jūlijs 23, 2004

  • Interview with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis
  • Indulis Emsis calls on municipalities to explain the goals of the education reform more actively
  • Head of the New Era Parliamentary group Krisjanis Karins on social integration
  • Interview with the Head of the Russia Science Academys Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Valery Tishkov
  • Tatjana Zdanoka reproaches Latvia for doing nothing to solve minority problems in the country
  • Visit of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to Strasbourg
  • Draft declaration condemning the communist regime in the former USSR
  • Approximately 20 representatives of the National Democratic Party participated in the picket against the education reform in Liepaja

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an interview with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis. When asked about the education reform, the Prime Minister states that postponement or abolishment of the education reform would only lead to the further requirements and demands from Russia, however, Latvia has to obserher national interests.

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis called local governments to get more involved in explaining the goals of the education reform which would, in his opinion, consequently diminish protest actions against the reform.

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis called local governments to get more involved in explaining the goals of the education reform which would, in his opinion, consequently diminish protest actions against the reform. Latvijas Avize

Chas features an interview with the head of the New Era Parliamentary group Krisjanis Karins about social integration and the role of Latvian language.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Head of the Russia Science Academys Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Valery Tishkov about social integration issues in Latvia. Valery Tishkov believes that Latvia has to grantthe Latviancitizenship to allits residents. In his view, categorizing people in citizens and non-citizens has only ‘poisoned relations between these two communities. The social scientist is convinced thatbilingualism should become a norm among Russians as well as Latvians, because it is a requirement of a modern society.

‘Latvia is not dealing with minority problems exisiting in Latvia,’ stated the European Parliament (EP) MP from Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka in an interview with the broadcaster BBC. The MP also announced that for the first time a Russian minority is directly represented in the EP.

‘Latviais not dealing withminority problems exisiting in Latvia, stated the European Parliament (EP) MP from Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka in an interview with the broadcaster BBC. The MP also announced that for the first timea Russian minority is directly represented in the EP. Diena

Russian language newspapers continue to write about the visit of the Headquarters’ for the Defence of Russian-language Schools students to Strasbourg.

Russian language newspapers continue to write about the visit of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools students to Strasbourg. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Vesti Segodnya reports on development of a draft declaration, which condemns the communist regime in the former USSR. The declaration is developed by a working group which was formed within the Repses government. According to the draft declaration, the Russian Federation, as the successor state of the former USSR, takes legal, financial, political and moral responsibility for damages and genocide brought and conducted in Latvia during the years of its occupation. Hence, according to the draft document, the European Union should ‘demand Russia to compensate moral and financial damages brought by the occupation and communistic regime, as well as decolonise Latvia by repatriating former USSR citizens. According to the author of the article, Saeima could review the resolution in September.

Approximately 20 representatives of the National Democratic Party participated in the picket against the education reform in Liepaja. The municipality of Liepaja refused to accept a petition of participants. The petition asked to replace current minority schools directors because they advocate for the implementation of the education reform.

Approximately 20 representatives of the National Democratic Party participatedin the picket against the education reform in Liepaja. The municipality of Liepaja refused to accept a petition ofparticipants. The petition asked to replace current minority schools directors because they advocate for the implementation of the education reform. Latvijas Avize

jūlijs 22, 2004

  • Saeima appoints Artis Pabriks to the post of Foreign Affairs Minister
  • Picket against the Latvias education reform in Strasbourg
  • Latvian Government plans to take steps to respond to the protest actions against the education reform planned by the Headquarters on 1 September
  • President of the public relation agency RKT Publicitate Krisjanis Rozenvalds on societal integration in Latvia
  • Museum ‘Russians in Latvia
The Saeima appointed the current Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Artis Pabriks (People’s Party) to the post of the Foreign Affairs Minister. Artis Pabriks was elected to the post thanks to the direct and indirect support of the opposition’s left-wing parties. 55 MPs from the coalition parties and People’s Harmony Party voted for Artis Pabriks, 31 (from the New Era and For Human Rights in the United Latvia) voted against, 7 MPs from the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM abstained. MPs from Latvia’s Socialist Party did not participate in the vote thereby indirectly supporting the candidature of Artis Pabriks.

