Nov. 30, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

"The right to assess specific countries in the field o minorities is held by such international organisations as the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the UN institutions with such a mandate may do so... We have already previously received positive assessments from international organisations," said the Foreign Ministry's state secretary M.Riekstins, adding that individual countries are not competent in giving such assessments. On Wednesday Russia's Foreign Ministry spread an announcement stating that believes that a conference held in Riga last weekend on education in the Russian language, is "more proof of the poor situation in Latvia in relation to national minority rights." Russia's Foreign Ministry claims that "European institutions, first of all the OSCE and the Council of Europe, still have much serious work to do in LatviaФ. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the conference held by Latvia's Russian educational language support association, "sharply criticised the bilingual educational models in schools, which are scientifically and methodically undeveloped, and aimed at the assimilation of non-ethnic Latvian school kidsФ. "On its behalf, Russia is ready to continue promoting the reduction of worry in our peoples on the possibility of acquiring an education in their native tongue, including by signing respective bilateral agreements, such projects being still long since looked into by the Latvian side," said the announcement.

"The right to assess specific countries in the field o minorities is held by such international organisations as the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the UN institutions with such a mandate may do so... We have already previously received positive assessments from international organisations," said the Foreign Ministry's state secretary M.Riekstins, adding that individual countries are not competent in giving such assessments. On Wednesday Russia's Foreign Ministry spread an announcement stating that believes that a conference held in Riga last weekend on education in the Russian language, is "more proof of the poor situation in Latvia in relation to national minority rights." Russia's Foreign Ministry claims that "European institutions, first of all the OSCE and the Council of Europe, still have much serious work to do in LatviaФ. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the conference held by Latvia's Russian educational language support association, "sharply criticised the bilingual educational models in schools, which are scientifically and methodically undeveloped, and aimed at the assimilation of non-ethnic Latvian school kidsФ. "On its behalf, Russia is ready to continue promoting the reduction of worry in our peoples on the possibility of acquiring an education in their native tongue, including by signing respective bilateral agreements, such projects being still long since looked into by the Latvian side," said the announcement. Diena, Chas

Panorama Latvii publishes editorial in regard to that.

Panorama Latvii publishes editorial in regard to that.

One day information booth where people could receive information about the possibilities to acquire Latvian citizenship was opened in Kengarags (one of Riga suburbs) yesterday. About 200 people attended the information booth. Information booths are a part of Public Awareness Campaign.

One day information booth where people could receive information about the possibilities to acquire Latvian citizenship was opened in Kengarags (one of Riga suburbs) yesterday. About 200 people attended the information booth. Information booths are a part of Public Awareness Campaign. Diena writes about the venue in a very positive light emphasising the role of the OSCE in the Public Awareness Campaign, as well as its contribution in providing Latvian language courses free of charge. Neatkariga

Political parties are not ready to abolish language requirements for election candidates, writes

Political parties are not ready to abolish language requirements for election candidates, writes Diena. (full coverage of the article)

УSaeima ruling parties are not going to yield to the call of the OSCE Mission to abolish language requirements for election candidates by amending Election Laws, because on contrary to Estonia, Latvia has not given such promise to the OSCE Mission, said the members of the ruling political parties. In their opinion the requirement is not discriminating, but only limiting and that is very effective and ensures that the representatives chosen and elected by people can fulfil their tasks qualitatively.

УSaeima ruling parties are not going to yield to the call of the OSCE Mission to abolish language requirements for election candidates by amending Election Laws, because on contrary to Estonia, Latvia has not given such promise to the OSCE Mission, said the members of the ruling political parties. In their opinion the requirement is not discriminating, but only limiting and that is very effective and ensures that the representatives chosen and elected by people can fulfil their tasks qualitatively.

Referring to the decision of the Estonian Parliament to abolish language requirements for persons running for the office, OSCE Mission to Latvia Head Peter Semneby invites also Latvian politicians to take this difficult step in his article in ThursdayТs

Referring to the decision of the Estonian Parliament to abolish language requirements for persons running for the office, OSCE Mission to Latvia Head Peter Semneby invites also Latvian politicians to take this difficult step in his article in ThursdayТs Diena. The call is based on that voters should have Уthe right to elect whomever they see fit as their representativesФ. As well as it is noted that any limitation on political participation that is based on language is discriminatory and therefore not permissible because such a requirement makes it more difficult for minority candidates to be elected. However, other restrictions have equal effect on all ethnic groups or other categories of candidates.

FF/LNNK chairperson Maris Grinblats emphasised that the Constitution guarantees the status of the state language to the Latvian language. Restrictions are the norms of the transitional period and they will not be needed when everybody speaks Latvian. УFor the time being I do not see the reason for the Saeima to take such inconsiderate stepsФ, says LatviaТs Way faction chairperson Kristiana Libane. Besides this norm is not discriminating but limiting and it applies equally to all citizens who have to know the state language, says PeopleТs Party faction chairperson Vineta Muizniece. In her opinion, in that case the discriminated would be a voter, if s/he is represented by a parliament member who would not be able to fulfil his/her tasks to the full extentФ.

