marts 9, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Saeima will vote on new government today
  • Ratings of political parties
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister candidate Indulis Emsis discuss planned activities in the area of education reform
  • State Security Police recommends to not issue permission for youth organizations march on legionnaires commemoration day
  • Former Deputy Prime Minister of Latvia Ainars Slesers accuses former Minister of Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis of mishandling education reform implementation
  • Interview with the Estonian Minister for Population and Ethnic Affairs Paul-Eerik Rummo
  • Ventspils mayor assigns responsibility for protest actions against the education reform to former Prime Minister Einars Repse
  • Controversial call for special parliament of Russian-speaking people in Baltic States by Estonian academic
  • Discussions on education reform by state institutions, Riga municipality and nongovernmental organizations
  • Janis Valdmanis recently appointed as director of the State Language Agency
Today Saeima will vote on the new government of Latvia, formed by the representative of the Union of Farmers and Greens Indulis Emsis. The new minority government is constituted on the basis of the coalition of three right wing parties - Union of Farmers and Greens, People’s Party, Latvia’s First Party and so will depend on votes from other parties for their confirmation.

Today Saeima will vote on the new government of Latvia, formed by the representative of the Union of Farmers and Greens Indulis Emsis. The new minority government is constituted on the basis of the coalition of three right wing parties - Union of Farmers and Greens, Peoples Party, Latvias First Party and so will depend on votes from other parties for their confirmation. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Vechernaya Riga, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The latest SKDS opinion poll indicates that the most popular party in Latvia in February was still New Era, which has a support of 22,4% of voters.  However, the party’s popularity has decreased from the previous poll by 1.5%. The rating of the People’s Party has significantly increased, to 16,1%.  Other parties’ ratings are: For Human Rights in United Latvia (10,2%), the Union of Farmers and Greens (8,8%), People’s Harmony Party (5,9%).  Below the 5% barrier for parliamentary representation are the ratings of For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (4,5%) and Latvia’s First Party (3,1%).

The latest SKDS opinion poll indicates that the most popular party in Latvia in February was still New Era, which has a support of 22,4% of voters. However, the partys popularity has decreased from the previous poll by 1.5%. The rating of the Peoples Party has significantly increased, to 16,1%. Other parties ratings are: For Human Rights in United Latvia (10,2%), the Union of Farmers and Greens (8,8%), Peoples Harmony Party (5,9%). Below the 5% barrier for parliamentary representation are the ratings of For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (4,5%) and Latvias First Party (3,1%). Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Chas reports on the meeting of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and the Prime Minister candidate Indulis Emsis. Among other things, during this meeting the emerging governments planned activities concerning the implementation of the minority education reform were discussed.

State Security Police has recommended to the executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks to not grant the right to organize a protest march to the nationalist youth organization “Klubs 415” (“Club 415”) on 16 March, which already in previous years has raised controversy as the commemoration day for the Latvian Legion during WWII. The organization representing former legionnaires has distanced itself from this initiative. Although the reasons for not allowing the march are ostensibly security related, several commentators are more concerned about the negative image this could create for Latvia internationally.

State Security Police has recommended to the executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks to not grant the right to organize a protest march to the nationalist youth organization Klubs 415 (Club 415) on 16 March, which already in previous years has raised controversy as the commemoration day for the Latvian Legion during WWII. The organization representing former legionnaires has distanced itself from this initiative. Although the reasons for not allowing the march are ostensibly security related, several commentators are more concerned about the negative image this could create for Latvia internationally. Diena

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with First Party leader and former Deputy Prime Minister of Latvia Ainars Slesers, in which he argues that the former Minister of Education and Science Karlis Shadurskis is to blame for provocations in the area of minority education reform. According to him, the new Minister of Education and Science will have to start from scratch the dialogue with minority students, teachers and nongovernmental organizations. Ainars Slesers also believes that it is possible to achieve a compromise in the area of education reform.

