jūlijs 17, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Special Task Minister for Societal Integration meets Prata Speks
  • Article by the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration about the education reform
  • Igor Pimenov presents his opinion on the education reform in Moscow
  • Telegraf about the opinions of non-citizens about Latvias EU membership
Journalist of

Journalist of Lauku Avize reports that the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks did not agree on journalists presence at the meeting of the Integration Minister with representatives of the NGO Prata Speks. The Minister believes that his meetings with visitors are private. However, the information about the agenda of the meeting was revealed after the meeting took place. The NGO Prata Speks wants to receive the state funding to organize Latvian language courses. The Minister suggested to apply for the funding with the Society Integration Foundation that announced a project tender just recently. Lauku Avize

Chas prints an article by the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks about the education reform. The Minister believes the reform is in compliance with international standards, as well as with the goals of society integration in Latvia. He states that it is possible to strengthen the knowledge of Latvian and to preserve the languages of national minorities simultaneously. Nils Muiznieks states that it is the time to start the discussion between teachers and cultural activists about the content of education in minority languages.

The Head of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia Igor Pimenov presented his opinion about the education reform in Latvia at the conference about the Russian language in Moscow.

The Head of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia Igor Pimenov presented his opinion about the education reform in Latvia at the conference about the Russian language in Moscow. Chas

Telegraf reports on the research prepared by Baltic Institute of Social Sciences in which it has been concluded that non-citizens are more pessimistic about the Latvias EU membership than citizens are.

jūlijs 16, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service

of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studiesof the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies
  • Konstantin Zatulin: the governments in the Baltic States displace the Russian language
  • Vesti Segodnya
  • about seminars organised by the Society Integration Foundation
  • Oleg Shipcov about the education reform
  • Opinions of non-citizens about Latvias EU membership
  • Lauku Avize
  • comments on initiatives that invite Russian speakers to vote against Latvias EU membership
  • Non-Latvian pensioners against Latvias NATO membership
  • This year 3318 persons have received Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. Chas
  • Social linguist Gatis Dilans features an article about assimilation
  • Chas: only mass media may improve the dialogue between the two communities in Latvia
  • Interview with the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee, FF/LNNK MP Inese Vaidere
  • Integration Minister comments on the article by Aleksey Dmitrov

Vesti Segodnya

presents the opinion of the Konstantin Zatulin, the director of the Institute of NVS, about the Russian language presented in the conference in Moscow. He believes that the governments in the Baltic States displace Russian language from state and business sphere; therefore the rights of Russian citizens living in these countries who doesnt speak the official language are restricted. Vladimir Buzaev, the member of the Saeimas Commission of Human Rights and Social Affairs agrees with this opinion saying that the Russian language in Latvia has the status of a foreign language regardless the fact that Russian is the most common language in Latvia. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane reminded that there is only one official language in Latvia and that the government has done a lot for those who want to learn Latvian. The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks considers that the decrease of the usage of the Russian language is a normal process, however it will not disappear. presents the opinion of the Konstantin Zatulin, the director of the Institute of NVS, about the Russian language presented in the conference in Moscow. He believes that the governments in the Baltic States displace Russian language from state and business sphere; therefore the rights of Russian citizens living in these countries who doesn’t speak the official language are restricted. Vladimir Buzaev, the member of the Saeima’s Commission of Human Rights and Social Affairs agrees with this opinion saying that the Russian language in Latvia has the status of a foreign language regardless the fact that Russian is the most common language in Latvia. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane reminded that there is only one official language in Latvia and that the government has done a lot for those who want to learn Latvian. The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks considers that the decrease of the usage of the Russian language is a normal process, however it will not disappear.

Vesti Segodnya

features an article about the seminars organised by the Society Integration Foundation on how to apply for the EU funding for projects. The Director of the Society Integration Foundation explained that project applications aimed at providing Latvian language courses for individuals will not be accepted by the Foundation. The NGO Prata Speks announced that the Society Integration Foundation is not interested to provide funding for Latvian language courses, therefore they intend to ask the assistance of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration. features an article about the seminars organised by the Society Integration Foundation on how to apply for the EU funding for projects. The Director of the Society Integration Foundation explained that project applications aimed at providing Latvian language courses for individuals will not be accepted by the Foundation. The NGO “Prata Speks” announced that the Society Integration Foundation is not interested to provide funding for Latvian language courses, therefore they intend to ask the assistance of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration.

Vesti Segodnya

features an article by Oleg Shipcov, professor, member of the Riga City Council about the education reform. features an article by Oleg Shipcov, professor, member of the Riga City Council about the education reform. The Baltic Institute of Social Sciences conducted a focus group research about the opinion of inhabitants regarding the Latvia’s EU membership. According to the research non-citizens believe that the government already has made the decision and is not interested in people’s opinion. Non -citizens think that after Latvia’s accession to the EU prices will increase, but salaries and pensions will reduce. There is a concern among non-citizens that Latvia will have to send troops to the military areas and that the number of immigrants will increase. Non-citizens in Daugavpils fear that Latvia could become the place of chemical wastage for Europe and that there will be military stations and armament. As for positive aspects non-citizens mention the possible development of information technologies and production (manufacturing). The director of the Institute Brigita Zepa states that citizens are more informed about the EU than non-citizens are.

