Dec. 6, 2003

  • Survey on Latvian elites attitude towards ethnic issues
  • Societal Integration Fund will increase share of funding to integration in next two years
  • Student strike planned against the education reform 2004
  • Statements of MPs on the Peoples Harmony Party proposal to reduce the naturalization fee
  • Statements of the Ambassador of Russia to Latvia and Minister of Education and Science about the situation at the Cesis Russian-language school
  • Peoples Harmony Party member of Saeima has been nominated Man of the Year in Russia

Diena reports on survey about Latvias elite attitudes towards democracy, economics and internal and external integration issues, conducted by the director of Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Brigita Zepa and professor of University of Oslo Anton Steen. 50% of the respondents believe that there are a couple problems concerning ethnic issues that are difficult to solve while 41% believe that there are several but not significant ethnic problems in Latvia. Only 4% believe that there are no problems in this area. The survey also establishes the significant differences between attitudes of Russian and Latvian respondents on the issue of the observation of minority rights – 60% Russians and 5% Latvians regards this issue as significant. Similarly 87% Russian and only 21% Latvian respondents agree to the statement that all the inhabitants of Latvia should have all civil rights. Only 20% Latvians and fully 90% Russians believe that minorities living in Latvia are loyal to the state.

Society Integration Foundation (SIF) will be allocating more funds for societal integration in next two years. According to the report, submitted to the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee by the director of SIF Nils Sakss, in 2003 the SIF received Ls 155,806 for its institutional activities while 1,428,260 Ls were allocated from PHARE funds and 445,409 from state funds for integration projects.  For 2004, the PHARE funding for projects will reach 1,572,965 Ls and state co-financing 717,057 Ls.  For 2005 the figures are 1,890,000 PHARE project financing and 281,215 state co-financing.

Society Integration Foundation (SIF) will be allocating more funds for societal integration in next two years. According to the report, submitted to the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee by the director of SIF Nils Sakss, in 2003 the SIF received Ls 155,806 for its institutional activities while 1,428,260 Ls were allocated from PHARE funds and 445,409 from state funds for integration projects. For 2004, the PHARE funding for projects will reach 1,572,965 Ls and state co-financing 717,057 Ls. For 2005 the figures are 1,890,000 PHARE project financing and 281,215 state co-financing. Latvijas avize

Russian-language newspapers write on new protest activities, planned by opponents to the education reform of 2004. During a meeting of Russian-speaking students’ parents and teachers of several Russian-language schools with MP Jakov Pliner and several NGOs, opposing the education reform, a decision was made to organize a students’ strike next spring.

Russian-language newspapers write on new protest activities, planned by opponents to the education reform of 2004. During a meeting of Russian-speaking students parents and teachers of several Russian-language schools with MP Jakov Pliner and several NGOs, opposing the education reform, a decision was made to organize a students strike next spring. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features the statements of parliamentarians about the proposal by the Peoples Harmony Party to reduce the naturalization fee. The MP of the party New Era Ina Druviete states that many persons are already included in categories who have lowered fees and that there is no need for extending these categories. Both Ina Druviete and MP for the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK Juris Dobelis believe that the existent naturalization fee could not be an insurmountable barrier for non-citizens who really want to naturalize. Peteris Simsons form Latvias First Party allows for the possibility to further reduce the naturalization fee, if it will be shown to be the most essential barrier for naturalization.

Latvijas Avize features statements of the Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Igor Studennikov and Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis about the situation at the Cesis Russian-language school. Igor Studennikov suggests to resolve this problem by merging classes and thus avoiding the closing of the first grade at this school. The Minister regards the decision of the local government to not open a first grade, based on the insufficient number of students, as adequate. According to the Karlis Sadurskis, the ministry has asked the local government and the parents to continue a dialogue on the issue to search for new opportunities for maintaining minorities cultures and languages in Cesis.

Janis Urbanovich, MP of People’s Harmony Party, has been named Man of the Year in Russia by the Russian Institute of Biographies.

