Feb. 25, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • President of France Jacques Chirac says that the European Union should respect the concerns of Russia
  • Possible prohibition for the Vice Speaker of the Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin to entry into Latvia
  • For Human Rights in United Latvia calls to repeal or postpone the education reform
  • Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has rejected a proposal to prohibit the organization of MPs meetings with their voters without the agreement of the municipality
  • Saeima MPs discuss the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities with the head of the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Kristine Vagnere
  • Protest action against education reform near the Embassy of Latvia building in Moscow
  • Simon Wiesenthal Centre representative Efraim Zuroff criticizes the President of Latvia for ignoring the Holocaust
President of France Jacques Chirac has stated that European Union should respect the interests of the Russia considering its concerns about the accession of the East Europe’s countries to the EU and the efforts of Russia to regain its place in the world. According to the President, EU also ought to take into account Russia’s disquiet about the situation of Russian-speaking people in the Baltic States.

President of France Jacques Chirac has stated that European Union should respect the interests of the Russia considering its concerns about the accession of the East Europes countries to the EU and the efforts of Russia to regain its place in the world. According to the President, EU also ought to take into account Russias disquiet about the situation of Russian-speaking people in the Baltic States. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Diena, referring to informal source of information, features an article about the possible decision to include the name of the Vice Speaker of the Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin in the list of the persons not allowed entry into Latvia. Constitutional Defence Bureau and the State Security Police do not comment this issue. State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins has stated that the Ministry is planning to formulate its stance until Friday, evaluating the situation and the previous statements of Dmitry Rogozin about Latvia. The organizers of the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools of Latvia have invited the Vice Speaker of the Russian State Council as a guest of a congress on 6 March. Diena

Leaders of the political union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Tatjana Zhdanok and Jakovs Pliners have called on the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and MPs of Saeima to acknowledge that the education reform is incorrect and that it is necessary to repeal or postpone the implementation of it. The leaders of the union also propose a provision in the Law on Education that the level of bilingualism and the choice of the subjects to be taught in Latvian in minority schools should be the competence of a school’s council, which is composed by parents, students of the senior grades, teachers and school administration representatives.

Leaders of the political union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Tatjana Zhdanok and Jakovs Pliners have called on the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and MPs of Saeima to acknowledge that the education reform is incorrect and that it is necessary to repeal or postpone the implementation of it. The leaders of the union also propose a provision in the Law on Education that the level of bilingualism and the choice of the subjects to be taught in Latvian in minority schools should be the competence of a schools council, which is composed by parents, students of the senior grades, teachers and school administration representatives. Diena, Chas, Vechernaya Riga

Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has rejected a proposal by the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, which stipulated the prohibition to organize meetings of MPs with their voters without the agreement of the municipality. At the same time the Committee decided to elaborate amendments to the Law on Meetings, Street Marches and Pickets in order to preclude the possibility to organize unsanctioned protest actions under the guise of meetings with the electorate.

Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has rejected a proposal by the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, which stipulated the prohibition to organize meetings of MPs with their voters without the agreement of the municipality. At the same time the Committee decided to elaborate amendments to the Law on Meetings, Street Marches and Pickets in order to preclude the possibility to organize unsanctioned protest actions under the guise of meetings with the electorate. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

A meeting of the representatives of the Saeima Subcommittee on Societal Integration with the head of the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Kristine Vagnere took place yesterday. The potentially problematic paragraphs of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities were allegedly discussed during this meeting.

A meeting of the representatives of the Saeima Subcommittee on Societal Integration with the head of the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Kristine Vagnere took place yesterday. The potentially problematic paragraphs of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities were allegedly discussed during this meeting. Chas, Vechernaya Riga

A protest action against the minority education reform of Latvia was organized near the building of the Embassy of Latvia in Moscow by the  Russia youth organization “Energya Zhiznji” (“The Energy of Life”).

A protest action against the minority education reform of Latvia was organized near the building of the Embassy of Latvia in Moscow by the Russia youth organization Energya Zhiznji (The Energy of Life). Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features article about an e-mail of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre representative Efraim Zuroff to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, in which he allegedly criticizes the President for ignoring the Holocaust and comparing it with the crimes of genocide of the communist regime. Vaira Vike-Freiberga has answered that she has frequently expressed her condemnation of the Holocaust.

