law is politically grounded and Latvia will have to give its political response while searching for compromises that would be as less harmful as possible to Latvia’s dignity and long-term interests”. The deputy also states that “we should ask for the higher level of responsibility and competence from MoFA and CoM officials who represent the interests of Latvia at international court proceedings”. Lauku AvizeLauku Avize


interviews Latvian Association of Russian Language Teachers chairperson T.Liguta. She advocates the fifth bilingual education model developed by the ASRLSL. In regard about the transfer in 2004 she says that now there is a hope that it is not going to take place in 2004 because the principles of schools have started to express their concerns and objections towards the transfer. interviews Latvian Association of Russian Language Teachers chairperson T.Liguta. She advocates the fifth bilingual education model developed by the ASRLSL. In regard about the transfer in 2004 she says that “now there is a hope that it is not going to take place in 2004 because the principles of schools have started to express their concerns and objections towards the transfer”.


interviews Daugavpils City Mayor R.Eigims about the recent visit of Princes Charles, plans for the development of the city. When asked if he is going to run for the forthcoming Parliament election, he states that it is a good time for new parties to appear as all current ruling parties are worn out, but it requires a strong and unified team. interviews Daugavpils City Mayor R.Eigims about the recent visit of Princes Charles, plans for the development of the city. When asked if he is going to run for the forthcoming Parliament election, he states that “it is a good time for new parties to appear as all current ruling parties are “worn out,” but it requires a strong and unified team.”

Vesti Segodnja

re-publishes excerpts from Latvian State President V.Vike-Freibergas interview for one of the biggest Polish newspapers re-publishes excerpts from Latvian State President V.Vike-Freiberga’s interview for one of the biggest Polish newspapers Rzeczpospolita.Rzeczpospolita. The President has stated that Russia makes a pressure on Latvia, but we can also make a pressure on Russia. We are the members of WTO and Russia wants to become a member of the organisation. The president also expressed her dissatisfaction with Russias efforts to draw parallels between the situations in Latvia and Macedonia. The President has stated that Russia makes a pressure on Latvia, but “we can also make a pressure on Russia. We are the members of WTO and Russia wants to become a member of the organisation”. The president also expressed her dissatisfaction with Russia’s efforts to draw parallels between the situations in Latvia and Macedonia.

Vesti Segodnja

writes about Thursdays conference Bilingual Education: Theory and Practice. The author admits that the majority of school principles did not like the bilingual education model developed by the ASRLSL saying that these probably were the principles of Latvian schools. The author concludes that the last word will be said at the Parents Conference organised by the ASRLSL. writes about Thursday’s conference “Bilingual Education: Theory and Practice”. The author admits that “the majority of school principles did not like the bilingual education model developed by the ASRLSL” saying that these probably were the principles of Latvian schools. The author concludes that “the last word will be said at the Parents Conference organised by the ASRLSL.”

Panorama Latvii

gives its summary about the recent changes regarding the state language legislation. The newspaper claims that the changes in the regulations on the State Language and State Language Centre that restricts the rights of the State Language Centre was the compromise to achieve the closure of the OSCE Mission by the end of the year. gives its summary about the recent changes regarding the state language legislation. The newspaper claims that the changes in the regulations on the State Language and State Language Centre that restricts the rights of the State Language Centre was the compromise to achieve the closure of the OSCE Mission by the end of the year.

Nov. 9, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Prince Charles of Wales during his visit to Riga on Thursday admired the Latvian capital's architecture, visited the Occupation Museum and the First Christ Lutheran Parish church and met with the Latvian elite at a reception organised by the British embassy. During a brief conversation with Latvian justice minister Ingrida Labucka, the prince inquired about community work as an alternative punishment and formation of a probation service in Latvia. Latvian parliament vice-speaker Rihards Piks told BNS that the prince had asked questions about the parliament's involvement in foreign policy and forms of international Cupertino. Piks said the inter-parliamentary co-operation groups were active in the Latvian parliament.

Prince Charles of Wales during his visit to Riga on Thursday admired the Latvian capital's architecture, visited the Occupation Museum and the First Christ Lutheran Parish church and met with the Latvian elite at a reception organised by the British embassy. During a brief conversation with Latvian justice minister Ingrida Labucka, the prince inquired about community work as an alternative punishment and formation of a probation service in Latvia. Latvian parliament vice-speaker Rihards Piks told BNS that the prince had asked questions about the parliament's involvement in foreign policy and forms of international Cupertino. Piks said the inter-parliamentary co-operation groups were active in the Latvian parliament. BNS Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Prince Charles is visiting Daugavpils today. During this visit, he will be accompanied by President Vike-Freiberga. The guests are scheduled to meet with Daugavpils Mayor Rihards Eigims, visit children's homes, and tour the city itself.

