Nov. 19, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Council of FF/LNNK finds unacceptable the attempts to abolish the language proficiency norm in the election law. Dz.Rasnacs even thinks that in the case of adopting such amendments they could address the Constitutional court referring to the Satversme article that stipulates the status of the Latvian language as the only state language in Latvia.

Council of FF/LNNK finds unacceptable the attempts to abolish the language proficiency norm in the election law. Dz.Rasnacs even thinks that in the case of adopting such amendments they could address the Constitutional court referring to the Satversme article that stipulates the status of the Latvian language as the only state language in Latvia. Diena

Russia and NATO becoming closer is good for Latvia, said Latvian foreign minister Indulis Berzins. "Russia and NATO becoming closer plays into our hands. We are not suicidal, we do not want to join [NATO] only to begin a new 'cold war'," Berzins said in the interview to a new Latvian Russian-language newspaper,

Russia and NATO becoming closer is good for Latvia, said Latvian foreign minister Indulis Berzins. "Russia and NATO becoming closer plays into our hands. We are not suicidal, we do not want to join [NATO] only to begin a new 'cold war'," Berzins said in the interview to a new Latvian Russian-language newspaper, Telegraf.

Prime Minister Andris Berzins' interview in the newspaper

Prime Minister Andris Berzins' interview in the newspaper "Vesti Segodnya", conducted yesterday, November 18, and featured today, had not been previously co-ordinated, LETA was told by the premier's press secretary Arnis Lapins.


The "Vesti Segodnya" reporter says in the interview that Berzins' having lunch at a "Russian tavern" on Latvia's Independence Day bears symbolic meaning. The premier denied this, however. Asked whether he agrees that the Latvian-Russian relations are clearly improving, Berzins replies that apparently, there will never be the tension of the past, however, his being in the restaurant is in no way linked with this.

Latvian parliament speaker Janis Straume, addressing lawmakers during a special session dedicated to the 83rd anniversary since proclamation of independent Latvia, said security was "the first and foremost" priority of Latvia's policy. "We have ensured democratic political development, paid great attention to solving the public integration problems, made efforts to strengthen defence capacity of our nation and achieve compatibility of our armed forces with NATO standards," said the parliament speaker, noting also Latvia's major progress in the EU pre-accession talks.

Latvian parliament speaker Janis Straume, addressing lawmakers during a special session dedicated to the 83rd anniversary since proclamation of independent Latvia, said security was "the first and foremost" priority of Latvia's policy. "We have ensured democratic political development, paid great attention to solving the public integration problems, made efforts to strengthen defence capacity of our nation and achieve compatibility of our armed forces with NATO standards," said the parliament speaker, noting also Latvia's major progress in the EU pre-accession talks. BNS

On Saturday one of Russian national Bolsheviks was released from detention because his sentence term had expired.

On Saturday one of Russian national Bolsheviks was released from detention because his sentence term had expired. Neatkariga, Chas,

Ahead of the 8th Saeima elections, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (TB/LNNK) wishes to define its place among right-wing political parties more clearly by explaining its stance on several important matters so that it becomes more attractive to voters. The TB/LNNK chairman Maris Grinblats said at the party council's meeting today that the motto of the TB/LNNK congress on December 15 could be: security to the state of Latvia, Latvian language and people.

Ahead of the 8th Saeima elections, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (TB/LNNK) wishes to define its place among right-wing political parties more clearly by explaining its stance on several important matters so that it becomes more attractive to voters. The TB/LNNK chairman Maris Grinblats said at the party council's meeting today that the motto of the TB/LNNK congress on December 15 could be: security to the state of Latvia, Latvian language and people. LETA, Neatkariga


Newspaper Chas points out that with every year the FF/LNNK member J.Straume acts as the Saeima Speaker he becomes more tolerant concerning non-Latvians. He even had called the 7th Saeima in the time left to the 8th Saeima election to think what is necessary for Latvia, Latvians, and everybody, who lives in this country, loves it and works in for its benefit.

