Dec. 12, 2003

  • Deputy Prime Minister proposal to allow Vladimir Zhirinovky to visit Latvia meets with criticism
  • Latvia and the proposal for including minority rights in draft constitution of European Union
  • Dmitry Rogozin on pre-conditions for dialogue with Latvia
  • Soros Foundation Latvia is closing the project Atvçrtâ skola
Deputy Prime Minister of Latvia Ainars Slesers has proposed to take the leader of Russia Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovky off the list of persons not allowed entry into Latvia. Ainars Slesers states that Latvia cannot ignore the leader of a party, which has become the third most numerous party at the Russia State Duma. Newspapers also feature criticism and the statements of Saeima MPs about this proposal.

Deputy Prime Minister of Latvia Ainars Slesers has proposed to take the leader of Russia Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovky off the list of persons not allowed entry into Latvia. Ainars Slesers states that Latvia cannot ignore the leader of a party, which has become the third most numerous party at the Russia State Duma. Newspapers also feature criticism and the statements of Saeima MPs about this proposal. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Chas reports on an article in the Hungarian newspaper The Budapest Sun about the proposal of Hungary to include a section about minority rights in the draft constitution of the European Union. The Budapest Sun stated that only the diplomats of Latvia and Estonia have protested against the inclusion of this regulation. Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Andris Piebalgs denies this. The MP of Saeima and observer from Latvia to the European Parliament Boris Tsilevich stresses that the inclusion of this regulation in the draft constitution of the European Union does not mean that Latvia is not obligated to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Russian-language newspapers feature interviews with the deputy chairman of the Russian party Rodina Dmitry Rogozin. He states that dialogue with Latvia could soon start, but is tied to some pre-conditions.  He is first and foremost interested in the defense of Russian-language schools in Latvia and in the implementation of the “zero” (i.e. automatic for all) alternative of citizenship. Russia will insist upon the recognition of Russian language as the second state language in the all post-Soviet republics, including Latvia, states Rogozin.

Russian-language newspapers feature interviews with the deputy chairman of the Russian party Rodina Dmitry Rogozin. He states that dialogue with Latvia could soon start, but is tied to some pre-conditions. He is first and foremost interested in the defense of Russian-language schools in Latvia and in the implementation of the zero (i.e. automatic for all) alternative of citizenship. Russia will insist upon the recognition of Russian language as the second state language in the all post-Soviet republics, including Latvia, states Rogozin. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The Soros Foundation Latvia is closing the project

The Soros Foundation Latvia is closing the project Atvçrtâ skola (The Open School). The main purpose of this project was a promotion of social and ethnic integration in the area of education, establishing the notion of bilingual education in the system of education and bringing together students, teachers and parents of various languages of instruction. Since 1999 the Soros Foundation Latvia has invested approximately 630 thousand lats in this project. Experts from this project will continue their work in the newly established Center for Educational Evolution. Diena

Dec. 11, 2003

  • Latvian politicians ready to heed the call of Dmitry Rogozin, the deputy chairmans of the party Rodina
  • Saeima Legal Affairs Committee accepts restrictions on the right to stand as candidate for the elections to the European Parliament
  • Comments on the newly formed Russian-language school teachers society
  • Meeting of Ventspils Russian language schools students parents with the Head of the Department of Integration of theMinistry of Education and Science Evija Papule
  • Latvia becomes a member of the International Holocaust working group
  • Activist of European Youth Human Rights Network Kaspars Zalitis comments on relations between Latvian and Russian youth
The head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Inese Vaidere (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) and the head of European Affairs Committee Guntars Krasts (FF/LNIM) have declared their readiness to respond to the call of Dmitry Rogozin, the deputy chairman of the party Rodina, to discuss relations between Russia and Latvia with politicians “legitimate to the Latvian people”. The Foreign Affairs Minister Sandra Kalniete comments that the next six months will show whether Russia is ready for constructive dialogue with Latvia.

