Feb. 5, 2005

  • Desecraters of the Jewish cemetery charged with probation period
  • Left-wing parties propose amendments to the Law on Education
  • Russian language newspaper expresses its non-satisfaction with the choice of the Society Integration Foundation for the Society Harmony Award
  • Juris Grava (the New Era)promises todeal with national bolshevists if he is elected to Liepajas Council
  • Commercial TV channel TV 5 increases the share of its programmes in Russian
  • Article about a Polish family and their attempts to maintain the Polish culture in Latvia
On Friday the Riga District Court (Rigas apgabaltiesa) took a decision in the case of a group of young men accused in desecration of the Jewish cemetery. The court charged young men with probation period. During the hearing the young men repeatedly assured the court that they regret what they have done and that the motive of their crime was not a direct hatred against Jews but ‘too much alcohol and wrong company.’

On Friday the Riga District Court (Rigas apgabaltiesa) took a decision in the case of a group of young men accused in desecration of the Jewish cemetery. The court charged young men with probation period. During the hearing the young men repeatedly assured the court that they regret what they have done and that the motive of their crime was not a direct hatred against Jews but ‘too much alcohol and wrong company. Diena, Latvijas Avize

The left-wing parties presented in Saeima have developed amendments to the Law on Education. The proposed amendments stipulate that self-administration bodies of education institutions shall have the right to determine which subjects should be taught in the state language.

The left-wing parties presented in Saeima have developed amendments to the Law on Education. The proposed amendments stipulate that self-administration bodies of education institutions shall have the right to determine which subjects should be taught in the state language. Diena, Latvijas Avize

According to unofficial information this year the Society Harmony Award of the Society Integration Foundation will be awarded to the official of the Ministry of Education and Science Evija Papule who is directly dealing with the implementation of the minority education reform. The Russian language newspaper

According to unofficial information this year the Society Harmony Award of the Society Integration Foundation will be awarded to the official of the Ministry of Education and Science Evija Papule who is directly dealing with the implementation of the minority education reform. The Russian language newspaper Chas comments that giving this prize to this official of the Ministry is laughing at the Russian community. Several representatives of left wing parties state that once again the state demonstrates total ignorance of views of non-Latvians. Chas

The member of the New Era Juris Grava who is running for municipal elections in Liepaja has announced that one of his top priorities will be ‘dealing with national bolsheviks in Liepaja.’ In 2004 National Bolsheviks in Liepaja were actively involved in organising protest activities against the education reform. Juris Grava states that local police have not taken any measures to stop their activities. He claims that members of Liepaja’s police have friendly connections with national bolsheviks. 

The member of the New Era Juris Grava who is running for municipal elections in Liepaja has announced that one of his top priorities will be ‘dealing with national bolsheviks in Liepaja. In 2004 National Bolsheviks in Liepaja were actively involved in organising protest activities against the education reform. Juris Grava states that local police have not taken any measures to stop their activities. He claims that members of Liepajas police have friendly connections with national bolsheviks. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports that in the closest future almost a half of programmes aired by the commercial channel TV 5 will be in Russian. The newspaper mentions that the TV5 just launched broadcast of the two new political discussion shows in Russian.

Vesti Segodnya prints an article about a Polish family in the district of Kraslava, their way of life and attempts to preserve the Polish culture in Latvia.

