Oct. 28, 2004

  • Latest ratings of political parties
  • Latvijas Avize continues discussions about eligibility of the member of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis for naturalisation
  • Recently adopted Framework Document on National Security admits that the lack of societal integration is among the highest risk factors of society destabilisation
  • 11 minority organisations will receive state funding
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has not confirmed her participation at the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in World War II in Moscow on 9 May 2005 yet
  • Presidium of the European Parliament does not object to usa languages, which are not the official languages in the EU, in work of the European Parliament
The latest

The latest Latvijas Fakti opinion poll indicates that in October the New Era is still the most popular party, although its rating has dropped from 17.4% in September to 12.6% in October. The For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM would be supported by 9% of Latvian citizens. The rating of the third most popular party - the governing party Union of Farmers and Greens - has increased from 6.3% in September to 8.9% in October. The rating of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia has dropped from 10.5% to 7% and it is the fifth most popular party in Latvia. According to the poll 7.3% support the Peoples Party, 5.6% - the Peoples Harmony Party, 3.6% - Latvian Social Democratic Labour Party, 3.5% - Latvias Way and 2.1% - Latvias First Party. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

The Saeima Society Integration Subcommittee has concluded that there is a legal base not to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis, activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools, Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. Jurijs Petropavlovskis has already passed naturalisation tests, however, the Naturalisation Board has not granted him citizenship waiting for the explanation from Security Police why granting Latvian citizenship to this person is “problematic.”

The Saeima Society Integration Subcommittee has concluded that there is a legal base not to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis, activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools, Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. Jurijs Petropavlovskis has already passed naturalisation tests, however, the Naturalisation Board has not granted him citizenship waiting for the explanation from Security Police why granting Latvian citizenship to this person is problematic. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Cabinet of Ministers supported the Framework Document on National Security. According to the newspaper the Document states that main threats to Latvias security lie in its internal issues. The authors of the Document name the lack of societal integration as one of the risk factors. The authors of the Document also admit that a large number of people who do not have any citizenship is also among the destabilising factors.

Yesterday the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration Affairs signed the agreement with 11 minority organisations about providing state funding to these organisations.

Yesterday the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration Affairs signed the agreement with 11 minority organisations about providing state funding to these organisations. Telegraf

‘The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has not confirmed her participation at the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in World War II in Moscow on 9 May 2005 yet,’ has stated the press secretary of the President of Latvia Aiva Rozenberga commenting the call of the European Parliament’s MPs to the leaders of the EU to ignore the invitation of the President of Russia Vladimirs Putins.

‘The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has not confirmed her participation at the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in World War II in Moscow on 9 May 2005 yet, has stated the press secretary of the President of Latvia Aiva Rozenberga commenting the call of the European Parliaments MPs to the leaders of the EU to ignore the invitation of the President of Russia Vladimirs Putins. Diena

The Parliamentary Group of the European United Left and Nordic Green Left in the European Parliament (EP) has received a response from the EP’s Presidium. According to the letter, the Presidium has no objections to the usage of languages, which are not official languages in the EU, in work of the European Parliament if an MP who wants to use the language is able to provide translation.

The Parliamentary Group of the European United Left and Nordic Green Left in the European Parliament (EP) has received a response from the EPs Presidium. According to the letter, the Presidium has no objections to the usage of languages, which are not official languages in the EU, in work of the European Parliament if an MP who wants to use the language is able to provide translation. Vesti Segodnya believes that this letter shows the victory of EU ethnic minorities. Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 27, 2004

  • Discussions on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Naturalisation Board estimates that in 2004 there will be more than 20,000 naturalisation applications
  • Centre for public policy Providus presents the annual report on education ‘Education Reforms in Latvia: Underpinning Integration and Prosperity
  • Saeima Legal Affairs Committee discusses amendments to the Immigration Law
  • Russia avoids taking responsibility for crimes committed by Soviet regime says an open letter drafted by a Latvian member of the European Parliament to the leaders of the EU
  • Documentaries about minorities in Latvia will be presented to the diplomatic corpus
  • Article by the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins

Rigas Balss continues discussions on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, featuring views of the associate professor of the University of Latvia Abrams Kleckins, Head of Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee Ina Druviete and MP Andrejs Klementjevs (Peoples Harmony Party). Abrams Kleckins believes that Latvia should ratify the Framework Convention immediately. That would show that Latvia is a mature democratic state. He believes that ratification of the Convention would give a signal to a broader society to look into minority problems. Ina Druviete states that the Convention could be ratified in a year if compromises regarding education reform and the ‘minority definition are reached in the nearest future. Ina Druviete also states that if the Convention were ratified now it would only bring new tensions in society. While Andrejs Klementjevs believes that ratification would reduce tension and that the refusal to ratify it is a ‘political revenge.

The Deputy Chairman of the Naturalisation Board Janis Kahanovics estimates that in 2004 more than 20,000 naturalisation applications will be submitted and about 15,000 will become Latvian citizens. The chairperson also reported that in 2004 2,000 persons have emigrated, but 344 persons have renounced Latvian citizenship.

The Deputy Chairman of the Naturalisation Board Janis Kahanovics estimates that in 2004 more than 20,000 naturalisation applications will be submitted and about 15,000 will become Latvian citizens. The chairperson also reported that in 2004 2,000 persons have emigrated, but 344 persons have renounced Latvian citizenship. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the centre for public policy Providus presented the annual report on education ‘Education Reforms for the Society Integration and Welfare of Latvia. Report on Education 2003/2004.’

Yesterday the centre for public policy Providus presented the annual report on education ‘Education Reforms for the Society Integration and Welfare of Latvia. Report on Education 2003/2004. The report contains a number of articles analysing topical issues in the field of education, including analyses of dual-stream schools (schools which continue to offer educational programmes in Latvian and Russian). ‘Dual stream schools play an important role in social integration process, because they are a positive example of the implementation of multi-lingual educational model conclude authors of the study. According to one of the authors, researcher of the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Evija Klave dual-stream schools promote tolerance towards other cultures and languages, as well as interethnic dialogue between teachers and parents. Besides, being together with Latvian students help to develop a positive attitude towards the education reform. Vesti Segodnya, referring to an anonymous researcher, states that the final goal of the education reform is assimilation of Russians. Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya

Members of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee from Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM and New Era did not support amendments to the Immigration Law, proposed by the Cabinet of Ministers. Proposed amendments stipulated that the Cabinet of Ministers should have the right to determine certain categories of foreigners and stateless persons who would have some easements in Latvian language examinations. According to the effective Immigration Law, a person who applies for a permanent residence permit should speak the state language at a respective level. A member of FF/LNIM considered that it was an attempt to exempt all foreigners from the state language examination. The Cabinet of Ministers explained that these exemptions would apply only to people with hearing and speaking disabilities, as well as persons who have lost ability to speak and write because of brain damages. The newspaper reports that MPs did not believe in the explanation and will develop their own. 

Members of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee from Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM and New Era did not support amendments to the Immigration Law, proposed by the Cabinet of Ministers. Proposed amendments stipulated that the Cabinet of Ministers should have the right to determine certain categories of foreigners and stateless persons who would have some easements in Latvian language examinations. According to the effective Immigration Law, a person who applies for a permanent residence permit should speak the state language at a respective level. A member of FF/LNIM considered that it was an attempt to exempt all foreigners from the state language examination. The Cabinet of Ministers explained that these exemptions would apply only to people with hearing and speaking disabilities, as well as persons who have lost ability to speak and write because of brain damages. The newspaper reports that MPs did not believe in the explanation and will develop their own. Vesti Segodnya

Members of the European Parliament (EP) Aldis Kuskis (New Era) together with his colleagues from the EP Baltic Club have drafted an open letter to the leaders of the EU member states. The main goal of the letter is to draw attention to “the fact that Russia avoids taking responsibility for crimes committed by the Soviet regime.” The letter was drafted in response to the invitation of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to the leaders of the EU member state to celebrate the anniversary of the victory in World War II in Moscow on 9 May 2005. Aldis Kuskis states it will be the celebration of the triumph of the Soviet regime and not the end of WW II. Aldis Kuskis reports that not only MPs from the Baltic States but also from Germany and Nordic countries have expressed their support for the letter. 

