Jan. 7, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Security Police suggests there may be administrative sanctions for the organizing of unlicensed protests actions against education reform
  • Interview with General Secretary of the party New Era Grigorij Krupnikov
  • President Vaira Vike-Freiberga about Orthodox Christian Christmas as state holiday
  • Schools of Latvia receive text books and teaching aids from Russia
The Security Police of Latvia has asked the Riga Municipal Policy to evaluate whether the representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Schools Juriy Petropavlovsky could be subject to administrative sanctions. The Security Police states that Juriy Petropavlovsky has last year twice violated the law “On meetings, walks and pickets” by organizing a demonstration of students during the visit of the Council of Europe First Commissioner for Human Rights Alvaro Gill–Robles to Riga and a strike at a Riga Russian-language school in order to protest against the education reform 2004.

The Security Police of Latvia has asked the Riga Municipal Policy to evaluate whether the representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Schools Juriy Petropavlovsky could be subject to administrative sanctions. The Security Police states that Juriy Petropavlovsky has last year twice violated the law On meetings, walks and pickets by organizing a demonstration of students during the visit of the Council of Europe First Commissioner for Human Rights Alvaro Gill–Robles to Riga and a strike at a Riga Russian-language school in order to protest against the education reform 2004. Chas

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the New Era Secretary General Grigorij Krupnikov. Touching on integration issues, Mr Krupnikov expresses the view that it is time to stop the division of political parties in Latvia along ethnic lines and to automatically see parties with Russian-speakers as left wing parties. The New Era politician also supports the necessity of the education reform, stressing that knowing Latvian at a high level is essential for youth in Latvia.

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has no objections to the declaring of Orthodox Christian Christmas as an official holiday, reports her press secretary.

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has no objections to the declaring of Orthodox Christian Christmas as an official holiday, reports her press secretary. Telegraf

Schools of Latvia have received a donation from Russia of 10,500 text books and teaching aids.

Schools of Latvia have received a donation from Russia of 10,500 text books and teaching aids. Latvijas Avize

Jan. 6, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Report of the European Parliament Deputy Elisabeth Schroedter about the observation of minority rights in Latvia
  • Eizenija Aldermane on citizenship for schoolteachers
  • Orthodox believers of Latvia celebrate Christmas
  • Interview with the Head of the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science Evija Papule
  • Increasing number of naturalization applications
European Parliament Deputy from Germany Elisabeth Schroedter points to the indisposition of Latvian government to solve the problem of Russian speakers’ integration effectively in the report based on her visit to Latvia last month. Elizabeth Schroedter mentions the slow pace of naturalization and calls to consider the linguistic rights of Russian speaking minority during the process of inauguration of the education reform.

European Parliament Deputy from Germany Elisabeth Schroedter points to the indisposition of Latvian government to solve the problem of Russian speakers integration effectively in the report based on her visit to Latvia last month. Elizabeth Schroedter mentions the slow pace of naturalization and calls to consider the linguistic rights of Russian speaking minority during the process of inauguration of the education reform. Vesti Segodnya

The Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane comments on For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM proposal to ban the schoolteacher's profession for non-citizens in her interview to

The Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane comments on For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM proposal to ban the schoolteacher's profession for non-citizens in her interview to Latvijas Avize. According to Aldermane, although the FFF/LNIM statement is a purely political statement, it is right in its essence. At the same time, Aldermane does not consider the one-year introduction period, suggested by FFF/LNIM, as a plausible solution, because within a year the goal can only be reached using repressive methods, in which she does not believe. She also says that if the number of professions banned for the non-citizens was increased, it would immediately become a human rights issue and might cause a lot of trouble. Aldermane is also against granting the voting rights to non-citizens during the municipal elections, because, according to her, if they want to vote, they should first naturalize, and then participate not only in the municipal elections, butin the Parliament elections as well.

Today Orthodox believers of Latvia celebrate Christmas. According to the Synod of the Orthodox Church, there are about 35 thousand Orthodox believers in Latvia.

Today Orthodox believers of Latvia celebrate Christmas. According to the Synod of the Orthodox Church, there are about 35 thousand Orthodox believers in Latvia. Diena, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga

Chas features an interview with the Head of the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science Evija Papule about the oncoming education reform 2004. The official believes that 60 – 70% of minority schools teachers are ready to teach their subjects in Latvian.

In the period from October to December last year, the number of applications received by the Naturalization Board is approximately 60% higher than during the same period in the year 2002.

