Feb. 6, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Latvian government resigns
  • Saeima adopts amendments to the Law on Education, allowing up to 40% of instruction in minority language in minority schools
  • Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) about the latest amendments to the Law on Education
  • European Court for Human Rights delivers a judgment in the case of Russia army former military Aleksandrs Kolosovsky against Latvia
  • Society integration experts and politicians about the education reform
  • National-extremists organization Visu Latvijai! is planning to establish a council for the support of education reform
Prime Minister Einars Repse announced the resignation of the government, motivating this decision by the incapacity of the minority government to pass resolutions and to retain the posts of ministers. Prior to the Prime Minister’s announcement, Saeima’s opposition has asked for the resignation of the Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis and the Minister for Interior Maris Gulbis. The Saeima has also adopted amendments to the Law on Education stipulating the increase of teachers’ financial reward not foreseen by the state budget.

Prime Minister Einars Repse announced the resignation of the government, motivating this decision by the incapacity of the minority government to pass resolutions and to retain the posts of ministers. Prior to the Prime Ministers announcement, Saeimas opposition has asked for the resignation of the Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis and the Minister for Interior Maris Gulbis. The Saeima has also adopted amendments to the Law on Education stipulating the increase of teachers financial reward not foreseen by the state budget. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Education, allowing up to 40% of instruction in minority language at minority schools. Approximately 5000 minority students participated at the protest action against the education reform near the Saeima building during the review of amendments.

Yesterday Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Education, allowing up to 40% of instruction in minority language at minority schools. Approximately 5000 minority students participated at the protest action against the education reform near the Saeima building during the review of amendments. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Russian language newspapers feature a critical statement of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) about the latest amendments to the Law on Education. According to the Ministry, the amendments allowing only up to 40% of instruction in minority language will cause the education quality deterioration for Russian-speaking students. MFA of Russia calls Latvia to develop a constructive dialogue with the Russian-speaking community, and to elaborate a new version of the education reform,

Russian language newspapers feature a critical statement of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) about the latest amendments to the Law on Education. According to the Ministry, the amendments allowing only up to 40% of instruction in minority language will cause the education quality deterioration for Russian-speaking students. MFA of Russia calls Latvia to develop a constructive dialogue with the Russian-speaking community, and to elaborate a new version of the education reform, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

European Court for Human Rights has dismissed the claim of Russia former military Aleksandrs Kolosovsky against Latvia about the violation of his human rights. According to the information of the Latvian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, complaint of the former military was about refusal of the Latvian institution to register his marriage, and to register him as a father of the child, based on the fact that he had not got a valid residence permit. Aleksandrs Kolosovsky believed that Latvia has violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the right to respect for private life and home) and the Article 12 (the right to marry and to found a family).

European Court for Human Rights has dismissed the claim of Russia former military Aleksandrs Kolosovsky against Latvia about the violation of his human rights. According to the information of the Latvian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, complaint of the former military was about refusal of the Latvian institution to register his marriage, and to register him as a father of the child, based on the fact that he had not got a valid residence permit. Aleksandrs Kolosovsky believed that Latvia has violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the right to respect for private life and home) and the Article 12 (the right to marry and to found a family). Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vechernaya Riga, Telegraf

Diena features statements of society integration experts about the education reform, who point to the necessity of promoting discussion between the state institutions and minority schools, explaining the essence of the education reform. According to the Public Policy Centre PROVIDUS researcherIndra Dedze, instead of searching for someone to blame for the protests, Ministry of Education and Science should evaluate the positive practices of minority schools in the area of education reform implementation and ask those schools what kind of help is needed. Rigas Balss features discussion of the Saeima MPs Dzintars Abikis (Peoples Party), Peteris Tabuns (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM), Jakovs Pliners (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) and writer Marina Kostenecka about the latest developments in the area of education reform. Diena, Rigas Balss

National-extremist’s organization Visu Latvijai! (All for Latvia!) has informed about the establishment of the council for the support of education reform.