Janis Urbanovich, MP of Peoples Harmony Party, has been named Man of the Year in Russia by the Russian Institute of Biographies. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Dec. 5, 2003

  • Sandra Kalniete on relations between Russia and Latvia
  • President of European Parliament Pat Cox views on the recall of Martinjan Bekasov from EP observers status
  • Eizenija Aldermane on the integration of minority youth
  • Proposal of Peoples Harmony Party to lower naturalization fee
  • Representatives of Russian language schools about the schools readiness for the education reform
  • MP Aldis Kuskis on the prohibition for ex-staff of the State Security Committee to stand as candidate for elections
  • FederalRepublic of Germany award to the director of the museum Jews in Latvia Marger Vesterman

Telegraf reports about the press briefing of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Sandra Kalniete during the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting at Alliance Headquarters in Brussels on 4 and 5 December. During the briefing Sandra Kalniete reminded about the complicated relationships between Russia and Latvia. The statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia Igor Ivanov that Russia reserves the right to military intervention in Latvia based on violation of minority rights shows that it is impossible to have a dialogue with Russia. The Latvian foreign minister also indicated that the pre-election time in Russia precludes constructive dialogue.

Neatkariga Rita Avize reports that the President of the European Parliament (EP) Pat Cox, commenting on the recall of observer Martijan Bekasov, has stated that it is not only a legal, but even more a political problem, said the EP President press secretary David Harley. For EU observers the freedom of speech standards should be the same as for deputies, continued David Harley, and if these are fully guaranteed by the Latvian parliament there should be no problem.

Head of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane explained her remarks at the recent conference on minority youth where she talked about the lack of patriotic education and alientation from the state by youth.  Ms Aldermane explains that dividing youth into Latvians, Russians, Ukrainians is incorrect and that she had in mind the alienation of all youth.  She admits, however, that the Russian-language schools are a special case, because they provide no civic education in secondary school grades. Another problem Ms Aldermane points to is the tendency of the Russian-speaking families to receive news information only from Russian channels. 

Head of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane explained her remarks at the recent conference on minority youth where she talked about the lack of patriotic education and alientation from the state by youth. Ms Aldermane explains that dividing youth into Latvians, Russians, Ukrainians is incorrect and that she had in mind the alienation of all youth. She admits, however, that the Russian-language schools are a special case, because they provide no civic education in secondary school grades. Another problem Ms Aldermane points to is the tendency of the Russian-speaking families to receive news information only from Russian channels. Telegraf

The People’s Harmony Party (PHP) has appealed to the Minister of Justice Aivars Aksenoks, requesting a reduction of the naturalization fee. The head of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane points to the recent decision of the government to reduce the naturalization fee for non-citizens with low income.

The Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) has appealed to the Minister of Justice Aivars Aksenoks, requesting a reduction of the naturalization fee. The head of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane points to the recent decision of the government to reduce the naturalization fee for non-citizens with low income. Chas, Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga

An article in

An article in Chas presents various opinions of discontented representatives of Riga Russian-language schools about the schools readiness for the education reform of 2004, criticizing the Ministry of Educations recent statement that the schools are ready and will include even more classes in Latvian than the required minimum.

Diena features an article by MP Aldis Kuskis (The New Era), arguing that it is necessary to prohibit ex-staff of the SSC to stand as candidate for elections, especially since as members of the EP they would be representing Latvia at one of the most important institutions of the European Union.

The Ambassador of Germany in Latvia Herold Eckart has presented a Federal Republic of Germany award to the director of the museum “Jews in Latvia” Marger Vesterman.  The award is in recognition of his merits in studying Jewish life, history and the Holocaust in Latvia.

The Ambassador of Germany in Latvia Herold Eckart has presented a Federal Republic of Germany award to the director of the museum Jews in Latvia Marger Vesterman. The award is in recognition of his merits in studying Jewish life, history and the Holocaust in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Dec. 4, 2003

  • Society Integration Foundation Society Solidarity award
  • Meeting of the head of the Naturalization Board with MPs
  • Increased rates of naturalization applications
  • Conference about the integration of minority youth
  • Proposal on voting rights for non-citizens at the elections for the European Parliament rejected
  • Upcoming establishment of a Russian schools teachers society
  • New leader of Peoples Harmony Partys parliamentary faction
  • Interview with representative of the emerging party For a Two-Community Latvia
  • The number of migrants from Latvia to Russia is decreasing
This year’s Society Integration Foundation Society Solidarity Award was awarded to to the Jelgava Sport and rehabilitation club for disabled persons “Ceriba” (“Hope”) and to the ex-adviser to the President on nationality issues Olgerts Tipans.  The award was established last year as a recognition of significant contribution in the area of social and ethnic integration. 

