aprīlis 11, 2005

  • Chas interviews the new Riga Mayor Aivars Aksenoks
  • Official Russias delegation held meeting with local Russians
  • Latvijas Avize continues to write about stories about Latvia published by the BBC News
  • Article about poet Ludmila Azarova-Vaciete

Chas interviews the new Riga Mayor Aivars Aksenoks (the New Era). When asked to comment on ‘the Russian issue, the Mayor states that ‘we will do everything to make all residents of Riga feel comfortable in the city. However, when asked about the possible formation of the National Minority Council, the Mayor states that this issues cannot be solved in the framework of one city.

Vesti Segodnya reports on the meeting of members of the Russian community in Latvia with members of the Russias official delegation, which visited Latvia last week. The newspaper prints that the Head of the delegation Sergey Yastrzhembsky admitted that Russia has not been thinking very much about her compatriots lately, however, now the situation of compatriots abroad is a priority issue in the Russian domestic policy. While the Head of the LASHOR Igors Pimenovs noted that ‘when Russian politicians are provocative towards Latvia, it immediately influences attitudes towards us.

The columnist of

The columnist of Latvijas Avize Aija Calite continues to write about articles published by the BBC News about Latvia. In one of the articles BBC reporter wrote about a teacher who teaches at Russian language school and despite the Education Law she continues to teach her students in Russian. The columnist of Latvijas Avize has inquired a number of persons and institutions – the British Embassy, the Latvian Institute – trying to find out what sources of information the BBCs journalist used to collect the published information.

Latvijas Avize prints an article about poet Ludmila Azarova-Vaciete. The newspaper stresses that she is of Russian origin and quotes a number of prominent persons, such as the Education Minister Ina Druviete and poet Mara Zalite, about the big contribution of Ludmila Azarova-Vaciete in building bridges between Russians and Latvians.


aprīlis 9, 2005

  • Interview with Social Integration Minister
  • Visit of the official Russias delegation to Latvia concluded
  • Legal experts about the revision of the minority education reform by the Constitutional Court
  • Latvians and the Holocaust

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Minister for the Special Assignments for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis. He stresses that the Secretariat deals not only with ethnic but also regional integration as well as other issues. Anairs Latkovskis states that the claim regarding incompliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international norms and practices is ungrounded. The Minister confirms that a working group which will develop amendments to the Citizenship Law is already established. The new amendments will ban a possibility that persons disloyal to Latvia will acquire Latvian citizenship. Regarding ratification of the Framework Convention, the Minister says that probably it will be ratified by the end of May, beginning of June and it will definitely include the following provision: only those non-Latvians who are Latvian citizens will be the subjects of the Convention. The Minister concludes that the Secretariat makes big effort to provide information about issues concerning ethnic integration to audiences in Latvia and abroad.

Newspapers report on the results of the visit of the Russia’s official delegation to Latvia. The delegation was headed by Sergey Yastrzhembsky, Advisor to the Russian President. The key goal of the visit was to discuss the signing of the bilateral border agreement.

Newspapers report on the results of the visit of the Russias official delegation to Latvia. The delegation was headed by Sergey Yastrzhembsky, Advisor to the Russian President. The key goal of the visit was to discuss the signing of the bilateral border agreement. Diena reports that after meetings both parties stressed that meetings were very fruitful and will be followed by signing of the border agreement and further discussion at various levels. The newspaper adds that the Russian official avoided talking about the situation of Russian-speakers in these discussions. Neatkariga reports that in the meeting with the Special Task Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis, the Russian official was interested in naturalisation procedures and ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, however, the Russian official admitted that all countries have the right to set their own citizenship requirements and that people who live in Latvia should be able to speak Latvian. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize asks a number of legal experts to comment on the revision of the compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international norms and practices by the Consitutional Court. The Head of the Saeima Legal Committee Mareks Seglins believes that this is a pure political issue, therefore should not be reviewed by the Constitutional Court. Professor Juris Bojars also agrees that it is a political issue, however, the Constitutional Court was not entitled to reject the claim. While professor Ineta Ziemele argues that the case includes both political and legal conditions. According to Ineta Ziemele the minority education reform does not contradict international human rights standards, however, the issue is whether the reform is implemented in such a way that non-Latvian students are able to acquire the state language, while preserving their mother tongue.