Prince Charles is visiting Daugavpils today. During this visit, he will be accompanied by President Vike-Freiberga. The guests are scheduled to meet with Daugavpils Mayor Rihards Eigims, visit children's homes, and tour the city itself. LETA, Telegraf

The accused 88-year Latvian war criminal Konrads Kalejs died in a hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Kalejs died before completion review of his appeal requesting to appeal the verdict on his extradition to Latvia.

LETA, Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii K.Plamse in

K.Plamse in Diena writes about the case of I.Podkolzina against the Latvian State in the EU Human Rights Court. A similar case is in the Strasbourg Court for discrimination during a parliamentary election and on the result of it and the reaction of the government will depend the closure of the OSCE Mission in Latvia or extension of its mandate. But so far it does not seem likely that Latvia could abolish language knowledge requirement for deputy candidates because the Saeima majority considers it to be a threat to the Latvian language. Although the complain of I.Podkolzina has no direct link either to the mandate of the OSCE Mission or to EU expansion, it is one of those cases the outcome of which and interpretation of the conditions most likely could become a precedent of international law. Diena

State police and Satversme Security Office will examine the information on the possibility to buy citizenship of Latvia and some other states. Officials suppose that is a fraud but are not able to explain why a company may continue offering this for a longer period of time and no cheated persons have addressed police.

State police and Satversme Security Office will examine the information on the possibility to buy citizenship of Latvia and some other states. Officials suppose that is a fraud but are not able to explain why a company may continue offering this for a longer period of time and no cheated persons have addressed police. Diena

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane, answering the information about a possibility to buy Latvian citizenship, assures that is not possible and explains why.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane, answering the information about a possibility to buy Latvian citizenship, assures that is not possible and explains why. Neatkariga

Latvijas Vestnesis

published an interview Prime Minister A.Berzins gave to the Latvian Radio. Answering the question published an interview Prime Minister A.Berzins gave to the Latvian Radio. Answering the question “How do you evaluate the fact that Estonian deputies will be allowed not to know the Estonian language?”How do you evaluate the fact that Estonian deputies will be allowed not to know the Estonian language? Prime Minister said, In reality there was a situation like that in Latvia. Remember Zigerists, who was elected and did not know the Latvian language. And then the deputies decided to make according amendments to the election law. Almost in no country in the world such a norm exists. But in Latvia, to my mind, it is too early to say that something could be changed. There is a strange thing. Several cases have been started against the Latvian State in Strasbourg International Human Rights Court. And before these cases are considered, we shall not make any movements concerning this. I have repeated already for several times that Latvia will observe its international obligations, including court judgements if there are any. If they are such judgements that we have to amend the election law, we shall definitely establish a working group and change something. But we do not want to influence the court, especially in this situation, in this process. Prime Minister said, “In reality there was a situation like that in Latvia. Remember Zigerists, who was elected and did not know the Latvian language. And then the deputies decided to make according amendments to the election law. Almost in no country in the world such a norm exists. But in Latvia, to my mind, it is too early to say that something could be changed. There is a strange thing. Several cases have been started against the Latvian State in Strasbourg International Human Rights Court. And before these cases are considered, we shall not make any movements concerning this. I have repeated already for several times that Latvia will observe its international obligations, including court judgements if there are any. If they are such judgements that we have to amend the election law, we shall definitely establish a working group and change something. But we do not want to influence the court, especially in this situation, in this process.

Panorama Latvii

asked for the opinion of several MPs about the statement of the Director of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa that the governments decision to limit the rights of state language inspectors would not influence Centres work. Peoples Party representative Dz.Abikis said that the Centre had the right to check the state language knowledge, especially when there were discovered violations of its usage and inadequate state language knowledge. Cabinet of Ministers decision does not contradict this right. The case of Podkolzina is an individual case and most likely will not influence legislation. M.Mitrofanov (FHRUL) said that Ms. Hirsa was a high ranking state official, and her announcement was a defiance to the government. If the Cabinet of Ministers swallows it, it will become evident who is the master in this country – the government or haughty linguists. asked for the opinion of several MPs about the statement of the Director of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa that the government’s decision to limit the rights of state language inspectors would not influence Centre’s work. People’s Party representative Dz.Abikis said that the Centre had the right to check the state language knowledge, especially when there were discovered violations of its usage and inadequate state language knowledge. Cabinet of Ministers’ decision does not contradict this right. The case of Podkolzina is an individual case and most likely will not influence legislation. M.Mitrofanov (FHRUL) said that Ms. Hirsa was a high ranking state official, and her announcement was a defiance to the government. If the Cabinet of Ministers “swallows” it, it will become evident who is the master in this country – the government or “haughty linguists”.

