Nov. 29, 2004

  • Parties can not agree on which party should be responsible for the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration
  • European Court of Human Rights accepts the case of Tatjana Zdanoka
  • Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee discusses the impact of Russia on Latvias informative space
  • Neatkariga Rita Avize discusses political choices of new citizens of Latvia in the forthcoming municipal elections
  • Chas writes about the attitude of Europe towards minority problems in Latvia
  • Vesti Segodnya comments on the border agreement between Latvia and Russia
  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools calls parents of minority students take part in the meeting
  • Commentary on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
The President’s choice Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis and the party New Era were not able to come at an agreements regarding the post of the Special Tasks Minister for Social Integration: the New Era continues to refuse the post.

The Presidents choice Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis and the party New Era were not able to come at an agreements regarding the post of the Special Tasks Minister for Social Integration: the New Era continues to refuse the post. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas

On the request of the Latvian Government the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has accepted for its revision the case of Tatjana Zdanoka. In June the Small Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the state of Latvia has violated the right of Zdanoka to free elections. Tatjana Zdanoka applied with the ECHR in 2000 challenging Latvian legislation, which provided prohibition for persons who were the members of the Communist Party and other movements working against interests of independent Latvia, after 1991.

On the request of the Latvian Government the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has accepted for its revision the case of Tatjana Zdanoka. In June the Small Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the state of Latvia has violated the right of Zdanoka to free elections. Tatjana Zdanoka applied with the ECHR in 2000 challenging Latvian legislation, which provided prohibition for persons who were the members of the Communist Party and other movements working against interests of independent Latvia, after 1991. Diena, Latvijas Avize

The Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee discussed the impact of Russia on Latvia’s informative space. The discussion focused on programmes broadcasted by the First Baltic Channel. The head of the committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins noted that only 20% of channel’s broadcasting time is taken by the First Baltic Channel, while the remaining 80% programmes produced by the Russia’s channel ORT are showed. Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes that the ORT is the channel of the Kremlin. ‘Taking into account that the First Baltic Channel is not and, according to financial circumstances, can not be independent from Russia’s political influence, and that it was formed with the aim to maintain the control over Russian-speaking part of the society, Latvia should annul channel’s broadcasting license,’ believes Aleksandrs Kirsteins. While the Head of Latvia’s First Party parliamentary group Oskars Kastens argued that the audience of Russia’s TV channels in Latvia would be decreased by increasing the number of programmes in the Russian language on the public television channel

The Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee discussed the impact of Russia on Latvias informative space. The discussion focused on programmes broadcasted by the First Baltic Channel. The head of the committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins noted that only 20% of channels broadcasting time is taken by the First Baltic Channel, while the remaining 80% programmes produced by the Russias channel ORT are showed. Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes that the ORT is the channel of the Kremlin. ‘Taking into account that the First Baltic Channel is not and, according to financial circumstances, can not be independent from Russias political influence, and that it was formed with the aim to maintain the control over Russian-speaking part of the society, Latvia should annul channels broadcasting license, believes Aleksandrs Kirsteins. While the Head of Latvias First Party parliamentary group Oskars Kastens argued that the audience of Russias TV channels in Latvia would be decreased by increasing the number of programmes in the Russian language on the public television channel Latvijas Televizija. Latvijas Avize

Neatkariga Rita Avize discusses political choices of new citizens of Latvia in the forthcoming municipal elections. Referring to the survey, conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences in 2001, the journalist states that political choices of new citizens embrace all spectrums of political parties, although the majority stated that they would support ethnic left parties and social democrats. When asked on the impact of the implementation of the education reform on political choices of new-citizens, the sociologist and director of Latvijas Fakti Aigars Freimanis states that the education reform has been both a consolidating and dividing factor for non-Latvians, because not all non-Latvians support radical views. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane believes that protest actions against the education reform have failed and therefore cannot influence political choices of new citizens. While applicants for naturalisation and new citizens, interviewed by the newspaper, name the language of instruction at school as one of the factors, which influence their political choices. The number of new citizens has increased by more than 40,000 in comparison to the municipal elections in 2001.

