Nov. 10, 2004

  • Minister of Education and Science presents a report on the readiness of minority schools to implement the education reform
  • Director of the Society Integration Foundation Nils Sakss accounts to the Saeima Subcommittee
  • Diena comments on the recent amendments to the Law on radio and Television
  • Two French state officials study the role of Latvia in the relations between the EU and Russia
  • Latvijas Avize discusses goals of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (OKROL)
  • Russian state officials concerned about the situation of non-citizens
Yesterday the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics presented a report which according to the Minister ‘does not analyse the implementation of the reform, but concludes whether schools were ready for the reform.’ The Minister was not able to assure that the implementation of the reform is successful, nevertheless the report concludes that schools are ready for the academic year as provided in legislation. According to the officials of the Ministry, first analysis of the reform will be available after the first semester in January. Scrupulous examination of all schools is planned in March and April. Regarding halting activities of the working group dealing with development of the Law on Minority Schools, officials stated that the activities of the group were halted probably because the head of the working group changed his jobs and now ‘we should wait when the new government is formed and then it will appoint a new head of the working group.’ 

Yesterday the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics presented a report which according to the Minister ‘does not analyse the implementation of the reform, but concludes whether schools were ready for the reform. The Minister was not able to assure that the implementation of the reform is successful, nevertheless the report concludes that schools are ready for the academic year as provided in legislation. According to the officials of the Ministry, first analysis of the reform will be available after the first semester in January. Scrupulous examination of all schools is planned in March and April. Regarding halting activities of the working group dealing with development of the Law on Minority Schools, officials stated that the activities of the group were halted probably because the head of the working group changed his jobs and now ‘we should wait when the new government is formed and then it will appoint a new head of the working group. NRA, Chas

Yesterday the Director of Society Integration Foundation Nils Sakss accounted for the activities of the Foundation to the members of the Integration Subcommittee of Saeima. In three years of operation the budget of the Foundation has significantly increased. The biggest share of money comes from the EU, however Nils Sakss notes that the EU will be interested in ethnic integration issues only till 2007. According to the newspaper foreign donors have acknowledged the Foundation as ‘a very adequate institution’ for administrating money flows.

Yesterday the Director of Society Integration Foundation Nils Sakss accounted for the activities of the Foundation to the members of the Integration Subcommittee of Saeima. In three years of operation the budget of the Foundation has significantly increased. The biggest share of money comes from the EU, however Nils Sakss notes that the EU will be interested in ethnic integration issues only till 2007. According to the newspaper foreign donors have acknowledged the Foundation as ‘a very adequate institution for administrating money flows. Vesti Segodnya

Diena comments on the recent amendments to the Law on Radio and Television which foresee that the Cabinet of Ministers has the right to set specific provisions concerning the usage of the language of broadcasting if the usage of the state language is endangered or restricted in the territory of a respective broadcaster. No criteria, according to which threats to the Latvian language could be measured, were adopted. The Head of the Saeima Human Rights Committee Ina Druviete and the Head of the Saeima Legal Office Gunars Kusins do not consider that the recent amendments contradict the ruling of the Constitutional Court which was adopted a half a year ago and abolished the paragraph of the Law on Radio and Television, which provided that time of broadcast in foreign languages may not exceed 25% of total broadcasting time. While representatives of the mass media, mostly broadcasting in the Russian language, are concerned that new restrictions may result in financial loses.

Two members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly held meetings with a number of Latvian state officials. The French officials are studying the relations between the EU and Russia and the role of Latvia in these relations.

Two members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly held meetings with a number of Latvian state officials. The French officials are studying the relations between the EU and Russia and the role of Latvia in these relations. Latvijas Avize reports that the French officials noted that Latvian legislation corresponds to EU legislation and creates a favourable environment for ethnic minorities. They both have agreed that the Latvias past is a difficult issue. When commenting on the future relations between the EU and Russia, the French officials admitted that the post of the Commissioner for Energy, which will be taken up by the Latvian representative Andris Piebalgs, is very important. Therefore, Piebalgs could strengthen Latvias positions against Russia in the future. Chas

Latvijas Avize discusses one of the key goals of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (OKROL): to unite and support Russian business people. The newspaper comments the OKROL follows the principles of the pure race set and used by Nazi Germany. The newspaper provides information on business activities of the leaders of the organisation.

