Oct. 5, 2004

  • Representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools visit the Council of Europe
  • Embassy of Israel issues an official statement concerning the publishing and distribution of the envelopes with the images of Herberts Cukurs
  • Interview with the deputy chairperson of the recently established party ‘New Policy Alfreds Cepanis
Eight representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools, among them four Russian-speaking students, have visited the Council of Europe. During a meeting with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis and the First Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gill-Robles the representatives of the Headquarters have noted that the implementation of the education reform in Latvia is a violation of minority rights.

Eight representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools, among them four Russian-speaking students, have visited the Council of Europe. During a meeting with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis and the First Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gill-Robles the representatives of the Headquarters have noted that the implementation of the education reform in Latvia is a violation of minority rights. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Embassy of Israel has issued an official statement concerning the publishing and distribution of the envelopes with the images of Herberts Cukurs accused in the participation of the Holocaust. The Embassy of Israel has called Latvia to respond to these activities immediately. According to the statement, any attempts to rehabilitate Herberts Cukurs would denigrate the memory of almost 80,000 victims of the Holocaust.

Embassy of Israel has issued an official statement concerning the publishing and distribution of the envelopes with the images of Herberts Cukurs accused in the participation of the Holocaust. The Embassy of Israel has called Latvia to respond to these activities immediately. According to the statement, any attempts to rehabilitate Herberts Cukurs would denigrate the memory of almost 80,000 victims of the Holocaust. Telegraf features an interview with the member of the Historians Commission established under auspices of the President of Latvia and the director of the museum ‘Jews in Latvia Margers Vestermans about the biography of Herberts Cukurs. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the deputy chairperson of the recently established party ‘New Policy Alfreds Cepanis about the goals of the party. According to Alfreds Cepanis, those Russians, who have participated in the formation of the party, do not support the ideas of the Socialist Party and the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia anymore. Hence the New Policy could attract those Russians who are perceived as ethnic enemies. The deputy chairman also stresses that the thesis, included in the party programme, about the maintenance of possibilities to acquire secondary education in minority languages should not be interpreted as partys support for the moratorium on the education reform.

Oct. 4, 2004

  • Newspapers report on the congress of the Peoples Harmony Party
  • Latvijas Avize features opinions of MPs about registration of the NGO United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia
  • Polish, Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian and Romani organisations of Jekabpils discuss a possibility to form a joint organisation
Newspapers report on the congress of the People’s Harmony Party (PHP). Representatives of the party decided to support the vote of non-confidence to the present government, motivating their decision with the lack of the government’s will to deal with issues concerning minority education, in particular the education reform.

Newspapers report on the congress of the Peoples Harmony Party (PHP). Representatives of the party decided to support the vote of non-confidence to the present government, motivating their decision with the lack of the governments will to deal with issues concerning minority education, in particular the education reform. Vesti Segodnya, referring to the expressions of the PHPs leaders, states that in Latvia there is not only a two-community society, but in fact there are two states in one territory: one state for Latvians having rights and democracy, and another for Russians - with a very restricted democracy. ‘Russian-speakers can not solve any problem with the methods of a parliamentary democracy. They have only one opportunity – protests on streets, has stated the head of PHP parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features opinions of MPs about registration of the NGO United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia. Dzintars Abikis (Peoples Party) believes that the organisation should be registered if state security organisations cannot provide justified grounds why the organisation may not be registered. Ina Druviete (New Era) is convinced that claims to have the ‘Russian community in Latvia are incorrect and dangerous, because Latvia is a single community state. She, however, adds that it is easier to control organisations, which are registered.

The Polish, Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian and Romani organisations in Jekabpils are planning to form a joint association to promote preservation and development of their cultural heritage.

