aprīlis 24, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Latvia expels Russian diplomat
  • President of the European Commission Romano Prodi says almost all contradictions in negotiations with Moscow have been resolved
  • European Council Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gil-Robles calls the Russians-speakers situation in Latvia and Estonia a very serious problem
  • Russian State Dumas stance on the EU enlargement
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis names eight persons who initiate unsanctioned protest actions
  • The Riga City Centre district court has imposed a second fine on City Councils deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans for organizing protest activities against the education reform
  • Chairman of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Artis Pabriks on Latvian-Russian relations and education reform
  • Launch of the State Language Agency
  • The NGO Russian Society of Latvia will boycott minority children sports festival
  • Protest activities against the education reform in Rezekne
  • New division of Roma organization Nevo Drom (New Way) established in Daugavpils
  • Diena reports that non-citizens problems are given priority attention by the foreign media
On Friday, Latvia has expelled a Russian diplomat who has not been named officially so far. According to the note submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs parliamentary secretary Maris Riekstins to the Russian ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov, the ministry has found that “one of the Russian diplomats has engaged in activities not compatible with the diplomatic status,” thus indicating espionage. According to the information of the Constitutional Defense Bureau, the diplomat has tried to get information on NATO military infrastructure and some topical internal and external political issues. According to

On Friday, Latvia has expelled a Russian diplomat who has not been named officially so far. According to the note submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs parliamentary secretary Maris Riekstins to the Russian ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov, the ministry has found that one of the Russian diplomats has engaged in activities not compatible with the diplomatic status, thus indicating espionage. According to the information of the Constitutional Defense Bureau, the diplomat has tried to get information on NATO military infrastructure and some topical internal and external political issues. According to Neatkariga Rita Avize, foreign policy experts assume that this diplomat has also been interested in the Russian-language schools protests. The Russias Ministry of Foreign Affairs has named the diplomats expulsion as provocative and unfounded. Russia has also stated that this step was not surprising since the Ministry warned in press about such plans of Latvian Russophobic politicians already on 12 April. These warnings were related to accusations of Latvian officials to Russia in rising social tensions over the education reform. Chas features comments by Latvian officials on this issue. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

At a press conference in Moscow, the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi stated that almost all contradictions have been resolved in negotiations with Moscow in order to sign a protocol of the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union, applying it to all new EU member states. According to Prodi, Russia and the EU will continue to pay special attention to minority protection in the Baltic States, while no special agreement between Russia and the EU regarding this issue is expected.

At a press conference in Moscow, the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi stated that almost all contradictions have been resolved in negotiations with Moscow in order to sign a protocol of the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union, applying it to all new EU member states. According to Prodi, Russia and the EU will continue to pay special attention to minority protection in the Baltic States, while no special agreement between Russia and the EU regarding this issue is expected. Latvijas Avize

On Friday, the European Council Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gil-Robles stated that the Russians-speakers’ situation in Latvia and Estonia is “a very serious problem”.

On Friday, the European Council Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gil-Robles stated that the Russians-speakers situation in Latvia and Estonia is a very serious problem. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

On Friday the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs and the head of Moscow delegation at the UN Human Rights Committee’s session in Geneva Jurij Fedotov stated that minority protection in the Baltic States has been one of the core Russian tasks during the session. The Russian delegation calls on the international community to prevent violation of Russian-speakers’ rights in the Baltic States.

On Friday the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs and the head of Moscow delegation at the UN Human Rights Committees session in Geneva Jurij Fedotov stated that minority protection in the Baltic States has been one of the core Russian tasks during the session. The Russian delegation calls on the international community to prevent violation of Russian-speakers rights in the Baltic States. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

The Russian State Duma is planning to ratify the protocol of the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union, applying it to all new EU member states in September. According to the First Vice Speaker of Russian State Duma Lubov Sliska, Russia considers the EU enlargement an internal EU issue, but remains concerned about the transit issue in Kaliningrad area and violations of Russian-speakers’ rights in the Baltic States.

