Oct. 6, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • A picket against the education reform organized by the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Schools
  • Statistical data about the ethnic structure of Latvian population
  • Conflict between a Latvian language teacher and students
  • Vesty Segodnya criticizes the Phare project tender organized by the Society Integration Foundation
  • New programme of the Peoples Harmony partys on minority issues
Russian language newspapers feature articles about the visit of Alvaro Gil-Robles, the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe to Latvia, informing about a picket against the education reform organized by the Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools near the National Library of Latvia (NLL) during the meeting of Alvaro Gil-Robles with representatives of NGOs in this building.

Russian language newspapers feature articles about the visit of Alvaro Gil-Robles, the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe to Latvia, informing about a picket against the education reform organized by the Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools near the National Library of Latvia (NLL) during the meeting of Alvaro Gil-Robles with representatives of NGOs in this building. Vecernaya Riga, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Vesti Segodnya features statistical data about the ethnic structure of the population of Latvia at the beginning of 2003. According to the Central Statistical Bureau, ethnic Latvians constitute 58,5% of the total population, Russians, the largest minority, - 29%. In 2002 the number of Germans increased by 100 persons, the number of Jews - from 9,637 to 10,125 persons and the number of Roma – from 8,267 to 8,358 persons. There are more than 40 national minorities living in Latvia.

Rigas Balss writes about a conflict between a Latvian language teacher and her students in a Riga Russian language school. 12th grade students have refused to attend the Latvian language lessons pointing to the ethnic preconceptions of the teacher. The teacher, in turn, denies this reproach and has sent an application to the Saeima Human Rights Committee, stating that she has been falsely accused. The Committee is planning to examine this application tomorrow. Ina Druviete, the Chairperson of the Saeima Human Rights Committee, considers the activities of the students as a provocation with the purpose to discredit not only the teacher, but also the Latvian language.

Vesti Segodnya continues discussion about the project tender for NGOs in the framework of the EU Phare programme administrated by the Society Integration Foundation, criticizing the fact that only licensed educational institutions can receive Phare funding for Latvian language training projects.

Chas publishes the main theses of the Peoples Harmony partys new programme, stating that non-citizens should be granted the rights to vote at municipal elections and to choose the language of instruction at the secondary school. According to the partys programme, there is also a need to ease the naturalization procedure, and to grant Latvian citizenship automatically to all permanent residents who have lived in Latvia for the last 10 years.

Oct. 4, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Society Integration Foundation received 90 project proposals
  • Saeima faction of the Latvian Socialist Party is not planning to nominate another candidate to the post of observer at the European Parliament
  • Boris Tsilevich on the ratification of the Framework convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • French Senator Serge Lagauche on social integration in Latvia
  • Latvian MP criticizes the statements of Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset
  • Russian school students meet Sergey Jastrzembsky, the assistant to the president of Russia
  • Alvaro Gil-Robles, the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, plans to visit Latvia
The Society Integration Foundation has received 90 project proposals for two project tenders with state funding: Latvian language training for adults, and information activities about 2004 education reform.

The Society Integration Foundation has received 90 project proposals for two project tenders with state funding: Latvian language training for adults, and information activities about 2004 education reform. Diena

Aleksandr Golubov, the chairperson of the Saeima faction of the Latvian Socialist Party, continues discussion about the decision of Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee to ask the Latvian Socialist Party to nominate another candidate to the post of observer at the European Parliament instead of the present observer M.Bekasov. According to Golubov, the party considers this proposal of the faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK as directed against political opponents, and is not planning to change the present observer.

Aleksandr Golubov, the chairperson of the Saeima faction of the Latvian Socialist Party, continues discussion about the decision of Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee to ask the Latvian Socialist Party to nominate another candidate to the post of observer at the European Parliament instead of the present observer M.Bekasov. According to Golubov, the party considers this proposal of the faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK as directed against political opponents, and is not planning to change the present observer. Vesti Segodnya

Newspaperscontinue discussion about the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).  According to Boris Tsilevich, Latvian delegate to PACE, PACE considered the ratification of the Framework convention for the Protection of National Minorities as obligatory to all the EU member states. He also stated that minority situation can be changed after ratification, primarily the official use of minority languages in areas inhabited by persons belonging to minorities in substantial numbers, and possibility for national minorities to participate in decision making on issues directly affecting them.

Newspaperscontinue discussion about the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). According to Boris Tsilevich, Latvian delegate to PACE, PACE considered the ratification of the Framework convention for the Protection of National Minorities as obligatory to all the EU member states. He also stated that minority situation can be changed after ratification, primarily the official use of minority languages in areas inhabited by persons belonging to minorities in substantial numbers, and possibility for national minorities to participate in decision making on issues directly affecting them. Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Lauku Avize features an interview with Serge Lagauche, a Senator from France, stating that Latvia has achieved a notable progress in the area of society integration and solution of the non-citizens problems. However, the Senator considers the requirements of naturalization exam being too high for aged non-citizens. He also points to the long procedure of granting citizenship to non-citizens children.

