Jan. 18, 2005

  • Newspapers continue discussions on the political declaration submitted by Russia
  • Latvian National Television will close the morning show broadcasted on the Channel 7 in the Russian language
  • Janis Jurkans: the Peoples Harmony Party will run for municipal elections with its own list
  • Interview with the Ukrainian Ambassador to Latvia Miron Yankiv
  • Deputy Head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Aleksey Ostrovskij comments on the Latvian Presidents declaration addressed to the international community
Newspapers continue to discuss the political declaration submitted by Russia to the Latvian government. According to the daily

Newspapers continue to discuss the political declaration submitted by Russia to the Latvian government. According to the daily Diena, the declaration stipulates that both parties promise to comply with international standards in the area of minority rights, eliminate all obstacles, which prevent integration, and grant equal rights to their residents in the areas of employment and education. The resolution also includes commitments of both countries to maintain traditions of those residents who do not belong to countrys core nation and to strengthen the Russian language in Latvia and the Latvian language in Russia. Chas reports that the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia has developed its changes to the document. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

As of February 2005 the Channel 7 of the Latvian National Television will stop broadcast of the morning show in the Russian language. Officials of the National Television claim that the company

As of February 2005 the Channel 7 of the Latvian National Television will stop broadcast of the morning show in the Russian language. Officials of the National Television claim that the company Forma Pro, which produces the show, has not met the requirements set in the agreement, in particular, has not implemented a social integration project. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Yesterday the leader of People’s Harmony Party Janis Jurkans announced that the party will run for municipal elections with its own list. Thus attempts to form one list of candidates from two left-wing political forces (the People’s Harmony Party and The New Centre) have failed.

Yesterday the leader of Peoples Harmony Party Janis Jurkans announced that the party will run for municipal elections with its own list. Thus attempts to form one list of candidates from two left-wing political forces (the Peoples Harmony Party and The New Centre) have failed. Chas features a commentary of the member of Riga City Council Aleksandr Gilman (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) on these issues. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Latvia Miron Yankiv about the situation of Ukrainians in Latvia. The Ambassador believes that the key issue is the low speed of naturalisation among Ukrainians: more than 80% of 60,000 Ukrainians living in Latvia are non-citizens. The Ambassador believes that Ukrainians who tie their future with Latvia should naturalise so they would have the right to participate and run for elections and hold offices in state administration. The Ambassador states that ‘many Ukrainians speak the Latvian language and know its culture; they just have to pull themselves together to go to the Naturalisation Board and pass exams. The Ambassador, however, notes that older applicants experience difficulties to pass naturalisation exams.

Vesti Segodnya features comments of the Deputy Head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Aleksey Ostrovskij on the Latvian Presidents Vaira Vike-Freiberga resolution addressed to the international society concerning World War II and its outcomes for Latvia. Aleksey Ostrovskij says that the statements of the Latvian President are ‘a big political impudence. The politician also states that the leader of the party is preparing a declaration, which calls the Russian President Vladimir Putin to suspend diplomatic relations with Latvia.

Jan. 17, 2005

  • Interview with the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kaluznij
  • Baltic States will adopt a joint declaration explaining their stance towards World War II
  • 898 persons have signed an open letter concerning compliance of the education reform with the Constitution of Latvia
  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans new protest actions against the minority education reform
  • The Slivenko appeals the ruling with court
  • Minority children and youth folklore group participated in the festival ‘Golden Ball

Diena prints an interview with the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kaluznij about relations between Latvians and Russians in Latvia, as well as the recent Ambassadors statements, which were evaluated as anti-Semitic by historians and representatives of the Jewish Community in Latvia. The Ambassador welcomes the decision of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to visit Moscow on 9 May; however, he believes that the Latvian Presidents declaration addressing the international community and explaining what World War II means to Latvia, are unacceptable. The Russian Ambassador also expresses his incomprehension about discussions concerning his statement. The Ambassador argued that Russia should not apologise to Latvia for the Soviet occupation because ‘KGB was headed by Pole Dzerzinskis; out of 44 members of the War Council 38 were Jews, 4 Latvians and only one was a Russian. Viktor Kaluznij stresses that he mentioned only statistical information without any analysis or evaluation of these persons.

The Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Baltic States agreed that Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should adopt a common declaration, which would demonstrate the attitude of these states towards World War II.

The Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Baltic States agreed that Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia should adopt a common declaration, which would demonstrate the attitude of these states towards World War II. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Following the initiative of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia, 898 persons have signed an open letter calling the Constitutional Court of Latvia to ensure a public hearing about compliance of the education reform with the Constitution of Latvia.

Following the initiative of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia, 898 persons have signed an open letter calling the Constitutional Court of Latvia to ensure a public hearing about compliance of the education reform with the Constitution of Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans to organise five protest actions against the minority education reform in January and February.

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans to organise five protest actions against the minority education reform in January and February. Diena

The Slivenko family has appealed the ruling, which stipulated that the decision of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office to annul the personal codes of Tatiana and Karina Slivenko, the spouse and the daughter of a former Russian army officer, was illegitimate. After the ruling was adopted the judge noted that the ruling does not give any new rights to the Slivenko because they both are Russian citizens and therefore cannot apply for the status of Latvian non-citizens.

The Slivenko family has appealed the ruling, which stipulated that the decision of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office to annul the personal codes of Tatiana and Karina Slivenko, the spouse and the daughter of a former Russian army officer, was illegitimate. After the ruling was adopted the judge noted that the ruling does not give any new rights to the Slivenko because they both are Russian citizens and therefore cannot apply for the status of Latvian non-citizens. Telegraf

More than 100 representatives of minority children and youth folklore group participated in the festival ‘Golden Ball’ which took place in Cesis last weekend.

More than 100 representatives of minority children and youth folklore group participated in the festival ‘Golden Ball which took place in Cesis last weekend. Latvijas Avize

Jan. 15, 2005

  • Number of naturalisation applications has increased
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga calls to condemn the crimes of the Soviet regime
  • Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks: political declaration, submitted by Russia, contains issues not acceptable for Latvia
  • New Era: the Russian President Vladimir Putin intervenes in domestic affairs of Latvia
  • Neatkariga Rita Avize criticises the decision of members of Saeima to suspend a discussion on the draft law, stipulating the prohibitions for persons with double citizenship to hold a number of offices
  • Interview with ethno-psychologist Oleg Nikiforov
  • Article about marriage traditions of Roma in Latvia
The number of naturalisation applications received by the Naturalisation Board in 2004 has increased by 10, 028 applications in comparison to 2003. In 2004 the Naturalisation Board received 21,297 applications.

The number of naturalisation applications received by the Naturalisation Board in 2004 has increased by 10, 028 applications in comparison to 2003. In 2004 the Naturalisation Board received 21,297 applications. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has called foreign diplomats to encourage Russia to condemn crimes committed by the Soviet regime. The President stated that Russia should have an objective look at her history and refers to the example of Germany after the World War II. The President has also issued an official statement where she states that for Latvia World War II ended only in 1990.

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has called foreign diplomats to encourage Russia to condemn crimes committed by the Soviet regime. The President stated that Russia should have an objective look at her history and refers to the example of Germany after the World War II. The President has also issued an official statement where she states that for Latvia World War II ended only in 1990. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks announced that the political declaration, submitted by Russia, contains issues which are not acceptable for Latvia. Nevertheless, the Minister does not reveal what exactly is included in the declaration. While the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kaluznij stated that the proposal of Artis Pabriks to include condemnation of the Stalin’s repressions in this document is not acceptable for Russia. The Russian Ambassador also stresses that the document will not be approved if it will have the word ‘occupation’ in it.

The Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks announced that the political declaration, submitted by Russia, contains issues which are not acceptable for Latvia. Nevertheless, the Minister does not reveal what exactly is included in the declaration. While the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kaluznij stated that the proposal of Artis Pabriks to include condemnation of the Stalins repressions in this document is not acceptable for Russia. The Russian Ambassador also stresses that the document will not be approved if it will have the word ‘occupation in it. Diena

The New Era’s parliamentary group plans to call members of Saeima to adopt a resolution condemning the recent statements of the Russian President Vladimir Putin. In one of his recent press conferences the Russian President announced that the number of Russian-speakers who work at Latvian state authorities should be proportional to their total number in the country. The New Era has developed a draft resolution which states that the goal of Latvia is an integrated civic society and people are employed not according to their ethnicity, but proficiency, experience and competence. The draft resolution also states that the Putin’s statements are an intervention in Latvia’s domestic affairs. For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has already expressed its support for this resolution, while the governing parties have not discussed it yet.

