maijs 21, 2004

  • About Saeima decision to make content of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents files publicly available
  • Amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State
  • Peoples Harmony Party invited the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks to participate in the events within PHP European Parliament election campaign
  • Most of Riga minority schools are ready for the education reform
  • Issue about refusal of an entry visa to Latvia to the Russian diplomat Mikhail Demurin can possibly be included in the agenda of the summit of Russia and the EU
  • Member of the Peoples Party Vaira Paegle comments on the possible ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools is forming the Youth Guard
  • Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee prepared a draft decision on authorizing incrimination of administrative charges against the deputy Andris Tolmacovs
  • Discussion about the politicians readiness to restrict activities of the opponents of the education reform who incite to hatred
  • European Commission Representation in Latvia supports the project Integration – an Opportunity for the Future
Newspapers continue discussion about Saeima decision to make content of the State Security Committee’s of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents’ files publicly available. 

Newspapers continue discussion about Saeima decision to make content of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents files publicly available. Diena, referring to statements of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike- Freiberga, writes that the president could return the law to the parliament for elaboration. President has criticized the parliament for not justifying the goal of making this information publicly available, as well as necessity to do it precisely at this particular moment. Other important considerations against opening the files mentioned by the newspapers is incompleteness of the existing information, and impossibility to determine degree of involvement of a particular person. According to the Head of the Center of Documenting the Consequences of Totalitarianism Indulis Zalite, out of existing 4300 former agents files only slightly over 600 are identified with the ‘ideological counteraction, or informing on people ‘hostile to the communist regime, while others concern agents who were involved in espionage, counterespionage, economic crime investigation, etc. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Saeima has adopted amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State in the second reading, stipulating that persons who have received a residence permit in another country after 1 May 2004 can be deprived of their non-citizen status in Latvia.

Saeima has adopted amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State in the second reading, stipulating that persons who have received a residence permit in another country after 1 May 2004 can be deprived of their non-citizen status in Latvia. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

People’s Harmony Party has invited Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks to participate in the events, organized within the PHP European Parliament election campaign, with the aim of clarifying the citizenship issues to the public.

Peoples Harmony Party has invited Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks to participate in the events, organized within the PHP European Parliament election campaign, with the aim of clarifying the citizenship issues to the public. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

According to the information of the State Education Inspection of the Ministry of Education and Science, most of Riga minority schools are ready for the education reform.

According to the information of the State Education Inspection of the Ministry of Education and Science, most of Riga minority schools are ready for the education reform. Rigas Balss features an opinion of the Riga Secondary School No. 34 director Ludmila Porunkevica, who says that although the school is allegedly ready for the implementation of the education reform, it would benefit from a three-year transition period to the tuition in Latvian language. During the opinion poll, conducted by the state inspection, many students have expressed opinions that they are not able to study in Latvian. Deputy Chairman of the inspection Valda Puise points to the possible impact of the protest actions on the students attitude towards the reform – according to her, students, who have recognized themselves as able to study in Latvian last year, during the latest poll stated that they are not ready. Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

According to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Vladimir Chizhov, issue about refusal of an entry visa to Latvia to the Russian diplomat Mikhail Demurin may be included in the agenda of the summit of Russia and the EU. Vladimir Chizhov has pointed that the Baltic States’ policy regarding national minorities and heroization of fascists, as well as “sophistication of the visa requirements” is a cause of concern for the Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry.

According to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Vladimir Chizhov, issue about refusal of an entry visa to Latvia to the Russian diplomat Mikhail Demurin may be included in the agenda of the summit of Russia and the EU. Vladimir Chizhov has pointed that the Baltic States policy regarding national minorities and heroization of fascists, as well as sophistication of the visa requirements is a cause of concern for the Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Cha, Telegrafs

Latvijas Avize features a commentary of the member of the People’s Party Vaira Paegle about possible ratification of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia. Vaira Paegle believes that Latvia should not yield to the internal or external pressure to ratify the convention, because ratification was not a precondition for Latvia’s accession to the EU, and because Latvian legislation already corresponds to the convention’s requirements.