This years Society Integration Foundation Society Solidarity Award was awarded to to the Jelgava Sport and rehabilitation club for disabled persons Ceriba (Hope) and to the ex-adviser to the President on nationality issues Olgerts Tipans. The award was established last year as a recognition of significant contribution in the area of social and ethnic integration. Diena, Chas

Telegraf writes about the meeting yesterday of Eizenija Aldermane, the head of Naturalization Board, with members of parliament. Eizenija Aldermane reported that Latvian language proficiency among minority children is improving, but their attitude to the state is standoffish. The head of Naturalization Board believes that the main causes of this phenomenon are the large share of non-citizens among the Russian language school teachers and the lack of patriotic education.

In October and November this year the Naturalization Board has received approximately twice as many naturalization applications as during the same period last year. In October there were 1371 applications, but in November about 1300.

In October and November this year the Naturalization Board has received approximately twice as many naturalization applications as during the same period last year. In October there were 1371 applications, but in November about 1300. Latvijas Avize

A conference about the integration of minority youth was organized yesterday by the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration. The Head of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane stated at the conference that young people know the Latvian language but do not feel a sense of belonging to the state. The survey of the Baltic Social Sciences Institute shows that young people of minorities are estranged from the state, but not apolitical, i.e., they increasingly establish the new NGOs in order to protest against the education reform. The Special Task Minister fore Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks pointed to the polls, displaying that 47% Russian speaking young people has measured their Latvian language proficiency as  “below average,” but 4% declared that they do not know Latvian at all. The minister concluded that this shows that the education reform is necessary. 

A conference about the integration of minority youth was organized yesterday by the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration. The Head of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane stated at the conference that young people know the Latvian language but do not feel a sense of belonging to the state. The survey of the Baltic Social Sciences Institute shows that young people of minorities are estranged from the state, but not apolitical, i.e., they increasingly establish the new NGOs in order to protest against the education reform. The Special Task Minister fore Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks pointed to the polls, displaying that 47% Russian speaking young people has measured their Latvian language proficiency as below average, but 4% declared that they do not know Latvian at all. The minister concluded that this shows that the education reform is necessary. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee rejected the proposals of MP Vladimir Buzajev (For Human Rights in a United Latvia) to grant voting rights for non-citizens of Latvia at the European Parliament elections and to deny the right to vote for those citizens of the European Union, who do not have such a right in their country of origin.

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee rejected the proposals of MP Vladimir Buzajev (For Human Rights in a United Latvia) to grant voting rights for non-citizens of Latvia at the European Parliament elections and to deny the right to vote for those citizens of the European Union, who do not have such a right in their country of origin. Latvijas Avize

A Russian school teachers’ society is in the process of being established. The main tasks of the new organization will be improvement of the education process and monitoring of the education reform in the Russian-language schools as well as the elaboration of proposals on these issues.

A Russian school teachers society is in the process of being established. The main tasks of the new organization will be improvement of the education process and monitoring of the education reform in the Russian-language schools as well as the elaboration of proposals on these issues. Chas features an interview with a one of the founders of the organization -- head master of private secondary school Maxima Olga Isakova. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Janis Urbanovics has become the new leader of the People’s Harmony Party’s parliamentary faction after the resignation of previous leader Janis Jurkans.

Janis Urbanovics has become the new leader of the Peoples Harmony Partys parliamentary faction after the resignation of previous leader Janis Jurkans. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Jakov Briskin, representative of emerging party For a Two-Community Latvia (Par divkopienu Latviju). Jakov Briskin believes that in reality there are two communities in Latvia and that the dominating political regimes notion of integration subsumes assimilation. Briskin believes that its necessary to acknowledge the existence of two communities in Latvia on the international level, thus obtaining support in the struggle for equality.

The decreasing number of Latvian residents have been migrating to Russia over the last years. According to the head of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Department’s Repatriation Division Juris Dombrovskis, during the last 11 months 675 residents have migrated to Russia. Approximately 1,000 people left Latvia for Russia the year before.