Feb. 4, 2005

  • Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry and Russia State Council comment on Latvian Russian relations
  • Representative of the Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools Igors Pimenovs comments on the planned reform of primary education
  • Russian student claims that her teacher offended her because of her ethnicity
  • Chairman of Saeima Defence and Internal Affairs Committee Juris Dalbins on the priorities of the new Framework Document on National Security in the area of social integration
  • Unapproved picket of national-Bolsheviks
Yesterday the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Russian State Duma issued a statement, which claimed that Latvia experiences a ‘Russophobic hysteria.’ According to Russia this situation has led to a more difficult phase in Latvian Russian relations. Members of the Russian Parliament believe that ‘Latvia’s provocations’ are directly related to the forthcoming municipal elections. They add that ‘Latvian Russian relations continue to get worse and it is because of mass statelessness in Latvia, restrictions on the rights of   Russian-speakers to participate in elections and have education in their language and also because state authorities are trying to idealise Nazism.’  The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry stated that the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga demonstrated a ‘scornful and insulting attitude towards people who defended the world from fascism.’ Here the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry referred to the statements of the Latvian President that it is impossible to change older Russians, who will celebrate 9 May by ‘putting vobla (dried fish) on the table covered by a newspaper, drinking vodka, singing chastushkas (folk songs) and recalling their heroic ‘liberation’ of the Baltic States’. Saeima, however, expressed its support for the attempts of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to explain the international community the difficult history of Latvia.

Yesterday the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Russian State Duma issued a statement, which claimed that Latvia experiences a ‘Russophobic hysteria. According to Russia this situation has led to a more difficult phase in Latvian Russian relations. Members of the Russian Parliament believe that ‘Latvias provocations are directly related to the forthcoming municipal elections. They add that ‘Latvian Russian relations continue to get worse and it is because of mass statelessness in Latvia, restrictions on the rights of Russian-speakers to participate in elections and have education in their language and also because state authorities are trying to idealise Nazism. The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry stated that the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga demonstrated a ‘scornful and insulting attitude towards people who defended the world from fascism. Here the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry referred to the statements of the Latvian President that it is impossible to change older Russians, who will celebrate 9 May by ‘putting vobla (dried fish) on the table covered by a newspaper, drinking vodka, singing chastushkas (folk songs) and recalling their heroic ‘liberation of the Baltic States. Saeima, however, expressed its support for the attempts of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to explain the international community the difficult history of Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Chas prints a critical article by the representative of the Association for the Support of Russian-language Schools and the member of the Advisory Board on Minority Education Issues under the Ministry of Education and Science Igors Pimenovs about the planned reform of primary education. This reform stipulates the cut-down of the minority language lessons in minority schools from 7 – 9 to 4 – 5 lessons a week. The author of the article stresses that the political document stipulating these changes has not been discussed with minorities. According to Igors Pimenovs, several directors of Russian-language and Polish-language schools have already expressed their concern about these changes.

Vesti Segodnya reports on a conflict between a Russian student, who attends a Latvian language school in Riga, and her English language teacher. According to the student, the English language teacher, who is Latvian, has several times offended her by nationalistic comments, such as ‘You, Russians, go to your Russian-language schools and do not damage our Latvian culture with your Russian temperament! The student also stressed that her academic success has got worse because of the conflict with the teacher. The students mother complained about the English language teacher to the school principle, however, no measures were taken. The school principle argued that it is difficult to find a new teacher in the middle of the academic year.

Telegraf features comments of the chairman of the Saeima Defence and Internal Affairs Committee Juris Dalbins on the priorities of the new Framework Document of National Security, which was recently adopted by Saeima. Telegraf asked Juris Dalbins to comment on a new article included in the Framework Document, which stipulates ‘development of loyalty towards national informational space and reduction of segregation in the area of education. Juris Dalbins refuses that this article was included in the Framework Document as a result of the minority education reform and will be used as a tool to control mass media.

Yesterday several representatives of the radical national-Bolshevik organisation participated in the unapproved picket near the President’s Palace. During the picket its participants demanded resignation of the President. They also called for burning of the scandalous book ‘Latvian History. XX Century’ which ‘reflects a shameless falsification of the history.’

