Dec. 11, 2004

  • 2440 naturalisation applications received by the Naturalisation Board in November
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin asks the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry to settle border issues with the Baltic States
  • Janis Urbanovics: Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has no willingness to discuss non-citizens problems in Latvia
  • Interview with the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kaluznij
  • Latvijas Avize reports on the formation of a working group within the European Parliament to defend national minorities, constitutional regions and regional languages
  • Naturalisation Board announces the winner of the competition ‘Towards Civil Society
  • Article by the head of the Centre for Latvian Studies of Vytautas Magnus University Alvids Butkus about the status of the Russian and Latvian languages in Latvia
  • Interview with the recently naturalised Palestinian Haisam Abu Abda
In November the Naturalisation Board received 2440 applications from people who want to acquire Latvian citizenship. This is the biggest number of naturalisation applications received by the board within a month since the beginning of naturalisation process.

In November the Naturalisation Board received 2440 applications from people who want to acquire Latvian citizenship. This is the biggest number of naturalisation applications received by the board within a month since the beginning of naturalisation process. Diena, Chas

The Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry to settle the border issues with the Baltic States. In the press conference Vladimir Putin also reminded that the leaders of the Baltic State are invited to the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in World War II. Heads of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Parliaments of the Baltic States announced that the presidents of these states might take part in the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in World War II in Moscow. They added that they hope that Russia will not use the celebration to express ungrounded reproaches concerning violation of human rights in the Baltic States.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry to settle the border issues with the Baltic States. In the press conference Vladimir Putin also reminded that the leaders of the Baltic State are invited to the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in World War II. Heads of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Parliaments of the Baltic States announced that the presidents of these states might take part in the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in World War II in Moscow. They added that they hope that Russia will not use the celebration to express ungrounded reproaches concerning violation of human rights in the Baltic States. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The Head of the People’s Harmony Party parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics has expressed regret about unwillingness of the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga to discuss issues concerning Latvian non-citizens. At the beginning of October the MP sent an open letter to the President, stating that Latvian non-citizens should be granted political rights. Janis Urbanovics received the response from the President where she expresses her thanks for the MP’s opinion.

The Head of the Peoples Harmony Party parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics has expressed regret about unwillingness of the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga to discuss issues concerning Latvian non-citizens. At the beginning of October the MP sent an open letter to the President, stating that Latvian non-citizens should be granted political rights. Janis Urbanovics received the response from the President where she expresses her thanks for the MPs opinion.

Chas features an interview with the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kaluznij about relations between Russia and Latvia. According to the Ambassador, there are no obstacles from the side of Russia in signing Latvian Russian border agreement and stresses that there is no pressure to sign the agreement during the celebration of the anniversary of the victory in World War II. When asked about the situation of Russian speakers in Latvia, the Ambassador notes that Russia will continue discussions of these issues in meetings with EU and Latvian officials.

Latvijas Avize reports on the formation of a working group within the European Parliament. The main goal of the group is to defend national minorities, constitutional regions and regional languages. The newspaper forecasts that the group will make a pressure on Latvia and Estonia regarding the rights of Russian speakers.

The Olaine College has been announced the winner of the competition ‘Towards a Civil Society’ in the regions of Riga and Vidzeme. The competition is organised by the Naturalisation Board. Students of the Olaine College developed a project that’s main goal was the promotion of naturalisation in Olaine. Naturalisation is a topical issue in this town: 38% of the Olaine’s population are non-citizens.

The Olaine College has been announced the winner of the competition ‘Towards a Civil Society in the regions of Riga and Vidzeme. The competition is organised by the Naturalisation Board. Students of the Olaine College developed a project thats main goal was the promotion of naturalisation in Olaine. Naturalisation is a topical issue in this town: 38% of the Olaines population are non-citizens. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Latvijas Avize features an article by the head of the Centre for Latvian Studies of the Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas) Alvids Butkus about the status of the Russian and Latvian languages in Latvia. The author believes that the attitude towards the Russian language and its usage has not changed very much since Latvia regained independence, because in many situations the Russian language is self-sufficient and thus gives Russian-speakers a possibility to live in ‘their own closed community.


