maijs 27, 2004

  • Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly has supported Russias stance on continuation of the post-monitoring dialogue with Latvia
  • Saeima Legal Affairs Committee prepares law amendments stipulating prolongation of the prohibition for the ex-staff of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia to hold certain offices and naturalize
  • Latvia Foreign Affairs Minister and experts about Russias decision to sign a boarder agreement with Latvia
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis believes he has not caused moral damage to the activist of the Headquarters Aleksandrs Kazakovs when naming him a ‘Moscow consultant in organizing protest actions
  • Claim to the Constitutional Court against the education reform
  • A call to establish a moratorium on education reform until minorities schools, students and parents are not fully prepared
  • Representatives of Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Committee meet with the head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane
  • Russian Community in Latvia and organization Youth, Traditions, Eternity expresses support to the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • European Parliament candidates discuss education reform
  • Freedom House evaluates freedom of speech in Latvia
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly has supported the Russia’s stance on the continuation of the post-monitoring dialogue with Latvia, informs Russian information agency RIA Novosti. Hence, according to the deputy chairman of the Russia State Council’s International Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky, Russia will be able to continue protecting the Russian-speakers’ rights in Latvia.

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly has supported the Russias stance on the continuation of the post-monitoring dialogue with Latvia, informs Russian information agency RIA Novosti. Hence, according to the deputy chairman of the Russia State Councils International Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky, Russia will be able to continue protecting the Russian-speakers rights in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has prepared amendments to the law, stipulating prolongation of the prohibitions for the ex-staff of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia to hold certain offices and naturalize for the next 10 years, at the same time obliging the Cabinet of Ministers to evaluate necessity of retaining  prohibitions in the specific areas by next June. Most likely, Saeima will make a decision on this issue today.

Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has prepared amendments to the law, stipulating prolongation of the prohibitions for the ex-staff of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia to hold certain offices and naturalize for the next 10 years, at the same time obliging the Cabinet of Ministers to evaluate necessity of retaining prohibitions in the specific areas by next June. Most likely, Saeima will make a decision on this issue today. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf

Latvia Foreign Affairs Minister Rihards Piks believes that Russia’s practical interests are the main reason for the allegedly expressed readiness to ratify the boarder agreement with Latvia. Diena, referring to the former diplomat Peteris Vinkelis, writes that the President’s of Russia priority is simplification of the visa regime between Russia and the EU, and one of the EU prerequisites is a boarder agreement between Russia and Latvia. At the same time experts, questioned by the

Latvia Foreign Affairs Minister Rihards Piks believes that Russias practical interests are the main reason for the allegedly expressed readiness to ratify the boarder agreement with Latvia. Diena, referring to the former diplomat Peteris Vinkelis, writes that the Presidents of Russia priority is simplification of the visa regime between Russia and the EU, and one of the EU prerequisites is a boarder agreement between Russia and Latvia. At the same time experts, questioned by the Neatkariga Rita Avize, believe that new requirements from Russia will follow shortly. Diena, Telegraf

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis believes that he had not caused  moral damage to the assistant of the Russia’s State Council deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin and activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs when naming him as a ‘Moscow consultant’ in organizing protest actions. Aleksandrs Kazakovs has submitted a claim to the court, requiring the prime minister to recall this statement.

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis believes that he had not caused moral damage to the assistant of the Russias State Council deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin and activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs when naming him as a ‘Moscow consultant in organizing protest actions. Aleksandrs Kazakovs has submitted a claim to the court, requiring the prime minister to recall this statement. Latvijas Avize

Newspapers continue to write about the claim to the Constitutional Court challenging implementation of the education reform, submitted by the MPs from People’s Harmony Party Boris Tsilevitch and Vitalijs Orlovs.

Newspapers continue to write about the claim to the Constitutional Court challenging implementation of the education reform, submitted by the MPs from Peoples Harmony Party Boris Tsilevitch and Vitalijs Orlovs. Diena, Chas, Telegraf

Yesterday the youth organization of the Latvian Social Democratic Labor Party and Organization of the Working Youth, in collaboration with the young representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, made an appeal to the government to establish a moratorium on education reform until minorities’ schools, students and parents are not fully prepared for it.

