Aug. 5, 2004

  • LASHOR and Ministry of Education and Science agree on changes in the curriculum for minority primary schools
  • Embassy of Great Britain provides financial support for organising Latvian language courses
  • Cabinet of Ministers adopts amendments to regulations on naturalisation procedure
  • Discussion about the draft declaration condemning the communist regime in the former USSR
  • Riga City Council refuses to authorise the protest actions against the education reform
Yesterday the joint working group composed of representatives of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools (LASHOR) and the Ministry of Education and Science reached an agreement on the inclusion of proposals, developed by the LASHOR, in minority primary school curriculum. LETA reports that the working group agreed that it is not necessary to introduce seven new subjects as suggested by the LASHOR in the minority primary school curriculum as the content of these subjects can be included into already existing subjects.  While

Yesterday the joint working group composed of representatives of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools (LASHOR) and the Ministry of Education and Science reached an agreement on the inclusion of proposals, developed by the LASHOR, in minority primary school curriculum. LETA reports that the working group agreed that it is not necessary to introduce seven new subjects as suggested by the LASHOR in the minority primary school curriculum as the content of these subjects can be included into already existing subjects. While Diena reports that the working group agreed on the development of a new curriculum, which would be based on the curriculum proposed by the LASHOR. The current version of the LASHORs curriculum stipulates that 70% of studies are taught in a mother tongue and there are seven new subjects, such as I in my country. However, the newspaper, also adds that more detailed discussions will follow. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Today the Embassy of Great Britain to Latvia will allocate LVL 49,000 to the Naturalisation Board, which will use the money to organise Latvian language courses in Latgale, the Eastern part of Latvia. The amount of money is sufficient to provide Latvian language courses free of charge for 700 naturalisation applicants.

Today the Embassy of Great Britain to Latvia will allocate LVL 49,000 to the Naturalisation Board, which will use the money to organise Latvian language courses in Latgale, the Eastern part of Latvia. The amount of money is sufficient to provide Latvian language courses free of charge for 700 naturalisation applicants. Latvijas Vestnesis, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to the Regulations No 33 On the Examination Procedure of Latvian Language Proficiency and Basic Rules of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, National Anthem and Latvian History. The amendments provide for that secondary school graduates who have successfully passed the centralised examination in the Latvian language and literature, will not have to re-take Latvian language tests if they apply for naturalisation.  However, they will still have to show their knowledge in the history of Latvia and the national anthem when applying for Latvian citizenship.

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to the Regulations No 33 On the Examination Procedure of Latvian Language Proficiency and Basic Rules of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, National Anthem and Latvian History. The amendments provide for that secondary school graduates who have successfully passed the centralised examination in the Latvian language and literature, will not have to re-take Latvian language tests if they apply for naturalisation. However, they will still have to show their knowledge in the history of Latvia and the national anthem when applying for Latvian citizenship. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Russian language newspapers continue a discussion on the draft declaration condemning the communist regime in the former USSR.

Russian language newspapers continue a discussion on the draft declaration condemning the communist regime in the former USSR. Vesti Segodnya features the stance of one of the authors of the document MP Leopolds Ozolins, who believes that the draft declaration corresponds to the Geneva Convention and that Latvia is entitled to demand decolonisation of Latvia and repatriate former USSR citizens. The MP also believes that persons, who came to Latvia during Soviet occupation, are not minorities. Telegraf reports that the Embassy of Russia will not comment the declaration before it is adopted. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The acting Executive Director of the Riga City Council Juris Kuzma refused to authorise protest action against the education reform. The application was submitted by the MPs from union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and deputies of the Riga City Council.

The acting Executive Director of the Riga City Council Juris Kuzma refused to authorise protest action against the education reform. The application was submitted by the MPs from union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and deputies of the Riga City Council. Diena, Chas, Telegraf

Aug. 4, 2004

  • Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre has been nominated for the post of European commissioner
  • Diena reports on a draft declaration condemning the Communist regime in the former USSR
  • MP Vladimirs Buzajevs on the education reform
  • Representatives of the Afro-Latvian Association will introduce the African culture to residents of Latgale
  • Article on the special summer camp for young activists of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools
Referring to the inability of the governing parties to reach an agreement on a candidate for the post of European commissioner, the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis himself nominated the member of his party, Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre (Union of Greens and Farmers) for this post.

Referring to the inability of the governing parties to reach an agreement on a candidate for the post of European commissioner, the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis himself nominated the member of his party, Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre (Union of Greens and Farmers) for this post. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Diena writes about drafting a declaration condemning the communist regime in the former USSR. According to the draft document Russia should compensate moral and financial damages brought by the occupation and communist regime, as well as decolonise Latvia by repatriating former USSR citizens. Latvijas Avize, Diena, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya features an article by the MP Vladimirs Buzajevs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) where he reveals views of opponents of the education reform.

