Feb. 19, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Former Special Task Minister for Society Integration argues that the political principles of the Latvian First Party remain unchanged
  • Presidents letter to Saeima commission on education
  • Expert round-table in parliament deplores inadequate information
  • Left-leaning public organization Different Policy has been established
  • Interview with columnist Viktors Avotins on education reform
  • Politicians call on students in Liepaja on to picket regarding the Law on Education

Diena publishes the article by the former Special Task Minister on Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks claiming that the political principles of the Latvian First Party remain unchanged after it has been joined by five deputies from the Peoples Harmony Party. Although admitting that the enlargement of the parliamentary fraction has both pluses and minuses, he believes that both the party and society will gain from this development. Muiznieks claims that only when parties will not follow ethnic lines but when it is possible for a party to attract Russian and other minority voters without losing Latvian ones will society be politically integrated.

The Saeima Commission of Education, Science and Culture yesterday discussed the reviewed a letter of the  President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, in which she criticizes some points of the education law, including the possibility for Latvian-language private schools to receive state funding but not those with Russian as the language of instruction.  Although the president’s letter did not question the issues of the 60-40 ratio of language in secondary schools, the main discussion in the commission focused on it.

The Saeima Commission of Education, Science and Culture yesterday discussed the reviewed a letter of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, in which she criticizes some points of the education law, including the possibility for Latvian-language private schools to receive state funding but not those with Russian as the language of instruction. Although the presidents letter did not question the issues of the 60-40 ratio of language in secondary schools, the main discussion in the commission focused on it. Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga, Chas

About 30 experts from educational institutions and other relevant organizations participated in the  round table in the Saeima organized by Latvia’s First Party member and former Minister of Social Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks.  Several experts expressed their concern about the lack of timely and effective information on the reform and discussed ways to deal with the present conflict situation. Although the round table gave no concrete solutions, a hope for new changes with the new government was expressed by the former minister.

About 30 experts from educational institutions and other relevant organizations participated in the round table in the Saeima organized by Latvias First Party member and former Minister of Social Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks. Several experts expressed their concern about the lack of timely and effective information on the reform and discussed ways to deal with the present conflict situation. Although the round table gave no concrete solutions, a hope for new changes with the new government was expressed by the former minister. Diena, Telegraf

Diena informs that the Vice Mayor of Riga Sergejs Dolgopolovs has established a new public organization Different policy, which involves representatives of a leftist policy. The organization has declared its goals – to establish a dialogue on integration, educational reform, unification of Latvian and Russian informative fields and other issues, and thu sto offer an alternative solution to existing policy. Dolgopolovs admits the possibility of forming a new party in the future on the basis of this organization.

Chas publishes an interview with Neatkariga Rita Avize columnist Viktors Avotins on the minority education reform, in which he claims that the children are now doing the work that the adults have failed to do. He warns that clam will not return until the representatives of power will start to respect the opinion of society.

Left-wing politicians call on students from schools in Liepaja to publicly discuss the Law of Education. The organizer of the action the deputy of Saeima Valerijs Ageshins has distributed an appeal in the schools to gather on Friday morning during time of scheduled classes.

Left-wing politicians call on students from schools in Liepaja to publicly discuss the Law of Education. The organizer of the action the deputy of Saeima Valerijs Ageshins has distributed an appeal in the schools to gather on Friday morning during time of scheduled classes. Latvijas Avize, Diena

Feb. 18, 2004


Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Study shows that pace of naturalization differs across the regions
  • Russian Foreign Affairs Minister about the amendments to the Education Law
  • Newspapers continue discussion about the education reform
  • Latvian Ambassador to Russia about amendments to the Education Law
  • Rinuzi secondary schools Russian and Latvian students discuss the education reform
  • Former Special Task Minister of Social Integration organizes discussion about the education reform at Saeima
Pace of the naturalization process differs across the Latvian regions, being especially low in the areas next to the borders, - say authors of the research study ‘The role of regional aspects in dealing with citizenship issues’, which had been carried out by the Naturalization Board with the financial support of the Embassy of Finland in Latvia and participation of three independent researchers. As a part of the study, almost 7000 respondents from regions with a high number of non-citizens, as well as 204 experts, have been asked to express their opinions about non-citizens’ attitude towards naturalization and related problems. The study shows that two-thirds of non-citizens are willing to naturalize, while the rest of them think that citizenship should be granted automatically, or mention different hindering obstacles, or do not want citizenship at all. Noted negative tendencies are the lack of information about naturalization and various legislative gaps.

