Dec. 18, 2003

  • Attempt to include rejection of unproved Russian reproaches to Latvia in draft resolution in European Parliament
  • Deputy Minister of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Russia Jurij Fedotov comments on Nikolay Tess court case
  • Minister of Interior Maris Gulbis on Zhirinovsky
  • Saeima Legal Affairs Committee postpones amendments to the Law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State
  • European Parliament Deputy Christopher Beazley expresses understanding of Latvian prohibition to stand for elections to European Parliament for ex-officials of the State Security Committee
  • Party New Era is planning to organize a Roma conference
  • Article about the decision of Saeima to extend the injunction against former KGB staff running for elections
  • About the role of Russians of Latvia as bridge people between Russia and European Union
The European Parliament (EP) Group of European People’s Parties (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats is preparing a draft resolution on the reproaches of Russia about the violation of minority rights in Latvia as unproved. People’s Party member and observer of Latvia to EP Rihars Piks claims that the EP Group is planning to include this issue in the resolution about the relations between Russia and the European Union, stressing that Latvia has fulfilled all international requirements in the area of observation of minority rights.

The European Parliament (EP) Group of European Peoples Parties (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats is preparing a draft resolution on the reproaches of Russia about the violation of minority rights in Latvia as unproved. Peoples Party member and observer of Latvia to EP Rihars Piks claims that the EP Group is planning to include this issue in the resolution about the relations between Russia and the European Union, stressing that Latvia has fulfilled all international requirements in the area of observation of minority rights. Diena, Latvijas Avize

The Deputy Minister of the Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry Jurij Fedotov in a comment on the court case of Nikolay Tess. The Deputy Minister believes that the legal proceedings against Soviet veterans in the Baltic States are of a political nature and are in conflict with international human rights standards.

The Deputy Minister of the Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry Jurij Fedotov in a comment on the court case of Nikolay Tess. The Deputy Minister believes that the legal proceedings against Soviet veterans in the Baltic States are of a political nature and are in conflict with international human rights standards. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Minister of Interior Maris Gulbis in aninterview in

Minister of Interior Maris Gulbis in aninterview in Latvijas Avize clarifies his decision do not take the leader of Russia Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovky off the list of persons not allowed entry into Latvia.

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has postponed amendments to the Law “On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State”, stipulating that people, who have gotten a residence permit in another country can be deprived of the non-citizens’ status in Latvia.

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has postponed amendments to the Law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State, stipulating that people, who have gotten a residence permit in another country can be deprived of the non-citizens status in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize reports about the speechof deputy Christopher Beazley at the plenary session of the European Parliament, in which the deputy is reported to have stated that considering the history of the state, the desire of Latvia to extend the prohibition to stand for election to candidate for ex-officials of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia and the members of Communist Party to elections to European Parliament is understandable.

The party New Era after the meeting with representatives of Roma community has decided to organize a Roma conference next month. The main purpose of this conference is to gather information about the possibilities to solve the problems of Roma employment and social security.

The party New Era after the meeting with representatives of Roma community has decided to organize a Roma conference next month. The main purpose of this conference is to gather information about the possibilities to solve the problems of Roma employment and social security. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Public policy site

Public policy site features an article by doctoral student at Riga Graduate School of Law and Lund University Martins Mits about the decision of Saeima to extend the injunction against former KGB staff running for elections. The author concludes that the point of reference in Latvia for evaluating limitations on the rights of these groups of people is different than the point of reference dictated by international human rights standards and that political arguments are being favored over legal ones. For full text see here.

Diena features an article by freelance journalist Anna Stroja, discussing the role of Russians of Latvia as bridge people between Russia and European Union.

Dec. 17, 2003

  • Latvian politicians surprised by Mihail Margelovs positive attitude
  • School action against education reform
  • Following the exclusion of Sergey Dolgopolov other Peoples Harmony Party members may leave the party as well
  • Nikolay Tess convicted of war crimes
Russian Upper House representative, Edinstvo member and head of the Foreign Relations Committee Mihail Margelov surprised several Latvian politicians by a more positive attitude towards Latvia and lack of criticism on minority rights.  In an interview in Telegraf Margelov is also critical of those local politicians who make a “profit-making profession out of defending Russian-speakers”. Mr Margelov predicts that Latvian-Russian relations will improve after Latvia joins the EU, and calls for non-political economic relations and a speedy settlement of the border agreement issues.  Many commentators cautioned that although hopeful signs his positive statements should not be overinterpreted to mean that Russia’s policy will change.

Russian Upper House representative, Edinstvo member and head of the Foreign Relations Committee Mihail Margelov surprised several Latvian politicians by a more positive attitude towards Latvia and lack of criticism on minority rights. In an interview in Telegraf Margelov is also critical of those local politicians who make a profit-making profession out of defending Russian-speakers. Mr Margelov predicts that Latvian-Russian relations will improve after Latvia joins the EU, and calls for non-political economic relations and a speedy settlement of the border agreement issues. Many commentators cautioned that although hopeful signs his positive statements should not be overinterpreted to mean that Russias policy will change. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Latvijas Vçstnesis, Telegraf, Vesti segodnya

Yesterday there was a small-scale demonstration against the minority school reform, by upper-class students and school representatives of Riga school No. 32 who were “on strike”. Parliamentary deputy Tolmačovs (FHRUL) participated and called the demonstration a meeting with voters. 