Representatives of the Afro-Latvian Association will present the African culture to residents of Latgale. The members of the association are planning to visit five towns – Jekabpils, Preili, Kraslava, Daugavpils and Rezekne.

Representatives of the Afro-Latvian Association will present the African culture to residents of Latgale. The members of the association are planning to visit five towns – Jekabpils, Preili, Kraslava, Daugavpils and Rezekne. Chas

Vesti Segodnya features an article on the special summer camp organised for young activists of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools.

Aug. 3, 2004

  • Disunion of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools
  • Member of the Russia State Council Alexei Mitrophanov calls to boycott cultural events in Latvia
  • Latvijas Avize reprints fragments of the article about the Russian minority in Latvia printed in ‘Friesch Dagblat
  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans new protest actions against the education reform
Newspapers continue to write about the split in the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools (LASHOR). The representative of the Organisation’s board Igors Pimenovs states that those former LASHOR members who decided to form a new organisation, are active supporters of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. ‘Last week the LASHOR refused to admit certain people, because of their affiliation with the Headquarters,’ adds Igors Pimenovs. Members of a new organisation, however, accuse members of the LASHOR of being false Russians because they collaborate with the Ministry of Education and Science and thus create cleavages in the Russian community in Latvia.

Newspapers continue to write about the split in the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools (LASHOR). The representative of the Organisations board Igors Pimenovs states that those former LASHOR members who decided to form a new organisation, are active supporters of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. ‘Last week the LASHOR refused to admit certain people, because of their affiliation with the Headquarters, adds Igors Pimenovs. Members of a new organisation, however, accuse members of the LASHOR of being false Russians because they collaborate with the Ministry of Education and Science and thus create cleavages in the Russian community in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Yesterday the member of the Russia State Council Alexei Mitrophanov called the Russia’s Committee on Education, Culture and Science to encourage persons, who work in the sphere of culture, to boycott cultural events taking place in Latvia because Latvia violates the rights of Russian speakers.

Yesterday the member of the Russia State Council Alexei Mitrophanov called the Russias Committee on Education, Culture and Science to encourage persons, who work in the sphere of culture, to boycott cultural events taking place in Latvia because Latvia violates the rights of Russian speakers. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize reprints fragments of the article, published in the regional newspaper of Netherlands ‘Friesch Dagblat, on the Russian minority in Latvia. The author of the article, demographer and geographer Ronald Reuderink believes that ‘Estonia and Latvia have the right to question a need to sign international agreements aimed at the protection of minority rights because these documents stipulate the protection of minorities that are perceived as minorities in Western countries and not Russians who came to Latvia and Estonia during Soviet occupation.

Russian language newspapers provide more detailed information about forthcoming protest actions against the education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools.

Russian language newspapers provide more detailed information about forthcoming protest actions against the education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

jūlijs 31, 2004

  • Claim against the education reform submitted to the Constitutional Court
  • Split of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools
  • Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and Russian Ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov discuss social integration issues
Twenty MPs representing the People’s Harmony Party, Latvia Socialist Party and union For Human Rights in the United Latvia submitted a claim to the Constitutional Court challenging some norms set by the Law on Education, which deal with the transfer of secondary minority schools to studies in the Latvian language. MPs believe that the norms do not comply with the Constitution of Latvia, international standards and interests of minority students. 

Twenty MPs representing the Peoples Harmony Party, Latvia Socialist Party and union For Human Rights in the United Latvia submitted a claim to the Constitutional Court challenging some norms set by the Law on Education, which deal with the transfer of secondary minority schools to studies in the Latvian language. MPs believe that the norms do not comply with the Constitution of Latvia, international standards and interests of minority students. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Due to an inability to reach an agreement on future goals of the Latvian Association’s for the Support of Russian-language Schools, a part of its members decided to form a new organisation ‘For Russian Schools, Culture and Language.’ One of the founders of the new organisation Igors Vatolins believes that the new organisation should become a mass organisation, which would support Russian language parents and schools. Members of the new organisation also plan to take part in protest actions against the education reform, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools.