National-extremists organization Visu Latvijai! (All for Latvia!) has informed about the establishment of the council for the support of education reform. Latvijas Avize

Feb. 5, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Saeima reviews amendments to the Law on Education
  • Minority students protest against the education reform
  • Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis rejects a possibility to grant the rights for local governments to determine the ratio of minority language use in schools
  • Representative of the Councils of Europe Parliamentary Assembly will examine the observation of the minorities right to education in their mother tongue
  • Minister for Interior Maris Gulbis explains involvement of the State Police officials in gathering information on minority students
  • Russia State Council adopts a call to Latvia to reject amendments to the Law on Education
  • Interview with the former head of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa
Today the amendments to the Law on Education, allowing up to 40% of instruction in minority language, will be reviewed by Saeima in the last reading. Governing coalition and two opposition parties – People’s Party and Latvia’s First Party – have expressed support to the amendments.

Today the amendments to the Law on Education, allowing up to 40% of instruction in minority language, will be reviewed by Saeima in the last reading. Governing coalition and two opposition parties – Peoples Party and Latvias First Party – have expressed support to the amendments. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers feature articles about the minority students’ protest action against the amendments to the Law on Education near the Saeima building today. Prime Minister Einars Repse and President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga have condemned  involving children in the consummation of political goals.

Newspapers feature articles about the minority students protest action against the amendments to the Law on Education near the Saeima building today. Prime Minister Einars Repse and President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga have condemned involving children in the consummation of political goals. Chas informs about meetings between students and schools administrations in several minority schools, where the school directors asked students not to participate in the protest actions. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis rejects a possibility to grant the rights to participate in the determination of the ratio of Latvian and minority language use in minority schools to several local governments. Minister believes that there is a necessity for unified education system in the state, especially in the area of Latvian language acquisition.

Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis rejects a possibility to grant the rights to participate in the determination of the ratio of Latvian and minority language use in minority schools to several local governments. Minister believes that there is a necessity for unified education system in the state, especially in the area of Latvian language acquisition. Latvijas Avize

Representative of the Monitoring Committee of the Council’s of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Josette Durrieu and the expert on the International Law Eric Jurgens will visit Latvia in order to examine the observation of minority right to get education in their mother tongue.

Representative of the Monitoring Committee of the Councils of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Josette Durrieu and the expert on the International Law Eric Jurgens will visit Latvia in order to examine the observation of minority right to get education in their mother tongue. Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday Minister for Interior Maris Gulbis met the members of Saeima Defence and Internal Affairs Committee and the Government Review Committee to explain  involvement of the State Police officials in gathering information about the minority students participating in the protest actions against the education reform 2004. According to Maris Gulbis, police officials just wanted to clarify the number of students who were planning to participate in the protest actions against the education reform on 22 and 23 January, so that they could prepare for order maintenance during the actions. They did not have intentions of persecuting minority students.

Yesterday Minister for Interior Maris Gulbis met the members of Saeima Defence and Internal Affairs Committee and the Government Review Committee to explain involvement of the State Police officials in gathering information about the minority students participating in the protest actions against the education reform 2004. According to Maris Gulbis, police officials just wanted to clarify the number of students who were planning to participate in the protest actions against the education reform on 22 and 23 January, so that they could prepare for order maintenance during the actions. They did not have intentions of persecuting minority students. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Russia State Council has adopted a call to Latvia to reject amendments to the Law on Education, which stipulate the transition to Latvian as a language of instruction in all schools of Latvia. President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has stated that she is not surprised about the adoption of such a call, but the Prime Minister of Latvia Einars Repse has evaluated it as a rude intervention in the internal affairs of Latvia.

Russia State Council has adopted a call to Latvia to reject amendments to the Law on Education, which stipulate the transition to Latvian as a language of instruction in all schools of Latvia. President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has stated that she is not surprised about the adoption of such a call, but the Prime Minister of Latvia Einars Repse has evaluated it as a rude intervention in the internal affairs of Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Chas features an interview with the former head of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa, who believes that education reform might not be postponed because it is essential for the society integration.