Chas writes about the attitude of Europe towards minority problems in Latvia. The newspaper notes that recommendations of Europe become more persistent. The member of the European Parliament Jaromir Kohlicek (Czech Republic), interviewed by the newspaper, believes that education in Russian-language schools should be provided in Russian.

Vesti Segodnya writes about the Latvian Russian border agreement. The newspaper points to statements of several right-wing politicians that Latvia should demand compensation from Russia for the losses of property and land in the Abrene region. The Deputy Chairman of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Leopolds Ozolins is ready to raise the issue concerning the compensation for the region of Abrene. The newspaper believes that in this case ratification of the boarder agreement could be frozen for unsettled period.

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools has issued a call to minority students’ parents. The Headquarters calls parents to participate in parents’ meeting on 4 December 2004. According to the Headquarters, the Ministry of Education and Science continues to ignore the real situation at minority schools-  studies in the Latvian language at minority schools hamper students’ academic progress. 

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools has issued a call to minority students parents. The Headquarters calls parents to participate in parents meeting on 4 December 2004. According to the Headquarters, the Ministry of Education and Science continues to ignore the real situation at minority schools- studies in the Latvian language at minority schools hamper students academic progress. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features a commentary about ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The columnist Voldemars Krustins criticises state officials for obeying EU pressure.

Nov. 27, 2004

  • New Era refuses the post of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration
  • Newspapers discuss ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Border agreement between Russia and Latvia
  • Representative of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs, recently expelled from Latvia, applies with the court
  • Interview with the member of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia Aleksandrs Gaponenko
  • Commission examines state language proficiency of a teacher who opposes the education reform
  • Agreement to preserve Jewish sites between Latvia and USA
  • Article about the teacher of the Riga Ukrainian Secondary School Judite Suharecska
Newspapers report on the formation process of a new government. Newspapers state that in parties’ negotiations concerning posts of ministers, the party New Era has refused to take the post of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration, but asked the post of the Minister for Children and Family Affairs instead. The President’s choice for the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis refused the ultimatum and stated that the New Era should take responsibility for societal integration because the New Era promised the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to support ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the National Minorities.

Newspapers report on the formation process of a new government. Newspapers state that in parties negotiations concerning posts of ministers, the party New Era has refused to take the post of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration, but asked the post of the Minister for Children and Family Affairs instead. The Presidents choice for the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis refused the ultimatum and stated that the New Era should take responsibility for societal integration because the New Era promised the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to support ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the National Minorities. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Newspapers discuss ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Newspapers discuss ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Diena prints an article by ethnologist Ilmars Mezs, who believes that Latvia should ratify the Convention. According to the ethnologist, first of all Latvia should define what is a minority in Latvia as well as parishes or regions which would be the subjects of the Convention. Ilmars Mezs is convinced that nobody can demand Latvia to ratify the Convention, which would provide that all ethnic groups living in the territory of Latvia are the subjects of the Convention. The columnist of Chas Leonid Fedoseyev believes that current attempts to ‘define minorities in Latvia resemble attempts to divide non-Latvians into two parts – citizens and non-citizens. The coculmist criticises the desire of politicians to introduce reservations concerning the usage of minority language in communication with municipalities. Diena, Chas


Newspapers write about the wish of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to sign the Latvian Russian border agreement on the anniversary of the victory in World War II on 9 May 2005 in Moscow. The leaders of the Baltic States have not adopted a decision about their participation in the anniversary yet. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize,Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The representative of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs has applied with the Administrative Court, asking to cancel the decision of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs about his expulsion from Latvia. Aleksandrs Kazakovs also asks Latvia to pay him Ls 76,000 for material losses and moral damages.

The representative of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs has applied with the Administrative Court, asking to cancel the decision of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs about his expulsion from Latvia. Aleksandrs Kazakovs also asks Latvia to pay him Ls76,000 for material losses and moral damages. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the member of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia and the leader of its two projects Russian Club and The Union of Russian Businessmen Aleksandrs Gaponenko. According to Aleksandrs Gaponenko, Russia Club is developing the project European citizenship. The key activity of the project is demanding EU citizenship and rights of the EU citizens for Latvian non-citizens.