Yesterday the youth organization of the Latvian Social Democratic Labor Party and Organization of the Working Youth, in collaboration with the young representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, made an appeal to the government to establish a moratorium on education reform until minorities schools, students and parents are not fully prepared for it. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features article about meeting of the representatives of Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Committee with the head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane in order to discuss problems in the area of naturalization. During the meeting MPs have expressed their concern about the fact that some non-citizens in Daugavpils have been unsuccessfully trying to pass the Latvian language examination on repeated occasions. Eizenija Aldermane responded by pointing to the necessity of developing a special program for improving the Latvian language environment in the town. The head of the Naturalization Board also believes that there is no necessity to make amendments to the legislation restricting possibilities to pass the language examination repeatedly due to the problems encountered in one particular town.

Russian Community in Latvia and minorities’ youth organization Youth, Traditions, Eternity has expressed support to the Special Tasks Minister for the Society Integration Nils Muiznieks.

Russian Community in Latvia and minorities youth organization Youth, Traditions, Eternity has expressed support to the Special Tasks Minister for the Society Integration Nils Muiznieks. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Telegraf features discussion between the three European Parliament candidates - Tatjana Zdanoka (For Human Rights in the United Latvia), Inese Vaidere (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) and Nils Muiznieks (Latvias First Party) on society integration issues.

Independent non-profit, nonpartisan organization Freedom House has published its annual report on freedom of speech in Europe and former USSR. Out of all former soviet countries, the Baltic States have received the highest appraisal.

Independent non-profit, nonpartisan organization Freedom House has published its annual report on freedom of speech in Europe and former USSR. Out of all former soviet countries, the Baltic States have received the highest appraisal. Diena

maijs 26, 2004

  • MPs from Peoples Harmony Party submit a claim against the education reform to the Constitutional Court
  • President of Russia Vladimir Putin has allegedly promised to ratify the boarder agreements with Latvia and Estonia
  • Access to the content of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents files could be limited
  • Union of the Belarusian Societies in Latvia expresses support to the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • Interview with the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks about society integration issues and the upcoming vote of confidence
  • Activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs submits a court claim against the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis
  • Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry condemns amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State
MPs from People’s Harmony Party Boris Tsilevitch and Vitalijs Orlovs have submitted a claim to the Constitutional Court, pointing to the nonconformity of several norms,  stipulated by the Law’s on Education with regards to transition to the Latvian language as a main language of tuition in minorities’ schools, to the Constitution of Latvia, as well as to the binding for Latvia European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

MPs from Peoples Harmony Party Boris Tsilevitch and Vitalijs Orlovs have submitted a claim to the Constitutional Court, pointing to the nonconformity of several norms, stipulated by the Laws on Education with regards to transition to the Latvian language as a main language of tuition in minorities schools, to the Constitution of Latvia, as well as to the binding for Latvia European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers, referring to the official information of the Irish Presidency of the European Union, inform that during the last-week summit of Russia and the EU the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has promised to ratify boarder agreements with Latvia and Estonia.

Newspapers, referring to the official information of the Irish Presidency of the European Union, inform that during the last-week summit of Russia and the EU the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has promised to ratify boarder agreements with Latvia and Estonia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Full access to the content of the State Security Committee’s of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents’ files could be granted only to politically repressed persons,  participants of the national resistance movement and their next of kin, suggested experts during their meeting with the representatives of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee. The experts also agreed that prohibition to naturalize as well as to hold specific offices for the former agents of the State Security Committee can not be prolonged automatically, pointing to the necessity to review the list of prohibited positions. According to the experts, the prohibition must be retained for the posts in the prosecutor’s office, state security institutions and courts.

Full access to the content of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents files could be granted only to politically repressed persons, participants of the national resistance movement and their next of kin, suggested experts during their meeting with the representatives of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee. The experts also agreed that prohibition to naturalize as well as to hold specific offices for the former agents of the State Security Committee can not be prolonged automatically, pointing to the necessity to review the list of prohibited positions. According to the experts, the prohibition must be retained for the posts in the prosecutors office, state security institutions and courts. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Union of Belarusian Societies in Latvia has sent an open letter to the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre, Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and mass media, objecting to the attempts to dismiss Nils Muiznieks from his post. According to the letter, dismissal of Nils Muiznieks from the post of the minister, based upon a fictional reason, would mean return to the past when minorities of Latvia have been ignored, and their integration into Latvian society was regarded only as their inclusion into the Latvian language and cultural environment.

