Sept. 10, 2004

  • Number of naturalisation applications increases
  • Peoples Party doubts a need in the Law on Minority Schools
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis has intended to allocate additional funding to schools implementing bilingual education
  • Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks concerned about attempts of the Congress of Russian Community to divide society in Latvia
  • Approximately 100 persons participated in the protest picket in the support for the Headquarters activist Aleksandrs Kazakovs
  • Neatkariga Rita Avize writes about Latvian language proficiency of minority teachers
  • Party ‘Cita Politika will be established
  • Reval Hotel Latvia refuses to rent out its premises to organisers of the Congress of the Russian Community
The number of naturalisation applications has increased significantly this year. According to the information provided by the Naturalisation Board, in August 1,749 persons applied for naturalisation. In total till August this year the Naturalisation Board has already received 12,677 applications from people who want to acquire Latvian citizenship, while last year 10,049 non-citizens were naturalised. The Naturalisation Board believes that the key contributors to the increase of applications are Latvia’s accession in the EU as well as a possibility to learn Latvian language free of charge for naturalisation applicants.

The number of naturalisation applications has increased significantly this year. According to the information provided by the Naturalisation Board, in August 1,749 persons applied for naturalisation. In total till August this year the Naturalisation Board has already received 12,677 applications from people who want to acquire Latvian citizenship, while last year 10,049 non-citizens were naturalised. The Naturalisation Board believes that the key contributors to the increase of applications are Latvias accession in the EU as well as a possibility to learn Latvian language free of charge for naturalisation applicants. Diena, Latvijas Avize

The People’s Party doubts that there is a need in the Law on Minority Schools. According to the Party the adoption of the Law is a short-sighted political activity and would only increase tension and bring new protests in society. Hence the People’s Party will not support the law.

The Peoples Party doubts that there is a need in the Law on Minority Schools. According to the Party the adoption of the Law is a short-sighted political activity and would only increase tension and bring new protests in society. Hence the Peoples Party will not support the law. Diena

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis plans to allocate an additional funding for those schools in Daugavpils, Rezekne, Liepaja and Jelgava, which implement bilingual education. The money should be spent for the purchase of textbooks. The amount which will be allotted to schools is not clear yet. The money will be allocated from the emergency funds of the Privatisation Foundation.

The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis plans to allocate an additional funding for those schools in Daugavpils, Rezekne, Liepaja and Jelgava, which implement bilingual education. The money should be spent for the purchase of textbooks. The amount which will be allotted to schools is not clear yet.The money will be allocated from the emergency funds of the Privatisation Foundation. Latvijas Avize

The Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has issued a statement, where he expresses his concerns about attempts of the Congress of Russian Community to ‘split Latvia’s society accordingly to ethno-linguistic lines.’ The Minister stresses that there are more than 40 Russian NGOs in Latvia and that Russians of Latvia are very different therefore the Congress cannot claim the right to speak on the behalf of all Russians in Latvia. Nils Muiznieks is also convinced  that the requirements of the Congress to introduce the ‘zero’ citizenship and two state languages foster disagreements in society.

The Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks has issued a statement, where he expresses his concerns about attempts of the Congress of Russian Community to ‘split Latvias society accordingly to ethno-linguistic lines. The Minister stresses that there are more than 40 Russian NGOs in Latvia and that Russians of Latvia are very different therefore the Congress cannot claim the right to speak on the behalf of all Russians in Latvia. Nils Muiznieks is also convinced that the requirements of the Congress to introduce the ‘zero citizenship and two state languages foster disagreements in society. Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf

Yesterday approximately 100 persons including schoolchildren participated in the protest picket in the support for the Headquarters’ for the Defence of Russian-language Schools activist Aleksandrs Kazakovs, who was recently expelled from Latvia because he ‘presents threats to state’s security.’ The union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) has asked the Minister of Interior to explain what threats to state’s security Kazakovs presents and why he did not have a possibility to leave the state voluntarily within seven days. The FHRUL plans to demand the resignation of the Minister of Interior after the Minister gives its answer.