Chas features an article about the examination of Latvian language proficiency of Zhanna Kupcik, the Jurmala Mezmala School teacher. Zhanna Kupcik teaches the Russian language and ethics in Russian. According to the teacher, the examination commission, composed of the director of the school, the chief inspector of the State Education Inspection and the chief inspector of the State Language Centre, asked the teacher how she would teach the ethics in Latvian and was also asked to provide explanations regarding the meeting of her students with participants of a hunger strike against the education reform. Zhanna Kupcik passed naturalisation exams three years ago. At that time her Latvian language proficiency was admitted to correspond to the third category of state language proficiency, which is a sufficient level of Latvian language proficiency to work at school. This time, the commission evaluated her Latvian language proficiency as insufficient for teachers position. Zhanna Kupcik believes that this inspection was related to her negative attitude towards the education reform and active participation of her students in protest actions.

The Latvian USA agreement to protect Jewish memorial sites in Latvia has come into effect in November.

The Latvian USA agreement to protect Jewish memorial sites in Latvia has come into effect in November. Diena

Diena features an article about the teacher of the Riga Ukrainian Secondary Scholl teacher Judite Suharecska who teaches the Latvian language. Alongside with giving classes of the Latvian language, the teacher organises summer camps for students where Latvian and minority students watch movies in Latvian, sing Latvian songs and stage performances.

Nov. 26, 2004

  • Newspapers report on the EU-Russia summit
  • Saeima does not adopt amendments to a number of laws concerning ethnic minority rights
  • Inspections at minority secondary schools
  • Latvijas Avize reports on the results of the study ‘Social Integration and Business: Ethnic Aspects
  • Political Scientist Rasma Karklina discusses the draft law, stipulating restrictions for persons with double citizenship to hold high-level offices in the state administration
  • Rigas Balss continues the discussion about the refusal to award Latvian citizenship to the opponent of the education reform Jurijs Petropavlovskis
  • Discussion on teaching the Latvian and world history at schools
During the EU-Russia summit, the European Union stressed that EU member states Latvia and Estonia comply with the Copenhagen criteria in the area of human and minority rights. The EU called Russia to sign and ratify the boarder agreement with Latvia and Estonia immediately and Russian-speakers of Latvia to be more active and get involved in integration process. The EU also proposed Russia to launch a regular dialogue on observation of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

During the EU-Russia summit, the European Union stressed that EU member states Latvia and Estonia comply with the Copenhagen criteria in the area of human and minority rights. The EU called Russia to sign and ratify the boarder agreement with Latvia and Estonia immediately and Russian-speakers of Latvia to be more active and get involved in integration process. The EU also proposed Russia to launch a regular dialogue on observation of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Vesti Segodnya reports that Russias representatives plan to visit the Baltic States as the members of the EU delegation with the aim to monitor minority situation in these states. there are reports that yesterday the President of Russia Vladimir Putin asked to start the development of the boarder agreements with Latvia and Estonia. Latvijas Avize features a critical commentary about the initiative of the EU to discuss human rights issues with Russia. The newspaper believes that it will give Russia an opportunity to continue her reproaches towards Latvia. Latvijas Vestnesis, Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Yesterday Saeima did not adopt amendments to a number of laws concerning ethnic minority rights, including amendments to the Citizenship Law, submitted by the People’s Harmony Party, which according to the PHP were aimed at promoting naturalisation. The amendments stipulated that the test of the Latvian history from naturalisation examinations should be omitted because of ‘complexity and ambiguity of the test', persons who have reached the age of 60 years should be exempted from the Latvian language exams, as well as persons with low income should be exempted from the fee to be paid for naturalisation exams. Saeima also refused amendments to the Law on Education, submitted by For Human Rights in the United Latvia, which stipulated that the Ministry of Education and Science does not have the right to define subjects which must be taught in Latvian at minority schools.

