Nov. 11, 2003

  • Post-referendum applications for naturalisation have significantly increased
  • Naturalization Boards draft amendments to the Citizenship Law discussed by parliamentarians
In October the Naturalization Board received 1371 applications for naturalization, almost doubling the amount of applications for the same period last year. According to the deputy head of the Naturalization Board Janis Kahanovics, the referendum on Latvia’s accession to the EU has promoted motivation of non-citizens to apply for citizenship, since their expectations of the referendum’s negative result have not been realized. Many of the naturalization applicants are middle-aged people with good Latvian language proficiency who could have applied for citizenship before.

In October the Naturalization Board received 1371 applications for naturalization, almost doubling the amount of applications for the same period last year. According to the deputy head of the Naturalization Board Janis Kahanovics, the referendum on Latvias accession to the EU has promoted motivation of non-citizens to apply for citizenship, since their expectations of the referendums negative result have not been realized. Many of the naturalization applicants are middle-aged people with good Latvian language proficiency who could have applied for citizenship before. Diena, Chas

Lauku Avize discusses the amendments to the Citizenship Law initiated by the Naturalization Board. The amendments stipulate opportunities to register Latvian citizenship for persons who have graduated from a basic or secondary school with Latvian language of instruction even if they have not completed the entire education in Latvian, as is foreseen in the present regulations. The chairperson of the Saeima Human Rights Committee Ina Druviete warns of possible misguided implementation of the Citizenship Law if the amendments will be adopted and calls for careful examination of the amendments. The chairperson of the Saeima Committee for Citizenship Laws Implementation Anta Rugate believes that there is no need to extend the opportunities of granting Latvian citizenship through registration.

Nov. 10, 2003

  • Foreign Minister Sandra Kalniete on Latvian-Russian relations
  • Discussion of German media criticism of Saeimas recall of Martjan Bekasov
  • Vesti Segodnya about the letter of Juris Dobelis to the European Parliament
  • Potential candidates for the European Parliament elections meet with school students

Telegraf interviews the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Sandra Kalniete about the recent EU-Russia Summit in Rome and Latvian-Russian relations. The Minister believes that Russias statements hinder the social integration process in Latvia. She believes that the Latvian-Russian cooperation will improve after the elections of the Russias State Duma and the President.

Neatkariga Rita Avize discusses the critical response of influential German media to the Saeimas decision to recall Martjan Bekasov from the status of an observer to the European Parliament (EP). Politicians and journalists either point to the limitation of Bekasovs rights to express his opinions or consider Bekasovs criticisms of minority policies as justified.

Vesti Segodnya reports on the letter of Juris Dobelis, MP from For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK, to the EP where he explains the Saeima decision to recall Martjan Bekasov. The newspaper believes that after this letter the EP will urge the Saeima to reverse its decision.

Potential candidates to the European Parliament elections from the People’s Harmony Party, FHRUL, and New Era party have met with secondary school students in a Russian-language school.

Potential candidates to the European Parliament elections from the Peoples Harmony Party, FHRUL, and New Era party have met with secondary school students in a Russian-language school. Vesti Segodnya

Nov. 8, 2003

  • Recommendations of the UN Human Rights Committee to Latvia
  • MP Juris Dobelis points to shortcomings of the procedure of the EP observers recall
  • Jacques Simon, the State Secretary for EU Affairs of Belgium, on Russian criticism and Latvias accession to the EU
  • Russian military expert about possible Russias military intervention in border states
The Human Rights Committee of the United Nations has released the Concluding Observations on Latvia’s report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Committee has provided recommendations in several fields, including police brutality, prison conditions, trafficking in human beings, gender inequality, etc.  Concerning non-citizens, the Committee recommends to further address the lack of applications for naturalization and possible obstacles posed by the Latvian language requirements; to further encourage the registration of children as citizens; to enable non-citizens who are long-term residents to participate in local elections; to prevent negative impact of the state language policy, which stipulates the requirement to communicate in Latvian with public authorities, suggesting the possible further development of translation services; to ensure that there be no negative impact on minorities of the transition to Latvian as the language of instruction. The Committee is also concerned with the social and economic situation of Roma in Latvia. The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has referred to the government’ stance to promote naturalization, not to extend non-citizen’s rights.