Union of Belarusian Societies in Latvia has sent an open letter to the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre, Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and mass media, objecting to the attempts to dismiss Nils Muiznieks from his post. According to the letter, dismissal of Nils Muiznieks from the post of the minister, based upon a fictional reason, would mean return to the past when minorities of Latvia have been ignored, and their integration into Latvian society was regarded only as their inclusion into the Latvian language and cultural environment. Chas

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks about society integration issues and the upcoming Saeima vote of confidence to him. According to the minister, the main task of integration is to achieve that all society members feel a sense of belonging to the state, and it is necessary to pay special attention to the integration of minority youth. Answering a question about his readiness to develop the dialogue with the representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Language Schools, Nils Muiznieks said that in his opinion, the real goal pursued by the Headquarters is a higher political rating, not a constructive dialogue.

Assistant of the Russia’s State Council deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin and the activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs have submitted a claim to the court against the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, requiring a public recall of the prime minister’s statement that Kazakovs is a ‘Moscow consultant’ in organizing protest actions.

Assistant of the Russias State Council deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin and the activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs have submitted a claim to the court against the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, requiring a public recall of the prime ministers statement that Kazakovs is a ‘Moscow consultant in organizing protest actions. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry has made a statement condemning amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State, adopted by Saeima in the second reading. The amendments stipulate that persons who have received a residence permit in another country after 1 May 2004 can be deprived of their non-citizen status in Latvia. According to the Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry, by adopting such amendments the government of Latvia continues the policy of discrimination against the large part of Latvian inhabitants who are not citizens of Latvia.

Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry has made a statement condemning amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State, adopted by Saeima in the second reading. The amendments stipulate that persons who have received a residence permit in another country after 1 May 2004 can be deprived of their non-citizen status in Latvia. According to the Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry, by adopting such amendments the government of Latvia continues the policy of discrimination against the large part of Latvian inhabitants who are not citizens of Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

maijs 25, 2004

  • Consultative meeting in Riga City Council on the readiness for implementation of the education reform in Riga
  • Interview with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga
  • Meeting of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and Netherlandss Minister for Immigration and Integration Rita Verdonk
  • Union of Ukrainians support the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • Newspapers write about the initiative to create a database of the non-citizens, who want to naturalize but do not have money for the naturalization fee
  • This year minority students of grade 9 must pass a centralized Latvian language and literature exam
  • About the campaign I speak Russian
  • Saeima MP Jakovs Pliners and Teacher-Methodist Valerijs Buhvalovs about the implementation of the education reform
  • Philosopher Vilnis Zarins criticizes the protest actions against the education reform and non-Latvian stances
  • Journalist Juris Paiders claims minority education reform puts Latvian students at a disadvantage
Newspapers write about the consultative meeting in Riga City Council on the implementation of the education reform in Riga. During the meeting the representatives of the State Education Inspection stated that there are neither financial nor pedagogical arguments due to which the transition to the tuition in Latvian language in minority schools could not be realized on 1 September 2004. Head of the inspection Zigfrids Grinpauks states that only one minority school out of 60, which are realizing minorities’ secondary education programs in Riga, has recognized that the school is not ready for implementation of the reform.

Newspapers write about the consultative meeting in Riga City Council on the implementation of the education reform in Riga. During the meeting the representatives of the State Education Inspection stated that there are neither financial nor pedagogical arguments due to which the transition to the tuition in Latvian language in minority schools could not be realized on 1 September 2004. Head of the inspection Zigfrids Grinpauks states that only one minority school out of 60, which are realizing minorities secondary education programs in Riga, has recognized that the school is not ready for implementation of the reform. Telegraf criticizes the statement of the director of the National Human Rights Office Olafs Bruvers, expressed during the meeting that the state has full rights to determine the language of tuition in state schools and that the minorities representatives can establish private schools with the minority language of instruction. Latvijas Vestnesis, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga about the implementation of the education reform and protest actions against it. According to the president, international organizations believe that there are no problems in Latvia in the area of minority rights, and the only exception is Russia, which has an ambition to use Latvias and Estonias accession to the EU as a reason to make Russian an official language of the EU. The president also states that until now the participants at the protest actions have respected the authorities, stressing that the sanctions can follow if the line is overstepped.