The Polish, Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian and Romani organisations in Jekabpils are planning to form a joint association to promote preservation and development of their cultural heritage. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Oct. 2, 2004

  • Article by the Head of the Delegation of the European Commission in Latvia Andrew Rasbash about discrimination in Latvia
  • Statement of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre representative Efraim Zuroff regarding printing and distribution of envelopes with the image of the Nazi criminal Herberts Cukurs
  • Russian Supervision Chamber issues a statement about the unsolved financial claims of Russia against the Baltic States
  • Latvijas Avize continues discussion about the eligibility of the member of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis to naturalisation
  • Diena reports on the study Assuring Access in Key Strategic Regions. Toward a Long-Term Strategy
  • Interview with the Russian-speaking teacher of the Rinuzi Secondary School Tatjana Kandrusina

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an article by the Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Latvia Andrew Rasbash about the EU campaign For Diversity. Against Discrimination which recently took place in Latvia. Andrew Rasbash states that a part of Latvian society believes that discrimination in Latvia is not an intrinsic problem, while others see discrimination only as discrimination on national grounds. At the same time the Head of the Delegation of the EC states that discrimination problems in the area of employment are topical issues in Latvia as well.

The representative of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre Efraim Zuroff has issued a statement, calling state officials not only to investigate appearance of envelopes with the images of Herberts Cukurs accused in the participation of the Holocaust, but also to stop distribution of these envelops.

The representative of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre Efraim Zuroff has issued a statement, calling state officials not only to investigate appearance of envelopes with the images of Herberts Cukurs accused in the participation of the Holocaust, but also to stop distribution of these envelops. Vesti Segodnya

The Russian Supervision Chamber has issued a statement that the Baltic States owes Russia USD 3,000,000,000. The debt has formed after the collapse of the USSR. The Prime Minister of Latvia Indulis Emsis believes that the Russia’s announcement comes as a response to the initiative of several members of Saeima who called to evaluate consequences of the Latvia’s occupation and calculate financial damages brought by Soviet occupation.

The Russian Supervision Chamber has issued a statement that the Baltic States owes Russia USD3,000,000,000. The debt has formed after the collapse of the USSR. The Prime Minister of Latvia Indulis Emsis believes that the Russias announcement comes as a response to the initiative of several members of Saeima who called to evaluate consequences of the Latvias occupation and calculate financial damages brought by Soviet occupation. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize continues discussions about the eligibility of the member of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis to naturalisation. The newspaper features views of some MPs. Majority of MPs believe that state security institutions should evaluate the eligibility of Jurijs Petropavlovskis to naturalisation very thoroughly and, if his activities have been illegitimate, he should not have the right to naturalise. The Head of Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee Janis Strazdins (Union of Farmers and Greens) believes that amendments to the Citizenship Law should be adopted which would deny the right to naturalise to persons, who ‘bring harm to our society and spoils social integration process.

Diena reports on the study Assuring Access in Key Strategic Regions. Toward a Long-Term Strategy, prepared by the RAND Corporation for United States Army. The study admits a range of future developments among countries in Europe, including a possibility of a military conflict between Russia and the Baltic States. The study speculates that Russia may increase her support for extreme Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia. By increasing violent activities local state security institutions would get involved into conflicts, which would serve as an argument for Russia to plan invasion into the Baltic States claiming that she defends rights of Russian-speakers. ‘This crackdown, in turn, provides Russia with an opportunity to present itself as a protector of human rights and by doing so attempt to drive a wedge between the Baltic States and their NATO allies. Although these speculations are only on the paper, observers stress that the study encourages the Baltic States not to rely on their NATO membership as a 100% security guarantee. Instead, Latvia and Estonia should make a bigger effort to integrate Russian-speakers.

Chas features an interview with the Russian-speaking teacher of the Rinuzi Secondary School Tatjana Kandrusina about the implementation of the education reform in minority schools. The teacher points to the necessity of a differentiated education reform in Russian-language schools, stressing that the emphasis should be placed on the quality of Latvian language as the language of instruction rather than on increasing the number of Latvian language lessons or transition to studies mainly in the Latvian.

Sept. 30, 2004

  • Results of study ‘Changing Identities: Mobilisation of Ethnic Groups and the Impact of Changes in the Ethnic Structure of Society on Societal Integration
  • Article on discrimination problems in Latvia
  • Saeima is planning to review the draft law, stipulating restrictions for persons with double citizenship to hold definite offices in the state administration
The public policy portal

The public policy portal www.politika.lv and the Russian-language newspaper Vesti Segodnya report on the results of the study ‘Changing Identities: Mobilisation of Ethnic Groups and the Impact of Changes in the Ethnic Structure of Society on Societal Integration, conducted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. According to the study, ‘ethnic mobilisation takes place in Latvia, i.e., ethnic groups are more conscious of their ethnicity and become more determined to mainten their identities. Meanwhile the interest to maintain and develop ones ethnic identity is not always balanced with the development of civil identity. The authors of the study claim that many Poles and Lithuanians identify themselves with the Latvian state, are loyal towards it and support the implementation of the education reform. While negative attitude towards societal integration and the overall national policies are more observable among members of the Russian minority. To see the full text of study in Latvian click here.