Lauku Avize publishes a letter of Leopolds Ozolins, Latvian MP,, who criticizes the statements of Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, in Saeima during his visit to Latvia. Leopols Ozolins believes that is not correct to blame all the nation for the crimes committed against Jews by concrete individuals.

Chas features an article about the meeting of Russian school students with Sergey Jastrzembsky, the assistant to the president of Russia, stating that the relationship between Latvia and Russia could be improved only after solving the problem of discrimination of Russian speaking population.

Chas writes about the planned visit of Alvaro Gil-Robles, the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, whose goal is to evaluate human rights situation in Latvia.

Oct. 3, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Boris Tsilevich on resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee asks the Latvian Socialist Party to delegate another observer to the European Parliament
  • Discussion about the participation of NGOs in the EU Phare project tender in the realm of social integration
  • Russian language school students from Riga meet Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia
  • Interview with Eckart Herold, the Ambassador of Germany
  • Conference about the role of minorities in Latvias foreign policy
  • An interview with an author of new research about minority children in Latvian schools
According to Boris Tsilevich, a MP from the People’s Harmony Party and a delegate from Latvia at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the PACE has adopted a resolution about the renewal of monitoring of minority rights in member states, which have not ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Tsilevich foresees the renewal of such monitoring in Latvia, which was discontinued in 2001.

According to Boris Tsilevich, a MP from the Peoples Harmony Party and a delegate from Latvia at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the PACE has adopted a resolution about the renewal of monitoring of minority rights in member states, which have not ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Tsilevich foresees the renewal of such monitoring in Latvia, which was discontinued in 2001. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee has asked the Latvian Socialist Party to evaluate the activities of M.Bekasov, an observer at the European Parliament, who has disseminated information about the discrimination of Russian-speakers, and to consider the appointment of another candidate as an observer.

The Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee has asked the Latvian Socialist Party to evaluate the activities of M.Bekasov, an observer at the European Parliament, who has disseminated information about the discrimination of Russian-speakers, and to consider the appointment of another candidate as an observer. Diena

Vesti Segodnya reports about the project tender in the framework of the EU Phare programme Promotion of social integration administrated by the Society Integration Foundation and the discussion with representatives of NGOs about the tender. The columnist criticizes the rules of the tender stipulating that an organization can receive Phare funding only if it has, previously, administrated at least half of the requested funding.

Media feature articles about the visit of students of a Russian language school from Riga to Moscow and their meeting with Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia.

Media feature articles about the visit of students of a Russian language school from Riga to Moscow and their meeting with Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. Rigas Balss, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf features an interview with Eckart Herold, the Ambassador of Germany, who considers language as the most important means for social integration.

Vesti Segodnya informs about the conference on the role of national minorities in Latvias foreign policy organised today by the Latvian Transatlantic Organization in collaboration with the World Federation of Free Latvians and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia.

Vesti Segodnya publishes an interview with one of the authors of a study on minority children in Latvian schools commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science. The authors lay emphasis on the need to strengthen the ethnic identity of minority students in Latvian schools.

Oct. 2, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission: Latvia fulfils international minority rights standards
  • Latvian officials about the recommendations of the Committee of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of United Nations
  • Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council, answers to Latvia`s note to Russia
  • The First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe is planning to evaluate human rights situation in Latvia
  • FHRUL will ask the governments of the EU member states to support minority rights to receive education in the mother tongue
  • Serge Lagauche, Senator from France, is visiting Latvia
  • An article about the visit of Russian school students from Latvia to the Council of Europe
Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission, has sent a response to the letter of Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russia’s State Council, where he asked to pay attention to the violation of human rights of Russian speaking people in Latvia. According to the Commissioner, Latvia fulfils the EU political criteria in the area of minority protection and complies with the norms adopted by international human rights organizations and the EU member states.

Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission, has sent a response to the letter of Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council, where he asked to pay attention to the violation of human rights of Russian speaking people in Latvia. According to the Commissioner, Latvia fulfils the EU political criteria in the area of minority protection and complies with the norms adopted by international human rights organizations and the EU member states. Telegraf points to the different opinions of Gunter Verheugen and Walter Schwimmer, the Secretary – General of Council of Europe, about the observation of minority rights in Latvia. Diena, Chas, Telegraf, Lauku Avize

Vesti Segodnya and Lauku Avize feature the opinions of Latvian officials about the recommendations of the Committee of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of United Nations to Latvia. The recommendations included granting of voting rights at municipal elections to non-citizens who are long-term residents of Latvia, postponing the transition to bilingual education, the reduction of the number of professions prohibited for non-citizens, and raising of public awareness in field of racial discrimination. According to the officials, the recommendations of the Committee are not binding for Latvia. Nils Muiznieks, the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration, stated that prevention of race discrimination should be one of the main issues discussed by an interministerial workgroup to be established next week to evaluate the recommendations of the Committee.

Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russia’s State Council answered to the note submitted by Latvia to Russia about the statements of Dmitry Rogozin and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the MP of Russia` State Council. Rogozin believes that his expressions are valid, because it is not possible to speak about democratic parliament if 30% of the residents of Latvia do not have voting rights.

Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council answered to the note submitted by Latvia to Russia about the statements of Dmitry Rogozin and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the MP of Russia` State Council. Rogozin believes that his expressions are valid, because it is not possible to speak about democratic parliament if 30% of the residents of Latvia do not have voting rights. Vesti Segodnya

Alvaro Gil-Robles, the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe is planning a visit to Latvia this week to evaluate human rights situation in Latvia meeting with state officials and representatives of NGOs and visiting Daugavpils.

Alvaro Gil-Robles, the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe is planning a visit to Latvia this week to evaluate human rights situation in Latvia meeting with state officials and representatives of NGOs and visiting Daugavpils. Lauku Avize

MPs of Saeima faction For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) are planning to send a letter to all the embassies of the EU member states in Latvia inviting their governments to support the stance of the FHRUL on the amendments of the Education Law.

MPs of Saeima faction For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) are planning to send a letter to all the embassies of the EU member states in Latvia inviting their governments to support the stance of the FHRUL on the amendments of the Education Law. Vesti Segodnya

Serge Lagauche, a Senator from France, is visiting Latvia to gather information about the issues of minority rights, education and economic situation.

Serge Lagauche, a Senator from France, is visiting Latvia to gather information about the issues of minority rights, education and economic situation. Lauku Avize

Vechernaya Riga features an article about the visit of Russian school students from Latvia to the Council of Europe.

Sept. 30, 2003

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recommends Latvia to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Views of officials from Russia and other states about the Latvian Legion Soldiers WarriorCemetery Ensemble in Lestene
  • The visit of Russian school students from Latvia to the Council of Europe
  • Students of a Russian language school from Riga are planning a visit to the President of Russia
  • Opinions about the causes of the missing of Vladimir Linderman, the leader of the liquidated National Bolshevik organization Victory
  • Columnist from Lauku Avize criticizes the appeal of the Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools to the Minister of Education and Science
Yesterday the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution recommending the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities to the states which have not ratified it so far, including Latvia. The recommendation was adopted after the report presented by Boris Tsilevich, representative from Latvia, about the observation of minority rights in the European countries.

Yesterday the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution recommending the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities to the states which have not ratified it so far, including Latvia. The recommendation was adopted after the report presented by Boris Tsilevich, representative from Latvia, about the observation of minority rights in the European countries. Vesti Segodnya

Media reports about the statements of Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russia’s State Council, about the Latvian Legion Soldier’s Warrior Cemetery Ensemble in Lestene, unveiled last Saturday. According to him, Latvia, “thanks to the fascists governing Latvia”, “has become a state ... taking its revenge on our veterans and as well as our children closing Russian language schools.” He also stressed, that in future Russia will make a dialogue with Strasbourg, not with Latvia.

Media reports about the statements of Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council, about the Latvian Legion Soldiers Warrior Cemetery Ensemble in Lestene, unveiled last Saturday. According to him, Latvia, thanks to the fascists governing Latvia, has become a state ... taking its revenge on our veterans and as well as our children closing Russian language schools. He also stressed, that in future Russia will make a dialogue with Strasbourg, not with Latvia. Chas also features the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and the stance of representatives of other states. Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Russian language newspapers feature articles about the visit of Russian school students from Latvia to the Council of Europe. The newspapers refer to the news agency

Russian language newspapers feature articles about the visit of Russian school students from Latvia to the Council of Europe. The newspapers refer to the news agency ITAR-TASS informing that Peter Schieder, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, supported democratic aspirations of the students and promised to continue the work in the field of minority rights taking into account the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority LanguagesTelegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Russian language press report about a planned visit of 26 students of a Russian language school from Riga to Moscow and their meeting with the Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. According to media, the students are planning to inform Putin about their negative attitude towards education reform in Latvia.

Russian language press report about a planned visit of 26 students of a Russian language school from Riga to Moscow and their meeting with the Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. According to media, the students are planning to inform Putin about their negative attitude towards education reform in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Newspapers feature articles about the missing of Vladimir Linderman, the leader of the Russia’s National Bolshevik party and the liquidated National Bolshevik organization Victory”. According to other national-bolshevics, Linderman has been arrested by security services of Russia with the purpose to extradite him to Latvia. The Security Police of Latvia states that there is no information about the arrest of Linderman.

Newspapers feature articles about the missing of Vladimir Linderman, the leader of the Russias National Bolshevik party and the liquidated National Bolshevik organization Victory. According to other national-bolshevics, Linderman has been arrested by security services of Russia with the purpose to extradite him to Latvia. The Security Police of Latvia states that there is no information about the arrest of Linderman. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

Maris Caklais, columnist from

Maris Caklais, columnist from Lauku Avize, criticizes the appeal of the Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools to Karlis Sadurskis, the Minister of Education and Science, to delegate the right to choose the language of instruction to Russian language schools. The columnist refers to Sadurskis pointing out the considerable funding provided by the state and foreign donors for support of minority education system.

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