Panorama Latvii

writes about the letter of the Prime Minister of Great Britain T.Blair to the leaders of NATO member states with a proposal to accept Russia in this organisation. The newspaper writes that according Blairs plan joining could take place so fast that already the next year Russia would be able to take part in deciding whether the Baltic States were accepted in this organisation. writes about the letter of the Prime Minister of Great Britain T.Blair to the leaders of NATO member states with a proposal to accept Russia in this organisation. The newspaper writes that according Blair’s plan joining could take place so fast that already the next year Russia would be able to take part in deciding whether the Baltic States were accepted in this organisation. Tomorrow Estonian Parliament will discuss radical amendments to the election law stipulating abolishing of language proficiency norm for parliament and local government deputies. Constitutional Commission already discussed these amendments and recommended adopting them at the plenary sitting of the parliament.

Tomorrow Estonian Parliament will discuss radical amendments to the election law stipulating abolishing of language proficiency norm for parliament and local government deputies. Constitutional Commission already discussed these amendments and recommended adopting them at the plenary sitting of the parliament. Telegraf

Nationalist youth organisation “Everything for Latvia” held a procession to celebrate the Independence Day of Latvia. Their black uniforms reminded the black uniforms of SS very much.

Nationalist youth organisation Everything for Latvia held a procession to celebrate the Independence Day of Latvia. Their black uniforms reminded the black uniforms of SS very much. Telegraf


Newspaper Telegraf interviewed the leader of movement Equality T.Zhdanok about the congress of compatriots and the position of Russia towards those people in former USSR republics.

Nov. 17, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins will leave for Romania on Dec. 2 to join the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council meeting in Bucharest, reported the Latvian Foreign Ministry. The meeting to be held on Dec. 3 and 4 is expected to discuss vital regional matters -- the situation in the Balkans, Central Asia, possibly the Caucasus and other problem regions, said Edgars Skuja, the head of the Latvian representation at the OSCE. BNS

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins will leave for Romania on Dec. 2 to join the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council meeting in Bucharest, reported the Latvian Foreign Ministry. The meeting to be held on Dec. 3 and 4 is expected to discuss vital regional matters -- the situation in the Balkans, Central Asia, possibly the Caucasus and other problem regions, said Edgars Skuja, the head of the Latvian representation at the OSCE. BNS

The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Permanent Council will decide on the future of its mission to Latvia at a weekly meeting in Vienna on Dec. 20, said Peter Semneby, the head of the organisation’s mission to Latvia. He told BNS that the Permanent Council decision would be based on his semi-annual report about the Latvian mission's performance and compliance with guidelines under the mandate as well as the recommendation by the OSCE presiding country, Romania. Semneby did not deny that "the decision on closing the mission will also be a political decision." Semneby would not disclose the contents of his report but said that the mission was fully satisfied with the situation concerning citizenship and naturalisation, a strategic priority of the mission to Latvia. He said, however, that the OSCE mission mandate could be extended if Latvia failed to take further efforts towards improving the situation.

The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Permanent Council will decide on the future of its mission to Latvia at a weekly meeting in Vienna on Dec. 20, said Peter Semneby, the head of the organisations mission to Latvia. He told BNS that the Permanent Council decision would be based on his semi-annual report about the Latvian mission's performance and compliance with guidelines under the mandate as well as the recommendation by the OSCE presiding country, Romania. Semneby did not deny that "the decision on closing the mission will also be a political decision." Semneby would not disclose the contents of his report but said that the mission was fully satisfied with the situation concerning citizenship and naturalisation, a strategic priority of the mission to Latvia. He said, however, that the OSCE mission mandate could be extended if Latvia failed to take further efforts towards improving the situation. BNS

The number of people renouncing Latvian citizenship has increased in recent years said the Latvian Naturalisation Board. In 1999 the board processed 94 cases of relinquishing the Latvian citizenship, last year this figure was 172 but in 10 months of this year already 183 such cases have been recorded, said a spokeswoman to the Naturalisation Board. According to the Naturalisation Board annual report on 2000, most of the people giving up the Latvian citizenship explained it by the decision to move for permanent residence in some other country.

The number of people renouncing Latvian citizenship has increased in recent years said the Latvian Naturalisation Board. In 1999 the board processed 94 cases of relinquishing the Latvian citizenship, last year this figure was 172 but in 10 months of this year already 183 such cases have been recorded, said a spokeswoman to the Naturalisation Board. According to the Naturalisation Board annual report on 2000, most of the people giving up the Latvian citizenship explained it by the decision to move for permanent residence in some other country. BNS

The family of a former Russian military officer that has lodged a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights wants to receive from Latvia a 400,000 Euro compensation for alleged violations of their human rights, a party to the proceedings told BNS. This is the amount indicated in the documents by lawyers representing the Slivenko family but so far there has been no official information about the size of the compensation they claim from Latvia. Latvia's representative to the human rights court, Kristine Malinovska, told BNS that the human rights court had not yet inquired about the compensation amount and the Latvian party did not have any information on it.