In the period from October to December last year, the number of applications received by the Naturalization Board is approximately 60% higher than during the same period in the year 2002. Vesti Segodnya

Dec. 30, 2003

  • Newspapers continue discussion about the proposal to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters
  • Saeima MPs consider necessary to evaluate the performance of the Latvian representative to the international human rights organizations
  • The Orthodox Church of Latvia and the Old Believers propose to make Orthodox Christmas a state holiday
  • Retrospective article about the actions against the education reform 2004
  • First deputy minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia Eleonora Mitrophanova about the status of Russian language in the post-soviet republics
  • Rating of the party New Era increases
  • About possible establishment of the Saeima Subcommittee for the investigation of totalitarian regimes crimes
  • The plans of Russian language schools defenders for the next year
  • Ambassador of Russia Igor Studennikov about the relationship between Latvia and Russia

24 December 2003

Newspapers continue discussion about the proposal of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters. The head of Saeima Committee on Human Rights and Social Affairs suggests to solve the problem by equalizing the status of teachers with the civil servants. According to Druviete, then the teachers will have to naturalize, and their wages level will be adjusted to the civil service level, which is in the teachers’ interests.

Newspapers continue discussion about the proposal of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters. The head of Saeima Committee on Human Rights and Social Affairs suggests to solve the problem by equalizing the status of teachers with the civil servants. According to Druviete, then the teachers will have to naturalize, and their wages level will be adjusted to the civil service level, which is in the teachers interests. Vesti Segodnya features the opinions of Russian language schools teachers and headmasters. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features statements of Saeima MPs about the necessity of evaluating the performance of Inga Reine, the Latvian representative to the international human rights organizations. The MPs say that Inga Reines opinion on the human and minority rights situation in Latvia is different from the state opinion, and therefore she may not be the most suitable person to hold the office.

The representatives of Latvia’s First Party have expressed their support to the proposal of the Orthodox Church ministers to announce the 7th of January, when Orthodox believers and Old Believers celebrate Christmas.

The representatives of Latvias First Party have expressed their support to the proposal of the Orthodox Church ministers to announce the 7th of January, when Orthodox believers and Old Believers celebrate Christmas. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Vechernaya Riga features a retrospective article about the actions against the education reform 2004 carried out during this year.

27 December 2003

Latvijas Avize features an article about the opinions of the first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Eleonora Mitrophanova on the status of Russian language in the post-soviet republics, reportedly expressed in the interview to the journal Diplomat. E. Mitrophanova states that it is essential to officially establish the status of Russian as language of international communication in the post-soviet geographical space inhabited by persons belonging to minorities in substantial numbers. According to the official, it is very important because several states in the Commonwealth of Independent States and in the Baltics aspire to diminish the sphere of Russian language usage.

According to the opinion poll conducted by the research centre SKDS, the rating of party New Era has increased from 27, 7% in November till 29, and 3% in December. Other most popular political parties in December were For Human Rights in the United Latvia (10%), People’s Party (8, 8%), Union of Greens and Farmer (6, 9%), Latvia’s First Party (6, 3%) and People’s Harmony Party (5, 9%). The ratings of other parties are under 5%.

According to the opinion poll conducted by the research centre SKDS, the rating of party New Era has increased from 27, 7% in November till 29, and 3% in December. Other most popular political parties in December were For Human Rights in the United Latvia (10%), Peoples Party (8, 8%), Union of Greens and Farmer (6, 9%), Latvias First Party (6, 3%) and Peoples Harmony Party (5, 9%). The ratings of other parties are under 5%. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

29 December 2003

Latvijas Avize features an article about possible establishment of the Saeima Subcommittee for the investigation of totalitarian regimes crimes during the first meeting of Saeima Committee on Human Rights and Social Affairs next year.

The defenders of Russian language schools are ready to continue protest actions against the education reform 2004 also next year, if no agreement with the governing coalition about the postponement of the reform will be reached.

The defenders of Russian language schools are ready to continue protest actions against the education reform 2004 also next year, if no agreement with the governing coalition about the postponement of the reform will be reached. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya

30 December 2003

Russian language newspapers feature interviews with the Ambassador of Russia Igor Studennikov about the relationship between Latvia and Russia. The Ambassador reportedly states that there have been no significant changes in the area of observation of Russian speaking people’s rights in Latvia during this year. Igor Studennikov also thinks that the large number of non-citizens and the slow naturalization process creates a serious long-term deficit of democracy in Latvia.