The head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Inese Vaidere (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) and the head of European Affairs Committee Guntars Krasts (FF/LNIM) have declared their readiness to respond to the call of Dmitry Rogozin, the deputy chairman of the party Rodina, to discuss relations between Russia and Latvia with politicians legitimate to the Latvian people. The Foreign Affairs Minister Sandra Kalniete comments that the next six months will show whether Russia is ready for constructive dialogue with Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has supported the proposal of parties New Era, People’s Party and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to extend the prohibition to stand for election to candidate for ex-officials of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia and the members of Communist Party and related organizations after January 13 1991 also to elections to the European Parliament. The representative of parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) Juris Sokolovs claims that the restrictions are a political campaign directed against four politicians – Tatjana Zdanoka, Alfred Rubiks, Janis Adamsons and Juris Bojars.

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has supported the proposal of parties New Era, Peoples Party and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to extend the prohibition to stand for election to candidate for ex-officials of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia and the members of Communist Party and related organizations after January 13 1991 also to elections to the European Parliament. The representative of parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) Juris Sokolovs claims that the restrictions are a political campaign directed against four politicians – Tatjana Zdanoka, Alfred Rubiks, Janis Adamsons and Juris Bojars. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Telegraf publishes an article about establishment of the Russia school teachers society. One of the founders of the organization, head master of private secondary school Maxima Olga Isakova, believes that it should be officially acknowledged that there are Russian-language schools in Latvia with long-standing traditions of Russian culture. The organization should be against wild bilingualism and any attempt to Latvianize the schools, says Ms Isakova, and expresses concern over the possible quality deterioration of education in minority schools. She regrets that many teachers try to adapt to the situation instead of trying to influence it. A teacher from another school comments that a professional Russian-language school teacher organization would have been able to influence the situation if it were established five years ago, but not when half a year is left before the implementation of the reform.

Russian-language newspapers feature articles about the meeting of Ventspils Russian language school students’ parents with the Head of the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science Evija Papule. There was also a protest action against the education reform 2004, organized by the Venspils Committee for the Defence of Russian language schools, during this meeting.

Russian-language newspapers feature articles about the meeting of Ventspils Russian language school students parents with the Head of the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science Evija Papule. There was also a protest action against the education reform 2004, organized by the Venspils Committee for the Defence of Russian language schools, during this meeting. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvia has become a member of the International Holocaust working group. Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Andris Teikmanis will represent Latvia in this group.

Latvia has become a member of the International Holocaust working group. Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Andris Teikmanis will represent Latvia in this group. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the European Youth Human Rights Network activist Kaspars Zalitis, who believes that mistakes by Latvian politicians in the 1990s have led to the division of society and has resulted in intolerance between Russian and Latvian youth.

Dec. 10, 2003

  • New Composition of Advisory Council on Minority Education
  • Discussions on ratification of the Framework Prevention are planned by the Special Task Minister for Social Integration and Saeima sub-committee
  • Riga Vice Mayor Dolgopolov may be excluded from Peoples Harmony Party
  • Russian-speaker skepticism on EU and minority rights
  • Foreign Ministrys perceived threat by Russia revisited
  • Janis Jurkans criticism of Russian Duma party Rodina
  • Criticism of official approach to minority youth integration
  • Rafi HaradÅ£ajans on evolution of Association of National Culture Societies

Chas reports that the composition of the advisory council on minority education at the Ministry of Education is changing, posing the question whether the new one will be as subordinate to ministerial positions. Last Monday a suggestion was accepted that the council would include 10 representatives of government, municipalities, school directors (who are directly dependent on the ministry) and 15 representatives of officially registered NGOs. The newspaper comments that this means that the Ministry will be interested in including the NGOs which are supportive of the education reform, while leader of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LAShOR) Igors Pimenovs hopes that the new council will become a mechanism for true dialogue between government and civil society.

Special Task Minister for Social Integration, reporting to the Saeima Human Rights Committee yesterday, indicated that the Social Integration Secretariat will start discussions on the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of national Minorities.  Meanwhile, a special sub-committee is being established in the Saeima, the Social Integration Committee, which will be dealing with this issue.  The minister also reported that the Secretariat will come forth in May with proposals for legislative changes necessary for the implementation of the EU directives, especially the Race Directive.