Diena features an article by the ambassador of the European campaign For Diversity. Against Discrimination Maris Sants about discrimination problems in Latvia. The author of the article believes that mentally disabled persons and persons with physical disabilities, gays, Roma and middle-aged persons are those social groups which have the biggest problems to integrate into Latvian society. Maris Sants stresses that there is a necessity to adopt anti-discrimination legislation in Latvia and that would contribute to the recognition of diversity in Latvian society.

Today Saeima might adopt conceptually the draft law, submitted by the People’s Party, about restrictions concerning persons with double citizenship to hold certain offices in the state administration. While another governing party – the Union of Farmers and Greens – does not support the proposal of People’s Party and believes that these restrictions should not concern all MPs and state officials, but only high level officials.

Today Saeima might adopt conceptually the draft law, submitted by the Peoples Party, about restrictions concerning persons with double citizenship to hold certain offices in the state administration. While another governing party – the Union of Farmers and Greens – does not support the proposal of Peoples Party and believes that these restrictions should not concern all MPs and state officials, but only high level officials. Diena, Chas

Sept. 29, 2004

  • Russia focuses on the situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic States when discussing a possibility to ratify a partnership agreement between Russia and the EU
  • Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry condemns the amendments to the Constitution which grant to Latvian non-citizens the right to participate in municipal elections
  • Discussions on the adoption of the EU Race Equality Directive held in the Saeima
  • Interview with the head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins
  • Register of Enterprises postpones the registration of the United Congress of the Russian Community as a non-governmental organisation
  • Senate of the Supreme Court does not change the verdict in the case of Vasilijs Kononovs issued byt the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court
  • Latvijas Avize features an article about the detention of students who participated in the protest action ‘Empty Schools in Ventspils
  • Latest ratings of political parties
  • Russian Ambassador to Latvia Igor Stoudennikov pays a farewell visit to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga
Yesterday discussions about a possibility to ratify the co-operation and partnership agreement between Russia and the EU took place in the Russian State Duma. Representatives of Russia, as well as EU states took part in the discussions. Speakers from Russia focused on the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia and transit between Russia and Kaliningrad.  The Special representative of Russia to the EU Sergey Yastrzhembsky stated that Russia has the right to ratify the agreement and include in it a special statement regarding the above-mentioned issues. While the representatives of the EU countries noted the positive developments concerning the observation of minority rights in the Baltic States and invited Russia to ratify border agreements with these countries.

Yesterday discussions about a possibility to ratify the co-operation and partnership agreement between Russia and the EU took place in the Russian State Duma. Representatives of Russia, as well as EU states took part in the discussions. Speakers from Russia focused on the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia and transit between Russia and Kaliningrad. The Special representative of Russia to the EU Sergey Yastrzhembsky stated that Russia has the right to ratify the agreement and include in it a special statement regarding the above-mentioned issues. While the representatives of the EU countries noted the positive developments concerning the observation of minority rights in the Baltic States and invited Russia to ratify border agreements with these countries. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a statement declaring that recently adopted amendments to the Constitution of Latvia, which grant EU citizens the right to vote in municipal elections, are a clear demonstration of the increasing inequality and injustice towards a big part of Latvian society – its non-citizens. In the Russia’s opinion, these amendments would be welcomed if also non-citizens were granted the right to participate in municipal elections, now, however, these amendments will only deepen division of Latvian society along ethnic lines.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a statement declaring that recently adopted amendments to the Constitution of Latvia, which grant EU citizens the right to vote in municipal elections, are a clear demonstration of the increasing inequality and injustice towards a big part of Latvian society – its non-citizens. In the Russias opinion, these amendments would be welcomed if also non-citizens were granted the right to participate in municipal elections, now, however, these amendments will only deepen division of Latvian society along ethnic lines. Chas