The family of a former Russian military officer that has lodged a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights wants to receive from Latvia a 400,000 Euro compensation for alleged violations of their human rights, a party to the proceedings told BNS. This is the amount indicated in the documents by lawyers representing the Slivenko family but so far there has been no official information about the size of the compensation they claim from Latvia. Latvia's representative to the human rights court, Kristine Malinovska, told BNS that the human rights court had not yet inquired about the compensation amount and the Latvian party did not have any information on it. BNS, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii, Telegraf (19.11)

Prime Minister’s Press Secretary A.Lapins, answering to the letter of MP Dz. Abikis, where he accused the Prime Minister of providing false information concerning the draft regulations on state language proficiency tests for state officials, assured that the People’s Party faction had received this information and it was the faction’s guilt if they had not sent it to Abikis.

Prime Ministers Press Secretary A.Lapins, answering to the letter of MP Dz. Abikis, where he accused the Prime Minister of providing false information concerning the draft regulations on state language proficiency tests for state officials, assured that the Peoples Party faction had received this information and it was the factions guilt if they had not sent it to Abikis. Lauku Avize

In an interview to the US National Radio Broadcasting Company Russian President V.Putin announced that he had no objections against the Baltic States joining NATO but added that he did not see any sense in expanding this organisation.

In an interview to the US National Radio Broadcasting Company Russian President V.Putin announced that he had no objections against the Baltic States joining NATO but added that he did not see any sense in expanding this organisation. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas,

Russian-speaking newspaper

Russian-speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya writes that Latvian politicians have heard what they wanted to hear in this Putins announcement. The journalist checked the shorthand of Putins speech and found out that Russian Presidents words had been misinterpreted.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga gave an interview to the newspaper

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga gave an interview to the newspaper Neatkariga. When asked about the recommendation to amend the election law as one of preconditions for closing the OSCE Mission to Latvia, which could lead even to establishing two official state languages in Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga answered that the language situation was over-dramatised here, but one was sure – Latvia had no intention to establish two official state languages.

Vesti Segodnya

writes about the meeting of Dusseldorf Club of Businessmen where Latvian President in her speech assured that in Latvia was an open society but stood for preserving the Latvian language, and there would never be introduced the second state languages. writes about the meeting of Dusseldorf Club of Businessmen where Latvian President in her speech assured that in Latvia was an open society but stood for preserving the Latvian language, and there would never be introduced the second state languages. On November 18 Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will go on an official visit to Turkey.

On November 18 Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will go on an official visit to Turkey. Neatkariga

Social Democrats Saeima faction leader E.Baldzens is against signing the coalition agreement with the opposition factions For Human Rights in United Latvia and the New Party contrary to the announcement made by MP Social Democrat J.Adamsons that all Social Democrats supported this agreement.

Social Democrats Saeima faction leader E.Baldzens is against signing the coalition agreement with the opposition factions For Human Rights in United Latvia and the New Party contrary to the announcement made by MP Social Democrat J.Adamsons that all Social Democrats supported this agreement. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize interviewed the Estonian President A.Rüütel. Speaking about current political situation in Estonia, the President said that Estonian Parliament was discussing a problem whether an MP might be a person who did not know the state language. No solution has been found yet, but this is not a principal issue. If some political group want to delegate a candidate who does not now the state language, it is a problem of the people delegating him but not the parliament because the working language of the Parliament is the Estonian language.

Vesti Segodnya

informs about the Baltic Ombudsman Workshop that took place in Riga recently. informs about the Baltic Ombudsman Workshop that took place in Riga recently. It also published letters, sent by parents of Russian students, about the planned transition to the tuition in the Latvian language. They do not support this plan.

It also published letters, sent by parents of Russian students, about the planned transition to the tuition in the Latvian language. They do not support this plan.