Yesterday approximately 100 persons including schoolchildren participated in the protest picket in the support for the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools activist Aleksandrs Kazakovs, who was recently expelled from Latvia because he ‘presents threats to states security. The union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) has asked the Minister of Interior to explain what threats to states security Kazakovs presents and why he did not have a possibility to leave the state voluntarily within seven days. The FHRUL plans to demand the resignation of the Minister of Interior after the Minister gives its answer. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Neatkariga Rita Avize writes about Latvian language proficiency of minority teachers. The Head of FHRUL parliamentary group Yakov Pliner doubted the information provided by the Ministry of Science and Education that only 11 teachers are not able to teach their subjects in Latvian. The newspaper refers to the data provided by a director of a minority school who did not want to reveal her name and school. The director stated that only one out of schools 24 teachers, who have to teach students in Latvian, is able to do it perfectly. The newspaper also reports that at least 70% (approximately LVL 86,000) of funding allocated this yearfore the implementation ofLatvian language courses from the state budged are allotted for Latvian language course for teachers.

The NGO ‘Cita Politika’ plans to transform the NGO into the party under the same name next week. 

The NGO ‘Cita Politika plans to transform the NGO into the party under the same name next week. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

The Reval Hotel Latvia refused to rent out its premises to organisers of the Congress of the Russian Community to hold its meeting.  Representatives of the hotel explain that the hotel’s premises have been booked for an international NATO conference for the same date, therefore these two meetings should not take place at the same place.

The Reval Hotel Latvia refused to rent out its premises to organisers of the Congress of the Russian Community to hold its meeting. Representatives of the hotel explain that the hotels premises have been booked for an international NATO conference for the same date, therefore these two meetings should not take place at the same place. Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 9, 2004

  • Nils Muiznieks: constructive dialogue between the government and the hunger strikes participants is impossible
  • Interview with the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • Professor of international law Ineta Ziemele about status of Latvian non-citizens in the European Union
  • Activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs is hoping for the status of ‘forced migrant in Russia
  • Riga Jewish Community asks Riga City Council to take over the maintenance of the memorial devoted to the victims of Nazism
  • Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs committee refuses to discuss expulsion of Aleksandrs Kazakovs and planting of listening devices at the Headquarters premises
  • Russian-speaking math teacher Svetlana Francmane about impact of the Latvian language usage on quality of minority education
‘Constructive dialogue between the government and participants of the hunger strike against the education reform is impossible due to the aggressive disposition of representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools,’ stated Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks. He points to the necessity of intensifying the dialogue with the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools and other professionals, because ‘it is absurd to talk about interruption of the education reform when its implementation has already started’. Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Igor Stoudennikov has visited the hunger strike’s participants and called on them to stop the strike, write Russian-language newspapers.

‘Constructive dialogue between the government and participants of the hunger strike against the education reform is impossible due to the aggressive disposition of representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools, stated Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks. He points to the necessity of intensifying the dialogue with the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools and other professionals, because ‘it is absurd to talk about interruption of the education reform when its implementation has already started. Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Igor Stoudennikov has visited the hunger strikes participants and called on them to stop the strike, write Russian-language newspapers. Chas reports on the open letter from the strikes participants to the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, explaining their motives and demands. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

The Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, in his interview to

The Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, in his interview to Latvijas Vetnesis, names the growing prestige of Latvian citizenship among non-citizens and the increasing naturalisation speed as the main successes, and lack of defined priorities at the Saeima level in the area - as one of the main problems in the area of society integration.

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the professor of international law Ineta Ziemele about status of Latvian non-citizens in the European Union. According to the professor, non-citizen status has not been legally defined by the EU yet, and hence the Latvian non-citizens are equalised with the citizens of the third countries. Ineta Ziemele also believes that there should be a minimal difference between rights of citizens and non-citizens in Latvia, and says that ‘It would be enough to retain for Latvian citizens only such specific rights as a possibility to elect the Saeima and to work at the state security institutions.

Activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs, recently expelled from Latvia, is planning to demand a status of ‘forced migrant’ in Russia. According to the Russian legislation, ‘forced migrant’ is a citizen of Russia who left his place of residence due to violence or persecution of any kind against him or his family, or due to a real danger of persecution on the grounds of race, ethnicity, religious belief, language, as well as due to affiliation with the certain social group, or to political views. In the meantime, Riga City Council has authorised a picket in support of Aleksandrs Kazakovs, which will take place this afternoon.

Activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs, recently expelled from Latvia, is planning to demand a status of ‘forced migrant in Russia. According to the Russian legislation, ‘forced migrant is a citizen of Russia who left his place of residence due to violence or persecution of any kind against him or his family, or due to a real danger of persecution on the grounds of race, ethnicity, religious belief, language, as well as due to affiliation with the certain social group, or to political views. In the meantime, Riga City Council has authorised a picket in support of Aleksandrs Kazakovs, which will take place this afternoon. Chas, Telegraf

Riga Jewish Community, due to the lack of means, has asked Riga City Council to take over the maintenance of the memorial devoted to the victims of Nazism.

