Oct. 29, 2003

  • Vice-President of the European Commission Neil Kinnock visits Latvia
  • Gunter Verheugen about the rights of non-citizens in the enlarged EU
  • The conflict between a Latvian language teacher and students was not based on ethnic intolerance
  • Russia officially refuses to extradite Vladimir Linderman to Latvia
  • Boris Tsilevitch will present a report in Strasburg
  • A seminar on patriotism and naturalization among secondary school students
  • Leonid Fedoseyev discusses national policy in Latvia
  • Two articles at www.politika.lv
During his visit to Latvia, the Vice-President of the European Commission Neil Kinnock has commented on Russia’s accusations to Latvia, saying that Latvia conforms with the criteria of the EU member states and that opinions of non-members of the EU are not binding for the EU. The European Commission has also denied the fact that the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen has compared attitude towards Russian-speakers in the Baltic States with discrimination of Roma in Europe during his visit to Moscow. According to Commissioner’s press secretary, the media has distorted Verheugen’s statements. Commissioner’s representative has also doubted Gunter Verheugen’s intentions to meet with the activists of the Latvian Human Rights Committee and the Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools, as was previously announced by Interfax, quoting Dmitry Rogozin.

During his visit to Latvia, the Vice-President of the European Commission Neil Kinnock has commented on Russias accusations to Latvia, saying that Latvia conforms with the criteria of the EU member states and that opinions of non-members of the EU are not binding for the EU. The European Commission has also denied the fact that the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen has compared attitude towards Russian-speakers in the Baltic States with discrimination of Roma in Europe during his visit to Moscow. According to Commissioners press secretary, the media has distorted Verheugens statements. Commissioners representative has also doubted Gunter Verheugens intentions to meet with the activists of the Latvian Human Rights Committee and the Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools, as was previously announced by Interfax, quoting Dmitry Rogozin. Diena, Lauku Avize

At the press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, following the EU enlargement conference in Moscow, Gunter Verheugen said that the rights of the EU citizens will not be granted to non-citizens in Estonia and Latvia automatically, but non-citizens will obtain the rights of the EU residents. He has also invited non-citizens to naturalize.

At the press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, following the EU enlargement conference in Moscow, Gunter Verheugen said that the rights of the EU citizens will not be granted to non-citizens in Estonia and Latvia automatically, but non-citizens will obtain the rights of the EU residents. He has also invited non-citizens to naturalize. Chas, Vechernaya Riga

The Latvian National Human Rights Office has concluded that the cause of the conflict between a Latvian language teacher and her students was not ethnic intolerance, but rather pedagogical and psychological problems. The students have apologized to the teacher. Another teacher will be assigned to the class.

The Latvian National Human Rights Office has concluded that the cause of the conflict between a Latvian language teacher and her students was not ethnic intolerance, but rather pedagogical and psychological problems. The students have apologized to the teacher. Another teacher will be assigned to the class. Rigas Balss

Yesterday the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia has officially refused to extradite the leader of the Russia’s National Bolshevik party Vladimir Linderman to Latvia.

Yesterday the Prosecutor Generals Office of Russia has officially refused to extradite the leader of the Russias National Bolshevik party Vladimir Linderman to Latvia. Chas

An MP from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Boris Tsilevitch will present a report at the conference “Filling the Frame” devoted to five years anniversary of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, which will take place tomorrow in Strasbourg.

An MP from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Boris Tsilevitch will present a report at the conference Filling the Frame devoted to five years anniversary of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, which will take place tomorrow in Strasbourg. Chas

Chas reports on a seminar Strengthening the Civic Consciousness devoted to the issues of patriotism and naturalization among secondary school students. During discussion organized by the Naturalization Board and the Department for Education, Youth and Sports Affairs of the Riga City Council, the participants have concluded that girls naturalize more actively, while boys see the citizens obligation to serve in the army as the main argument against naturalization.

Chas columnist Leonid Fedoseyev reviews the history of national policy in Latvia. According to him, Latvia has been a multicultural state of nations since the establishment of the Latvian state.

Public policy portal

Public policy portal www.politika.lv publishes an article by representative of the Russian Community of Latvia Aleksandr Rzhavin about inevitable assimilation of Russians and other minorities in Latvia and the victory of ethnocracy over democracy. Another article by a journalist from Komersant Baltic Daily Danuta Dombrovska discusses the issue of granting voting rights to non-citizens on municipal elections.