The Human Rights Committee of the United Nations has released the Concluding Observations on Latvias report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Committee has provided recommendations in several fields, including police brutality, prison conditions, trafficking in human beings, gender inequality, etc. Concerning non-citizens, the Committee recommends to further address the lack of applications for naturalization and possible obstacles posed by the Latvian language requirements; to further encourage the registration of children as citizens; to enable non-citizens who are long-term residents to participate in local elections; to prevent negative impact of the state language policy, which stipulates the requirement to communicate in Latvian with public authorities, suggesting the possible further development of translation services; to ensure that there be no negative impact on minorities of the transition to Latvian as the language of instruction. The Committee is also concerned with the social and economic situation of Roma in Latvia. The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has referred to the government stance to promote naturalization, not to extend non-citizens rights. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Lauku Avize

MP Juris Dobelis (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK), an observer to the European Parliament, has provided his comments to the European Parliament regarding  Saeima’s decision to recall Martjan Bekasov as an observer. According to Juris Dobelis, the goal of the Saeima was to express its stance on the deputy’s work and point to the shortcomings in the procedure of observers’ recall. He called on the EP to make a distinction between the expression of opinion and the distorted information provided by Bekasov.

MP Juris Dobelis (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK), an observer to the European Parliament, has provided his comments to the European Parliament regarding Saeimas decision to recall Martjan Bekasov as an observer. According to Juris Dobelis, the goal of the Saeima was to express its stance on the deputys work and point to the shortcomings in the procedure of observers recall. He called on the EP to make a distinction between the expression of opinion and the distorted information provided by Bekasov. Diena

The State Secretary for the EU Affairs of Belgium Jacques Simon has stated that Russia’s accusations of Latvia will not create problems in the process of Latvia’s accession to the EU. He believes that Latvia will find appropriate solutions in the area of minority situation.

The State Secretary for the EU Affairs of Belgium Jacques Simon has stated that Russias accusations of Latvia will not create problems in the process of Latvias accession to the EU. He believes that Latvia will find appropriate solutions in the area of minority situation. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize interviews Russian military expert Pavel Felgenhauer on the new Russian armed force doctrine providing for Russias military intervention into border states if Russias security is endangered, including the discrimination of a Diaspora. The Russian expert considers these Russian statements as a political, not a military threat, and does not see any real danger of Russias military intervention because of the weak capacity of the Russian army.

Nov. 7, 2003

  • Accession country issues at EU-Russia Summit in Rome
  • Gunter Verheugen speaks on minority rights in the Baltics
  • Nils Muiznieks on obstacles to naturalization
  • CesisCity Councils Committee refuses to open the first grade in a Russian-language school
  • Session of the Advisory Council on Minority Education Affairs
No agreement was reached between the EU and Russia at the EU-Russia Summit in Rome yesterday regarding the application of EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement to the acceding EU member states. Recently Russia’s State Duma adopted a statement stipulating that Russia may mot apply the Agreement to Latvia and Estonia as long as the rights of Russian-speakers in these states are violated. Responding to Russia’s initiative to discuss minority situation in the Baltic States, the EU leaders pointed to a successful integration process and the lack of minority rights violations. The summit’s participants also decided to continue discussion about Latvian-Russian cooperation regarding border issues and easing of travel regulations.

No agreement was reached between the EU and Russia at the EU-Russia Summit in Rome yesterday regarding the application of EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement to the acceding EU member states. Recently Russias State Duma adopted a statement stipulating that Russia may mot apply the Agreement to Latvia and Estonia as long as the rights of Russian-speakers in these states are violated. Responding to Russias initiative to discuss minority situation in the Baltic States, the EU leaders pointed to a successful integration process and the lack of minority rights violations. The summits participants also decided to continue discussion about Latvian-Russian cooperation regarding border issues and easing of travel regulations. Diena

At the European Parliament session last Wednesday, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen stated that Latvia and Estonia conform to international minority rights standards, although there is, as always, the need for further improvements.

At the European Parliament session last Wednesday, the Commissioner for Enlargement of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen stated that Latvia and Estonia conform to international minority rights standards, although there is, as always, the need for further improvements. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

At the meeting with the state secretary for EU Affairs of Belgium, Jacques Simon, the Special Task Minister for Social Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks reportedly stated that non-citizens’ view that Latvian citizenship should be granted automatically is the main obstacle for naturalization.

At the meeting with the state secretary for EU Affairs of Belgium, Jacques Simon, the Special Task Minister for Social Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks reportedly stated that non-citizens view that Latvian citizenship should be granted automatically is the main obstacle for naturalization. Telegraf

Yesterday the Committee for Education, Science and Sports of the Cesis City Council has denied a Russian-language school’s appeal to open a first grade class even if the number of students is insufficient. According to the head of the Committee Daumants Vasmanis, opening a class in contradiction with the law could encourage the thought that there is a need for creating especially benevolent conditions for Russian-language schools. The Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration is  examining a letter signed by 400 Cesis’ residents.