The Baltic Institute of Social Sciences conducted a focus group research about the opinion of inhabitants regarding the Latvias EU membership. According to the research non-citizens believe that the government already has made the decision and is not interested in peoples opinion. Non -citizens think that after Latvias accession to the EU prices will increase, but salaries and pensions will reduce. There is a concern among non-citizens that Latvia will have to send troops to the military areas and that the number of immigrants will increase. Non-citizens in Daugavpils fear that Latvia could become the place of chemical wastage for Europe and that there will be military stations and armament. As for positive aspects non-citizens mention the possible development of information technologies and production (manufacturing). The director of the Institute Brigita Zepa states that citizens are more informed about the EU than non-citizens are. Neatkariga

Lauku Avize

comments that some organisations in Latvia purposely dispose Russian speakers to vote against Latvias EU membership. comments that some organisations in Latvia purposely dispose Russian speakers to vote against Latvia’s EU membership. According to the survey conducted by the company “Latvijas fakti” two thirds of Latvia’s inhabitants support Latvia’s NATO membership, greatest part of population that are against are non-Latvian pensioners in Riga and Daugavpils.

According to the survey conducted by the company Latvijas fakti two thirds of Latvias inhabitants support Latvias NATO membership, greatest part of population that are against are non-Latvian pensioners in Riga and Daugavpils. Lauku Avize

This year 3318 persons have received Latvian citizenship through naturalisation.

Chas Social linguist Gatis Dilans features an article about assimilation. Both – defenders of Russian rights and officials use this term in a negative sense. Gatis Dilans interprets the term in the same sense as Latvian officials – assimilation means Latvisation and it does not mean that a person loses his/her native language.

Social linguist Gatis Dilans features an article about assimilation. Both – defenders of Russian rights and officials use this term in a negative sense. Gatis Dilans interprets the term in the same sense as Latvian officials – assimilation means Latvisation and it does not mean that a person loses his/her native language. Chas


columnist Leonid Fedoseyev states that there is no dialogue between the Russian and Latvian communities in Latvia. Only the means of mass media and exert of all society on politicians can change the situation, as at the moment those politicians, for instance, FF/LNNK, are dealing with integration issues that are not interested to solve them. He calls on people to discuss integration issues in newspapers and other means of mass media. columnist Leonid Fedoseyev states that there is no dialogue between the Russian and Latvian communities in Latvia. Only the means of mass media and exert of all society on politicians can change the situation, as at the moment those politicians, for instance, FF/LNNK, are dealing with integration issues that are not interested to solve them. He calls on people to discuss integration issues in newspapers and other means of mass media.

Vechernaya Riga

interviews the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee, FF/LNNK MP Inese Vaidere. She states that it is very important for her that the Latvian language is heard in Latvia, while cultures of another nationalities are preserved and that all minorities feel comfortable in Latvia. Regarding the status of non-citizens in the EU, Vaidere announces the stance of Latvia: non-citizens shall not receive more rights than Latvian citizens will. interviews the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee, FF/LNNK MP Inese Vaidere. She states that it is very important for her that the Latvian language is heard in Latvia, while cultures of another nationalities are preserved and that all minorities feel comfortable in Latvia. Regarding the status of non-citizens in the EU, Vaidere announces the stance of Latvia: non-citizens shall not receive more rights than Latvian citizens will. The public policy portal

The public policy portal www.politika.lv prints comments of the Special Task Minister for Social Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks on the article of Aleksey Dmitrov about the activity plan developed by the Integration Minister. Nils Muiznieks agrees that at the first impression the activity plan of the Secretariat may seem general, however, there are specific tasks which are not included in this plan, for instance, various co-operation projects with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, work with minority youth and children.
The article in Latvian is available here.

jūlijs 15, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Delegation of the European Commission in Latvia: the education policy is in the scope of national legislation
  • The opponents of the education reform are preparing different protests activities
Last week the opponents of the education reform issued a statement saying that if the EU does not support protests against the reform they would call on people to vote against Latvia’s EU membership. Members of the Delegation of the European Commission in Latvia replied that education policy is in the scope of national legislation. However they underlined the issues mentioned in the last progress report: the need for further steps to continue the development of education reform, particularly, training of bilingual teachers, the necessity for flexible transition period and the higher involvement of national minorities in the decision making process. The opponents of the education reform hope that the EU will continue the follow-up of the recommendations.

