marts 3, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus concerned about the recent tensions around the education reform
  • Sweden Foreign Affairs Minister Laila Freivalds and the Russia Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov discuss minority rights in Latvia
  • Ministry of Education and Science is preparing a society information plan on education reform
  • Preparations for the Latvian Legion Commemoration day
  • Saeima MP Boris Tsilevich about causes of the negative attitude towards the education reform
  • FHRUL representatives participate at the UN thematic discussion
  • The Head of Council of Russia Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov about the situation of Russian-speaking people in Latvia
  • Saeima MP Peteris Tabuns requests explanations from the state security institutions about the protest actions against the education reform
  • Miroslav Mitrophanov: proposed amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child Law are discriminatory on age grounds
  • Interview with the head of the Delegation on the Relations between Riga and Moscow Vladimir Malishkov
  • Janis Valdmanis becomes a new director of the Sate Language Agency
According to the information published on official web page of the OSCE, the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the OSCE Rolf Ekeus is concerned about the recent tensions in the area of observation of minority rights in Latvia connected with the education reform.

According to the information published on official web page of the OSCE, the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the OSCE Rolf Ekeus is concerned about the recent tensions in the area of observation of minority rights in Latvia connected with the education reform. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Observation of minority rights in Latvia was discussed by the Sweden Foreign Affairs Minister Laila Freivalds and the Russia Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov during the visit of the Sweden Minister to Russia. Igor Ivanov has pointed to the large number of non-citizens and violation of Russian-speaking rights in Latvia, and has castigated the EU for application of double standards on Latvia and Estonia in the area of minority rights. Meanwhile Laila Freivalds has stated that the observation of minority rights in Baltic States conforms to the principles established by international organizations including the recommendations of the Council of Europe and the OSCE.

Observation of minority rights in Latvia was discussed by the Sweden Foreign Affairs Minister Laila Freivalds and the Russia Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov during the visit of the Sweden Minister to Russia. Igor Ivanov has pointed to the large number of non-citizens and violation of Russian-speaking rights in Latvia, and has castigated the EU for application of double standards on Latvia and Estonia in the area of minority rights. Meanwhile Laila Freivalds has stated that the observation of minority rights in Baltic States conforms to the principles established by international organizations including the recommendations of the Council of Europe and the OSCE. Diena, Chas

Ministry of Education and Science is preparing a society information plan on the education reform. Public Policy Centre PROVIDUS researcherIndra Dedze believes that this overdue information campaign requires very well defined target audience and subject of discussion. According to the researcher, discussion should not be about the proportion of Latvian and Russian language use in minority schools, but about place of the Russian language, culture and community in the society.

Ministry of Education and Science is preparing a society information plan on the education reform. Public Policy Centre PROVIDUS researcherIndra Dedze believes that this overdue information campaign requires very well defined target audience and subject of discussion. According to the researcher, discussion should not be about the proportion of Latvian and Russian language use in minority schools, but about place of the Russian language, culture and community in the society. Diena

Newspapers inform about events planned for March 16, the Commemoration day for the Latvian Legion. According to the Chairman of the Latvian National Soldiers Society Nikolajs Romanovskis, organization has called people not to participate in organized processions in order to avoid possible provocations.

Newspapers inform about events planned for March 16, the Commemoration day for the Latvian Legion. According to the Chairman of the Latvian National Soldiers Society Nikolajs Romanovskis, organization has called people not to participate in organized processions in order to avoid possible provocations. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Diena features an article by the Saeima MP Boris Tsilevich (Peoples Harmony Party) on the causes of the negative attitude of minorities towards the education reform. The MP points to the lack of dialogue between the state and the ethnic minorities, stressing that concern of the reforms opponents about the deterioration of the quality of minority education is disregarded. According to the Boris Tsilevich, Saeima majority should understand that opponents of the reform are not against the state language and proportion of Latvian and Russian language use in minority schools, but against their opinions and interests being demonstratively ignored.

Vesti Segodnya writes about the participation of the representatives of the union For Human in the United Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka and Miroslavs Mitrofanovs at the thematic discussion on non-citizens and racial discrimination of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Vesti Segodnya

The Head of Council of Russia Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov has pointed to the increasing disquiet of the European institutions about the situation of Russian-speaking people in Latvia. According to Mihail Margelov, the Council’s of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA) decision to relegate the issue of the education reform of Latvia for examination to the CEPA Committee on Education, Culture and Education proves it.