The Russian State Duma is planning to ratify the protocol of the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union, applying it to all new EU member states in September. According to the First Vice Speaker of Russian State Duma Lubov Sliska, Russia considers the EU enlargement an internal EU issue, but remains concerned about the transit issue in Kaliningrad area and violations of Russian-speakers rights in the Baltic States. Neatkariga Rita Avize

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis in an interview to

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis in an interview to Latvijas Avize named eight persons who have organized unsanctioned protest actions and against whom the State Police has initiated administrative legal cases: Sergejs Malahovskijs, Ivans Grigorjevs, Jurijs Petropavlovskis, Olegs Goculaks, MPs Andris Tolmacovs, Jakovs Pliners, Vladimirs Buzajevs and Riga City Councils deputy Genadijs Kotovs. The possibility that criminal charges will be brought after the initial investigation is not excluded. Latvijas Avize

The Riga City’s Centre district court has imposed a 100 lats fine on the City Council’s deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans, who has been accused in violations of social order on 11 February by organizing a meeting of the opponents of education reform with the Saeima’s deputies. Last week Gilmans was fined 80 lats for social order’s violations (disturbing traffic) on 5 February. According to Gilmans, the court ruling was politically motivated.

The Riga Citys Centre district court has imposed a 100 lats fine on the City Councils deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans, who has been accused in violations of social order on 11 February by organizing a meeting of the opponents of education reform with the Saeimas deputies. Last week Gilmans was fined 80 lats for social orders violations (disturbing traffic) on 5 February. According to Gilmans, the court ruling was politically motivated. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas,

Chas reports on the interview with the chairman of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Artis Pabriks for the Russian-language TV program From Positions of Power. Artis Pabriks believes that after Latvias accession to the EU, the dialog between Latvia and Russia will improve. According to Pabriks, education reform is necessary in order to ensure that all schools graduates can speak Latvian freely.

Latvijas Avize features an article about the State Language Agency, which was opened yesterday. The State Language Agency has 12 staff members. Establishment of the national terminology database, sociolinguistic research and development of consulting service networks in Latvias largest cities are among the priorities of the State Language Agency.

The Russian Society of Latvia has decided to boycott minority children sports festival to be held on 2 May. The Russian Society explains its decision by the fact that the government continuously ignores claims of the education reform’s opponents. The organization calls other NGOs to boycott similar “decorative events”.

The Russian Society of Latvia has decided to boycott minority children sports festival to be held on 2 May. The Russian Society explains its decision by the fact that the government continuously ignores claims of the education reforms opponents. The organization calls other NGOs to boycott similar decorative events. Vesty Segodnya, Chas

Vesti Segodnya reports critical opinions of school representatives, students and their parents in Rezekne schools on the education reform, and describes protest activities of the schools. The Rezeknes Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools organized a meeting against education reform on 16 April.

New division of Roma organization “Nevo Drom” (New Way”) has been established in Daugavpils. According to the department’s head, the main organization’s task is to promote Roma children school attendance and Roma employment.

New division of Roma organization Nevo Drom (New Way) has been established in Daugavpils. According to the departments head, the main organizations task is to promote Roma children school attendance and Roma employment. Chas

Diena prints an article about publications about Latvia in the foreign press. Non-citizens problems are one of the priority subjects reflected in the foreign media.

aprīlis 23, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The situation of Russian-speakers is still under discussion in negotiations between Russia and the European Commission
  • The leader of the Peoples Harmony Party Janis Jurkans calls the prime minister to cooperation on solving problems related to the education reform
  • The Peoples Harmony Party asks the Interior Minister Eriks Jekabsons to explain his statement concerning partys member Boris Tsilevitch
  • Neatkariga Rita Avize on the complaints against Latvia submitted to the European Court for Human Rights
  • State Language Agency announces a project tender
  • Minority schools teachers and students parents are concerned with the deterioration of students knowledge
  • Latvijas Avize reviews foreign press statements about Latvia
  • The co-chairman of NGO The Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens Vladimirs Sokolovs points to the Integration Program being out of date
  • The deputy chairperson of the Latvian Russian party Vjaceslavs Starostins on importance of the development of Russian minority schools in Latvia
Yesterday the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi has visited Moscow to discuss issues of the EU enlargement with the Russian government. The situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic states is the only issue where agreement is still not achieved in Russia and the EU negotiations on the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the EU member states, including all new members. Although the EU has not planned to include the issue of the Russian-speakers into the agreement, Russia is insisting on its inclusion in the resolution, in order to promote improvement of the Russian-speakers’ situation in the Baltic States. The agreement should be signed on 27 April.