Last week the opponents of the education reform issued a statement saying that if the EU does not support protests against the reform they would call on people to vote against Latvias EU membership. Members of the Delegation of the European Commission in Latvia replied that education policy is in the scope of national legislation. However they underlined the issues mentioned in the last progress report: the need for further steps to continue the development of education reform, particularly, training of bilingual teachers, the necessity for flexible transition period and the higher involvement of national minorities in the decision making process. The opponents of the education reform hope that the EU will continue the follow-up of the recommendations. Vesti Segodnya, Lauku Avize, Telegraf

Lauku Avize reports that the opponents of the education reform are preparing different protests activities: agitation in streets will start in August 15, there will be rock concert in August 30, and in September 10 during the activity Empty schools children will not go to schools. The Education Minister Karlis Sadurskis believes that directors of the schools are responsible for the quality of education and they have to discuss these issues with parents. The Minister is not planning to fight with opponents.

jūlijs 14, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Latvia will receive 1,3 million Lats from the EU for ethnic and social integration
  • Lidztiesiba
  • will continue to participate in activities against the education reform
  • Plans to establish information centre on the culture of national minorities
  • Latvian Social Democratic Workers Partys intends to increase cooperation with Peoples Harmony Party and Latvian Democratic Party
  • The widow of the Roma man in the policemen-case receives telephone threats


reports that Society Integration Foundation organised a seminar in Rezekne on how to apply for the EU funding for projects. This year Latvia will receive 1,3 million Lats from EU for ethnic and social integration. The funding is divided in two categories: the development of civic society (520 000 lats) and the promotion of society integration (837 000 lats). reports that Society Integration Foundation organised a seminar in Rezekne on how to apply for the EU funding for projects. This year Latvia will receive 1,3 million Lats from EU for ethnic and social integration. The funding is divided in two categories: the development of civic society (520 000 lats) and the promotion of society integration (837 000 lats). Political party

Political party Lidztiesiba is not planning any activities regarding the referendum on Latvias accession to the EU, nevertheless leader of this party Tatjana Zdanoka informed that party will continue to participate in minority school activities against the education reform. Diena


informs that from 1 January 2004 the Secretariat of Special Task Minister for Social Integration Affairs is planning to establish an information centre on the culture of national minorities. The centre will be responsible for finding and distributing funding for the national minority NGOs. According to the Secretariat five employees and 90 000 Lats will be necessary to establish the centre. informs that from 1 January 2004 the Secretariat of Special Task Minister for Social Integration Affairs is planning to establish an information centre on the culture of national minorities. The centre will be responsible for finding and distributing funding for the national minority NGOs. According to the Secretariat five employees and 90 000 Lats will be necessary to establish the centre. Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party’s director general Janis Dinevics informed that the party intends to cooperate more closely with the People’s Harmony Party and the Latvian Democratic Party. All three parties are planning to sign a memorandum asking to defer the education reform to 2007 as it is in Estonia, to provide the opportunities to acquire education not only in the state language and to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Partys director general Janis Dinevics informed that the party intends to cooperate more closely with the Peoples Harmony Party and the Latvian Democratic Party. All three parties are planning to sign a memorandum asking to defer the education reform to 2007 as it is in Estonia, to provide the opportunities to acquire education not only in the state language and to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Rigas Balss

Vechernaya Riga

and and ChasChas reports that the widow of the Roma man of the so-called policemen case (4 policemen beat a Roma man who later died) has been receiving anonymous threatening telephone calls after the ruling freeing the policemen, therefore in the appeal she is asking not only for punishment of the responsible policemen but also to find the individuals who are menacing her. reports that the widow of the Roma man of the so-called policemen case (4 policemen beat a Roma man who later died) has been receiving anonymous threatening telephone calls after the ruling freeing the policemen, therefore in the appeal she is asking not only for punishment of the responsible policemen but also to find the individuals who are menacing her.

jūlijs 12, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Transition to professional army could promote naturalisation
  • NGO Prata Speks continues providing Latvian language courses
  • Head of the Union of the Latvian Citizens and Non-Citizens Vladimir Sokolov about education reform
The decision to introduce a professional army could increase naturalisation among young men, agree both Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks and Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane. There are more than 63,000 male non-citizens younger than 27. Many of them do not apply for citizenship because of obligatory military service for citizens.

The decision to introduce a professional army could increase naturalisation among young men, agree both Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks and Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane. There are more than 63,000 male non-citizens younger than 27. Many of them do not apply for citizenship because of obligatory military service for citizens. Telegraf, 11.07.2003.


reports that the NGO Prata Speks continues providing Latvian language courses free of charge. About 1,000 people are on the NGOs waitlist.

Vesti Segodnya

prints the opinion of the Head of the Union of the Latvian Citizens and Non-Citizens Vladimir Sokolov regarding the education reform. He believes that the best solution would be if the government and the Headquarter of opponents against the education reform agree on the following comprimise: 50% of classes are taught in Latvian and these classes would include Latvian language and literature, English and 50% of classes are taught in other languages.
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