The Head of Council of Russia Federation Committee on Foreign Affairs Mihail Margelov has pointed to the increasing disquiet of the European institutions about the situation of Russian-speaking people in Latvia. According to Mihail Margelov, the Councils of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA) decision to relegate the issue of the education reform of Latvia for examination to the CEPA Committee on Education, Culture and Education proves it. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas

MP of the Saeima For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM parliamentary group Peteris Tabuns has send a letter to the director of the Constitutional Defence Bureau (CDB) Janis Kazocins, Minister of the Interior Maris Gulbis and prosecutor general Janis Maizitis, in which he expresses concern about the protest actions against the education reform. The MP wants to know why actions of the hostile towards Latvian state forces had been permitted. Director of the CDB Janis Kazocins has stated that e monitoring and prevention of the interior threats to the state is within the competence of the State Security Committee, but that the CDB regularly obtains information about the possible foreign countries’ connection with the organization of the protest actions against the education reform in Latvia.

MP of the Saeima For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM parliamentary group Peteris Tabuns has send a letter to the director of the Constitutional Defence Bureau (CDB) Janis Kazocins, Minister of the Interior Maris Gulbis and prosecutor general Janis Maizitis, in which he expresses concern about the protest actions against the education reform. The MP wants to know why actions of the hostile towards Latvian state forces had been permitted. Director of the CDB Janis Kazocins has stated that e monitoring and prevention of the interior threats to the state is within the competence of the State Security Committee, but that the CDB regularly obtains information about the possible foreign countries connection with the organization of the protest actions against the education reform in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the consultant of the Saeima parliamentary group For Human in the United Latvia Miroslav Mitrophanov about the proposals of the Saeima Childrens Rights Subcommittee to amend the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child with the goal to preclude the childrens participation in political protest actions. According to Miroslav Mitrophanov, these amendments are discriminatory on age grounds.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the head of the Delegation on the Relations between Riga and Moscow, the Minister of Moscow Government Vladimir Malishkov, who says that politicians of both Latvia and Russia should close the black pages of the common history and start to think about the future.

Professor of the University of Latvia Janis Valdmanis has become a new director of the Sate Language Agency, which ensures the implementation of the state language policy.

Professor of the University of Latvia Janis Valdmanis has become a new director of the Sate Language Agency, which ensures the implementation of the state language policy. Diena

marts 2, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee will discuss renewing the monitoring procedure on observation of minority rights in Latvia
  • Russian Party does not support actions of the Headquarters for the defence of Russian-language schools
  • FHRUL MP Jakovs Pliners discusses upcoming Congress against education reform
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga interview in Russian media about the protest actions against the education reform
  • FHRUL about the decision of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia to not provide the entrance visa for Russia vice speaker Dmitry Rogozin
  • Latvia Socialist Party leader Alfreds Rubiks requests the cancellation of his conviction record
  • Ambassador of France to Latvia Michael Foucher explains President Chiracs statements
  • Russias Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov interview in Sweden about minorities in Latvia
  • Three-confessional ecumenical service for harmony and peace in society
  • Article on increasing ethnic strain in society
Saeima MP and delegate from Latvia to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA)Boris Tsilevitch claims that theMonitoring Committee of the CEPA could make a decision to renew the monitoring procedure on the observation of minority rights in Latvia. Boris Tsilevitch believes that only the active intervention of international organizations could influence the problematic situation with the education reform. The Monitoring Committee will discuss the minority rights observation in Latvia in its meeting on 3 March.

Saeima MP and delegate from Latvia to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA)Boris Tsilevitch claims that theMonitoring Committee of the CEPA could make a decision to renew the monitoring procedure on the observation of minority rights in Latvia. Boris Tsilevitch believes that only the active intervention of international organizations could influence the problematic situation with the education reform. The Monitoring Committee will discuss the minority rights observation in Latvia in its meeting on 3 March. Vesti Segodnya

The extra-parliamentary Russian Party will not participate at the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools of Latvia, stressing that the Congress will only represent the opinion of one part of the Russian community in Latvia. The leader of the party Mikhail Gavrilov believes that such political parties as Equality and FHRUL as well as the grouping Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools and the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools do not have the right to speak for all Russians in Latvia. Mikhail Gavrilov states that his party will not heed the decisions of the upcoming Congress. The members of the party also state that the destructive actions of the Headquarters, which cause the unwillingness of state officials to develop a dialogue, in fact endanger the Russian-language schools.

