Jan. 5, 2002



At 2 p.m. today, formation of a new social democratic faction at Saeima will be announced. Egils Baldzens, the current chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party's (LSDSP) Saeima faction, told LETA that he and Peteris Salkazanovs, Risards Labanovskis, Janis Leja and Imants Burvis would become members of the new faction. Baldzens did not exclude that the faction could be joined by several other Saeima deputies in the near future.

At 2 p.m. today, formation of a new social democratic faction at Saeima will be announced. Egils Baldzens, the current chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party's (LSDSP) Saeima faction, told LETA that he and Peteris Salkazanovs, Risards Labanovskis, Janis Leja and Imants Burvis would become members of the new faction. Baldzens did not exclude that the faction could be joined by several other Saeima deputies in the near future. LETA

The Constitutional Protection Bureau has reported French law enforcement authorities about a scheme for selling Latvian citizenship in France, newspaper "Neatkariga Rita Avize" reports today, citing the Constitutional Protection Bureau's deputy director Uldis Dzenitis. The Constitutional Protection Bureau has established that all illegal actions linked with selling Latvian citizenship take place in France and decided to inform French authorities about it. "Latvian citizenship can only be obtained according to a set procedure, it cannot be bought. Nevertheless, further development of the case depends on France's actions," said Dzenitis. Philippe Merlin, Press Attaché at the French Embassy in Latvia, is away on vacation currently, which is why the newspaper failed to learn France's stance on the matter.

The Constitutional Protection Bureau has reported French law enforcement authorities about a scheme for selling Latvian citizenship in France, newspaper "Neatkariga Rita Avize" reports today, citing the Constitutional Protection Bureau's deputy director Uldis Dzenitis. The Constitutional Protection Bureau has established that all illegal actions linked with selling Latvian citizenship take place in France and decided to inform French authorities about it. "Latvian citizenship can only be obtained according to a set procedure, it cannot be bought. Nevertheless, further development of the case depends on France's actions," said Dzenitis. Philippe Merlin, Press Attaché at the French Embassy in Latvia, is away on vacation currently, which is why the newspaper failed to learn France's stance on the matter. LETA

The DCMA has taken disciplinary proceedings against the Head of Department’s Visa Section A.Kalnins for informing mass media about the suspicious activities of mediator companies that draw up visas and residence permits. Mr.Kalnins voiced an opinion that these companies were able to operate only if they had established some connections with the corresponding state authorities and did business with the help of their officials.

The DCMA has taken disciplinary proceedings against the Head of Departments Visa Section A.Kalnins for informing mass media about the suspicious activities of mediator companies that draw up visas and residence permits. Mr.Kalnins voiced an opinion that these companies were able to operate only if they had established some connections with the corresponding state authorities and did business with the help of their officials. Neatkariga

"Latvia's press is managed by KGB operatives," Linards Mucins, the head of the Saeima Legal Commission, said in the Latvian State Television's broadcast "No varas pozicijam" (The Stance of the Power), newspaper "Chas" reports today. "There are no independent newspapers in Latvia. The larger the newspaper, the more apparent its political sympathy," said Mucins. He said that many former KGB operatives still live and "flourish" in Latvia, they also influence the work of mass media.

"Latvia's press is managed by KGB operatives," Linards Mucins, the head of the Saeima Legal Commission, said in the Latvian State Television's broadcast "No varas pozicijam" (The Stance of the Power), newspaper "Chas" reports today. "There are no independent newspapers in Latvia. The larger the newspaper, the more apparent its political sympathy," said Mucins. He said that many former KGB operatives still live and "flourish" in Latvia, they also influence the work of mass media. LETA

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a policy initiative December 24 last year, designed to create a controllable level of ethno-linguistic tension in the Baltic States, the U.S.'s Jamestown Foundation writes in its "Monitor". In a live phone-in show, broadcast on all Russian state television and radio channels, Putin urged Russians and "Russian-speakers" in the Baltic States to demand official status for the Russian language and numerical quotas for representation in government bodies. Parallel to Putin's move, Russian diplomacy delivered a series of snubs to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), for instance, for the OSCE's recent decision to close its monitoring missions in Estonia and Latvia. From now on, Russia will defend the interests of Russian-speakers more vigorously, primarily on the territory of the former USSR, Putin said in answering phoned-in questions from television viewers.

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a policy initiative December 24 last year, designed to create a controllable level of ethno-linguistic tension in the Baltic States, the U.S.'s Jamestown Foundation writes in its "Monitor". In a live phone-in show, broadcast on all Russian state television and radio channels, Putin urged Russians and "Russian-speakers" in the Baltic States to demand official status for the Russian language and numerical quotas for representation in government bodies. Parallel to Putin's move, Russian diplomacy delivered a series of snubs to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), for instance, for the OSCE's recent decision to close its monitoring missions in Estonia and Latvia. From now on, Russia will defend the interests of Russian-speakers more vigorously, primarily on the territory of the former USSR, Putin said in answering phoned-in questions from television viewers. LETA, Diena, Neatkariga

Political elite does not promise any essential changes in the internal policy of Latvia, but it will continue approaching EU and NATO, supporting privatisation, taking care of entrepreneurs and some already started reforms. Political stability may be endangered only by the next election, privatisation of large state enterprises and, possibly, international court proceedings against the Latvian State.