Feb. 24, 2004


Integration and Minority Information Service

of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Ratings of political parties
  • Upcoming visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus
  • Proposed amendments on demonstrations to the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child
  • Anniversary meeting of the Minority Education Advisory Council of the Ministry of Science and Education
  • Exhibition about almost 20 minorities living in Latvia
  • Estabalishment of an Uzbek Sunday school
  • Roma congress held in Talsi
  • Article about the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Article by the President of the Baltic Forum Janis Urbanovics about the education reform
  • Dr Leo Dribins about need for compromise on integration issues
The crisis of the government has not influenced the ratings of the political parties. According to the latest Latvijas Fakti opinion poll, more than one fourth of voters support the New Era (28,7%). Other most popular political parties in the first half of February were the People’s Party (8%), People’s Harmony Party (7,9%). The Union of Greens and Farmer (4, 2%) and Latvia’s First Party (4%) rate below the 5% necessary to gain seats in the Saeima.

The crisis of the government has not influenced the ratings of the political parties. According to the latest Latvijas Fakti opinion poll, more than one fourth of voters support the New Era (28,7%). Other most popular political parties in the first half of February were the Peoples Party (8%), Peoples Harmony Party (7,9%). The Union of Greens and Farmer (4, 2%) and Latvias First Party (4%) rate below the 5% necessary to gain seats in the Saeima. Diena

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus will arrive tomorrow for a two-day visit in Riga. He will meet with the President of Latvia, the Minister of Science and Education and several Saeima commissions. The main discussion subjects will be  naturalization, the Framework Convention for the Protection of the National Minorities, as well as the education reform and its impact on the minority policy.

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus will arrive tomorrow for a two-day visit in Riga. He will meet with the President of Latvia, the Minister of Science and Education and several Saeima commissions. The main discussion subjects will be naturalization, the Framework Convention for the Protection of the National Minorities, as well as the education reform and its impact on the minority policy. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Four right-wing parties have proposed amendments to the Law on Protection of the Rights of the Child stating that if children are to participate in public meetings, demonstrations or pickets these events should be coordinated with the police. Other amendments concerning demonstration and pickets will be discussed in Saeima’s Legal Commission on Tuesday, anticipating to amend the procedure of the public MP meetings with voters, which hitherto can be done without coordination with the police.

Four right-wing parties have proposed amendments to the Law on Protection of the Rights of the Child stating that if children are to participate in public meetings, demonstrations or pickets these events should be coordinated with the police. Other amendments concerning demonstration and pickets will be discussed in Saeimas Legal Commission on Tuesday, anticipating to amend the procedure of the public MP meetings with voters, which hitherto can be done without coordination with the police. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize reports about the third year anniversary meeting of the Minority Education Advisory Council of the Ministry of Science and Education. The Council is composed of 22 members - school directors, representatives of nongovernmental organisations, state officials and experts. Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Peteris Elferts stressed how important are the visit of European Commission representatives to the Ukrainian, Polish and other schools, where they are able to see that the state is providing funding and support for minority schools.

An exhibition about almost 20 minorities living in Latvia is organised in the museum of the Jewish community. The exhibits include minority art objects, stitchcraft, photos, books and traditional costumes.

An exhibition about almost 20 minorities living in Latvia is organised in the museum of the Jewish community. The exhibits include minority art objects, stitchcraft, photos, books and traditional costumes. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

An Uzbek Sunday school has been established in Riga. The initiator of this idea is the President of the Uzbek cultural society Alim Abdusaidov. The main objective of this school is to teach about the history of the Uzbekistan, culture, traditions, festivities and traditional cooking. There are more than 300 Uzbeks in Latvia, 200 of whom live in Riga. 29 young people between the age of 8 to 27 have applied to the school.

An Uzbek Sunday school has been established in Riga. The initiator of this idea is the President of the Uzbek cultural society Alim Abdusaidov. The main objective of this school is to teach about the history of the Uzbekistan, culture, traditions, festivities and traditional cooking. There are more than 300 Uzbeks in Latvia, 200 of whom live in Riga. 29 young people between the age of 8 to 27 have applied to the school. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize informs about the Roma congress in Talsi, which was organised by the Talsu 1st Primary School on Saturday 21st of February. The aim of the conference was to promote the integration of the local Romani community (there around 300 Roma in Talsi). Around 50 Romani people attended the conference and discussed their problems of social integration and discrimination in the labour market.