The Dienas supplement Sestdiena features an interview with the recently naturalised Palestinian Haisam Abu Abda. He is the first refugee who acquired Latvian citizenship.

Dec. 10, 2004

  • Human rights experts discuss definitions of national minority proposed by Latvian politicians
  • Diena reports on the session of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues under the Ministry of Education and Science
  • Peoples Harmony Party: the state lingers the issuance of citizens passports to persons who have passed naturalisation exams
  • Head of the Saeima Committee on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law Anta Rugate talks about the necessity to amend the Citizenship Law
  • Head of the Naturalisation Board suggests amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • Latvia suggests Russia to sign the border agreement before 9 May 2005
  • Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins: Russian-language newspapers incite national hatred
  • Saeima does not support the proposal to mark 7 January – Christmas Day celebrated by Orthodox believers and Old Believers - a national holiday
  • Group of parents of minority students issues a call addressed to teachers working at Russian schools

Diena continues discussions about definitions of the term national minority. The newspaper asks a number of human right experts to comment on definitions offered by Latvian politicians. The lecturer of the Riga Graduate School of Law Martins Mits believes that Latvia will violate the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights if the Convention is applied only regarding those members of minorities who were Latvian citizens until 17 June 1940 or their descendants. He explains that in this case Latvia would violate the norm of the ICCPR, which stipulates that persons belonging to minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with other members of the group, to enjoy their own culture, to practise their own religion or to use their own language. The director of Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands-Kehris notes the flaws of the restricted definition: if Latvia does not adopt reservations concerning the usage of minority languages in communication with municipalities, the restricted minority definition would bring inconveniences for both minorities and officials. In practice it will be very complicated to determine who is a member of minority and who is not. The head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs is convinced that the definition should not include the citizenship criteria because there are several minorities, for instance Ukrainians, whose members are mostly non-citizens (only 15% of Ukrainians have Latvian citizenship). The citizenship criterion is of less importance concerning Russians, because approximately 50% of them are Latvian citizens. Ilze Brands-Kehris suggests that the definition of the term national minority should include four criteria set by international law: 1) objective - a group whose members have ethnic, religious or linguistic features different from those of the rest of the population 2) subjective – a person himself/herself associates with a group that differs from the rest of the population 3) numerical – a minority may not be a numerical majority, 4) long-lasting relations with the state.

Members of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues under the Ministry of Education and Science agreed on the next three steps to be taken to ensure the quality of education at minority schools: develop a paper providing step-by-step explanations regarding the implementation of bilingual education; publish teaching aids for teachers; and conduct a study on changes in minority education. The Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete has promised to reopen discussions on the necessity to develop the Law on Minority Education.

Members of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues under the Ministry of Education and Science agreed on the next three steps to be taken to ensure the quality of education at minority schools: develop a paper providing step-by-step explanations regarding the implementation of bilingual education; publish teaching aids for teachers; and conduct a study on changes in minority education. The Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete has promised to reopen discussions on the necessity to develop the Law on Minority Education. Diena

‘A number of persons have complained that the state lingers the issuance of citizens’ passports, despite that these persons have successfully passed naturalisation examinations,’ has stated the head of the People’s Harmony Party parliamentary group Andrejs Klementjevs. According to Andrejs Klementjevs, the Naturalisation Board does not accept applications from persons who want to receive citizenship in extraordinary order. He states that authorities impede naturalisation intentionally, because they want to control the number of ‘wrong’ voters in the forthcoming municipal elections. The party plans to ask explanations on this issue from the Ministry of Justice, the Naturalisation Board and the Secretariat of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration.