Special Task Minister for Social Integration, reporting to the Saeima Human Rights Committee yesterday, indicated that the Social Integration Secretariat will start discussions on the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of national Minorities. Meanwhile, a special sub-committee is being established in the Saeima, the Social Integration Committee, which will be dealing with this issue. The minister also reported that the Secretariat will come forth in May with proposals for legislative changes necessary for the implementation of the EU directives, especially the Race Directive. Vesti segodnya

Riga Vice-mayor Sergey Dolgopolov’s intention to establish a non-governmental organization uniting left-wing forces, which could eventually turn into a new political party has been greeted with incomprehension within his present party, the People’s Harmony Party.  The question of Dolgopolov’s possible exclusion from the PHP will be discussed on 15 December, promised the party leaders. 

Riga Vice-mayor Sergey Dolgopolovs intention to establish a non-governmental organization uniting left-wing forces, which could eventually turn into a new political party has been greeted with incomprehension within his present party, the Peoples Harmony Party. The question of Dolgopolovs possible exclusion from the PHP will be discussed on 15 December, promised the party leaders. Rigas Balss, Vechernaya Riga, Telegraf

Vesti segodnya publishes a Euro-skeptic article, based on an interview with a representative of the Communist Party of Greece Eliseos Vagenas. The article concludes that no support from the EU for Russian-speakers in Latvia is to be expected and that the only way forward is to organize around minority-friendly political parties and actively participate in political life within Latvia.

An article in

An article in Telegraf discusses the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dissatisfaction with the newspapers in a recent article that Foreign Minister of Latvia had referred to Russias military threats to Latvia on the basis of its treatment of its Russian-speakers, which the ministry considers an exaggeration of Ms Kalnietes position. After publishing a longer excerpt of the foreign ministers statement the newspaper concludes that the foreign ministrys worries and the perceived threat stemmed from statements by Russian Defence Minister Segey Ivanov in Colorado Springs in October, in which he referred to the self-perceived Russian right to intervention in CIS countries, not the Baltic countries.

People’s harmony Party leader Janis Jurkans does not take seriously the Rodina party representative’s call for including including politicians allegedly legitimate to the Latvian people, such as Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM representatives Guntars Krasts or Inese Vaidere, instead of Janis Jurkans or Janis Urbanovich in a Russian-Latvian dialogue on the problems of Russian-speakers in Latvia.  Jurkans points to the fact that Rodina with its leader Rogozin will not be the ones determining the dialogue, since it is between governments, and the main role will be that of the party of President Putin. 

Peoples harmony Party leader Janis Jurkans does not take seriously the Rodina party representatives call for including including politicians allegedly legitimate to the Latvian people, such as Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM representatives Guntars Krasts or Inese Vaidere, instead of Janis Jurkans or Janis Urbanovich in a Russian-Latvian dialogue on the problems of Russian-speakers in Latvia. Jurkans points to the fact that Rodina with its leader Rogozin will not be the ones determining the dialogue, since it is between governments, and the main role will be that of the party of President Putin. Telegraf

An article in

An article in Vechernaya Riga comments on the recent conference organized by the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Social Integration on problems of minority youth. According to the newspaper, despite speakers admission that twelve years after independence there is a problem of alienation from the state among minority youth, who have very low rates of naturalization there were no new proposals for dealing with the problem. Naturalization and learning Latvian are still seen by the state as the way forward and the Special Task Ministers stress on the necessity of the minority education reform. The article points out that there was no representative at the conference of the group spoken about – minority youth – and that the working languages of the conference were only Latvian and English.


As Diena person Rafi Haradţajans, leader of the Association for National Cultural Societies, talks about the evolution of the Association and its continued work during Latvias integration into Europe, including both new and traditional minorities.