Yesterday several representatives of the radical national-Bolshevik organisation participated in the unapproved picket near the Presidents Palace. During the picket its participants demanded resignation of the President. They also called for burning of the scandalous book ‘Latvian History. XX Century which ‘reflects a shameless falsification of the history. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Feb. 3, 2005

  • Vladimir Chizov: situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia has worsened after the closing of the OSCE missions
  • Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis talks about the plans of his Secretariat
  • Article about the planned activities in the framework of the National Action Plan for the Promotion of Tolerance
  • Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee discusses a candidacy for the post of Latvian ambassador to Russia
  • Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry issues a statement regarding the book ‘Latvian history. XX Century
  • Newspapers feature articles about the recently naturalised persons
‘The situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia has worsened after the closure of the missions of the Organisation’s For Security and Cooperation in Europe in these countries,’ stated the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Vladimir Chizov. The Russian official also pointed to the decision of the Latvian authorities to prohibit the usage of the Russian language during the pre-election campaign. Vladimir Chizov believes that it does not promote democracy.

‘The situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia has worsened after the closure of the missions of the Organisations For Security and Cooperation in Europe in these countries, stated the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Vladimir Chizov. The Russian official also pointed to the decision of the Latvian authorities to prohibit the usage of the Russian language during the pre-election campaign. Vladimir Chizov believes that it does not promote democracy. Diena, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize reports on a meeting of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis with representatives of the Saeima Citizenship Implementation Committee. During the meeting the Minister noted that the National television should be more involved in societal integration. Ainars Latkovskis reported that his Secretariat in collaboration with the National Television work at the development of a framework for producing programmes addressed at the minority audience. According to the Minister, the main goal of these programmes is to promote the interest of minorities to integrate into the Latvian informative space. The Minister added that the Secretariat also plans to develop an integration programme for Roma and inform minority organisations about possibilities to attract funding for their activities.

The official newspaper

The official newspaper Latvijas Vestnesis features the statements of the Deputy Director of the Minority Affairs Department of the Secretariat for Special Assignments Ministers for Social Integration Deniss Hanovs about the National Action Plan for the Promotion of Tolerance. According to Deniss Hanovs, the Secretariat is planning to educate society about causes of racism and discrimination, study the most telling manifestations of intolerance in public space and organise public awareness campaigns about religious diversity. This year LVL30,000 (EUR42,918) are allotted for these activities. The Secretariat also plans to apply for funding in the European Commissions project tender for promotion of tolerance and prevention of discrimination.

Yesterday the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee nominated the Deputy State Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia Andris Teikmanis to the post of the Latvian Ambassador to Russia.

Yesterday the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee nominated the Deputy State Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia Andris Teikmanis to the post of the Latvian Ambassador to Russia. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a statement regarding the book ‘Latvian history. XX Century.’ In its statement the Ministry blames the authors of the book for focusing on discrediting the role of Russians in the Latvian history.

The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry has issued a statement regarding the book ‘Latvian history. XX Century. In its statement the Ministry blames the authors of the book for focusing on discrediting the role of Russians in the Latvian history. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an article about naturalisation of the 5,000th person in Liepaja. The 5,000thnaturalised person is Olga Rogoveca, the nurse at the Liepaja Central Hospital. She has been in Latvia for 29 years. Olga Rogoveca believes that if a person wants to live in Latvia, s/he has to be a Latvian citizen. Official celebration of granting Latvian citizenship was held in Riga as well – yesterday Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars welcomed 60 naturalised inhabitants of Riga. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Feb. 2, 2005

  • Naturalisation Board celebrates its 10th anniversary
  • Newspapers comment on pre-election promises for the Russian electorate
  • Russian-language newspaper criticises the presentation of the Latvian history in the recently published history book
  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools collects signatures in support for the draft law on minority education
  • Interview with the director of the Romani ethnic classes Gunita Grinvalde
The Naturalisation Board celebrates its 10th anniversary this month. According to the information provided by the Board, 100,000 naturalisation applications has been received since the formation of the institution and 85,352 persons, including 10,770 children, were naturalised. The number of non-citizens in Latvia has dropped from 735,000 in 1995 to 452,000 in 2005. Sergejs Ancupovs, advisor of the former Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics, comments on naturalisation in Latvia and argues that ‘reserved attitude of non-citizens towards naturalisation should be more related to their feeling of being offended rather than political processes.