FF/LNNK chairperson Maris Grinblats emphasised that the Constitution guarantees the status of the state language to the Latvian language. Restrictions are the norms of the transitional period and they will not be needed when everybody speaks Latvian. УFor the time being I do not see the reason for the Saeima to take such inconsiderate stepsФ, says LatviaТs Way faction chairperson Kristiana Libane. Besides this norm is not discriminating but limiting and it applies equally to all citizens who have to know the state language, says PeopleТs Party faction chairperson Vineta Muizniece. In her opinion, in that case the discriminated would be a voter, if s/he is represented by a parliament member who would not be able to fulfil his/her tasks to the full extentФ.

The Latvian parliament Thursday in the final reading adopted national budget for the next year envisaging a fiscal deficit to an amount of nearly 140 million lats (USD 221 mln) or 2.45 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP).

The Latvian parliament Thursday in the final reading adopted national budget for the next year envisaging a fiscal deficit to an amount of nearly 140 million lats (USD 221 mln) or 2.45 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

A new head of the European Commission Delegation in Latvia will assume his position on January 1, 2002. The present head of the EC Delegation in Latvia, Gunter Weiss will be replaced by Andrew Rasbash.

A new head of the European Commission Delegation in Latvia will assume his position on January 1, 2002. The present head of the EC Delegation in Latvia, Gunter Weiss will be replaced by Andrew Rasbash. Diena


interviews Latvian Minister of Culture K.Petersone about co-operation between Latvia and Russia in the field of culture. interviews Latvian Minister of Culture K.Petersone about co-operation between Latvia and Russia in the field of culture. RussiaТs Public TV channel (PTP) demonstrated the documentary about Latvia.

RussiaТs Public TV channel (PTP) demonstrated the documentary about Latvia.

Panorama Latvii

asks the opinions of Latvian politicians about the film. The members of the ruling parties find the film objective and positive towards Latvia. The member of FHRUL M.Mitrafanovs calls the film Уhack work as it does not give the true picture about the problems of Russians in LatviaФ. asks the opinions of Latvian politicians about the film. The members of the ruling parties find the film objective and positive towards Latvia. The member of FHRUL M.Mitrafanovs calls the film Уhack work as it does not give the true picture about the problems of Russians in LatviaФ. Vesti SegodnjaVesti Segodnja Minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins met with the new U.S. Ambassador to Latvia Brian Carlson in order to discuss bilateral co-operation. Both officials discussed the course of the implementation of foreign policy priorities in Latvia, the fight against international terrorism and social integration matters. Social integration issues were discussed during the talks, pointing out that the guidelines of the OSCE mission in Latvia have been fulfilled and it should be closed as confirmation of successful co-operation with OSCE.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins met with the new U.S. Ambassador to Latvia Brian Carlson in order to discuss bilateral co-operation. Both officials discussed the course of the implementation of foreign policy priorities in Latvia, the fight against international terrorism and social integration matters. Social integration issues were discussed during the talks, pointing out that the guidelines of the OSCE mission in Latvia have been fulfilled and it should be closed as confirmation of successful co-operation with OSCE. Vesti Segodnja, LETA


interviews Naturalisation Board Head Eizenija Aldermane. When asked what is the goal of the Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign, she replies Уthe goal is one Ц to make us heardЕ However, it would not be a misfortune if one decides to get naturalised for the sake of practical benefitsФ. Naturalisation Board Head agrees that the lack of state language skills is still one of the main hindrances to acquire Latvian citizenship, as well as lack of information about naturalisation procedure. interviews Naturalisation Board Head Eizenija Aldermane. When asked what is the goal of the Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign, she replies Уthe goal is one Ц to make us heardЕ However, it would not be a misfortune if one decides to get naturalised for the sake of practical benefitsФ. Naturalisation Board Head agrees that the lack of state language skills is still one of the main hindrances to acquire Latvian citizenship, as well as lack of information about naturalisation procedure. On Thursday LatviaТs National TV channel interviewed Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister I.Bзrziтр.

On Thursday LatviaТs National TV channel interviewed Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister I.Bзrziтр. Latvijas Vestnesis provides the printed version of the interview. To the journalistТs introductory statement УI will start with a rather strange letter, where the person writes that the President is so brilliant in LatviaТs foreign policy that we do not need the Ministry of Foreign AffairsФ, the Minister replies УI think we have a very good co-operation between the Ministry and the President , as well as Prime Minister. Our great achievements in stateТs foreign policy for the last two years since the President is Vaira Vike-Freiberga and coincidentally I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs is due to this very successful co-operation. Tomorrow at 12 oТclock I am having the meeting with the State President to discuss the most important issue: the closure of the OSCE Mission; the things what our friends, including Havel, have said about NATO enlargementФ. The Minister also answers couple questions regarding Latvia and Russia relations, LatviaТs bid to NATO.