The decreasing number of Latvian residents have been migrating to Russia over the last years. According to the head of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Departments Repatriation Division Juris Dombrovskis, during the last 11 months 675 residents have migrated to Russia. Approximately 1,000 people left Latvia for Russia the year before. Telegraf

Dec. 3, 2003

  • OSCE HCNM on education reform, naturalization and municipal elections
  • Former KGB staff prohibition to stand as candidates for elections extended
  • Riga Russian-language schools readiness for education reform
  • European Parliament deputy points to weakness in Latvian state administrative apparatus, problems of social integration and illegal migrants camp
  • Russian politicians in Moscow call for support for Russian-speakers in Latvia
  • Representatives of Secretariat of Special Task Minister for Societal Integration in Liepaja
  • Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies celebrates 15th anniversary
Rolf Ekeus, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, reportedly said in a meeting with Latvia’s foreign minister Sandra Kalniete that he agrees that the 2004 education reform in Latvia is necessary. The High Commissioner also positively valued the increase in the pace of naturalization and supported the necessity to know Latvian language for naturalization, while expressing understanding of the Latvian official argument that non-citizens should not be allowed to participate in municipal election because a priority should be given to increasing the rate of naturalization and integration.

Rolf Ekeus, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, reportedly said in a meeting with Latvias foreign minister Sandra Kalniete that he agrees that the 2004 education reform in Latvia is necessary. The High Commissioner also positively valued the increase in the pace of naturalization and supported the necessity to know Latvian language for naturalization, while expressing understanding of the Latvian official argument that non-citizens should not be allowed to participate in municipal election because a priority should be given to increasing the rate of naturalization and integration. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee supports the proposal to extend the period for establishing an individual’s connection to the Soviet State Security Committee for another tend years, thereby prolonging the prohibition for ex-staff of the State Security Committee to stand as candidate for elections and to be employed in state institutions.

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee supports the proposal to extend the period for establishing an individuals connection to the Soviet State Security Committee for another tend years, thereby prolonging the prohibition for ex-staff of the State Security Committee to stand as candidate for elections and to be employed in state institutions. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Vechernaya Riga features an article about schools readiness for the education reform 2004. The article argues that the Ministry of Education information that most schools in Riga plan to include more disciplines in Latvian than the required minimum of 5, which is planned only by one school in Riga. Based on her own interviews, the author of the article questions the accuracy of these data, also pointing out that the school directors interviewed had very different understandings of the requirements.

European Parliament deputy Elisabeth Schroedter, who is preparing a report on Latvia to be included in an overview of the ten accession countries, is concerned about the weakness of state administrative capacity, social integration and alck of political will to integrate Russian-speakers as well as individual problems at the illegal migrants’ camp in Olaine.  She also criticized Latvia’s parliament for overreacting by recalling opposition deputy Bekasov from the European Parliament, where he had observer status and sees this as symptomatic.

European Parliament deputy Elisabeth Schroedter, who is preparing a report on Latvia to be included in an overview of the ten accession countries, is concerned about the weakness of state administrative capacity, social integration and alck of political will to integrate Russian-speakers as well as individual problems at the illegal migrants camp in Olaine. She also criticized Latvias parliament for overreacting by recalling opposition deputy Bekasov from the European Parliament, where he had observer status and sees this as symptomatic. Diena

At a press conference in Moscow the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs of the State Duma Vyacheslav Igrunov and Yabloko party member Andrey Babuschin critically commented on the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia, calling on the Russian state to provide financial support for various activities to support culture and education in Russian in Latvia and arguing that international monitoring should continue.

At a press conference in Moscow the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs of the State Duma Vyacheslav Igrunov and Yabloko party member Andrey Babuschin critically commented on the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia, calling on the Russian state to provide financial support for various activities to support culture and education in Russian in Latvia and arguing that international monitoring should continue. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Chas reports about the meeting of representatives of the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration and residents of Liepaja.

The Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies (ANKOL), which includes organizations of various ethnic groups and is headed by Raffi Haradjanan, celebrated its 15-year anniversary with a concert, which was attended by representatives of the Minsitry of Culture and the Minister of Education Karlis Sadurskis.

The Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies (ANKOL), which includes organizations of various ethnic groups and is headed by Raffi Haradjanan, celebrated its 15-year anniversary with a concert, which was attended by representatives of the Minsitry of Culture and the Minister of Education Karlis Sadurskis. Latvijas avize, Vesti segodnya

Dec. 2, 2003

  • Latvian and Russian foreign ministers at OSCE meeting in Maastricht
  • European Parliament deputy from Germany criticizes Latvia on integration
  • Interview with Chairperson of Human Rights Committee Ina Druviete
  • Politicians views on definition of minority
  • Historian on research and facts of Nazi war crimes in Bauska
In the OSCE minister meeting in Maastricht Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov criticized Latvia for not observing minority rights of Russian-speakers, while Latvia’s foreign minister Sandra Kalniete in her speech spoke of human rights violations in Chechnya and also called on Russia to fulfill obligations of troop withdrawal from Georgia and Moldova.  The Latvian foreign minister admitted that the Russian criticism was unexpectedly brief and moderate.