Columnist A.Fedoseyev from the newspaper

Columnist A.Fedoseyev from the newspaper Chas writes that according to the Latvian constitution all sovereign power in Latvia belongs to the Latvian nation. But does this power belong to the nation today? Many politicians would like it. But how about non-citizens? According to the constitution in Latvia should be established an integrated society of Latvia. But it is not the case. And now Latvia is moving towards a two-community society.

T.Arshavskaya, member of the Board of Association for Support of the Russian language Schools in Latvia, on Internet answered to the questions of Russian speakers about the education system in Latvia. Some of the questions were – Maybe it was useful to organise a referendum of all Russian-speakers in Latvia about the planned transfer to the tuition in the Latvian language. What does ASRLSL expect from the next conference of the parents of Russian school students?

T.Arshavskaya, member of the Board of Association for Support of the Russian language Schools in Latvia, on Internet answered to the questions of Russian speakers about the education system in Latvia. Some of the questions were – Maybe it was useful to organise a referendum of all Russian-speakers in Latvia about the planned transfer to the tuition in the Latvian language. What does ASRLSL expect from the next conference of the parents of Russian school students?

Nov. 16, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Saturday is set to see the release of one of three Russian extreme National Bolsheviks, accused of terrorism, and convicted for hooliganism after they broke into a church in Riga one year ago. He will be handed over to Russia for serving their sentences at home.

Saturday is set to see the release of one of three Russian extreme National Bolsheviks, accused of terrorism, and convicted for hooliganism after they broke into a church in Riga one year ago. He will be handed over to Russia for serving their sentences at home. Chas

A.Brauna writes editorial in

A.Brauna writes editorial in Diena Latvia from European Perspective. She writes that according to the statements of some EU officials Latvia could have dramatic trials in regard to legal status of minorities, in particular, about citizens rights to be elected irrespectively of the level of their state language proficiency and about Latvias efforts in ensuring naturalisation of non-citizens. It seems, that politicians will not be able to escape without the abolishment of the language requirement for election candidates, and the Government will have to demonstrate its true intentions regarding society integration, inviting people to naturalise and providing broad possibilities to learn the language.

Two-day seminar “Baltic Ombudsman Workshop” is held in the National Human Rights Office in Riga. The seminar has gathered also relevant institutions from Estonia, Lithuania and the USA.

Two-day seminar Baltic Ombudsman Workshop is held in the National Human Rights Office in Riga. The seminar has gathered also relevant institutions from Estonia, Lithuania and the USA. Neatkariga


publishes Estonian Prime Minister M.Laars article NATO and the Baltic States where he names the main reasons why the Baltic States want to join NATO and why the status of neutral countries is not the best solution for these countries. publishes Estonian Prime Minister M.Laar’s article “NATO and the Baltic States” where he names the main reasons why the Baltic States want to join NATO and why the status of neutral countries is not the best solution for these countries. Press continues to inform about the launching event of the Public and Promotion of the Latvian Citizenship Campaign.

Press continues to inform about the launching event of the Public and Promotion of the Latvian Citizenship Campaign. Vechernaja Riga, Latvijas Vçstnesis, Panorama Latvii


interviews State President V.Vike-Freiberga. The majority of questions are about the upcoming Latvias Independence Day. To the question What was the biggest challenge during your presidential period, the President replies It was the State Language Law. I was just elected and I had only few days to decide. It was a very serious political decision with long-term consequences. I think that the decision made was the overcoming of a big challenge. interviews State President V.Vike-Freiberga. The majority of questions are about the upcoming Latvia’s Independence Day. To the question “What was the biggest challenge during your presidential period”, the President replies “It was the State Language Law. I was just elected and I had only few days to decide. It was a very serious political decision with long-term consequences. I think that the decision made was the overcoming of a big challenge”.

Latvijas Vestnesis

interviews UN Resident Co-ordinator J.S.Sorensen about the activities of the UN for 10 years since its establishment in Latvia. interviews UN Resident Co-ordinator J.S.Sorensen about the activities of the UN for 10 years since its establishment in Latvia.

Vesti Segodnja

asks opinion of several Latvian leading politicians about the meeting of Russian and American presidents. Latvian foreign affairs minister says that the whole world, including Latvia, will only profit from good relations between Russia and America. FF/LNNK J.Dobelis hopes that all agreements will be reasonable and not aimed against the development of three Baltic countries. asks opinion of several Latvian leading politicians about the meeting of Russian and American presidents. Latvian foreign affairs minister says that “the whole world, including Latvia, will only profit from good relations between Russia and America”. FF/LNNK J.Dobelis hopes that all agreements will be reasonable and not aimed against the development of three Baltic countries.