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Committee discussed the elaboration of the EU Race Equality Directive into Latvian legislation. The MP Boriss Tsilevitch was the only member of the Committee who supported the adoption of required amendments developed by the Secretariat of Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Affairs to Latvian legislation. Boriss Tsilevitch foresees that most probably Latvia will not introduce the Directive and resultantly Latvia will have to account to the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Committee discussed the elaboration of the EU Race Equality Directive into Latvian legislation. The MP Boriss Tsilevitch was the only member of the Committee who supported the adoption of required amendments developed by the Secretariat of Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Affairs to Latvian legislation. Boriss Tsilevitch foresees that most probably Latvia will not introduce the Directive and resultantly Latvia will have to account to the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins about societal integration issues and a forthcoming visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus to Latvia. Aleksandrs Kirsteins states that with the High Commissioner he would like to discuss the term ‘minority. Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes that Latvia should follow the experience of Sweden, that is, do not grant the status of minority to economic immigrants and persons who arrived to Latvia in 1960-ties or 1970-ties.

The Register of Enterprises has postponed the registration of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia as a non-governmental organisation due to inaccuracies in the documents submitted by the representatives of the Congress.

The Register of Enterprises has postponed the registration of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia as a non-governmental organisation due to inaccuracies in the documents submitted by the representatives of the Congress. Latvijas Avize

The Senate of the Supreme Court did not change the ruling in the case of Vasilijs Kononovs issued by the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court. In the ruling Vasilijs Kononovs was found guilty in committing war crimes in 1944. The court sentenced him to 1 year and 8 months imprisonment, which was equivalent to the time he has already spent in prison during the pre-trial investigation. The verdict of the Senate of the Supreme Court Senate may not be appealed.

The Senate of the Supreme Court did not change the ruling in the case of Vasilijs Kononovs issued by the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court. In the ruling Vasilijs Kononovs was found guilty in committing war crimes in 1944. The court sentenced him to 1 year and 8 months imprisonment, which was equivalent to the time he has already spent in prison during the pre-trial investigation. The verdict of the Senate of the Supreme Court Senate may not be appealed. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize features article about a case of students who participated in the protest action ‘Empty Schools in Ventspils, were detained and afterwards the Administrative Committee of the Ventspils City Council held responsible their parents and imposed a fine on them. The Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools (LASHOR) has issued a statement where they say that detention of the students and their interrogation without the presence of their parents or teachers were illegitimate. The press secretary of the Ventspils police Dzidra Skute responded that students have not been interrogated, but only submitted their explanatory notes to the police. The lawyer of the Administrative Committee Ivo Princis, referring to the Latvian legislation, confirms that parents or guardians of a child who does not attend school may be fined.

The latest opinion poll conducted by the company

The latest opinion poll conducted by the company Latvijas Fakti shows that in September the most popular party remains the New Era. A remarkable increase in the rating of another party – the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) can be observed in September. It is the second most popular party. According to the director of the Latvijas Fakti the raise of the FHRULs rating is related to the implementation of the education reform and the protest actions of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools against it. Other ratings are: For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM – 9,1%, Peoples Party – 8,5%, Union of Farmers and Greens – 6,3%, Peoples Harmony Party – 5,4%, Latvias First Party – 3,1%. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf

Yesterday the Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Igor Stoudennikov paid a farewell visit to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga. During the meeting Vaira Vike-Freiberga called Russia to ratify the boarder agreement between Latvia and Russia as soon as possible. Igor Stoudennikov after the meeting recognised that Russia and Latvia have not succeeded in building closer relationship due to the unwillingness of Latvia to fulfil the Russia’s requirements in the area of minority rights. The Ambassador of Russia also criticised the recently adopted amendments to the Constitution of Latvia, which stipulate that also citizens of other EU countries may vote in municipal elections, while do not grant such rights to Latvian non-citizens.

Yesterday the Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Igor Stoudennikov paid a farewell visit to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga. During the meeting Vaira Vike-Freiberga called Russia to ratify the boarder agreement between Latvia and Russia as soon as possible. Igor Stoudennikov after the meeting recognised that Russia and Latvia have not succeeded in building closer relationship due to the unwillingness of Latvia to fulfil the Russias requirements in the area of minority rights. The Ambassador of Russia also criticised the recently adopted amendments to the Constitution of Latvia, which stipulate that also citizens of other EU countries may vote in municipal elections, while do not grant such rights to Latvian non-citizens. Rigas Balss, Telegraf

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