Panorama Latvii

published the speech of the leader of the movement Equality T.Zhdanok in the Congress of compatriots in Moscow. Ms.Zhdanok said that Russians in Latvia believe in Russia and hope for its help. Russian community in Latvia wants the Russian State to have a clear-cut position on the Russian issue and is ready to participate in the development and implementation of a complex state program of the Russian Federation for co-operation with Russian Diaspora. published the speech of the leader of the movement Equality T.Zhdanok in the Congress of compatriots in Moscow. Ms.Zhdanok said that Russians in Latvia believe in Russia and hope for its help. Russian community in Latvia wants the Russian State to have a clear-cut position on the Russian issue and is ready to participate in the development and implementation of a complex state program of the Russian Federation for co-operation with Russian Diaspora.

Nov. 8, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

It is still unclear however if language restrictions on candidates for Saeima deputies in Latvia could be a hindrance for the closure of the OSCE mission. The situation has been made more problematic by the Estonian parliament’s decision to cross out the requirement that candidates for parliament deputies must know the Estonian language at the highest level. State President meeting with P.Semneby spoke positively about Latvia’s co-operation with the Mission and voiced an opinion that all guidelines of the Mission’s mandate had been fulfilled. Vaira Vike-Freiberga.

It is still unclear however if language restrictions on candidates for Saeima deputies in Latvia could be a hindrance for the closure of the OSCE mission. The situation has been made more problematic by the Estonian parliaments decision to cross out the requirement that candidates for parliament deputies must know the Estonian language at the highest level. State President meeting with P.Semneby spoke positively about Latvias co-operation with the Mission and voiced an opinion that all guidelines of the Missions mandate had been fulfilled. Vaira Vike-Freiberga. Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis, Vesti Segodnya

His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, today is scheduled to arrive on his two-day visit in Latvia. Prince Charles will come to Latvia from Lithuania. On his first day, he is scheduled to meet with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, place flowers at the Freedom Monument, visit Riga's architectural landmarks, the First Christ Lutheran Church, the Occupation Museum, and officially open the sawmill owned by British entrepreneurs, "BSW Latvia".

His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, today is scheduled to arrive on his two-day visit in Latvia. Prince Charles will come to Latvia from Lithuania. On his first day, he is scheduled to meet with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, place flowers at the Freedom Monument, visit Riga's architectural landmarks, the First Christ Lutheran Church, the Occupation Museum, and officially open the sawmill owned by British entrepreneurs, "BSW Latvia". LETA, Diena, Lauku Avize, Vechernyaya Riga

Basing on the information provided by the newspaper

Basing on the information provided by the newspaper Neatkariga about a possibility to buy Latvian citizenship for 20 000 USD State Police decided to ask their French colleagues to check this information. Neatkariga

In the editorial

In the editorial Neatkariga writes that there exist half-legal methods how to get a passport in a short time. One of them is a fictitious marriage, other is corruption. Neatkariga has already described cases when without much trouble ones own people, who had arrived to Latvia after August 1991, were included in the Residents Register and soon received Latvian citizenship spitting on all the naturalisation regulations. And they did not need to go to Paris or pay 20 000USD. Therefore artificial seems the surprise of Latvian officials that something like that is possible.

Yesterday Riga Centre Court rejected a complaint of the organisation Russian National Unity, which is not registered in Latvia yet, on the Enterprise register for not registering their organisation.

Yesterday Riga Centre Court rejected a complaint of the organisation Russian National Unity, which is not registered in Latvia yet, on the Enterprise register for not registering their organisation. Neatkariga, Telegraf

I.Krumina in

I.Krumina in Lauku Avize writes about the governments decision to forbid inspectors of the State Language Centre the right to check state language proficiency level. A special working group was established and led by MFA Juridical department head K.Malinovska. The journalist interviewed working group member P.Elferts about the work of the group. Mr.Elferts said that the group started to prepare amendments after the UN Human Rights Commission had considered the complaint of A.Ignatane for crossing her off the candidate list for the Saeima election after a state language inspector had found out that this candidate had problems speaking in the Latvian language. The UN Commission in its decree stated that the results of the repeated inspection were subjective and such a possibility of a repeated testing contradicted the International Pact of Civic and Political Rights. The working group found out that the valid regulations were not precise and allowed interpretation. Thus the group wrote proposals to the government and it in its turn obediently raised their hands.