Diena prints an essay by historian Andrievs Ezergailis about the Holocaust in Latvia. Andrievs Ezergailis provides detailed arguments against widely spread allegations that in the World War II Jews in the Baltic Countries were killed by local residents and not by Nazi and that these killings were spontaneous and not organised.



aprīlis 8, 2005

  • Newspapers print articles about Roma
  • Interview with a member of Russias official delegation to Latvia
Today is International Romani Day. Couple newspapers print articles about Roma. The daily

Today is International Romani Day. Couple newspapers print articles about Roma. The daily Diena prints a very brief overview on the situation of Roma in Latvia and Roma and the Holocaust. The author of the article states that Roma in Latvia do not have any problems concerning political integration – 90% are Latvian citizens, however, Roma in Latvia face heavy problems in the area of socio-economic integration. The author also stresses that the issue about Roma and their sufferings in the Holocaust has not been widely discussed. He calls everyone to think what could be done so that victims of the Holocaust of the Romani descendent would receive understanding and support of other members of society.

Chas prints an article about the Romani NGO ‘Nevo Drom established a year ago in Daugavpils. The representative of the NGO Vyacheslavs Nefredovs says that the very bad socio-economic conditions of Roma in Latvia and other East European countries result in further negative stereotyping of Roma, however, the NGO is planning various activities to improve the situation of Roma.

Vesti Segodndya prints an interview with Pavel Pozigailo, member of the Russias official delegation, which is currently in Latvia to discuss Latvian Russian border agreement and other issues. Pavel Pozigailo states that one of the goals of the visit is to find common interests and discuss signing of bilateral agreements. In the framework of these discussions Russia wants to discuss the situation of Russian-speakers as well.

aprīlis 7, 2005

  • Riga Centre District Court imposes fines on people who participated in non-sanctioned protest actions on the Day of Commemoration of WWII Latvian legionnaires
  • National Television asks to evaluate statements of MP Nikolajs Kabanovs (FHRUL) expressed in the show
  • Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry: Framework Convention will be ratified till the beginning of June
  • Integration Minister: Citizenship Law should be amended so disloyal applicants would not be able to acquire Latvian citizenship
Riga Centre District Court (Rigas Centra rajona tiesa) ruled that activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Viktors Dergunovs shall be fined with LVL 50 (EUR 72) for disobedience to police during the commemoration meeting of WW II Latvian legionnaires on 16 March. The court imposed a number of smaller fines on other members of the protest action.

Riga Centre District Court (Rigas Centra rajona tiesa) ruled that activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Viktors Dergunovs shall be fined with LVL 50 (EUR 72) for disobedience to police during the commemoration meeting of WW II Latvian legionnaires on 16 March. The court imposed a number of smaller fines on other members of the protest action. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize prints a letter of the National Television addressed to Saeima, Saeimas Speaker and the faction of FHRUL in Saeima. The group of producers of the political discussion show ‘Process aired by the National Television expresses their dissatisfaction with statements and behaviour of MP Nikolajs Kabanovs who took part in the show of 29 March when the situation of Russians in Latvia was discussed. The authors of the letter report that Nikolajs Kabanovs ‘defamed the Latvian people and state. They call the addressees to evaluate the Kabanovs statements expressed in the show. Telegraf

Latvijas Avize reports that according to the Spokesperson of the Latvian Foreign Affairs Ministry the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities will be ratified till the end of May or beginning of June.

In the meeting with the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldremane, the Minister for the Special Assignments for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis has announced that ‘Latvia should revise its Citizenship Law so it would provide evaluation of citizenship applicants from the perspective of state security.’ According to the Minister the working group, which will be charged with the development of the required amendments, will be established. 

In the meeting with the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldremane, the Minister for the Special Assignments for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis has announced that ‘Latvia should revise its Citizenship Law so it would provide evaluation of citizenship applicants from the perspective of state security. According to the Minister the working group, which will be charged with the development of the required amendments, will be established.Chas

The State Language Centre has finalised the project about towns in Latvia, which have the friendliest environment for the Latvian language. This year Gulbene, Preili, Akniste and Talsi were recognised as the most favourable towns for the Latvian language. The following criteria – public information, communications with customers, attitude of municipalities towards the Latvian language were considered.

The State Language Centre has finalised the project about towns in Latvia, which have the friendliest environment for the Latvian language. This year Gulbene, Preili, Akniste and Talsi were recognised as the most favourable towns for the Latvian language. The following criteria – public information, communications with customers, attitude of municipalities towards the Latvian language were considered. Latvijas Avize

aprīlis 6, 2005

  • Constitutional Court postponed the review of the case on the compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international norms
  • Riga Centre District Court postponed taking decision on imposing the administrative penalty for disobedience to police
  • Rigas Balss prints an article about the implementation of the minority education reform
  • Final decision on the transfer of the Head of the Public Education Inspectorate will be taken next week
  • Vesti Segodnya talks to the Foreign Affairs Minister
  • Latvijas Vestnesis reports on migration in Latvia
The Constitutional Court postponed the review of the case on the compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international norms till 12 April, because the Court received extra amount of supplementary materials.

