Jan. 24, 2006

  • Presidents Commission of the Historians: the documentary Baltic Nazism incites ethnic hatred
  • Security Police will investigate the assault on two Sri Lankans
  • Harmony Center proposes draft amendments to the Pension Law
  • Igor Pimenov: ethnic issues are the key problems in Latvias politics
  • Latvia missed the deadline for transposition of the EU directive on the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents
  • Latvian nationalist and millionaire calls patriots to boycott shops of non-Latvians
  • Leader of All for Latvia!: we are not racists and anti-Semits
The President’s Commission of the Historians evaluated the documentary film “Baltic Nazism,” produced by the Russia’s TV company. The Commission concluded that the documentary contains anti-Latvian propaganda. “The documentary has nothing in common with acceptable understanding of history. There are many misrepresentations of facts, and the documentary is provocative and incites to ethnic hatred,” stated the Commission.

The Presidents Commission of the Historians evaluated the documentary film Baltic Nazism, produced by the Russias TV company. The Commission concluded that the documentary contains anti-Latvian propaganda. The documentary has nothing in common with acceptable understanding of history. There are many misrepresentations of facts, and the documentary is provocative and incites to ethnic hatred, stated the Commission. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena

The Security Police began criminal proceeding for violation of racial equality in case of physical assault on two citizens of Sri Lanka that took place in Riga in the beginning of January.

The Security Police began criminal proceeding for violation of racial equality in case of physical assault on two citizens of Sri Lanka that took place in Riga in the beginning of January. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss

The Harmony Center submitted to the Presidium of Saeima draft amendments to the Pension Law. The draft amendments stipulate that the time period, which non-citizens were employed outside of Latvia during the Soviet times, must be included in the total number of years worked. The Saeima will review the draft amendments on Thursday.

The Harmony Center submitted to the Presidium of Saeima draft amendments to the Pension Law. The draft amendments stipulate that the time period, which non-citizens were employed outside of Latvia during the Soviet times, must be included in the total number of years worked. The Saeima will review the draft amendments on Thursday. Chas

The Head of LASHOR Igors Pimenovs considers that nationalistic views among Latvians are observable more often due to radicalization of so-called Russian parties. However, Igors Pimenovs believes that only those parties, which address both electorates - Russians and Latvians – will manage to bring in changes. “Ethnic problems are the key issues in Latvia’s politics. It is impossible to solve any problem without solving ethnic dilemmas…Fair decisions can be taken if only interests of both groups are taken into account,” said Igors Pimenovs.

The Head of LASHOR Igors Pimenovs considers that nationalistic views among Latvians are observable more often due to radicalization of so-called Russian parties. However, Igors Pimenovs believes that only those parties, which address both electorates - Russians and Latvians – will manage to bring in changes. Ethnic problems are the key issues in Latvias politics. It is impossible to solve any problem without solving ethnic dilemmas…Fair decisions can be taken if only interests of both groups are taken into account, said Igors Pimenovs. Chas

23 January 2006 was the deadline for the transposition of the EU Directive concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents into legislations of member states. Latvia, however, has developed the draft law, however, it has not been adopted by the Saeima yet.

23 January 2006 was the deadline for the transposition of the EU Directive concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents into legislations of member states. Latvia, however, has developed the draft law, however, it has not been adopted by the Saeima yet. Vesti Segodnya

Latvian nationalist and millionaire Norberts Klaucens (lives in the U.S.) on the internet portal

Latvian nationalist and millionaire Norberts Klaucens (lives in the U.S.) on the internet portal www.latvians.lv stated that Latvians must fight against non-Latvians not only with slogans but also with economic methods. Norberts Klaucens wrote that Latvias patriots must boycott stores, restaurants and institutions, which do not respect the Latvian language and do not support independence and sovereignty of Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

The leader of the nationalistic political party “All for Latvia!” Raivis Dzintars in an interview with the daily

The leader of the nationalistic political party All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars in an interview with the daily NRA stated that the party is not oriented on racism or anti-Semitism. We are for assimilation of non-Latvians, but it does not mean losing ones identity, it means to adoption to the Latvian environment… Our party does not stand for forced decolonization of non-Latvians, we are for voluntary repatriation system, said Raivis Dzintars.