Latvijas Avize features a commentary of the member of the Peoples Party Vaira Paegle about possible ratification of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia. Vaira Paegle believes that Latvia should not yield to the internal or external pressure to ratify the convention, because ratification was not a precondition for Latvias accession to the EU, and because Latvian legislation already corresponds to the conventions requirements.

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools are forming the Youth Guard – organization, which could ensure participation of minority students in protest actions against the education reform during the summer holidays. Minority students, who want to join the Guard, are invited to send a short message to a mobile phone number, providing name, surname, mobile phones’ numbers, year of birth and represented school. Communication with the ones who signed up is also foreseen via text messages. State Security Police has no information about the Headquarters’ plans to form a military unit, according to the Deputy Chairman Ints Ulmanis, who adds that Headquarters are trying to use military terminology wherever they can.

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools are forming the Youth Guard – organization, which could ensure participation of minority students in protest actions against the education reform during the summer holidays. Minority students, who want to join the Guard, are invited to send a short message to a mobile phone number, providing name, surname, mobile phones numbers, year of birth and represented school. Communication with the ones who signed up is also foreseen via text messages. State Security Police has no information about the Headquarters plans to form a military unit, according to the Deputy Chairman Ints Ulmanis, who adds that Headquarters are trying to use military terminology wherever they can. Latvijas Avize

Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee has prepared a draft decision on authorizing incrimination of administrative charges against the deputy Andris Tolmacovs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia). Riga Central Police Department has appealed to the Saeima to authorize incrimination of administrative charges against the MP for organizing and participating in the unapproved picket and procession against the education reform.

Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee has prepared a draft decision on authorizing incrimination of administrative charges against the deputy Andris Tolmacovs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia). Riga Central Police Department has appealed to the Saeima to authorize incrimination of administrative charges against the MP for organizing and participating in the unapproved picket and procession against the education reform. Latvijas Avize

Rigas Balss prints a discussion among the MPs about politicians readiness to take decisive measures against opponents of the education reform who incite to hatred. Former Ministers of Interior Maris Gulbis and Mareks Segliņš believe that security institutions are ready to act, but they are waiting for a ‘message from the minister.

European Commission’s Representation in Latvia has supported a project of the Vidzeme Development Agency “Integration – an Opportunity for the Future”. The goal of the project is to increase Russian-speakers’ and rural women’s competitiveness and level of knowledge about the opportunities in the EU. Mainly municipalities of the regions, where Russian-speakers live in substantial numbers will be included in the project.

European Commissions Representation in Latvia has supported a project of the Vidzeme Development Agency Integration – an Opportunity for the Future. The goal of the project is to increase Russian-speakers and rural womens competitiveness and level of knowledge about the opportunities in the EU. Mainly municipalities of the regions, where Russian-speakers live in substantial numbers will be included in the project. Diena

maijs 20, 2004

  • For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group cannotdemand resignation of the government due to the lack of collected signatures
  • Saeima decides to make the content of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents files public
  • Draft statement about the status of Russian language in the EU
  • Latvia refuses entry visa to Russian diplomat Mikhail Demurin
  • Former Prime Minister Einars Repse about performance of the present government
  • Riga Central Court imposes an 80 lats fine on Riga City Council deputy for organizing unapproved meetings against the education reform
  • Experts discuss possibilities of penalizing organizers of the unapproved protest actions
  • Interview with the head of parliamentary group For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM Maris Grinblats about society integration
  • Representatives of Peoples Harmony Partys parliamentary group discuss security issues pertaining to the protest actions against the education reform with the Minister for Interior Eriks Jekabsons
Parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia has not submitted a note demanding resignation of the government because, according to the statement of the head of the group Jakovs Pliners, he succeeded to collect only six MPs’ signatures, while 10 signatures are necessary for initiation of the vote of confidence to the government.