Yesterday Saeima did not adopt amendments to a number of laws concerning ethnic minority rights, including amendments to the Citizenship Law, submitted by the Peoples Harmony Party, which according to the PHP were aimed at promoting naturalisation. The amendments stipulated that the test of the Latvian history from naturalisation examinations should be omitted because of ‘complexity and ambiguity of the test', persons who have reached the age of 60 years should be exempted from the Latvian language exams, as well as persons with low income should be exempted from the fee to be paid for naturalisation exams. Saeima also refused amendments to the Law on Education, submitted by For Human Rights in the United Latvia, which stipulated that the Ministry of Education and Science does not have the right to define subjects which must be taught in Latvian at minority schools. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf writes about inspections at minority secondary schools conducted by the Education State Inspection. The key goal of these inspections was monitoring of the implementation of the education reform. 59% of all minority secondary schools, mainly those which reported to have problems with the implementation of the reform, were visited by the Education State Inspection. According to the information of the inspection, 61education institutions fully observe the requirements of the Law on Education, 14 schools have some problems with the implementation of the education reform, while three schools do not comply with the requirements of the law. The inspection also concluded that chemistry, history and economy text books in the Latvian language are difficult to understand for minority students.

Latvijas Avize reports on the results of the study ‘Social Integration and Business: Ethnic Aspects, conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences and the Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. According to the study, there is informal segregation of Latvian and Russian economic sectors, i.e., Latvian companies mainly work in the sectors of agriculture, construction, industry and advertising, while Russian businesses more frequently are related to oil business, trade, sport clubs and cosmetics. The newspaper also stresses that approximately 30% leaders of Russian companies do not feel any affiliation to Latvia.

Diena prints an article by the political scientist Rasma Karklina about the draft law, stipulating restrictions for persons with double citizenship to hold the offices in the state administration. According to the professor, the draft law also restricts the rights of all citizens because the law would limit the circle of people who could serve for the state and protect the interests of all civil society. Rasma Karklina believes that the draft contradicts the Latvian legislation and the Constitution of Latvia.

Rigas Balss continue the discussion about the refusal of the Cabinet of Ministers to award Latvian citizenship to the opponent of the education reform Jurijs Petropavlovskis featuring views of experts and politicians. Political Scientist Juris Rozenvalds believes that the decision of the government can promote radical feelings in society. The member of the European Parliament Guntars Krasts (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) states that all activities of Jurijs Petropavlovskis were explicitly aggressive an almost resulted in street fights. He states that in no European country such person would be granted citizenship. While Jurijs Petropavlovskis states that he is loyal to the state and that his activities were only an attempt to ‘protect constitutional freedoms of minorities: to study in their native language. Chas reports that yesterday the outgoing Prime Minister Indulis Emsis asked the government to explain its decision. Rigas Balss, Chas

Diena prints an article on teaching the Latvian and world history, featuring views of historians, representatives of civil organisations and parents. Several historians believe that it would better if there would be a specific subject ‘Latvian history. In their view it would ensure better possibilities to maintain national identity and the Latvian statehood. While others believe that pupils should study the Latvian history in the context of the world history. The executive director of the world-wide non-governmental organization for civic education Civitas International Guntis Catlaks believes that the context of the European history is particularly important in teaching the Latvian history at minority schools.

Nov. 25, 2004

  • Member of the Peoples Party Aigars Kalvitis is nominated to the post of the Prime Minister of Latvia
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga: I hope the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities will be ratified in a year
  • BISS presents the study ‘Social Integration and Business Activities: Ethnic Aspects
  • Newspapers report on the EU-Russia summit which takes place in Hague
  • Interview with the Russian language teacher and member of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Vladislavs Rafalskovs about the minority education reform
  • Two Russian tourists, detained under suspect of hanging out the posters ‘Latvia, stop fascism! with symbols of SS, are expelled from Latvia
The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has nominated Aigars Kalvitis (the People’s Party) to the post of the Prime Minister of Latvia.

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has nominated Aigars Kalvitis (the Peoples Party) to the post of the Prime Minister of Latvia. Latvijas Vestnesis, Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities could be ratified by Latvia in a year. When asked whether ratification of the Convention will be included in the government’s declaration, the President said that the issue has not been discussed yet and that the decision will be taken by the new government.