Vesti Segodnja objects to OSCE Mission Head P.Semneby who said that language problem is a subjective hindrance in naturalisation. As an example the newspaper gives the story of a woman who could not pass the language test for two times The newspaper also stresses that the international community is the one that takes care of ensuring and providing Latvian language courses and not the Latvian Government.

Nov. 15, 2001

Press Report

Press Report


gives its considerations about the influence of the dismissal of Privatisation Agency Director General J.Naglis on general political situation in Latvia. The newspaper says that it will not cause the fall of the Government, however, it has increased mutual mistrust among the parties. gives its considerations about the influence of the dismissal of Privatisation Agency Director General J.Naglis on general political situation in Latvia. The newspaper says that “it will not cause the fall of the Government, however, it has increased mutual mistrust among the parties”. Thursday the Board of the Society Integration Foundation appointed Nils Sakss to the post of the director of Society Integration Foundation.

Thursday the Board of the Society Integration Foundation appointed Nils Sakss to the post of the director of Society Integration Foundation. Diena

Lauku Avizes

columnist publishes his considerations about the sense, role and tasks of integration in Latvia. He concludes that integration is not possible without the acceptance of the Latvians and referring to the Board of Society Integration Foundation he notes that it would be a real pity if our unclear hopes [about possible society integration] would grow into doubts and mistrust due to unfair acts of the leading persons [at the Board]. columnist publishes his considerations about the sense, role and tasks of integration in Latvia. He concludes that “integration is not possible without the acceptance of the Latvians” and referring to the Board of Society Integration Foundation he notes that “it would be a real pity if our unclear hopes [about possible society integration] would grow into doubts and mistrust due to unfair acts of the leading persons [at the Board]”.

Lauku Avize

informs about the meeting of OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby and Saeima Vice-Speaker R.Piks. The newspaper also asks R.Piks to comment whether Russia does play an important role in the organisation no doubt that some time ago Russia had big influence in this organisation. I do not know whether it is like that now. If the OSCE is led by Russia, then it is very bad. However, my opinion is, that Latvia more suffers from the political pressures Russia makes in its own name. informs about the meeting of OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby and Saeima Vice-Speaker R.Piks. The newspaper also asks R.Piks to comment whether Russia does play an important role in the organisation “no doubt that some time ago Russia had big influence in this organisation. I do not know whether it is like that now. If the OSCE is led by Russia, then it is very bad. However, my opinion is, that Latvia more suffers from the political pressures Russia makes in its own name”.

Lauku Avize

publishes the press release about the Public Awareness and Promotion of Latvian Citizenship Campaign – about its goals, activities and pace, and also gives the statements of Naturalisation Board Head E.Aldermane and OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby. "We will each have our own language, understanding of values of our own nation but we will have common values of Latvia," said Aldermane. Head of the OSCE mission in Latvia, Peter Semneby, said, the naturalisation has always been in centre of mission's attention. By this campaign Latvia fulfils what the world expects and thus it confirms to international standards in this sphere". Both Aldermane and Semneby agreed the campaign is not the first time when Latvian state calls on non-citizen population to naturalise -- it has been done on several occasions both by Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister Andris Berzins. The appeal and motivation is the right way to society integration, Aldermane and Semneby agreed publishes the press release about the Public Awareness and Promotion of Latvian Citizenship Campaign – about its goals, activities and pace, and also gives the statements of Naturalisation Board Head E.Aldermane and OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby. "We will each have our own language, understanding of values of our own nation but we will have common values of Latvia," said Aldermane. Head of the OSCE mission in Latvia, Peter Semneby, said, “the naturalisation has always been in centre of mission's attention. By this campaign Latvia fulfils what the world expects and thus it confirms to international standards in this sphere". Both Aldermane and Semneby agreed the campaign is not the first time when Latvian state calls on non-citizen population to naturalise -- it has been done on several occasions both by Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister Andris Berzins. The appeal and motivation is the right way to society integration, Aldermane and Semneby agreed. Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf. Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

Lauku Avize

interviews Vita Matisa, the Soros Foundation Latvia director. The main discussion themes are minority issues, society integration, Society Integration Foundation Board members and criteria of their selection, report EU Pre-Accession Monitoring: Protection of Minorities which was funded by the Soros Foundation. interviews Vita Matisa, the Soros Foundation Latvia director. The main discussion themes are minority issues, society integration, Society Integration Foundation Board members and criteria of their selection, report “EU Pre-Accession Monitoring: Protection of Minorities” which was funded by the Soros Foundation.