Nov. 29, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Diena publishes OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semnebys article Language, Democracy and Western Values.

Prime Minister Andris Berzins has come out with a proposal on holding the referendum on Latvia's accession to the EU on August 23 of 2003, besides the government head believes that such a public vote is to be held in the three Baltic countries simultaneously.

Prime Minister Andris Berzins has come out with a proposal on holding the referendum on Latvia's accession to the EU on August 23 of 2003, besides the government head believes that such a public vote is to be held in the three Baltic countries simultaneously. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja


informs about the opening of one-day information booth for people interested in the issues concerning the acquisition of citizenship in one of the suburbs of Riga. The information booth is a part of Public Awareness Campaign.

Lauku Avize

publishes its former editor-in-chief V.Krustins article where he refers to current political situation, in particular politicians stance towards non-citizens and their interests. He writes that … the representative of the OSCE Mr.P.Semneby also does not like that election candidates have to know the Latvian language according to the Latvian legislation… But we cannot agree with that, although we have to admit that Mr.Semneby is not alone in his opinion, he is supported by publishes its former editor-in-chief V.Krustins’ article where he refers to current political situation, in particular politicians stance towards non-citizens and their interests. He writes that “… the representative of the OSCE Mr.P.Semneby also does not like that election candidates have to know the Latvian language according to the Latvian legislation… But we cannot agree with that, although we have to admit that Mr.Semneby is not alone in his opinion, he is supported by Diena, Panorama Latvii and ChasDiena, Panorama Latvii and Chas. ”. Yesterday the content of Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign was on Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Commission’s agenda. Naturalisation Board Head E.Aldermane presented the materials (videoclips) of the campaign. After the presentation the MPs concluded that this campaign will make non-citizens naturalise only because of practical advantages of being a Latvian citizen and not because they would feel linked to this country. People’s Party member J.Lagzdins concluded that the overall goal of the campaign is bad.

Yesterday the content of Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign was on Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Commissions agenda. Naturalisation Board Head E.Aldermane presented the materials (videoclips) of the campaign. After the presentation the MPs concluded that this campaign will make non-citizens naturalise only because of practical advantages of being a Latvian citizen and not because they would feel linked to this country. Peoples Party member J.Lagzdins concluded that the overall goal of the campaign is bad. Lauku Avize

Panorama Latvii

devotes the whole page to inform about the mass media seminar The Mass Media in Latvia – Integrated or Divided? devotes the whole page to inform about the mass media seminar “The Mass Media in Latvia – Integrated or Divided?” During the meetings of Rumanian President with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins and Saeima Vice Speaker J.Straume one of the discussion subjects was the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia by the end of the year. The Rumanian President expressed his support to Latvia’s wish to close the Mission at the end of the year.

During the meetings of Rumanian President with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins and Saeima Vice Speaker J.Straume one of the discussion subjects was the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia by the end of the year. The Rumanian President expressed his support to Latvias wish to close the Mission at the end of the year. Panorama Latvii, Latvijas Vestnesis

Vesti Segodnja

informs that Saeima Legal Committee has received a letter from OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby, where … he clearly states that it will be very difficult for Latvia to hope to be understood by Europe and the world, if it does not abolish language requirements in the Election Laws. The newspaper provides the main points of ambassadors letter. informs that Saeima Legal Committee has received a letter from OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby, where “… he clearly states that it will be very difficult for Latvia to hope to be understood by Europe and the world, if it does not abolish language requirements in the Election Laws”. The newspaper provides the main points of ambassador’s letter.


editorial is about the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia. The contributor concludes that our politicians want to close the Mission to be able to take decision without witnesses. editorial is about the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia. The contributor concludes that our politicians want to close the Mission to be able to take decision “without witnesses”. FHRUL member J.Urbanovics writes that the ruling coalition parties have started to organise their pre-election campaigns using funds from the state budget.

FHRUL member J.Urbanovics writes that the ruling coalition parties have started to organise their pre-election campaigns using funds from the state budget. Telegraf