Due to an inability to reach an agreement on future goals of the Latvian Associations for the Support of Russian-language Schools, a part of its members decided to form a new organisation ‘For Russian Schools, Culture and Language. One of the founders of the new organisation Igors Vatolins believes that the new organisation should become a mass organisation, which would support Russian language parents and schools. Members of the new organisation also plan to take part in protest actions against the education reform, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Russian-language newspapers write about the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and the Russian Ambassador to Latvia

Russian-language newspapers write about the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov. During the meeting the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that it would be possible to reach a new level in relations between two countries if the most difficult pages of the common history of both countries would be reviewed. Artis Pabriks also noted that the successful implementation of the education reform will be an ‘essential component of integration of ethnic minorities in Latvia While Igor Studennikov in the interview with Vesti Segodnya stressed the necessity to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities for the development of good relations between Latvia and Russia. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

jūlijs 30, 2004

Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks meets with Russias ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov
  • Ambassador of the Netherlands to Latvia promises to invite European states to support Latvias stance on minority issues
  • Latvijas Avize on Nils Muizniekss article in the Brusselss newspaper European Voice
  • The draft regulations on granting of the non-citizens status
  • Chas discusses judgement of the European Court for Human Rights on prohibitions for the former KGB staff in Lithuania
  • Interview with the advisor to the Minister for Education and Science on minority education issues Sergejs Ancupovs
  • Swiss ambassador to Latvia on minority issues
  • Board of the Latvian Social Democratic Party is planning to expel the head of the partys youth organization for his activities against the education reform
  • Russian-language newspapers write about the conflict inside LASHOR
  • TV programme We are different , but we are together
  • During the meeting with Russia’s ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov, the Minister for Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks has stressed the role of the education reform in the social integration process. The minister has also pointed to the need for objective evaluation of the historical events.

    During the meeting with Russias ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov, the Minister for Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks has stressed the role of the education reform in the social integration process. The minister has also pointed to the need for objective evaluation of the historical events. Latvijas Avize

    Ambassador of the Netherlands to Latvia Robert Schuddeboom, during his meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks, has stated that the Netherlands will invite all the EU member states to support Latvia’s stance on minority issues.

    Ambassador of the Netherlands to Latvia Robert Schuddeboom, during his meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks, has stated that the Netherlands will invite all the EU member states to support Latvias stance on minority issues. Vesti Segodnya

    Latvijas Avize quotes the article by the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks published in the newspaper European Voice in Brussels. Nils Muiznieks writes that Latvias accession the EU has reinforced position of the Latvian language and promoted its knowledge. He also believes that moratorium on the education reform would mean prolonging the state of segregation inherited from the Soviet times, and would hinder minority childrens competitiveness on the labour market.

    The draft regulations on the procedure of granting the status of the non-citizen of Latvia have been submitted to the government by the Interior Ministry. According to the draft, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs is responsible for acceptance and review of all relevant documents.

    The draft regulations on the procedure of granting the status of the non-citizen of Latvia have been submitted to the government by the Interior Ministry. According to the draft, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs is responsible for acceptance and review of all relevant documents. Latvijas Avize

    Chas reports on the reaction of Latvian lawyers and politicians to the judgement of the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) concerning Lithuania. The ECHR has ruled that Lithuania has violated human rights by prohibiting the former KGB staff to work in military service, police and state institutions. Inga Reine, Representative of the Cabinet of Ministers before international human rights institutions, believes that Latvia should take this decision into account. There a complaint lodged with the ECHR by Janis Adamsons, who was prohibited to candidate to the Saeima because of his former employment record with the KGB.

    Neatkariga Rita Avize prints an interview with the advisor to the Minister for Education and Science on minority education issues Sergejs Ancupovs. He believes that implementation of the education reform should be continued while achieving a compromise on certain issues. Ancupovs thinks that there is a need to raise quality of Latvian language teaching in minority schools.

    The Swiss ambassador to Latvia Ann Boti believes that minority problems will stop being topical for Latvia in a few years. She stresses the role of the public consensus on Latvia’s place in Europe as of a binding factor for the Latvian society.

    The Swiss ambassador to Latvia Ann Boti believes that minority problems will stop being topical for Latvia in a few years. She stresses the role of the public consensus on Latvias place in Europe as of a binding factor for the Latvian society. Telegraf

    The board of the Latvian Social Democratic Party has prepared a draft decision on expulsion of the head of the party’s youth organization Janis Kuzins because of his involvement in the activities of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools against the education reform.

    The board of the Latvian Social Democratic Party has prepared a draft decision on expulsion of the head of the partys youth organization Janis Kuzins because of his involvement in the activities of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools against the education reform. Latvijas Avize

    Russian-language newspapers report on the conflict inside LASHOR caused by different political stances of its members.

    Russian-language newspapers report on the conflict inside LASHOR caused by different political stances of its members. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

    Neatkariga Rita Avize writes about the TV programmes series We are different, but we are together, supported by the Latvian Society Integration Foundation. The aim of the project is to promote social integration and tolerance towards different social groups. The programme has been broadcasted in several Latvian regions.


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