The extra-parliamentary Russian Party will not participate at the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools of Latvia, stressing that the Congress will only represent the opinion of one part of the Russian community in Latvia. The leader of the party Mikhail Gavrilov believes that such political parties as Equality and FHRUL as well as the grouping Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools and the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools do not have the right to speak for all Russians in Latvia. Mikhail Gavrilov states that his party will not heed the decisions of the upcoming Congress. The members of the party also state that the destructive actions of the Headquarters, which cause the unwillingness of state officials to develop a dialogue, in fact endanger the Russian-language schools. Latvijas Avize

Some 3,500 representatives from Russian-language schools could participate at the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools of Latvia on 6 March, claims FHRUL parliamentary group head Jakovs Pliners. He further states that comprehensive protest actions against the education reform will be discussed during the congress and an appeal to international organizations to support the struggle against the reform will be adopted.

Some 3,500 representatives from Russian-language schools could participate at the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools of Latvia on 6 March, claims FHRUL parliamentary group head Jakovs Pliners. He further states that comprehensive protest actions against the education reform will be discussed during the congress and an appeal to international organizations to support the struggle against the reform will be adopted. Telegraf

Newspapers reprint fragments of the interview of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to the Russian newspaper

Newspapers reprint fragments of the interview of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to the Russian newspaper Izvestya about the protest actions against the education reform and the relationship between Latvia and Russia. The President believes that the protest actions against the education reform are not related to the education reform itself, but to a desire to complicate Latvias accession to the EU. The President states that one part of parliamentary deputies attempts to create a confrontation, making no secret about the involvement of the friends from Moscow. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas

FHRUL parliamentary group has expressed incomprehension about the decision of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia to refuse entrance visa for Russia’s State Council vice speaker Dmitry Rogozin. According to the statement of the party, this decision is offensive to the parliamentary group as well as their voters.

FHRUL parliamentary group has expressed incomprehension about the decision of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia to refuse entrance visa for Russias State Council vice speaker Dmitry Rogozin. According to the statement of the party, this decision is offensive to the parliamentary group as well as their voters. Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Dmitry Rogozin, who responds to the decision of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Chas, Vesty Segodnya

Latvia Socialist Party leader Alfreds Rubiks’ lawyer Aleksandrs Ogurcovs has submitted an application to the Riga District Court requesting the cancellation of the conviction record of Alfreds Rubiks, who was convicted in 1995 for actions to overthrow the state. The leader of the Latvia Socialist Party motivates this application with the desire to stand as candidate for the European Parliament elections from the list of Socialist Party. 

Latvia Socialist Party leader Alfreds Rubiks lawyer Aleksandrs Ogurcovs has submitted an application to the Riga District Court requesting the cancellation of the conviction record of Alfreds Rubiks, who was convicted in 1995 for actions to overthrow the state. The leader of the Latvia Socialist Party motivates this application with the desire to stand as candidate for the European Parliament elections from the list of Socialist Party. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Ambassador of France to Latvia Michael Foucher about the statements of the President of France Jacques Chirac that the European Union should respect the concerns of Russia regarding minority rights observation in Baltic States. The ambassador states that France does not have a separate opinion about the necessary actions in the area of the observation of minority rights in Latvia. Michael Foucher points to the necessity to show Russia that the enlargement of the EU is not directed against Russia.

Newspapers reprint fragments of the article by the former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia Igor Ivanov, published in the Swedish newspaper

Newspapers reprint fragments of the article by the former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia Igor Ivanov, published in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter about the situation of Russians in Latvia. Igor Ivanov expresses the hope that the member states of the EU and NATO will hold on to the same principles of minority rights in the Baltic states as in other states of the Central and Western Europe. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf

Leaders of largest confessions of Latvia – the Cardinal of the Catholic Church Janis Pujats, the Archbishop of the Lutheran Church Janis Vanags and the Metropolitan Aleksandrs of the Orthodox Church – are planning to officiate an ecumenical service in order to pray for harmony and peace in society. According to the religious leaders, harmony in society has been upset because of the politicized situation with the education reform.