‘A number of persons have complained that the state lingers the issuance of citizens passports, despite that these persons have successfully passed naturalisation examinations, has stated the head of the Peoples Harmony Party parliamentary group Andrejs Klementjevs. According to Andrejs Klementjevs, the Naturalisation Board does not accept applications from persons who want to receive citizenship in extraordinary order. He states that authorities impede naturalisation intentionally, because they want to control the number of ‘wrong voters in the forthcoming municipal elections. The party plans to ask explanations on this issue from the Ministry of Justice, the Naturalisation Board and the Secretariat of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Head of Saeima Committee on the Implementation of the Citizenship Law Anta Rugate about a need to amend the Citizenship Law. The MP states that taking into account the present situation, in particular attempts of persons who are disloyal to naturalise, Saeima should amend this law. However, Anta Rugate notes a better solution would be replacement of the responsible officials because in fact the effective law is rather general and thus provides a room for interpretation of its norms.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane states that the Naturalisation Board in collaboration with the State Security Police submitted proposals aimed at strengthening the norm of the Citizenship Law, which stipulates restrictions for the acquisition of Latvian citizenship. Eizenija Aldermane believes that prohibitions should also cover fight with international terrorism. The prohibitions should also be stipulated regarding persons who suspected in the involvement of actions aimed against the state. Eizenija Aldermane also believes that the loyalty pledge signed by a naturalisation applicant should be revised. Meanwhile, the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis announced that he was not only person who was denied Latvian citizenship. According to him, another 25 activists of the Headquarters were excluded from the list of naturalisation applicants. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane doubts his statement, and argues that there are no more than 25 – 30 activists in Headquarters and the majority of them already are citizens of Latvia. 

The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane states that the Naturalisation Board in collaboration with the State Security Police submitted proposals aimed at strengthening the norm of the Citizenship Law, which stipulates restrictions for the acquisition of Latvian citizenship. Eizenija Aldermane believes that prohibitions should also cover fight with international terrorism. The prohibitions should also be stipulated regarding persons who suspected in the involvement of actions aimed against the state. Eizenija Aldermane also believes that the loyalty pledge signed by a naturalisation applicant should be revised. Meanwhile, the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis announced that he was not only person who was denied Latvian citizenship. According to him, another 25 activists of the Headquarters were excluded from the list of naturalisation applicants. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane doubts his statement, and argues that there are no more than 25 – 30 activists in Headquarters and the majority of them already are citizens of Latvia. Latvijas Avize

During the meeting of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov Latvia has proposed Russia to sign the boarder agreement before 9 May 2005 when Russia has planned to organise big international celebrations of the anniversary of the victory in World War II.

During the meeting of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov Latvia has proposed Russia to sign the boarder agreement before 9 May 2005 when Russia has planned to organise big international celebrations of the anniversary of the victory in World War II. Diena, Vesti segodnya, Chas

The Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins has send a letter to the Prosecutor General Janis Maizitis. Aleksandrs Kirsteins is concerned about publications in the Russian-language newspapers

The Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins has send a letter to the Prosecutor General Janis Maizitis. Aleksandrs Kirsteins is concerned about publications in the Russian-language newspapers Chas and Vesti Segodnya and believes that these publications incite national hatred. While Vesti Segodnya reports that Aleksandrs Kirsteins has not named any particular article, which incites national hatred. Vesti Segodnya

After second voting, Saeima did not support amendments to the Law on Celebrations and Commemoration Days, submitted by both the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and the Latvian First Party. The amendments stipulated that 7 January, when Orthodox believers and Old Believers celebrate Christmas, should be a national holiday.

After second voting, Saeima did not support amendments to the Law on Celebrations and Commemoration Days, submitted by both the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and the Latvian First Party. The amendments stipulated that 7 January, when Orthodox believers and Old Believers celebrate Christmas, should be a national holiday. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Chas prints an appeal of a group of parents of minority students addressed to teachers of Russian schools. Parents call teachers to participate in the fight against the education reform. Authors of the letter believe that bilingual education will degrade both the Russian and the Latvian cultures.

