jūlijs 23, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Critical comments about activities of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration
  • Lauku Avize: the Embassy of Russia organised propaganda
  • Integration Foundation announced two new project competitions
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on the possibility to adopt resolution urging to ratify the FCNM
  • The leader of Solidarity reported on the education reform in the youth congress held in Moscow
  • The Union for Human Rights in United Latvia is not allowed to continue its activities

Neatkarigas columnist Voldemars Hermanis presents critical comments on activities of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration. The author discusses the conflict situation between the Minister and the chairperson of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies (LANCS) Rafi Haradzajans.

Lauku Avizes columnist Maris Antonevics believes that the Embassy of Russia organised a propaganda regarding the reply of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to the letter of a nine years old boy from Latvia who in his letter asked for the Russian Presidents help concerning the education reform in Latvia.

The Integration Foundation announced two new project competitions: one concerning provision of the Latvian language training for adults (the amount of funding LVL 125 000) and the other about organisation of information campaigns on the education reform (the amount of funding LVL 30 000).

The Integration Foundation announced two new project competitions: one concerning provision of the Latvian language training for adults (the amount of funding LVL 125 000) and the other about organisation of information campaigns on the education reform (the amount of funding LVL 30 000). Lauku Avize, Chas, Diena

Vesti Sevodnya reports that in the nearest future the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe may adopt the resolution asking all countries of the Council of Europe to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

The leader of the youth movement

The leader of the youth movement Solidarity Ivan Stalnoy reported to the participants of the youth congress held in Moscow about the education reform in Latvia. Ivan Stalnoy said to the newspaper Vesti Sevondya that after his arrival back to Latvia he was summoned to the Security Police. He believes that the Security Police follows his activities because nationalist politicians do not like that so many people support his position regarding the education reform. Vesti Sevondya

The Register of Enterprises reports that according to the law a union of political parties could not exist if there is only one party, therefore the Union for Human Rights in United Latvia is not allowed to continue its activities, because the Latvian Socialistic party and People’s solidarity party left the Union and now it consists of only one political party Solidarity.

The Register of Enterprises reports that according to the law a union of political parties could not exist if there is only one party, therefore the Union for Human Rights in United Latvia is not allowed to continue its activities, because the Latvian Socialistic party and Peoples solidarity party left the Union and now it consists of only one political party Solidarity. Diena

jūlijs 22, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service

of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studiesof the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies
  • Nine years old boy from Riga received a reply from the President of Russia
  • Chas continues discussion about the education reform
  • Comments on the conference held in Moscow about the role of Russian language
  • Article about Tatjana Favorska, the activist of the organisation for the protection of Russian schools
Nine years old boy from Riga received a reply from the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to his letter asking for help to receive the education in Russian. The Russian Ambassador informed that Vladimir Putin is concerned about the problems of Russian speakers regarding the education reform.

Nine years old boy from Riga received a reply from the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to his letter asking for help to receive the education in Russian. The Russian Ambassador informed that Vladimir Putin is concerned about the problems of Russian speakers regarding the education reform. Vechernaja Riga, Chas, Vesti Sevodnya, Telegraf

Chas features an article about the education reform by Yuri Petropavlovski, the member of the organisation for the protection of Russian schools. The author fears the possibility of interethnic conflict in Latvia.

Chas features an article about the education reform by Yuri Petropavlovski, the member of the organisation for the protection of Russian schools. The author fears the possibility of interethnic conflict in Latvia.

Lauku Avize

comments that during the conference on the role of Russian language held in Moscow untruthful information was presented on the education reform in Latvia. comments that during the conference on the role of Russian language held in Moscow untruthful information was presented on the education reform in Latvia.

Lauku Avize

features an article about Tatjana Favorska, the activist of the organisation for the protection of Russian schools. She fears that education reform in Latvia will encourage the assimilation of Russian speakers. features an article about Tatjana Favorska, the activist of the organisation for the protection of Russian schools. She fears that education reform in Latvia will encourage the assimilation of Russian speakers.

jūlijs 21, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service

of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studiesof the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies
  • Information about the results of the project competition organised by the Society Integration Foundation
  • Genadij Kotov comments on the conference held in Moscow about the role of Russian language
  • Vesti Sevodnya
  • and Telegraf continue the discussion about the education reform


reports about the results of the project competition for the state budget funding for integration organised by the Society Integration Foundation. In total 70 projects with funding of approximately 244 000 Lats where approved. The biggest number of submitted projects where in two programmes: the support for minority education, language and culture and the support for NGOs in the activities of ethnic integration. reports about the results of the project competition for the state budget funding for integration organised by the Society Integration Foundation. In total 70 projects with funding of approximately 244 000 Lats where approved. The biggest number of submitted projects where in two programmes: the support for minority education, language and culture and the support for NGO’s in the activities of ethnic integration.

Vesti Sevodnya

prints comments of Genadij Kotov, the member of the Riga City Council, on the conference held in Moscow about the role of the Russian language. prints comments of Genadij Kotov, the member of the Riga City Council, on the conference held in Moscow about the role of the Russian language.

Vesti Sevodnya

andand Telegraf Telegraf feature an article by Igor Pimenov, the Head of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia. He stresses that his organisation is not planning to change the position regarding the education reform.feature an article by Igor Pimenov, the Head of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia. He stresses that his organisation is not planning to change the position regarding the education reform.

jūlijs 19, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service

of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studiesof the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies
  • Latvia submitted a note to the Russian Embassy in Latvia
  • The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration is planning to visit Latvian settlement near Omsk
  • Chas
  • continues discussion about the education reform
  • Chas features interview with Konstantin Zatulin
  • Aivars Garda organised a picket against Israel in the Dome Square
  • Lauku Avizecomments on the article by Nils Muiznieks
  • Lauku Avize commentary about the NGO Prata speks activities
  • Newspapers on the article by the leader of a Latvian nationalistic organisation
The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted a note to the Russian Embassy in Latvia asking Russia to provide information about the possible civil rebellion in the nearest future caused by the education reform, or to disclaim immediately unproved statements announced by a Russian diplomat during the meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers.