Yesterday the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi has visited Moscow to discuss issues of the EU enlargement with the Russian government. The situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic states is the only issue where agreement is still not achieved in Russia and the EU negotiations on the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the EU member states, including all new members. Although the EU has not planned to include the issue of the Russian-speakers into the agreement, Russia is insisting on its inclusion in the resolution, in order to promote improvement of the Russian-speakers situation in the Baltic States. The agreement should be signed on 27 April. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas

The leader of the People’s Harmony Party Janis Jurkans has sent an open letter to the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis calling for cooperation in finding solution to the education reform’s problems. The PHP has previously proposed moratorium on the education reform. The meeting of the prime minister with Janis Jurkans is planned on 1 May.

The leader of the Peoples Harmony Party Janis Jurkans has sent an open letter to the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis calling for cooperation in finding solution to the education reforms problems. The PHP has previously proposed moratorium on the education reform. The meeting of the prime minister with Janis Jurkans is planned on 1 May. Diena, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

The People’s Harmony Party has officially requested the Interior minister Eriks Jekabsons to provide explanations for the statement made in his interview to Latvijas Avize on 10 April. In this interview, the minister said that “although Boris Tsilevich is an intelligent and educated man, there is an opinion that his political philosophy is more dangerous for the state than Rubiks’ and Zhdanok’s more primitive political stance”.

The Peoples Harmony Party has officially requested the Interior minister Eriks Jekabsons to provide explanations for the statement made in his interview to Latvijas Avize on 10 April. In this interview, the minister said that although Boris Tsilevich is an intelligent and educated man, there is an opinion that his political philosophy is more dangerous for the state than Rubiks and Zhdanoks more primitive political stance. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize writes about complaints submitted to the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) against Latvia. Up to now, the ECHR has dismissed six complaints by the former USSR militaries and their families, who were challenging legitimacy of their expulsion from Latvia. The next judgment to be delivered is in the case of Arkadijs Sisojevss family.

The State Language Agency has announced a project tender “State Language Development”. The aim of the projects is to foster development of Latvian language as the state language, promote its wider use and stimulate public involvement in the language-related issues. The projects’ scope includes research studies, publications, creation of databases, organization of competitions, etc. Each project will receive financing of 5,000 lats.

The State Language Agency has announced a project tender State Language Development. The aim of the projects is to foster development of Latvian language as the state language, promote its wider use and stimulate public involvement in the language-related issues. The projects scope includes research studies, publications, creation of databases, organization of competitions, etc. Each project will receive financing of 5,000 lats. Latvijas Avize

Yesterday a conference of teachers and students’ parents of a Russian-language school was held. School officials are concerned with the decrease of students’ achievements as a result of bilingual education.

Yesterday a conference of teachers and students parents of a Russian-language school was held. School officials are concerned with the decrease of students achievements as a result of bilingual education. Telegraf

Latvijas Avize quotes statements in the foreign press about Latvia. For example, German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes that Latvian society will split on language basis after Latvias accession to the EU on 1 May. According to another newspaper, Tageszeitung, Latvia punishes children who do not speak correct language.

The co-chairman of the NGO The Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens Vladimirs Sokolovs points to the outdated information, contained in the National Program for Integration of the Society in Latvia. He notes that the term for most of the projects listed in the Program has ended already in 2003.

The co-chairman of the NGO The Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens Vladimirs Sokolovs points to the outdated information, contained in the National Program for Integration of the Society in Latvia. He notes that the term for most of the projects listed in the Program has ended already in 2003. Vesti Segodnya

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an article of the deputy chairperson of the Latvian Russian party Vjaceslavs Starostins, who believes that the present system of Russian-language schools does not guarantee preservation of Russian ethnic identity and bringing up children ‘with a Russian soul, and points to the importance of development of Russian minority schools along the same lines as Jewish, Polish or Ukrainian minority schools.

aprīlis 22, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The Minister of Justice suspends the draft law on municipal elections
  • Comments on the new Latvian language proficiency requirements for foreigners applying for permanent residence
  • Representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs asks Prime Minister Indulis Emsis to recall his statements
  • The Secretariat of the Special Tasks Minister on Societal Integration Issues is planning a mailing campaign to explain rules of citizenship registration for parent of the children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991
  • Russia is planning to raise question of the education reform in Latvia at the next session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • The Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools deny all recent accusations
  • Russian youngsters suspected in vandalizing the parks gazebo with anti-reform slogans
  • Presidents advisor on economic issues Sols Bukingolts about Latvia-Russia relations
  • Chas columnist: education reform can be suspended only if all Latvian residents participate in the elections
The minister of Justice Vineta Muizniece from the People’s party has suspended the draft law on municipal elections which cancels the prohibition to candidate for elections for former State Security Committee’s staff and Communist Party’s members after 13 January 1991. According to the minister, the People’s party will not support this change, and there are also other reasons for the draft law review.