Oct. 28, 2003

  • Russias plans to accuse Latvia at the meeting of the EU ministers of foreign affairs
  • Gunter Verheugen meets with Dmitry Rogozin
  • President of Latvia speaks at the conference Holocaust research continues
  • Two Latvian delegations participate in the session of the UN Human Rights Committee
  • The Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools are planning protest activities tomorrow
  • The Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs proposes to simplify procedures for granting citizenship to children
  • The on-going conflict between a Latvian language teacher and her students
  • Recommendations of the World Federation of Free Latvians to Latvia
  • Discussion on the situation of a Russian school in Cesis
Today, at the meeting with the ministers of foreign affairs of the EU states, Russia is planning to present its complaints regarding situation of Russian-speakers in Estonia and Latvia. Latvian diplomats have stated that the later issue is not included in the meeting’s agenda, and consider possible accusations to be Russia’s response to the EU criticism regarding human rights situation in Chechnya.

Today, at the meeting with the ministers of foreign affairs of the EU states, Russia is planning to present its complaints regarding situation of Russian-speakers in Estonia and Latvia. Latvian diplomats have stated that the later issue is not included in the meetings agenda, and consider possible accusations to be Russias response to the EU criticism regarding human rights situation in Chechnya. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission, has met with Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russia’s State Council. During the meeting, Gunter Verheugen has stated that the EU is ready to support any initiatives on improving situation of Russian minority in Latvia, and promised to meet with the activists of the Latvian Human Rights Committee and the Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools. At the same time, the Commissioner has denied a possibility of re-opening the question of Latvia’s accession to the EU.

Gunter Verheugen, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission, has met with Dmitry Rogozin, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russias State Council. During the meeting, Gunter Verheugen has stated that the EU is ready to support any initiatives on improving situation of Russian minority in Latvia, and promised to meet with the activists of the Latvian Human Rights Committee and the Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools. At the same time, the Commissioner has denied a possibility of re-opening the question of Latvias accession to the EU. Telegraf, Chas

In her speech at the conference “Holocaust research continues” the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga said that Latvia has condemned the Holocaust officially and has recognized the need to study its history. The President has stressed the necessity to continue Holocaust studies in Latvia. She also pointed to Russia’s distorted interpretation of history as a topical issue in relationship between Latvia and Russia.

In her speech at the conference Holocaust research continues the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga said that Latvia has condemned the Holocaust officially and has recognized the need to study its history. The President has stressed the necessity to continue Holocaust studies in Latvia. She also pointed to Russias distorted interpretation of history as a topical issue in relationship between Latvia and Russia. Lauku Avize

An official and an alternative delegation from Latvia participate at the session of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations devoted to the implementation of the International Pact on Civic and Political Rights in Latvia. Tatjana Zdanok and Miroslav Mitrofanov from the party “Equality” represent an alternative delegation.

An official and an alternative delegation from Latvia participate at the session of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations devoted to the implementation of the International Pact on Civic and Political Rights in Latvia. Tatjana Zdanok and Miroslav Mitrofanov from the party Equality represent an alternative delegation. Vesti Segodnya

Tomorrow the Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools are planning a procession and three pickets nearby the Ministry’s of Education and Science building, Saeima building and the President’s palace. The Riga City Council has approved the procession, but has not approved the pickets and the planned meeting near the President’s palace. The Headquarters plan to organize a meeting with MPs if the pickets will not be approved.

Tomorrow the Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools are planning a procession and three pickets nearby the Ministrys of Education and Science building, Saeima building and the Presidents palace. The Riga City Council has approved the procession, but has not approved the pickets and the planned meeting near the Presidents palace. The Headquarters plan to organize a meeting with MPs if the pickets will not be approved. Lauku Avize, Chas, Vechernaya Riga

The Secretariat of the Special Task Minister on Children and Family Affairs has established a working group to examine possible simplification of administrative procedures for granting citizenship to children. The Secretariat has prepared amendments to the Citizenship Law. One of the amendments stipulate granting of Latvian citizenship to persons who have graduated from a comprehensive school with Latvian language of instruction or from a school with Latvian language stream, even if they have not completed  the whole education course in Latvian.