Feb. 4, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • State officials seek compromise in the area of education reform
  • 5,000 – 6,000 minority students expected at protest rally
  • Five police officials reprimanded for gathering information on minority students
  • Education State Inspection recommendations to minority schools
  • State officials opinions about Russias recommendations on naturalization and language use in Latvia
  • Interview with Duma Deputy Speaker Dmitry Rogozin
Yesterday, following an initiative by Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre, a discussion took place on the amendments to the Law on Education in which the Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis, Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) Igor Pimenov, MPs of Saeima opposition party People’s Harmony Party and head of the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee Janis Strazdins participated.  According to the Saeima Speaker, the Minister of Education and Science has been requested to prepare a new, compromise version of the amendments to the Law on Education, which should be discussed at a similar meeting today.

Yesterday, following an initiative by Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre, a discussion took place on the amendments to the Law on Education in which the Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis, Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) Igor Pimenov, MPs of Saeima opposition party Peoples Harmony Party and head of the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee Janis Strazdins participated. According to the Saeima Speaker, the Minister of Education and Science has been requested to prepare a new, compromise version of the amendments to the Law on Education, which should be discussed at a similar meeting today. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

TheHeadquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools inform that they expect some5,000 – 6,000 minority students from 35 schools of Riga and Ventspils to participate at a protest action against the education reform tomorrow, when the Saeima is planning to adopt the amendments to the Law on Education in third reading. There are 158 minority schools in Latvia. Russian language newspapers feature the statement of the Council of Nongovernmental Organizations’ Coordination, supporting the activities of the Headquarters

TheHeadquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools inform that they expect some5,000 – 6,000 minority students from 35 schools of Riga and Ventspils to participate at a protest action against the education reform tomorrow, when the Saeima is planning to adopt the amendments to the Law on Education in third reading. There are 158 minority schools in Latvia. Russian language newspapers feature the statement of the Council of Nongovernmental Organizations Coordination, supporting the activities of the Headquarters. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

State Police has reprimanded five police officials involved in the information gathering about the minority students participating at protest actions against the education reform 2004. The head of State Police have also offered an apology to the directors of minority schools.

State Police has reprimanded five police officials involved in the information gathering about the minority students participating at protest actions against the education reform 2004. The head of State Police have also offered an apology to the directors of minority schools. Diena, Telegraf, Chas

The Ministry of Education Education State Inspection has suggested to minority schools to encourage their students not to participate in protest actions against the 2004 education reform and to ask students to make up for unattended classes. According to the deputy head of the Education State Inspection Valda Puise, the institution is not preparing to inspect the attendance.

The Ministry of Education Education State Inspection has suggested to minority schools to encourage their students not to participate in protest actions against the 2004 education reform and to ask students to make up for unattended classes. According to the deputy head of the Education State Inspection Valda Puise, the institution is not preparing to inspect the attendance. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize features state officials opinions about the set of recommendations on naturalization and language use in Latvia, issued by Russia to the European Commission. State secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins believes that attempt of Russia to link the issue of minority rights observation in Latvia to the extension of the partnership agreement between Russia and EU to the new member states of EU is unfounded and must be refused. Saeima MP Anta Rugate (Peoples Party) evaluates these recommendations as intervention in Latvias internal affairs. Saeima MP Ina Druviete (New Era) states that Russia thus is objecting to the EU experts basic statements and so questions the very competence of the EU.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Russias State Council deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin (block „Rodina) about the observation of minority rights in Latvia.

Feb. 3, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Adoption of amendments to Law on Education could be linked to stability of Cabinet of Ministers
  • RussiaState Council issues call to reject amendments to the Law on Education
  • European Commission response to Russian dissatisfaction with minority policy of Latvia
  • The meeting of Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis and the head of LASHOR Igor Pimenov
  • Article by MP Jakov Pliner
  • Interview with political scientist Valts Kalnins
  • Russian State Duma vice-speaker Vladimir Zhirinovsky on Latvia
  • State Police promises to clarify who ordered the request of information on students from Riga minority schools
Saeima parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) would support the present government and not demand the resignation of the Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis only if the education reform will be implemented in a manner acceptable to their voters. According to FHRUL, only three subjects in should be taught in Latvian in secondary schools, in addition to the Latvian language and literature, with the school choosing which three subjects. Some New Era politicians believe that the Prime Minister Einars Repse might relate the adoption of the education law amendments in the third reading to a vote of confidence in the government.  

