aprīlis 30, 2004

  • Russia expels Latvian diplomat
  • The Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics offers flexibility in bilingual teaching of the subjects
  • Teachers, who participated in protest actions against the education reform, will not be deprived of the additional payments
  • Plans of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools regarding manifestation on 1 May
  • The Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies presents its 2003 annual report on human rights
  • Discussion about possible increase of ethnic tensions in Latvia
  • Daugavpils City mayor Rita Strode on implementation of the education reform
  • 150 students from a Riga Secondary school point to the need for the close involvement of professionals in education policies
  • International conference Old-Believers in Latvia: historical experience, culture and modern processes in the society
  • Neatkariga Rita Avize stresses the need for justifying the education reform to the public
Russia has expelled Latvian diplomat in response to Latvia’s expulsion of the Russian diplomat.

Russia has expelled Latvian diplomat in response to Latvias expulsion of the Russian diplomat. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Vesti Segodnya prints statement of the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics that social tensions regarding education reform arise from the lack of information and constructive dialog, which were not ensured by the previous government. The Ministry of Education and Science is considering following activities in order to intensify learning of the Latvian language: increase of Latvian language lessons by one hour a week for 10th grade students; dividing classes into two groups during Latvian language lessons; publication of special methodological literature, establishment of bilingual education centre. In order to ease learning of exact subjects, the Ministry offers to apply flexibility in teaching subjects bilingually – for example, if the program foresees four lessons a week, three of them may be taught in minority language, and one – in Latvian.

The Education, Youth and Sports Department of the Riga City Council has decided not to deprive the teachers participating in protest actions against the education reform of the additional payments.

The Education, Youth and Sports Department of the Riga City Council has decided not to deprive the teachers participating in protest actions against the education reform of the additional payments. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools hope to gather about 30,000 people at the manifestation against the education reform on 1 May. At the press conference, the members of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools representing students and parents have informed journalists on the objectives of manifestation. On 1 May, the protest action against education reform organized by the Headquarters will be held also in Liepaja.

The Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools hope to gather about 30,000 people at the manifestation against the education reform on 1 May. At the press conference, the members of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools representing students and parents have informed journalists on the objectives of manifestation. On 1 May, the protest action against education reform organized by the Headquarters will be held also in Liepaja. Diena, Chas

The Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies (LCESC) has published its annual report on human rights in Latvia. According to the LCESC, human rights violations in prisons and mental facilities, police, illegal immigrants’ camps as well problems in the area of minority rights are topical human rights problems. The report points to the social tensions over education reform and still large number of non-citizens. Among the positive trends, creation of additional incentives for naturalization and establishment of the work group for elaboration of the amendments to the Citizenship Law in order to ease restrictions of children’s’ rights to citizenship, are noted.

The Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies (LCESC) has published its annual report on human rights in Latvia. According to the LCESC, human rights violations in prisons and mental facilities, police, illegal immigrants camps as well problems in the area of minority rights are topical human rights problems. The report points to the social tensions over education reform and still large number of non-citizens. Among the positive trends, creation of additional incentives for naturalization and establishment of the work group for elaboration of the amendments to the Citizenship Law in order to ease restrictions of childrens rights to citizenship, are noted. Latvijas Avize refers to the director of the LCESC Ilze Brands Kehris pointing to the fact that the problems in the area of minority rights have not changed significantly over the last years, including still not ratified the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. Regarding the education reform, Ilze Brands Kehris stated that the government has not listened to minority opinion during the elaboration of the education reform. Latvijas Vestnesis, Latvijas Avize

Rigas Balss publishes report on the discussion between activist of the Headquarters for Defense of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis (Equality), MPs Nikolajs Kabanovs (FHRUL) and Karlis Sadurskis (Jaunais Laiks), and Janis Sils (Klubs 415). The aim of the discussion was to clarify if ethnic tensions in Latvia are increasing. Jurijs Petropavlovskis believes that there is no conflict between Latvian and Russian communities, but rather between Russian community and the Latvian establishment. Nilolajs Kabanovs calls protest actions against the education reform ‘the biggest public initiative in Latvia modern history since regaining independence, when people actively participate in political life. Karlis Sadurskis thinks there is no ethnic conflict in Latvia, but it is being ‘organized on purpose. Juris Sils says about the protest actions against the education reform that ‘all the fuss is really about creating an ethnic conflict between Latvians and Russians.