Latvijas Vçstnesis

interviews Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister I.Berzins. To journalists question You are going to Bucharest at the end of the week to take part at the meeting of the foreign ministers of the OSCE states. What issues are on the agenda? Will you discuss the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia? the Foreign Affairs Minister replies Yes, Latvias stance is very clear. We have fulfilled the guidelines provided already by Austrian Presidency, we have done what we promised to do and therefore the Mission is to be closed. It does not mean that Latvia is perfect, it does not mean that we do not have any space for improvement. I think that there is no such country in the world, including Latvia, which should not improve anything in the field of human rights. But what regards the Mission, then we, of course, will have to close it. That is not directly linked to this meeting, although I assume that there will be discussions about that in both political corridors and, quite possible, some countries will mention the missions in Latvia and Estonia. In principle, the issue will be solved, I think in a positive way for Latvia, on 20 December in Vienna, when Missions representative to Latvia will report on the situation in Latvia. interviews Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister I.Berzins. To journalist’s question “You are going to Bucharest at the end of the week to take part at the meeting of the foreign ministers of the OSCE states. What issues are on the agenda? Will you discuss the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia?” the Foreign Affairs Minister replies “Yes, Latvia’s stance is very clear. We have fulfilled the guidelines provided already by Austrian Presidency, we have done what we promised to do and therefore the Mission is to be closed. It does not mean that Latvia is perfect, it does not mean that we do not have any space for improvement. I think that there is no such country in the world, including Latvia, which should not improve anything in the field of human rights. But what regards the Mission, then we, of course, will have to close it. That is not directly linked to this meeting, although I assume that there will be discussions about that in both political corridors and, quite possible, some countries will mention the missions in Latvia and Estonia. In principle, the issue will be solved, I think in a positive way for Latvia, on 20 December in Vienna, when Mission’s representative to Latvia will report on the situation in Latvia”. Social Democrats Party Board has also turned down the proposal of FHRUL to sign an agreement on co-operation in the Saeima between the parties. Social Democrats secretary general J.Dinçvičs says that “the signing of the agreement before the 8the Saeima election would be premature and useless”.

Social Democrats Party Board has also turned down the proposal of FHRUL to sign an agreement on co-operation in the Saeima between the parties. Social Democrats secretary general J.Dinçvičs says that the signing of the agreement before the 8the Saeima election would be premature and useless. Diena

Nov. 28, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Romania's President Ion Iliescu voiced that Romania is ready to support the closing of the OSCE mission in Latvia by the end of this year and harmonise its stance on the issue with Latvia by the OSCE council meeting in Vienna. Iliescu voiced the stance while meeting Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga on Tuesday at the Riga Castle, saying that the issue has been discussed by both country delegations and an agreement was reached on continuing consultations. Iliescu said that the opinion of the rest of the OSCE countries may differ, however, Romania is ready to support Latvia. Romania holds the OSCE presidency in the second half of this year, while the organisationТs council meeting in Vienna on December 20 is set to decide on extending the mission's mandate in Latvia and Estonia, both of which hope to close the missions with the turn of the year, believing this would be proof that there does not exist any serious human rights problems in these countries.

Romania's President Ion Iliescu voiced that Romania is ready to support the closing of the OSCE mission in Latvia by the end of this year and harmonise its stance on the issue with Latvia by the OSCE council meeting in Vienna. Iliescu voiced the stance while meeting Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga on Tuesday at the Riga Castle, saying that the issue has been discussed by both country delegations and an agreement was reached on continuing consultations. Iliescu said that the opinion of the rest of the OSCE countries may differ, however, Romania is ready to support Latvia. Romania holds the OSCE presidency in the second half of this year, while the organisationТs council meeting in Vienna on December 20 is set to decide on extending the mission's mandate in Latvia and Estonia, both of which hope to close the missions with the turn of the year, believing this would be proof that there does not exist any serious human rights problems in these countries. Diena, Vesti Segodnja, Chas

Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

publish the news provided by news agency publish the news provided by news agency LetaLeta (see yesterdayТs press report)(see yesterdayТs press report) concerning Saeima Legal CommitteeТs support to the closure of the OSCE Mission by the end of the year. concerning Saeima Legal CommitteeТs support to the closure of the OSCE Mission by the end of the year. TelegrafTelegraf provides also a brief comment by FHRUL deputy B.Cilзviиs: Уthe closure of the Mission will ease the work of our politicians. Further decisions will be taken without witnessesФ. He also states that the Mission in Riga played the role of the mediator between the opposition parties and the government. provides also a brief comment by FHRUL deputy B.Cilзviиs: Уthe closure of the Mission will ease the work of our politicians. Further decisions will be taken without witnessesФ. He also states that the Mission in Riga played the role of the mediator between the opposition parties and the government. The most popular politician in Latvia for November remains the President Vaira Vонe-Freiberga, while the stable second place held by the central banker Einars Repрe has fallen to fourth with his would-be party not even founded yet, according to polls carried out in November by SKDS. Second place is held by Parliament Speaker Janis Straume on 23.9%, followed by New faction parliament member Ingrida Udre on 20 %. Riga Mayor G.Bojars saw a significant fall from fourth to eighth in November, with his father J.Bojars, head of the Social Democratic Workers Party down 9.1%. The least most popular politicians in November were again the head of the left-wing Equality party Tatjana Zdanoka, head of the Socialist Party Alfreds Rubiks, and former prime minister and head of the People's Party Andris Skele.