Leaders of largest confessions of Latvia – the Cardinal of the Catholic Church Janis Pujats, the Archbishop of the Lutheran Church Janis Vanags and the Metropolitan Aleksandrs of the Orthodox Church – are planning to officiate an ecumenical service in order to pray for harmony and peace in society. According to the religious leaders, harmony in society has been upset because of the politicized situation with the education reform. Diena

Chas features an article by Maija Krumina about the increasing ethnic strain in the society between Latvian and Russian speaking communities. According to the political analyst, both the state as well as the Russian-speaking community are responsible for the present tense situation in the area of education reform, because the Russian-speaking community did not start to resist this policy until last year. She also believes that the politicization of the reform is inevitable because its goals are more political and ideological than educational. The researcher claims that the abolishment of the reform would be a positive step for Latvia as a democratic state because the reduction of the importance of ethnic integration could promote the formation of interest groups on the basis of economical and social features instead. Chas

Feb. 28, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Russias Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizov on obstacles to signing border agreement with Latvia
  • Entry visa denied to the vice speaker of the Russian State Council Dmitry Rogozin
  • Latvias First Party want to reorganize special task secretariats to ministries
  • 1,000 protesters demonstrate against education reform
  • Non-governmental organization Cita Politika calls for moratorium on the implementation of the education reform
  • Vesti Segodnya suggests OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus positive statements on education reform have been exaggerated in Latvian media
  • Russian intellectuals request the cancellation of the education reform in Latvia
  • Defenders of Russian-Language Schools will explain the objections against the education reform to the Latvian-speaking part of the society
  • Researcher supports the proposal to grant automatic citizenship for non-citizens children
Lack of progress in the observation of minority rights in Latvia is the main obstacle to the signing of the border agreement between Russia and Latvia, stated the Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizov after consultations between the Foreign Affairs Ministries of Russia and Latvia. The Russian official stressed that the demands of Russia fully correspond to the recommendations of international human rights institutions.

Lack of progress in the observation of minority rights in Latvia is the main obstacle to the signing of the border agreement between Russia and Latvia, stated the Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizov after consultations between the Foreign Affairs Ministries of Russia and Latvia. The Russian official stressed that the demands of Russia fully correspond to the recommendations of international human rights institutions. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia has refused a visa application of the vice speaker of he Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin. The refusal is motivated with the lack of specificity of the goal of his visit in his application. The Ministry also believes that the previous expressions of the Dmitry Rogozin do not indicate a desire to develop a constructive inter-state dialogue. The Headquarters for the defence of Russian language schools of Latvia have invited the Vice Speaker of the Russian State Council as a guest of a congress against the education reform to be held in Riga on 6 March.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia has refused a visa application of the vice speaker of he Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin. The refusal is motivated with the lack of specificity of the goal of his visit in his application. The Ministry also believes that the previous expressions of the Dmitry Rogozin do not indicate a desire to develop a constructive inter-state dialogue. The Headquarters for the defence of Russian language schools of Latvia have invited the Vice Speaker of the Russian State Council as a guest of a congress against the education reform to be held in Riga on 6 March. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvia’s First Party leader Ainars Slesers has announced that when forming a new government, the party will call for the reorganizing of the secretariats of the two special task ministers -- the Social Integration Affairs and the Child and Family Affairs -- into ministries.

Latvias First Party leader Ainars Slesers has announced that when forming a new government, the party will call for the reorganizing of the secretariats of the two special task ministers -- the Social Integration Affairs and the Child and Family Affairs -- into ministries. Diena

About 1,000 participants protested against the education reform last Friday in Riga. The protestors were also called upon by the Headquarters to defend the contentious anti-reform video clip, which includes a distorted version of a Pink Floyd song and which the Security Police is in the process of evaluating for possible incitement charges.