Riga Jewish Community, due to the lack of means, has asked Riga City Council to take over the maintenance of the memorial devoted to the victims of Nazism. Latvijas Avize

Russian-language newspapers feature critical articles about unwillingness of the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs committee to discuss the issues of expulsion of the Headquarters’ for the Defence of Russian-language schools activist Aleksandrs Kazakovs, and of listening devices found at the premises of the Headquarters.

Russian-language newspapers feature critical articles about unwillingness of the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs committee to discuss the issues of expulsion of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language schools activist Aleksandrs Kazakovs, and of listening devices found at the premises of the Headquarters. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Rigas Balss prints an interview with the Russian-speaking math teacher Svetlana Francmane, who believes that approximately 15% of information at the math lessons can be lost due to the usage of Latvian language during these lessons in minority schools. The teacher also points to the lack of good methodology for Latvian language learning.

Sept. 8, 2004

  • Negotiations between the New Era and the Peoples Party do not result in the formation of a new government
  • Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks and the parliamentary secretary of the Special Tasks Ministers Secretariat Aleksandrs Brandavs meet participants of the hunger strike
  • Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry issues a statement regarding the mass protest actions in Latvia
  • Latvijas Avize reports on the results of the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education Reform
  • Newspapers write about the usage of the Latvian language in classes at minority schools
Negotiations between the New Era and the People’s Party did not result in the formation of a new government. The key object of disagreement is the desire of both parties to nominate prime minister from their party. However, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has expressed readiness to start a dialogue with the People’s Party about the formation of a new right-wing government.

Negotiations between the New Era and the Peoples Party did not result in the formation of a new government. The key object of disagreement is the desire of both parties to nominate prime minister from their party. However, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has expressed readiness to start a dialogue with the Peoples Party about the formation of a new right-wing government. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Newspapers report that the Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks and the parliamentary secretary of the Special Tasks Minister’s Secretariat Aleksandrs Brandavs held a meeting with participants of the hunger strike who opposes the education reform. The Minister called the participants of the hunger strike to stop the strike. Participants of the strike responded that they would stop the strike when the moratorium on the education reform is established or the state is open to negotiations with a working group, appointed by the Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools. The participants of the hunger strike reproached the Minister for government’s disinterest in having a dialogue with them and called it discrimination on national grounds. ‘The meeting was doomed from the very beginning because the Minister declared that there will be no discussions about the establishment of a moratorium on the education reform or about abolishment of the education reform,’ stated a participant of the hunger strike.

Newspapers report that the Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks and the parliamentary secretary of the Special Tasks Ministers Secretariat Aleksandrs Brandavs held a meeting with participants of the hunger strike who opposes the education reform. The Minister called the participants of the hunger strike to stop the strike. Participants of the strike responded that they would stop the strike when the moratorium on the education reform is established or the state is open to negotiations with a working group, appointed by the Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools. The participants of the hunger strike reproached the Minister for governments disinterest in having a dialogue with them and called it discrimination on national grounds. ‘The meeting was doomed from the very beginning because the Minister declared that there will be no discussions about the establishment of a moratorium on the education reform or about abolishment of the education reform, stated a participant of the hunger strike. Vesti Segodnya. Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a statement regarding the mass protest actions of defenders of Russian-language schools in Latvia. In the statement, the Ministry says ‘no positive dynamics have been noted by Russia or its compatriots in Latvia in solving the well-known problems concerning the rights of the Russian-speaking population after Latvia’s accession in the European Union.’ The Ministry also reproaches Latvia for ignoring respective recommendations of the UN, the Council of Europe and the OSCE. It also mentions that repressions against supporters of the education reform, namely Aleksandrs Kazakovs, have been conducted.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a statement regarding the mass protest actions of defenders of Russian-language schools in Latvia. In the statement, the Ministry says ‘no positive dynamics have been noted by Russia or its compatriots in Latvia in solving the well-known problems concerning the rights of the Russian-speaking population after Latvias accession in the European Union. The Ministry also reproaches Latvia for ignoring respective recommendations of the UN, the Council of Europe and the OSCE. It also mentions that repressions against supporters of the education reform, namely Aleksandrs Kazakovs, have been conducted. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize reports on the results of the research ‘Integration of Non-Latvian Youth in Latvian Society in the Context of the Education Reform conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. The research reveals that 56% teachers, 48% minority students and 24% their parents self-evaluated their Latvian language knowledge as ‘very good or ‘quite good, while 1% teachers, 10% parents and 1% students evaluated their Latvian language proficiency as ‘very bad. 74% students, 66% parents and 62% teachers believe that it is necessary to know Latvian language, if they want to find a job, but 73% students, 55% teachers and 41% parents believe that it is necessary to know Latvian to get education. 82% students use Latvian in communication with persons who do not know Russian, while 65% parents and 85% teachers use Latvian if they are addressed in Latvian.

