jūlijs 30, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Union for Human Rights in United Latvia is not allowed to continue its activities
  • Chas: the next year budget of the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration was reduced
  • Teachers of Russian language and literature from Latvia go on a study visit to Russia

Rigas Balss reports that the Union for Human Rights in United Latvia is not allowed to continue its activities because now it consists of only one political party – Solidarity. The newspaper points out that in the case of liquidation of the Union the political party Solidarity will not be able to use the Russian abbreviation of the Unions name which has a very strong political value among Russian-speaking voters. Some sociologists believe that now the strongest among former members of the Union is the Peoples solidarity party led by Janis Jurkans, but the situation could change if one of the political parties will use the former abbreviation of the Union.

Chas reports that the budget of the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration for the next year will be 2,8 million LVL. The budget was reduced for the amount of 35 000 LVL.

Chas provides information about the study visit of the teachers of Russian language and literature from Latvia to Moscow and St.Peterburg. Last year 156 people participated in the same training programme, which is funded by the Russian government.

jūlijs 29, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration will have to cut its budget
  • Party Ratings
  • Igor Pimenov will continue to work as a member of the Advisory Council of Integration
  • The Association for the Support for Russians Schools is preparing protest activities
  • Interview with the President of the Cultural Association of Latvian Roma Normunds Rudevics
  • Lauku Avize comments on Boris Tsilevichs statements

Diena reports that according to the decision to reduce the state budget for the next year the budget the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration have to cut its budget by 30,000 LVL. The Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks informed that the amount of expenses to reduce is small, because the total budget of the Secretariat is only 2,9 million LVL. He explained that the budget consists of three categories: Society Integration Foundation, grants for minority organisations and the Secretariat. Nils Muiznieks is not intending to reduce the co-funding part of the EU funding for the Society Integration Foundations projects, because in that case the financial memorandums will have to be changed. The Minister announced that he is not willing to analyse the budgets of other ministries because his main interest is to consolidate the Secretariat.

According to an opinion poll conducted by the company Latvian Facts the support by voters for the People’s Harmony Party increased from 4% in June to 6% in July, but voters’ support for the Union for Human Rights in United Latvia has decreasing from 10,2% to 8,1%. The popularity of the FF/LNNK decreased from 7% in June to 4,5% in July. First three most popular political parties in July were New Era (19,5%), People’s Party (10,4%) and Union of Greens and Farmers (8,2%).

According to an opinion poll conducted by the company Latvian Facts the support by voters for the Peoples Harmony Party increased from 4% in June to 6% in July, but voters support for the Union for Human Rights in United Latvia has decreasing from 10,2% to 8,1%. The popularity of the FF/LNNK decreased from 7% in June to 4,5% in July. First three most popular political parties in July were New Era (19,5%), Peoples Party (10,4%) and Union of Greens and Farmers (8,2%). Diena, Telegraf

Lauku Avizes journalist asked the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration whether he will keep Igor Pimenov, the Head of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools, as one of the members the Advisory Council of Integration. The press secretary of the Special Task Minister replied that it is necessary to have people with different opinions represented in the Advisory Council and that Igor Pimenov is also a member of the Minority Education Council organised by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Telegraf reports that the Association for the Support for Russians Schools prepared a questionnaire for parents willing to support the protest activity Empty Schools. The Association explained that information obtained from parents is necessary to report about the results of the protest campaign.

Rigas Balss features an interview with Normunds Rudevics, the President of the Cultural Association of Latvian Roma. He reports about the activities of the Association – cooperation with international organisations, establishment of twelve regional centres, exhibitions and cultural events. Rudevics informs about his plans to organise Roma congress in August. He considers that in Latvian it is necessary to use the term Roma instead of Latvian word Chigans.

Lauku Avize comments that Boris Tsilevichs statements published in Chas amount to asking Russians speakers for revolt.

jūlijs 28, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Critical comments about article on Russian-language schools by Yuri Petropavlovski
  • Russian media uphold the belief that Russian-speakers are discriminated against
  • Chas continues the discussion about the FCNM and the education reform

Lauku Avize columnist Maris Caklais criticizes fears of assimilation expressed in an article previously published in the newspaper Chas by Yuri Petropavlovski, member of the Association for the Support for Russian Schools in Latvia. Lauku Avize 26.07.

Neatkariga reports about a survey on the reputation of Baltic States in Russia prepared by the Russian public relations company R.I.M. Porter Novelli. According to the survey data Russian media believe that Russian-speakers living in the Baltic States are being discriminated against.

Chas features an interview with Boris Tsilevich about the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the education reform.

jūlijs 25, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Neatkarigas supplement Integration about the Liv and German minority groups
  • Article by philologist Juris Cibuls about the importance of the mother tongue in the process of education
  • Interview with Igor Pimenov about the conference about the Russian language

Neatkarigas supplement Integration features an article about the traditions and culture of the Liv and German minority groups living in Latvia. The newspaper informs that national programme Livs in Latvia will be administrated by the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration.

Diena features an article by philologist Juris Cibuls about the importance of the mother tongue in the process of education. The author believes that education in minority languages is not an obstacle to learn state language.

Chas prints an interview with Igor Pimenov, the Head of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia about the conference on the Russian language held in Moscow.

jūlijs 24, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Interview with the Member of the European Parliament about the rights of minorities
  • Protest activities against the education reform will continue
  • Interview with the director general of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party Janis Dinevics
  • Article by Valery Ageshin about the status of non-citizens in the EU
  • Opinions of the Saeimas political parties about the ratification of the FCNM

Vesti Sevodnya features an interview with Io Lainen, the Member of the European Parliament from German Social Democratic party. He explained that the European Union will help to protect the rights of national minorities living in Latvia.

The Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia is planning to continue the protest activities in September. The Association will criticise the adopted language proportion 60:40 of the education in minority language. Chas

The Association for the Support for Russians Schools in Latvia is planning to continue the protest activities in September. The Association will criticise the adopted language proportion 60:40 of the education in minority language. Chas

Chas features an interview with the director general of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party Janis Dinevics. He discusses the possible union with the Peoples Harmony Party and the Latvian Democratic Party.

Chas prints an article by Valery Ageshin about the status of the non-citizens when Latvia will join the EU. He explains that non-citizens will not acquire the status of the EU citizens. Ageshin believes that it is necessary to give the non-citizens the right to participate in the referendum and the municipal elections.

Lauku Avize prints the opinions of the Saeimas political parties about the ratification of the Framework Convention for the protection of National Minorities. Ina Druviete, the Head of the Saeimas Human Rights Committee believes that the ratification of the Convention is possible only after the preparation of the necessary reservations. Oskars Kastens, MP of the Latvian First Party informed that the coalition is not discussing the ratification of the Convention. He considers that it is necessary to elaborate the reservation regarding the names of streets. Maris Grinblats, MP of the FF/LNNK believes that the minority rights are respected in Latvia and the ratification of the Convention is no necessary. Augusts Brigmanis, MP of the Union of Greens and Farmers, considers that the coalition will discus the ratification of the Convention. Aigars Kalvitis, MP of the Peoples Party, informed that discussions about the ratification of the Convention have to start only after Latvia will join the EU and NATO. Andrejs Klementjevs, MP of the Peoples Harmony Party considers that the ratification of the Convention will improve Latvias relations with Russia and solve the problems regarding the education reform, because the Convention requires to continue the state funding for the minority schools.

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