Latvijas Avize interviews the Estonian Minister for Population and Ethnic Affairs Paul-Eerik Rummo about society integration in Estonia and minority education reform in Latvia. Commenting the demands issued recently at of the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools, Paul-Eerik Rummo stresses that the response to the demands, which could impact the fundamentals of the state, are the exclusive competence of the state of Latvia and outside interference is inadmissible. He criticizes the activities of some Russian state officials, who were agitaing against Latvia during the anti-reform congress.

The Chairman of Ventspils City Council Aivars Lembergs has stated that the former Prime Minister of Latvia Einars Repse should bear the responsibility for the protest actions against the education reform. Aivars Lembergs does not exclude the possibility that the primary organizer of protest actions was Einars Repse. The Chairman of Ventspils City Council  believes that the unstable situation in the state was advantageous for Einars Repse, especially considering his expressions about the necessity to make amendments to the Constitution of Latvia, which would stipulate the authority to the Prime Minister to convene extraordinary Saeima elections in order to preclude a government crisis.

The Chairman of Ventspils City Council Aivars Lembergs has stated that the former Prime Minister of Latvia Einars Repse should bear the responsibility for the protest actions against the education reform. Aivars Lembergs does not exclude the possibility that the primary organizer of protest actions was Einars Repse. The Chairman of Ventspils City Council believes that the unstable situation in the state was advantageous for Einars Repse, especially considering his expressions about the necessity to make amendments to the Constitution of Latvia, which would stipulate the authority to the Prime Minister to convene extraordinary Saeima elections in order to preclude a government crisis. Vechernaya Riga, Vechernaya Riga, Chas

Russian-language newspapers reprint excerpts of the article of the Estonian academic Hanon Barabaner published in the Russian journal

Russian-language newspapers reprint excerpts of the article of the Estonianacademic Hanon Barabaner published in the Russian journal Ekspert. The author argues that Russian-speaking people in the Baltic States need their own parliament, which could represent the interests of a significant part of the Baltic States population in Europe. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

A meeting of representatives of state institutions, Riga municipality and nongovernmental organizations took place yesterday, in which the participants discussed the present situation with the education reform.

A meeting of representatives of state institutions, Riga municipality and nongovernmental organizations took place yesterday, in which the participants discussed the present situation with the education reform. Latvijas Avize, Vechernaya Riga, Chas

Latvijas Avize writes about the newly appointed director of the State Language Agency Janis Valdmanis, who believes that the main goals of the agency are the implementation of the society integration on the basis of the state language, strengthening the position of the Latvian language and promoting sustainable development of the Latvian language.

marts 8, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools voices new requirements
  • Interview with the Foreign Affairs Minister Sandra Kalniete
  • Protest action against the education reform of Latvia near the Consulate-General of Latvia in St. Petersburg
  • Interview with the MP of RussiaState Council Konstantin Zatulin
  • Information campaign about the education reform planned in Riga
  • Round-table discussion in Moscow on possible economic sanctions against Latvia
  • Interview with the deputy chairman of the Committee on Information Policy Affairs of the Russian State Council Pavel Pozhigailo
  • Thoughts on future role of the Russian language in Latvia
The Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools has come up with new minority rights requirements. One of four statements, adopted by the Congress, establishes as the main requirements the renewal of state funding for Russian language education of all levels, granting implementation of the “zero” (i.e. automatic for all) alternative of citizenship and the recognition of Russian language as the second state language in Latvia. The activists state that there are two communities in Latvia, pointing to the ignoring of this fact

The Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools has come up with new minority rights requirements. One of four statements, adopted by the Congress, establishes as the main requirements the renewal of state funding for Russian language education of all levels, granting implementation of the zero (i.e. automatic for all) alternative of citizenship and the recognition of Russian language as the second state language in Latvia. The activists state that there are two communities in Latvia, pointing to the ignoring of this fact de jure. During the congress there an appeal to the international organizations was adopted, calling for attention to the violation of human rights in Latvia. A decision to continue the organization of mass protest actions against the education reform was also made. According to the information of the organizers, 987 persons participated at the congress as delegates, but approximately 500persons as visitors of the congress. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Rigas Balss, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Vechernaya Riga

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete, who stresses that Latvia will not give in to any pressure to recognize Russian as a second state language or issues of citizenship. According to the minister, Latvia will consistently implement the society integration policy in order to preclude a two-community society in Latvia.