The Naturalisation Board celebrates its 10th anniversary this month. According to the information provided by the Board, 100,000 naturalisation applications has been received since the formation of the institution and 85,352 persons, including 10,770 children, were naturalised. The number of non-citizens in Latvia has dropped from 735,000 in 1995 to 452,000 in 2005. Sergejs Ancupovs, advisor of the former Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics, comments on naturalisation in Latvia and argues that ‘reserved attitude of non-citizens towards naturalisation should be more related to their feeling of being offended rather than political processes. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Russian-language newspapers comment on pre-election promises of political parties made to the Russian electorate. Zhana Kupchik (For Human Rights in the United Latvia), running for municipal elections in Jurmala, states that one of the main goals of the party will be defence of education in the Russian language. The head of FHRUL’s parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners in his interview with

Russian-language newspapers comment on pre-election promises of political parties made to the Russian electorate. Zhana Kupchik (For Human Rights in the United Latvia), running for municipal elections in Jurmala, states that one of the main goals of the party will be defence of education in the Russian language. The head of FHRULs parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners in his interview with Telegraf confirms that the main goals of his organisation is, first of all, to protect the rights of Russian-speakers, that is, right to have education in the Russian language and granting non-citizens the right to participate in municipal elections. While representatives of other political parties, interviewed by newspapers, refuse to divide voters on the grounds of their ethnicity. However, several parties have given promises which are most likely addressed to members of ethnic minorities, for instance, the Latvian First Party promised to form a department on minority issues in the Riga State Council, the Peoples Harmony Party promises to fight for granting minorities the right to communicate with municipal authorities in minority languages and soften the implementation of the minority education reform. The Latvian language newspaper Latvijas Avize is concerned that majority of minority members support the union FHRUL and warns that its bigger influence may result not only in changes in municipal policies, but also in the areas of foreign affairs, education and language.

Chas sharply criticizes the interpretation of the Latvian history by Latvian historians in the book ‘History of Latvia. XX Century. Chas claims that historians have used different methodologies to calculate the losses caused by the Nazi and the Soviet regimes and points to the usage of ‘incorrect terms in the book. The Chas columnist Leonid Fedoseyev states that the book is a ‘Russophobic version of the history. While the historian Aivars Stranga, one of the authors of the book, cancelled his visit to Russia because he received unofficial warning that he might be refused entrance to Russia, although he had received visa to Russia. The Russias internet portal www.regnum.ru comments that the historian might be denied the entrance to Russia because of his ‘anti-Semitic and Russophobic activities. Aivars Stranga had planned to participate in the presentation of the book in Moscow. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools collect signatures in support for the draft law developed by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. The draft law stipulates that segregated minority classes shall have the right to choose the language of instruction if such wish has been expressed by at least a half of students and their parents.

Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools collect signatures in support for the draft law developed by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. The draft law stipulates that segregated minority classes shall have the right to choose the language of instruction if such wish has been expressed by at least a half of students and their parents. Chas

Chas features an interview with the director of the Romani ethnic classes Gunita Grinvalde about educational problems of Roma in Ventspils. Gunita Grinvalde argues that insufficient Latvian language skills of many Romani children are the main reason for their low academic success at school. Gunita Grinvalde stresses that in Ventspils 40% Romani men and 70% Romani women in the age bracket 25 – 40 years are illiterate.

Jan. 31, 2005

  • Diena discusses possible political choices of recently naturalised citizens in the forthcoming municipal elections
  • Interview with the Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete
  • Minority students discuss the implementation of the education reform
  • State Security Police examine the Independent Transport Labour Union of Latvia and the Latvian Labour Union of Nurses
  • Celebrations of the Tatjana Day, the holiday of the Russian culture and education, took place in Latvia last weekend
The daily