Dec. 9, 2004

  • Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis talks about societal integration issues
  • Interview with the head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane
  • Minister of Education and Science meets representatives of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues of the Ministry of Education and Science
  • NRA columnist writes on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis files the claim with the court to challenge the refusal of the Cabinet of Ministers to grant him Latvian citizenship
  • Jurijs Petropavlovskis about possibilities to establish a dialogue with the Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete
  • Commentary on ratification of the European Constitution

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis about minority issues topical in Latvia. The Prime Minister believes that the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities should be ratified as soon as possible, because hesitation with ratification may result in a situation when it will be very problematic to ratify the Convention with reservations. The Prime Minister adds that when Latvia ratifies the Convention there will be no space for Russias accusations that the rights of Russian-speakers are violated in Latvia. Aigars Kalvitis also believes that the Citizenship Law should be amended so disloyal persons would not have a possibility to acquire Latvian citizenship through naturalisation.

Latvijas Vestnesis features an interview with the head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane about naturalisation process in Latvia. The chairperson believes that the number of naturalisation applications, received by the Board till the end of the year, will reach 21,500, but the number of naturalised persons – 15,000. Eizenija Aldermane is convinced that the implementation of the education reform does not have a negative impact on the willingness of young non-citizens to naturalise: according to the data persons at the age of 15 – 30 years are the most active persons who want to naturalise. The chairperson notes that the state should pay more attention to the Old Believers, who received Latvian citizenship through registration in the beginning of the 90ies. The issue is that the majority of them are loyal to Latvia, however they do not speak Latvian. ‘This group needs a particular state programme for education in Latvian, states Eizenija Aldermane. The Chairperson supports ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities with reservations, nevertheless she believes that ratification will not have any impact on naturalisation process.

Russian-language newspapers report on the meeting of the Minister of Education and Science with representatives of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues of the Ministry of Education and Science. During the meeting the Minister announced that development of the Law on Minority Education is not urgent.

Russian-language newspapers report on the meeting of the Minister of Education and Science with representatives of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues of the Ministry of Education and Science. During the meeting the Minister announced that development of the Law on Minority Education is not urgent. Chas, Telegraf

NRA features the article by its columnist Viktors Avotins on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The author believes that the issue is too politicised therefore pragmatic discussions are not possible. He notes that the main reason of halting with ratification is the big number of Russians in Latvia and inability of Latvian politicians to take a decision on their status. In the conclusion the author warns that unsettled ethnic relations within Latvia will result in the influx of ‘new strangers – Chinese and Turks.

The activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis has filed a claim with the Administrative Court challenging the refusal of the Cabinet of Ministers to grant him Latvian citizenship. The Cabinet of Ministers refused to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship because of his ‘non-loyalty towards the state.’ In his application with the Court, Jurijs Petropavlovskis stresses that, in accordance with the Citizenship Law, the government can exclude a person from the list of naturalisation applicants only if a person does not meet the criteria provided by the Law.

The activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis has filed a claim with the Administrative Court challenging the refusal of the Cabinet of Ministers to grant him Latvian citizenship. The Cabinet of Ministers refused to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship because of his ‘non-loyalty towards the state. In his application with the Court, Jurijs Petropavlovskis stresses that, in accordance with the Citizenship Law, the government can exclude a person from the list of naturalisation applicants only if a person does not meet the criteria provided by the Law. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an interview with Jurijs Petropavlovskis about possibilities to establish dialogue with the Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete on the education reform. He doubts that there can be a dialogue between the Headquarters and the new Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete on education reform, because of the strict and inflexible views of the Minister towards the issue. The newspaper also asked to comment on his decision to file a claim against the refusal of the state to grant him Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. Jurijs Petropavlovskis admits that he filed a claim with the court not because he or his party wants that the court issues a positive ruling, but because they want international scandal. ‘Our [the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia] goal is to monopolise the Russian electorate before the next Saeima elections states Jurijs Petropavlovskis, stressing that the rights of Russian students will be protected if the union FHRUL wins the forthcoming municipal elections and also have sufficient representation in the next Saeima.