About 1,000 participants protested against the education reform last Friday in Riga. The protestors were also called upon by the Headquarters to defend the contentious anti-reform video clip, which includes a distorted version of a Pink Floyd song and which the Security Police is in the process of evaluating for possible incitement charges. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neakariga Rita Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The non-governmental organization “Cita Politika” (“Other Policy”) has issued a  call for a moratorium on the implementation of the education reform. The leader of the NGO Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov believes that it is necessary to make amendments to the Law on Education, which would establish transitional provisions during this moratorium. In the view of the politician, the moratorium should not have a set deadline but instead be in place until all the minority schools would be ready for the implementation of the reform.

The non-governmental organization Cita Politika (Other Policy) has issued a call for a moratorium on the implementation of the education reform. The leader of the NGO Riga Vice-Mayor Sergey Dolgopolov believes that it is necessary to make amendments to the Law on Education, which would establish transitional provisions during this moratorium. In the view of the politician, the moratorium should not have a set deadline but instead be in place until all the minority schools would be ready for the implementation of the reform. Diena, Chas

Vesti Segodnya writes about the meeting of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus and the observer to the European Parliament Boris Tsilevitch (Saeima MP from Peoples Harmony Party). According to Boris Tsilevich, the Latvian media and even the statements from the Presidents office regarding the High Commissioners full-fledged support for the education reform and appreciation of the constructive approach of the Latvian government to the solution of the problem have been exaggerated. Boris Tsilevitch claims that during his meeting with Rolf Ekeus, the High Commissioner had disclaimed such statements, stressing that he had spoken about the necessity to develop a dialogue between minorities and the state and also pointed to the necessity to guarantee the maintenance of the quality of education for minority children during the implementation of the reform. Boris Tsilevitch has asked the High Commissioner to become a mediator in the dialogue between the state and minorities.

Several famous Russian intellectuals – chairman of the International Association of the Russia Writers’ Union Nikita Mihalkov, chairman of the Russia Writers’ Union Valentin Rasputin, academician Dmitry Lvov and others – have signed an open letter to the ambassador of Latvia to Russia Normans Penke, requesting the cancellation of the education reform in Latvia. The Russian intellectuals believe that the Russian language in Latvia is suppressed and that “the rough pressure on the use of one of the major world’s languages in the learning process represents a relapse to fascism in the renewed Europe”.

Several famous Russian intellectuals – chairman of the International Association of the Russia Writers Union Nikita Mihalkov, chairman of the Russia Writers Union Valentin Rasputin, academician Dmitry Lvov and others – have signed an open letter to the ambassador of Latvia to Russia Normans Penke, requesting the cancellation of the education reform in Latvia. The Russian intellectuals believe that the Russian language in Latvia is suppressed and that the rough pressure on the use of one of the major worlds languages in the learning process represents a relapse to fascism in the renewed Europe. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools is planning to intensify the work with the Latvian-speaking part of the society. According to the activist of the Headquarters Genadij Kotov, during the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools an appeal to Latvians will be adopted, explaining the main objections from the side of minorities against the education reform.

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools is planning to intensify the work with the Latvian-speaking part of the society. According to the activist of the Headquarters Genadij Kotov, during the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools an appeal to Latvians will be adopted, explaining the main objections from the side of minorities against the education reform. Chas

Diena features an article by research assistant of the Ethnic Research Centre at the University of Latvia Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Sigita Zankovska-Odina about the naturalization process in Latvia. According to the researcher, in order to ensure the sense of belonging to Latvia of the children of non-citizens and to avoid the transfer of resentment from one generation to the next, the recent expert recommendation that citizenship should be granted automatically to all newborn, while retaining the possibility for parents to refuse this opportunity, should be supported.

Feb. 27, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Saeima adopted legislation on Latvias accession to NATO
  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus and the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga agree that the implementation of education reform should be pragmatic and flexible
  • European Parliament requests Russia to sign the border agreements with Latvia and Estonia
  • Aleksandr Sabanov article and interview with the teacher-actor of aggressive anti-education reform video clip
  • Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizov visits Latvia and stresses education reform issues
  • The Jewish Community of Latvia distances itself from the Simon Wiesenthal Centre representative Efraim Zuroffs citicism of the President of Latvia
  • US Department of State human rights reports published
  • Proposed amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child with the aim to limit participation in political protest actions
Yesterday the Saeima adopted legislation on Latvia’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with 77 votes for (all right-wing parties and some deputies from People’s Harmony Party), 6 against (5 Socialist Party and one FHRUL deputy) and 5 abstentions (by FHRUL deputies).  Commentators point out that thus one of the main foreign policy goals of the state has been achieved.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted legislation on Latvias accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with 77 votes for (all right-wing parties and some deputies from Peoples Harmony Party), 6 against (5 Socialist Party and one FHRUL deputy) and 5 abstentions (by FHRUL deputies). Commentators point out that thus one of the main foreign policy goals of the state has been achieved. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga, Chas