The New Eras parliamentary group plans to call members of Saeima to adopt a resolution condemning the recent statements of the Russian President Vladimir Putin. In one of his recent press conferences the Russian President announced that the number of Russian-speakers who work at Latvian state authorities should be proportional to their total number in the country. The New Era has developed a draft resolution which states that the goal of Latvia is an integrated civic society and people are employed not according to their ethnicity, but proficiency, experience and competence. The draft resolution also states that the Putins statements are an intervention in Latvias domestic affairs. For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has already expressed its support for this resolution, while the governing parties have not discussed it yet. Latvijas Avize

Neatkariga Rita Avize criticises the decision of members of Saeima to suspend a discussion on the draft law, stipulating the prohibitions for persons with double citizenship to hold a number of offices. The newspaper blames the authors of the draft – the Peoples Party - for manipulating with this in the competition with other political forces.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with ethno-psychologist Oleg Nikiforov about differences between Latvians and Russians and manifestation of these differences in their relations. Oleg Nikiforov reproaches Latvians for misshaping the understanding of national identity, which, according to Oleg Nikorof, Latvians ties only with the Latvian language proficiency. The ethno-psychologist believes that because of the minority education reform minority students will not become patriots of Latvia. He argues that the term ‘homeland should also include ‘positive childhood and youth memories.

Dienas supplement Sestdiena features an article about the marriage traditions of Roma in Latvia.

Jan. 14, 2005

  • Political experts discuss the upcoming municipal elections
  • Two extreme political forces are running for seats in Liepajas municipality
  • General Secretary of the Latvian Social Democrats and Workers party about ethnicity factor in elections
  • Head of the LASHOR about ethnicity factor in elections
  • Launching of the Ukrainian cultural days
  • Chas reports on the events which will take place in the framework of the Tatiana Day

Rigas Balss prints a discussion about the upcoming municipal elections. Political scientist Ilze Ostrovska, sociologist Arnis Kaktins and PR expert Filips Rajevskis took part in the discussion. Ilze Ostrovska states that this time it is difficult to give any forecast about results of the elections. She adds that recently the tempo of naturalisation was very high and it is impossible to tell what could be choices of the recently naturalised citizens. While Arnis Kaktins argues that majority of Russian-speakers will vote for the union FHRUL, however, he does not believe that FHRUL could take control over Riga City Council. Political experts agree that still national factor plays the major role in elections in Latvia.

Liepaja Council is the only municipality in Latvia where extreme radical forces will run for municipal elections: the extreme right is represented by the Union of National Forces, while the extreme left – the Latvian National Democratic Party. The Security Police and political scientists categorise both parties as extreme. Although political scientists are concerned about intentions of the parties to come to power, they believe that both parties are too weak to win in elections.

Liepaja Council is the only municipality in Latvia where extreme radical forces will run for municipal elections: the extreme right is represented by the Union of National Forces, while the extreme left – the Latvian National Democratic Party. The Security Police and political scientists categorise both parties as extreme. Although political scientists are concerned about intentions of the parties to come to power, they believe that both parties are too weak to win in elections. Diena

The General Secretary of the Latvian Social Democrats and Workers Party Janis Dinevics responds to the article by MP Boris Tsilevich where Boris Tsilevich argued that the main problem in Latvia is a low representation of Russian-speakers in politics. In his turn, Janis Dinevics states that manipulations with ethnicity is a primitive approach and that several parties, such as FHRUL and FF/LNIM, simply manipulate with ethnic aspects and do not get down to real problems.

The General Secretary of the Latvian Social Democrats and Workers Party Janis Dinevics responds to the article by MP Boris Tsilevich where Boris Tsilevich argued that the main problem in Latvia is a low representation of Russian-speakers in politics. In his turn, Janis Dinevics states that manipulations with ethnicity is a primitive approach and that several parties, such as FHRUL and FF/LNIM, simply manipulate with ethnic aspects and do not get down to real problems. Chas

The member of the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian

The member of the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian
Language of Instruction (its Russian acronym LASHOR) Igor Pimenov prints an article about the upcoming municipal elections. He states that the key issue is not consolidation of Russian-speaking voters, but consolidation of Latvian and Russian voters. He believes that left wing parties should not be associated only with Russians. Chas

Yesterday the Ukrainian Cultural Days were launched. The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis and the Ukrainian Ambassador to Latvia Miron Jankiv took part in the launching event. A number of events will take place in the framework of the Days: the day of the Ukrainian poetry, the Ukrainian movie night, presentation of the Ukrainian newspaper and gala concert.