The minister of Justice Vineta Muizniece from the Peoples party has suspended the draft law on municipal elections which cancels the prohibition to candidate for elections for former State Security Committees staff and Communist Partys members after 13 January 1991. According to the minister, the Peoples party will not support this change, and there are also other reasons for the draft law review. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

According to the representative of the State Human rights Office Liga Bikseniece, the state partially intrudes in private life by adopting government regulations which oblige foreigners applying for the permanent residence in Latvia to pass Latvian language examination. However, points Liga Bikseniece, lack of proficiency in the state language cannot lead to the person’s expulsion, as he or she can always apply for the temporary residence permit, which foresees no language proficiency requirements. The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks points to the need of training course for foreigners in the Latvian language and in ‘what this country is about’.

According to the representative of the State Human rights Office Liga Bikseniece, the state partially intrudes in private life by adopting government regulations which oblige foreigners applying for the permanent residence in Latvia to pass Latvian language examination. However, points Liga Bikseniece, lack of proficiency in the state language cannot lead to the persons expulsion, as he or she can always apply for the temporary residence permit, which foresees no language proficiency requirements. The Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks points to the need of training course for foreigners in the Latvian language and in ‘what this country is about. Diena

The representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs has promised to sue the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis in court if he will not recall his statements to the mass media. The Prime Minister has named Kazakovs a ‘Moscow consultant’ in organizing protest actions against the education reform, and accused him in being on Moscow’s payroll. In his letter to the prime minister, Kazakov has stated that he is a voluntary deputy’s assistant, not occupying an official position and not receiving a salary.

The representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs has promised to sue the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis in court if he will not recall his statements to the mass media. The Prime Minister has named Kazakovs a ‘Moscow consultant in organizing protest actions against the education reform, and accused him in being on Moscows payroll. In his letter to the prime minister, Kazakov has stated that he is a voluntary deputys assistant, not occupying an official position and not receiving a salary. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

The Secretariat of the Special Task’s Minister on Society Integration Issues is planning to mail to all parents, whose children were born in Latvia after 21 August 1991, booklets explaining the rules of registering  their children as Latvian citizens.

The Secretariat of the Special Tasks Minister on Society Integration Issues is planning to mail to all parents, whose children were born in Latvia after 21 August 1991, booklets explaining the rules of registering their children as Latvian citizens. Vesti Segodnya

Russian delegation is planning to raise the question about human rights violation in Latvia, specifically in the area of the education reform, on the spring session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 26-30 April,

Russian delegation is planning to raise the question about human rights violation in Latvia, specifically in the area of the education reform, on the spring session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 26-30 April, Chas

At the press conference yesterday, representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools denied all recent accusations of Latvian officials, including collaboration with the ‘foreign sponsors’. According to Jakovs Pliners, the state provokes ethnic conflict by denying all proposals made by opposition regarding the 2004 education reform.

At the press conference yesterday, representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools denied all recent accusations of Latvian officials, including collaboration with the ‘foreign sponsors. According to Jakovs Pliners, the state provokes ethnic conflict by denying all proposals made by opposition regarding the 2004 education reform. Vesti Segodnya

A pagoda-like gazebo, which Riga received as a present on the 800 years anniversary from the Chinese city of Suzhou, had been covered by graffiti last Tuesday. The slogans read “No to the reform” and “Latvians forbidden to enter” in the Russian language, which makes staff of the Riga City Council Environmental department think that Russian youngsters are to be blamed. The City council deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans, one of the protest actions' leaders, counters by saying that graffiti may be a provocation with the aim of casting a shadow over the education reform opponents.