‘The situation of non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia does not correspond to the European standards,’ stated the Special Representative of the Russian President in the Relations with the EU Sergei Yastrzembsky yesterday. The booklet ‘The rights of national minorities in Estonia and Latvia’ developed by Russia was also presented at the press conference. The booklet will be sent to the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities and will be distributed to EU countries. According to

‘The situation of non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia does not correspond to the European standards, stated the Special Representative of the Russian President in the Relations with the EU Sergei Yastrzembsky yesterday. The booklet ‘The rights of national minorities in Estonia and Latvia developed by Russia was also presented at the press conference. The booklet will be sent to the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities and will be distributed to EU countries. According to Telegraf , Brussels will play closer attention to the issue of non-citizens in two EU countries – Latvia and Estonia – in the upcoming summit. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya reports on the visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to Russia. The newspaper notes that Russian officials stressed that the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia has got worse after accession of these countries into the EU.

Nov. 9, 2004

  • Peoples Harmony Party concerned about increased intolerance in programmes aired by the National Radio and TV
  • Telegraf discusses difficulties concerning initiating cases for incitement of national hatred
  • Internet users discuss ratification of the Framework Convention
  • Members of nationalcultural organisation discuss integration issues
  • Interview with the member of the European Parliament Tatyana Zdanoka
  • Interview with one of the leaders of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (OKROL) Valerijs Kravcovs
  • Two Romani festivals will take place this weekend
  • Pro-minority organisations have announced the essay competition on the education reform for secondary school students
The People’s Harmony Party has sent a letter to the Chairperson of the National Radio and TV Council Imants Rakins. The party is concerned about increased ethnic intolerance in programmes produced by the National Television and National Radio, in particularly in live broadcast from the Saeima. Authors of the letter hope that Imants Rakins will take measures to stop incitement of national hatred.

The Peoples Harmony Party has sent a letter to the Chairperson of the National Radio and TV Council Imants Rakins. The party is concerned about increased ethnic intolerance in programmes produced by the National Television and National Radio, in particularly in live broadcast from the Saeima. Authors of the letter hope that Imants Rakins will take measures to stop incitement of national hatred. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The columnist of

The columnist of Telegraf is concerned that the claim of the Parliamentary Secretary of the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration Aleksandrs Brandavs against the national radical newspaper DDD for publishing articles containing anti-semitic statements and calling to national hatred will not be properly examined by the General Prosecurtors Office. The Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks explains that in accordance with the effective legislation it is very difficult to prove that national hatred was incited intentionally. He also notes that many prosecutors offices in East Europe, including Latvia, are very cautious with initiating such cases because they are afraid to violate the freedom of speech. The Minister states that another issue is that there is the lack of common European standards towards nationalism and nationalists. Telegraf concludes that the future of the claim largely depends on the verdict of experts, however, according to the newspaper and the Minister, experts will not found the grounds for initiating the case.

Latvijas Avize reports on the discussion in the internet about ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to the newspaper none of discussions participants supports ratification. Some of them state that first, ‘old EU countries should ratify the Framework Convention, while others are convinced that the Convention in Latvias particular situation is not necessary and in fact dangerous.

Latvijas Avize holds a discussion on integration issues between the Chairperson of the Riga Latvian Association Valdis Rumnieks, the Chairperson of the Association of Russian Organisations in Latvia Mihails Gavrilovs and the member of the Byelorussian Organisation and director of the Riga Byelorussian Primary School Anna Ivane. Valdis Rumnieks believes that integration at a cultural level is successful, while it cannot be said about integration at a political level. Mihails Gavrilovs argues that Russians in Latvia lack national self-awareness and that hampers successful integration. The participants agree that integration is based on the following three main values: culture, language and tolerance.