The most popular politician in Latvia for November remains the President Vaira Vонe-Freiberga, while the stable second place held by the central banker Einars Repрe has fallen to fourth with his would-be party not even founded yet, according to polls carried out in November by SKDS. Second place is held by Parliament Speaker Janis Straume on 23.9%, followed by New faction parliament member Ingrida Udre on 20 %. Riga Mayor G.Bojars saw a significant fall from fourth to eighth in November, with his father J.Bojars, head of the Social Democratic Workers Party down 9.1%. The least most popular politicians in November were again the head of the left-wing Equality party Tatjana Zdanoka, head of the Socialist Party Alfreds Rubiks, and former prime minister and head of the People's Party Andris Skele.

The Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party has regained the lead as the most popular party in Latvia with 13.4 % support. The previous number one party of E.Repse fell second on 13.1 %, leaving the People's Party third on 10.7 %. Latvian Way fell fourth to 9.4 %, followed by the left-wing For Human Rights in a United Latvia alliance, receiving 8.4 %, and the right-from-center for FF/LNNK still in sixth place on 7.1 %.

The Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party has regained the lead as the most popular party in Latvia with 13.4 % support. The previous number one party of E.Repse fell second on 13.1 %, leaving the People's Party third on 10.7 %. Latvian Way fell fourth to 9.4 %, followed by the left-wing For Human Rights in a United Latvia alliance, receiving 8.4 %, and the right-from-center for FF/LNNK still in sixth place on 7.1 %. Diena, Neatkariga


writes that the Constitution Protection Office had filed to the National Security Council intelligence on the possible "information war" launched by Russia against Latvia to blackmail Latvia in the eyes of NATO. Existence of such intelligence was affirmed to the newspaper by Defense Minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis while other officials were evasive saying the information was secret. Latvia's top national security agency or Constitution Protection Office (CPO) avoids to comment on its actions after reports about possible information campaign of Russia against Latvia were made public saying it has not affirmed these reports are true. CPO chief Lainis Kamaldins on the phone declined to comment to BNS the information published by Diena. BNSwrites that the Constitution Protection Office had filed to the National Security Council intelligence on the possible "information war" launched by Russia against Latvia to blackmail Latvia in the eyes of NATO. Existence of such intelligence was affirmed to the newspaper by Defense Minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis while other officials were evasive saying the information was secret. Latvia's top national security agency or Constitution Protection Office (CPO) avoids to comment on its actions after reports about possible information campaign of Russia against Latvia were made public saying it has not affirmed these reports are true. CPO chief Lainis Kamaldins on the phone declined to comment to BNS the information published by Diena. BNS

Vesti Segodnja

asks opinions of Latvian and Russian politicians about the matter. Latvian MPs, members of FF/LNNK and Social Democrats, think that it is possible, but RussiaТs politician and Russian State Duma Governmental Commission advisor deny possibility of such УwarФ and say that Уprobably the Baltic Countries have learned that they are not going to be admitted to NATO and therefore are preparing ground to blame Moscow for this failureФ. asks opinions of Latvian and Russian politicians about the matter. Latvian MPs, members of FF/LNNK and Social Democrats, think that it is possible, but RussiaТs politician and Russian State Duma Governmental Commission advisor deny possibility of such УwarФ and say that Уprobably the Baltic Countries have learned that they are not going to be admitted to NATO and therefore are preparing ground to blame Moscow for this failureФ.


deputy editor-in-chief comments on possible effectiveness of Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign. He thinks that it would be better to distribute the amount invested in the Campaign directly to non-citizens. deputy editor-in-chief comments on possible effectiveness of Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign. He thinks that it would be better to distribute the amount invested in the Campaign directly to non-citizens. State President V.Vike-Freiberga shares her experience of learning the Russian language with

State President V.Vike-Freiberga shares her experience of learning the Russian language with Vesti Segodnja.


informs about one of the activities in the framework of the Public Awareness Campaign - the information booth in one of the suburbs of Riga where interested people can acquire information about the possibilities to acquire Latvian citizenship. informs about one of the activities in the framework of the Public Awareness Campaign - the information booth in one of the suburbs of Riga where interested people can acquire information about the possibilities to acquire Latvian citizenship. Chas provides some responses of yesterdayТs on-line discussion УWhy I (do not) take naturalisation examination to receive Latvian citizenshipФ. There were different opinions, however, the majority of participants felt offended that Уthey were promised citizenship, but it stayed only the promiseФ.

Chas provides some responses of yesterdayТs on-line discussion УWhy I (do not) take naturalisation examination to receive Latvian citizenshipФ. There were different opinions, however, the majority of participants felt offended that Уthey were promised citizenship, but it stayed only the promiseФ.

Panorama Latvii

gives editorial regarding the closure of the Missions to Latvia and Estonia. The author refers to the changes in the Election Laws adopted by the Estonian Parliament and LatviaТs stance regarding its Election Law. gives editorial regarding the closure of the Missions to Latvia and Estonia. The author refers to the changes in the Election Laws adopted by the Estonian Parliament and LatviaТs stance regarding its Election Law. Latvian foreign minister I.Berzins met with his Austrian counterpart Benita Ferrero-Waldner. Among other discussion subjects the foreign ministers discussed the feasible closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia by the end of the year. The Austrian foreign affairs minister noted LatviaТs progress in the field of national minorities and human rights protection, as well as expressed understanding about LatviaТs wish to close the OSCE Mission.