Chas interviews the Daugavpils City mayor Rita Strode about the education reform. Rita Strode believes that political discussions on the education law and the proportions of language use have had negative impact on the relations between students and teachers, and on integration process as a whole, and insists on the gradual reforms implementation. The mayor points to the lack of state support for organization of additional Latvian language lessons. The municipality supports Latvian language training in kindergartens and in the Youth School, as well as acquisition of study materials. 6 of 11 schools are fully prepared for switch to bilingual education. 2 schools are not able to ensure teaching of 60% subjects in the state language. According to the data of Education Board, 72% of teachers are not ready to teach their subjects bilingually.

Chas prints the letter signed by 150 students form a Riga Secondary school protesting against the existent language proportion, defined in the Education Law. The students claim that it is necessary to involve professionals in elaboration of the specific methods of teaching in a non-native language.

Yesterday the international conference “Old-Believers in Latvia: historical experience, culture and modern processes in the society” was opened at the Latvian Academy of Science. There are approximately 70,000-80,000 Old-believers living in Latvia.

Yesterday the international conference Old-Believers in Latvia: historical experience, culture and modern processes in the society was opened at the Latvian Academy of Science. There are approximately 70,000-80,000 Old-believers living in Latvia. Chas

Neatkariga Rita Avize columnist Viktors Avotins believes that it order to stop the protest actions, it is necessary to publicly justify the necessity of the education reform, and to prove that it is thoroughly prepared for implementation.

aprīlis 29, 2004

  • The Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europes Parliamentary Assembly has decided not to renew monitoring on human rights in Latvia
  • Russian State Duma has adopted statement criticizing minority policies in Latvia
  • Tatjana Zdanoka and Vladimirs Buzajevs from the party Equality deny Moscows support to the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools
  • Multicultural Fair in Daugavpils
  • The Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools call minority organizations not to participate in the integration activities and advisory councils organized by the government
  • The chairman of the Riga Jewish Community Arkadijs Suharenko on the situation of Jewish community in Latvia and the education reform
  • Demographic statistics: the number of immigrants to Latvia from Russia and the Union of Independent States is growing
  • Latvijas Avize columnist criticizes the call of the Russian society in Latvia to other minority organizations to boycott minority children and youth sports festival
  • The Russian version of information portal TVNET.lv will be established
  • Chas reviews information about Russian policies in Diaspora published in Russian media
Yesterday the Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly has supported the conclusion by reporters Erik Jurgenss and Kimo Sasi who have stated that there is no the need for the renewal of the European Council’s monitoring in Latvia. The Committee has decided to continue a post-monitoring dialog with Latvia pointing to the three main problematic areas: conflict over the education reform, still non-ratified Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities, and slow pace of naturalization. According to the head of the  Latvian delegation Andris Berzins, only representative of Russia has voted for the renewal of monitoring in Latvia. The members of Russian delegation have proposed to renew monitoring, and according to the Council of Europe’ rules this request had to be examined. According to

Yesterday the Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europes Parliamentary Assembly has supported the conclusion by reporters Erik Jurgenss and Kimo Sasi who have stated that there is no the need for the renewal of the European Councils monitoring in Latvia. The Committee has decided to continue a post-monitoring dialog with Latvia pointing to the three main problematic areas: conflict over the education reform, still non-ratified Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities, and slow pace of naturalization. According to the head of the Latvian delegation Andris Berzins, only representative of Russia has voted for the renewal of monitoring in Latvia. The members of Russian delegation have proposed to renew monitoring, and according to the Council of Europe rules this request had to be examined. According to Telegraf, the General Secretary of the Council of Europe Valter Schvimmer has pointed to the necessity to pay attention to the practical tasks of the education reforms implementation. He proposed establishment of bilingual minority schools, like in Austria and Slovenia, as a possible solution. Diena, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the Russian State Duma with 430 votes adopted a special statement criticizing Latvian minority and education policy. The party Rodina (Homeland) headed by Dmitry Rogozin has initiated the statement. The statement stresses that half a million of Latvian population lacks citizenship, and the fact the State Language Law stipulates Russian language as the foreign language. According to the statement, the national integration program promotes assimilation, and Latvia is systematically ignoring recommendations of international organizations. Attention is drawn to the students’ mass protest actions against the education reform, and it is stressed that the government ignores the problem. Dmitry Rogozin has invited the deputies not to  apply ratification of the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the EU, to Latvia.