Parliamentary group For Human Rights in the United Latvia has not submitted a note demanding resignation of the government because, according to the statement of the head of the group Jakovs Pliners, he succeeded to collect only six MPs signatures, while 10 signatures are necessary for initiation of the vote of confidence to the government. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss

Yesterday Saeima decided to make content of the State Security Committee’s of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents’ files publicly available, at the same time  stipulating prohibition for those persons to hold state administration offices for the next 10 years. As this decision was made rather in a hurry, Latvian parliamentarians, unlike parliamentarians in some other post-communism states, have not prescribed a procedure for making the files public and have not foreseen a lustration period, during which people could voluntarily confess and therefore protect their name from being announced publicly.

Yesterday Saeima decided to make content of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents files publicly available, at the same time stipulating prohibition for those persons to hold state administration offices for the next 10 years. As this decision was made rather in a hurry, Latvian parliamentarians, unlike parliamentarians in some other post-communism states, have not prescribed a procedure for making the files public and have not foreseen a lustration period, during which people could voluntarily confess and therefore protect their name from being announced publicly. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Russian minority representatives from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, who are standing for the European Parliament elections, have prepared a draft statement stipulating the recognition of the Russian language as one of the largest minorities’ languages in the EU, making it  a EU working language alongside with the Turkish, Hebrew, Arabian and Roma languages. The draft statement also says that representatives of the Baltic Russian minority are ready to defend the secondary and higher education in Russian language, and to promote its development.

Russian minority representatives from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, who are standing for the European Parliament elections, have prepared a draft statement stipulating the recognition of the Russian language as one of the largest minorities languages in the EU, making it a EU working language alongside with the Turkish, Hebrew, Arabian and Roma languages. The draft statement also says that representatives of the Baltic Russian minority are ready to defend the secondary and higher education in Russian language, and to promote its development. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Latvia has refused an entry visa to the Russian diplomat Michael Demurin, who was planning to participate in the conference “Baltics and Russia in the 21

Latvia has refused an entry visa to the Russian diplomat Michael Demurin, who was planning to participate in the conference Baltics and Russia in the 21st Century Europe, organized by the Baltic Forum this weekend. Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not disclose the reasons for the refusal, mass media inform that most likely the name of the Russian diplomat, who was expelled from Estonia due to the espionage last February, had been included in the list of persons who are not allowed entry into Latvia. Russian-language newspapers, referring to the statement of the Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry, claim that such decision could complicate relations between Russian and Latvia. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Cha, Telegrafs

Vesti Segodnya features a critical opinion of the former Prime Minister Einars Repse about the present governments performance. Einars Repse believes that the weakest ‘point in the present government is a Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, who has done almost nothing for society integration, on the contrary, deliberately or unintentionally pushing things towards disintegration. According to Repse, while former Minister for Education and Science Karlis Sadurskis (New Era) tried both to implement the education reform and to explain its substance to minority students and their parents, Nils Muiznieks has withdrawn from the process as if it was not connected to integration.

Riga Central Court has imposed an 80 lats fine on the Riga City Council deputy Ilga Ozisa (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) for organizing the unapproved protest meetings against the education reform with the participation of Russian youth near the embassies of the USA, France and Russia in Riga.

Riga Central Court has imposed an 80 lats fine on the Riga City Council deputy Ilga Ozisa (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) for organizing the unapproved protest meetings against the education reform with the participation of Russian youth near the embassies of the USA, France and Russia in Riga. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Neatkariga Rita Avize continues discussion on the activities needed from the side of the state security institutions in order to penalize those responsible for organizing the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools protest actions against the education reform, during which violations of laws have been recorded, and features experts opinions on the legal aspects of the issue.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the head of the parliamentary group For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM Maris Grinblats about society integration issues and possible government crisis.

Russian language newspapers write about the meeting of the representatives of the People’s Harmony Party parliamentary group and Minister for Interior Eriks Jekabsons in order to discuss security issues pertaining to the protest actions against the education reform.

