jūlijs 29, 2004

  • Member of the LASHOR accounts for its activities
  • Latvian youth organisation protests against the education reform
  • Asylum seekers are not interested in Latvia
  • Interview with an official from the Secretariat of Social Integration

Chas prints an article by the member of the LASHOR board Igors Pimenovs. He accounts for the activities and programmes developed by the organisation.

Chas writes about the youth organisation of 'Working Youth' (Darba jaunatne) whose members are Latvians whobelieve in social democratic ideas. The activists support the idea of establishing the moratorium on the education reform and therefore took part in protest actions against the education reform in Strasbourg. They believe that the education reform is no longer about education and in fact has a very big potential to grow into ethnic conflict.

According to the agency ‘Regnum’ speculations on the increased influx of asylum seekers after Latvia’s accession to the EU have not come true. According to the data of the Ministry of Inferior Affairs only five persons applied for asylum in Latvia last year.

According to the agency ‘Regnum’ speculationson theincreased influx of asylum seekersafter Latvia’s accession to the EU have not come true. According to the data of the Ministry of Inferior Affairs only five persons applied for asylum in Latvia last year. Telegraf

Latvijas Vestnesis interviews the Head of the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Asignments for Social Integration Affairs Kristine Vagnere. The main discussion subject is the situation of Latvians residing outside Latvia.



jūlijs 28, 2004

  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools organises special camps to train activists
  • Views on the education reform
  • Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane about the education reform
  • Music festival Jurmala could promote a more positive image of Latvia

Diena reports that the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools organises special summer camps where new activists undergo “psychological informative training.” Training covers development of skills of communicating with huge people masses, being persuasive and others. According to one of organisers of the camp these skills will be very useful for protest actions against the education reform which will take place at the end of August and beginning of September.

Telegraf prints an article about the education reform. The representative of the Ministry of Education and Science, Advisor to the Education Minister Sergejs Ancupovs states that the Ministry is working at improving dialogue with minorities, however, he did not reveal the plans of the Ministry concerning those schools, which are not ready for the reform. The activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis assures that Russians will not accept any compromises but the abolishment of the education reform. While the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis believes that the situation is under control.

Latvijas Avize interviews the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane. She believes that there will be no protest actions against the education reform in October any more. Eizenija Aldermane states that students perceive protest actions as possibility to be and do things together and not to go to school and that adults simply use them in their political.

Diena writes about the international music festival “Jurmala” which takes place in the Latvian sea resort Jurmala. The festival is well known in Russia as it is partly organised and hosted by Russia’s companies and artists. The Minister for Social Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks comments that the festival does not play an important role in the field of social integration in Latvia, however, it could bring some positive image to Latvia which lately has been rather negative due to social tensions concerning the education reform.


jūlijs 27, 2004

  • Ministry of Justice develops amendments which provide the right to EU citizens who are not Latvian citizens to vote in municipal elections
  • MP Ina Druviete about the role of the Russian language in Latvia
  • Due to the lack of funding one of the projects aimed at promoting naturalisation to be closed
  • Statement of support for the education reform developed by Latvian EP members has two versions
  • Social integration issues in sports
According to the draft amendments developed by the Ministry of Justice EU citizens who are registered in the Register of Residents of the Republic of Latvia, but are not Latvian citizens, will be entitled to run for local elections in 2005.

According to the draft amendments developed by the Ministry of Justice EU citizens who are registered in the Register of Residents of the Republic of Latvia, but are not Latvian citizens, will be entitled to run for local elections in 2005. Diena

Latvijas Avize asks comments of the MP and linguist Ina Druviete on the statements by socio linguist Gatis Dilans printed in Vesti Segodnya (July 9). Gatis Dilans stated that in Latvia the state language policy is asymmetric, that is, Latvians have to know only one language, while Russians should speak both Latvian and Russian. Ina Druviete argues that Latvia is the only country where the Latvian language could be protected and developed, therefore there is no justification and need to promote other languages, in particular, the Russian language. The expansion of Russian language’s functions would hinder strengthening of the Latvian language and the unification of society on the basis of one language. She does not think that Russophobia is wide spread in Latviaor that Latvians have negative attitude towards Russians or Russia.

Telegraf reports that most probably the toll free phone line providing information about possibilities to naturalise will be closed as of August 1. For two and a half years the line was funded by the USA embassy, now the funding is not available any more. However, the state does not plan to allocate any money from the state budget, although the project was quite popular. The newspaper stresses that the gradual decrease of funding from the state budget to the Naturalisation Board shows that the state, in fact, is not interested in promoting naturalisation. The Minister for Social Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks argues that the state has done a lot to foster naturalisation and the toll free information phone line is just one of the projects, which is completed. While MP Boris Tsilevich states that it could be seen as a steptowards national radicalism.

Telegraf notes that there are two versions of the statement of support for the education reform developed by Latvian members of the European Parliament. One version is in Latvian and one - in English. In the Latvian version authors of the statement addresses political opponents of the education reform, in particular, Tatjana Zdanoka, while in the English version she is not mentioned at all and the focus of the statement is on consequences of Soviet occupation and social integration. The authors of the statement do not have one explanation why there are two versions. Valdis Dombrovskis says that the Latvian version was developed for the local press, while the English version for members of the European Parliament from other countries, nevertheless Inese Vaidere states that these, in fact, are two completely different statements.