Yesterday the Russian State Duma with 430 votes adopted a special statement criticizing Latvian minority and education policy. The party Rodina (Homeland) headed by Dmitry Rogozin has initiated the statement. The statement stresses that half a million of Latvian population lacks citizenship, and the fact the State Language Law stipulates Russian language as the foreign language. According to the statement, the national integration program promotes assimilation, and Latvia is systematically ignoring recommendations of international organizations. Attention is drawn to the students mass protest actions against the education reform, and it is stressed that the government ignores the problem. Dmitry Rogozin has invited the deputies not to apply ratification of the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the EU, to Latvia. Vesti Segodnya interviews Dmitry Rogozin on this issue. Latvijas Avize, Chas

At the press conference, Tatjana Zdanoka and Vladimir Buzajevs from the party “Equality” have denied any Moscow’s support to the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools and claimed that Headquarters’’ members are being politically repressed.

At the press conference, Tatjana Zdanoka and Vladimir Buzajevs from the party Equality have denied any Moscows support to the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools and claimed that Headquarters members are being politically repressed. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday in Daugavpils, the National Programme for the Latvian Language Training has organized the first Multicultural Fair with participation of amateur groups. The event was held within the framework of Phare-financed project. Promotion of the cultural traditions of ethnic communitites living in Latgale has been the objective of the event.

Yesterday in Daugavpils, the National Programme for the Latvian Language Training has organized the first Multicultural Fair with participation of amateur groups. The event was held within the framework of Phare-financed project. Promotion of the cultural traditions of ethnic communitites living in Latgale has been the objective of the event. Latvijas Avize

Yesterday the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have adopted the statement calling minority organizations representing Russian-speaking community in Latvia to follow the example of the Russian society in Latvia and not to participate in integration activities and advisory councils organized by the government, as, according to the Headquarters, these events do not ensure the true dialog with the Russian community.

Yesterday the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have adopted the statement calling minority organizations representing Russian-speaking community in Latvia to follow the example of the Russian society in Latvia and not to participate in integration activities and advisory councils organized by the government, as, according to the Headquarters, these events do not ensure the true dialog with the Russian community. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Latvijas Avize interviews the chairman of the Riga Jewish Community Arkadijs Suharenko on the situation of the Jewish community and the education reform. Arkadijs Suharenko states that around 20% of Jews in Latvia are socially unprotected and receive the Jewish communitys support. Arkadijs Suharenko also believes that the language proportion 60/40, stipulated by the education laws amendments, should not be changed. If I was in the governments place, I would offer social support to the teachers who will not be able to continue working after the reforms implementation, and would provide an opportunity for them to change qualifications.

Media feature Latvian demographic statistics. Over the last year, the size of population has decreased by 12,300. The death rate has exceeded the birth rate by 11,400 residents, while the number of emigrants exceeded the number of immigrants by 900. According to the information provided by the Central Statistical Bureau, around 4000 Russia’s citizens, 600 citizens of Belarus, and more than 700 Ukrainian citizens have arrived to Latvia over the last 9 years. The data of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office and the Naturalization Board show that immigrants from the East mostly apply for the permanent or temporary residence permit, while few of them pass naturalization procedure. According to the representative of the International Migration Organization Ilmars Mezs, the number of immigrants from Russia and the Union of Independent States will increase in the future. He explains this trend with a higher quality of life in Latvia as compared with Russia.

Media feature Latvian demographic statistics. Over the last year, the size of population has decreased by 12,300. The death rate has exceeded the birth rate by 11,400 residents, while the number of emigrants exceeded the number of immigrants by 900. According to the information provided by the Central Statistical Bureau, around 4000 Russias citizens, 600 citizens of Belarus, and more than 700 Ukrainian citizens have arrived to Latvia over the last 9 years. The data of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office and the Naturalization Board show that immigrants from the East mostly apply for the permanent or temporary residence permit, while few of them pass naturalization procedure. According to the representative of the International Migration Organization Ilmars Mezs, the number of immigrants from Russia and the Union of Independent States will increase in the future. He explains this trend with a higher quality of life in Latvia as compared with Russia. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas

Latvijas Avize columnist Maris Antonevics criticizes the invitation of the chairperson of the Russian society in Latvia to other minority organizations to boycott minority children and youth sports festival to be held in Latvia for the 14th time. According to the columnists information, no other organization has recalled its participation in the festival.