Dec. 9, 2003

  • Russia State Duma preferences by Russian voters in Latvia
  • Sandra Kalniete on post-election relations with Russia
  • Deputy Mayor of Riga Sergey Dolgopolov plans to bring together the left wing parties
  • Excerpts from answers by Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks to questions in internet portal Delfi
  • Martinjan Bekasov, the MP of Latvias Socialist Party parliamentary group continues his work as observer at the European Parliament
  • Interview with Jakov Briskin who wants to establish the party For a Two-Community Latvia
More than 9,200 citizens of Russia (out of some 40,000 who live in Latvia) participated in the Russian State Duma elections by voting at the Russian embassy in Latvia. Of these, 33% have voted for the block Rodina (“Fatherland”), 31% - for Yedinaya Rosiya (“United Russia”), 18.7% - for the Communist Party of Russian Federation.  The proportions are similar for all three Baltic countries’ Russian citizens, although in Estonia Yedinstvo nudged into first place. The deputy chairman of the Rodina Dmitry Rogozin has stated that this block will implement a hard-line politics in order to defend the compatriots outside the Russia. The Russian Ambassador to Latvia comments on the new Duma and the effect on relations between Latvia and Russia by pointing out that the new Duma will undoubtedly seek to establish a dialogue, but that the real development of relations depends on Latvia’s position concerning the “Russian compatriots” and non-citizens as well as the upcoming minority education reform. Various Latvian politicians’ comments on the Russian elections also appear.

More than 9,200 citizens of Russia (out of some 40,000 who live in Latvia) participated in the Russian State Duma elections by voting at the Russian embassy in Latvia. Of these, 33% have voted for the block Rodina (Fatherland), 31% - for Yedinaya Rosiya (United Russia), 18.7% - for the Communist Party of Russian Federation. The proportions are similar for all three Baltic countries Russian citizens, although in Estonia Yedinstvo nudged into first place. The deputy chairman of the Rodina Dmitry Rogozin has stated that this block will implement a hard-line politics in order to defend the compatriots outside the Russia. The Russian Ambassador to Latvia comments on the new Duma and the effect on relations between Latvia and Russia by pointing out that the new Duma will undoubtedly seek to establish a dialogue, but that the real development of relations depends on Latvias position concerning the Russian compatriots and non-citizens as well as the upcoming minority education reform. Various Latvian politicians comments on the Russian elections also appear. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Foreign Minister Sandra Kalniete expresses the opinion in

Foreign Minister Sandra Kalniete expresses the opinion in Latvija avize that now that elections in Russia are over and there is a new Duma in place relations between Russian and Latvia should improve, and Russia should work on some concrete problems: the ratification of the border agreement, the signature of the repatriation of illegal immigrants by Russia and meeting of the Russian-Latvian interstate committee at the chairperson level.

Early in the next year the Deputy Mayor of Riga and People’s Harmony Party member Sergey Dolgopolov plans to establish a new organization, which would bring together the left wing parties. According to Dolgopolov, in the course of time this organization could be transformed to a left-wing party, which could participate at the next municipality elections. 

Early in the next year the Deputy Mayor of Riga and Peoples Harmony Party member Sergey Dolgopolov plans to establish a new organization, which would bring together the left wing parties. According to Dolgopolov, in the course of time this organization could be transformed to a left-wing party, which could participate at the next municipality elections. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Vechernaya Riga

Latvijas avize publishes excerpts from a question-and-answer session with Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks, conducted by the internet portal Delfi. The Special Task Minister states that mistakes have been made in the area of minority policy over the last ten years, and now it is necessary to struggle with the resulting alienation and resentment by minorities. He acknowledges that there are some two-community features in Latvia, for example, on some issues of foreign policy, the understanding of history and in attitudes on some elements of national policy. There is also certain segregation in the area of education and media, but many common values, the increasing level of Latvian language knowledge, the high and stable number of inter-ethnic marriage and the fact that economic opportunities are not closely related to ethnicity.