Lauku Avize

interviews Estonian foreign affair minister T.Ilvess. The questions mainly concern political situation in Estonia, Latvian Estonian relations, and Estonias membership to the EU and NATO. interviews Estonian foreign affair minister T.Ilvess. The questions mainly concern political situation in Estonia, Latvian Estonian relations, and Estonia’s membership to the EU and NATO.

Lauku Avize

gives the background of Podkolzinas case with the ECHR. Latvian representative at the ECHR denies that politicians and high officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are discussing the possibility to achieve reconciliation with Podkolzina. gives the background of Podkolzina’s case with the ECHR. Latvian representative at the ECHR denies that politicians and high officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are discussing the possibility to achieve reconciliation with Podkolzina.


interviews the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Peter Semneby. interviews the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Peter Semneby.

Panorama Latvii

comments on the meeting of OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby and Saeima Vice-speaker R.Piks. The columnist criticises Latvian officials about their ignorance towards the opinions and considerations of the international community. comments on the meeting of OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby and Saeima Vice-speaker R.Piks. The columnist criticises Latvian officials about their ignorance towards the opinions and considerations of the international community. President Vaira Vike-Freiberga launches two-day working visit in Germany. The president will attempt to facilitate economic contacts between Latvia and Germany during the visit.

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga launches two-day working visit in Germany. The president will attempt to facilitate economic contacts between Latvia and Germany during the visit. Latvijas Vestnesis

Nov. 14, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Newspapers provide information about the visit and meetings of Estonian foreign affairs minister Ilves. One of the main discussion subjects was the closure of the OSCE Missions to Latvia and Estonia at the end of this year. Latvian and Estonian foreign ministers agreed that it would be an affirmation to successful co-operation of the two countries with this organisation. Latvia and Estonia hope the OSCE mission in the two countries would be closed by the end of the year and, the OSCE presiding country Romania has been notified about it. Although the mission in Latvia has completed all guidelines under its mandate the head of the OSCE mission in Latvia, Peter Semneby, so far has been evasive concerning the mission closure at the end of the year. The Estonian foreign minister informed that Estonia hopes to adopt the amendments to the Election Law and thus Estonia will be ready for the closure of the OSCE Mission, and their election law will be in compliance with international law.

Newspapers provide information about the visit and meetings of Estonian foreign affairs minister Ilves. One of the main discussion subjects was the closure of the OSCE Missions to Latvia and Estonia at the end of this year. Latvian and Estonian foreign ministers agreed that it would be an affirmation to successful co-operation of the two countries with this organisation. Latvia and Estonia hope the OSCE mission in the two countries would be closed by the end of the year and, the OSCE presiding country Romania has been notified about it. Although the mission in Latvia has completed all guidelines under its mandate the head of the OSCE mission in Latvia, Peter Semneby, so far has been evasive concerning the mission closure at the end of the year. The Estonian foreign minister informed that Estonia hopes to adopt the amendments to the Election Law and thus Estonia will be ready for the closure of the OSCE Mission, and their election law will be in compliance with international law.

Latvian president and Estonian foreign minister in a meeting in Riga discussed future of the state language in Latvia and Estonia and the possibilities to retain national identity. The issue of retaining national identity also was discussed concerning movement of Latvia and Estonia to the European Union and NATO. The officials also discussed latest developments in NATO enlargement and agreed the Baltic states in the alliance enlargement process are marked with "very clear and convincing progress".

Latvian president and Estonian foreign minister in a meeting in Riga discussed future of the state language in Latvia and Estonia and the possibilities to retain national identity. The issue of retaining national identity also was discussed concerning movement of Latvia and Estonia to the European Union and NATO. The officials also discussed latest developments in NATO enlargement and agreed the Baltic states in the alliance enlargement process are marked with "very clear and convincing progress".

Ilves also met Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins. Among other discussion issues they also touched on several issues of bilateral relations as well as the expected OSCE mission closure in Latvia and Estonia.