Vesti Segodnya informs about Russian version of the information portal TVNET.lv, which will be established after 1 May. The portal provides information on topical events in Latvia and abroad. Vesti Segodnya

Chas reprints information about Russian policies in Diaspora from Russian media.

aprīlis 28, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Russia and EU sign protocol on the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the EU, applicable to all new EU member states
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis makes equivocal statement on possible Peoples Harmony Party membership in government
  • The Chairman of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy of the Russian Federation Sergey Karaganov states that Russia will continue to pressure the EU regarding Russian-speakers situation in Latvia
  • Ministers Nils Muiznieks and Ainars Bastiks invite non-citizens to register their children as Latvian citizens
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis hopes to involve intelligentsia in the discussions over minority education reform
  • Press quotes the statements of Prime Minister Indulis Emsis to the German newspaper Spiegel Online
  • Meeting with school students parents organized by the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools
  • Interview with Ambassador of Israel to Latvia and to Lithuania Gary Koren
  • Minority representatives on Latvias accession to the EU
  • A representative of the Ventspils Non-Citizens Affairs Council believes that schools are not ready for education reform
Yesterday Russia signed the protocol on the treaty on collaboration with the EU, applicable also to the new EU member states. It states that the EU and the Russian Federation consider membership in the EU as a firm guarantee of human rights and protection of persons belonging to national minorities and that both sides are committed to continue this protection.

Yesterday Russia signed the protocol on the treaty on collaboration with the EU, applicable also to the new EU member states. It states that the EU and the Russian Federation consider membership in the EU as a firm guarantee of human rights and protection of persons belonging to national minorities and that both sides are committed to continue this protection. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya interviews the chairman of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy of Russian Federation, the advisor of the Presidents assistant on foreign affairs, the Institute of Europe Deputy Director Sergey Karaganov about the relations between Russia and the EU. The Russian official states that the protocol signed by Russia and the EU is not the final conclusion of Russia and the EU on the situation of Russian-speakers rights and that Russia will continue its pressure on the EU regarding Russian-speakers in Latvia.

According to media agency

According to media agency LETA, Prime Minister Indulis Emsis made a statement allowing for Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) participation in the government. The statement was allegedly made in response to MP from PHP Aleksandrs Bartasevics warnings in Lauku Avize on Tuesday that the party may not continue support for the government if there will be no concessions on minority education reform. The representative of the Prime Minister Ilona Lice issued an equivocal statement to the effect that Indulis Emsis has not allowed for, has not denied, has not confirmed such a possibility but has only said that it is not on the present agenda. The head of the Saeima PHP faction Janis Urbanovics has declared that the PHP has not decided to request the governments demission and that MP Bartacevicss statement does not reflect the view of all party members. Diena, Telegraf, Chas, Rigas Balss

The Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and the Special Task Minister’s for Children and Family Affairs Ainars Bastiks are planning to send 15,000 letters to eligible non-citizen children’s parents inviting them to register their children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 as Latvian citizens. On 1 April there were 17,036 children in Latvia who have the right to Latvian citizenship. According to research conducted by the Naturalization Board 35% of parents are not informed about the opportunity to register their children as Latvian citizens.

The Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and the Special Task Ministers for Children and Family Affairs Ainars Bastiks are planning to send 15,000 letters to eligible non-citizen childrens parents inviting them to register their children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 as Latvian citizens. On 1 April there were 17,036 children in Latvia who have the right to Latvian citizenship. According to research conducted by the Naturalization Board 35% of parents are not informed about the opportunity to register their children as Latvian citizens. Latvijs Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis, Telegraf

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis has stated that he hopes to involve the intelligentsia in discussions over the minority education reform, while stressing that intense dialogue is taking place presently, but the government will not back off from its stance that all school graduates must be proficient in the state language.