Latvian foreign minister I.Berzins met with his Austrian counterpart Benita Ferrero-Waldner. Among other discussion subjects the foreign ministers discussed the feasible closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia by the end of the year. The Austrian foreign affairs minister noted LatviaТs progress in the field of national minorities and human rights protection, as well as expressed understanding about LatviaТs wish to close the OSCE Mission. Latvijas Vestnesis

Nov. 27, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Original version of the news provided by news agency Leta:

“Saeima Legal Commission backs closing OSCE mission. As Latvia has observed all of its liabilities and tasks, the mandate of the OSCE mission in Latvia should not be prolonged, deputies of Saeima's Legal Commission concluded today. Peteris Elferts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told deputies that the OSCE mission in Latvia, which was opened in 1993, has accomplished its goals. No representative of the OSCE mission participated in the Legal Commission's meeting today, however, the Head of Mission Peter Semneby stressed in a letter to the commission it is important that language restrictions included in the law on elections are revoked, just as the Estonian parliament decided last week, lifting the requirement that persons who participate in elections must have a good command of the state language. Whereas Elferts said that the law on elections presents no grounds for prolonging the OSCE mission's mandate. The commission's deputy Dzintars Rasnacs believes that even if Latvia lost a case linked with the above matter, it would not mean Latvia had to amend the law on elections. Meanwhile, Semneby stresses there are several reasons why the language restrictions need to be revoked in the law on elections. According to Semneby, electors must have a right to elect anybody they believe is good for defending their interests. Secondly, any political restrictions due to language are discriminatory and therefore unacceptable, says Semneby. Several deputies of the commission stressed that the language restrictions in the law on elections mean positive discrimination, and such restrictions are justified. Rasnacs said that the task of the restrictions is to protect what is endangered. "In Latvia, more people understand Russian than Latvian, therefore the Latvian language is still endangered, which is why the restrictions must be kept," said the ex-minister of justice. Deputies said however that the respective amendments to the law could be considered in several years. Wheras the OSCE mission believes that the law on elections is not the correct instrument for protection of the state language.”

Saeima Legal Commission backs closing OSCE mission. As Latvia has observed all of its liabilities and tasks, the mandate of the OSCE mission in Latvia should not be prolonged, deputies of Saeima's Legal Commission concluded today. Peteris Elferts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told deputies that the OSCE mission in Latvia, which was opened in 1993, has accomplished its goals. No representative of the OSCE mission participated in the Legal Commission's meeting today, however, the Head of Mission Peter Semneby stressed in a letter to the commission it is important that language restrictions included in the law on elections are revoked, just as the Estonian parliament decided last week, lifting the requirement that persons who participate in elections must have a good command of the state language. Whereas Elferts said that the law on elections presents no grounds for prolonging the OSCE mission's mandate. The commission's deputy Dzintars Rasnacs believes that even if Latvia lost a case linked with the above matter, it would not mean Latvia had to amend the law on elections. Meanwhile, Semneby stresses there are several reasons why the language restrictions need to be revoked in the law on elections. According to Semneby, electors must have a right to elect anybody they believe is good for defending their interests. Secondly, any political restrictions due to language are discriminatory and therefore unacceptable, says Semneby. Several deputies of the commission stressed that the language restrictions in the law on elections mean positive discrimination, and such restrictions are justified. Rasnacs said that the task of the restrictions is to protect what is endangered. "In Latvia, more people understand Russian than Latvian, therefore the Latvian language is still endangered, which is why the restrictions must be kept," said the ex-minister of justice. Deputies said however that the respective amendments to the law could be considered in several years. Wheras the OSCE mission believes that the law on elections is not the correct instrument for protection of the state language.


informs that for the time being there is no possibility to ease visa requirements for travellers who come from Russia to Latvia, as Russia is in EUs black list, states Latvias Foreign Affairs Ministry. informs that for the time being there is no possibility to ease visa requirements for travellers who come from Russia to Latvia, as Russia is in EU’s “black list”, states Latvia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry. After the statement of FHRUL leader J.Jurkans that Repse, the leader of to-be-established party, is “exploring also FHRUL’s electorate”, E.Repse comes out with the statement where he denies any possibility to co-operate with FHRUL in the Government after the 8th Saeima election.

After the statement of FHRUL leader J.Jurkans that Repse, the leader of to-be-established party, is exploring also FHRULs electorate, E.Repse comes out with the statement where he denies any possibility to co-operate with FHRUL in the Government after the 8th Saeima election. Diena


columnist V.Avotins writes about the conference of Russian students parents. He admits that the alternative education models developed by the Association for Support of the Russian Language Schools in Latvia (ASRLSL) are professional and includes also the studies of the Latvian language, however, he thinks that this issue has been politicised therefore attaining of the positive solution to this issue can take very long time or even it cannot happen at all. columnist V.Avotins writes about the conference of Russian students’ parents. He admits that the alternative education models developed by the Association for Support of the Russian Language Schools in Latvia (ASRLSL) are professional and includes also the studies of the Latvian language, however, he thinks that this issue has been politicised therefore attaining of the positive solution to this issue can take very long time or even it cannot happen at all.