The Secretariat of the Special Task Minister on Children and Family Affairs has established a working group to examine possible simplification of administrative procedures for granting citizenship to children. The Secretariat has prepared amendments to the Citizenship Law. One of the amendments stipulate granting of Latvian citizenship to persons who have graduated from a comprehensive school with Latvian language of instruction or from a school with Latvian language stream, even if they have not completed the whole education course in Latvian. Chas

Lauku Avize continues discussion about the conflict between a Latvian language teacher and her students because of the alleged ethnic preconceptions of the teacher. According to the newspaper, the teacher has refused teaching the class after an allegedly defamatory article in Vesti Segodnya. The newspaper reviews the teachers professional career, quoting positive evaluations by her colleagues. The National Human Rights Office examines the teachers case and her rights to apply to the Court.

The board of the World Federation of Free Latvians has adopted resolutions and decisions at a congress last week. The Federation has invited the Latvian government and organizations of Latvians to protest against Russia’s statements on human rights violations in Latvia. The board also believes that Latvia should claim Russia’s recognition of the fact of Latvia’s occupation and to condemn Soviet regime crimes.

The board of the World Federation of Free Latvians has adopted resolutions and decisions at a congress last week. The Federation has invited the Latvian government and organizations of Latvians to protest against Russias statements on human rights violations in Latvia. The board also believes that Latvia should claim Russias recognition of the fact of Latvias occupation and to condemn Soviet regime crimes. The Official Gazette

Tomorrow the mayor of Cesis will meet with the Russian school where no first grade will be open next year because of the insufficient number of students.

Tomorrow the mayor of Cesis will meet with the Russian school where no first grade will be open next year because of the insufficient number of students. Chas reports on the article by MP from the Peoples party Dzintars Abikis published in Cesis regional newspaper Druva. Dzintars Abikis suggested a gradual transformation of the Russian school into a school with Latvian language of instruction. Chas

Oct. 27, 2003

  • Faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK sets priorities
  • Jakov Pliner invites Russian Schools administrators, teachers and students parents to protest against education reform
  • Chas about the prospects of the Communist party in Latvia
  • Latvian nationalism today
  • Juris Dobelis interview for the TV programme From a Position of Power is still under discussion
The board of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK has discussed party’s priorities before Latvia’s accession to the EU as well as the stance on the recent statements of Russia. The chairman of the party Janis Straume has stressed that being in the ruling coalition is very important in order to prevent the increase in the influence of the left opposition, as well as to prevent irreversible decisions which may be taken under the pressure of Russia.

The board of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK has discussed partys priorities before Latvias accession to the EU as well as the stance on the recent statements of Russia. The chairman of the party Janis Straume has stressed that being in the ruling coalition is very important in order to prevent the increase in the influence of the left opposition, as well as to prevent irreversible decisions which may be taken under the pressure of Russia. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

A letter by the head of the FHRUL Jakov Pliner to the administrators, teachers and students’ parents of the Russian schools is published by the newspapers. His advice to the schools’ administration is not to hurry wuth the reform implementation. Pliner invites students’ parents to establish committees for support of Russian schools and to participate in the activities of the Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools. He believes that Latvian officials will be forced to preserve schools with predominantly Russian language of instruction.

A letter by the head of the FHRUL Jakov Pliner to the administrators, teachers and students parents of the Russian schools is published by the newspapers. His advice to the schools administration is not to hurry wuth the reform implementation. Pliner invites students parents to establish committees for support of Russian schools and to participate in the activities of the Headquarters for the defense of Russian schools. He believes that Latvian officials will be forced to preserve schools with predominantly Russian language of instruction. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Vechernaya Riga

Chas interviews the leader of the party Equality Tatjana Zdanok and the head of the Latvian Socialist party Alfreds Rubiks. According to them, the registration of the Communist party in Latvia is not prohibited by law, but their own (Rubiks and Zhdanoks) membership may be prohibited. Both politicians are not engaged in any activities related to the establishment of the Communist party.

Diena features an article of Latvian TV editor Ilmars Latkovskis about Latvian nationalism and inter-ethnic relations. He points to the necessity of a ‘pragmatic national policy, as well as of a long-term minority policy, otherwise what is traditionally considered as a Rusian-speakers problem, will turn against ethnic Latvians themselves.

Russian language newspapers continue discussion on Juris Dobelis’s interview for the TV programme “From a Position of Power.”