Yesterday there was a small-scale demonstration against the minority school reform, by upper-class students and school representatives of Riga school No. 32 who were on strike. Parliamentary deputy Tolmačovs (FHRUL) participated and called the demonstration a meeting with voters. Latvijas Avize reports that the demonstration was ignored by Latvian media, while several Russian media reported it. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti segodnya

As a protest against the exclusion from People’s Harmony Party of Sergey Dolgopolov, Riga Council deputy Leonid Kurdjumov has decided to leave the party.  Several other party members Riga Council deputies are said to be thinking about the matter.

As a protest against the exclusion from Peoples Harmony Party of Sergey Dolgopolov, Riga Council deputy Leonid Kurdjumov has decided to leave the party. Several other party members Riga Council deputies are said to be thinking about the matter. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Nikolay Tess was convicted of war crimes yesterday for the deportation of 42 families to Siberia in 1949, while working as a Latvian Soviet Security Ministry staff.  He received a two-year suspended sentence with the argument that he is old, in poor health and that he signed the deportation order while acting under instructions by higher authorities.

Nikolay Tess was convicted of war crimes yesterday for the deportation of 42 families to Siberia in 1949, while working as a Latvian Soviet Security Ministry staff. He received a two-year suspended sentence with the argument that he is old, in poor health and that he signed the deportation order while acting under instructions by higher authorities. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Dec. 16, 2003

  • Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov excluded from the Peoples Harmony Party
  • Meeting of President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • Russian Upper House representative Mihail Margelov on Latvian-Russian relations
  • New Era calls on Deputy Prime Minister Ainars Slesers to account for his statements
  • Call for the establishment of regional committees for minority education
  • Interview with a head of National Program for Latvian Language Training Aija Priedite
Yesterday People’s Harmony Party council decided to exclude Sergey Dolgopolov from the party for breech of party charter and discipline. According to the head of People’s Harmony Party Janis Jurkans, the removal of Sergey Dolgopolov from the post of Riga Vice-Mayor is not currently under consideration.

Yesterday Peoples Harmony Party council decided to exclude Sergey Dolgopolov from the party for breech of party charter and discipline. According to the head of Peoples Harmony Party Janis Jurkans, the removal of Sergey Dolgopolov from the post of Riga Vice-Mayor is not currently under consideration. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga

The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks met with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga yesterday to discuss the work of the Special Task Minister’s Secretariat, the naturalization process and the minority education reform. The President of Latvia has voiced a readiness to promote the naturalization process by calling on non-citizens to naturalize.

The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks met with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga yesterday to discuss the work of the Special Task Ministers Secretariat, the naturalization process and the minority education reform. The President of Latvia has voiced a readiness to promote the naturalization process by calling on non-citizens to naturalize. Latvijas Avize, Chas

During the visit of a Russian Parliament Upper House delegation to Latvia, the head of the Council of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov stated that relations between Russia and Latvia will likely improve after Latvia’s accession to the EU. The head of delegation has not yet expressed his attitude towards the observation of minority rights, motivating his position with the desire to get better acquainted with the real situation.

During the visit of a Russian Parliament Upper House delegation to Latvia, the head of the Council of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov stated that relations between Russia and Latvia will likely improve after Latvias accession to the EU. The head of delegation has not yet expressed his attitude towards the observation of minority rights, motivating his position with the desire to get better acquainted with the real situation. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

The party New Era calls on Deputy Prime Minister Ainars Slesers to explain his statement about the desirability of taking the leader of Russia Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky off the list of persons not allowed entry into Latvia.

The party New Era calls on Deputy Prime Minister Ainars Slesers to explain his statement about the desirability of taking the leader of Russia Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky off the list of persons not allowed entry into Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Chas features an article of Jakov Pliner, the head of the For Human Rights in United Latvia parliamentary group and Valery Buhvalov, about the 2004 education reform, in which they call on the parents of minority schools students to establish regional committees for the protection of minority schools, whose aim would be to discuss the education reform with representatives of local governments. In the future these committees should unite in order to negotiate with the Saeima and MPs of European Parliament, in the view of the authors.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with a head of National Program for Latvian Language Training Aija Priedite about the societal integration process in Latvia. Ms Priedite stresses that only formal naturalization and integration could be dangerous and that it is necessary to develop an environment in which newly naturalized people feel as part of the whole society.