The daily Diena discusses possible political choices of the recently naturalised citizens in the forthcoming municipal elections. The daily talks to a number of experts and majority of them argue that it is impossible to give any accurate forecasts in the issue. Ethnologist Ilmars Mezs refers to the results of the European Parliament elections and concludes that a big part of naturalised citizens support Russian parties. The sociologist Aigars Freimanis states that also according to opinion polls non-Latvians mainly support Russian parties. The Director of the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences, Professor Brigita Zepa argues that the implementation of the education reform will bring more votes for Russian parties, especially in Riga. Since last municipal elections in 2001, more than 40,000 persons have naturalised in Latvia. Diena

Telegraf prints an interview with the Minister of Education and Science Ina Druviete about the implementation of the minority education reform. Ina Druviete argues that the implementation of the reform is successful, because in her meeting with students and teachers nobody has stated that there are any obstacles to the implementation of the minority education reform. The Minister also notes that control over minority schools has not been intensified due to the implementation of the reform.

Yesterday about 330 minority students participated in the meeting of minority students. During the meeting the implementation of the education reform was discussed. Student Boris Fedorenko stated that the implementation of the education reform divided Latvia’s society into Russians and Latvians. Students of the University of Latvia Kira Savcenko and Anja Iskenderova argued that the goal of the reform was to decrease the level of minority students’ competitiveness, so they would be denied the access to higher education. Jurij Zaicev, student from Daugavpils, noted that there were two typical scenarios: 1) several minority school directors implement the reform and teachers, despite their bad Latvian language knowledge, teach their subjects in not-understandable language, while students study these subjects without any comprehension. The second scenario is that several directors pretend that the reform has been launched, but in practice all subjects are taught in minority language.

Yesterday about 330 minority students participated in the meeting of minority students. During the meeting the implementation of the education reform was discussed. Student Boris Fedorenko stated that the implementation of the education reform divided Latvias society into Russians and Latvians. Students of the University of Latvia Kira Savcenko and Anja Iskenderova argued that the goal of the reform was to decrease the level of minority students competitiveness, so they would be denied the access to higher education. Jurij Zaicev, student from Daugavpils, noted that there were two typical scenarios: 1) several minority school directors implement the reform and teachers, despite their bad Latvian language knowledge, teach their subjects in not-understandable language, while students study these subjects without any comprehension. The second scenario is that several directors pretend that the reform has been launched, but in practice all subjects are taught in minority language. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The State Security Police launched examination of the Latvian Independent Transport Union (LITU) and the Latvian Union of Nurses (LUN) as there have been accusations that these unions are led by people who are working against the interests of the state. The Head of the Latvian Independent Transport Union Olegs Pronins was called to the Security Police on the basis of application which accused the LITU in ‘organising illegal drivers’ strikes.’ Olegs Pronins says that he asked for an interpreter during his conversation with a police officer, however, the police officer did not listen to the Pronins’ request and continued interrogation in Latvian. He believes that the Security Police have crossed the borders of Police’s competence. While the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis points that there is a link between the Latvian Union of Nurses leader Aigars Lavrinovics and the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia that was involved in organising protest actions against the education reform. Therefore ‘this is not the strike of nurses. It is a political question.

The State Security Police launched examination of the Latvian Independent Transport Union (LITU) and the Latvian Union of Nurses (LUN) as there have been accusations that these unions are led by people who are working against the interests of the state. The Head of the Latvian Independent Transport Union Olegs Pronins was called to the Security Police on the basis of application which accused the LITU in ‘organising illegal drivers strikes. Olegs Pronins says that he asked for an interpreter during his conversation with a police officer, however, the police officer did not listen to the Pronins request and continued interrogation in Latvian. He believes that the Security Police have crossed the borders of Polices competence. While the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis points that there is a link between the Latvian Union of Nurses leader Aigars Lavrinovics and the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia that was involved in organising protest actions against the education reform. Therefore ‘this is not the strike of nurses. It is a political question. Rigas Balss

Russian language newspapers reports on celebrations of the Tatjana Day, the holiday of Russian culture and education, in Latvia.

Russian language newspapers reports on celebrations of the Tatjana Day, the holiday of Russian culture and education, in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

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