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus reiterated his support for the education reform, which guarantees equal opportunities and quality of education for all children in Latvia. During the meeting of the High Commissioner with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga both officials agreed that the implementation of the education reform must be pragmatic and flexible, considering the real situation in the each of the minority schools. Rolf Ekeus also indicated that Latvia could act to decrease international criticism in the area of minority rights by ratifying the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus reiterated his support for the education reform, which guarantees equal opportunities and quality of education for all children in Latvia. During the meeting of the High Commissioner with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga both officials agreed that the implementation of the education reform must be pragmatic and flexible, considering the real situation in the each of the minority schools. Rolf Ekeus also indicated that Latvia could act to decrease international criticism in the area of minority rights by ratifying the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga, Telegraf

The European Parliament (EP) has adopted recommendations for the future collaboration between EU and Russia, stressing that the EU should require Russia to sign border agreements with Latvia and Estonia. The head of the EP’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defense Policy Elmar Brok reportedly stated that Russia cannot use the issue of the Russian minority situation in the Baltic States as an argument against the signing of the border agreement because the minority situation in these states is better than the one in Russia itself. The EP requests the Council of the European Union (CEU) to ensure a unified stance of the EU member states’ leaders toward Russia and recommends the CEU to stand firm on the stance that the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union should be applied also to the new member states of the EU. 

The European Parliament (EP) has adopted recommendations for the future collaboration between EU and Russia, stressing that the EU should require Russia to sign border agreements with Latvia and Estonia. The head of the EPs Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defense Policy Elmar Brok reportedly stated that Russia cannot use the issue of the Russian minority situation in the Baltic States as an argument against the signing of the border agreement because the minority situation in these states is better than the one in Russia itself. The EP requests the Council of the European Union (CEU) to ensure a unified stance of the EU member states leaders toward Russia and recommends the CEU to stand firm on the stance that the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union should be applied also to the new member states of the EU. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Diena features and article by Aleksandr Sabanov, in which he interviews the teacher who is featured in the anti-education reform video clip that recently has stirred up emotions with its aggressive posturing bordering on violence, and includes elements of extremist symbols. The teacher claims he is not en enemy of Latvia and says it is not true that Russians in Latvia do not want to learn Latvian. The teacher and amateur actor claims that the lack of attention to opposition to the reform by Latvian and European institutions has forced the opponents towards more radical forms of protest. The Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language schools has called for a public demonstration in Riga today defending the video clip and its authors.

Russian-language newspapers feature articles about visit of the Russia Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizov to Latvia. During the meeting with the Russians from Latvia at the Russian Embassy in Latvia yesterday, Vladimir Chizov allegedly stated that the main issue discussed during his meeting with the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia will be the education reform. The Russia official also has stated that the relationship between Latvia and Russia after Latvia’s accession to the EU could improve only in case the situation of Russian-speaking people in Latvia will improve.

Russian-language newspapers feature articles about visit of the Russia Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizov to Latvia. During the meeting with the Russians from Latvia at the Russian Embassy in Latvia yesterday, Vladimir Chizov allegedly stated that the main issue discussed during his meeting with the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia will be the education reform. The Russia official also has stated that the relationship between Latvia and Russia after Latvias accession to the EU could improve only in case the situation of Russian-speaking people in Latvia will improve. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas

The Jewish Community of Latvia distances itself from the criticism the Simon Wiesenthal Centre representative Efraim Zuroff has expressed of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, charging that she is ignoring the Holocaust and comparing it with the crimes of genocide of the communist regime. The Council of Jewish Communities and congregations regards the action of Efraim Zuroff as unacceptable and stresses that his stance is not supported by the general opinion of the Jewish community in Latvia.