Vesti Segodnya talks to the member of the European Parliament Tatyana Zdanoka. She states that Latvian authorities ignore the presence of national minorities in the country.

Chas talks to one of the leaders of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (OKROL) Valerijs Kravcovs. He states that new and new branches of the organisation are formed in the regions of Latvia and the number of the members of the OKROL reaches 50,000.

The third Romani children and youth song festival will take place in Sabile. The organiser of the festival Kaspars Arhipovs states that the goal of the festival is to unite, educate and raise self-awareness of Roma. While in another town – Tukums – Romani autumn festival will take place this weekend.

The third Romani children and youth song festival will take place in Sabile. The organiser of the festival Kaspars Arhipovs states that the goal of the festival is to unite, educate and raise self-awareness of Roma. While in another town – Tukums – Romani autumn festival will take place this weekend. Latvijas Avize

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Latvia, FHRUL and Latvian Human Rights Committee have announced the essay competition for secondary school students. Students are called to write on such topics as ‘Education Reform: Springboard or Hellhole,’ ‘Me, School and Reform.’

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Latvia, FHRUL and Latvian Human Rights Committee have announced the essay competition for secondary school students. Students are called to write on such topics as ‘Education Reform: Springboard or Hellhole, ‘Me, School and Reform. Vesti Segodnya

Nov. 8, 2004

  • Ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities becomes a discussion subject in negotiations about the formation of a new government
  • Interview with the chairperson of the FF/LNIM and Saeima Vice-speaker Janis Straume
  • Ministry of Education and Science reports on a successful implementation of the education reform
  • FHRUL states that Latvian authorities implement repressive methods towards opponents of the education reform
  • National radical organisation will run for municipal election together with FHRUL
  • Round-table discussions on the Holocaust and expressions of anti-Semitism took place in Riga
For Freedom and Fatherland/LNIM stated that the party will not take part in such a government, which will includ a point on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection  of National Minorities in the governmental declaration. The Chairperson of the FF/LNIM Janis Straume thinks that ratification of the Convention will be brought up in discussions between the President and parties concerning the formation of a new government. According to interviews with representatives of other political parties, the New Era does not see grounds for supporting ratification. The People’s Party and the Union of the Greens and Farmers avoid giving explicit answers on their stance towards the Convention, while the Latvian First Party has expressed its support for ratification.

For Freedom and Fatherland/LNIM stated that the party will not take part in such a government, which will includ a point on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities inthe governmentaldeclaration. The Chairperson of the FF/LNIM Janis Straume thinks that ratification of the Convention will be brought up in discussions between the President and parties concerning the formation of a new government. According to interviews with representatives of other political parties, the New Era does not see grounds for supporting ratification. The Peoples Party and the Union of the Greens and Farmers avoid giving explicit answers on their stance towards the Convention, while the Latvian First Party has expressed its support for ratification. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize interviews the chairperson of the FF/LNIM and Saeima Vice-speaker Janis Straume. He declares that the Convention should not be ratified and ‘we will not exchange our position for the place in the government. When asked to comment on the implementation of the education reform, Janis Straumes says that there is no need to adopt a new law concerning minority education. He also notes that there was no violence on 1 September thanks to, first, security police and, second, the Saeima Protection Bureau. Janis Straume promises to defend ‘national issues if his party is in the government. He names the New Era and the Peoples Party as FF/NIMs allies in this field. Chas

According to the report of the Ministry of Education and Science submitted to the government, the situation at minority schools is good and all issues are solved on professional level.

According to the report of the Ministry of Education and Science submitted to the government, the situation at minority schools is good and all issues are solved on professional level. Telegraf

The union For Human Rights in the United Latvia adopted a statement, which says that the Latvian authorities implement repressive methods towards opponents of the education reform. The authors of the statement report that the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools in Latvia conducts a continuous monitoring of the implementation of the reform at schools and it is already possible to draw the following conclusions: ‘studies have turned into farce because the majority of time teachers spend translating and explaining Latvian terms and there is an obvious sharp decrease of the level of knowledge, lost interest towards studies, psychological trauma for students.’