Political elite does not promise any essential changes in the internal policy of Latvia, but it will continue approaching EU and NATO, supporting privatisation, taking care of entrepreneurs and some already started reforms. Political stability may be endangered only by the next election, privatisation of large state enterprises and, possibly, international court proceedings against the Latvian State. Neatkariga

Recently Prime Minister A.Berzins during a TV show, when speaking a Russian-speaking journalist, used the Russian language instead of the state language. Newspaper

Recently Prime Minister A.Berzins during a TV show, when speaking a Russian-speaking journalist, used the Russian language instead of the state language. Newspaper Lauku Avize asked their readers what they thought about it. Most of the respondents said that the Prime Minister should not do this.

Academician Janis Stazdins shares his future vision of Latvia with the newspaper

Academician Janis Stazdins shares his future vision of Latvia with the newspaper Lauku Avize. Mr.Strazdins envisages that by improving of its economic situation Latvia could become a sedimentation place for migrants from East to the EU countries. Concerning Russian President Putins call to compatriots to return to their motherland, Academician said that Latvian Russians would prefer to go to Pskow and Nowgorod Regions, Moscow and St.Petersburg but not to the Siberia where Russians had become a minority.

Jan. 4, 2002



Social Democrat Party leadership could not promise Egils Baldzens that at the 8th Saeima it would not agree on the coalition with FHRUL, therefore it is expected that already next week E.Baldzçns could announce his resignation from the party, as well as the intention to take part in establishing a new European Social Democratic party. Latvian Railway general director A.Zorgevics (ex-Social Democrat), ex-mayor of Riga A.Argalis (ex-FF/LNNK) and members of former New Party are named as possible members of this party.

Social Democrat Party leadership could not promise Egils Baldzens that at the 8th Saeima it would not agree on the coalition with FHRUL, therefore it is expected that already next week E.Baldzçns could announce his resignation from the party, as well as the intention to take part in establishing a new European Social Democratic party. Latvian Railway general director A.Zorgevics (ex-Social Democrat), ex-mayor of Riga A.Argalis (ex-FF/LNNK) and members of former New Party are named as possible members of this party. Diena

Latvijas Vestnesis

interviews Latvias ambassador to Russia Normunds Penke. He considers the relations between Russia and Latvia as normal. In his opinion the most problematic issues in the relations are the border agreement and other intergovernmental agreements. interviews Latvia’s ambassador to Russia Normunds Penke. He considers the relations between Russia and Latvia as normal. In his opinion the most problematic issues in the relations are the border agreement and other intergovernmental agreements. Latvian National Front headed by publishing house Vieda director A.Garda has asked State General Prosecutor to examine whether the activities and statements of Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins and President Vaira Vike-Freiberga contain any criminal violations – genocide and fraud – against the Latvians. The Front has also asked to stop “criminal integration policy implemented by the Saeima, Government and President”.

Latvian National Front headed by publishing house Vieda director A.Garda has asked State General Prosecutor to examine whether the activities and statements of Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins and President Vaira Vike-Freiberga contain any criminal violations – genocide and fraud – against the Latvians. The Front has also asked to stop criminal integration policy implemented by the Saeima, Government and President. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Vesti Segodnja

columnist N.Kabanov analysis the situation with TV programmes and shows for non-Latvians in Russian. He says that there are different programmes, however, there is none where we could say in Russian what we do think about this country, its politicians and laws. He writes that although there is a pressure from the USA and Europe to remove the legal norm providing restricted quota of TV programmes in other languages than Latvian, most likely our politicians are not going to change anything till 8th Saeima election. columnist N.Kabanov analysis the situation with TV programmes and shows for non-Latvians in Russian. He says that there are different programmes, however, there is “none where we could say in Russian what we do think about this country, its politicians and laws”. He writes that “although there is a pressure from the USA and Europe to remove the legal norm providing restricted quota of TV programmes in other languages than Latvian, most likely our politicians are not going to change anything till 8th Saeima election.”