The Constitutional Court postponed the review of the case on the compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international norms till 12 April, because the Court received extra amount of supplementary materials. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Riga Centre District Court (Centra rajona tiesa) postponed taking decision on imposing administrative penalty on two activists of the union FHRUL and ‘Rodina,’ who participated in public disorders on 16 March (commemoration day of WWII Latvian Legionnaires) at the Freedom Monument. Both men argue that on 16 March police did not ask them to leave the place of meeting, therefore there were no grounds to draw up the protocol about disobedience to police. The court decided to hear explanations of policemen and then take the decision. As already reported on 16 March activists of FHRUL and ‘Rodina’ gathered to block a procession in commemoration of Latvian WW II legionnaires. The procession was organised by the national-radical youth organisation Klubs 415 (Club 415) and had received the legally required authorisation by the Riga City Council, while the opponent protestors had been denied authorisation on grounds of planning the event later, but for the same place and time, thus allegedly posing a risk of clashes.

Riga Centre District Court (Centra rajona tiesa) postponed taking decision on imposing administrative penalty on two activists of the union FHRUL and ‘Rodina, who participated in public disorders on 16 March (commemoration day of WWII Latvian Legionnaires) at the Freedom Monument. Both men argue that on 16 March police did not ask them to leave the place of meeting, therefore there were no grounds to draw up the protocol about disobedience to police. The court decided to hear explanations of policemen and then take the decision. As already reported on 16 March activists of FHRUL and ‘Rodina gathered to block a procession in commemoration of Latvian WW II legionnaires. The procession was organised by the national-radical youth organisation Klubs 415 (Club 415) and had received the legally required authorisation by the Riga City Council, while the opponent protestors had been denied authorisation on grounds of planning the event later, but for the same place and time, thus allegedly posing a risk of clashes. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Rigas Balss prints an article about the implementation of the minority education reform. The newspaper writes that ‘principles of Riga minority schools admit that the first year of the reform was complicated, however, students acquire subjects in the state language rather successfully and only few students, most often the laziest ones, have problems. The newspaper also provides the views of the Public Education Inspectorate ‘the Inspectorate does not rush with any conclusions. In April principles of minority schools will account for the implementation of the reform and it is possible that then various problems, such as, qualification of teachers, lack of text books, etc, will be revealed. The deputy Head of the Inspectorate Valda Puise states that ‘there are no big problems regarding the implementation of the reform. Maybe here and there is the issue of attitude. However, she does not exclude that the quality of education is getting lower because of the reform ‘we will make our conclusions on the quality of education only after few years – when todays 10th grade students will graduate the 12th grade.

Latvijas Avize writes that yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers discussed the decision of the Minister of Education Ina Druviete to transfer the Head of the Public Education Inspectorate Zigfrids Grinpauks to the Ministry of Defence. According to the newspaper the reason for Grinpauks transfer was his statements where he expressed doubts about the implementation of the minority education reform. However, the State Civil Service has established that Grinpauks has systematically violated legal norms ‘which proves his inability to manage the Inspectorate. Grinpauks objects to his transfer to the Ministry of Defence and believes that he will not be able to fulfil the new tasks because of the lack of experience and skills in the issues concerning state security and military. The Government will take its decision regarding the transfer of Zigfrids Grinpauks in its next session when Grinpauks returns from a business trip.

Vesti Segodnya talks to the Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks about Latvian Russian relations. The Minister states that Latvia expects Russia to act pragmatically and sign the border agreement till 9 May. Artis Pabriks notes that he completely disagrees with the stance of his partys member Aleksandrs Kirsteins who stated that Latvia should agree with Russia on deportation of people who came to Latvia after the WWII. The Minister says that ‘it is too late to discuss this issue ...now these people are integrating into our society.

Latvijas Vestnesis reports that in 2003 Latvia experienced the lowest rate of migration since 1995, while in 2004 it has slightly increased. The newspaper also notes that there are more people who leave Latvia than those who come to Latvia. The majority of people arrive to Latvia from Russia, Lithuania, Germany, USA, Great Britain, Estonia, Ukraine, Israeli, Byelorussia and Denmark. In 2004 the ratio of non-citizens among immigrants was 0.9%, while among emigrants – 8.5%.




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