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities could be ratified by Latvia in a year. When asked whether ratification of the Convention will be included in the governments declaration, the President said that the issue has not been discussed yet and that the decision will be taken by the new government. Vesti Segodnya writes that the Presidents statements concerning the Convention are results EU pressure. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

‘Positive tendencies regarding social integration in national economy have been observed: the number of ethnically mixed companies is increasing, while the number of ‘pure’ Russian and Latvian companies is dropping,’ indicates the study ‘Social Integration and Business: Ethnic Aspects,’ conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences and the Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. According to the director of the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Brigita Zepa, the concept segregated ‘Latvian’ and ‘Russian’ businesses was true in the 90-ties, however now economic interests are placed higher than ethnic factors and more attention is paid to professionalism of employees and not their ethnicity. The study says that big companies are mainly multinational, while small companies prefer mono-national staff. 49% Latvian, 20% Russian and 47% mixed companies prefer to use the Latvian language in business activities, however, in celebrations and festivities the Latvian language is used in 95% Latvian, 6% Russian and 25% mixed companies. When communicating with Latvians, usually Russian employees speak Latvian with clients of Latvian origin. The survey also indicates that non-Latvians see the state administration as too exclusive and mono-national.

‘Positive tendencies regarding social integration in national economy have been observed: the number of ethnically mixed companies is increasing, while the number of ‘pure Russian and Latvian companies is dropping, indicates the study ‘Social Integration and Business: Ethnic Aspects, conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences and the Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. According to the director of the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences Brigita Zepa, the concept segregated ‘Latvian and ‘Russian businesses was true in the 90-ties, however now economic interests are placed higher than ethnic factors and more attention is paid to professionalism of employees and not their ethnicity. The study says that big companies are mainly multinational, while small companies prefer mono-national staff. 49% Latvian, 20% Russian and 47% mixed companies prefer to use the Latvian language in business activities, however, in celebrations and festivities the Latvian language is used in 95% Latvian, 6% Russian and 25% mixed companies. When communicating with Latvians, usually Russian employees speak Latvian with clients of Latvian origin. The survey also indicates that non-Latvians see the state administration as too exclusive and mono-national. Latvijas Vetnesis, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers report on the EU-Russia summit, which takes place in Hague today. The Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes hat the recent statements of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga about the necessity to speed up ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities is related to the planned discussion on minority situation in Latvia at the summit. The journalist of

Newspapers report on the EU-Russia summit, which takes place in Hague today. The Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes hat the recent statements of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga about the necessity to speed up ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities is related to the planned discussion on minority situation in Latvia at the summit. The journalist of Chas Anatolijs Kamenevs believes that discussions on minority situation in Latvia will not be favourable for Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the Russian language teacher of the Riga Secondary School Nr. 40 and activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Vladislavs Rafalskovs about possible consequences of the education reform. The teacher believes that the implementation of the education reform will dramatically worsen Russian language proficiency of Russian students and has a negative influence on the attitude of minority students towards studies in general. According to Vladislavs Rafalskovs, the Headquarters is planning to continue protest actions against the education reform.

Two Russian tourists, detained under suspect of hanging out the posters ‘Latvia, stop fascism!’ with symbols of SS in one of the windows of the Reval Hotel Latvia, have been expelled from Latvia.

Two Russian tourists, detained under suspect of hanging out the posters ‘Latvia, stop fascism! with symbols of SS in one of the windows of the Reval Hotel Latvia, have been expelled from Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Nov. 24, 2004

  • President of Latvia believes that there are no obstacles to ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Five minority schools have violated the Law on Education
  • EU will propose Russia to launch consultations on minority issues in the Baltic States
  • Communication with Latvian Parliament Coordinator at the Russia State Council Pavel Pozhigailo talks about Latvian Russian relations
  • Article about the recommendations of the Councils of Europe Commissioner for Human RightsAlvaro Gill-Robles concerning minority situation in Latvia
  • Diena comments on 8 MPs who posed together with members of a national radical organisation
  • Article on a good practice in the field of social integration
  • Seventh choir festival of the minority schools will take place in Riga on 26 and 27 November
‘There are no obstacles to ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities,’ stated the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The President believes that ratification of the Convention will not bring any consequences or changes in minority situation. However, the President also noted that the Convention should be ratified with reservations.