Russian language newspapers write about the meeting of the representatives of the Peoples Harmony Party parliamentary group and Minister for Interior Eriks Jekabsons in order to discuss security issues pertaining to the protest actions against the education reform. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

maijs 19, 2004

  • Saeima parliamentary groups demands resignation of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and the all government
  • Newspapers continue discussion on implementation of the education reform
  • Officials of the Ministry of Education and Science seek possibilities to adjust process of the education reform within the framework of the Law on Education
  • Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee gives consent to incrimination of administrative charges against two FHRUL deputies
  • Minister for Foreign Affairs Rihards Piks is planning to initiate elaboration of the nationally coordinated approach to providing information about the Russian-speakers situation in Latvia
  • Article about the youth essays competition
Saeima parliamentary groups New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM have submitted a draft decision to the Saeima presidium, expressing mistrust to the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks. The Union For Human Rights in the United Latvia is planning to submit a note demanding resignation of the whole government, on the grounds of unresolved problem of minorities’ education.

Saeima parliamentary groups New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM have submitted a draft decision to the Saeima presidium, expressing mistrust to the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks. The Union For Human Rights in the United Latvia is planning to submit a note demanding resignation of the whole government, on the grounds of unresolved problem of minorities education. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss

Newspapers continue discussion on implementation of the education reform. Yesterday during the meeting of the governing coalition’s representatives and People’s Harmony Party (PHP) it was decided to include PHP representatives in the working group evaluating implementation of the education reform. According to

Newspapers continue discussion on implementation of the education reform. Yesterday during the meeting of the governing coalitions representatives and Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) it was decided to include PHP representatives in the working group evaluating implementation of the education reform. According to Latvijas Avize, PHP representative will be included in the working group chaired by the prime minister, which deals not only with the education reform, but also with national security issues. Prime Minister Indulis Emsis states the Law on Education will not be opened, but dialogue with the PHP, Russian-language schools and parents should be developed instead. PHP leader Janis Jurkans agrees it is possible to improve situation in the area of the education reform without amendments to the Law on Education. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Officials of the Ministry of the Education and Science are looking for possibilities to change the process of the education reform within the framework of the Law on Education, in order to prevent action ‘empty schools’, to ensure that all children attend school, that the main language of instruction is Latvian, and that in no case education quality suffers. According to the press secretary of the Minister of Education and Science Edgars Vaikulis, schools’ directors, teachers and parents have proposed various steps in improving the implementation process, as, for example, increasing the number of Latvian language lessons in 10th grade, and dividing classes into smaller groups.

Officials of the Ministry of the Education and Science are looking for possibilities to change the process of the education reform within the framework of the Law on Education, in order to prevent action ‘empty schools, to ensure that all children attend school, that the main language of instruction is Latvian, and that in no case education quality suffers. According to the press secretary of the Minister of Education and Science Edgars Vaikulis, schools directors, teachers and parents have proposed various steps in improving the implementation process, as, for example, increasing the number of Latvian language lessons in 10th grade, and dividing classes into smaller groups. Latvijas Avize features statements of the minority schools directors about readiness of their schools to the reform implementation. Telegraf, referring to the unofficial information, writes that the ministry could ask for additional financing of several million lats for the implementation of the education reform. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee has prepared a draft decision on authorizing incrimination of administrative charges against two MPs  Â– Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) parliamentary group). A similar decision may be made regarding other FHRUL deputy Andris Tolmacovs this week. Riga Central Police Department has previously appealed to the Saeima to authorize incrimination of administrative charges against MPs for participation in organizing unapproved protest meetings and processions against the education reform.

Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee has prepared a draft decision on authorizing incrimination of administrative charges against two MPs – Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) parliamentary group). A similar decision may be made regarding other FHRUL deputy Andris Tolmacovs this week. Riga Central Police Department has previously appealed to the Saeima to authorize incrimination of administrative charges against MPs for participation in organizing unapproved protest meetings and processions against the education reform. Latvijas Avize