Newspapers write about the usage of the Latvian language in classes at minority schools.

Newspapers write about the usage of the Latvian language in classes at minority schools. Rigas Balss, referring to its visit to several minority schools, states that the provision of the Law on Education, that 60% of lessons should be taught in Latvian, is not observed. ‘Because of the pressure made by politicians, the Education State Inspection has established an unofficial moratorium on the education reform, concludes the newspaper. The Head of the Inspection believes that minority schools need time to get used to the new requirements. The inspection will visit schools in November to learn about developments in the reforms implementation, but will conduct more serious inspections in March and April. Vesti Segodnya, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 7, 2004

  • Peoples Harmony Party will ask the governments resignation
  • Newspapers continue to write about the deportation of the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs
  • Latvijas Avize writes about the development of the draft Law on Minority Schools
  • Special support programme for Roma in Latvia under discussions
  • Informative brochure about the education reform has been developed
  • Article about the forum ‘Integration and Minority Education Reform
  • Commentary about attempts to define a common identity of the Russian community in Latvia
  • Several participants of the protest action ‘Empty Schools in Ventspils have been detained
The People’s Harmony Party plans to initiate the resignation of the present government. While the People’s Party states that the resignation of the present government is not possible as potential partners – the New Era and the People’s Party – have not reached an agreement about the formation of a new government. The leader of the New Era Einars Repse has stated that his party will be a member of the government if only the next prime minister is a member of the New Era. However, the People’s Party disagrees with that.

The Peoples Harmony Party plans to initiate the resignation of the present government. While the Peoples Party states that the resignation of the present government is not possible as potential partners – the New Era and the Peoples Party – have not reached an agreement about the formation of a new government. The leader of the New Era Einars Repse has stated that his party will be a member of the government if only the next prime minister is a member of the New Era. However, the Peoples Party disagrees with that. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf

Newspapers continue to write about the deportation of the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools activist Aleksandrs Kazakovs from Latvia. Russia has requested an official explanation about the deportation. Russia considers that Latvia has breached a number of legal norms concerning the deportation. Meanwhile, representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia plan to demand the resignation of the Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons.

Newspapers continue to write about the deportation of the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools activist Aleksandrs Kazakovs from Latvia. Russia has requested an official explanation about the deportation. Russia considers that Latvia has breached a number of legal norms concerning the deportation. Meanwhile, representatives of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia plan to demand the resignation of the Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons. Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Aleksandrs Kazakovs. In the interview, Kazakovs notes that he was not provided a possibility to inform his relatives that he was subjected to deportation. Russian language newspapers report that an unapproved picket in the support for Aleksandrs Kazakovs took place near the building of the Ministry of Interior. A number of representatives of the Headquarters participated in the rally. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vetsi Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize continues to write about the development of the draft Law on Minority Schools. The newspaper points out that the working group drafting the Law has not taken into account that the term ‘minority is not defined in Latvian legislation yet. The Special Tasks Minister for Societal Integration Nils Muiznieks, however, is convinced that the law may be developed even if a precise definition of a basic term is lacking. The Head of Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee Ina Druviete doubts that the definition of ‘minority acceptable for all could be developed in a short period of time, therefore the Law on Minority Schools should be developed first. While the Head of the Peoples Party parliamentary group Aigars Kalvitis and the Head of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM Maris Grinblats stated that their parties would not support the law. According to Maris Grinblats, the law would ‘soften the education reform and it would be a gift to opponents of the reform.

‘The Latvian government should support the development of the specific support programme for the Roma minority in Latvia,’ concluded participants of the seminar discussing issues of the Roma in Latvia. The main goal of the programme should be implementation of activities aimed at improvement of educational level of Roma, which, according to the representative of the Roma NGO Ame Roma Vanda Zamicka-Bergendale, is one of the key reasons why Roma are the less integrated minority in Latvia.