The Jewish Community of Latvia distances itself from the criticism the Simon Wiesenthal Centre representative Efraim Zuroff has expressed of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, charging that she is ignoring the Holocaust and comparing it with the crimes of genocide of the communist regime. The Council of Jewish Communities and congregations regards the action of Efraim Zuroff as unacceptable and stresses that his stance is not supported by the general opinion of the Jewish community in Latvia. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Latvijas Avize prints an excerpt on minority rights in Latvia from the US Departments of State report about the situation in the area of observation of human rights in the world. Diena features an overview of the report stressing pre-trial detention, not mentioning the minority rights.

Yesterday the Saeima Sub-Committee for the Protection on the Child submitted amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child Law to the commissions for review. The amendments stipulate that all demonstrations, protest walks and public protest events in which children participate must be coordinated with the municipality and the police. According to the proponents of the amendments, the aim of these amendments is the preclusion of children’s participation in political protest actions.

Yesterday the Saeima Sub-Committee for the Protection on the Child submitted amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child Law to the commissions for review. The amendments stipulate that all demonstrations, protest walks and public protest events in which children participate must be coordinated with the municipality and the police. According to the proponents of the amendments, the aim of these amendments is the preclusion of childrens participation in political protest actions. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Telegraf

Feb. 26, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus calls for dialogue on education reform
  • Interview with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins
  • State Security Police examines allegations of Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-Language Schools activist physical training
  • Possible denial of entry into Latvia for the Vice Speaker of the Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin
  • NGO prepares information on naturalization for persons with special needs
  • Discussion Role of Education, Dialogue and Participation in the Promotion of Society Integration
  • Riga City Council deputy Aleksandr Gilman about education reform
  • Planned protest action against education reform
The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus is in Latvia on an official visit. The High Commissioner called for more focus on the quality of minority education and pointed to the continued need for dialogue in society about this issue. Rolf Ekeus also calls on Latvia to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities as soon as possible and to try speed up the process of naturalization. The High Commissioner met with minority students.

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus is in Latvia on an official visit. The High Commissioner called for more focus on the quality of minority education and pointed to the continued need for dialogue in society about this issue. Rolf Ekeus also calls on Latvia to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities as soon as possible and to try speed up the process of naturalization. The High Commissioner met with minority students. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga, Chas, Telegraf

Chas prints an interview with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins about the oncoming visit of the Russia Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizov to Latvia and the state of Latvian-Russian relations. Maris Riekstins believes that the initiative of some MPs of the Russia State Council to establish economic sanctions against Latvia show only their desire to make political gains. The state official also allows for the possibility of some kind of economic sanctions against Russia in the area of the production export to the EU, if the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union will not be applied to the new member states of the EU.

State Security Police examines the information about possible workouts of the Headquarters’ for the Defence of Russian-Language Schools activists at the sports complex of the Ministry of the Interior. The Secretary of the Saeima National Security Committee Linda Murniece and the former Minister of the Interior Mareks Seglins believe that such activities should cause serious concern for the police.

State Security Police examines the information about possible workouts of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-Language Schools activists at the sports complex of the Ministry of the Interior. The Secretary of the Saeima National Security Committee Linda Murniece and the former Minister of the Interior Mareks Seglins believe that such activities should cause serious concern for the police. Diena

Latvijas Avize commentator Maris Antonevics writes about the possible decision to deny entry into Latvia to the Vice Speaker of the Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin. The author believes that denying an entry visa to the Latvia for a Russian state official would only involve Latvia in an international scandal.

Organisation of Humans with Special Needs “Sustento” has prepared a brochure explaining the procedure of the naturalization to persons with special needs.

Organisation of Humans with Special Needs Sustento has prepared a brochure explaining the procedure of the naturalization to persons with special needs. Diena

Diena features an article about discussion Role of Education, Dialogue and Participation in the Promotion of Society Integration, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Centre for Political Education. The upcoming education reform will not create any great difficulties for minority schools of the Latgale region because those have already accumulated experience in the area of bilingual education, stated the directors of this regions minority schools.

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an article by the deputy of the Riga City Council Aleksandr Gilman about the education reform.

Latvijas Avize informs about a protest action against education reform planned for 27 February and organized by the union For Human Rights in United Latvia.

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