The union For Human Rights in the United Latvia adopted a statement, which says that the Latvian authorities implement repressive methods towards opponents of the education reform. The authors of the statement report that the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools in Latvia conducts a continuous monitoring of the implementation of the reform at schools and it is already possible to draw the following conclusions: ‘studies have turned into farce because the majority of time teachers spend translating and explaining Latvian terms and there is an obvious sharp decrease of the level of knowledge, lost interest towards studies, psychological trauma for students. Chas

The Latvian National Democratic Part, which has organised a number of unauthorised meetings and is related with the illegal movement ‘Russian National Unity,’ plans to run for local elections in Liepaja together with the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. The FHRUL does not deny a possibility to co-operate with the LNDP because, according to FHRUL, the leader of LNDP Jevgenijs Osipovs has given up his radical and anti-semitic views. However, the Minister of the Secretariat for Special Assignments for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, who have followed Osipovs’ activities, believes that attempts of extremists to come to power with legitimate methods are dangerous.

The Latvian National Democratic Part, which has organised a number of unauthorised meetings and is related with the illegal movement ‘Russian National Unity, plans to run for local elections in Liepaja together with the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. The FHRUL does not deny a possibility to co-operate with the LNDP because, according to FHRUL, the leader of LNDP Jevgenijs Osipovs has given up his radical and anti-semitic views. However, the Minister of the Secretariat for Special Assignments for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, who have followed Osipovs activities, believes that attempts of extremists to come to power with legitimate methods are dangerous. Diena

The round-table discussions devoted to the Holocaust and expressions of anti-Semitism took place in Riga. The conference was organised by Yad Vashem and the agency ‘Sohnut.’ Participants of the conference discussed reasons for new expressions of anti-Semitism. 

The round-table discussions devoted to the Holocaust and expressions of anti-Semitism took place in Riga. The conference was organised by Yad Vashem and the agency ‘Sohnut. Participants of the conference discussed reasons for new expressions of anti-Semitism. Vesti Segodnya


Nov. 6, 2004

  • FHRUL called the Latvian President not to promulgate amendments to the Law on Radio and Television
  • Interview with the Chairperson of the Board of the Latvian First Party Ainars Slesers
  • Former TV employees about the National TV
  • Exhibition of children's books in Russian opened at the National Library
  • House of Moscow organised the competition devoted to the ‘liberation of Riga from the Nazi occupation
The faction of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia called the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to promulgate amendments to the Law on Radio and Television which foresee that the Cabinet of Ministers has the right to set specific provisions concerning the usage of the language of broadcasting if the usage of the state language is endangered or restricted in the territory of a respective broadcaster.

The faction of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia called the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to promulgate amendments to the Law on Radio and Television which foresee that the Cabinet of Ministers has the right to set specific provisions concerning the usage of the language of broadcasting if the usage of the state language is endangered or restricted in the territory of a respective broadcaster. Chas

Latvijas Avize interviews the Chairperson of the Board of the Latvian First Party Ainars Slesers. When discussing the alternatives for the new coalition and government, the journalist asks whether the Latvian First Party has come to an agreement with the New Era regarding ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Ainars Slesers replies that ‘we cannot divide people in two groups – Latvians and Russians. We have to consolidate those people who support united Latvia. He also notes that there are two information spaces – Latvian and Russian – and believes that diversity in the Russian media could be achieved by increasing competition among the Russian media.

Last weekend the National Television celebrated its 50 anniversary.

Last weekend the National Television celebrated its 50 anniversary. Vesti Segodnya talks to two non-Latvians who worked in the National Television till the early 90ies. They both state that during Soviet times Latvian television was more qualitative, while now there is no freedom of opinions.