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted a note to the Russian Embassy in Latvia asking Russia to provide information about the possible civil rebellion in the nearest future caused by the education reform, or to disclaim immediately unproved statements announced by a Russian diplomat during the meeting of the Council of Europes Committee of Ministers. Diena, Lauku Avize

Chas informs that in the beginning of August the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks is planning to visit Latvian settlement near Omsk in Russia and to discuss problems of repatriation with Russian officials.

Chas informs that in the beginning of August the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks is planning to visit Latvian settlement near Omsk in Russia and to discuss problems of repatriation with Russian officials.


continues the discussion about the education reform with an article by Igor Pimenov, the Head of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia. continues the discussion about the education reform with an article by Igor Pimenov, the Head of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia.


features a short interview with one of the participants of the conference held in Moscow about the role of Russian language, Konstantin Zatulin, the director of the Institute of CIS and the advisor to the Mayor of Moscow Yurij Luzkov. He believes that education policy in Baltic States discriminates against Russian speakers. features a short interview with one of the participants of the conference held in Moscow about the role of Russian language, Konstantin Zatulin, the director of the Institute of CIS and the advisor to the Mayor of Moscow Yurij Luzkov. He believes that education policy in Baltic States discriminates against Russian speakers. The activists of the nationalistic organisation National Front of Latvia led by notorious Aivars Garda organised a picket in the Dome Square protesting against Israeli Ambassador complaint about the publications of the nationalistic newspaper DDD.

The activists of the nationalistic organisation National Front of Latvia led by notorious Aivars Garda organised a picket in the Dome Square protesting against Israeli Ambassador complaint about the publications of the nationalistic newspaper DDD. Chas, Vesti Sevodnya

Lauku Avize

comments on the article by Nils Muiznieks in the Russian newspaper comments on the article by Nils Muiznieks in the Russian newspaper ChasChas regarding the education reform. The newspaper is pleased that the Minister clearly stated the official position of Latvian government. However, the Minister is been criticised because of the fact that an opponent of the education reform Igor Pimenov is the member of the Advisory council of the Integration led by Nils Muiznieks. regarding the education reform. The newspaper is pleased that the Minister clearly stated the official position of Latvian government. However, the Minister is been criticised because of the fact that an opponent of the education reform Igor Pimenov is the member of the Advisory council of the Integration led by Nils Muiznieks. Journalist of

Journalist of Lauku Avize Maris Antonevics comments on NGO Prata speks activities organising Latvian language courses. He believes that the knowledge of Latvian doesnt guarantee the loyalty. The journalist considers that non-citizens will learn Latvian in order to naturalise and then vote for the political parties who will represent their interests. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

and and Vesti SevodnyaVesti Sevodnya reports about the article Homeland – Russian Latvia published in the internet portal reports about the article “Homeland – Russian Latvia” published in the internet portal DelfiDelfi by the leader of a Latvian nationalistic organisation Raivis Dzintars. In his article the author discusses several problems: whether the integration programme corresponds with reality; is it necessary to hasten the process of integration. He considers that Latvians have to be more active in support of the nationalistic ideas. by the leader of a Latvian nationalistic organisation Raivis Dzintars. In his article the author discusses several problems: whether the integration programme corresponds with reality; is it necessary to hasten the process of integration. He considers that Latvians have to be more active in support of the nationalistic ideas.

jūlijs 18, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Russian diplomat announced that the education reform could cause civil rebellion
  • Neatkariga: it is not necessary to know the opinion of non-citizens about the EU
  • Comments on the Romano Prodis announcement regarding non-visa regime with Russia
  • Survey data shows that Orthodox is the biggest confession in Latvia
  • Article by Yakov Briskin about the definition of national minorities

Diena reports that during the meeting of the Council of Europes Committee of Ministers a Russian diplomat announced that the situation in Latvia concerning the education reform is very critical and there is a possibility that it could cause civil rebellion. In reply to this announcement the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will submit a note to the Russian Embassy in Latvia. Neatkariga, Telegraf, Vesti Sevodnya, Chas

Neatkarigas columnist Viktors Avotins presents critical comments on the research prepared by Baltic Institute of Social Sciences about the opinion of inhabitants regarding the Latvias EU membership. He considers that it was not necessary to integrate the opinion of non-citizens in the research, because they will not be able to participate in the referendum.

Telegraf reports that the President of European Commission Romano Prodi announced that the visa regime between the EU and Russia could be removed within five-year period. The Press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented that before the removal of visa regime Russia have to adjust immigration policy and sign several treaties with neighbouring countries including Latvia. The head of the Saeimas Foreign Affairs committee Inese Vaidere believes that it will take more than five years to introduce non-visa regime with Russia.

Vesti Sevodnya comments that according to the survey developed by the company SKDS Orthodox is the biggest confession in Latvia (25,1%). The newspaper concludes that it is inadmissible that Orthodox Christmas and Easter are not national holidays in Latvia.

Vesti Sevodnya features an article by Yakov Briskin about the definition of national minorities. According to the journalist the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks stated that Russian speakers are not to be considered a national minority, therefore journalist believes that the ratification of Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities will not improve the situation of Russian speakers.

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