Yesterday the Ukrainian Cultural Days were launched. The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis and the Ukrainian Ambassador to Latvia Miron Jankiv took part in the launching event. A number of events will take place in the framework of the Days: the day of the Ukrainian poetry, the Ukrainian movie night, presentation of the Ukrainian newspaper and gala concert. Latvijas Avize

Chas reports on the forthcoming events in the framework of the Tatiana Day, which in Latvia has been celebrated as the days of the Russian culture.


Jan. 13, 2005

  • Ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: the top priority of the Presidents agenda
  • FHRUL continues protest actions against the minority education reform
  • FHRUL develops amendments to the Law on Education which provides a free choice of the language of instruction
  • Integration Minister meets the Head of the Association of National Cultural Organisations
  • Vesti Segodnya comments on an article about immigrants
  • FHRUL the most popular party in Riga
  • Latvian President will take part in the celebrations of the victory in World War II in Moscow
Yesterday the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga held a press conference. The President stated that in 2005 there are two topical issues in her agenda: signing of the border agreement with Russia and ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The President believes that ratification of the Convention is feasible in 2005.

Yesterday the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga held a press conference. The President stated that in 2005 there are two topical issues in her agenda: signing of the border agreement with Russia and ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The President believes that ratification of the Convention is feasible in 2005. Latvijas Avize

Chas reports that in the forthcoming weeks the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia will launch the collection of signatures concerning the incompliance of the minority education reform with international norms. The Party also plans to challenge the Law on Education at the Constitutional Court once again. FHRUL argues that the level of students academic success has significantly dropped since the implementation of the reform. Vesti Segodnya

The union FHRUL has developed amendments to the Law on Education. The new amendments provide a possibility for schools to choose the language of instruction.

The union FHRUL has developed amendments to the Law on Education. The new amendments provide a possibility for schools to choose the language of instruction. Diena

Yesterday the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis met the Head of the Association of National Cultural Organisations Rafi Haradzanjan.

Yesterday the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis met the Head of the Association of National Cultural Organisations Rafi Haradzanjan. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reprints excerpts of the article about attitude of Latvian residents towards immigrants published in the public policy portal www.politika.lv. The author of the study Sigita Zankovska-Odina notes that Latvians (32 per cent) are less concerned about the possible influx of immigrants than Russian-speakers (39 per cent) are. Sigita Zankovska-Odina argues that Latvians are concerned because of their past experience with Soviet immigrants, while Russians are concerned because they are afraid of loosing jobs. The newspaper concludes that the author of research sees less threat in the influx of immigrants than in Russians who live here.

According to the latest opinion poll conducted by the company ‘Latvijas Fakti’ the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia is the most popular party in Riga, followed by the right-wing party New Era, while the third most popular party is the Latvian Social Democrats and Workers Party.

According to the latest opinion poll conducted by the company ‘Latvijas Fakti the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia is the most popular party in Riga, followed by the right-wing party New Era, while the third most popular party is the Latvian Social Democrats and Workers Party. Diena, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga announced that she would participate in the May 9 events in Moscow. The President said that ‘she, as leader of an independent democratic country, must be everywhere where European leaders go. Such situations as the conferences in Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam, where the destiny of Latvia was decided without Latvia's participation, must not occur ever again.’ The President has also developed a declaration in English for the international community which comments what means the victory in World War II for Latvia.

President Vaira Vike-Freiberga announced that she would participate in the May 9 events in Moscow. The President said that ‘she, as leader of an independent democratic country, must be everywhere where European leaders go. Such situations as the conferences in Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam, where the destiny of Latvia was decided without Latvia's participation, must not occur ever again. The President has also developed a declaration in English for the international community which comments what means the victory in World War II for Latvia. Diena, NRA, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf


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