Latvijas Avize features a commentary by Aija Calite about the desire of state officials to ratify the European Constitution until the end of the year without broad public discussions. Aija Calite calls MPs to pay particular attention to the Constitutions section ‘Charter of Fundamental Rights, because in the opinion of Aija Calite several paragraphs of the Constitution duplicates provisions of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Dec. 8, 2004

  • Ratings of political parties in November
  • Interview with the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis
  • Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee supports the amendments to the Law on Radio and Television
  • Statistics on complaints received by the National Human Rights Office
  • Russian language newspapers discuss the necessity of independent expertise of the quality of education in minority schools
  • Activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs criticizes the appointment of Ina Druviete to the post of the Minister of Education and Science
  • Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov points to minority problems in Latvia and Estonia
  • Director of the Russian Centre for Scientific and Cultural Collaboration Elena Mitrofanov talks about the minority education reform in Latvia
  • Russia plans to organise the meeting of national leaders of Russia and NATO member states in Moscow on 9 May 2004
  • Russia will allocate RUB300,000,000 (EUR 7,877,610) for its compatriots
  • Newspapers discuss ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Cabinet of Ministers allocates funding for four Russian military pensioners who want to emigrate from Latvia
  • Hanukas celebrations took place in the centre of Riga
The latest opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS shows that the New Era has remained the most popular political party in November – 17.4% citizens would vote for the New Era. Ratings of other parties are the following: For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM – 10%, For Human Rights in the United Latvia – 9.4%, the Union of Farmers and Greens – 8.9%, the People’s Party – 8.2% and Latvia’s Way – 5.3%. The rating of the Latvia’s First Party, which is in the government, is 2.6%. The opinion poll was conducted after the resignation of the Emsis’ government, but before the formation process of the new government.

The latest opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS shows that the New Era has remained the most popular political party in November – 17.4% citizens would vote for the New Era. Ratings of other parties are the following: For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM – 10%, For Human Rights in the United Latvia – 9.4%, the Union of Farmers and Greens – 8.9%, the Peoples Party – 8.2% and Latvias Way – 5.3%. The rating of the Latvias First Party, which is in the government, is 2.6%. The opinion poll was conducted after the resignation of the Emsis government, but before the formation process of the new government. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an interview with the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis. Regarding ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the Prime Minister states that politicians exaggerate the possible effects of ratification. The Prime Minister believes that most likely the minority definition will be include only those minorities who were Latvian citizens until 17 June 1940 or their descendants.

Despite the President’s decision not to promulgate the amendments to the Law on Radio and Television and return the Law to Saeima, the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee supported the amendments to the Law which stipulate that the Cabinet of Ministers has the right to set specific provisions concerning the usage of the language of broadcasting if the usage of the state language is endangered or restricted in the territory of a respective broadcaster.

Despite the Presidents decision not to promulgate the amendments to the Law on Radio and Television and return the Law to Saeima, the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee supported the amendments to the Law which stipulate that the Cabinet of Ministers has the right to set specific provisions concerning the usage of the language of broadcasting if the usage of the state language is endangered or restricted in the territory of a respective broadcaster. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

In 2004 the National Human Rights Office has received seven complaints from individuals who complained about violation of their rights on the grounds of their ethnicity. Another seven persons complained discrimination on the grounds of language, but four – about repressions because of their religious believes. According to the Head of the Analysis Department of the Bureau Liga Bikisiniece, Russians, for example, most frequently complain about municipality offcials who refuse to receive their applications written in Cyrillic.