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis has stated that he hopes to involve the intelligentsia in discussions over the minority education reform, while stressing that intense dialogue is taking place presently, but the government will not back off from its stance that all school graduates must be proficient in the state language. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize and Vesti Segodnya quote statements made by Prime Minister Indulis Emsis to the German newspaper Spiegel Online where he says that he is almost grateful to Russia for its silly policy. According to Emsis, Russia-created obstacles for trade with Latvia would promote Latvias orientation to Europe. Indulis Emsis has also said that many representatives of Russian-speaking minority who came to Latvia during Russian occupation dont want to learn the Latvian language. Therefore Latvia has made the decision that all Latvias residents, primarily students, should learn the language.

On Monday, representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have distributed leaflets with calls like “this will be the last warning”, “1 May is our decisive struggle!” in the Riga Anninmuiza Cultural Centre, with the participation of about 120 parents whose children study in schools in Riga Kurzeme distict, representatives of ministries and Riga City Council.

On Monday, representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have distributed leaflets with calls like this will be the last warning, 1 May is our decisive struggle! in the Riga Anninmuiza Cultural Centre, with the participation of about 120 parents whose children study in schools in Riga Kurzeme distict, representatives of ministries and Riga City Council. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Vesti Segodnya interviews the ambassador of Israel to Latvia and to Lithuania Gary Koren on the issues of anti-Semitism, relations between Latvia and Israel and ethno-political situation in Israel. The Ambassador stated that there are some tendencies of anti-Semitism in Latvia, but no anti-Semitism at the official level.

Diena features an article about attitudes of minority representatives towards Latvias accession to the EU. While some of them (for example, the chairman of the Azerbaidjan Society in Latvia Alirza Guseinovs) point to the increased opportunities for Latvias economic development, others (the president of the Russian Community in Latvia Vjaceslavs Altuhovs) mention social tensions and the reduction of the psychological connection to Russia. The head of Minority Affairs Department of the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Secretariat Irina Vinnika believes that minority concerns derive from social, not ethnic problems.

Chas prints an article of a representative of the Ventspils Non-Citizens Affairs Council who believes that schools are not ready for the switch to bilingual education and the 2004 education reform. She stresses the education problems of below average achievers.

aprīlis 27, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • No additional obligations in minority rights area are expected to be imposed on Latvia as a result of the mutual agreement between the EU and Russia
  • The President of Latvia is concerned with accusations and threats towards directors of minority schools successfully implementing education reform
  • State Police bringscharges against protest actions organizers
  • The ruling coalition has decided not to submit draft amendments to the Citizenship Laws to the government and the Saeima
  • About possible impact of the Latvian language proficiency requirements for foreigners on the Latvian labor market
  • The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis is not planning to recall his statement about Russias financial support to the education reforms opponents
  • The Riga City Councils deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans is considering a possibility to waive the fines imposed by court
  • Russian-language media criticize the governments attitude towards the Ventspils schools problems
  • MP from the Peoples Harmony Party Aleksandrs Bartasevics about the partys stance on the education reform
  • Vesty Segodnya on the meeting with non-citizens teachers organized by the Education, Youth and Sports Department of the Riga City Council and NGO Civic Initiative XIX
  • Lithuanian NGOs have adopted a statement supporting the education reform
  • The number of applications for Estonian citizenship has doubled since January
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Latvia Rihards Piks has stated that no additional obligations in minority rights area may be imposed on Latvia as a result of the mutual agreement between the EU and Russia related to the protocol on the treaty on collaboration, applicable for the new EU member states, which is to be signed today. According to

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Latvia Rihards Piks has stated that no additional obligations in minority rights area may be imposed on Latvia as a result of the mutual agreement between the EU and Russia related to the protocol on the treaty on collaboration, applicable for the new EU member states, which is to be signed today. According to Diena, a diplomatic statement about Russias and the EUs mutual obligation to protect minority rights will be included in the agreement. Diena, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has met with 20 directors of the minority schools. According to the President, extremely negative and sometimes threatening attitude from the reform opponents towards the school directors supporting the reform, which was also reflected in some Russian- language press publications, presents a serious problem. The President will be looking for opportunities to protect school administration from such influence within existing legal framework, and to discuss activities of the education reform’s opponents with the Interior Minister and the National Security Council.

