Aug. 19, 2014

  • Well-known Latvian writer and journalist Marina Kostenecka calls to stop incitement of ethnic hatred in Latvia
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics accused the “Concord” of activities against Latvia’s independence
  • Member of the nationalists’ union Janis Iesalnieks most likely will be appointed to the post of the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Justice

A well-known Latvian writer and journalist Marina Kostenecka called representatives of ethnic Latvian intelligentsia to stop politicians from incitement of hatred between ethnic Latvian and ethnic Russian residents. She also called to postpone for a historically long time the idea of transition of Russian language schools into Latvian language. Mrs Kostenecka believes that protest action against such reform might turn very dangerous as “there will be enough with only one shot from unknown sniper into a woman or a child and events might turn out similar to the ones happening in Ukraine.” Vesti Segodnya

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics made a statement in his Twitter profile saying “I have substantial disagreement with Nils Usakovs and the party “Concord” as I see Latvia in Europe as free and independent state, but they as Moscow’s protectorate.” Responding to such statement the “Concord” accused the Minister of spreading lies and incitement of ethnic hatred. The “Concord” also prepared a reply statement to the European parties and foreign embassies telling about the Minister’s lies accusing the biggest political party in Latvia in activities against independent Latvia and its membership in the European Union. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports that member of the nationalists’ union All for Latvia/FF-LNIM Janis Iesalnieks most likely will be appointed to the post of the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Justice. The newspaper notes that Mr Iesalnieks was forced to withdraw his candidacy for the last Saeima’s elections after his statement that multiculturalists should feel guilty for the Breivik massacre because their policy of islamisation led to insanity of the attacker. Mr Iesalnieks is also known for statements that so-called „intelligent anti-Semitism” is permissible in discussions.

Aug. 18, 2014

  • Ombudsman Juris Jansons: large number of non-citizens in Latvia is not violation of any rights
  • Russian Union in Latvia conducted a protest action against Latvian foreign policy towards Russia

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Ombudsman Juris Jansons proposes to stop using the word “non-citizens.” Instead of that, the Ombudsman proposes to call persons who have Latvian non-citizen’s passports - “former citizens of the USSR.” The Ombudsman argues that there is certain group of residents who voluntarily chose to keep Latvian non-citizen’s passports in order to obtain a number of advantages provided by Latvia and Russia. Therefore, the large number of non-citizens in Latvia cannot be viewed as violation of any rights, says Mr Jansons.

Newspapers report about a protest action conducted by the members of the political party Russian Union in Latvia against Latvian foreign policy which harms relations between Latvia and Russia. The picket was held near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its members demanded for resignation of the Minister Edgars Rinkevics for his “radical” actions turned against Russia and support for anti-Russian sanctions. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Aug. 14, 2014

  • “Russian Union in Latvia” signed a co-operation agreement with Crimean social-political movement “Russian Unity”
  • Latvijas Avize interviews the MP from the nationalists’ union Janis Dombrava

The political party “Russian Union in Latvia” signed a co-operation agreement with Crimean social-political movement “Russian Unity.” The aim of the agreement is to strengthen unity of Russian world, ensure mutual support between political and non-governmental organisations in Crimea and Latvia, and distribute best experience in elaboration of legal acts, administrative governance, and cooperation with civil society. The newspaper notes that leaders of the “Russian Union in Latvia” Tatjana Zdanoka and Miroslavs Mitrofanovs were observers at the referendum on merge of Crimea with Russia in March 2014. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize interviews the MP from the nationalists’ union Janis Dombrava. According to him, education of ethnic minorities in Latvia functions well as there are Polish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian and other schools. At the same time, J.Dombrava stresses that Russian language schools should not be the exception and should integrate in the common education system of ethnic minorities. J.Dombrava believes that it is not possible to integrate artificially ethnic Russian residents because almost all information they receive comes from their own sources. Integration should occur through kindergartens, school system and work place – says J.Dombrava. He also tells about summer camps organised by the nationalists’ union for young people aimed at intensive patriotic education and rising up faithful followers of the idea of ethnic Latvian Latvia. J.Dombrava also states that the nationalists’ union is ready to take over the supervision of all the government in Latvia and it has candidates for all the ministers.

Aug. 12, 2014

  • Security Police knows the identities of the three men from Latvia taking part in the military actions on the side of Ukrainian separatists
  • Latvijas Avize interviews a perennial politician, member of the political party “Concord” Aivars Kreituss

Latvijas Avize reports that identities of the three Russian speaking National Bolsheviks from Latvia who travelled to Eastern Ukraine in order to take part in the military actions on the side of Ukrainian separatists are known to the Security Police. Information about the three men from Latvia initially was published in a German newspaper Die Zeit. The three men also earlier were under the attention of the Security Police in connection with their activities in the National Bolsheviks movement and organising referendum on granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia. Commenting the case, head of the Saeima’s Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee Ainars Latkovskis said that people who join terrorists in Ukraine should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Latvijas Avize interviews a perennial politician, ex-Minister of Economics (1993) and of Finances (1995-1996), presently member of the political party “Concord” Aivars Kreituss. Mr Kreituss says that he became member of the “Concord” because of their left oriented programme as the only alternative to social democratic union. Mr. Kreituss believes that it is the final time to establish the real social democracy without any ethnic dimension. Commenting the situation in Ukraine and Crimea and attitude of Latvian residents towards it, Mr Kreituss says that residents can have different opinion on it, but it is important that all the residents and citizens are loyal towards Latvia as possible. He also believes that integration policy which existed so far has failed because there was no political party willing to implement it in practice and because parties are more profitable to use ethnic controversies to gain power.

Aug. 11, 2014

  • Vesti Segodnya reports about anti-Russian statement made by a well-known Latvian PR expert Eriks Stendzenieks

Vesti Segodnya reports about a statement made by a well-known Latvian PR expert Eriks Stendzenieks and published on his social network profile towards his Russian speaking friends who like Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and support merge of Crimea with Russia. E. Stendzenieks called V. Putin psycho and killer, said that Crimea does not belong to Russia, as well as Moldova, Georgia, Ossetia, Karabakh, Yalta, Alaska, Kuriles, and Finland do not belong to it. E.Stendzenieks wrote: “there is no paradise in Russia where vodka flows like a river and where you will receive everything you want just because of who you are and you are unhappy Latvian Russians.” Commenting Stendzenieks’ statement, the newspaper draws attention to the increasing anti-Russian mood among ethnic Latvian society leaders and in society in general.

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