maijs 9, 2014

  • Official commemoration event of the Defeat of Nazism and the End of the WWII held yesterday
  • Vesti Segodnya interviews the director of the Centre of Social Memory Research Vita Zelce about the attitude to the end of the WWII in Latvia
  • Russian Ambassador to Latvia Aleksandr Veshnyakov: Latvia overwrote for itself the history of the XX century
  • Saeima raised the minimum price of real estate necessary for third country nationals to receive the residence permit through easier procedure

Newspapers report about official commemoration event of the Defeat of Nazism and the End of the WWII held yesterday, on 8 May. The President of Latvia, high state officials, veterans of the Red Army, Latvian legionnaires, and young people took part in the event in Riga Brothers' Cemetery. Neatkariga, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the director of the Centre of Social Memory Research, academic Vita Zelce about the attitude to the end of the WWII and commemoration of it on 8 and 9 May. Accoding to V.Zelce, the end of the WWII today has the great meaning because it play important role in self-identification of Latvian residents – connected with those who fought on one or the other side, with fates of repressed by one or the other side. Large part of Latvian residents and their ancestors arrived to the country during Soviet era when Latvia as independent state was liquidated. In their system of values the WWII was the triumph of the Soviet Union, but in the perception of those residents who lived in Latvia before the war – liquidation of independent state was the greatest loss and the root of all following tragedies, says V.Zelce. She also notes that although the war ended nearly 70 years ago it is still "alive" because it is actively used in politics, in fight for influence on people’s minds, in pre-election campaigns, in order to discredit the opponent.

The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Aleksandr Veshnyakov in an interview with Vesti Segodnya stated that Latvia for itself overwrote the history of the XX century and wants to fix it legally inside the country and to bring it to international arena. Among such ideas the Ambassador mentioned equalising responsibility of Germany and the USSR for the outbreak of the war, assertion that there were no winners in the war, attempts to justify the Waffen SS legionnaires, and the whole concept about the Soviet occupation converted into indisputable dogma and “symbol of faith”. The Ambassador also stated that the attempts to denigrate the 9 May show that the Latvian governing elite does not see itself among the inheritors of the Victory and is afraid that it could be suspected of national betrayal and solidarity with Russia.

Yesterday, the Saeima supported in the final reading draft amendments to the Immigration Law stipulating to raise to EUR 250,000 the minimum value of real estate bought in Latvia which is necessary for receiving residence permit through special procedure. The new regulation will come into force on 1 September 2014. Currently, the minimum cost of a real estate in Riga and its region and the biggest Latvian cities allowing to receive residence permit is EUR 142 300 and in other Latvian regions is EUR 71 150. The initiator of such amendments was the nationalists’ union All for Latvia/FF-LNIM who wants to achieve total suspension of such regulation. Diena, Neatkariga

maijs 8, 2014

  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the speech therapist about possible effects of bilingual education
  • Saeima's Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee discussed the proposal to ban Russia's TV channels

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the speech therapist working in one of Latvian schools and author of a doctoral thesis “Indications and Contraindications for Bilingual Education of Children” based on own experience. The speech therapist believes that bilingual education for children with some speech defects or mental retardation can hinder their development and abilities, because a child who has problems with native language has even more problems studying in foreign language. Especially it could be harmful to kids who study only in foreign language.

Yesterday, the Saeima's Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee discussed the proposal to ban Russia's TV channels for distribution via cable operators in Latvia. Chairperson of the Committee Inara Murniece (nationalists’ union) stated that the proposal is a measure to oppose propaganda, while a representative of Ukrainian community supported the proposal, stating that "we are losing information war". Opposition MP Boriss Cilevics (Concord Centre) drew attention to the fact that the Senior Consultant of the Committee Rita Eva Naseniece who also acted as an expert at the meeting of the Committee regarding the proposal is the same person who signed the proposal. Mr. Cilevics referred to the Constitution of Latvia, which prohibits censorship, emphasised that people have the right themselves to seek and receive information and likened the proposal to the practices in North Korea and Turkmenistan. The Committee did not arrive to a definite conclusion regarding the proposal, but endorsed the idea of establishment of a single state-funded Russian-language TV channel for Baltic States. Vesti Segodnya

maijs 7, 2014

  • The Prime Minister advised the leadership of municipalities not to participate in Victory Day celebrations
  • Anonymous person threatens to blow himself on the celebration on 9 May in Riga
  • Riga City Council banned the Russian March planned to be held on 9 May in the centre of Riga
  • Government granted nearly EUR 700,000 to the Latvian Television for improvement of its content in Russian language
  • Latvijas Avize interviews a well known Latvian writer and publicist Marina Kostenecka
  • MP Vineta Porina proposes to grant the Ministry of Education the right to dismiss allegedly disloyal school directors
  • Un-known persons placed a sign “Judenfrei” on a fence of a kindergarten owned by a member of the nationalists’ union Imants Paradnieks

The Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma called upon the heads of local governments not to participate in 9 May celebrations arguing that this day is connected to the occupation of Latvia. Responding to the Prime Minister’s statement, the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs stated that he will take part in the ceremony of laying flowers on 9 May and advised Mrs Straujuma to delegate a representative of the government to address the people who will come to the Victory monument rather than pretend that tens of thousands of people who celebrate Victory Day do not exist. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

The Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs and editors of electronic and printed mass media received an anonymous letter from a person who warns that he will blow himself if the celebration of 9 May (Victory Day) will be arranged near the monument to the Soviet Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders. Following the threat, the Security Police recommended the state police to draw special attention to the security measures during the event. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

The Riga City Council banned the Russian March planned to be held by an organisation “” (Motherland – translation from Russian) on 9 May in the centre of Riga. According to the organisers, the march is planned in support of Russian language schools. Diena reports that the Security Police recommended the City Council to ban the event as there are risks of public disorders and provocation and no guarantees that the organisers of the event will be able to insure order. The newspaper also notes that a video on a web site of the organisation “” calling to take part in the Russian March says that “Russians are ancient local constituent people in Latvia”, “Russian language is Latvia’s language”, and “Russians do not surrender.”

Yesterday, the government granted EUR 682,399 to the Latvian Television (LTV) for improvement of its content in Russian language. According to the head of the National Council on Electronic Mass Media Ainars Dimants, the funding will be spent on production and broadcast of content in Russian language on channel LTV7, Latvian Radio Chanel 4 and internet portal of Latvian public media Vesti Segodnya, Diena

Latvijas Avize interviews a well known Latvian writer and publicist Marina Kostenecka about Russian speaking residents of Latvia in the context of current events in the world. M. Kostenecka believes that the majority of Latvian Russians do not sympathise radicals who want to split the society but they would trust those who are listening to their needs. She also believes that such step as granting Orthodox Christmas status of a bank holiday or writing medicaments prescriptions in Russian language would be a symbolic gesture towards Russian speaking residents and be more effective and much cheaper tool of integration than all the elaborated integration programs. M.Kostenecka also believes that Latvian Russians are not ready for Maidan in Latvia and do not want such chaos as in Ukraine. She stresses that  the politicians should abstain from provoking Russian speakers, for instance, they should stop raising issue of transition of education in ethnic minority schools into Latvian language as it is very sensitive issue and might provoke large protests.

Member of the Saeima’s Education, Culture and Science Committee Vineta Porina (nationalists’ union) proposes to grant the Ministry of Education the right to take final decision on dismissal of school directors in cases when director’s professionalism is doubtful. Presently such decision is the competence of local government. V.Porina alleges that there are municipalities in Latvia governed by pro-Russian parties which might not be interested to act if the school’s management is not loyal to Latvian state. Head of the Saeima’s Education, Culture and Science Committee Dana Reizniece-Ozola and the Minister of Education Ina Druviete do not support such proposal arguing that the Ministry already has wide enough rights.

Neatkariga and Vesti Segodnya reports that un-known persons placed a sign “Judenfrei” on a fence of a kindergarten owned by the MP and member of the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM Imants Paradnieks. Leader of the Union against Nazism Janis Kuzins complained to the police about such sign and distributed a photo where such sign is seen through the Internet. According to J. Kuzins, person who sent him this photo asserted that it was on the fence since 4 May. I.Paradnieks, in his turn, explained that such sign was put intentionally as a provocation.

maijs 6, 2014

  • Security Police: Latvia’s ethnic minorities do not follow Russia’s provocations
  • Speaker of the Saeima Solvita Aboltina: Latvia is a home for representatives of all ethnicities who respect and acknowledge state’s fundamental principles, know and respect Latvian language

According to the Security Police (SP), attempts of organisations supporting Russia’s so-called policy on compatriots to use Latvia’s ethnic minorities as a tool for implementation of Russia’s geopolitical interests were unsuccessful in Latvia so far. The SP stresses that such activities became more intense and purposeful during past recent years. The SP considers that the aim of the activities is to split Latvian society and promote alienation of ethnic minorities from Latvian state and it creates threats to the national security. Latvijas Avize

The Speaker of the Saeima Solvita Aboltina in a solemn speech on 4th May (the Day of the restoration of independence of Latvian state) said that Latvia is a home for representatives of all ethnicities residing in it who respect and acknowledge state’s fundamental principles, know and respect Latvian language, acknowledge geopolitical belonging to Europe and Western cultural space. Mrs Aboltina noted that there are a lot to accomplish in the integration field and that the status of state nation of ethnic Latvians demands to take care and responsibility over all residents who historically live in Latvia and feel attached to it. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya                                                                                                                                                                       

aprīlis 29, 2014

  • NRA article criticises government policy on asylum seekers and refugees

 Article published in NRA questions the rationale of granting benefits to the refugees in amount which by far exceeds guaranteed minimum income and is greater than an average pension, while child benefit for refugees exceeds that for local residents seven times. 

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