Ilves also met Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins. Among other discussion issues they also touched on several issues of bilateral relations as well as the expected OSCE mission closure in Latvia and Estonia. Diena, BNS, Neatkariga, Chas, Latvijas Vestnesis

Although the EU candidate countries progress reports outline the works that still should be done, the progress achieved by these countries excels all hopes, European Commission president said. Regarding Latvia the EC wants to see better results in the following fields: society integration and regional strengthening policy. The EC assessment to society integration process in Latvia: positive assessment is given to the easements in naturalisation procedure introduced last year, the top priority remains the provision of information to public. The EC voices УLatvia keeps fulfilling all OSCE recommendations concerning naturalisation and citizenshipФ. In regard to education reform in 2004 the EC notes that Уthe care should be taken to ensure that the quality of education does not suffer and the usage of minority languages at schools will remain as broad as possible. The EC also warns, Уliberal attitude towards the State Language Law will be of particular importance in the context of LatviaТs accession to the EUФ. Also it is recommended to ratify the Framework Convention on National Minorities.

Although the EU candidate countries progress reports outline the works that still should be done, the progress achieved by these countries excels all hopes, European Commission president said. Regarding Latvia the EC wants to see better results in the following fields: society integration and regional strengthening policy. The EC assessment to society integration process in Latvia: positive assessment is given to the easements in naturalisation procedure introduced last year, the top priority remains the provision of information to public. The EC voices УLatvia keeps fulfilling all OSCE recommendations concerning naturalisation and citizenshipФ. In regard to education reform in 2004 the EC notes that Уthe care should be taken to ensure that the quality of education does not suffer and the usage of minority languages at schools will remain as broad as possible. The EC also warns, Уliberal attitude towards the State Language Law will be of particular importance in the context of LatviaТs accession to the EUФ. Also it is recommended to ratify the Framework Convention on National Minorities. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Latvijas Vestnesis

УThe EC progress report on Latvia is an accurate reflection of the situation in the country, the document being more technical than the progress reports of previous years,Ф said the Latvian foreign minister. УLatvia is pleased over the European Commission favourable opinion about the countryТs progress in human rights and protection of minority rights, that is, the adoption and implementation of Society Integration Program, easier naturalisation process, activities to strengthen the National Human Rights Office, continuation of the National Programme of Latvian Language LearningФ, added the minister.

УThe EC progress report on Latvia is an accurate reflection of the situation in the country, the document being more technical than the progress reports of previous years,Ф said the Latvian foreign minister. УLatvia is pleased over the European Commission favourable opinion about the countryТs progress in human rights and protection of minority rights, that is, the adoption and implementation of Society Integration Program, easier naturalisation process, activities to strengthen the National Human Rights Office, continuation of the National Programme of Latvian Language LearningФ, added the minister. Latvijas Vestnesis

The Latvian PM Andris Berzins said that the EC progress report on Latvia contained several very "vital political signals" to Latvia. "The Commission report on Latvia give us assurance that we are among those candidates, who will be ready to complete the talks over next year. In this respect the conclusion that Latvia is in compliance with all the OSCE guidelines concerning citizenship and minorities carries special political importance," stated Berzins.

The Latvian PM Andris Berzins said that the EC progress report on Latvia contained several very "vital political signals" to Latvia. "The Commission report on Latvia give us assurance that we are among those candidates, who will be ready to complete the talks over next year. In this respect the conclusion that Latvia is in compliance with all the OSCE guidelines concerning citizenship and minorities carries special political importance," stated Berzins. Latvijas Vestnesis, BNS

УLatvia could abolish state language proficiency requirements for election candidates who acquired citizenship after 1991Ф was the proposal of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby in his meeting with Saeima Vice Speaker R.Pоks. P.Semneby was concerned that if the existing requirements for candidates to know the state language on the highest level remain in the Election Law, Latvia could have problems in the EU and NATO pre-accession period so important for Latvia. R.Pоks said that Latvia is ready to introduce amendments to the Election Law, but it should not rush with any decision. However, P.Semneby voiced confidence that the closure of the OSCE Mission is feasible at the end of the yearФ.