In 2004 the National Human Rights Office has received seven complaints from individuals who complained about violation of their rights on the grounds of their ethnicity. Another seven persons complained discrimination on the grounds of language, but four – about repressions because of their religious believes. According to the Head of the Analysis Department of the Bureau Liga Bikisiniece, Russians, for example, most frequently complain about municipality offcials who refuse to receive their applications written in Cyrillic. Vesti Segodnya

Russian language newspapers discuss the necessity of independent expertise that would evaluate the quality of education in minority schools after the implementation of the education reform. The inquired human rights experts state that there is a need to conduct an independent expertise, because there is more and more negative information concerning the implementation of the reform and also the number of parents who believe that the academic success of their children is getting worse is increasing.  However, NGO representatives doubt that the state is interested in objective analysis of problems concerning the implementation of the education reform.

Russian language newspapers discuss the necessity of independent expertise that would evaluate the quality of education in minority schools after the implementation of the education reform. The inquired human rights experts state that there is a need to conduct an independent expertise, because there is more and more negative information concerning the implementation of the reform and also the number of parents who believe that the academic success of their children is getting worse is increasing. However, NGO representatives doubt that the state is interested in objective analysis of problems concerning the implementation of the education reform. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

‘The nomination of the member of the New Era Ina Druviete to the post of the Minister of Education and Science is making fun of the Russian community in Latvia,’ believes the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs who was recently expelled from Latvia. The activist states that although Ina Druviete stated that she is ready to talk with representatives of the Headquarters, her previous activities reveal her radical views and stances.

‘The nomination of the member of the New Era Ina Druviete to the post of the Minister of Education and Science is making fun of the Russian community in Latvia, believes the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Kazakovs who was recently expelled from Latvia. The activist states that although Ina Druviete stated that she is ready to talk with representatives of the Headquarters, her previous activities reveal her radical views and stances. Latvijas Avize

The Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov has repeatedly drawn the attention of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe to issues of national minorities in Latvia and Estonia.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov has repeatedly drawn the attention of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe to issues of national minorities in Latvia and Estonia. Latvijas Avize

‘There is no doubt that national languages should have a dominant role in national republics in all spheres, including educations,’ stated the director of the Russian Centre for Scientific and Cultural Collaboration Elena Mitrofanov. However, when asked about minority education reform in Latvia, Elena Mitrofanov pointed to several mistakes: lack of discussions in society about the reform and lack of training of minority schools teachers before the implementation of the reform. The official was concerned about the quality of education.

‘There is no doubt that national languages should have a dominant role in national republics in all spheres, including educations, stated the director of the Russian Centre for Scientific and Cultural Collaboration Elena Mitrofanov. However, when asked about minority education reform in Latvia, Elena Mitrofanov pointed to several mistakes: lack of discussions in society about the reform and lack of training of minority schools teachers before the implementation of the reform. The official was concerned about the quality of education. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Diena, referring to anonymous sources of information in Brussels, reports that Russia plans to organise a meeting of state leaders from Russia and NATO member states on 9 May 2004. ‘Therefore the pressure on the leaders of the Baltic States to participate in the celebrations of the anniversary of the victory in World War II could be increased, concludes the newspaper.

Russia is ready to increase funding for its compatriots residing in the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic States, in 2005. Next year Russia plans to allocate RUB 300,000,000 (EUR 7,877,610) for its compatriots.

Russia is ready to increase funding for its compatriots residing in the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic States, in 2005. Next year Russia plans to allocate RUB300,000,000 (EUR 7,877,610) for its compatriots. Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features a critical commentary by Vilnis Zarins on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The author of the article believes that the standards of the Convention concerning the usage of minority languages should not be applied regarding languages of former occupants of Latvia, that is, Russian and German. Vilnis Zarins states ‘Latvia should categorically reject all attempts made by its former occupants to implement this Convention in seven largest Latvian cities/towns, population of which has changed substantially due to occupation. However, the author believes that Latvia should not ignore this Convention because its ratification would help Latvia to protect other minorities, for instance Belorussians, from russification. The columnist of the Russian-language newspaper Chas Leonids Fedoseyevs criticizes attempts of state officials to divide non-Latvian citizens into two groups.