interviews Society Integration Foundation chairperson Ramona Umblija. The journalist starts interview with asking why the country lacks integration, which is built on respect from both parties the country and an individual. Umblija considers lack of experience in this field to be one of the main aspects, which slows down integration. She praises the practice of Estonia where in the relevant ministries there are units responsible for integration, as well as a special minister responsible for the matters concerning nationalities, and she suggests that also in Latvia the relevant ministries should be responsible for integration. R.Umblija says that the main task of the Foundation is to conduct systematic analysis of integration process. When asked about education reform, in particular about transfer of national minority secondary schools to studies in Latvian as the only instruction language in 2004, she replies that this issue is very politicised and only people working at schools and officials of the MoEducation should be the only ones who deal with that, she adds that she does not see any grounds that this transfer should be conducted already in 2004. Umblija partly agrees with the journalist that it is unfair and offensive for people who were born and have lived all their lives in Latvia to pay to the state in order to become its citizens. interviews Society Integration Foundation chairperson Ramona Umblija. The journalist starts interview with asking why the country lacks integration, which is built on respect from both parties the country and an individual. Umblija considers lack of experience in this field to be one of the main aspects, which slows down integration. She praises the practice of Estonia where in the relevant ministries there are units responsible for integration, as well as a special minister responsible for the matters concerning nationalities, and she suggests that also in Latvia the relevant ministries should be responsible for integration. R.Umblija says that the main task of the Foundation is to conduct systematic analysis of integration process. When asked about education reform, in particular about transfer of national minority secondary schools to studies in Latvian as the only instruction language in 2004, she replies that “this issue is very politicised and only people working at schools and officials of the MoEducation should be the only ones who deal with that,” she adds that she does not see any grounds that this transfer should be conducted already in 2004. Umblija partly agrees with the journalist that it is unfair and offensive for people who were born and have lived all their lives in Latvia to pay to the state in order to become its citizens.

Jan. 3, 2002

Press Report

Press Report

Russia's ORT public TV cannel broadcasted a special New Year's show on January 2 called Sixteen Presidents and a King, including Latvia's president Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The program was produced in unofficial style and included the sixteen country leaders telling of themselves, their favourite dishes, drinks, literature, music and free time, as well as New Year toasts to Russia, which Vike-Freiberga said in Russian. All papers praised her Russian skills which she demonstrated when wishing everyone a happy new year, peace and welfare.

Russia's ORT public TV cannel broadcasted a special New Year's show on January 2 called Sixteen Presidents and a King, including Latvia's president Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The program was produced in unofficial style and included the sixteen country leaders telling of themselves, their favourite dishes, drinks, literature, music and free time, as well as New Year toasts to Russia, which Vike-Freiberga said in Russian. All papers praised her Russian skills which she demonstrated when wishing everyone a happy new year, peace and welfare. Neatkariga, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja, Chas.

Lauku Avize interviews U.S. Ambassador to Latvia Brian Carlson. The main discussion issues are removal of language requirement for election candidates, the role of the Latvian language in the country, relations between Latvia and Russia considering Latvia’s membership to NATO. The ambassador, commenting on the language policy in Latvia, says that Latvia is lucky to have such president as Vike-Freiberga. He believes that the President sees Latvia’s interests in the long-term and is not interested in pandering to short-term political whims.

Lauku Avize interviews U.S. Ambassador to Latvia Brian Carlson. The main discussion issues are removal of language requirement for election candidates, the role of the Latvian language in the country, relations between Latvia and Russia considering Latvias membership to NATO. The ambassador, commenting on the language policy in Latvia, says that Latvia is lucky to have such president as Vike-Freiberga. He believes that the President sees Latvias interests in the long-term and is not interested in pandering to short-term political whims.

Lauku Avize

interviews Estonian MP Valve Kirsipu about removal of language requirement for election candidates in Estonia. She considers that the decision to remove language requirement was the wrong one because democracy in Estonia is new and not very stable, as well as now international community can demand also Latvia to abolish language requirement. Valve Kirsipu also talks about the EU Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities and suggests Latvia ratify the Convention. interviews Estonian MP Valve Kirsipu about removal of language requirement for election candidates in Estonia. She considers that the decision to remove language requirement was the wrong one because “democracy in Estonia is new and not very stable, as well as now international community can demand also Latvia to abolish language requirement”. Valve Kirsipu also talks about the EU Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities and suggests Latvia ratify the Convention.

Lauku Avize

continues to discuss the language issue in Latvia and talks with Latvian language teachers at minority schools from Latvias east district Karslava about the problems in bilingual education. In their opinion, neither students nor parents have any problems with that, the only problem in this field is insufficient resources. continues to discuss the language issue in Latvia and talks with Latvian language teachers at minority schools from Latvia’s east district Karslava about the problems in bilingual education. In their opinion, neither students nor parents have any problems with that, the only problem in this field is insufficient resources.

Latvijas Vestnesis

publishes the article by Society Integration Foundation Secretariat director Nils Sakss. He informs about the further activities of the Foundation, project application procedure and finances. publishes the article by Society Integration Foundation Secretariat director Nils Sakss. He informs about the further activities of the Foundation, project application procedure and finances.