Russian language newspapers continue discussion on Juris Dobeliss interview for the TV programme From a Position of Power. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga

Oct. 25, 2003

  • International conference on Holocaust
  • An interview with Bjorn Fon Sidov, the speaker of the Swedish parliament
  • Juris Dobelis on minority issues
Media report on the international conference “Holocaust research continues”, with the participation of the President of Latvia.

Media report on the international conference Holocaust research continues, with the participation of the President of Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize writes about activities aimed on raising public awareness of the Holocaust in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya criticizes the fact that the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has raised an issue of the relationship between Latvia and Russia at the conference devoted to the Holocaust.

In an interview to

In an interview to Lauku Avize, the speaker of Swedish parliament Bjorn Fon Sidov stressed that Latvia has fulfilled all Copenhagen political criteria in the area of human rights. According to him, it is important for Latvia to continue its activities to facilitate naturalization of non-citizens.

Russian language newspapers report on the statements of Juris Dobelis, MP from the faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, during the TV programme “From a Position of Power.” Juris Dobelis denies accusations of Russofobia , saying that he has never sorted people by their nationality. Dobelis believes that the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities would cause a disturbance in the society initiated by left-wing politicians.

Russian language newspapers report on the statements of Juris Dobelis, MP from the faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, during the TV programme From a Position of Power. Juris Dobelis denies accusations of Russofobia , saying that he has never sorted people by their nationality. Dobelis believes that the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities would cause a disturbance in the society initiated by left-wing politicians. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 24, 2003

  • The minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia asks the EU to confirm its stance on the recent statements of Russia
  • Ten MPs propose to dismiss Martjan Bekasov from the post of observer to the European Parliament
  • Vaira Vike-Freiberga disagrees with Aivars Lembergs opinion on the education reform
  • Adviser to the Latvias President on Legislationrepliesto Jakov Pliners letter
  • Boris Tsilevitch about the impact of the EU accession on ethnic situation in Latvia
  • About the conference Post-communist transformation and democratization process in Latvia. 1987-2003
The minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Sandra Kalniete has asked the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU to include an issue of recent statements of Russia into agenda of the next meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs. Last week, Russia has stated that Latvia’s joining to the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the EU and Russia may be dependent on satisfying Russia’s claims in the area of minority rights. Latvia has asked the Italian Presidency to confirm that the Agreement applies to new EU members automatically.

The minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Sandra Kalniete has asked the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU to include an issue of recent statements of Russia into agenda of the next meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs. Last week, Russia has stated that Latvias joining to the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the EU and Russia may be dependent on satisfying Russias claims in the area of minority rights. Latvia has asked the Italian Presidency to confirm that the Agreement applies to new EU members automatically. Diena

Ten MPs from the ruling parties and the People’s Party have prepared a draft resolution on the dismissal of the Latvian Socialist party MP  Martjan Bekasov from the post of an observer to the European Parliament, after Bekasov has distributed a letter about minority discrimination in Latvia in the European Parliament..

Ten MPs from the ruling parties and the Peoples Party have prepared a draft resolution on the dismissal of the Latvian Socialist party MP Martjan Bekasov from the post of an observer to the European Parliament, after Bekasov has distributed a letter about minority discrimination in Latvia in the European Parliament.. Telegraf, Chas

The Official Gazette prints the text of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freibergas interview to Latvian TV. The President disagrees with the Ventspils mayor Aivars Lembergs, who considers education reform to be an obstacle for successful cooperation between Latvia and Russia. According to the President, education reform is not a crucial factor in relationship between the states.

Vesty Segodnya features an article by the FHRUL MP Nikolay Kabanov about the reply received by the head of the FHRUL Jakov Pliner to his letter to the Latvias President on the education reform. Presidents Adviser on Legislation Sandra Kukule writes that, the President and the Presidents Chancery will continue to pay close attention to minority education and societal integration issues, as well as continue to visit minority schools in order to listen to all opinions. Nikolay Kabanov argues that the President has not really started an open dialog with the opponents of the reform.

Jauna Avize prints an interview with the MP from the Peoples Harmony Party Boris Tsilevitch about the impact of Latvias accession to the EU on minority situation. He believes that ethnic Latvians will face a bigger competition in education and labor market, since the ethnical composition of Latvian society will become more heterogeneous.

Vechernaya Riga reports on the recent conference Post-communist transformation and democratization process in Latvia. 1987-2003.

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