Yesterday the Committee for Education, Science and Sports of the Cesis City Council has denied a Russian-language schools appeal to open a first grade class even if the number of students is insufficient. According to the head of the Committee Daumants Vasmanis, opening a class in contradiction with the law could encourage the thought that there is a need for creating especially benevolent conditions for Russian-language schools. The Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration is examining a letter signed by 400 Cesis residents. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Chas reports on thesession of the Advisory Council on Minority Education Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Science. The proposals of the Latvian Association for the Support for Russian Schools (LASRS) for amendment of the Law on Education and for review of the Councils composition were not approved. LASRS suggests that the Council should consist of school principals, teachers, students, parents, representatives of NGOs and municipalities, while state officials should have a status of experts without voting rights.

Nov. 6, 2003

  • European Commission has released a Comprehensive Monitoring Report on the EU accession countries
  • EP Constitutional Committee will review Martjan Bekasovs recall
  • UNDP allocates 380,000 USD to Latvian language courses for naturalization applicants
  • Lauku Avize continues discussion on the conflict between a Latvian language teacher and students
  • A Russian official on the conditions for improvement of relationship between Latvia and Russia
  • FHRUL officially re-established
The European Commission (EC) has released a Comprehensive Monitoring Report consisting of 10 Country Monitoring reports on the EU accession countries. The EC has concluded that the new member states will be fully ready to the EU membership from 1 May 2004. The EC has pointed to five problem areas in Latvia thus putting Latvia in the third place among the most criticized states after Poland and Malta.

The European Commission (EC) has released a Comprehensive Monitoring Report consisting of 10 Country Monitoring reports on the EU accession countries. The EC has concluded that the new member states will be fully ready to the EU membership from 1 May 2004. The EC has pointed to five problem areas in Latvia thus putting Latvia in the third place among the most criticized states after Poland and Malta. The Official Gazette, Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Lauku Avize, Telegraf, Chas Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga

Yesterday the European Parliament (EP) decided to delegate the review of the case of Martjan Bekasov’s recall to the EP Constitutional Committee. According to

Yesterday the European Parliament (EP) decided to delegate the review of the case of Martjan Bekasovs recall to the EP Constitutional Committee. According to Chas, left-wing deputies of the EP have expressed their support for Bekasov to continue his work of an observer at the EP. Bekasov himself has stated that he is not planning to leave his post. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

With the support of the USA, Sweden, Norway and the Great Britain, the UNDP has allocated 380,000 USD to Latvian language courses for naturalization applicants. The courses will provide an opportunity for more than 5000 persons to learn Latvian over the next two years. No funding from the state budget has been allocated for such courses for 2004. 3400 persons have participated in Latvian language courses free of charge in 2000-2002.

With the support of the USA, Sweden, Norway and the Great Britain, the UNDP has allocated 380,000 USD to Latvian language courses for naturalization applicants. The courses will provide an opportunity for more than 5000 persons to learn Latvian over the next two years. No funding from the state budget has been allocated for such courses for 2004. 3400 persons have participated in Latvian language courses free of charge in 2000-2002. Lauku Avize, Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga, Vesty Segodnya, Chas

Lauku Avize continues discussion on the recent conflict between a Latvian language teacher and students at a Russian-language school. The newspaper interviews the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers and the head of the State Education Inspection Zigfrids Grinpauks. The State Education Inspection is planning to discuss with the schools principal the need for paying more attention to civic education and introduction of students to Latvian culture.

The deputy director of the Second European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhael Demurin has commented the results of the seminar “Latvia – Russia: new cooperation prospects” which recently took place in Moscow. According to the official, the acceleration of naturalization and resolving legal issues concerning World War II veterans will be the starting point of the improvement of Latvian-Russian relationships.

The deputy director of the Second European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhael Demurin has commented the results of the seminar Latvia – Russia: new cooperation prospects which recently took place in Moscow. According to the official, the acceleration of naturalization and resolving legal issues concerning World War II veterans will be the starting point of the improvement of Latvian-Russian relationships. Chas

The Ministry of Justice has agreed to the re-establishment of For Human Rights in a United Latvia. The coalition is now composed of the party “Equality “ and the newly established party BITE. Tatjana Zdanok and Jakov Pliner are the co-chairpersons of the FHRUL.

The Ministry of Justice has agreed to the re-establishment of For Human Rights in a United Latvia. The coalition is now composed of the party Equality and the newly established party BITE. Tatjana Zdanok and Jakov Pliner are the co-chairpersons of the FHRUL. Vesty Segodnya

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