‘The Latvian government should support the development of the specific support programme for the Roma minority in Latvia, concluded participants of the seminar discussing issues of the Roma in Latvia. The main goal of the programme should be implementation of activities aimed at improvement of educational level of Roma, which, according to the representative of the Roma NGO Ame Roma Vanda Zamicka-Bergendale, is one of the key reasons why Roma are the less integrated minority in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

The Special Tasks Minister’s for Societal Integration Secretariat has prepared a brochure for minority students and their parents about the education reform.

The Special Tasks Ministers for Societal Integration Secretariat has prepared a brochure for minority students and their parents about the education reform. Latvijas Avize

Newspapers reports on the forum ‘Integration and Minority Education Reform’, organised by the public policy centre PROVIDUS. NGOs, officials and experts took part in the forum. MP Boriss Cilevics stated that the protest actions against the education reform show the integration policy in Latvia has failed. Meanwhile the researcher of the PROVIDUS Marija Golubeva offered a solution and was convinced that the involvement of minorities in the state administration would reduce alienation between the state and minorities.

Newspapers reports on the forum ‘Integration and Minority Education Reform, organised by the public policy centre PROVIDUS. NGOs, officials and experts took part in the forum. MP Boriss Cilevics stated that the protest actions against the education reform show the integration policy in Latvia has failed. Meanwhile the researcher of the PROVIDUS Marija Golubeva offered a solution and was convinced that the involvement of minorities in the state administration would reduce alienation between the state and minorities. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Neatkariga Rita Avize features a commentary by Viktors Avotins about attempts to define a common identity of the Russian community in Latvia. According to the columnist, the state should consider it stance towards organisations present in this community rather opponents of the education reform. Viktors Avotins notes that the idea ‘European Latvia is closer to Russian youth than ‘Russian Latvia is.

Several participants of the protest action ‘Empty Schools’ in Ventspils have been detained by representatives of the Ventspils Municipal Police. In the police department students had to explain why they were absent from school.

Several participants of the protest action ‘Empty Schools in Ventspils have been detained by representatives of the Ventspils Municipal Police. In the police department students had to explain why they were absent from school. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Sept. 6, 2004

  • Newspapers continue to report on the deportation of the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs
  • Director of the Baltic Communication Bureau Marcis Krastins talks about causes and consequences of ethnic voting
  • Newspapers continue to discuss the alternatives to minority school curricula
The activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs has been deported from Latvia to Russia on Saturday night. According to the Press Secretary of the Minister of Interior Krists Leiskalns, Aleksandrs Kazakovs will not be able issued an entrance visa to Latvia, because he is included in the list of persons denied entrance in Latvia. The Union’s For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group has asked to cancel the decision to include the Kazakov’s name in the list and stated that the expulsion of Aleksandrs Kazakovs is a violation of the human rights. Aleksandrs Kazakovs plans to exhaust Latvian remedies and then go to the European Court of Human Rights.

The activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs has been deported from Latvia to Russia on Saturday night. According to the Press Secretary of the Minister of Interior Krists Leiskalns, Aleksandrs Kazakovs will not be able issued an entrance visa to Latvia, because he is included in the list of persons denied entrance in Latvia. The Unions For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group has asked to cancel the decision to include the Kazakovs name in the list and stated that the expulsion of Aleksandrs Kazakovs is a violation of the human rights. Aleksandrs Kazakovs plans to exhaust Latvian remedies and then go to the European Court of Human Rights. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Chas features an interview with the director of the Baltic Communication Bureau Marcis Krastins about causes and consequences of ethnic voting. Marcis Krastins states that one of the causes of ethnic voting is an attempt of a party to consolidate its voters by using a fear factor. Radical calls of one party lead to radicalisation of other parties, consequently, all political system is polarised. Marcis Krastins also believes that the present polarisation of the political party system does not mean that there is a two-community society in Latvia because there is no clear cleavage in the social life of countrys residents, while the level of social tolerance is comparatively high in the society.

54 out of 59 minority schools in Riga have chosen to teach sport in Latvian. History, the basics of business and economics and geography are among other most frequently chosen subjects.

54 out of 59 minority schools in Riga have chosen to teach sport in Latvian. History, the basics of business and economics and geography are among other most frequently chosen subjects. Diena, Telegraf

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