Russian language newspapers feature interviews with the Ambassador of Russia Igor Studennikov about the relationship between Latvia and Russia. The Ambassador reportedly states that there have been no significant changes in the area of observation of Russian speaking peoples rights in Latvia during this year. Igor Studennikov also thinks that the large number of non-citizens and the slow naturalization process creates a serious long-term deficit of democracy in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Dec. 23, 2003

  • Discussion about the proposal todeny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters
  • The establishment of the new Riga City Council parliamentary group Cita politika under the guidance of Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov
  • The conflict about the procedure of deprivation of the non-citizen status
  • Interview with the chairman of Peoples Harmony Party Janis Urbanovich
  • Lawyers of Tatjana Slivenko about the fulfillment of judgment of the European Court for Human Rights
  • The statements of the Russian Upper House representative and head of the Foreign Relations Committee Mihail Margelov

20 December 2003

The board of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has assigned its parliamentary group to draw up amendments to the legislation in order to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters. The party, reportedly said by the chairman of party Janis Straume, believes that teachers and headmasters, especially in minority schools, have expressed disloyal attitude towards the state and have discouraged many students who want to learn Latvian language. The Minister of Education and Science Karlis Shadurskis believes it reasonable to start discussing the issue, because there are no obstacles impeding the process of teachers’ naturalization. The leader of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) Igors Pimenovsstates that such a decision will limit the rights of the non-citizens yet more, and will cause a much greater society’s dissatisfaction with the education reform 2004

The board of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has assigned its parliamentary group to draw up amendments to the legislation in order to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters. The party, reportedly said by the chairman of party Janis Straume, believes that teachers and headmasters, especially in minority schools, have expressed disloyal attitude towards the state and have discouraged many students who want to learn Latvian language. The Minister of Education and Science Karlis Shadurskis believes it reasonable to start discussing the issue, because there are no obstacles impeding the process of teachers naturalization. The leader of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) Igors Pimenovsstates that such a decision will limit the rights of the non-citizens yet more, and will cause a much greater societys dissatisfaction with the education reform 2004. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov in association with three other councilors, who have also discontinued their membership at the People’s Harmony Party after the exclusion of Sergey Dolgopolov, is planning to establish a new Riga City Council parliamentary group.

Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov in association with three other councilors, who have also discontinued their membership at the Peoples Harmony Party after the exclusion of Sergey Dolgopolov, is planning to establish a new Riga City Council parliamentary group. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

Diena features an article about the conflict between the Latvian representative to the international human rights organizations Inga Reine and the head of Saeima Legal Affairs Committee Solvita Aboltina. Inga Reine in her letter to the Committee has pointed to the clauses in the amendments to the law On the Status of Former Citizens of the USSR who are Not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State, which in her opinion could cause the law-suits on the violation of human rights against Latvia. The amendments stipulate that people who have gotten a residence permit in another country can be deprived of the non-citizen status in Latvia without defining the actual procedure ofdeprivation. The amendments also do not grant the grounds for the individual case examination. The head of the Saeima Committee considers the form of the expression of these statements as unacceptable and has appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), asking to evaluate the work of Inga Reine. The state secretary of the MFA Maris Riekstins has replied that the mandate of the Reine allows her to express her own opinion about the eventual risks in the area of minority rights observation.

22 December 2003

Newspapers feature statements of several Latvian officials on the proposal of the board of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters. The Special Task Minister for the Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks believes that it is necessary to foster non-citizens’ motivation to naturalize, but it is not attainable employing the prohibitions and menaces. According to the Minister, from the human rights perspective the prohibition for non-citizens to occupy specific positions should be very seriously grounded. The head of the For Human Rights in United Latvia parliamentary group Jakov Pliner considers this proposal as a provocation from the national-radicals side, stating that such a decision could cause a serious conflict.

Newspapers feature statements of several Latvian officials on the proposal of the board of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters. The Special Task Minister for the Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks believes that it is necessary to foster non-citizens motivation to naturalize, but it is not attainable employing the prohibitions and menaces. According to the Minister, from the human rights perspective the prohibition for non-citizens to occupy specific positions should be very seriously grounded. The head of the For Human Rights in United Latvia parliamentary group Jakov Pliner considers this proposal as a provocation from the national-radicals side, stating that such a decision could cause a serious conflict. Vesti Segodnya also features an opinion of the vice-speaker of the Russia State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Chas features an interview with the chairman of Peoples Harmony Party Janis Urbanovich about the future plans of party.

Telegraf features the statements of the lawyers of Tatjana Slivenko, reportedly expressed in the interview to the Russia radio station Eho Moskvi, about the fulfillment of judgment of the European Court for Human Rights. The lawyers consider the refusal of Latvia to return the apartment, deprived due to Slivenko familys deportation from Latvia, or to assign an equal apartment to the family ,and to grant a residence permit, as incorrect.