Latvijas Avize talks to businessman and one of sponsors of Latvia’s football Guntis Indriksons. He states that up till now football has not receive much support, because “Russians played it.” The businessman hopes that recent victories will change the situation because he is convinced that sport is much more effective tool of social integration.



jūlijs 26, 2004

  • Ministry of Education and Science decides to review a model of primary education curriculum developed by the LASHOR
  • Protest action against the education reform in Latgale
  • Russian language press comments on the protest actions in Strasbourg
  • Another pro-minority NGO will be formed in September
  • TV series in regional TV programmespromote social integration in Latvia
In order to improve the dialogue with minorities concerning the education reform, the Ministry of Education and Science decided to review a primary education curriculum developed by the LASHOR. The model was offered to the Ministry 2-3 years ago, nevertheless, the Ministry refused to discuss it then. Now the Ministry decided to discuss it because, in its opinion, it would help to build a dialogue with minority schools and organizations. If the model is accepted, it will be offered to minority primary schools as another alternative besides already four existing models. The model developed by the LASHOR offers teaching more subjects in Latvian and bilingually.

In order to improve the dialogue with minorities concerning the education reform, the Ministry of Education and Science decided to review a primary education curriculum developed by the LASHOR. The model was offered to the Ministry2-3 years ago, nevertheless, the Ministry refused to discuss it then. Now the Ministry decided to discuss it because, in its opinion, it would help to build a dialogue with minority schools and organizations. If the model is accepted, it will be offered to minority primary schools as another alternative besides already four existing models. The model developed by the LASHOR offers teaching more subjects in Latvian and bilingually. Diena

Members of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools organised another protest action “Against the Reform!” For two days 15 cars decorated with posters and flags agitating against the implementation of the education reform toured cities and towns of the Eastern part of Latvia.

Members of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools organised another protest action “Against the Reform!” For two days 15 cars decorated with posters and flags agitating against the implementation of the education reform toured cities and towns of the Eastern part of Latvia. Chas

Vesti Segodnya and Telegraf report on the arrival of members of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools who took part in protest actions against the education reform in Strasbourg. Newspaper comment that students were very satisfied with the achieved success: during their stay the protest action was the key event in Strasbourg and many members of the European Parliament were interested in discussions about the course of the education reform in Latvia. According to students, many MPs supported their stance and advised “not to give up!”

Members of Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools

Members of Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools believe that an organisation, planned to be formed in September, with the goal to defend the interests of the Russian community in Latvia, will be the biggest non-governmental organisation in Latvia. It is planned that at the initial phase about 30,000 people will be involved in the activities of the organisation and in two three years the number of members could grow to 100,000 members. Neatkariga

Last year a number of local TV stations produced and showed a series of short shows under the slogan “We are different, however, we are together.” Vladimirs Reiskarts, director of the Riga TV station TELE-1, states that the goal of the series was to learn how tolerant people belonging to different nationalities are towards each other, as well as to have a look at social integration issues from the perspective of average people and not politicians and civil servants. He concludes that in general there are no differences between Latvians and Russians and that is why day-to-day relations between Russians and Latvians are good. 

Last year a number of local TV stations produced and showed a series of short shows under the slogan “We are different, however, we are together.” Vladimirs Reiskarts, director of the Riga TV station TELE-1, states that the goal of the series was to learn how tolerantpeople belonging to different nationalities are towards each other, as well as to have a look at social integration issues from the perspective of average people and not politicians and civil servants. He concludes that in general there are no differences between Latvians and Russians and that is why day-to-day relations between Russians and Latvians are good.

jūlijs 24, 2004

  • State Language Centre asks Saeima’s permission to fine an MP for violating the State Language Law

  • Romani poetry and poetry about Roma in Latvia

The State Language Centre asked the Saeima’s permission to impose a penalty on the Head of the Latvian First Party Parliamentary group Oskars Kastens for violating the State Language Law. The State Language Centre basis its application on a received complaint from Latvian inhabitants of a residential house who received leaflets promoting the candidature of Oskars Kastens for the EP’s elections only in the Russian language. The MP explained that leaflets were distributed by party members and it was planned to distribute materials in both the Latvian and Russian language. Oskars Kastens stated that he had already apologised to the residents of the house and had sent them leaflets in the Latvian language as well.

The State Language Centre asked the Saeima’s permission to impose a penalty on the Head of the Latvian First Party Parliamentary group Oskars Kastens for violating the State Language Law. The State Language Centre basis its application on a received complaint from Latvian inhabitants of a residential house who received leaflets promoting the candidature of Oskars Kastens for the EP’s elections only in the Russian language. The MP explained that leaflets were distributed by party members and it was planned to distribute materials in both the Latvian and Russian language. Oskars Kastens stated that he had already apologised to the residents of the house and had sent them leaflets in the Latvian language as well. Diena

The annual two-day art happening “Lyrics for Summer” was devoted to Roma and Romani theme in the Latvian poetry. The first evening Roma poets and artistis who live in Latvia introduced their poetry and culture to audience, while Latvian poets read their works written about Roma next evening.  

The annual two-day art happening “Lyrics for Summer” was devoted to Roma and Romani theme in the Latvian poetry. The first evening Roma poets and artistis who live in Latvia introducedtheir poetry and culture to audience, whileLatvian poets read their works written about Romanext evening. Latvijas Avize



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