Yesterday the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has met with 20 directors of the minority schools. According to the President, extremely negative and sometimes threatening attitude from the reform opponents towards the school directors supporting the reform, which was also reflected in some Russian- language press publications, presents a serious problem. The President will be looking for opportunities to protect school administration from such influence within existing legal framework, and to discuss activities of the education reforms opponents with the Interior Minister and the National Security Council. Vesty Segodnya has denied the Presidents accusation towards Russian-language press in rising ethnic tensions and putting pressure on school administration. The newspaper stresses that Russian-language press has objectively reflected various opinions on the events related to the education reform. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

According to

According to Diena, the State Police has brought the case against S. Malahovskis, I. Grigorjevs and O. Goculaks for violations of the rules organizing protest actions to court. The State Police has also sent an application to the Saeima asking for permission to initiate administrative case against two other reforms opponents, who are also MPs. The protocols on administrative violations have been prepared against G. Kotovs and J. Petropavlovsksis.

The ruling coalition has decided not to submit the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law, prepared by the Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs Secretariat, to the government and Saeima for examination. The aim of the amendments, prepared by the secretariat, is to ease the process of obtaining citizenship for children and other persons. For example, draft amendments foresee rights to obtain citizenship through registration for adopted children and orphans, as well as for children whose parents obtained Latvian citizenship after their children were born, and abolishing the norm that non-citizens’ children born after 21 August 1991 have the right to get Latvian citizenship through registration only till they are 18 years old. The Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs Ainars Bastiks has allegedly stated that due to the tensions in the society over the coming education reform, it may be not a right moment to open the Citizenship Law for examination.

The ruling coalition has decided not to submit the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law, prepared by the Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs Secretariat, to the government and Saeima for examination. The aim of the amendments, prepared by the secretariat, is to ease the process of obtaining citizenship for children and other persons. For example, draft amendments foresee rights to obtain citizenship through registration for adopted children and orphans, as well as for children whose parents obtained Latvian citizenship after their children were born, and abolishing the norm that non-citizens children born after 21 August 1991 have the right to get Latvian citizenship through registration only till they are 18 years old. The Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs Ainars Bastiks has allegedly stated that due to the tensions in the society over the coming education reform, it may be not a right moment to open the Citizenship Law for examination. Latvijas Avize

Diena features an article on the recently adopted regulations stipulating Latvian language proficiency requirements for foreigners who apply for the permanent residence permit. While some foreign employees in Latvia support the norm, others think that this norm interferes in the private business sphere and could hinder the work of qualified specialists in Latvia, thus reducing Latvias competitiveness on the international labor market. According to the deputy director of Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) Mara Roze, the norm is necessary in order to ensure foreigners integration into the society and their respect towards the state, and that it will not influence foreign investment in Latvia. The OCMA estimates that around 200 persons, who are eligible for permanent residence in Latvia, will pass Latvian language proficiency exam. There are 7,553 foreigners who presently hold temporary residence permits in Latvia.

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis is not planning to recall his statements concerning Russia’s financial support to the protest activities against the education reform, and the role of the representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs in organizing protest events. The prime minister has named Kazakovs a ‘Moscow consultant’ in organizing protest actions, and accused him in being on Moscow’s payroll. Aleksandrs Kazakovs has promised to sue the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis in court if he will not recall his statements to the mass media.

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis is not planning to recall his statements concerning Russias financial support to the protest activities against the education reform, and the role of the representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs in organizing protest events. The prime minister has named Kazakovs a ‘Moscow consultant in organizing protest actions, and accused him in being on Moscows payroll. Aleksandrs Kazakovs has promised to sue the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis in court if he will not recall his statements to the mass media. Latvijas Avize

The Riga City Council’s deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans is considering a possibility to waive the fines imposed by the court for social order’s violations during the protest activities against the education reform. The deputy is planning to consult lawyers on appeal possibilities.

The Riga City Councils deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans is considering a possibility to waive the fines imposed by the court for social orders violations during the protest activities against the education reform. The deputy is planning to consult lawyers on appeal possibilities. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Russian-language media report on the meeting of Venstpils schools’ administration and students with the Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics and the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks last week in Ventspils. The newspapers point to the lack of true dialog between school administration and the Latvian authorities, who allegedly are unwilling to understand the schools’ problems.