Minister for Foreign Affairs Rihards Piks is initiating elaboration of the nationally coordinated approach to providing information about the Russian-speakers’ situation in Latvia to the international community. According to the minister, while Russia is using all available international forums to press the issue of the Russian-speakers’ situation in Latvia, it is important for Latvia to express a clear stand on the issue.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Rihards Piks is initiating elaboration of the nationally coordinated approach to providing information about the Russian-speakers situation in Latvia to the international community. According to the minister, while Russia is using all available international forums to press the issue of the Russian-speakers situation in Latvia, it is important for Latvia to express a clear stand on the issue. Latvijas Avize

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an article about the youth essays competition, organized by the Russian-language newspapers Subbota (Latvia), Den za Dnom (Estonia) and Litovskij Kuryer (Lithuania) within the framework of the pan-Baltic project I – Russian?.

maijs 18, 2004

  • About the possible government crisis
  • Latvian Russian Party condemns activities of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools
  • Prime Ministers advisor on national security issues Andrejs Pantelejevs about protest actions against the education reform
  • State Security Police do not supply information about activities on preventing escalation of the aggression of the education reforms opponents
  • About the conference on society integration policy
  • Border agreement between Latvia and Russia will be discussed during the summit of the European Union and Russia
  • Discussion about calls for resignation of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • Plans of the Russian delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
  • New internet portal for non-citizens and ethnic minorities to be opened
  • Latvian Business Advisory Service Program director and representative of the party Latvias Way Rolands Repsa about implementation of the education reform
  • Interview with the representative of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools Igors Pimenovs
People’s Harmony Party (PHP) yesterday postponed its decision to call for the vote of confidence to the government of Indulis Emsis till the party’s conference on 19 June. The party New Era has evaluated this delay as an indication of a secret agreement between the government and left-wing parties, and has called the government to resign in order to establish a stable right-wing coalition, but would not initiate a vote of confidence to the government yet. The New Era is planning to ask for resignation of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, allegedly because of the growing ethnic tensions related to the education reform, within the nearest future. Nils Muiznieks denies accusations, stressing that tension in the area of education reform developed during the previous government, when both the Prime Minister and the Minister for Education and Science were the New Era representatives.

Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) yesterday postponed its decision to call for the vote of confidence to the government of Indulis Emsis till the partys conference on 19 June. The party New Era has evaluated this delay as an indication of a secret agreement between the government and left-wing parties, and has called the government to resign in order to establish a stable right-wing coalition, but would not initiate a vote of confidence to the government yet. The New Era is planning to ask for resignation of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, allegedly because of the growing ethnic tensions related to the education reform, within the nearest future. Nils Muiznieks denies accusations, stressing that tension in the area of education reform developed during the previous government, when both the Prime Minister and the Minister for Education and Science were the New Era representatives. Vesti Segodnya features an opinion of the deputy Prime Minister Ainars Slesers who believes that there is no serious threat to the government stability, and that statements of the left and right wings opposition parties should be looked at rather as a PR campaign for the upcoming election to the European Parliament than a specific intention to achieve Emsiss cabinets demission. Chas reflects the point of view of the PHP leader Janis Jurkans, who states that his party supported the government of Indulis Emsis in exchange for the promise to resolve the schools issue. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvian Russian Party has announced that the Russian-speaking leadership of the party For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) and its supported Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools has deliberately “failed the defense of Russian-language schools, as they promote not a process of discussion, but a process of confrontation, leaving Russians without any perspectives in the future”.  According to the Russian Party, FHRUL should dismiss the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, and to accept responsibility for all consequences of its activities.

Latvian Russian Party has announced that the Russian-speaking leadership of the party For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) and its supported Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools has deliberately failed the defense of Russian-language schools, as they promote not a process of discussion, but a process of confrontation, leaving Russians without any perspectives in the future. According to the Russian Party, FHRUL should dismiss the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, and to accept responsibility for all consequences of its activities. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Prime Ministers advisor on national security issues Andrejs Pantelejevs about protest actions against the education reform. Andrejs Pantelejevs believes that from the point of view of the state security it would be dangerous to yield to pressure now. According to the advisor, insufficient preparedness of the education reforms implementation has created psychological climate for the mass political movement. Andrejs Pantelejevs believes that the main task of the moment is not to allow political consolidation of the Russian community on the basis of the education reform. According to his knowledge, a certain conflict has developed between one of the leaders of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka and the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools.