Yesterday Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks met Netherlands’s Minister for Immigration and Integration Rita Verdonk in order to discuss the experience in the area of the society integration policy in both states.

Yesterday Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks met Netherlandss Minister for Immigration and Integration Rita Verdonk in order to discuss the experience in the area of the society integration policy in both states. Latvijas Vestnesis

The Union of Ukrainians has disseminated an open letter expressing support for the work of Special Task Minister for Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks, whose resignation has been requested by the New Era. The authors of the letter believe that Nils Muiznieks is one of few politicians who are trying to work on the dialogue between ethnic minorities and the state. According to the leaders of the union A.Skalsky and V.Stefanovics, the resignation of the minister would mean the loss of the hope for Ukrainians to maintain their culture and ethnic identity and the interruption of the dialogue between the state and ethnic minorities.

The Union of Ukrainians has disseminated an open letter expressing support for the work of Special Task Minister for Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks, whose resignation has been requested by the New Era. The authors of the letter believe that Nils Muiznieks is one of few politicians who are trying to work on the dialogue between ethnic minorities and the state. According to the leaders of the union A.Skalsky and V.Stefanovics, the resignation of the minister would mean the loss of the hope for Ukrainians to maintain their culture and ethnic identity and the interruption of the dialogue between the state and ethnic minorities. Chas

Newspapers comment the initiative of the NGO Prata Speks (The Strength of Mind) in collaboration with the People’s Harmony Party to create a database of non-citizens, who want to naturalize but do not have money for the naturalization fee.

Newspapers comment the initiative of the NGO Prata Speks (The Strength of Mind) in collaboration with the Peoples Harmony Party to create a database of non-citizens, who want to naturalize but do not have money for the naturalization fee. Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

This year minority students of grade 9 must pass a centralized Latvian language and literature exam.

This year minority students of grade 9 must pass a centralized Latvian language and literature exam. Diena

Newspapers write about the campaign “I speak Russian”, organized by the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools and the Society of Russian-language School Teachers. The project coordinator Igors Vatolins has stressed that this is not a campaign against the Latvian language and the goal of the project is to promote pride in the Russian language and culture.  The project involves Russian-speaking students and teachers, schools’ administrations, parents and political figures  and also aims to popularize Russian language and culture among Latvians.

Newspapers write about the campaign I speak Russian, organized by the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools and the Society of Russian-language School Teachers. The project coordinator Igors Vatolins has stressed that this is not a campaign against the Latvian language and the goal of the project is to promote pride in the Russian language and culture. The project involves Russian-speaking students and teachers, schools administrations, parents and political figures and also aims to popularize Russian language and culture among Latvians. Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya prints an article by the MP of For Human rights in United Latvia parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners and teacher-methodologist Valerijs Buhvalovs about the implementation of the education reform. The authors, referring to the 91st paragraph of the Constitution of Latvia, which stipulates that human rights are applied without any discrimination, state that in the future even the national-radicals will have to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, which also includes minorities rights to education in their mother tongue.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with philosopher Vilnis Zarins about the protest actions against the education reform. Vilnis Zarins believes that all non-Latvians who are live in Latvia and declare their love towards Russia must realize that sooner or later they will be not only integrated but after some generations also assimilated. The philosopher also believes that Latvia would benefit if one part of ‘occupants-deserters would leave the country.

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an article by journalist and former Dienas Business editor Juris Paiders, who believes that both former and present governments of Latvia pay too much attention to the Russian community in Latvia and do not pay an adequate attention to the problems of Latvian students. The journalist regards educational policy of the Ministry of Education and Science as discriminating with regard to Latvian students because under the influence of nationalistic slogans many Latvian high school students do not learn Russian language. As a result, Latvians are less prepared for work in Riga private business sector than Russians, who generally are proficient in three languages – Latvian, English and Russian.

maijs 24, 2004

  • Newspapers continue discussion about the possibility to make content of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents files publicly available
  • President Vaira Vike-Freiberga on education reform
  • Possible creation of database of the non-citizens who want to naturalize but do not have money for naturalization fee
  • Saeima MP Boris Tsilevitch about the events of the last year in connection to the minority education reform
  • Youth project We are different, but united in Latvia reports on non-citizens and minority rights mechanisms
  • Opinion poll indicates that 80% of minority students report difficulties understanding lessons in Latvian
  • Event I speak Russian in Riga
  • Planned protest actions against the education reform
Discussion about the possibility to make the content of the State Security Committee’s of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents’ files publicly available continues in the newspapers, featuring opinions of state officials. According to the head of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee Mareks Seglins, the content of former agents’ files will be made publicly available only if Saeima finds a way to legally define that it concerns only information on the political informers of the State Security Committee.