23 December 2003

Newspapers continue discussion about the proposal of the board of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters, featuring the predominantly negative opinions of the Saeima MPs about it.

Newspapers continue discussion about the proposal of the board of the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to deny the rights for non-citizens to occupy positions of teachers and headmasters, featuring the predominantly negative opinions of the Saeima MPs about it. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

The Russian Upper House representative and Head of the Foreign Relations Committee Mihail Margelov, who has visited Latvia last week, states that Russia should develop a differential dialogue with the each of the Baltic States because the situation of the Russian speaking minorities in one state differs from the situation in the other. According to Margelov, Latvia should grant the voting rights at local government’s elections to the non-citizens and provide for the secondary education in the minority languages.

The Russian Upper House representative and Head of the Foreign Relations Committee Mihail Margelov, who has visited Latvia last week, states that Russia should develop a differential dialogue with the each of the Baltic States because the situation of the Russian speaking minorities in one state differs from the situation in the other. According to Margelov, Latvia should grant the voting rights at local governments elections to the non-citizens and provide for the secondary education in the minority languages. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Newspapers feature articles about the official establishment of the new Riga City Council parliamentary group “Cita politika” (“The Other Policy”) under the guidance of Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov. The new political force, consolidating left-wing politicians, could be established on the basis of this parliamentary group until the next elections of local government. 

Newspapers feature articles about the official establishment of the new Riga City Council parliamentary group Cita politika (The Other Policy) under the guidance of Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov. The new political force, consolidating left-wing politicians, could be established on the basis of this parliamentary group until the next elections of local government. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Dec. 19, 2003

  • President of Russia Vladimir Putin on minority rights in Latvia
  • The statements of Russian Upper House representative Mihail Margelov
  • Saeima adopts the European Parliament Elections Law in the second reading
  • Union of Greens and Farmers proposes establishment of Saeima Subcommittee for the investigation of totalitarian regimes crimes
The President of Russia Vladimir Putin, answering to the questions of Russia’s inhabitants on live broadcast, has stated that Russia is worried about the observation of minority rights in the Baltic States. Putin has reproved the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for the double standards in the area of minority rights observation, comparing the situation in Latvia to the one in Macedonia, and suggesting to grant proportional representation for Russian speaking people in the authorities, state administration and policy making institutions, as it is in Macedonia.  

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin, answering to the questions of Russias inhabitants on live broadcast, has stated that Russia is worried about the observation of minority rights in the Baltic States. Putin has reproved the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for the double standards in the area of minority rights observation, comparing the situation in Latvia to the one in Macedonia, and suggesting to grant proportional representation for Russian speaking people in the authorities, state administration and policy making institutions, as it is in Macedonia. Vesti Segodnya also features the statements of Saeima MP about the expressions of Vladimir Putin.Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Newspapers feature articles about the visit of Russian Upper House representative and head of the Foreign Relations Committee Mihail Margelov to Latvia. According to Margelov, the issue of education reform is not solved correctly, and Latvia should follow the Estonian model, granting the voting rights at local government’s elections to the non-citizens. The Russian Upper House representative has also stated that citizenship should be granted to the older people without passing naturalization exams.

Newspapers feature articles about the visit of Russian Upper House representative and head of the Foreign Relations Committee Mihail Margelov to Latvia. According to Margelov, the issue of education reform is not solved correctly, and Latvia should follow the Estonian model, granting the voting rights at local governments elections to the non-citizens. The Russian Upper House representative has also stated that citizenship should be granted to the older people without passing naturalization exams. Telegraf features the comment of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike – Freiberga, reportedly expressed during the meeting of the President with the Russian Upper House representative, stating that the granting of voting rights to the non-citizens will diminish their desire to naturalize. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Yesterday Saeima adopted the European Parliament Election’s Law in the second reading, stipulating the prohibition to stand for election to the European Parliament for the ex-officials of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia and the members of the Communist Party and related organizations after January 13, 1991.

Yesterday Saeima adopted the European Parliament Elections Law in the second reading, stipulating the prohibition to stand for election to the European Parliament for the ex-officials of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia and the members of the Communist Party and related organizations after January 13, 1991. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Saeima parliamentary group of the Union of Greens and Farmers has proposed to establish a Saeima Subcommittee for the investigation of totalitarian regime’s crimes. The proposal has expressed considering the intention of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to evaluate and condemn the totalitarian communism. 

Saeima parliamentary group of the Union of Greens and Farmers has proposed to establish a Saeima Subcommittee for the investigation of totalitarian regimes crimes. The proposal has expressed considering the intention of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to evaluate and condemn the totalitarian communism.

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