Russian-language media report on the meeting of Venstpils schools administration and students with the Minister for Education and Science Juris Radzevics and the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks last week in Ventspils. The newspapers point to the lack of true dialog between school administration and the Latvian authorities, who allegedly are unwilling to understand the schools problems. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Latvijas Avize features an interview with MP from the Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) and a European Parliament deputy candidate Aleksandrs Bartasevics. According to Bartasevics, the main problem in the area of education reform is the poor preparation of schools and teachers to the reform implementation, and lack of the governments support. The PHP is planning to initiate a constructive discussion on education reform with the government. The PHP concedes that reform may be implemented, but is willing to change the proportion of 60/40 percent defined by the Education Law for the one established by municipalities, students parents and principals.

Vesti Segodnya critically reports on the meeting with the school teachers, who have the non-citizen status, organized by the Education, Youth and Sports Department of the Riga City Council and NGO Civic Initiative XXI. The aim of the meeting was to motivate teachers to apply for Latvian citizenship. The newspaper calls the meeting ‘propaganda, and expresses an opinion that Latvian citizenship will not empower minorities to influence the state policies.

Three Lithuanian NGOs have adopted a statement supporting the education reform in Latvia. There are 32,000 Lithuanians living in Latvia.

Three Lithuanian NGOs have adopted a statement supporting the education reform in Latvia. There are 32,000 Lithuanians living in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Diena refers to the Estonian newspaper Eesti Paevaleht informing that the number of applications for Estonian citizenship has doubled since January. According to the interviewed Estonian official, the main reason behind the increase is that non-citizens have finally understood that the EU will not require Estonia to grant them automatic citizenship.

aprīlis 26, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis on schools preparedness to the education reform
  • The State Education Inspection: majority of schools in Riga are ready to teach subjects in Latvian
  • Vice Speaker of Estonian Parliament and observer to the European Parliament Toomas Savi: Russia should apologize to the Baltics for the occupation
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on the publications in the German newspaper Tagenszeitung criticizing minority policies in Latvia
  • Around 350 minority children participate in the children and youth festival Golden Ball in Liepaja
  • The Latvian Russian-language writer Dalija Truskinovska invites parents to initiate an open public attestation of teachers in schools claiming to be ready for education reform

Vesty Segodnya interviews the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis. According to the prime minister, the consultative committee established with the Ministry of Education and Science has visited 33 Russian-language schools to evaluate their readiness to the reform. 15 schools have already licensed their education programs for the reforms implementation, while 60% of schools have prepared programs for licensing. Other schools continue coordinating preparation of the programs with the Ministry and parents. Indulis Emsis has pointed to the different level of preparedness to the reform among schools and outlined difficulties of studying subjects in Latvian for low- achieving students. The prime minister has promised that the government will do its best to ensure the reforms implementation and to prevent deterioration in quality of education, and that no Russian-language schools will be closed.

According to the State Education Inspection, many schools in Riga are ready to teach subjects in Latvian. Out of 60 Riga minority schools, only 2 schools have problems with development of the education programs. 19 out of 422 teachers, who will have to teach subjects in Latvian next year, will not be ready for it. Officials promise to prepare a full report of schools’ readiness to the education reform in early May. 

According to the State Education Inspection, many schools in Riga are ready to teach subjects in Latvian. Out of 60 Riga minority schools, only 2 schools have problems with development of the education programs. 19 out of 422 teachers, who will have to teach subjects in Latvian next year, will not be ready for it. Officials promise to prepare a full report of schools readiness to the education reform in early May. Chas

According to the Vice Speaker of Estonian Parliament and observer to the European Parliament Toomas Savi, Russia should apologize to the Baltic States for the occupation after the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union is applied to all new EU member states.

According to the Vice Speaker of Estonian Parliament and observer to the European Parliament Toomas Savi, Russia should apologize to the Baltic States for the occupation after the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union is applied to all new EU member states. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya quotes critical articles by German newspaper Tagenszeitung about the education reform in Latvia. Tagenszeitung refers to the director of the Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands Kehris naming the ratio 60/40 as a big problem raising hidden tensions. According to Tagenszeitung, the EU should criticize Latvia for its minority policies.

Last weekend children and youth festival “Golden Ball” was held in Liepaja with participation of around 350 minority representatives.

Last weekend children and youth festival Golden Ball was held in Liepaja with participation of around 350 minority representatives. Latvijas Avize

Chas features an article by the Latvian Russian-language writer Dalija Truskinovska, who invites parents to initiate an open public appraisal of teachers in the schools which claim to be ready for the education reform.

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