Saeima parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) would support the present government and not demand the resignation of the Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis only if the education reform will be implemented in a manner acceptable to their voters. According to FHRUL, only three subjects in should be taught in Latvian in secondary schools, in addition to the Latvian language and literature, with the school choosing which three subjects. Some New Era politicians believe that the Prime Minister Einars Repse might relate the adoption of the education law amendments in the third reading to a vote of confidence in the government. Diena, Rigas Balss, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

The Russia State Council is reported to prepare a call to Latvia to reject amendments to the Law on Education, which stipulate the transition to Latvian as a language of instruction in all schools of Latvia.

The Russia State Council is reported to prepare a call to Latvia to reject amendments to the Law on Education, which stipulate the transition to Latvian as a language of instruction in all schools of Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Russia has expressed concern to the European Commission about issues connected with the enlargement of the European Union, including the issue of minority rights in Latvia and Estonia. Russia has issued a set of recommendations on naturalization and language use in Latvia.  The European Commission on Monday responded by expressing its readiness to discuss matters of economy with Russia, but reiterates that the EC believes that minority rights are observed in Latvia and Estonia, and that Russia should not use the situation of the Russian minority in the Baltic countries as a bargaining chip.

Russia has expressed concern to the European Commission about issues connected with the enlargement of the European Union, including the issue of minority rights in Latvia and Estonia. Russia has issued a set of recommendations on naturalization and language use in Latvia. The European Commission on Monday responded by expressing its readiness to discuss matters of economy with Russia, but reiterates that the EC believes that minority rights are observed in Latvia and Estonia, and that Russia should not use the situation of the Russian minority in the Baltic countries as a bargaining chip. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Russian language newspapers report on the meeting of Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis and the head of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) Igor Pimenov. The head of LASHOR believes that amendments to the Law on Education as proposed now should not be adopted in the third reading and calls for a continuation of dialogue on this issue. The Minister of Education and Science believes that the amendments prepared for the third reading are the only possible alternative. He predicts the return to the initial stage of the law, stipulating a transition in minority schools to the instruction only in Latvian language if the amendments guaranteeing 2/5 of instruction in a minority language will not be adopted.

Russian language newspapers report on the meeting of Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis and the head of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) Igor Pimenov. The head of LASHOR believes that amendments to the Law on Education as proposed now should not be adopted in the third reading and calls for a continuation of dialogue on this issue. The Minister of Education and Science believes that the amendments prepared for the third reading are the only possible alternative. He predicts the return to the initial stage of the law, stipulating a transition in minority schools to the instruction only in Latvian language if the amendments guaranteeing 2/5 of instruction in a minority language will not be adopted. Vechernaya Riga, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya features an article by the head of Saeima parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakov Pliner about education reform.

Chas features aninterview with political scientist Valts Kalnins, in which he discusses the lack of dialogue in the area of society integration.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with vice-speaker of the Russia State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky believing that Russia ought to use economic sanctions in order to respond the events in the area of education reform in Latvia. He also states that Russia will require the cancellation of the education reform and the revoking of non-citizen status.

State Police have promised to clarify who the officials are that made the decision to request information from Riga minority schools on all students who had been absent from classes during the protest meeting against the education reform 2004 and why such a request was made. The State Police is for the time being not commenting on the possible connection of its officials to this incident.

State Police have promised to clarify who the officials are that made the decision to request information from Riga minority schools on all students who had been absent from classes during the protest meeting against the education reform 2004 and why such a request was made. The State Police is for the time being not commenting on the possible connection of its officials to this incident. Diena

Jan. 31, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • January ratings of political parties
  • Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Inese Vaidere reproves EP Deputy Elisabeth Schroedter for distribution of tendentious information about Latvia
  • Polish support for Polish minority education in Latvia
  • Differing opinions about the latest amendments to the Law on Education
  • Participants at economic forum Russia and Baltic States in Larger Europe discuss observation of minority rights in Latvia and Estonia
Latvijas Fakti (Latvian Facts) opinion poll indicates that the most popular political party with the rating 27,3% in January was New Era. Other most popular parties were People’s Party (6,2%), For Human Rights in the United Latvia (6,1%), People’s Harmony Party (5,8%), Union of Greens and Farmers (5,0%). The rating of Latvia’s First Party was 2,3%. The opinion poll was conducted before the changes in the governing coalition.