The Cabinet of Ministers supported the allocation of financial support from the state budget for four Russian military pensioners who want to emigrate from Latvia. Two pensioners will receive LVL 2,160 (EUR 3151), but the other two LVL 1,440 (EUR 2100) and LVL 1,200 (EUR1700).

The Cabinet of Ministers supported the allocation of financial support from the state budget for four Russian military pensioners who want to emigrate from Latvia. Two pensioners will receive LVL2,160 (EUR 3151), but the other two LVL 1,440 (EUR 2100) and LVL1,200 (EUR1700). Chas

Yesterday the Jewish national holiday Hanuka was celebrated in the centre of Riga. Celebrations were organised by the Jewish religious organisation Habad-Lubavich.

Yesterday the Jewish national holiday Hanuka was celebrated in the centre of Riga. Celebrations were organised by the Jewish religious organisation Habad-Lubavich. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Dec. 7, 2004

  • Latvian Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis and the Head of the Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration Andris Berzins discuss ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Ina Druviete: there will be no radical changes concerning the implementation of the education reform
  • Telegraf examines knowledge of the new Society Integration Minister
  • Constitutional Court of Latvia: an alien should has a right to appeal in court their inclusion in list of undesirable for Latvia persons
  • Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks will meet the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov in Brussels
  • Participants of the conference call to support the democratisation of the Law on Education in accordance with the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Representatives of minorities talk about racial discrimination and intolerance in Latvia
  • Critical commentary on the recent ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case of Mihails Farbtuhs v. Latvia

Diena features an interview with the new Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis. When asked about the stance of the Peoples Party towards towards ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Aigars Kalvitis states that the party promised the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to ratify the Convention till the next Saeima elections take place in 2006. The Peoples Party believes that only those non-Latvians who were Latvian citizens until 17 June 1940 or their descendants should be the subjects of the Convention. The party also supports adoption of two reservations: 1) street, place, etc names should be only in the state language; 2) communication between residents and municipalities should be only in the state language. Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Head of the Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration Andris Berzins about the preparation of the Convention for ratification. Andris Berzins believes that the Convention will be ratified with reservations. He also foresees sharp discussions on the definition ‘national minority among society members.

‘No radical changes concerning the implementation of the education reform have been planned,’ stressed the Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete. The Minister states that the fuss raised by several mass media concerning her refusal to speak Russian is provocation. Ina Druviete notes that she will continue to work at strengthening bilingual education at secondary schools. Tomorrow the Minister is planning to meet representatives of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues of the Ministry of Education and Science.

‘No radical changes concerning the implementation of the education reform have been planned, stressed the Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete. The Minister states that the fuss raised by several mass media concerning her refusal to speak Russian is provocation. Ina Druviete notes that she will continue to work at strengthening bilingual education at secondary schools. Tomorrow the Minister is planning to meet representatives of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues of the Ministry of Education and Science. Diena

Telegraf ‘examines knowledge of the new Minister for Social assignments for Society Integration Ainars Latkovskis concerning social integration issues in Latvia. The newspaper stresses that the new Minister was not able to answer to a number of questions and provide accurate numbers concerning the number of children of Latvian non-citizens who were born after 1991, the number of Orthodox believers, duration of naturalisation process in Latvia and the budget of the Society Integration Foundation.