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Chas writes that now Latvian politicians try to make a political capital on A.Ignatane's case for the next Saeima election. Even in the press release of the Presidents office they inform that the President during her discussion with the HoM of the OSCE Mission to Latvia characterised these amendments as a good will of the government. L.Raihman from the Latvian Human Rights Committee claims that it is a merit of the leader of the Union Equality T.Zhdanok. Ms. Zhdanok herself stated that these amendments had nothing in common with elections or their procedure. In the election law there exists is a separate norm demand for a deputy candidate to have the third level of the state language proficiency. In the article of the law basing on which you may cross out the candidate from the list among other demands still exist the one for the third state language proficiency level.


When Chas journalist interviewed the Director of the State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa, she said that she had not known about such amendments and assured that nothing would change in the Centres activities. Even if the Centre receives these amendments, signed by the Prime Minister A.Berzins, a question rises – how to implement them. And Ms. Hirsa will ask her lawyers to comment this document. The Centre has to obey the law, and it stands higher than the Cabinet of Ministers. Also Vesti Segodnya

Panorama Latvii

states that now the State Language Centre has become enemy No 1 of the Russian-speaking population. Because after such an inspection a person may loose his job. On the other hand people may not get a job without the knowledge of the language. Therefore they try to get fake language certificates. states that now the State Language Centre has become enemy No 1 of the Russian-speaking population. Because after such an inspection a person may loose his job. On the other hand people may not get a job without the knowledge of the language. Therefore they try to get fake language certificates.

Vesti Segodnya

asked Latvian politicians to comment the decision of the government on the State Language Centre inspectors. Prime Minister A.Berzins was satisfied that the government managed to adopt these amendments, thus it fulfilled the decision of the UN Human Rights Commission. S.Zaletayev from For Human Rights in United Latvia said that it was a step to the right direction. But the question is - why only now? If it was taken to fulfil the Commissions decision – OK. But on these days is decided the fate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia – and it could be aimed to close the Mission. A.Seiksts thinks that by this the government showed that it respected and would respect international conventions and UN decisions. asked Latvian politicians to comment the decision of the government on the State Language Centre inspectors. Prime Minister A.Berzins was satisfied that the government managed to adopt these amendments, thus it fulfilled the decision of the UN Human Rights Commission. S.Zaletayev from For Human Rights in United Latvia said that it was a step to the right direction. But the question is - why only now? If it was taken to fulfil the Commission’s decision – OK. But on these days is decided the fate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia – and it could be aimed to close the Mission. A.Seiksts thinks that by this the government showed that it respected and would respect international conventions and UN decisions. MP J.Vidins from FF/LNNK thinks that the plan of his youth time friend, Russian writer and film editor V.Gonik to shoot a film on escaping of a Latvian boy from Siberia to Latvia will be “Russia’s step to repentance”. He is the prototype of this boy who alone covered 6000 km from Siberia to Latvia at the age of nine. He hopes that this film will improve Latvia’s political relations with Russia.

MP J.Vidins from FF/LNNK thinks that the plan of his youth time friend, Russian writer and film editor V.Gonik to shoot a film on escaping of a Latvian boy from Siberia to Latvia will be Russias step to repentance. He is the prototype of this boy who alone covered 6000 km from Siberia to Latvia at the age of nine. He hopes that this film will improve Latvias political relations with Russia. Neatkariga, Chas

The President’s new representative to the Society Integration Foundation Council S.Bukingots thinks that Latvia is lagging behind with integration of the society but not everything has been lost. He sees integration as respect of al members of the society - both Latvians and non-Latvians three things: state language, flag and constitution. And both parts of the society have to make a step towards each other.

The Presidents new representative to the Society Integration Foundation Council S.Bukingots thinks that Latvia is lagging behind with integration of the society but not everything has been lost. He sees integration as respect of al members of the society - both Latvians and non-Latvians three things: state language, flag and constitution. And both parts of the society have to make a step towards each other. Vesti Segodnya

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