Approximately 30 – 40 persons participated in a protest action against the education reform of Latvia near the Consulate-General of Latvia in St. Petersburg.  The action was organized by the Russian youth organization Iduscije Vmeste (The Confreres).

Approximately 30 – 40 persons participated in a protest action against the education reform of Latvia near the Consulate-General of Latvia in St. Petersburg. The action was organized by the Russian youth organization Iduscije Vmeste (The Confreres). Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf features an interview with the MP of Russia State Council Konstantin Zatulin about the education reform of Latvia. Konstantin Zatulin believes that Latvia should have to proclaim Russian as a second state language. The Russian MP also considers unfounded the ratio, stipulating the instruction in minority secondary schools of up to 40% in the minority language, and 60% in Latvian.

Riga City Council’s Education, Youth and Sports department will provide information to minority schools that explain the amendments to the Law on Education. According to the head of the department Guntis Helmanis, among the plans are to appoint a person in each of minority schools of Riga, who will be charged with answering questions of parents and students.

Riga City Councils Education, Youth and Sports department will provide information to minority schools that explain the amendments to the Law on Education. According to the head of the department Guntis Helmanis, among the plans are to appoint a person in each of minority schools of Riga, who will be charged with answering questions of parents and students. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Latvijas Avize reports on a round-table discussion in Moscow last Thursday on possible economic sanctions against Latvia. Most discussion participants rejected the option of sanctions as ineffective.

Telegraf and Vesti Segodnya feature interviews with the deputy chairman of the Committee on Information Policy Affairs of the Russia State Council Pavel Pozhigailo about the education reform in Latvia.

Neatkariga Rita Avize publishes a commentary by Aigars Dabolins about the future role of the Russian language in Latvia. The author of the article states that youth, who do not speak Russian today, could become the outsiders of the society in the future.

marts 6, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Representative of Russia to the OSCE spreads inaccurate information about the organizers of the Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools
  • Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools
  • Russias Foreign Affairs Ministry plans to discuss the situation of minorities in Latvia with the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the OSCE Rolf Ekeus
  • Discussion for intelligentsia on the education reform
  • Interview with the Prime Minister candidate Indulis Emsis
  • Minority organizations, which do not support the Headquarter activities against the education reform, plan to issue statement
  • Moscow denies financing protest actions against education reform in Latvia
  • Article by the former head of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa about education reform
  • Interview with the Chairman of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies Rafi Haradzanjan
  • Vice President of Russia's Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Igor Jurgens about education reform in Latvia
  • Interview with the head of the Department of Society Integration of the Special Task Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika

Neatkariga Rita Avize reports on inaccurate information spread by the deputy permanent representative of Russia to the OSCE Boris Timokhov during the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council. The Russian official asked for international support for the Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools protest action against the education reform on 6 March in Riga, while claiming that the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies is an organizer of the event. The Russian representative expressly pointed to the fact that the Centre recently received the prestigious Max van der Stoel award in recognition of outstanding achievements in the area of improvement national minorities position in Latvia. The actual organizer of this congress is a different NGO – the politically connected Latvian Human Rights Committee – whose leaders are left-wing politicians Tatjana Zdanok, Vladimirs Buzajevs, Genadijs Kotovs and others. State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia (MFA) Maris Riekstins believes that such disinformation is spread intentionally with the goal to mislead and increase the international prestige of the Human Rights Committee.

Commentators discuss the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools taking place in Riga today. The commentator of

Commentators discuss the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools taking place in Riga today. The commentator of Diena Askolds Rodins and the commentator of Latvijas Avize Maris Antonevics believe that the advocacy of Russian-language schools is only a formal goal of the Congress. Askolds Rodins believes that the congress is a first step towards the two-community state in Latvia. Maris Antonevics points to the political demands to be issued at the congress, including the cancellation of the education reform, implementation of the zero (i.e. automatic-for-all) citizenship and the recognition of Russian as the second state language in Latvia. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Russia has issued a statement that the education reform in Latvia will be discussed during the visit of the High Commissioner to Russia.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Russia has issued a statement that the education reform in Latvia will be discussed during the visit of the High Commissioner to Russia. Latvijas Avize