The Constitutional Court of Latvia adopted a decision concerning compliance of the Article 61 of Paragraph 6 of the Immigration Law (persons who have been included in the list of persons who may not enter the territory of Latvia have no right to appeal this decision) with the Article 92 of the Constitution of Latvia (rights to protect person’s rights and legal interests in a fair court). The Constitutional Court ruled that the Article of the Immigration Law does not comply with the Constitution of Latvia and determined that persons have the right to appeal the decision concerning their inclusion in the list of persons who may not enter Latvia. The case was initiated on the basis of the application filed by the citizen of Moldova Elvira Petrjuka with the Administrative District Court. The citizen of Moldova Elvira Petrjuka complained that she had been included in the list illegally.

The Constitutional Court of Latvia adopted a decision concerning compliance of the Article 61 of Paragraph 6 of the Immigration Law (persons who have been included in the list of persons who may not enter the territory of Latvia have no right to appeal this decision) with the Article 92 of the Constitution of Latvia (rights to protect persons rights and legal interests in a fair court). The Constitutional Court ruled that the Article of the Immigration Law does not comply with the Constitution of Latvia and determined that persons have the right to appeal the decision concerning their inclusion in the list of persons who may not enter Latvia. The case was initiated on the basis of the application filed by the citizen of Moldova Elvira Petrjuka with the Administrative District Court. The citizen of Moldova Elvira Petrjuka complained that she had been included in the list illegally. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf

Russian-language newspapers write about the forthcoming meeting of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov in Brussels. During the meeting the ministers plan to discuss possibilities to sign several governmental agreements as well as a possible participation of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in the celebrations of the anniversary of the victory in World War II to be held in Moscow on 9 May 2005.

Russian-language newspapers write about the forthcoming meeting of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov in Brussels. During the meeting the ministers plan to discuss possibilities to sign several governmental agreements as well as a possible participation of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in the celebrations of the anniversary of the victory in World War II to be held in Moscow on 9 May 2005. Chas, Telegraf

Participants of the conference ‘Russian-speaking community in the enlarged EU’ issued a statement addressed to the Latvian President, the Saeima Speaker and the Prime Minister. The statement calls to provide support for democratisation of the Law on Education in accordance with the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The authors of the statement state that ‘Russian-speaking children should have the right and opportunities to study in their native language at secondary school as well as have qualitative Latvian language classes.’ The authors of the statement are convinced that school boards should have the right to determine the language of the instruction, degree of bilingualism and which subjects should be taught in the Latvian language. The authors of the statement suggest that boards should be composed of senior students, parents, teachers and school administrations.

Participants of the conference ‘Russian-speaking community in the enlarged EU issued a statement addressed to the Latvian President, the Saeima Speaker and the Prime Minister. The statement calls to provide support for democratisation of the Law on Education in accordance with the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The authors of the statement state that ‘Russian-speaking children should have the right and opportunities to study in their native language at secondary school as well as have qualitative Latvian language classes. The authors of the statement are convinced that school boards should have the right to determine the language of the instruction, degree of bilingualism and which subjects should be taught in the Latvian language. The authors of the statement suggest that boards should be composed of senior students, parents, teachers and school administrations. Chas

Latvijas Avize prints statements of the chairman of the Romani non-governmental organisation ‘Ame Roma Vanda Zamicka-Bergendale, Palestinian Haisam Abu Abdu and the Head of the Afro-Latvian Association Christopher Ejugbo about racial discrimination and intolerance in Latvia. Haisam Abu Abdu states that the level of intolerance towards ‘others is increasing in Latvia. Vanda Zamicka-Bergendale says that the Roma are discriminated in the job market not only because of the low level of education among Roma, but also because of their ethnicity.

Latvijas Avize features a critical commentary by Maris Antonevics about the recent ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case of Mihails Farbtuhs v. Latvia. The ECHR ruled that the living conditions of Mihails Farbtuhs in the prison were not adequate, thus Latvia has violated the Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment). Maris Antonevics stresses that the members of those 31 Latvian families deported to Siberia personally by Mihails Fartbuhs had no possibility to complain and receive compensations for being in conditions harming human dignity.

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