A pagoda-like gazebo, which Riga received as a present on the 800 years anniversary from the Chinese city of Suzhou, had been covered by graffiti last Tuesday. The slogans read No to the reform and Latvians forbidden to enter in the Russian language, which makes staff of the Riga City Council Environmental department think that Russian youngsters are to be blamed. The City council deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans, one of the protest actions' leaders, counters by saying that graffiti may be a provocation with the aim of casting a shadow over the education reform opponents. Rigas Balss

Latvijas Avize reprints an interview with the advisor to the Latvian president on economic issues Sols Bukingolts to the Russian information agency Regnum-News Spb. According to Sols Bukingolts, Latvian-Russian relations should be developed on the basis of common interests. He also believes that it is important that Russians in Latvia will feel themselves as Latvian Russians, but Latvians should not  automatically consider Russians as left-wing forces or ‘agents of Russia’s influence’.

Latvijas Avize reprints an interview with the advisor to the Latvian president on economic issues Sols Bukingolts to the Russian information agency Regnum-News Spb. According to Sols Bukingolts, Latvian-Russian relations should be developed on the basis of common interests. He also believes that it is important that Russians in Latvia will feel themselves as Latvian Russians, but Latvians should not automatically consider Russians as left-wing forces or ‘agents of Russias influence. Latvijas Avize

Chas columnist Viktors Guscins believes that suspension of the education reform can be achieved only with changing existing elections practice, i.e. ensuring participation of all state residents in the elections.

aprīlis 21, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Most right-wing political parties do not support withdrawal of the prohibition to candidate for municipal elections for former State Security Committees staff and Communist Partys members after 13 January 1991
  • New government regulations on permanent residents Latvian language proficiency
  • Three ministers meet to discuss the education reform
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia mutual agreement on education reform should be achieved
  • FHRUL representatives about protest activities against the education reform planned in May
  • Deputy chairperson of the Russias State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee about Russian-speakers situation in Latvia
Most right-wing political parties do not support the draft law on municipal elections that stipulate withdrawing the prohibition to candidate for elections for former State Security Committee’s staff and Communist Party’s members after January 13 1991. The draft law has been elaborated by the working group under the People’s party leadership. Member of the working group Artis Kampars (New Era) suggested to evaluate whether keeping the prohibition in place may cause any legal consequences, like, for example, complaint

Most right-wing political parties do not support the draft law on municipal elections that stipulate withdrawing the prohibition to candidate for elections for former State Security Committees staff and Communist Partys members after January 13 1991. The draft law has been elaborated by the working group under the Peoples party leadership. Member of the working group Artis Kampars (New Era) suggested to evaluate whether keeping the prohibition in place may cause any legal consequences, like, for example, complaint to the European Court for Human Rights. Diena

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted regulation stipulating Latvian language proficiency requirement for all persons applying for permanent residence in Latvia. According to the regulation, every applicant will have to pass state language exam demonstrating Latvian language proficiency at least at the lower (B) level. The regulation has been adopted in compliance with the new Immigration Law, and it will not be apply to the persons who have obtained primary, secondary or highest education in the state language. Foreigners, who do not speak Latvian, will be able to apply for temporary residence.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted regulation stipulating Latvian language proficiency requirement for all persons applying for permanent residence in Latvia. According to the regulation, every applicant will have to pass state language exam demonstrating Latvian language proficiency at least at the lower (B) level. The regulation has been adopted in compliance with the new Immigration Law, and it will not be apply to the persons who have obtained primary, secondary or highest education in the state language. Foreigners, who do not speak Latvian, will be able to apply for temporary residence. Latvijas Avize

The Minister on Education and Science Juris Radzevics, the Special Task Minister on Societal Integration Affairs Nils Muizinieks, and the Minister of Finance Oskars Spurdzins have started regular meetings in order to discuss the education reform and other issues, requiring additional state financial support. The Ministry on Education and Science is planning to establish Communication Department to inform the society about the ministry’s work and implementation of the education reform.

The Minister on Education and Science Juris Radzevics, the Special Task Minister on Societal Integration Affairs Nils Muizinieks, and the Minister of Finance Oskars Spurdzins have started regular meetings in order to discuss the education reform and other issues, requiring additional state financial support. The Ministry on Education and Science is planning to establish Communication Department to inform the society about the ministrys work and implementation of the education reform. Latvijas Avize

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has distributed a statement on education reform in Latvia. According to the statement, there is a need to achieve full agreement of all parties on the further implementation of education reform.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has distributed a statement on education reform in Latvia. According to the statement, there is a need to achieve full agreement of all parties on the further implementation of education reform. Latvijas Avize

The Riga City Council’s deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans has stated that the protest action against education reform on 1 May will be held even if the permission to organize the event will be refused by the municipality. According to Gilman, police will not be able to interfere, as many foreign journalists will be accredited in Latvia on the occasion of Latvia’s accession the EU. Manifestation is planned for the 1 May, on 2 May the FHRUL representatives are planning to meet with Daugavpils residents, and on 9 May an event nearby the Monument to Riga’s Liberators from Nazi Invaders will be organized.