The Saeima appointed the current Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Artis Pabriks (Peoples Party) to the post of the Foreign Affairs Minister. Artis Pabriks was elected to the post thanks to the direct and indirect support of the oppositions left-wing parties. 55 MPs from the coalition parties and Peoples Harmony Party voted for Artis Pabriks, 31 (from the New Era and For Human Rights in the United Latvia) voted against, 7 MPs from the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM abstained. MPs from Latvias Socialist Party did not participate in the vote thereby indirectly supporting the candidature of Artis Pabriks. Chas and Telegraf feature interviews with Artis Pabriks. Latvijas Vestnesis, Diena, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Newspapers write about the picket against the Latvia’s education reform in Strasbourg in which young people from the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools took part. While the Latvian mass media reports that the protest, as well as the press conference with the European Parliament (EP) MP Tatjana Zdanoka did not attract attention of EP deputies and foreign journalists, the Russian language newspapers evaluate the protest action as successful. Other Latvian MPs of the EP, who disagree with the protest actions, issued a statement. In their statement they condemn the activities of Tatjana Zdanoka stating that these activities have no relation to real concerns regarding the situation of minorities in Latvia.

Newspapers write about the picket against the Latvias education reform in Strasbourg in which young people from the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools took part. While the Latvian mass media reports that the protest, as well as the press conference with the European Parliament (EP) MP Tatjana Zdanoka did not attract attention of EP deputies and foreign journalists, the Russian language newspapers evaluate the protest action as successful. Other Latvian MPs of the EP, who disagree with the protest actions, issued a statement. In their statement they condemn the activities of Tatjana Zdanoka stating that these activities have no relation to real concerns regarding the situation of minorities in Latvia. Diena, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

In the response to the planned protest actions against the implementation of the education reform scheduled on 1 September 2004, the government plans to organise several recreational events for students, announced the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis after the meeting with President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga.

In the response to the planned protest actions against the implementation of the education reform scheduled on 1 September 2004, the government plans to organise several recreational events for students, announced the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis after the meeting with President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the president of the public relation agency RKT Publicitate Krisjanis Rozenvalds about issues concerning Latvian Russian relations in Latvia. He critically talks about “Latvian mentality” and reproaches Latvians for being indifferent towards issues where their involvement is necessary, for example, prohibition of legionnaires demonstrations. However, he is convinced that Russia should recognise occupation of Latvia and that would help to eliminate many phobias still alive among Latvians.   

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the president of the public relation agency RKT Publicitate Krisjanis Rozenvalds about issues concerning Latvian Russian relations in Latvia. He critically talks about Latvian mentality and reproaches Latvians for being indifferent towards issues where their involvement is necessary, for example, prohibition of legionnaires demonstrations. However, he is convinced that Russia should recognise occupation of Latvia and that would help to eliminate many phobias still alive among Latvians.

Chas reports that a number of Russian non-governmental cultural organisations have formed a working group which works at the formation of the museum ‘Russians in Latvia.

jūlijs 21, 2004

  • Administrative Court refuses to initiate a case challenging a provision which stipulates transcription of persons names and surnames in accordance with Latvian spelling and grammar rules in Latvian identity documents
  • OSCE Chairman Solomon Passy on the observation of minority rights in Latvia
  • Commentary about the possible ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Newspapers continue to write about the visit of 40 youth representatives and their parents from the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to the European Parliament
  • European culture and art festival Europeade 2004 is taking place in Riga
Human rights expert Leonid Raihman has challenged provisions of the State Language Centre which stipulate that in Latvian ID persons’ first and last names should be written in accordance with Latvian grammar rules. Leonid Raihman believes that this is a violation of human rights. Nevertheless, the Administrative Court refused to initiate the case stating that provisions of the State Language Centre are not administrative norms, therefore, not under the competence of administrative courts. Leonid Raihman is determined to appeal to the Senate of the Supreme Court and to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in order to defend his right to write his name in identification documents ‘Leonid Raihman’ instead of ‘Leonids Raihmans.’ ‘I will also complain to the ECHR about the lack of effective court mechanism in Latvia and their inability to review discrimination cases,’ says Leonid Raihman.