Discussion about the possibility to make the content of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia former agents files publicly available continues in the newspapers, featuring opinions of state officials. According to the head of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee Mareks Seglins, the content of former agents files will be made publicly available only if Saeima finds a way to legally define that it concerns only information on the political informers of the State Security Committee. Telegraf features the opinion of the former deputy chairman of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia Janis Trubins, who believes that there would be a large amount of claims in court challenging the correctness of the information, if it would be made publicly available. Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Rigas Balss features an interview with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga about the education reform and relationship between Latvia and Russia. Commenting possible government acceptance of the requirements of the left-wing parties in the area of the education reform, the president states that Prime Minister Indulis Emsis took office promising to ensure that there will not be any yielding to popular pressure regarding the amendments to the Law on Education. The president also points out that a serious promise has also been issued to the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus that the right to qualitative education for all children will not be endangered, and the government is working on its implementation. Vaira Vike-Freiberga thinks that the protest actions organizers are careful in their announcements, balancing on the edge of the permissible, and states that it is impossible to stop these persons actions until violation of the law has been proven.

People’s Harmony Party (PHP) in collaboration with the NGO Prata Speks (The Strength of Mind) is preparing to create a database of the non-citizens, who want to naturalize but do not have money for the naturalization fee. PHP, referring to sociological polls, states that the amount of the naturalization fee – 20 lats – still is the main obstacle for non-citizens to naturalize.

Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) in collaboration with the NGO Prata Speks (The Strength of Mind) is preparing to create a database of the non-citizens, who want to naturalize but do not have money for the naturalization fee. PHP, referring to sociological polls, states that the amount of the naturalization fee – 20 lats – still is the main obstacle for non-citizens to naturalize. Telegraf

Chas features an article by the Saeima MP Boris Tsilevitch about the events of the last year in connection to the implementation of the education reform. Boris Tsilevitch believes that, in contrast to the former government, the present Cabinet of Ministers has recognized the existence of the problem in the area of the education reform, but they are not capable of resolving it. The deputy also points to several ‘strategic mistakes of this government – the attempt to settle the problem at the level of explanations and propaganda, the lack of solution to the problem of the education quality, the active intervention of the secret services and the repressive measures against the organizers of the protest actions, as well as discounting of the parents opinion in the conclusions of the Ministry of Education and Science.

An opinion poll conducted by the NGO Latvian Youth Centre “Ejam” within the framework of the project “We are different, but united in Latvia” shows that 78% Latvian students and 58% Russian students believe that one benefits from being a citizen of Latvia. 32% of polled students were non-citizens: 55% of those stated that they want to naturalize, but 34% indicated that they do not want to become a citizen of Latvia. A study of the Republic of Latvia normative acts and international law in the area of promotion of the society integration and promotion of civic society was also conducted within the framework of this project. According to the author of the study Inta Mikluna, there is no mechanism for realization of the minorities’ rights fixed in the Constitution of Latvia. Inta Mikluna states that the law On the Unrestricted Development and Right to Cultural Autonomy of Latvia’s Nationalities and Ethnic Groups does not provide such a mechanism, stressing that the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities will not resolve the issue of how a violation of an individual’s minority rights can be contested either. The researcher also believes that Latvia due to its specific ethnic situation should avoid defining who belongs to a minority, because the risk of such attempts is that many groups of inhabitants may be excluded.