Pace of the naturalization process differs across the Latvian regions, being especially low in the areas next to the borders, - say authors of the research study ‘The role of regional aspects in dealing with citizenship issues, which had been carried out by the Naturalization Board with the financial support of the Embassy of Finland in Latvia and participation of three independent researchers. As a part of the study, almost 7000 respondents from regions with a high number of non-citizens, as well as 204 experts, have been asked to express their opinions about non-citizens attitude towards naturalization and related problems. The study shows that two-thirds of non-citizens are willing to naturalize, while the rest of them think that citizenship should be granted automatically, or mention different hindering obstacles, or do not want citizenship at all. Noted negative tendencies are the lack of information about naturalization and various legislative gaps.

Diena and Neatkariga Rita Avize inform that Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov sent letter to the foreign ministers of the European Union and human rights organizations in which he criticizes amendments to the Education Law. During the discussion with the Chairman of the OSCE Solomon Passy, Ivanov expressed hope that the OSCE will pay attention to the Russian-minority situation in Latvia. The newspaper Telegraf comments that hopefully statement made by Ivanov will not affect his deputys V. Chizhov plans to visit Riga at the end of February. Latvijas Avize prints the comments of the Russias permanent representative to the OSCE Alexander Alekseyev stating that legislative changes do not encourage interethnic dialogue and restrict ability of Russian-speaking minority to choose the language of instruction. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Vechernaya Riga, Telegraf

The newspapers continue discussions about the education reform.

The newspapers continue discussions about the education reform. Neatkariga Rita Avize prints statements of Dainis Ivans, the chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Party, who says that the government should take the responsibility for the actual situation, because during the preparation of the reform society was not informed about the methods that could prevent the crisis.

The newspapers report about the statements of the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Norman Penke during the press conference about the amendments of the Education Law. The Ambassador explained the Latvian education system and the meaning of the education reform, stressing that this is a step towards the promotion of the society integration. The Ambassador characterized the economic sanctions towards Latvia as a belated and ineffective method

The newspapers report about the statements of the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Norman Penke during the press conference about the amendments of the Education Law. The Ambassador explained the Latvian education system and the meaning of the education reform, stressing that this is a step towards the promotion of the society integration. The Ambassador characterized the economic sanctions towards Latvia as a belated and ineffective method Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Chas reports that in Rinuzi secondary school the Russian students have invited their Latvian peers to discuss the education reform.

The former Special Task Minister of Social Integration Nils Muiznieks organized the round table discussion about the education reform, which is to take place today at Saeima. The goal of this discussion is to elaborate a long-term action plan in order to control the conflict situation. He stresses that the future Latvian government needs to elaborate serious concept for the regulation of interethnic dialogue.

The former Special Task Minister of Social Integration Nils Muiznieks organized the round table discussion about the education reform, which is to take place today at Saeima. The goal of this discussion is to elaborate a long-term action plan in order to control the conflict situation. He stresses that the future Latvian government needs to elaborate serious concept for the regulation of interethnic dialogue. Chas

Feb. 16, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • OSCE presiding state offers assistance to help to solve Russian-speaking minority problems
  • State officials comment on the recommendations of the Council of Europe First Commissioner for Human Rights Alvaro Gil-Robles
  • Critical statements of Russian politicians about the decision of the President of Latvia to announce the amendments to the Law on Education
  • Articles about the conflicts between Latvian and Russian students in Riga
  • Project Qualitative education for Romani children
  • Reprinted interview with the former Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • Commentator of Latvijas Avize Aija Calite about the goals of the protest actions against education reform
The Foreign Affairs Minister of Bulgaria, the presiding state of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Solomon Passy has expressed readiness to help solve Russian-speakers minority problems in the Baltic States.

The Foreign Affairs Minister of Bulgaria, the presiding state of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Solomon Passy has expressed readiness to help solve Russian-speakers minority problems in the Baltic States. Chas

Vesti Segodnya features the opinions of state officials about the recommendations of the Council of Europe First Commissioner for Human Rights Alvaro Gil-Robles. Saeima MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins (Peoples Party) believes that the proposal of Alvaro Gil-Robles to grant the voting rights for non-citizens at the municipal elections is not acceptable for Latvia. He also states that the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities could be ratified only after Russia will officially acknowledge Latvias occupation. Observer from Latvia to the European Parliament Boris Tsilevitch (Peoples Harmony Party) believes that recommendations of the First Commissioner have clearly pointed to the link between society integration and the extension of the minority rights. Meanwhile the former Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks predicts that voting rights for non-citizens will not be granted during this Saeima and the Law on Education will not be revised.