Human rights expert Leonid Raihman has challenged provisions of the State Language Centre which stipulate that in Latvian ID persons first and last names should be written in accordance with Latvian grammar rules. Leonid Raihman believes that this is a violation of human rights. Nevertheless, the Administrative Court refused to initiate the case stating that provisions of the State Language Centre are not administrative norms, therefore, not under the competence of administrative courts. Leonid Raihman is determined to appeal to the Senate of the Supreme Court and to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in order to defend his right to write his name in identification documents ‘Leonid Raihman instead of ‘Leonids Raihmans. ‘I will also complain to the ECHR about the lack of effective court mechanism in Latvia and their inability to review discrimination cases, says Leonid Raihman. Vesti Segodnya

Chas prints an interview with the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Solomon Passy about the observation of minority rights in Latvia. According to the Chairman, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus has developed a project for ensuring more liberal interpretation of the Law on State Language. When asked about the education reform, Solomon Passy stresses the right of the state to implement the education reform in order to strengthen the Latvian language, however, he notes that the state must also ensure opportunities to acquire education in minority languages these languages, which would help to maintain cultural and linguistic identities of national minorities.

Neatkariga Rita Avize features a commentary by Viktors Avotins on the possible ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The author foresees the lack of productive discussions on the issue in the closest future as the main reason for non-ratification of the Convention provided by the majority of society and politicians are the contradicting arguments about the role of Latvian and Russian languages. The author basis his conclusion on the data of the survey on the attitude of Latvian society towards the Convention, conducted in 2002, which shows that the majority of non-Latvians believe there is a strong desire to eliminate the usage of the Russian language in public sphere, while Latvians believe that the lack of Latvian language skills is the main cause of tension in society.

Newspapers continue to write about the visit of 40 youth representatives and their parents from the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to the European Parliament (EP) to express their stance against the education reform. Eight European Parliament’s MPs from Latvia are planning to issue a joint statement, providing opposite views regarding the reform. The European Parliament’s MP Michael Gahler (Group of the European People’s Party) foresees that the planned picket will not reach the goal set by its organisers, as the European Parliament is not responsible institution for educational policy in Latvia.

Newspapers continue to write about the visit of 40 youth representatives and their parents from the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools to the European Parliament (EP) to express their stance against the education reform. Eight European Parliaments MPs from Latvia are planning to issue a joint statement, providing opposite views regarding the reform. The European Parliaments MP Michael Gahler (Group of the European Peoples Party) foresees that the planned picket will not reach the goal set by its organisers, as the European Parliament is not responsible institution for educational policy in Latvia. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

The European culture and art festival Europeade 2004 is taking place in Riga from 21 till 25 of July.

The European culture and art festival Europeade 2004 is taking place in Riga from 21 till 25 of July. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss

jūlijs 20, 2004

  • UNDP report on identity politics around the world
  • Rigas Balss writes about re-opening of the case of the Slivenkos family
  • Activities of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools
United Nations Development Programme has prepared a Human Development Report 2004, which in this year examines identity politics around the world. The authors of the report argue that people have the right to maintain their ethnic, linguistic, and religious identities. According to the report, the adoption and implementation of policies that recognise and protect these identities are the only sustainable approach in diverse societies. Authors of the report also points to the necessity to address and overcome xenophobic resistance to cultural diversity.

United Nations Development Programme has prepared a Human Development Report 2004, which in this year examines identity politics around the world. The authors of the report argue that people have the right to maintain their ethnic, linguistic, and religious identities. According to the report, the adoption and implementation of policies that recognise and protect these identities are the only sustainable approach in diverse societies. Authors of the report also points to the necessity to address and overcome xenophobic resistance to cultural diversity. Latvijas Vestnesis

Rigas Balss write about re-opening of the case of the Slivenkos family in order to clarify the legal status of Tatjana and Karina Slivenko in Latvia.

Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools has installed a screen in the centre of Riga, which displays the number of days remaining till 1 September 2004, when the education reform should be implemented in minorities’ schools.

Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools has installed a screen in the centre of Riga, which displays the number of days remaining till 1 September 2004, when the education reform should be implemented in minorities schools. Vesti Segodnya

jūlijs 19, 2004

  • First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gill-Robles on minority situation in Latvia
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis about the implementation of the education reform and ratification of the Framework Convention
  • Interview with the candidate to the Foreign Affairs Minister post Artis Pabriks
  • Secretariat for Societal Integration plans to develop the Roma integration programme
  • A call to minority students parents to engage more actively in school advisory boards
  • Newspapers continue to write about the forthcoming picket against the education reform of Latvia in Strasbourg
  • A renewal of proceeding in the case of Slivenko family
Latvia should make efforts to integrate national minorities in the political life of the state, stated the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gill-Robles during his visit to Moscow. Alvaro Gill-Robles also believes that the Latvian government should foster naturalisation of children, whose parents are Latvian non-citizens, as well as non-citizens should have the right to vote in municipal elections, requirements for naturalisation should be softened and the education reform should be implemented very carefully.

Latvia should make efforts to integrate national minorities in the political life of the state, stated the First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gill-Robles during his visit to Moscow. Alvaro Gill-Robles also believes that the Latvian government should foster naturalisation of children, whose parents are Latvian non-citizens, as well as non-citizens should have the right to vote in municipal elections, requirements for naturalisation should be softened and the education reform should be implemented very carefully. Vesti Segodnya

Chas prints an interview with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis, who believes that Latvia could ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities with a number of reservations and that Latvian legislation already corresponds with the requirements of the Convention. In regard to the implementation of the education reform, Indulis Emsis states that the stance of the government has not changed – there is no necessity to introduce the moratorium on the education reform, because, according to the Prime Minister, more than 70% of minority schools have already ‘passed the exam which confirms their readiness to implement the reform. However, the Prime Minister also notes that the government will work with those schools, which were not able to prove their readiness.

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an interview with the candidate to the post of the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks. He believes that before Latvias accession to the EU and NATO, the country had to adjust to the standards set by these institutions, however, now it is time when Latvia has the right to act in according to her will. One of his key goals in case of his election will be the removal of the name of Latvia from the agenda of international community when the issues concerning human and minority rights and discrimination are discussed. Regarding the ratification of the Framework Convention, Artis Pabriks says that there are a number of reasons why Latvia should ratify the Convention, however, there are also a number of reasons why the Government should not rush with ratification.

The Special Tasks Minister’s For Societal Integration Secretariat is planning to develop a programme, which would promote observation of rights of the Roma community in Latvia. Before development of the programme, the Secretariat is meeting with representatives of the Roma community to find out whether Roma themselves are ready to cooperate.

The Special Tasks Ministers For Societal Integration Secretariat is planning to develop a programme, which would promote observation of rights of the Roma community in Latvia. Before development of the programme, the Secretariat is meeting with representatives of the Roma community to find out whether Roma themselves are ready to cooperate. Latvijas Avize

Chas prints an article by the Head of the Saeima For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners and teacher Valerijs Buhvalovs. Both activists invite parents of minority students to get involved into the work of minority school boards, so they could influence the implementation of the education reform. They also believe that, considering that there will not be significant changes in the policy of the education reform until 1 September 2004, parents should demand additional funding from municipalities, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee for textbooks and for extra classes on subjects, hard to study in the state language.

Newspapers continue to write about the forthcoming picket against the education reform of Latvia during the first plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Newspapers continue to write about the forthcoming picket against the education reform of Latvia during the first plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Diena, Chas, Telegraf

The Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs applied with the Senate of the Supreme Court of Latvia, asking to re-open the case of the Slivenko’s family. The suggestion to clarify the legal status of Tatjana and Karina Slivenko in Latvia has been received from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe because the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) established that Latvia violated the rights of the Slivenkos’ to the personal life, however, did not set the methods of dealing with the established violation.

The Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs applied with the Senate of the Supreme Court of Latvia, asking to re-open the case of the Slivenkos family. The suggestion to clarify the legal status of Tatjana and Karina Slivenko in Latvia has been received from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe because the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) established that Latvia violated the rights of the Slivenkos to the personal life, however, did not set the methods of dealing with the established violation. Diena

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