Jan. 23, 2006

  • Conference about migration of working force
  • UCRCL asks the PACE to continue the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia
  • Nationalistic political parties discussed possible merging
  • Nationalistic activists Laimonis Gedrovics: National Socialism can save Latvians
Social scientist Arnis Kaktins in a conference “Is Latvia going the Irish way: migration of working force” presented the data of an opinion survey, according to which 70% the residents of Latvia do not want to see guest workers from other countries in Latvia. 40% of the respondents do not want to see Chinese, 32% - Africans, 3% - Turks. However, 40 % welcomes Belorussians, Ukrainians, Russians, and Moldavians.

Social scientist Arnis Kaktins in a conference Is Latvia going the Irish way: migration of working force presented the data of an opinion survey, according to which 70% the residents of Latvia do not want to see guest workers from other countries in Latvia. 40% of the respondents do not want to see Chinese, 32% - Africans, 3% - Turks. However, 40 % welcomes Belorussians, Ukrainians, Russians, and Moldavians. Telegraf

The United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (UCRCL) sent the PACE an application asking continuation of the post monitoring dialog with Latvia regarding the situation of national minorities in the country. The UCRCL considers that the Latvian government supports former Nazis by giving permission for organising the processions in commemoration of Latvian WWII legionaries. “We want to see Latvia as a country where Latvians, inhabitants of Latgale (the eastern region of Latvia), Russians, and other national minorities would be united in one Latvian nation, having equal rights to preserve their identity, culture and language, and no domination of anybody,” wrote the UCRCL.

The United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (UCRCL) sent the PACE an application asking continuation of the post monitoring dialog with Latvia regarding the situation of national minorities in the country. The UCRCL considers that the Latvian government supports former Nazis by giving permission for organising the processions in commemoration of Latvian WWII legionaries. We want to see Latvia as a country where Latvians, inhabitants of Latgale (the eastern region of Latvia), Russians, and other national minorities would be united in one Latvian nation, having equal rights to preserve their identity, culture and language, and no domination of anybody, wrote the UCRCL. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The merging of nationally radical political forces was discussed on the session of the right-wing party The Union of Fatherland on 21 January. The independent MP of the Saeima Aleksandrs Kirsteins, the leader of the nationalistic party “All for Latvia!” Raivis Dzintars, and the leader of National Front Aivars Garda (all known for their radically nationalistic views) took part in the session. The members of the session stated that the ‘real patriots’ of Latvia must be united to exclude the possibility that “disloyal parties” would win seats in the next Saeima and form the governing coalition.

The merging of nationally radical political forces was discussed on the session of the right-wing party The Union of Fatherland on 21 January. The independent MP of the Saeima Aleksandrs Kirsteins, the leader of the nationalistic party All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars, and the leader of National Front Aivars Garda (all known for their radically nationalistic views) took part in the session. The members of the session stated that the ‘real patriots of Latvia must be united to exclude the possibility that disloyal parties would win seats in the next Saeima and form the governing coalition. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena

One of nationalistic activists Laimonis Gedrovics on the internet portal www.latvietis.com stated that National Socialism is the only way how Latvians may defend themselves. “We must achieve that Latvia is the country only for Latvians… Naturalization process makes Latvians unprotected and poses threats to existence of the nation,” stated Gedrovics. He also believes that the leading positions in governmental and military institutions must be taken only by Latvians. 

One of nationalistic activists Laimonis Gedrovics on the internet portal www.latvietis.com stated that National Socialism is the only way how Latvians may defend themselves. We must achieve that Latvia is the country only for Latvians… Naturalization process makes Latvians unprotected and poses threats to existence of the nation, stated Gedrovics. He also believes that the leading positions in governmental and military institutions must be taken only by Latvians. Vesti Segodnya

Jan. 21, 2006

  • The Minister of Foreign Affairs: procession in commemoration of Latvian WWII legionaries on 16 March is used against Latvia
The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks in an interview with

The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks in an interview with Latvijas Avize stated that the procession in commemoration of Latvian WWII legionaries on 16 March is used against Latvia and those who organize the fuss around these events want to show that our nation and country follows the ideas of Nazism.