An opinion poll conducted by the NGO Latvian Youth Centre Ejam within the framework of the project We are different, but united in Latvia shows that 78% Latvian students and 58% Russian students believe that one benefits from being a citizen of Latvia. 32% of polled students were non-citizens: 55% of those stated that they want to naturalize, but 34% indicated that they do not want to become a citizen of Latvia. A study of the Republic of Latvia normative acts and international law in the area of promotion of the society integration and promotion of civic society was also conducted within the framework of this project. According to the author of the study Inta Mikluna, there is no mechanism for realization of the minorities rights fixed in the Constitution of Latvia. Inta Mikluna states that the law On the Unrestricted Development and Right to Cultural Autonomy of Latvias Nationalities and Ethnic Groups does not provide such a mechanism, stressing that the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities will not resolve the issue of how a violation of an individuals minority rights can be contested either. The researcher also believes that Latvia due to its specific ethnic situation should avoid defining who belongs to a minority, because the risk of such attempts is that many groups of inhabitants may be excluded. Latvijas Avize

Chas, referring to an opinion poll conducted by the State Education Inspection of the Ministry of Education and Science, informs that 80% minority students have difficulties learning subjects taught in Latvian. 57% of 10th graders have recognized that they have a good knowledge of Latvian, 33% noted that it is necessary to improve their knowledge, but 10% evaluated their language knowledge as insufficient.

Yesterday approximately 300, mainly elderly, persons participated at the event “I speak Russian” in Riga, organized by the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools. While several participants of the event, among them Saeima MPs Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) and Boris Tsilevitch (People’s Harmony Party) read poetry in the Russian language, young activists against the education reform offered an opportunity to register as a supporter of the Russian-speaking community.

Yesterday approximately 300, mainly elderly, persons participated at the event I speak Russian in Riga, organized by the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools. While several participants of the event, among them Saeima MPs Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) and Boris Tsilevitch (Peoples Harmony Party) read poetry in the Russian language, young activists against the education reform offered an opportunity to register as a supporter of the Russian-speaking community. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features an article about planned protest actions against the education reform, to be organized by the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools.

maijs 22, 2004

  • President Vaira Vike-Freiberga does not proclaim the legal amendments, adopted by the Saeima, making publicly available the files recording former agents of Soviet Latvias State Security Committee
  • At summit in Moscow EU and Russia discuss the Russian minority situation in Latvia
  • Saeima accepts for review in commissions proposed amendments making punishable in the Criminal Law the public call to carry out acts that are administratively or criminally punishable
  • Interview with the former state secretary of the Ministry of Interior Andris Staris
  • Latvia Azerbaijan Society supports the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks
  • Small-scale demonstration against the education reform in Liepaja
  • Conference Ethnic minorities in Latgale: yesterday, today, tomorrow
  • Minorities culture festival in Valmiera
  • Event I speak Russian
  • Formation of the Youth Guard to promote protest actions against the education reform
  • Leader of national radical organization Visu Latvijai! argues for stricter Citizenship Law
President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has returned to Saeima for repeat review the amended law, which stipulates the making publicly available the files on former agents of the State Security Committee’s of the Soviet Republic of Latvia . The President has called on the Saeima to discuss the necessity to prolong the prohibition to hold certain positions for ex-staff of the State Security Committee as well as the making the files publicly available, while considering how to protect persons, whose names may be in the files, but who have had no connection to political or ideological reporting.

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has returned to Saeima for repeat review the amended law, which stipulates the making publicly available the files on former agents of the State Security Committees of the Soviet Republic of Latvia . The President has called on the Saeima to discuss the necessity to prolong the prohibition to hold certain positionsfor ex-staff of the State Security Committee as well as the making the files publicly available, while considering how to protect persons, whose names may be in the files, but who have had no connection to political or ideological reporting. Chas features an interview with the leader of the Peoples Harmony Party Janis Jurkans, who believes that the premature decision of Saeima is connected with gaining political advantage at the upcoming European Parliament elections. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Cha, Vesti Segodnyas

Russian minority’s situation in Latvia was discussed during the Russia and the EU summit in Moscow yesterday. President of Russia Vladimir Putin has stressed that the new member states will have to observe the conception of the integrated Europe in the area of human rights, expressing a trust that ‘Russian-speakers of the Baltic States will feel a positive change in the near future’. While the President of the European Council Bertie Ahern has stated that Latvia and Estonia fully comply with their obligations in the area of human rights, the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi has recognized that there are some problems in this area, pointing to the necessity for the new member states of the EU to offer the more care about the observation of the Russian-speaking minority’s rights and their integration in the EU.