Russian politicians criticize the decision of the President of Latvia to announce the amendments to the Law on Education. Vice speaker of the Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin condemns this decision and also points to the necessity for careful analysis before the establishment of economical sanctions against Latvia. According to Dmitry Rogozin the establishment of the sanctions is not advisable if they would have a negative impact on Russian-speaking inhabitants of Latvia. The Head of Council of Russia Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov believes that Russian-speaking people can affect the state authorities only by submitting the demands to the European Court for Human Rights.

Russian politicians criticize the decision of the President of Latvia to announce the amendments to the Law on Education. Vice speaker of the Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin condemns this decision and also points to the necessity for careful analysis before the establishment of economical sanctions against Latvia. According to Dmitry Rogozin the establishment of the sanctions is not advisable if they would have a negative impact on Russian-speaking inhabitants of Latvia. The Head of Council of Russia Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov believes that Russian-speaking people can affect the state authorities only by submitting the demands to the European Court for Human Rights. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Newspapers feature articles about conflicts between Latvian and Russian students in Riga.

Newspapers feature articles about conflicts between Latvian and Russian students in Riga. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Telegraf

Neatkariga Rita Avize prints an article about the project Qualitative education for Romani children which has been launched in three towns - Jekabpils, Jelgava and Valmiera. The organisations implementing this project believe that the lack of education is one of the main problems of Roma social integration. The main goal of the project is to achieve the inclusion of Romani children in general schools. Head of the Jekabpils Roma Society Laila Leiskina believes that it will be very hard to involve Romani families in this project because this ethnic group has secluded itself from the rest of society and they are afraid to get into the contact with others.

Vechernaya Riga reprints fragments of an interview with the former Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks to the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaja Gazeta about society integration issues.

Latvijas Avize features an article by the commentator Aija Calite who believes that the goal of the protest actions against education reform is to achieve the ethnic conflict in Latvia. The journalist also believes that the television is increasingly engaged in the inciting hatred among the Russian-speaking part of society.

Feb. 14, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Comments on the recommendations of the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gil-Robles
  • Head of the Riga City Council Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks calls police to evaluate activities of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language schools
  • Criticism of Vaira Vike-Freibergas decision to announce the amendments to the Law on Education
  • Russias Foreign Affairs Ministry about the Latvian legion
  • Interview with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins
Newspapers continue discussion about the recommendations of the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gil-Robles, featuring the statements of the Latvian officials. The Head of Saeima’s Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee Ina Druviete contrary to Alvaro Gil-Robles believes that the granting of the voting rights for non-citizens at the municipal elections will impede the naturalization process. The ambassador of Latvia to the European Union Andris Kesteris and the Latvian Ambassador to the Council of Europe Georgs Andrejevs predict that Russia will use these recommendations for the Russian campaign against Latvia.

Newspapers continue discussion about the recommendations of the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gil-Robles, featuring the statements of the Latvian officials. The Head of Saeimas Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee Ina Druviete contrary to Alvaro Gil-Robles believes that the granting of the voting rights for non-citizens at the municipal elections will impede the naturalization process. The ambassador of Latvia to the European Union Andris Kesteris and the Latvian Ambassador to the Council of Europe Georgs Andrejevs predict that Russia will use these recommendations for the Russian campaign against Latvia. Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Alvaro Gil-Robles. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers feature articles about the conflicts between Russian and Latvian students in Riga. Head of the Riga City Council Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks has appealed to the State Police and Riga Municipal Police calling them to evaluate the activities of the organizers of the protest actions against education reform. The official has also asked the Municipal Police to intensify the patrolling in the districts in which the conflicts have occurred. According to Andrejs Vilks, there have been intensified conflicts between Latvian and Russian students in Riga after the protest campaign.

Newspapers feature articles about the conflicts between Russian and Latvian students in Riga. Head of the Riga City Council Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks has appealed to the State Police and Riga Municipal Police calling them to evaluate the activities of the organizers of the protest actions against education reform. The official has also asked the Municipal Police to intensify the patrolling in the districts in which the conflicts have occurred. According to Andrejs Vilks, there have been intensified conflicts between Latvian and Russian students in Riga after the protest campaign. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Russian-language newspapers criticize the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga for her decision to announce the amendments to the Law on Education.