Members of the European Parliament (EP) Aldis Kuskis (New Era) together with his colleagues from the EP Baltic Club have drafted an open letter to the leaders of the EU member states. The main goal of the letter is to draw attention to the fact that Russia avoids taking responsibility for crimes committed by the Soviet regime. The letter was drafted in response to the invitation of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to the leaders of the EU member state to celebrate the anniversary of the victory in World War II in Moscow on 9 May 2005. Aldis Kuskis states it will be the celebration of the triumph of the Soviet regime and not the end of WW II. Aldis Kuskis reports that not only MPs from the Baltic States but also from Germany and Nordic countries have expressed their support for the letter. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Tomorrow several documentaries about life of minorities in Latvia will be demonstrated to the diplomatic corpus. The presentation is organised by the Secretariat of Minister of Special Assignments in Society Integration Affairs and the Latvian Institute.

Tomorrow several documentaries about life of minorities in Latvia will be demonstrated to the diplomatic corpus. The presentation is organised by the Secretariat of Minister of Special Assignments in Society Integration Affairs and the Latvian Institute. Rigas Balss, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize prints an article by the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins. He responds to the article by the MP Boris Tsilevitch about the meeting of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus printed in Telegraf of 14 October. He accuses Boris Tsilevitch for misinterpreting a number of statements, including that the HCNM asked to ratify the Convention without any reservations. Aleksandrs Kirsteins stresses that Rolf Ekeus only expressed his own opinion about possible solutions to this issue, but did not demanded ratification without any reservations.

Oct. 26, 2004

  • Saeima Human Rights Committee discusses amendments to the Law on radio and Television which would strengthen the protection of the state language in electronic media
  • State officials inspects the implementation of education reform at minority schools
  • Members of the Latvian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe plan to meet with representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools
  • Article about national radical organisations in Latvia
  • Vesti Segodnya re-prints the interview with the Chairperson of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Organisations Raffi Haradzanjan
  • Interview with the representative of the Latvian NGO ‘Working Youth Janis Kuzins, the leader of the group of young people who went to Strasbourg to protest against the implementation of education reform
  • Vesti Segodnya interviews the Head of the Parliamentary group of the Union of the Greens and Farmers Augusts Brigmanis
  • Attitudes of Russian-speakers towards the Latvian language

Latvijas Avize reports that today the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affair Committer will discuss amendments to the Law on Radio and Television. The amendments would provide new procedures for the protection of the state language in electronic mass media.

Rigas Balss prints an article about inspections conducted by officials of the State Education Inspection at minority schools. State officials conclude that after two weeks of inspection they have not discovered any serious violations. Officials have inspected about 20 schools in Riga, which according to official and non-official sources of information experienced any difficulties: had not licensed their educational programmes, lacked text books, had problems concerning Latvian language skills of teachers. If there were problems schools are asked to solve these problems. Inspectors did not want to reveal what kind of violations were registered not to make fuss in public, however, they noted it was too early to talk about lay off of teachers whose Latvian language skills were not sufficient. The representative of the Ministry of Education and Science Sergejs Ancupovs reports that the Ministry will organise a round table discussion for minority school principals in November.

Members of the Latvian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe plan to meet with representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools and learn their views on the implementation of education reform if only the meeting takes place in Riga and not in Strasbourg and only Russian pupils and not their parents or any other adults take part in the meeting.