Latvijas Vestnesis

publishes the printed version of Prime Minister A.Berzins interview for the National Radio. In the opinion of the Prime Minister, the country has made very positive achievements in both political and economical spheres. When asked to name one of unfulfilled tasks, the Prime Minister names the unaccepted Law on Anti-corruption Bureau. Regarding the performance of his party Latvias Way, A.Berzins says that this year for the party was stable. I think that the party is going through small changes and transformation, however, I do believe that everything is going to be OK." publishes the printed version of Prime Minister A.Berzins’ interview for the National Radio. In the opinion of the Prime Minister, the country has made very positive achievements in both political and economical spheres. When asked to name one of unfulfilled tasks, the Prime Minister names the unaccepted Law on Anti-corruption Bureau. Regarding the performance of his party “Latvia’s Way”, A.Berzins says that “this year for the party was stable. I think that the party is going through small changes and transformation, however, I do believe that everything is going to be OK."


interviews Great Britain professor William Bowring about the situation concerning discrimination of minorities in Latvia. He is positive about Presidents initiative to abolish language requirement for election candidates, however, he is rather sceptical whether the Latvian Parliament will take any further measures in this matter and, in his opinion, there are still some kilometres which Latvia should made together with the OSCE Mission." interviews Great Britain professor William Bowring about the situation concerning discrimination of minorities in Latvia. He is positive about President’s initiative to abolish language requirement for election candidates, however, he is rather sceptical whether the Latvian Parliament will take any further measures in this matter and, in his opinion, “there are still some kilometres which Latvia should made together with the OSCE Mission."

Dec. 29, 2001

Press Report

Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja: Ex Riga Mayor Argalis left FF/LNNK.

Neatkariga, Diena, Lauku Avize

when looking back to the biggest events of the last year rate the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia as one of Latvias greatest achievements. when looking back to the biggest events of the last year rate the closure of the OSCE Mission to Latvia as one of Latvia’s greatest achievements. In its turn,

In its turn, Chas rates Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign as the 8th most important event of the year.

Panorama Latvii

interviews attorney of Podkolzina and Zdanok at Human Rights Court in Strasbourg professor W.Bowring about the situation concerning the rights of national minorities in Latvia. interviews attorney of Podkolzina and Zdanok at Human Rights Court in Strasbourg professor W.Bowring about the situation concerning the rights of national minorities in Latvia.

Dec. 28, 2001

Press Report

Neatkarigas editorial on OSCE Mission to Latvia closing. Columnist Balode states that despite of the large number of non-citizens and the increasing number of those, who think that they do need neither the local language nor culture, it is evident that Latvia has done enough to close the OSCE Mission. International reaction on this event was different – the USA expressed its satisfaction, Russia – criticised it. In Washington they stressed that Missions activities were very important for the USA, and the mandate of the Mission to assist in strengthening Latvian authorities, to manage that these institutions would have certain skills and consider needs and requests of local population – had been fulfilled. Russian government was consequent in its policy stating that its task was to protect interests of Russian-speaking population in Latvia. Balode states that with closing the Mission Latvia has as if received an advance payment – there is still a problem with language norms in the election law. It is a home task that Latvia will still have to fulfil.

Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

: 27 December the Government adopted the EU Convention on Citizenship. The newspaper writes that the reservations, in particular regarding Article 6 of the Convention, introduced by the Latvian Government makes the Convention senseless. : 27 December the Government adopted the EU Convention on Citizenship. The newspaper writes that the reservations, in particular regarding Article 6 of the Convention, introduced by the Latvian Government makes the Convention “senseless”. This past December President Vaira Vike-Freiberga was again the most popular politician in Latvia. Saeima Chairman Janis Straume was the second most popular politician. The rating of soon-to-be party leader Einars Repse was 2.4 points up from November. According to the poll, Tatjana Zdanoka, co-chairwoman of the left-wing Equal Rights Party was the least popular again. Second from the bottom, Andris Skele, chairman of the People’s Party, but the third least popular - Alfreds Rubiks, the head of the Latvian Socialistic Party. The most popular party this month was again Repse’s to-be-established party leaving behind Social Democrats, People’s Party, Latvia’s Way, FF/LNNK and FHRUL.

This past December President Vaira Vike-Freiberga was again the most popular politician in Latvia. Saeima Chairman Janis Straume was the second most popular politician. The rating of soon-to-be party leader Einars Repse was 2.4 points up from November. According to the poll, Tatjana Zdanoka, co-chairwoman of the left-wing Equal Rights Party was the least popular again. Second from the bottom, Andris Skele, chairman of the Peoples Party, but the third least popular - Alfreds Rubiks, the head of the Latvian Socialistic Party. The most popular party this month was again Repses to-be-established party leaving behind Social Democrats, Peoples Party, Latvias Way, FF/LNNK and FHRUL.

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