A discussion on the education reform took place on Friday in Riga, organized by the NGO Baltic Forum. The representative of the NGO Abrams Kleckins has stated that the education reform is a problem of all society, not only the Russians, because of the ignorance of public opinion from the side of political elite. The Saeima MP Boriss Tsilevitch believes that one part of Russians in Latvia supports the radical opinion of those, who do not call for a dialogue, but demand the granting of the automatic citizenship for all and the recognition of Russian as the second state language in Latvia.

A discussion on the education reform took place on Friday in Riga, organized by the NGO Baltic Forum. The representative of the NGO Abrams Kleckins has stated that the education reform is a problem of all society, not only the Russians, because of the ignorance of public opinion from the side of political elite. The Saeima MP Boriss Tsilevitch believes that one part of Russians in Latvia supports the radical opinion of those, who do not call for a dialogue, but demand the granting of the automatic citizenship for all and the recognition of Russian as the second state language in Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize interviews Prime Minister candidate Indulis Emsis. Regarding the education reform, he states that the adopted law has to be fully observed. He also points to the responsibility of the state in providing the technical basis for the successful implementation of the reform.

Two minority non-governmental organizations – “Rietumu krievi” (“Western Russians”)  and “Pilsoniska iniciativa XXI” (“Civic initiative XXI”) – and representatives of Riga Classical Gymnasium are planning to adopt a statement, calling on society to evaluate the activities of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian language schools and not to permit the destabilization of the situation in the state. The leader of “Şietumu krievi” Dmitrijs Nikolajevs has pointed to the fact that the core leaders of the Headquarters are persons who were against the independence of Latvia in 1991.  The secretary of the “Pilsoniska iniciativa XXI” Vjaceslavs Vasins stated that he does not support the Headquarters nor the Ministry of Education and Science, because the activities of both do not promote dialogue.

Two minority non-governmental organizations – Rietumu krievi (Western Russians) and Pilsoniska iniciativa XXI (Civic initiative XXI) – and representatives of Riga Classical Gymnasium are planning to adopt a statement, calling on society to evaluate the activities of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian language schools and not to permit the destabilization of the situation in the state. The leader of Åžietumu krievi Dmitrijs Nikolajevs has pointed to the fact that the core leaders of the Headquarters are persons who were against the independence of Latvia in 1991. The secretary of the Pilsoniska iniciativa XXI Vjaceslavs Vasins stated that he does not support the Headquarters nor the Ministry of Education and Science, because the activities of both do not promote dialogue. Diena

Diena special correspondent in Moscow Pavels Sirovs writes on issues concerning possible involvement of Russian government and Moscow City Council in financing protest actions against the education reform in Latvia and the participation of Russias political technologists in their organization. Over the last years, Russian authorities have increased its financial support to compatriots living outside Russia, especially by financing several projects from the Russia state budget and Moscow city budget. Despite the fact that approximately one fourth of the 476 millions rubles allocated by Moscow for the activities for compatriots in the Baltic States, Crimea and Kazakhstan, is provided for Latvia and that Moscow also finances the building of the Centre of Russians in Riga, the administration of Russias capital denies its connection with the financing of protest actions against education reform. Diena also refers to an anonymous employee of a Russian political consultation company, which has organized several campaigns during Russian elections, stating that the protest actions against the education reform in Latvia display some characteristics used in Russian political technology. The informant also states that it does not mean that the organizers are necessarily persons from Russia. Diena

Latvijas Avize prints an article of the former head of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa about the minority education reform. Dzintra Hirsa stresses that the implementation of the education reform could deliver a blow to the ideology, which aims to maintain a two-community state and those who propagate such an ideology. The author of the article also attempts to disprove several arguments against education reform.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Chairman of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies Rafi Haradzanjan, who says that the Russian-language newspapers in Latvia do not reflect the positive experience of the Lithuanian, Polish, Ukrainian and other minorities schools in the area of education reform. Rafi Haradzanjan also criticizes the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration for inactivity in explaining the goals of the education reform to minority students.