On Saturday the Club of Children Literature together with Russian National Children Library and the Association of Russian Publishers organised an exhibition ‘Russian Children’s Books and Text Books’ at the Latvian National Library.

On Saturday the Club of Children Literature together with Russian National Children Library and the Association of Russian Publishers organised an exhibition ‘Russian Childrens Books and Text Books at the Latvian National Library. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The House of Moscow organised the competition devoted to ‘the 60

The House of Moscow organised the competition devoted to ‘the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Riga from the Nazi occupation. All schools in Riga were invited to take part in the competition, however, only Russian schools responded to the invitation. Chas, Vesti Segodnya


Nov. 5, 2004

  • Saeima adopts amendments to the Law on Radio and Television
  • Chairman of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Organisations Rafi Haradzanjan comments on the implementation of the education reform
  • Organisations representing Russias compatriots in the Baltic States adopt a resolution on the situation of Russian-speakers in these countries
  • State Security Police will examine articles published by the national-radical newspaper DDD
  • Interview with the political scientist, Director of the Globalisation Institute Boris Kagarlitsky
Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Radio and Television Law. The new provisions foresee that the Cabinet of Ministers has the right to set specific provisions concerning the usage of the language of broadcasting if the usage of the state language is endangered or restricted in the territory of a respective broadcaster. The Programme Director of the private TV Channel

Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on Radio and Television Law. The new provisions foresee that the Cabinet of Ministers has the right to set specific provisions concerning the usage of the language of broadcasting if the usage of the state language is endangered or restricted in the territory of a respective broadcaster. The Programme Director of the private TV Channel TV5 Gunta Lidaka believes that new provisions provide a possibility to restrict the usage of minority languages in TV and radio programmes on very vague basis. The member of Saeima Andrejs Klementjevs (Peoples Harmony Party) is convinced that the new provisions will result in political pressure on private broadcasters. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize reprints fragments of the interview of the Chairman of the Latvian Association of National Cultural Organisations Rafi Haradzanjan, published by the Estonian Russian-language newspaper ‘Molodjozh Estonii (Youth of Estonia). When asked to comment on the implementation of the education reform in Latvia, Rafi Haradzanjan states that although many parents perceive the reform as a problem, children will only benefit from it. Rafi Haradzanjan notes that the world is changing and in this situation a person should speak three, four or five languages. The chairman also believes that the education reform does not imply any assimilation threats, because the mass media, books, concerts are easy accessible and available in Latvia. Regarding ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia, Rafi Haradzanjan states that the majority of society in Latvia is not ready for ratification.

Organisations representing Russia’s compatriots in the Baltic States adopted a resolution addressed to the parliaments and governments of Latvia and Estonia in their conference in Tallin. The organisation calls on the governments to adopt overall legal norms prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of race, language, religion, gender and ethnicity. The resolution also includes a call to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without reservations.

Organisations representing Russias compatriots in the Baltic States adopted a resolution addressed to the parliaments and governments of Latvia and Estonia in their conference in Tallin. The organisation calls on the governments to adopt overall legal norms prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of race, language, religion, gender and ethnicity. The resolution also includes a call to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without reservations. Chas

The Prosecutor General Office has asked the State Security Police to examine articles published by the national-radical newspaper

The Prosecutor General Office has asked the State Security Police to examine articles published by the national-radical newspaper DDD and provide a conclusion whether these articles incite national hatred. In October the Parliamentary Secretary of the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration Aleksandrs Brandavs asked the Prosecutor General Office to evaluate these articles as according to Aleksandrs Brandavs they contain anti-Semitic statements. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features an interview with Russias political scientist and Director of the Globalisation Institute Boris Kagarlitsky about relationships between Russia and Latvia. Political scientist believes that in fact Russian politicians are not very interested in finding solutions to problems of Russian-speakers in Latvia and that they are only ‘playing for public. ‘Russia is not a serious threat for Latvia. The activities, currently undertaken by Moscow are fictive and formal actions. their goal is to raise tensions in Russias domestic affairs, believes Boris Kagarlitsky.

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