Latvijas Avize publishes an article about the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM), describing the history, signatures and ratifications of the FCNM, the definition of minority and the specific approach of France to the FCNM as well as stance on minority issues in general.

Chas publishes an article by the President of the Baltic Forum, Janis Urbanovics, about the education reform. The Baltic Forum plans to organize a discussion about the education reform among representatives of intelligentsia and experts of the education reform on March 5, one day before the announced congress of the defenders of the Russian-language schools.

Vesti Segodnya publishes the statements of the Dr Leo Dribins, historian and expert on integration issues, about the possible creation of an inclusive nation state in Latvia. Dr Dribins believes that such a development is possible if the government will offer compromise solutions.

Feb. 23, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Latvian Green Party politician Indulis Emsis nominated as candidate to the post of Prime Minister
  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities will visit Latvia
  • Citizenship statistics
  • Russian-language schools activists are preparing congress with Russian guests
Newspapers feature comments on the newly nominated candidate to the post of the Prime Minister, the representative of the Latvian Green Party Indulis Emsis. Mr Emsis is largely seen as a compromise candidate in the present complicated political situation. Nevertheless  the difficulties in forming a new coalition are being admitted.

Newspapers feature comments on the newly nominated candidate to the post of the Prime Minister, the representative of the Latvian Green Party Indulis Emsis. Mr Emsis is largely seen as a compromise candidate in the present complicated political situation. Nevertheless the difficulties in forming a new coalition are being admitted. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Telegraf

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekéus  will visit Latvia on February 25. During  two days  the Commissioner plans to meet  the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and the Minister of Education Karlis Sadurskis to discuss the problems of educational reform in Latvia.

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekéus will visit Latvia on February 25. During two days the Commissioner plans to meet the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and the Minister of Education Karlis Sadurskis to discuss the problems of educational reform in Latvia. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Newspapers publish the latest citizenship statistics (01-01-2004) of Latvia. There are 77,79%  citizens and 20,77% non-citizens living in Latvia. 58,6% of the  inhabitants are Latvians, 28,8% - Russians. Other ethnic groups are represented with no more than 4% each. 66,84% of the non-citizens are Russian.

Newspapers publish the latest citizenship statistics (01-01-2004) of Latvia. There are 77,79% citizens and 20,77% non-citizens living in Latvia. 58,6% of the inhabitants are Latvians, 28,8% - Russians. Other ethnic groups are represented with no more than 4% each. 66,84% of the non-citizens are Russian. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Representatives of the Russian-language schools and public organizations have started to prepare the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools of Latvia which is going to take place on March 6 in Riga. The organizers have invited the Vice Speaker of the Russion Duma Dmitrij Rogozin among others as a guest of the congress.

Representatives of the Russian-language schools and public organizations have started to prepare the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools of Latvia which is going to take place on March 6 in Riga. The organizers have invited the Vice Speaker of the Russion Duma Dmitrij Rogozin among others as a guest of the congress. Chas

The Head of the Security Police Janis Reiniks promises to look into the possible relation of kick boxers to the Headquarter for the Defence of the Russian language schools. The leader of the Headquarter's Petropavloskis expressed that such a link exists talking to the journalists of the newspaper Diena.

The Head of the Security Police Janis Reiniks promises to look into the possible relation of kick boxers to the Headquarter for the Defence of the Russian language schools. The leader of the Headquarter's Petropavloskis expressed that such a link exists talking to the journalists of the newspaper Diena. Diena

Feb. 21, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Representative of Greens and Farmers nominated to form the new government
  • Evaluation of the former governments policy on society integration
  • Protest meeting in Liepaja against the education reform
  • Question of the Russian-speaking minority will be discussed during the summer session of the OSCE
  • Russian language schools will be allowed to use the textbooks received from Russia
  • Russias Duma MP Konstantin Zatulin gives a press conference on situation of the Russian-speakers in Latvia
  • Latvias Ambassador to the Council of Europe comments on the statements of Russias Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • Maslenitsa celebration in Cesis
  • Interview with the former Special Task Minister of Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks
The President of Latvia nominated the representative of the Greens and Farmers political party Indulis Emsis to form the new government. Indulis Emsis is willing to form a coalition government of all five right-wing parties.