Neatkariga Rita Avize writes about unwillingness of the State Security Police to supply information about its activities in order to prevent escalation of aggression of the opponents of the education reform. Newspaper also features opinions of experts who point to the lack of political will to solve the problem. The State Security Police, mostly likely, possesses all necessary information about organizers of the protest actions; its just that they have not received government instructions to start active operations. It is possible that governing politicians have decided to deal with the Russian students problem by means of discussion, stated the former state secretary of the Ministry of Interior Andris Staris.

Latvijas Avize prints an article about the conference on society integration policy, which was held last week. During the conference it was pointed to the necessity of drawing up a new state society integration program. According to the information of the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat, out of 299 projects, supported within the framework of the existent program Society integration in Latvia, 66 have been implemented fully or partly, 32 - have not been implemented, as for the implementation of the rest of the programs, Secretariat has got no information. Evaluating the situation in the area of society integration, the head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane stated that present situation in the country with regards to the dividing lines within the society, is similar to the situation in 1990-91.

The border agreement between Latvia and Russia will be discussed during the summit of the European Union and Russia, which takes place in Moscow this Friday.

The border agreement between Latvia and Russia will be discussed during the summit of the European Union and Russia, which takes place in Moscow this Friday. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Latvijas Avize continues discussion on last-week statement of the deputy of the European Parliament from Peoples Party Aleksandrs Kirsteins, in which he calls for the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks resignation. According to the head of the Saeima Peoples Party parliamentary group Aigars Kalvitis, party has not discussed Nils Muiznieks eligibility for his post. Nils Muiznieks stresses he is not planning to resign.

Delegation of Russia is planning to initiate discussion on the issue of the situation of Russian minority in Latvia during the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly’s session in June.

Delegation of Russia is planning to initiate discussion on the issue of the situation of Russian minority in Latvia during the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assemblys session in June. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Ventspils City Council is planning to create a special internet portal for non-Latvian speakers, non-citizens and ethnic minorities, in order to enhance their comprehension of the impact of Latvia’s accession to the European Union. Alongside information about new possibilities available for these persons after Latvia’s accession to the EU, the portal will feature announcements of cultural and educational events, supported by the EU, and will explain possibilities of obtaining financial support from both Latvian state and the EU for the activities aimed at integration of ethnic minorities and non-citizens, as well as at development of the open society.

Ventspils City Council is planning to create a special internet portal for non-Latvian speakers, non-citizens and ethnic minorities, in order to enhance their comprehension of the impact of Latvias accession to the European Union. Alongside information about new possibilities available for these persons after Latvias accession to the EU, the portal will feature announcements of cultural and educational events, supported by the EU, and will explain possibilities of obtaining financial support from both Latvian state and the EU for the activities aimed at integration of ethnic minorities and non-citizens, as well as at development of the open society. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an article by the director of the Latvian Business Advisory Service Program and representative of Latvias Way Rolands Repsa, who suggests that the education reform should be implemented in accordance with the desires of minority students and their parents, and individually in each minority school depending on its degree of readiness. Rolands Repsa believes that its necessary to acknowledge that the integration process will be long and that its not possible to speed up it by compulsory measures in the area of education reform.

Vesti Segodnya and Chas feature interviews with the representative of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools Igors Pimenovs about causes of the protest actions against the education reform, and his future planes in case he gets elected to the European Parliament.


maijs 17, 2004

  • Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer about implementation of the education reform in Latvia
  • For Human Rights in the United Latvia is planning to initiate the resignation of the government
  • Representatives of New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM will discuss their position regarding possible vote of confidence to the government
  • Interview with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis
  • Opinion poll: only 33,4% of Riga inhabitants feel well informed about the education reform
  • Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry condemns the Saeimas refusal to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Approximately 150 education reforms opponents participated in the protest action in Liepaja
  • Newspapers write about the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia about observation of minority rights in Latvia
Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer has stated in his interview to the radio station

Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer has stated in his interview to the radio station Eho Moskvi that Latvian authorities must take into account opinion of Russian-speaking inhabitants of Latvia while implementing the education reform. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

During the congress of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) it was announced that the aggressive policy in the area of defense of Russian-language schools is planned to be continued, and that FHRUL is striving to become a third most influential party beside the New Era and People’s Party. Tatjana Zdanoka, repeatedly elected as one of the union’s leaders, has called to initiate the resignation of the government as it allegedly continues the destructive course of the previous government. Tatjana Zdanoka allows for the support of the People’s Harmony Party (PHP) for such move.

During the congress of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) it was announced that the aggressive policy in the area of defense of Russian-language schools is planned to be continued, and that FHRUL is striving to become a third most influential party beside the New Era and Peoples Party. Tatjana Zdanoka, repeatedly elected as one of the unions leaders, has called to initiate the resignation of the government as it allegedly continues the destructive course of the previous government. Tatjana Zdanoka allows for the support of the Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) for such move. Diena features statement of the prime ministers advisor Viesturs Silenieks, who believes that FHRUL decision to initiate the resignation of the government is not binding for the governing coalition as ‘its difficult to regard this political force [FHRUL] as constructive opposition. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Today representatives of the parties New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM will discuss their position regarding the possible vote of confidence to the government of Indulis Emsis, which may be initiated by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL). The representatives of both parties state that decision demand for the resignation of the government cannot be supported if its purpose and motivation is establishing moratorium on the education reform.

Today representatives of the parties New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM will discuss their position regarding the possible vote of confidence to the government of Indulis Emsis, which may be initiated by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL). The representatives of both parties state that decision demand for the resignation of the government cannot be supported if its purpose and motivation is establishing moratorium on the education reform. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas

Telegraf prints an interview with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis about the education reform in Latvia and the future of his government.

The latest SKDS opinion poll indicates that only 33,4% of the inhabitants of Riga (mainly minorities’ representatives, young people and non-citizens) feel well informed about the planned changes in the area of the education reform. 40% have superficial knowledge about the reform, 19,3% have heard something about it, but do not feel competent, while 3,2% of inhabitants have not heard anything about the education reform.

The latest SKDS opinion poll indicates that only 33,4% of the inhabitants of Riga (mainly minorities representatives, young people and non-citizens) feel well informed about the planned changes in the area of the education reform. 40% have superficial knowledge about the reform, 19,3% have heard something about it, but do not feel competent, while 3,2% of inhabitants have not heard anything about the education reform. Vesti Segodnya

Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry has spread an official statement, condemning the decision of Saeima not to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to the ministry, refusal of Latvia to ratify the Framework Convention causes the ‘increasing protests in the Russian-speaking society comprised of almost 40% of the state residents’ and ‘further deteriorates the situation, which has already developed into continuous mass manifestations’.

Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry has spread an official statement, condemning the decision of Saeima not to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to the ministry, refusal of Latvia to ratify the Framework Convention causes the ‘increasing protests in the Russian-speaking society comprised of almost 40% of the state residents and ‘further deteriorates the situation, which has already developed into continuous mass manifestations. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Approximately 150 education reform’s opponents participated in the protest action in Liepaja last Saturday. All speakers expressed protest against both the education reform and the arrest of the National Democratic Party’s leader Jevgenijs Osipovs.

Approximately 150 education reforms opponents participated in the protest action in Liepaja last Saturday. All speakers expressed protest against both the education reform and the arrest of the National Democratic Partys leader Jevgenijs Osipovs. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Telegrafs

Newspapers write about the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia about observation of minority rights in Latvia, prepared in order to help Latvian diplomats to explain the situation in the area of minority rights to the international community in response to the regular attempts of Russia to draw attention to this issue.

Newspapers write about the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia about observation of minority rights in Latvia, prepared in order to help Latvian diplomats to explain the situation in the area of minority rights to the international community in response to the regular attempts of Russia to draw attention to this issue. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

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