Dec. 15, 2003

  • Visit of Russian Parliament Upper House delegation
  • On Sergey DolgopolovТs possible exclusion from the PeopleТs Harmony Party
  • Statistics on ethnicity of newborns in Latvia
  • About the statements of document УThe Actual Tasks of Russia FederationТs Armed Forces developmentФ
Newspapers feature articles about the visit of Russia Parliament Upper House delegation under the guidance of the head of the CouncilТs of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs (Russia) Mihail Margelov to Latvia. Chas prints an interview with Mihail Margelov.

Newspapers feature articles about the visit of Russia Parliament Upper House delegation under the guidance of the head of the CouncilТs of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs (Russia) Mihail Margelov to Latvia. Chas prints an interview with Mihail Margelov. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

At the meeting of PeopleТs Harmony Party council today the issue of the possible exclusion from the party of the Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov will be discussed. The exclusion of Riga Vice-Mayor from the party could eventually lead  to the liquidation of Riga City Council PHPТs parliamentary group, because three other members of party could possibly leave the parliamentary group at the same time as Dolgopolov.

At the meeting of PeopleТs Harmony Party council today the issue of the possible exclusion from the party of the Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov will be discussed. The exclusion of Riga Vice-Mayor from the party could eventually lead to the liquidation of Riga City Council PHPТs parliamentary group, because three other members of party could possibly leave the parliamentary group at the same time as Dolgopolov. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

According to Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia data 13,000 newborns in the year 2002 were both to ethnically Latvian mothers,  5,221 to Russian mothers,  525 Ц to Byelorussian, 442 Ц to Polish, 291 Ц to Lithuanian, 180 - to Roma, 33 Ц to German and 32 - to Jewish mothers.

According to Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia data 13,000 newborns in the year 2002 were both to ethnically Latvian mothers, 5,221 to Russian mothers, 525 Ц to Byelorussian, 442 Ц to Polish, 291 Ц to Lithuanian, 180 - to Roma, 33 Ц to German and 32 - to Jewish mothers. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an article of Modris Ziemiтр, analyzing a document УCurrent Development Tasks of Russia FederationТs Armed Forces.Ф The document reportedly states that Russia fully supports the democratic processes in states respecting and protecting the rights of ethnic Russians and Russian citizens. According to the document, in the case of political and ethnical instability in these states, it is possible that there Уcould arise a necessity for Russia to implement corrections in the principles of military planning.Ф According to these statements, the journalist of Latvijas Avize concludes, the observation of minority rights in Latvia will be employed as an instrument of political pressure from a side of Russia in next few years.

Dec. 13, 2003

  • Minister of Interior continues denying entry into Latvia for Vladimir Zhirinovky
  • Upcoming official visit of the head of Russias Councils of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs (Russia) Mihail Margelov
  • Interview with the head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Inese Vaidere
  • Comments on the potential visit of Dmitry Rogozin to Latvia
  • Article about the Latvian Nation and national minorities
Minister of Interior Maris Gulbis has decided against the suggestion by Deputy Prime Minister Ainars Slesers to take leader of Russia Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovky off the list of persons not allowed entry into Latvia.

Minister of Interior Maris Gulbis has decided against the suggestion by Deputy Prime Minister Ainars Slesers to take leader of Russia Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovky off the list of persons not allowed entry into Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

A Russian Parliament Upper House delegation under Mihail Margelov, the head of the Council’s of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs, will be visiting Latvia. Mihail Margelov will meet with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Saeima, the Deputy Prime Minister and other officials.

A Russian Parliament Upper House delegation under Mihail Margelov, the head of the Councils of Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs, will be visiting Latvia. Mihail Margelov will meet with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Saeima, the Deputy Prime Minister and other officials. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Inese Vaidere (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) on the future discussions about relations between Latvia and Russia, the observation of minority rights in Latvia and the naturalization process. Inese Vaidere believes that FF/LNIM and all the governing coalition, with the possible exception of First Party Ainars Slesers, is not ready to agree with Russia on the issues of naturalization, language and education in Latvia. The head of the Saeima Committee also criticizes the head of Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane for her activities asking non-citizens to naturalize. According to Inese Vaidere, only politicians can issues such calls, not state officials such as Aldermane. Latvijas Avize

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs denies any knowledge of the plans reported in media of the deputy chairman of the Russian party Rodina Dmitry Rogozin to visit Latvia next month, allegedly to discuss the observation of minority rights in Latvia with the Prime Minister of Latvia and representatives of Saeima Committees. The commentator of

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs denies any knowledge of the plans reported in media of the deputy chairman of the Russian party Rodina Dmitry Rogozin to visit Latvia next month, allegedly to discuss the observation of minority rights in Latvia with the Prime Minister of Latvia and representatives of Saeima Committees. The commentator of Chas Anatoly Kamenev points to the inconsistency of Dmitry Rogozin, pointing out that he has not promoted the signing and ratification of economic, political agreements -- especially the agreement on social security -- between Latvia and Russia, which could improve the life condition of many non-citizens of Latvia. Diena, Chas

Diena publishes an article by Deniss Hanovs, who describes himself as a Russian Latvian and works at the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Affairs. The article discusses the definition of the Latvian Nation and the place of national minorities in it.

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