The President of Latvia nominated the representative of the Greens and Farmers political party Indulis Emsis to form the new government. Indulis Emsis is willing to form a coalition government of all five right-wing parties.

Commenting the former government of Einars Repse, Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Righst and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brande-Kehre states that creation of the Special Task Minister of Society Integration post was an important development. According to Ilze Brande-Kehre, the biggest problem of the former government was inability to continue with the inherited minority education reform.

Commenting the former government of Einars Repse, Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Righst and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brande-Kehre states that creation of the Special Task Minister of Society Integration post was an important development. According to Ilze Brande-Kehre, the biggest problem of the former government was inability to continue with the inherited minority education reform. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Last Friday Saeima’s MP Valerijs Agesins organized a protest meeting in Liepaja in the form of the meeting with the voters. About one hundred of students gathered to protest against the education reform with the slogans like ‘we are not against the Latvian language, we are for the education in our mother language’. The meeting was rather quiet, and after half an hour the crowd has dissolved.

Last Friday Saeimas MP Valerijs Agesins organized a protest meeting in Liepaja in the form of the meeting with the voters. About one hundred of students gathered to protest against the education reform with the slogans like ‘we are not against the Latvian language, we are for the education in our mother language. The meeting was rather quiet, and after half an hour the crowd has dissolved. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize

The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE has decided to include the question about the situation of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia and Estonia in the summer session’s agenda.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE has decided to include the question about the situation of the Russian-speaking minority in Latvia and Estonia in the summer sessions agenda. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize

After examining the schoolbooks given as a gift by the Russian Embassy in Latvia,  director of the integration department of the Ministry of Science and Education Evija Papule announced that the Russian language schools would be allowed to use these books.

After examining the schoolbooks given as a gift by the Russian Embassy in Latvia, director of the integration department of the Ministry of Science and Education Evija Papule announced that the Russian language schools would be allowed to use these books. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize

On Friday the MP of the Russia’s Duma Konstantin Zatulin organized a press conference about the situation of the Russian-speakers in Latvia. He criticizes the Russian government for not introducing economic sanctions against Latvia.

On Friday the MP of the Russias Duma Konstantin Zatulin organized a press conference about the situation of the Russian-speakers in Latvia. He criticizes the Russian government for not introducing economic sanctions against Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize publishes the commentary of the Latvias Ambassador to the Council of Europe Georgs Andrejevs on the statements of Russias Minister for Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov about the education reform in Latvia. Georgs Andrejevs believes that by allocating a considerable amount of time for instruction in minority languages at the secondary school, the Education Law gives minorities a possibility to develop their identity, at the same time providing equal opportunities for the higher education and participation in the labor market. He stresses that Russian governments reference to the Framework Convention for the protection of the National Minorities is not accurate, as the Advisory Committee of the Convention has concluded that in Russia the option to learn minority language is available only in the primary school, and all instruction in further grades is in Russian only.

On Friday the celebration of traditional Russian holiday Butter Week (Maslenitsa) was organized in Cesis. The former Special Task Minister of Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks, the Russian Ambassador Igor Studennikov and the British Ambassador Andrew Tesoriere have attended the event. Russian-speaking population in Cesis is only 4%, but many people joined the celebration.

On Friday the celebration of traditional Russian holiday Butter Week (Maslenitsa) was organized in Cesis. The former Special Task Minister of Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks, the Russian Ambassador Igor Studennikov and the British Ambassador Andrew Tesoriere have attended the event. Russian-speaking population in Cesis is only 4%, but many people joined the celebration. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize

Neatkariga Rita Avize publishes an interview with Nils Muiznieks, the former Special Task Minister for Society Integration. According to Muiznieks, the main problem of the education reform is lack of information in the society and among minority students in particular. He states that although the goal of the education reform in Estonia is similar,  the situation there is much calmer – the starting requirement was for education only in Estonian, then it was decreased to 70%, later set down to 60%, and finally the education reform was postponed by two years. N. Muiznieks believes that the previous education models did not ensure the sufficient knowledge of Latvian language for students of the Russian language schools. He also stresses that minority education is not a question of human rights, as international human rights do not include strict standards on the minority rights for education. European institutions could not and would not express a unanimous opinion about the Latvian education reform because European minority education practice varies across the countries, says Muiznieks. He stresses that there is a need for the Prime Minister who will from the very first moment seriously approach the education reform issues, recognizing mistakes made in the past and possibly starting from the very beginning, carefully communicating the goals of the reform to the people.