Russian minoritys situation in Latvia was discussed during the Russia and the EU summit in Moscow yesterday. President of Russia Vladimir Putin has stressed that the new member states will have to observe the conception of the integrated Europe in the area of human rights, expressing a trust that ‘Russian-speakers of the Baltic States will feel a positive change in the near future. While the President of the European Council Bertie Ahern has stated that Latvia and Estonia fully comply with their obligations in the area of human rights, the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi has recognized that there are some problems in this area, pointing to the necessity for the new member states of the EU to offer the more care about the observation of the Russian-speaking minoritys rights and their integration in the EU. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Saeima has accepted for review in commissions proposed amendments to the Criminal law, initiated by the parliamentary group For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM.  The amendments stipulate punishment for issuing public calls to carry out acts, which carry with them administrative or criminal penalty. The minimal punishment foreseen for such act is imprisonment up to three years or a fine up to 100 minimum monthly salaries. The amendments have been drawn up due to the protest actions against the education reform, and they are intended to be applicable also to the cases, when any such appeals are addressed to juveniles.

Saeima has accepted for review in commissions proposed amendments to the Criminal law, initiated by the parliamentary group For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. The amendments stipulate punishment for issuing public calls to carry out acts, which carry with them administrative or criminal penalty. The minimal punishment foreseen for such act is imprisonment up to three years or a fine up to 100 minimum monthly salaries. The amendments have been drawn up due to the protest actions against the education reform, and they are intended to be applicable also to the cases, when any such appeals are addressed to juveniles. Diena

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an interview with the former state secretary of the Ministry of Interior Andris Staris. He believes that the State Security Police and the Constitutional Defense Bureau must be considerably more active in their work as a result of the protest actions against the education reform.

Latvia Azerbaijan Society has disseminated an open letter to state officials, expressing support for the work of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks, whose resignation has been demanded by the party New Era. According to the chairman of the Azerbaijan Society Alirza Guseinovs minority cultural associations are feeling a real support and interest for their work since Nils Muiznieks is minister and for that reason his society supports the policy of the Secretariat, which is seeking to establish a dialogue on some outstanding problems.

Latvia Azerbaijan Society has disseminated an open letter to state officials, expressing support for the work of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks, whose resignation has been demanded by the party New Era. According to the chairman of the Azerbaijan Society Alirza Guseinovs minority cultural associations are feeling a real support and interest for their work since Nils Muiznieks is minister and for that reason his society supports the policy of the Secretariat, which is seeking to establish a dialogue on some outstanding problems. Latvijas Avize

Approximately 30 persons participated at a picket against the education reform in Liepaja.

Approximately 30 persons participated at a picket against the education reform in Liepaja. Diena, Chas

Latvijas Avize informs about the conference Ethnic minorities in Latgale: yesterday, today, tomorrow, organized by the Southern-Latgale NGO Supporting Centre and the Naturalization Board. Concern over the lack of a unified funding mechanism for minorities NGOs was expressed during the conference. The necessity to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities was also discussed. Although there are 47 minority NGOs in Latgale, only a few NGOs had delegated representatives to the conference.

Hundreds of minority representatives will participate at the minorities’ culture festival, which will take place in Valmiera today. The festival is one of the activities funded within the framework “The Promotion of the Society Integration in Latvia”, financially supported by EU PHARE through the Society Integration Foundation.

Hundreds of minority representatives will participate at the minorities culture festival, which will take place in Valmiera today. The festival is one of the activities funded within the framework The Promotion of the Society Integration in Latvia, financially supported by EU PHARE through the Society Integration Foundation. Latvijas Avize

Russian-language newspapers inform about the event “I speak Russian”, which will take place this Sunday in Riga. According to the organizers, this event is not  political, but is intended as a promotion of the cultural values of the Russian language.

Russian-language newspapers inform about the event I speak Russian, which will take place this Sunday in Riga. According to the organizers, this event is not political, but is intended as a promotion of the cultural values of the Russian language. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers write about the formation of the Youth Guard – an organization, which could work to ensure participation of minority students in protest actions against the education reform during the summer holidays.

Newspapers write about the formation of the Youth Guard – an organization, which could work to ensure participation of minority students in protest actions against the education reform during the summer holidays. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize prints an article by the leader of extreme national organization Visu Latvijai! Raivis Dzintars, who believes that the Latvian Citizenship Law should be made more rigorous and should prescribe strict limits for the number of the persons, who could be naturalized every year. According to Raivis Dzintars, too large a number of the persons living in Latvia are dependent on the mass media and politicians, who are loyal to Russia and the light-minded naturalization of this group entails a danger for Latvian political power in the state.

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