Aug. 6, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Association for the Support for Russians Schools: not against Latvias EU membership
  • Delegation of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration continue visit in Russia
  • Vesti Segodnya: critical comments about the article by Visvaldis Lacis
  • Interview with one of the leaders of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools
  • Lauku Avize about the protest acitivities against the education reform
The Association for the Support for Russians Schools informed that during the protest activities against the education reform people will not be invited to vote against the Latvia’s EU membership.

The Association for the Support for Russians Schools informed that during the protest activities against the education reform people will not be invited to vote against the Latvias EU membership. Chas

Chas and Telegraf report on the visit of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration in the city of Tara one of the Latvian settlements in Russia.

Vesti Segodnya features critical comments about the article by Visvaldis Lacis in the newspaper Neatkariga.

Vesti Segonya prints an interview with one of the leaders of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools Viktor Gluhov. He informs about different forms or protest activities against the education reform that will take place.

Lauku Avize features critical comments by journalist Maris Caklais about the protest acitivities against the education. He believes that the protest activities should not take place near the monument of Latvian poet Rainis.

Aug. 5, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Article by Visvaldis Lacis about the minority issues
  • Plans to merge several branches of the Naturalisation Board
  • Article by political scientist Ivars Indans about the song contest New Wave and the integration
  • Audit results for the programme Liv coast
  • Chas reports about the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration visit in Moscow
  • Lauku Avize prints critical comments on the statements of the Russian Ambassador

Neatkariga features an article by Visvaldis Lacis about the EU member states attitude towards the minority issues in Latvia. The author believes that Latvian government should not follow international recommendations in order not to create two-community society in Latvia.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane informed about the plans to merge several branches of the Naturalisation Board in order to cut the budget by 44 000 LVL. Eizenija Aldermane believes that the budget will be reduced even further because of the compensations due to the dismissed employees. The Naturalisation Board is under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice, which have to reduce the next year’s budget by 1,308 million LVL.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane informed about the plans to merge several branches of the Naturalisation Board in order to cut the budget by 44 000 LVL. Eizenija Aldermane believes that the budget will be reduced even further because of the compensations due to the dismissed employees. The Naturalisation Board is under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice, which have to reduce the next years budget by 1,308 million LVL. Neatkariga

Diena features an article by political scientist Ivars Indans about the image of Latvia within the context of the Eurovision song contest and the song contest New Wave organised by the Russian Television in Jurmala. The author believes that transmission of the song contest New Wave on the second channel of Latvian Television is not encouraging the integration.

Diena reports about the audit results for the programme Liv coast. According to the audit, two thirds of the budget were used for the salaries of 13 employees, but the responsibilities of these people are not clear, and this year programme activities are not implemented. The director of the programme Edgars Silis resigned as from the 1st of August. The Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration informed that next year budget for the programme (33 000 LVL) will not be changed, but new administration methods will be considered.

Chas reports on the meeting of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration with the deputy of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Eleonora Mitrofanova, the director of European division of the Ministry Alexandre Udalcov (former Ambassador of Russia to Latvia), and the government official dealing with the human rights issues, Oleg Mitrofanov. During these meetings, the problems of the Russian-speakers in Latvia were discussed. Chas, Vesti Segonya

Lauku Avize prints critical comments on the statements of the Russian Ambassador Igor Studennikov about the education reform and the discrimination of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia.

Aug. 4, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Comments on the suggestion to abolish the post of Special Task Minister for Societal Integration
  • Unknown political party will join the Union for Human Rights in United Latvia

Vesti Segonya presents comments on the suggestion of the Union of Greens and Farmers to abolish the position of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration. Aleksandrs Brandavs, the advisor to the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, believes that the liquidation of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration will have negative reaction from the EU.

Tatjana Zdanoka, the leader of the political party Solidarity, informed that a political party will join the Union for Human Rights in United Latvia and that the Union will not be liquidated. The name of the party is not announced yet.

Tatjana Zdanoka, the leader of the political party Solidarity, informed that a political party will join the Union for Human Rights in United Latvia and that the Union will not be liquidated. The name of the party is not announced yet. Rigas Balss

Aug. 2, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Russia has not replied to the note submitted by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Member of the European Parliament from the Greece Communist party visited Latvia
  • Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks launched his visit in Russia
The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not received a response from Russia regarding the note submitted two weeks ago. In the note Latvia was asking Russia to provide information about the unproved statements regarding the education reform announced by a Russian diplomat in the meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. Lauku Avize

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not received a response from Russia regarding the note submitted two weeks ago. In the note Latvia was asking Russia to provide information about the unproved statements regarding the education reform announced by a Russian diplomat in the meeting of the Council of Europes Committee of Ministers. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize features an article about the visit of Strat Korakass, the Member of European Parliament from the Greece Communist party, to Latvia. Strat Korakass met members of Latvian left wing political parties. He voiced his concern about the high number of non-citizens living in Latvia and the education reform.

Lauku Avize features an article about the visit of Strat Korakass, the Member of European Parliament from the Greece Communist party, to Latvia. Strat Korakass met members of Latvian left wing political parties. He voiced his concern about the high number of non-citizens living in Latvia and the education reform.

Vesti Segodnya reports that Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks started his visit in Russia. He will meet with people living in the Latvian settlement near Omsk in Russia. In Moscow the Minister will have meetings with the representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Parliament.

jūlijs 31, 2003


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Lauku Avize comments on the naturalisation process
  • New protest meeting against the education reform in September
  • Russian Radio Riga appealed against the National Radio and Television Council

Lauku Avizes journalist Maris Antonevics criticises the process of naturalisation. He believes that many people who acquire citizenship do not deserve it. The journalist points out that some of the naturalized persons like Vjaceslav Altuhov, the leader of the organisation Russian community in Latvia, and Igor Pimenov, the leader of the Association for the Support for Russians Schools, are not loyal citizens. He believes that more information about persons who acquire citizenship should be available.

The Association for the Support for Russians Schools is planning to organize a protest meeting against the education reform on 4th of September. According to one of the event organizers Genady Kotov, member of the Riga City Council, approximately 3000 people will participate in the meeting. The Riga City Council is evaluating the organization of this meeting.

The Association for the Support for Russians Schools is planning to organize a protest meeting against the education reform on 4th of September. According to one of the event organizers Genady Kotov, member of the Riga City Council, approximately 3000 people will participate in the meeting. The Riga City Council is evaluating the organization of this meeting. Lauku Avize, Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Sevodnya

The company Russian Radio Riga (former radio Bizness&Baltija;) filed a court case against the National Radio and Television Council for LVL 256 000 loss compensation, which aroused because of the Council not implementing the court’s decision on radio’s licence renewal.

The company Russian Radio Riga (former radio Bizness&Baltija) filed a court case against the National Radio and Television Council for LVL 256 000 loss compensation, which aroused because of the Council not implementing the courts decision on radios licence renewal. Neatariga Rita Avize, Chas

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