УLatvia could abolish state language proficiency requirements for election candidates who acquired citizenship after 1991Ф was the proposal of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby in his meeting with Saeima Vice Speaker R.Pоks. P.Semneby was concerned that if the existing requirements for candidates to know the state language on the highest level remain in the Election Law, Latvia could have problems in the EU and NATO pre-accession period so important for Latvia. R.Pоks said that Latvia is ready to introduce amendments to the Election Law, but it should not rush with any decision. However, P.Semneby voiced confidence that the closure of the OSCE Mission is feasible at the end of the yearФ. Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Latvijas Vestnesis, BNS, LETA

Telegraf adds Уit seems that Latvian ethnic radicals do not care about the OSCE. Already at the next session of the ruling coalition [more stringent] proposals of FF/LNNK regarding amendments to the regulations on the language usage are going to be reviewedФ.

Telegraf adds Уit seems that Latvian ethnic radicals do not care about the OSCE. Already at the next session of the ruling coalition [more stringent] proposals of FF/LNNK regarding amendments to the regulations on the language usage are going to be reviewedФ.

The columnist of

The columnist of Telegraf writes that it is so surprising that Latvia being so concerned with high state language proficiency requirements do not have national policy on teaching the Latvian language. He writes Уthe projects implemented by the Naturalisation Board could be considered something close to national policy, however, the projects are paid by the international organisations, mainly the OSCE and United Nations.

The Latvian government Tuesday sacked Janis Naglis, the longstanding head of the Latvian Privatization Agency (LPA), for procedural violations. Nine ministers from the PeopleТs Party and TB/LNNK voted for dismissing Naglis, ministers of LatviaТs Way were against. Naglis believes that his dismissal was due to a political agreement between two parties, while Prime Minister Andris Berzins believes that the move could be linked to the pre-election period. LPA director "due to confidentiality" cannot even learn what violations were the reasons for his dismissal. Naglis has headed the LPA since its foundation in 1994, surviving several previous attempts to remove him from this position. So far every motion to fire Naglis had resulted in a government crisis with three economics ministers and a premier stepping down with Naglis remaining in charge of the agency.

The Latvian government Tuesday sacked Janis Naglis, the longstanding head of the Latvian Privatization Agency (LPA), for procedural violations. Nine ministers from the PeopleТs Party and TB/LNNK voted for dismissing Naglis, ministers of LatviaТs Way were against. Naglis believes that his dismissal was due to a political agreement between two parties, while Prime Minister Andris Berzins believes that the move could be linked to the pre-election period. LPA director "due to confidentiality" cannot even learn what violations were the reasons for his dismissal. Naglis has headed the LPA since its foundation in 1994, surviving several previous attempts to remove him from this position. So far every motion to fire Naglis had resulted in a government crisis with three economics ministers and a premier stepping down with Naglis remaining in charge of the agency. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii.

Wednesday the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber will hear arguments by parties in the case of a former Russian military versus Latvia. The family of the Russian army ex-officer Slivenko has sued Latvia over violation of their right to privacy by searching their apartment in Riga and subsequently deporting the family, said the human rights court.

Wednesday the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber will hear arguments by parties in the case of a former Russian military versus Latvia. The family of the Russian army ex-officer Slivenko has sued Latvia over violation of their right to privacy by searching their apartment in Riga and subsequently deporting the family, said the human rights court. Diena, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja

Both Naturalisation Board head E.Aldermane and DCMA deputy head J.Lejiтр admitted that it is possible to buy a Latvian passport but it is not possible to buy it at the above mentioned institutions and it is not possible to buy Latvian citizenship.

Both Naturalisation Board head E.Aldermane and DCMA deputy head J.Lejiтр admitted that it is possible to buy a Latvian passport but it is not possible to buy it at the above mentioned institutions and it is not possible to buy Latvian citizenship. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja

Vecernaja Riga

informs about the Public Awareness Campaign, which will be launched by the Naturalisation Board informs about the Public Awareness Campaign, which will be launched by the Naturalisation Board


publishes an article about the seminar УBilingual Education: Practice and TheoryФ. All inquired principles but one voice that their schools will not have any problems concerning the transfer to the studies in the state language. One principle of Riga school notes that the main problem is the lack of qualified teachers. publishes an article about the seminar УBilingual Education: Practice and TheoryФ. All inquired principles but one voice that their schools will not have any problems concerning the transfer to the studies in the state language. One principle of Riga school notes that the main problem is the lack of qualified teachers.
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