Lauku Avize

publishes the article about the conference under the title Against the State Language. publishes the article about the conference under the title “Against the State Language”.

Vecernaja Riga

gives the reflection of the conference. gives the reflection of the conference. The number of Latvian residents who believe that the government in general does not respect public opinion has increased over past year, according to the survey conducted by the market and public opinion centre SKDS. 76.1 percent of respondents said that the government in general does not respect public opinion. The statement that the Government in general takes into account the opinion of society was completely accepted by 18.4 percent of respondents this September. Non-citizens agreed to the statement that the government in general respects public opinion more than citizens. 19.2 percent of non-citizens and 18.1 percent of citizens agreed to the above statement.

The number of Latvian residents who believe that the government in general does not respect public opinion has increased over past year, according to the survey conducted by the market and public opinion centre SKDS. 76.1 percent of respondents said that the government in general does not respect public opinion. The statement that the Government in general takes into account the opinion of society was completely accepted by 18.4 percent of respondents this September. Non-citizens agreed to the statement that the government in general respects public opinion more than citizens. 19.2 percent of non-citizens and 18.1 percent of citizens agreed to the above statement. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnja

The new United States ambassador to Latvia who Tuesday afternoon arrived in Riga pledged to continue work launched by the previous US ambassador on joint Latvian-US projects as well as promote Latvia's Euro-Atlantic integration and expand trade and investment between Latvian and the US. Braien Carlson told reporters on his arrival in Latvia that one of priorities in his work, like for his government, will be work on anti-terrorism campaign and, he predicted this fight will be long.

The new United States ambassador to Latvia who Tuesday afternoon arrived in Riga pledged to continue work launched by the previous US ambassador on joint Latvian-US projects as well as promote Latvia's Euro-Atlantic integration and expand trade and investment between Latvian and the US. Braien Carlson told reporters on his arrival in Latvia that one of priorities in his work, like for his government, will be work on anti-terrorism campaign and, he predicted this fight will be long.

Carlson said he regards as important factor nearing of Latvia and Russia in the general context of nearing between Russia and the West which also is a part of America's policy.

Carlson said he regards as important factor nearing of Latvia and Russia in the general context of nearing between Russia and the West which also is a part of America's policy. Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii

Rigas Balss interviews President V.Vike-Freiberga. The President talks about Latvia’s chances to join NATO, relations between Russia and Latvia, corruption in Latvia, chances for Repđe’s party at the Saeima election, language policy. When asked if the officials of other countries have made the pressure on her to introduce the two language system, the President says that there is no pressure, with the exception from Russian President Putin.

Rigas Balss interviews President V.Vike-Freiberga. The President talks about Latvias chances to join NATO, relations between Russia and Latvia, corruption in Latvia, chances for Repđes party at the Saeima election, language policy. When asked if the officials of other countries have made the pressure on her to introduce the two language system, the President says that there is no pressure, with the exception from Russian President Putin.

At the beginning of the next year FHRUL is planning to establish the Naturalisation Foundation which would cover the state fee for naturalisation for people with very low income.

At the beginning of the next year FHRUL is planning to establish the Naturalisation Foundation which would cover the state fee for naturalisation for people with very low income. Vesti Segodnja.

Vesti Segodnja

links the visit of the Rumanian President to Latvia with the issue concerning the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia. The newspaper emphasises that Estonia has amended the Election Law, but Latvias party FF/LNNK is just planning to re-establish the norm to the Statutes of the State Language Centre which would provide the rights to the language inspectors examine state language proficiency for election candidates. links the visit of the Rumanian President to Latvia with the issue concerning the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia. The newspaper emphasises that Estonia has amended the Election Law, but Latvia’s party FF/LNNK is just planning to re-establish the norm to the Statutes of the State Language Centre which would provide the rights to the language inspectors examine state language proficiency for election candidates. Today

Today Chas announced on-line discussion on the following themes I received the blue passport (citizens passport), because… and I am not going to take naturalisation examinations, because..


publishes the summary of the on-line discussion with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins. About the possible co-operation between his party Latvias Way and FHRUL he says never say never, but I do not see such possibility in the closest future. As the possible Prime Minister for the next Saeima he names the list of people, including I.Berzins, K.Petersone, L.Mucins and D.Rozenfelds. One of the discussion participants asked if in A.Bçrziňđ opinion the new naturalisation promotion campaign is like the deal between a non-citizen and the state and whether he finds it amoral. The Prime Minister disagrees and emphasises that the main difference between the statuses of citizens and non-citizens is election rights. publishes the summary of the on-line discussion with Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins. About the possible co-operation between his party Latvia’s Way and FHRUL he says “never say never, but I do not see such possibility in the closest future”. As the possible Prime Minister for the next Saeima he names the list of people, including I.Berzins, K.Petersone, L.Mucins and D.Rozenfelds. One of the discussion participants asked if in A.Bçrziňđ’ opinion the new naturalisation promotion campaign is like the deal between a non-citizen and the state and whether he finds it amoral. The Prime Minister disagrees and emphasises that the main difference between the statuses of citizens and non-citizens is election rights.