Neatkariga Rita Avize publishes an interview with Nils Muiznieks, the former Special Task Minister for Society Integration. According to Muiznieks, the main problem of the education reform is lack of information in the society and among minority students in particular. He states that although the goal of the education reform in Estonia is similar, the situation there is much calmer – the starting requirement was for education only in Estonian, then it was decreased to 70%, later set down to 60%, and finally the education reform was postponed by two years. N. Muiznieks believes that the previous education models did not ensure the sufficient knowledge of Latvian language for students of the Russian language schools. He also stresses that minority education is not a question of human rights, as international human rights do not include strict standards on the minority rights for education. European institutions could not and would not express a unanimous opinion about the Latvian education reform because European minority education practice varies across the countries, says Muiznieks. He stresses that there is a need for the Prime Minister who will from the very first moment seriously approach the education reform issues, recognizing mistakes made in the past and possibly starting from the very beginning, carefully communicating the goals of the reform to the people.

Feb. 20, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Latvian report has been accepted by the European Parliament
  • Discussion about Latvian – Russian relationship
  • Speaker of the Russias State Duma is invited to Latvia
  • Saeima adopted the draft law on joining the NATO
  • Paradoxes of the naturalization process
  • Latvian Russian society divided by the attitude towards the education reform
  • Latvian and Russian students at Rinuzhi school try to better understand each other
Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Parliament has accepted changes to the report on Latvia’s preparedness to join the European Union, submitted by the German deputy Elisabeth Schroedter. The new version of the report recognizes that Latvian policy in the fields of citizenship, language and education does correspond to the international standards. The Committee appreciated the growth in the speed of naturalization, but points out that it should be even faster and easier for the applicants. The report recommends the Latvian government to grant voting rights for non-citizens at the municipal elections and to speed up the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the National Minorities.

Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Parliament has accepted changes to the report on Latvias preparedness to join the European Union, submitted by the German deputy Elisabeth Schroedter. The new version of the report recognizes that Latvian policy in the fields of citizenship, language and education does correspond to the international standards. The Committee appreciated the growth in the speed of naturalization, but points out that it should be even faster and easier for the applicants. The report recommends the Latvian government to grant voting rights for non-citizens at the municipal elections and to speed up the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the National Minorities. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Rigas Balss features a discussion about the relationship between Latvia and its biggest neighbor Russia. The weakest points are being identified as the lack of normal communication, real wish to develop the relationship, and professional dedication from both sides.

The Speaker of Saeima Ingrida Udre has invited Boris Grizlov, the Speaker of Russia’s State Duma on an official visit to Latvia in order to develop contacts between the two countries on the parliamentary level.

The Speaker of Saeima Ingrida Udre has invited Boris Grizlov, the Speaker of Russias State Duma on an official visit to Latvia in order to develop contacts between the two countries on the parliamentary level. Diena, Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Neatkariga Rita Avize informs, that Saeima has adopted (73 votes for, 6 – against) the draft law on Latvia joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Telegraf points out the paradoxes of the naturalization process. With the number of applications almost doubling lately, the relevant institutions can hardly cope with managing the whole process due to the lack of financial and human resources. Help from international organizations could have sped up the process again.

Chas has published an article by Boriss Cilevics, the deputy from the Peoples Harmony Party, who analyzes the Russian society of Latvia from the point of view of attitude towards the education reform. Main three groups have been identified: the most integrated part of the population, ‘pragmatists, who have only constructive objections to the reform; the second group, ‘community supporters, are mainly concerned about the preservation of the Russian community in Latvia, and usually employ mass manifestations as the methods; and the third group, ‘diaspora, is clearly oriented towards Russia not only in language and cultural sense, but also politically..


Chas also features an account of the discussion in the Rinuzhi secondary school, where Russian and Latvian students together tried to find an answer to the question: where does the division between Latvians and Russians start? The discussion has helped both sides to identify mutual stereotypes and prejudices.

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