Jan. 20, 2006

  • Saeima accepted the draft law on the status of the EU permanent resident
  • 20 persons have asked for asylum in Latvia in 2005
  • FF/LNIM proposed the draft amendments to the Repatriation Law
Yesterday, the Saeima adopted the law on the status of the EU permanent resident in Latvia. According to the draft law the status is not an obligation and will not be granted automatically. The applicants will have to prove that s/he has been living in Latvia for past five years, has regular income, and Latvian language skills. However, the Russian daily

Yesterday, the Saeima adopted the law on the status of the EU permanent resident in Latvia. According to the draft law the status is not an obligation and will not be granted automatically. The applicants will have to prove that s/he has been living in Latvia for past five years, has regular income, and Latvian language skills. However, the Russian daily Chas writes that the law will not change in the status of Latvian non-citizens. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Vestnesis

Twenty persons have asked for asylum in Latvia in 2005, however, nobody has been granted the status. Among 20 applicants, there are seven persons from Somalia, six citizens of Iraq, three citizens of Russia, two citizens of Belarus, and one from Moldova and Japan. The representative of the Citizenship and Migration Board said that some applications have not being reviewed yet and the decisions will be taken during this year.

Twenty persons have asked for asylum in Latvia in 2005, however, nobody has been granted the status. Among 20 applicants, there are seven persons from Somalia, six citizens of Iraq, three citizens of Russia, two citizens of Belarus, and one from Moldova and Japan. The representative of the Citizenship and Migration Board said that some applications have not being reviewed yet and the decisions will be taken during this year. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, members of the Saeima’s right-wing political For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM proposed draft amendments to the Repatriation Law. FF/LNIM suggests that all Latvia’s residents and their descendants, who arrived to Latvia during the Soviet times, must be treated as repatriates.  However, the majority of MPs did not support the draft amendments.

Yesterday, members of the Saeimas right-wing political For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM proposed draft amendments to the Repatriation Law. FF/LNIM suggests that all Latvias residents and their descendants, who arrived to Latvia during the Soviet times, must be treated as repatriates. However, the majority of MPs did not support the draft amendments. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Jan. 19, 2006

  • Ainars Latkovskis: national minorities not only have rights, but also duties
  • Political party Motherland asks not to register party All for Latvia
  • Boris Cilevich about the PACEs post-monitoring dialog with Latvia
The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis in an interview with

The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis in an interview with Latvijas Avize stated that Latvias integration policy is based on several key principles, including that national minorities not only have rights, but also obligations towards the country they live. There will be no dialogue with those, who believe that Latvia is not an independent country, said Latkovskis

The political party Motherland asked the Minister of Justice Solvita Aboltina and the Enterprise Register not to register the newly established party “All for Latvia”, because of its radical views. “Motherland” is convinced that if the party “All for Latvia” is elected in the Parliament, it would be disobedient to the Constitution of Latvia, democratic principles and human rights. The party Concord Center stated that the position of “All for Latvia” is in breach with human rights and moral values. “Provocations of radicals can only stimulate ethnic hatred, and it would not solve anybody’s problems in Latvia,” stated the Concord Center.

The political party Motherland asked the Minister of Justice Solvita Aboltina and the Enterprise Register not to register the newly established party All for Latvia, because of its radical views. Motherland is convinced that if the party All for Latvia is elected in the Parliament, it would be disobedient to the Constitution of Latvia, democratic principles and human rights. The party Concord Center stated that the position of All for Latvia is in breach with human rights and moral values. Provocations of radicals can only stimulate ethnic hatred, and it would not solve anybodys problems in Latvia, stated the Concord Center. Latvijas Avize

MP Boris Cilevich (the Concord Center) in an interview with

MP Boris Cilevich (the Concord Center) in an interview with Chas stated that the PACEs (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) post-monitoring dialog with Latvia on the situation of ethnic minorities in the country should not be interpreted as a shame, but help. Latvia is a beneficiary in this situation. But colleagues from right-wing parties consider it as an offence… and arena for propagandistic war, said Boris Cilevich.

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