Nov. 26, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Press Report

Moscow does not regard the problem of ethnic minorities in Estonia as settled and is displeased with the closure of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe mission to that country, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko said in a statement.

Moscow does not regard the problem of ethnic minorities in Estonia as settled and is displeased with the closure of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe mission to that country, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko said in a statement. Diena

TB/LNNK believes Latvia must not follow Estonia’s move in revoking language

TB/LNNK believes Latvia must not follow Estonias move in revoking language

requirements on candidates for Saeima and municipal deputies. Aigars Kimenis, board member at FF/LNNK (TB/LNNK), says that the party’s Saeima faction has worked out amendments to the charter of the State Language Centre, which stipulate that a person’s command of the state language is to be tested repeatedly in case the State Language Center has justified objections to the person’s knowledge of the language. He also says that there have been more attempts to hinder implementation of the State Language Law lately, it is expected that the tendency will only grow stronger.

requirements on candidates for Saeima and municipal deputies. Aigars Kimenis, board member at FF/LNNK (TB/LNNK), says that the partys Saeima faction has worked out amendments to the charter of the State Language Centre, which stipulate that a persons command of the state language is to be tested repeatedly in case the State Language Center has justified objections to the persons knowledge of the language. He also says that there have been more attempts to hinder implementation of the State Language Law lately, it is expected that the tendency will only grow stronger. Diena

About 1,200 parents attended congress on learning in native language at schools, held at Riga City Council Saturday. The number of people who attended the conference proves that parents wish their children obtain education in their native tongues, concludes Chas. A resolution was passed at the conference that claims education in Russian be retained, the resolution will be turned over to European and Latvian institutions. 11 resolutions were adopted by the Congress, one of them calls non-citizens to naturalise to be able to participate at 8th Saeima election and influence political processes in the country.

About 1,200 parents attended congress on learning in native language at schools, held at Riga City Council Saturday. The number of people who attended the conference proves that parents wish their children obtain education in their native tongues, concludes Chas. A resolution was passed at the conference that claims education in Russian be retained, the resolution will be turned over to European and Latvian institutions. 11 resolutions were adopted by the Congress, one of them calls non-citizens to naturalise to be able to participate at 8th Saeima election and influence political processes in the country. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

The National Harmony Party has Saturday convened for a congress on Saturday. The congress re-elected the former party's leadership as well as set out guidelines for the upcoming general elections planned for November 2002.

The National Harmony Party has Saturday convened for a congress on Saturday. The congress re-elected the former party's leadership as well as set out guidelines for the upcoming general elections planned for November 2002.

Well known Russian politician Rogozin took part in the National Harmony Party congress at the status of a guest.

Well known Russian politician Rogozin took part in the National Harmony Party congress at the status of a guest.

Russian State Duma, the lower house of parliament, international affairs committee chief who earlier on several occasions has criticized Latvia over alleged discrimination against Russian speakers believes Latvia should be a free, democratic and self-respecting country which means observing rights of minorities. Dmitry Rogozin said Saturday in address to the National Harmony Party congress that, in his opinion, such a goal in Latvia can be attained by National Harmony Party and its co-operation partners. He said being a European does not mean forgetting the past but it means respecting oneself and others. He believes observing rights of minorities is a

Russian State Duma, the lower house of parliament, international affairs committee chief who earlier on several occasions has criticized Latvia over alleged discrimination against Russian speakers believes Latvia should be a free, democratic and self-respecting country which means observing rights of minorities. Dmitry Rogozin said Saturday in address to the National Harmony Party congress that, in his opinion, such a goal in Latvia can be attained by National Harmony Party and its co-operation partners. He said being a European does not mean forgetting the past but it means respecting oneself and others. He believes observing rights of minorities is a

manifestation of patriotism because then one can be proud with his/her country. Rogozin said Russia wants a free, democratic and self-respecting Latvia be next to it. Russia wants to build good relations with Latvia but to that end in both countries at power should be forces that indeed want it.

manifestation of patriotism because then one can be proud with his/her country. Rogozin said Russia wants a free, democratic and self-respecting Latvia be next to it. Russia wants to build good relations with Latvia but to that end in both countries at power should be forces that indeed want it. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas,

Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf and Panorama Latvii publishes interviews with D.Rogozin.

Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf and Panorama Latvii publishes interviews with D.Rogozin.

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