Chas features an interview with the Vice President of Russia's Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Igor Jurgens, who regards the education reform as one of the most serious problems of Latvia, which must be solved before Latvias accession to the EU.

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the Department of Society Integration of the Special Task Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika about society integration process in Latvia.

marts 5, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Discussion on possible economic sanctions against Latvia in Moscow
  • Latvia will grant entry visa to the Russia State Councils deputy Konstantin Zatulin
  • Amendments to the law On meetings, walks and pickets
  • Information campaign about amendments to the Law on Education
  • Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies supports the education reform
  • Newspapers write about the oncoming Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools
  • Interview with the two activists of the Headquarters for the Defense of the Russian-Language Schools
  • Latvia Socialist Party does not support engagement of children in political actions
  • Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee supports the organization of the legionnaires procession
  • Interview with the Latvian observer to the European Parliament Liene Liepina
  • Another view on the possible causes of opposition against the education reform
The possible establishment of economic sanctions against Latvia was discussed at the round-table discussion yesterday in Moscow. Most participants, especially the representatives of Russia’s government and municipalities, have rejected sanctions as ineffective because of Latvia’s accession to the unified economic space of the European Union. Discussion participants have also pointed to the possible negative influence of the sanctions on the Russian-speakers in Latvia. Many participants have supported the necessity to discuss the situation of minorities in Latvia with the international institutions as frequently as possible.

The possible establishment of economic sanctions against Latvia was discussed at the round-table discussion yesterday in Moscow. Most participants, especially the representatives of Russias government and municipalities, have rejected sanctions as ineffective because of Latvias accession to the unified economic space of the European Union. Discussion participants have also pointed to the possible negative influence of the sanctions on the Russian-speakers in Latvia. Many participants have supported the necessity to discuss the situation of minorities in Latvia with the international institutions as frequently as possible. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Latvia has decided to grant the Latvian entry visa to the Russia State Council’s deputy Konstantin Zatulin. The Russia’s MP is planning to participate at the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools. Previously MFA denied entry visa to the vice speaker of the Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin, motivating this decision with the lack of specific goal of his visit in his application.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Latvia has decided to grant the Latvian entry visa to the Russia State Councils deputy Konstantin Zatulin. The Russias MP is planning to participate at the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools. Previously MFA denied entry visa to the vice speaker of the Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin, motivating this decision with the lack of specific goal of his visit in his application. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has accepted and relegated for review in Saeima the amendments to the law “On meetings, walks and pickets”, stipulating that meetings of Saeima and municipality deputies and deputy candidates, which take place outdoors, as well as organized and publicly announced pickets and walks must be coordinated with the municipality.

Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has accepted and relegated for review in Saeima the amendments to the law On meetings, walks and pickets, stipulating that meetings of Saeima and municipality deputies and deputy candidates, which take place outdoors, as well as organized and publicly announced pickets and walks must be coordinated with the municipality. Diena , Chas

Riga City Council’s Education, Youth and Sports department is planning an information campaign in minority schools with the aim to promote better understanding of the amendments to the Law on Education. According to the chairman of Department Elmars Vebers, the negative attitude of the minorities towards the education reform is based upon the intentional disinformation campaign, organized by several politicians.

Riga City Councils Education, Youth and Sports department is planning an information campaign in minority schools with the aim to promote better understanding of the amendments to the Law on Education. According to the chairman of Department Elmars Vebers, the negative attitude of the minorities towards the education reform is based upon the intentional disinformation campaign, organized by several politicians. Diena, Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf, Vechernaya Riga

Latvijas Avize prints announcement of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Societies, expressing support to the education reform. The Association also calls to inform society about the goals of the reform more actively, to examine the positive experience of minority schools, which are well-prepared for the reform, and to spread this experience to other minority schools.

Newspapers write about the oncoming Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools.