Latvijas Fakti (Latvian Facts) opinion poll indicates that the most popular political party with the rating 27,3% in January was New Era. Other most popular parties were Peoples Party (6,2%), For Human Rights in the United Latvia (6,1%), Peoples Harmony Party (5,8%), Union of Greens and Farmers (5,0%). The rating of Latvias First Party was 2,3%. The opinion poll was conducted before the changes in the governing coalition. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Inese Vaidere (Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National Independence Movement)has sent a letter to the head of the European Parliament’s (EP) Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defense Policy Elmar Brok,  criticizing EP Deputy Elisabeth Schroedter for distributing imprecise and tendentious information about Latvia. Inese Vaidere believes that the Elisabeth Schroedter’s reporting about the Law on Education and the choice of the instruction language in minority schools is not objective. The Latvian parliamentarian states that Elisabeth Schroedter’s suggestion to provide education on two languages, is advocating only the rights of Russian minority while ignoring the interests of other ethnic minorities living in Latvia.

Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Inese Vaidere (Fatherland and Freedom/Latvian National Independence Movement)has sent a letter to the head of the European Parliaments (EP) Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defense Policy Elmar Brok, criticizing EP Deputy Elisabeth Schroedter for distributing imprecise and tendentious information about Latvia. Inese Vaidere believes that the Elisabeth Schroedters reporting about the Law on Education and the choice of the instruction language in minority schools is not objective. The Latvian parliamentarian states that Elisabeth Schroedters suggestion to provide education on two languages, is advocating only the rights of Russian minority while ignoring the interests of other ethnic minorities living in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Newspapers feature articles about the meeting of Ambassador of Poland to Latvia Tadeusz Fiszbach, Minister Education and Science of Latvia Karlis Sadurskis and representatives of Polish schools in Latvia. The ambassador has pointed to the stable place of six Polish schools and one kindergarten in the education system of Latvia, stressing that the Senate of Poland will continue the financial support for Polish education in Latvia. According to the ambassador, every year these schools receive various support from Poland, including teaching aids and 30 teachers, working at the Polish schools in Latvia.

Newspapers feature articles about the meeting of Ambassador of Poland to Latvia Tadeusz Fiszbach, Minister Education and Science of Latvia Karlis Sadurskis and representatives of Polish schools in Latvia. The ambassador has pointed to the stable place of six Polish schools and one kindergarten in the education system of Latvia, stressing that the Senate of Poland will continue the financial support for Polish education in Latvia. According to the ambassador, every year these schools receive various support from Poland, including teaching aids and 30 teachers, working at the Polish schools in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize features different opinions about the latest amendments to the Law on Education including the ratio 60-40% of Latvian and minority language use in minority schools. The head of the Saeima parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakov Pliner believes that the adoption of the amendments in the third reading will cause new protest actions. Meanwhile Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee Janis Strazdins states that this ratio reflects arrangement with the left-wing opposition representatives. The Ex-Deputy Prime Minister Ainars Slesers (Latvias First Party) in an interview to Chas states that the most optimal ratio for instruction in minority schools is 50% - 50%. Latvijas Avize, Chas

The issue of observation of minority rights in Baltic States was discussed during the economic forum “Russia and Baltic States in Larger Europe”  in Moscow. Head of the Council of Russia Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov stated that Russia is troubled about the observation of ethnic minority rights in Latvia and Estonia. Meanwhile head of the Head of the European Commission's delegation to Russia Richard Wright stated that Latvia and Estonia have fulfilled all EU political criteria in the area of minority rights, stressing that representatives of minorities should be aware of the advantages of knowing the state language for social and political integration.

The issue of observation of minority rights in Baltic States was discussed during the economic forum Russia and Baltic States in Larger Europe in Moscow. Head of the Council of Russia Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov stated that Russia is troubled about the observation of ethnic minority rights in Latvia and Estonia. Meanwhile head of the Head of the European Commission's delegation to Russia Richard Wright stated that Latvia and Estonia have fulfilled all EU political criteria in the area of minority rights, stressing that representatives of minorities should be aware of the advantages of knowing the state language for social and political integration. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

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