Russian-language newspapers criticize the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga for her decision to announce the amendments to the Law on Education. Chas features the statements of Estonian and Russian politicians about the education reform 2004. The Secretary General of the Estonian United Peoples Party Anatoly Jegorov believes that the education reform is in conflict with the European minority rights values. Vice speaker of Russias State Council Dmitry Rogozin criticizes the President of Latvia for her decision to announce the amendments to the Law on Education and claims that by doing so the President has shown that 40% of the children of Latvia are unwanted for the state. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Russia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry has published information about the participation of the Latvian legion in war crimes during 1941 – 1945. The ministry stresses that there are attempts in Latvia to revise the judgment of the Nuremberg Court, which recognized the activities of the legion as unlawful.

Russias Foreign Affairs Ministry has published information about the participation of the Latvian legion in war crimes during 1941 – 1945. The ministry stresses that there are attempts in Latvia to revise the judgment of the Nuremberg Court, which recognized the activities of the legion as unlawful. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the State secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins about the relations between Latvia and Russia.

Feb. 13, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Recommendations of the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gil-Robles
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga calls to define more exactly several paragraphs of the Law on Education
  • Russias State Council Committee organize the discussion about the possibilities to establish the sanctions against Latvia
  • About the Latvian language courses offered by the National Program for Latvian Language Training
  • Interview with the observer from Latvia to the European Parliament Martinjan Bekasov
  • Opinions of minority students learning in Latvian language schools about the education reform 2004
Newspapers feature the recommendations of the Council of Europe First Commissioner for Human Rights Alvaro Gil-Robles in the area of observation of minority rights in Latvia. The Commissioner calls Latvia to consider the possibility to grant the voting rights for non-citizens at municipal elections, to facilitate the naturalization process and to improve the protection of minorities in Latvia.  Alvaro Gil-Robles also recommends to increase the financial support for the Latvian language trainings and to provide the maintenance of high level education quality during the implementation of education reform.

Newspapers feature the recommendations of the Council of Europe First Commissioner for Human Rights Alvaro Gil-Robles in the area of observation of minority rights in Latvia. The Commissioner calls Latvia to consider the possibility to grant the voting rights for non-citizens at municipal elections, to facilitate the naturalization process and to improve the protection of minorities in Latvia. Alvaro Gil-Robles also recommends to increase the financial support for the Latvian language trainings and to provide the maintenance of high level education quality during the implementation of education reform. Chas features an interview with the Commissioner. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga, Chas

Diena prints the statements of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga about the necessity to define more exactly several paragraphs of the Law on Education. According to the President, it is necessary to clarify the institution, which determines the subjects to be taught in Latvian in minority schools. Several norms delegate this choice to the school itself, but others – to the Ministry of Education and Science. Vaira Vike-Freiberga also suggests amending the paragraph of the law, which stipulates that the state and local governments deliver financial support only for private schools providing education in the state language. According to the President, this paragraph discriminates private minority schools.

Russia’s State Council Committee on Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs and the Relations with the Compatriots is planning to organize the discussion about the possibilities to establish the sanctions against Latvia in order to respond to the latest amendments to the Law on Education. According to the chairman of the Committee Andrej Kokoshin, the suggestions of the participants of the discussion will be taken into account when elaborating two draft laws about the situation of Russian-speaking people in Latvia.

Russias State Council Committee on Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs and the Relations with the Compatriots is planning to organize the discussion about the possibilities to establish the sanctions against Latvia in order to respond to the latest amendments to the Law on Education. According to the chairman of the Committee Andrej Kokoshin, the suggestions of the participants of the discussion will be taken into account when elaborating two draft laws about the situation of Russian-speaking people in Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Diena features an article about the Latvian language courses offered for the parents of minority students by the National Program for Latvian Language Training (NPLLT). The NPLLT project coordinator Zaiga Duka believes that the education reform would not be perceived so painfully, if parents of minority students have been learned Latvian language earlier.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the observer from Latvia to the European Parliament Martinjan Bekasov, who believes that the main goal of the governing coalition, adopting the latest amendments to the Law on Education, was to create a conflict situation between Russian and Latvian communities in order to distract the attention from the oncoming social problems connected with the Latvias accession to the European Union.

Diena features opinions of minority students learning in Latvian language schools, about the education reform 2004.

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