In the OSCE minister meeting in Maastricht Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov criticized Latvia for not observing minority rights of Russian-speakers, while Latvias foreign minister Sandra Kalniete in her speech spoke of human rights violations in Chechnya and also called on Russia to fulfill obligations of troop withdrawal from Georgia and Moldova. The Latvian foreign minister admitted that the Russian criticism was unexpectedly brief and moderate. Diena also reports that the Russian foreign minister criticizes the OSCE lack of support for the Russian peace agreement proposal for Moldova, which foresees Russian troops remaining in the country until 2020, while presiding country foreign minister Jaap de Hoop Scheffer expressed hope that a common resolution will be agreed upon shortly. Diena, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize publishes an interview with European Parliament deputy from Gemany Elisabeth Schroedter, who was in Latvia yesterday on an official visit. Ms Schroedter was critical of the level of activities for social integration and concerned about the large number of non-citizens, which in her view will be a question that will receive increased attention in debates in the European Parliament. Ms Schroedter was also critical of the education reform and transition to Latvian as the main language of instruction in secondary schools, despite admitting that the reform has in general been accepted by Europe.

Latvijas Avize publishes an interview with New Era member and Chairperson of the Saeima Commission on Human Rights and Social Affairs Ina Druviete on ethnic integration and the necessary predominance of the Latvian language. Ms Druviete admits that minority language rights are also part of human rights, but that this concerns the use of minority language in the private sphere, not in higher sociolinguistic spheres as, for instance, the police, armed forces, municipal institutions, state power and administrative institutions, which should be reserved for the state language.

In an overview of politicians’ views of the definition of minority in Latvia, Ina Druviete (New Era) argues that since no international consensus exists on a definition and since many minorities in Latvia would in any case not correspond to any generally established criteria, while the majority – Latvians – are not in a dominant economic position, a general definition for Latvia would not be feasible.  Instead, a real possibility for Latvia when talking about the ratification of the Framework Convention would be to establish a list of minorities, making sure that a clear distinction is drawn between linguistic and ethnic minorities.  First Party representative and parliamentary faction leader Oskars Kastens stresses the uniqueness of the situation in Latvia and Estonia and thinks that although problematic, an elaboration of a definition could serve as a precedent for other countries and that the elaboration of a definition should be the competence of the Minister for Social Integration Affairs.  Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National Independence Movement deputy Juris Dobelis and Anta Rugâte from People’s Party and head of the Citizenship Implementation Commission in parliament think that only citizens can be part of a minority.  Andris Berzins from the Union of Greens and Farmers refers to the working group in the Saeima which will be responsible for elaborating reservations to the Framework Convention and also should elaborate a definition for use in Latvia.  People’s Harmony Party representative Janus Urbanovics says that the definition should be based on European standards. 

In an overview of politicians views of the definition of minority in Latvia, Ina Druviete (New Era) argues that since no international consensus exists on a definition and since many minorities in Latvia would in any case not correspond to any generally established criteria, while the majority РLatvians Рare not in a dominant economic position, a general definition for Latvia would not be feasible. Instead, a real possibility for Latvia when talking about the ratification of the Framework Convention would be to establish a list of minorities, making sure that a clear distinction is drawn between linguistic and ethnic minorities. First Party representative and parliamentary faction leader Oskars Kastens stresses the uniqueness of the situation in Latvia and Estonia and thinks that although problematic, an elaboration of a definition could serve as a precedent for other countries and that the elaboration of a definition should be the competence of the Minister for Social Integration Affairs. Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National Independence Movement deputy Juris Dobelis and Anta Rug̢te from Peoples Party and head of the Citizenship Implementation Commission in parliament think that only citizens can be part of a minority. Andris Berzins from the Union of Greens and Farmers refers to the working group in the Saeima which will be responsible for elaborating reservations to the Framework Convention and also should elaborate a definition for use in Latvia. Peoples Harmony Party representative Janus Urbanovics says that the definition should be based on European standards. Latvijas Avize

In an article in

In an article in Diena, historian and head of the history department of the Bauska Local research art and history museum Aigars Urtans describes what has been established as fact through research on the 1941 Nazi crimes in Bauska.

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