Members of the Latvian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe plan to meet with representatives of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools and learn their views on the implementation of education reform if only the meeting takes place in Riga and not in Strasbourg and only Russian pupils and not their parents or any other adults take part in the meeting. Chas

Telegraf prints an article about young radicals in Latvia and interviews representatives of three national radical organisations: ‘Visu Latvijai! (All for Latvia) Raivis Dzintars, Club 415 Guntis Dilevs and the Union of National Strength Aigars Prusis about their activities and future plans. The newspaper also interviews the Head of the Security Police Janis Reiniks. He states that in Latvia there are maximum 2,000 – 3,000 people who support these organisations. He also believes that these organisations are more national radical than extreme.

Vesti Segodnya re-prints the interview with the Chairperson of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Organisations Raffi Haradzanjan published in the news agency BNS. Raffi Haradzanjan believes that there is no need for the Integration Ministry, and definitely if it is formed on the basis of the Secretariat of Minister of Special Assignments in Society Integration Affairs led by Nils Muiznieks. He reproaches the Secretariat for organising seminars and for not providing support to minority organisations. He stresses that his organisation is loyal to the state because they supported the implementation of education reform. Raffi Haradzanjan is also convinced that the Framework Convention for the Protection of Minorities will be ratified if an explanatory activities are conducted among members of a Latvian part of society.  

Vesti Segodnya re-prints the interview with the Chairperson of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Organisations Raffi Haradzanjan published in the news agency BNS. Raffi Haradzanjan believes that there is no need for the Integration Ministry, and definitely if it is formed on the basis of the Secretariat of Minister of Special Assignments in Society Integration Affairs led by Nils Muiznieks. He reproaches the Secretariat for organising seminars and for not providing support to minority organisations. He stresses that his organisation is loyal to the state because they supported the implementation of education reform. Raffi Haradzanjan is also convinced that the Framework Convention for the Protection of Minorities will be ratified if an explanatory activities are conducted among members of a Latvian part of society.

Latvijas Avize interviews the representative of the Latvian NGO ‘Working Youth Janis Kuzins. Janis Kuzins was also the leader of the group of young people who went to Strasbourg to protest against the implementation of education reform. He believes that thanks to the development of the Law on Minorities the issues concerning education reform have been solved and no moratorium should be established. He assures that his organisation will not co-operate with the ‘Russian community any more.

Vesti Segodnya interviews the Head of the Parliamentary group of the Union of the Greens and Farmers Augusts Brigmanis. When asked whether tension in society concerning the implementation of education reform has reduced since 1 September, Augusts Brigmanis says ‘it was clear that there was a problem concerning education reform, therefore our party was for a dialogue.

Chas columnist prints an article where she categorizes Russian-speaking people in Latvia in accordance with their Latvian language skills and attitude towards the Latvian language. According to her there are five categories of people. People who belong to the first category have no problems to speak Latvian, however, because of the attitude of the state towards Russian-speakers, refuses to speak in Latvian in principle. The second category are people who have given up their Russian identity and the Russian language and ‘try to Latvians. People classified as the third category do not know Latvian very well and are not very interested in learning the language. Another category are people who actively defend their rights to speak Russian and insists on speaking Russian everywhere. The last category are people whose Latvian is rather poor but they are not afraid to speak and mix it with Russian.






Oct. 25, 2004

  • Latest data on naturalisation
  • Vesti Segodnya discusses the difficulties to register a child, whose mother is a Latvian non-citizen and father – a Russian citizen
  • Article about the necessity to recognise Latvias occupation
  • Georgian Society of Latvia opens Sunday school
According to the information of the Naturalisation Board, 68,8% of all naturalisation applications (84,827), received by the Board since the beginning of naturalisation process in 1995, have been submitted by women. In total 78,540 persons, including 10,094, have naturalised from 1995 till 30 September this year. 