Martinjan Bekasov, the MP of Latvia’s Socialist Party parliamentary group, continues his work as observer at the European Parliament despite for the decision of the Saeima to recall him from this post. Bekasov claims that he has the right to continue his work based on the criticism by some representatives of European parliament that the Saeima decision violates his rights to free speech, and because the European Parliament has not yet expressed an official opinion about the decision of Saeima.

Martinjan Bekasov, the MP of Latvias Socialist Party parliamentary group, continues his work as observer at the European Parliament despite for the decision of the Saeima to recall him from this post. Bekasov claims that he has the right to continue his work based on the criticism by some representatives of European parliament that the Saeima decision violates his rights to free speech, and because the European Parliament has not yet expressed an official opinion about the decision of Saeima. Latvijas avize, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize interviews Jakov Briskin, the representative of emerging party For a Two-Community Latvia. Briskin is a non-citizen and claims he should receive citizenship automatically, because he has worked for the good of Latvia by agitating for vote for the Peoples Front at the end of the Soviet period.

Dec. 8, 2003

  • Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM conference and future plans
  • Russians in Latvia participate in RussianState Duma vote
  • Association of Russian-language school teachers established
  • Igors Pimenovs calls for changes in minority education advisory council
  • PHP Janis Jurkans predicts strong positions for social democrats and nationalists in EU
Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National Independence Movement in their party conference last Saturday reelected Janis Straume as chairperson.  Searching for new ways to avoid falling beneath the 5% barrier for participation in parliament party delegates indicated that a stronger nationalist stance would be forthcoming, making priorities out of state support for the Latvian language and education, for the international recognition of the occupation fact and  strict requirements for naturalization, the improvement of the demographic situation, etc. 

Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National Independence Movement in their party conference last Saturday reelected Janis Straume as chairperson. Searching for new ways to avoid falling beneath the 5% barrier for participation in parliament party delegates indicated that a stronger nationalist stance would be forthcoming, making priorities out of state support for the Latvian language and education, for the international recognition of the occupation fact and strict requirements for naturalization, the improvement of the demographic situation, etc. Diena, Neatkariga rita avize, Latvijas avize, Vesti segodnya, Chas

Ambassor Studennikov of Russia expressed dissatisfaction at the decision by the Latvian government not to allow the conduct of elections for the Russian Duma at other localities than the Embassy itself.  Some 2,500 Russian citizens living in Latvia were quing up outside the Embassy yesterday to participate in the Russian Duma elections.  Informal journalist exit polls indicated that the most frequent votes were for Dmitry Rogozin (Rodina) and Vladimir Zhirinovsky. 

Ambassor Studennikov of Russia expressed dissatisfaction at the decision by the Latvian government not to allow the conduct of elections for the Russian Duma at other localities than the Embassy itself. Some 2,500 Russian citizens living in Latvia were quing up outside the Embassy yesterday to participate in the Russian Duma elections. Informal journalist exit polls indicated that the most frequent votes were for Dmitry Rogozin (Rodina) and Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Vesti segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

On Saturday the new association of Russian-language school teachers held its founding meeting. 

On Saturday the new association of Russian-language school teachers held its founding meeting. Latvijas avize, Chas

Leader of the Latvian Association for the Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction Igor Pimenov makes a call for changing the advisory council working with the Ministry of Education on minority education into a true forum for dialogue instead of only for show by decreasing the number of government representatives and increasing the representatives of minorities. 

Leader of the Latvian Association for the Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction Igor Pimenov makes a call for changing the advisory council working with the Ministry of Education on minority education into a true forum for dialogue instead of only for show by decreasing the number of government representatives and increasing the representatives of minorities. Vesti segodnya, Chas

Head of People’s Harmony Party Janis Jurkans, who recently stepped down from his post as faction leader in parliament, in an interview in

Head of Peoples Harmony Party Janis Jurkans, who recently stepped down from his post as faction leader in parliament, in an interview in Telegraf comments on the future for parties in the European Union. Jurkans believes that the European Union will enhance the chances for social democratic and nationalist parties to gain strong positions.

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