‘There are no obstacles to ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, stated the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The President believes that ratification of the Convention will not bring any consequences or changes in minority situation. However, the President also noted that the Convention should be ratified with reservations. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Five out of 58 minority schools, inspected by the Education State Inspection, have violated the Law on Education. These five schools have taught subjects in Russian or bilingually, although in accordance with the approved curriculum they should be taught in Latvian. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Inspection Valda Puise, who was invited to the meeting of the Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration, only two minority schoolteachers have insufficient Latvian language proficiency. ‘We don’t see any problems concerning the implementation of the education reform,’ stated the official, however, she admitted that there is a serous lack of textbooks at minority schools.  Meanwhile the MP from the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Vladimirs Buzajevs presents contradicting information about the situation at minority schools. He refers to the information, collected by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools. According to Vladimirs Buzajevs, 57% parents state that academic success of their children has got worse. Representatives of the Headquarters have surveyed parents from 30 minority schools.

Five out of 58 minority schools, inspected by the Education State Inspection, have violated the Law on Education. These five schools have taught subjects in Russian or bilingually, although in accordance with the approved curriculum they should be taught in Latvian. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Inspection Valda Puise, who was invited to the meeting of the Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration, only two minority schoolteachers have insufficient Latvian language proficiency. ‘We dont see any problems concerning the implementation of the education reform, stated the official, however, she admitted that there is a serous lack of textbooks at minority schools. Meanwhile the MP from the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Vladimirs Buzajevs presents contradicting information about the situation at minority schools. He refers to the information, collected by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools. According to Vladimirs Buzajevs, 57% parents state that academic success of their children has got worse. Representatives of the Headquarters have surveyed parents from 30 minority schools. Vesti Segodnya

With the agreement of Latvia, the EU plans to offer Russia to launch consultations on minority issues in Latvia and Estonia on a regular basis. According to the representative of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Dagnija Stukena, regular consultations will show that Russia’s reproaches are of political nature and will provide a possibility to discuss the observation of minority rights in Russia as well.

With the agreement of Latvia, the EU plans to offer Russia to launch consultations on minority issues in Latvia and Estonia on a regular basis. According to the representative of the Foreign Affairs Ministry Dagnija Stukena, regular consultations will show that Russias reproaches are of political nature and will provide a possibility to discuss the observation of minority rights in Russia as well. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Communication with the Latvian Parliament Coordinator of the Russia State Council Pavel Pozhigailo about relations between Latvia and Russia. Pavel Pozhigailo believes that ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities would be the first step towards the improvement relations between Latvia and Russia.

Chas prints an article by the columnist Anatolijs Kamenevs about the recommendations of the Councils of Europe Commissioner for Human RightsAlvaro Gill-Robles concerning minority situation in Latvia. The Commissioner called Latvia to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The columnist believes that Latvia is afraid to ratify the Convention because among other provisions it stipulates that a state shall ensure the ‘effective participation of persons belonging to national minorities in cultural, social and economic life and in public affairs, in particular those affecting them.

Diena comments on eight right-wing MPs who posed for the next year calendar together with four members of the national radical organisation Latvian National Front (headed by Aivars Garda). The MPs were from the union of the Farmers and Greens, the Peoples Party, the New Era, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM and the Latvian First Party. MPs explained that they do not share exactly the same views of the National Party concerning decolonisation of Latvia, such as deportation of non-citizens, however they support the idea of Latvias decolonisation. The researcher of the Public Policy Centre PROVIDUS Maija Golubeva and the head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs note that in no way MP should show their support for national radical organisations.

Latvijas Avize writes about a project in the field of social integration at the Jaunogre Secondary School. Students of this minority school in the framework of the project ‘Life stories of politically repressed persons collect life stories of politically repressed persons.

The seventh festival of minority schools ensembles and choirs will take place in Riga on 26 and 27 November. The festival is supported by the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration.

The seventh festival of minority schools ensembles and choirs will take place in Riga on 26 and 27 November. The festival is supported by the Secretariat of the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration. Vesti Segodnya

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