The Riga City Councils deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans has stated that the protest action against education reform on 1 May will be held even if the permission to organize the event will be refused by the municipality. According to Gilman, police will not be able to interfere, as many foreign journalists will be accredited in Latvia on the occasion of Latvias accession the EU. Manifestation is planned for the 1 May, on 2 May the FHRUL representatives are planning to meet with Daugavpils residents, and on 9 May an event nearby the Monument to Rigas Liberators from Nazi Invaders will be organized. Telegraf, Chas

Vesti Segodnya interviews deputy chairperson of the Russias State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Natalya Narochnitskaya, who recalls her meeting with the minister on Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, during which protest actions against the education reform in Latvia was one of the discussion points. Narochnitskaya believes the Russia has made a mistake acknowledging the concept of renewal instead of establishment of Latvias independence. According to Narochnitskaya, Russia will not abandon its stance regarding Russian-speakers rights in Latvia, and new initiatives aimed at improvement of their situation are planned.

aprīlis 20, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The European Court for Human Rights delivers judgments in the cases of two former Russian militaries
  • Head of the Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks: students strike contradicts with the law
  • Study materials in the Latvian language for minority schools are too complicated
  • Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs replies to the Latvian officials accusations regarding protest actions against the education reform
  • Deputy chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Party Janis Adamsons: Education Law amendments are promoting ethnic conflict
The European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) has delivered judgments in the cases of two former Russian militaries. The ECHR has found the claim of Aleksandr Ivanov against Latvia, concerning his expulsion from the country, ungrounded. Regarding Vikulovs family’s claim, several grounds have been dismissed by the ECHR, while examination of others is postponed until information from the Latvian government is received. According to

The European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) has delivered judgments in the cases of two former Russian militaries. The ECHR has found the claim of Aleksandr Ivanov against Latvia, concerning his expulsion from the country, ungrounded. Regarding Vikulovs familys claim, several grounds have been dismissed by the ECHR, while examination of others is postponed until information from the Latvian government is received. According to Diena, Latvia will have to prove that Vikulovis human rights have been observed during their arrest and stay in the illegal migrants camp, not the legitimacy of their expulsion. Diena

Head of the Riga City Council’s Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks has named the students’ strike as a violation of social order and non-compliance with the existing legislation. Representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of the Russian Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis objects that ‘not a single car has been turned upside down or even scratched’ during the protest actions. Charges will be brought against the last week strike’s organizers in accordance with the law.

Head of the Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks has named the students strike as a violation of social order and non-compliance with the existing legislation. Representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of the Russian Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis objects that ‘not a single car has been turned upside down or even scratched during the protest actions. Charges will be brought against the last week strikes organizers in accordance with the law. Latvijas Avize

Telegraf reports the visit of the minister on Education and Science Juris Radzevics to Daugavpils. The study materials published for minority schools in the Latvian language turned out to be written in a very complicated language, and the teachers have to explain the content meaning in simpler words. The minister has pointed to the necessity to ‘simplify the study materials for minority schools. Vesti Segodnya columnist Nikolajs Kabanovs criticizes this decision since there will be Latvian schools for Latvians and Latvian schools for Russians. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Chas quotes response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to the Latvian authorities accusations towards Russian politicians, who are allegedly supporting protest activities against the education reform. Russia believes that Latvia tries to shift responsibility for increased ethnic problems to external forces.

The deputy chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Party Janis Adamsons believes that amendments to the Education Law defining language proportions were adopted because the right-wing politicians wanted to consolidate their electorate, and to distract voters’ attention from the acute social and economic problems. According to Adamsons, ‘such a reform is promoting ethnic conflicts’.

The deputy chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Party Janis Adamsons believes that amendments to the Education Law defining language proportions were adopted because the right-wing politicians wanted to consolidate their electorate, and to distract voters attention from the acute social and economic problems. According to Adamsons, ‘such a reform is promoting ethnic conflicts. Vesti Segodnya

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