Newspapers write about the oncoming Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools. Diena refers to the representatives of the Saeima parties, stating thatnone of the potential governing parties is able to withdraw or postpone the education reform, while union For Human Rights in the United Latvia has promised the opposite to the congress delegates. The newspaper also features an opinion of the sociologist Aivars Freimanis, who believes that the withdrawal of the education reform as a result of the pressure is unlikely, especially considering the methods used by the opponents of the reform. Russian language newspapers forecast the number of participants of the congress up to 3,000 – 4,000. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Chas prints an interview with the activists of the Headquarters for the Defense of the Russian-Language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis and Aleksandrs Kazakovs. They are denying any participation of Russia in organizing the Headquarters activities. According to Jurijs Petropavlovskis, the Headquarters have always believed that there are two communities in Latvia, and that the recognition of the fact is the only way to normalize relationship between Russian-speakers and Latvian-speakers. Chas

Riga City Council’s Security and Order Committee has supported organization of the legionnaires’ procession on 16 March, the Commemoration day for the Latvian Legion, and suggested to the executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks to approve of  this event.

Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee has supported organization of the legionnaires procession on 16 March, the Commemoration day for the Latvian Legion, and suggested to the executive director of the Riga City Council Maris Tralmaks to approve of this event. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvia Socialist Party and its leader Alfreds Rubiks do not support the engagement of children in political actions, including in the protest actions against the education reform. At the same time, the party leader has stated that socialists support the moratorium on the reform’s implementation.

Latvia Socialist Party and its leader Alfreds Rubiks do not support the engagement of children in political actions, including in the protest actions against the education reform. At the same time, the party leader has stated that socialists support the moratorium on the reforms implementation. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Latvian observer to the European Parliament Liene Liepina about the resolution which condemns the totalitarian regime of communism, adopted during the congress of the European Peoples Party.

Vesti Segodnya features an article by the translator Tamara Nikitina, who believes that the ‘narrow Latvian language vocabulary and its ‘limited application possibilities are the main causes of reluctance to learn Latvian and opposition to the education reform. According to the author, the methods of the Latvian language instruction in minority schools are archaic, and the topics are not linked to the everyday life.

marts 4, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Council of Europe Parliamentary Assemblys Monitoring Committee evaluates the possibility to renew the monitoring procedure on the observation of minority rights in Latvia
  • Society integration in the draft of the new Governments Declaration
  • Naturalization Board received the largest ever monthly amount of naturalization applications
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga meets Metropolitan Aleksandrs of the Orthodox Church
  • Sweden Foreign Affairs Minister Laila Freivalds denies the reproofs of Russia about violation of minority rights in Latvia
  • Interview with the head of the Department of Society Integration of the Special Task Ministers for Societal Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika
  • Preparations to the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools
  • Cabinet of Ministers adopts the regulation On personal names spelling and use in the Latvian language, and on its identification
  • Plans of the vice-speaker of the Russias State Council Dmitry Rogozin to visit Latvia
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly’s (CEPA) Monitoring Committee has nominated two rapporteurs who will evaluate a possibility to renew the monitoring procedure on the observation of minority rights in Latvia. Saeima MP and Latvian delegate to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA)Boris Tsilevitch has pointed to the obligation of the Committee to evaluate this proposal, officially submitted by the vice-speaker of Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin, while stating that the chairman of the Monitoring Committee Josette Durrieu does not supports the renewal of monitoring procedure.

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assemblys (CEPA) Monitoring Committee has nominated two rapporteurs who will evaluate a possibility to renew the monitoring procedure on the observation of minority rights in Latvia. Saeima MP and Latvian delegate to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA)Boris Tsilevitch has pointed to the obligation of the Committee to evaluate this proposal, officially submitted by the vice-speaker of Russia State Council Dmitry Rogozin, while stating that the chairman of the Monitoring Committee Josette Durrieu does not supports the renewal of monitoring procedure. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize prints a draft of the Governments Declaration of the emerging Cabinet of Ministers, which stipulates the development of Latvia as a national state with the integrated society. The declaration also stipulates promotion of the naturalization process, providing the Latvian language courses free of charge, and the implementation of the amendments to the Law on Education, while taking into account interests of the society and maintaining the quality of minority education.