According to the information of the Naturalisation Board, 68,8% of all naturalisation applications (84,827), received by the Board since the beginning of naturalisation process in 1995, have been submitted by women. In total 78,540 persons, including 10,094, have naturalised from 1995 till 30 September this year. Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya analyses the case of the Zaharovs family who experience difficulties to register their child. A mother of the child is a Latvian non-citizen and has already submitted an application for naturalisation, a father is a Russian citizen. When parents came to register their child, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs refused to register the child and give her personal code. The Office told parents to register the child at an embassy of the country whose citizen is one of the parents. The parents refused to register their child as the Russian citizen and applied with the court against the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs challenging the Offices refusal to register the child and give her personal code. The court refused the claim, however, the parents will appeal the ruling with a higher instance court. Lawyer and Saeima member Juris Sokolovskis explains that the refusal is not based on Latvian legislation as no Latvian law provides that a child should have citizenship of a parent who has citizenship of a foreign country. He stresses that this situation is a free interpretation of officials.

Latvijas Avize features an article by the representative of the Latvian Officers Union Olgerts Ramnieks about the necessity to recognise Latvias occupation at international level. The author believes that international recognition would bring not only moral satisfaction but also would serve as a solution to internal and external problems, including societal integration. Olgerts Ramnieks also believes that state officials should demonstrate courage and explain that the norms of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities may not be fully applied towards Russian and CISs citizens, who arrived in Latvia during its soviet occupation.

The Georgian Society of Latvia has opened Sunday school. Children will have a possibility to learn the Georgian and Latvian languages as well as the Georgian history, culture and traditions at the school.

The Georgian Society of Latvia has opened Sunday school. Children will have a possibility to learn the Georgian and Latvian languages as well as the Georgian history, culture and traditions at the school. Diena

Oct. 23, 2004

  • Russia State Council agrees to extend the partnership agreement between Russia and the EU to the new member states
  • Deputy Chairperson of the national-radical organisation Latvian National Front Liene Apine brought charges against the Chairman of the Society Integration Foundation Sols Bukingolts for defamation and injuring dignity in mass media
  • Anti-Semitic slogans discovered on a wall of the building in Old Riga
The Russian State Council has agreed to extend the partnership agreement between Russia and the EU to the ten new EU member states.  However, Russia notes the areas where improvements should be made, including the situation of Russian-speakers in Estonia and Latvia. According to MPs of Russia, Latvia’s and Estonia’s accession into the EU has not changed the situation of Russian-speakers for better. MPs reproached the EU for guarding the Baltic States from the ‘objective criticism.’ They also criticised Latvia and Estonia for falsification of the results of the World War II and depicting their legionnaires as heroes.

The Russian State Council has agreed to extend the partnership agreement between Russia and the EU to the ten new EU member states. However, Russia notes the areas where improvements should be made, including the situation of Russian-speakers in Estonia and Latvia. According to MPs of Russia, Latvias and Estonias accession into the EU has not changed the situation of Russian-speakers for better. MPs reproached the EU for guarding the Baltic States from the ‘objective criticism. They also criticised Latvia and Estonia for falsification of the results of the World War II and depicting their legionnaires as heroes. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The Deputy Chairperson of the national-radical organisation Latvian National Front Liene Apine has applied with the Riga Vidzeme Court against the businessman and the Chairman of the Society Integration Foundation Sols Bukingolts. Liene Apine accuses Sols Bukingolts in defamation and injuring her dignity in mass media. According to Liene Apine, Sols Bukingolts in his interview with the newspaper

The Deputy Chairperson of the national-radical organisation Latvian National Front Liene Apine has applied with the Riga Vidzeme Court against the businessman and the Chairman of the Society Integration Foundation Sols Bukingolts. Liene Apine accuses Sols Bukingolts in defamation and injuring her dignity in mass media. According to Liene Apine, Sols Bukingolts in his interview with the newspaper Latvijas Avize on 15 October 2004 stated that Liene Apines official employment in Saeima brings harm to the Latvian nation. He also called the representatives of the Latvian National Front anti-Semites. Liene Apine asks Sols Bukungolts to pay her Ls3,000,000 for moral damages. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Anti-Semitic slogans, drawings of symbols of the Nazi party, and signs of skinheads were discovered on a wall of the building in the Old Riga.

Anti-Semitic slogans, drawings of symbols of the Nazi party, and signs of skinheads were discovered on a wall of the building in the Old Riga. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

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