In February, the Naturalization Board has received 1600 naturalization applications, which is the largest monthly amount of naturalization applications received by the Board since the beginning of the naturalization process, informed the chairman of the Board Eizenija Aldermane. During her meeting with the Saeima MPs, the chairman has also called MPs to provide financial resources for the Latvian language courses for non-citizens. Opposite to the last year, this year the state has not allocated any financing to the courses.

In February, the Naturalization Board has received 1600 naturalization applications, which is the largest monthly amount of naturalization applications received by the Board since the beginning of the naturalization process, informed the chairman of the Board Eizenija Aldermane. During her meeting with the Saeima MPs, the chairman has also called MPs to provide financial resources for the Latvian language courses for non-citizens. Opposite to the last year, this year the state has not allocated any financing to the courses. Latvijas Avize

Newspapers feature articles about the meeting of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Metropolitan Aleksandrs of the Latvian Orthodox Church. After the meeting, Metropolitan Aleksandrs has pointed out that the state has not provided enough explanations   about the importance of the Latvian language to the minority youth, school teachers and the whole society during the last 10 years. According to the Metropolitan, such activities would raise motivation to learn Latvian.

Newspapers feature articles about the meeting of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Metropolitan Aleksandrs of the Latvian Orthodox Church. After the meeting, Metropolitan Aleksandrs has pointed out that the state has not provided enough explanations about the importance of the Latvian language to the minority youth, school teachers and the whole society during the last 10 years. According to the Metropolitan, such activities would raise motivation to learn Latvian. Latvijas Avize features an interview with Metropolitan Aleksandrs. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Vestnesis

Sweden Foreign Affairs Minister Laila Freivalds submitted an official document to the Russia Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov, denying reproofs of Russia about the violation of minority rights in Latvia and Estonia.

Sweden Foreign Affairs Minister Laila Freivalds submitted an official document to the Russia Foreign Affairs Minister Igor Ivanov, denying reproofs of Russia about the violation of minority rights in Latvia and Estonia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Official newspaper

Official newspaper Latvijas Vestnesis features an interview with the head of the Department of Society Integration of the Special Task Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika, who states that Latvia does not have a sustainable program for society integration, thus sending a wrong message to the minorities about their role in the society. She also stresses that all minority rights protective mechanisms have been incorporated into the Latvian legislation, but it is necessary to work on its implementation.

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools has received lists with the names of 826 persons, nominated to the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools. According to the organizer of the Congress Jurijs Petropavlovskis, 40% of the nominated persons could be parents, 40% - minority students, 10% - teachers and 10% - representatives of the non-governmental organizations.

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools has received lists with the names of 826 persons, nominated to the Congress of the Defenders of Russian language schools. According to the organizer of the Congress Jurijs Petropavlovskis, 40% of the nominated persons could be parents, 40% - minority students, 10% - teachers and 10% - representatives of the non-governmental organizations. Telegraf and Chas write about the support of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schoolsto the Congress. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas

Yesterday Cabinet of Ministers has adopted the regulation “On personal names’ spelling and use in the Latvian language, and on its identification’’, which stipulates that the person’s name will be reproduced in correspondence with its pronunciation in the original language, while endings will change in accordance with the declination norms of the Latvian language.

Yesterday Cabinet of Ministers has adopted the regulation On personal names spelling and use in the Latvian language, and on its identification, which stipulates that the persons name will be reproduced in correspondence with its pronunciation in the original language, while endings will change in accordance with the declination norms of the Latvian language. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Vice-speaker of the Russia’s State Council Dmitry Rogozin’s plans, mentioned previously in the Russian-language newspapers, to get around the ban to entry Latvia and visit the country after its accession to the EU on 1 May, using Schengen visa, have failed. According to the press secretary of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs Inga Saleniece, Latvia will access the Schengen Treaty only in 2007–2008.

Vice-speaker of the Russias State Council Dmitry Rogozins plans, mentioned previously in the Russian-language newspapers, to get around the ban to entry Latvia and visit the country after its accession to the EU on 1 May, using Schengen visa, have failed. According to the press secretary of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs Inga Saleniece, Latvia will access the Schengen Treaty only in 2007–2008. Diena

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