aprīlis 22, 2005

  • Diena reports on problems faced by schools when implementing the minority education reform
  • Peoples Harmony Party calls to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without reservations
  • Union of Greens and Farmers submits to Saeima a draft declaration on the Soviet occupation

Diena reports on problems faced by schools when implementing the minority education reform. The daily looks into issues at the Riga Secondary School No 30. The school conducted the students opinion poll and it reveals that only three out of eight subjects, which according to the Law should be taught in the Latvian language, are taught in Latvian. 25% students admitted that they are not able to learn in Latvian. While teachers state that Latvian language proficiency of many students is very low therefore teachers should provide translation of classes in Russian. The native language is frequently used also in cases when modern teaching methods, such as working groups, role-plays, are applied. Several teachers admit that the quality of education is getting worse.

The People’s Harmony Party has issued a statement calling to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without any reservations. According to the authors of the call, state’s lingering with ratification of the Convention hampers harmonisation of the Latvian legislation with international standards in the area of minority rights and brings tension in society.

The Peoples Harmony Party has issued a statement calling to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without any reservations. According to the authors of the call, states lingering with ratification of the Convention hampers harmonisation of the Latvian legislation with international standards in the area of minority rights and brings tension in society. Chas

Yesterday the Union of Greens and Farmers submitted to Saeima a draft declaration on the Soviet occupation. The draft declaration calls the European Parliament and the states of anti-Hitler coalition to ‘release Latvia from the obligation to provide the place of residency to citizens of another states and their descendants who came to Latvia during the Soviet occupation.’ According to the draft declaration, hundreds of thousand Latvia’s Russian-speakers, who identify themselves as a part of the Russia’s society, are ill-disposed towards the Latvian culture and demand specific privileges concerning language, education and citizenship. One of the authors of the declaration Leopolds Ozolins believes that the situation when 40% of residents of Latvia are Russian-speakers is not natural. In his opinion the best solution would be repatriation of all former State Security Committee officials, veterans and Russian-speaking Latvian non-citizens to Russia. The Russian language newspaper

Yesterday the Union of Greens and Farmers submitted to Saeima a draft declaration on the Soviet occupation. The draft declaration calls the European Parliament and the states of anti-Hitler coalition to ‘release Latvia from the obligation to provide the place of residency to citizens of another states and their descendants who came to Latvia during the Soviet occupation. According to the draft declaration, hundreds of thousand Latvias Russian-speakers, who identify themselves as a part of the Russias society, are ill-disposed towards the Latvian culture and demand specific privileges concerning language, education and citizenship. One of the authors of the declaration Leopolds Ozolins believes that the situation when 40% of residents of Latvia are Russian-speakers is not natural. In his opinion the best solution would be repatriation of all former State Security Committee officials, veterans and Russian-speaking Latvian non-citizens to Russia. The Russian language newspaper Vesti Segodnya writes that the declaration may be adopted by Saeima until 9 May. Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 21, 2005

  • Police initiate criminal case on alleged hooliganism in the case of the assault against Indian man
  • Newspapers continue to report on developments concerning the complaint of Jurijs Petropavlovskis
  • Latvijas Avize discusses a possibility to deprive deputy of Riga City Council Jurijs Aleksejevs of Latvian citizenship
  • National radical youth organisation will hold a picket to demand the establishment of the moratorium on naturalisation

Diena reports on developments in the case when a young man of Indian origin was attacked in Old Riga. As reported a dark-skinned Indian man was attacked when coming out of a shop in Riga Old Town at the beginning of March. The attack was suspected to have been racially motivated, as the victim was not robbed. A number of human rights experts expressed a hope that the police will act decisively in finding and punishing attackers of the dark-skinned Indian Arvinder Singh in order to demonstrate that every resident of Latvia is protected by the police, irrespective of his/her country of origin. However, the police have initiated a criminal case for hooliganism and not for racial violence. Concerns of integration experts that the police would avoid recognition of this case as racial violence have come true. While the police argue is that it is difficult to prove that the assault was racially motivated, because then in accordance with Article 78 of the Criminal Law it should be proved that racial violence was committed intentionally. The Head of the Riga Criminal Police Ints Kuzis argues that ‘it is impossible to sentence ones thinking. During 5 years the State Security Police have initiated 11 criminal cases on the basis of Article 78 of the Criminal Law. All cases are related to incitement of national hatred and not racial violence. The Spokesperson of the Security Police also stresses that it is very difficult to prove that alleged offences have been committed with intention. Diena

Newspapers continue to report on developments regarding the complaint of Jurijs Petropavlovskis, defender of Russian-language schools, submitted to the Petition Committee of the European Parliament. Yesterday the Committee decided to continue the revision of the complaint only after the Administrative Court of Latvia takes its decision in the case. As reported, Petropavlovskis has applied to the Administrative Court challenging the refusal of the Latvian government to grant him Latvian citizenship although he has successfully passed naturalisation exams. Russian-language newspapers interpret the decision of the Petition Committee as Petropavlovskis’ victory.

Newspapers continue to report on developments regarding the complaint of Jurijs Petropavlovskis, defender of Russian-language schools, submitted to the Petition Committee of the European Parliament. Yesterday the Committee decided to continue the revision of the complaint only after the Administrative Court of Latvia takes its decision in the case. As reported, Petropavlovskis has applied to the Administrative Court challenging the refusal of the Latvian government to grant him Latvian citizenship although he has successfully passed naturalisation exams. Russian-language newspapers interpret the decision of the Petition Committee as Petropavlovskis victory. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Jurijs Aleksejev’s, member of the Riga City Council, article on the Internet portal

Jurijs Aleksejevs, member of the Riga City Council, article on the Internet portal Delfi has raised discussions among other members of the Council about possibilities to deprive Jurijs Aleksejevs of Latvian citizenship. In his article, Jurijs Aleksejevs wrote that ‘all Latvian hookers have left for Ireland thus the only possibility to attract foreign tourists to Latvia is popularisation of fascism. The majority of Riga City Councils deputies, interviewed by Latvijas Avize, believe that a member of City Council should not give such statements and a part of Councils members agree that Jurijs Aleksejevs should be deprived of Latvian citizenship.

Tomorrow the national radical youth organisation ‘

Tomorrow the national radical youth organisation ‘Visu Latvijai! will hold pickets at several buildings where the headquarters of three parties are located. Members of the picket will demand to establish the moratorium on naturalisation and strengthen naturalisation requirements. Latvijas Avize

aprīlis 20, 2005

  • Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Newspapers continue to write about the court proceeding on compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international standards
  • Saeima Legal Affairs Committee supported amendments to the Immigration Law
  • Yesterday the Petition Committee of the European Parliament started to review a complaint submitted by Jurijs Petropavlovskis
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on the meeting of members of the Saeima Subcommittee on Society Integration with the director of the Latvian Centre For Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands Kehris
  • Russian official: USA President George W. Bush will meet with representatives of the Russian-speaking community during his visit to Latvia
  • Protest action against the implementation of minority education reform in Latvia will take place in Tallin
Yesterday the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis stated ‘Latvia could ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities with such reservations which were made by Estonia.’ However, he stressed that this is his personal opinion and not the opinion of the working group. Estonia defined that ‘a national minority may be composed only of the citizens of Estonia who reside on the territory of Estonia, who maintain longstanding, firm and lasting ties with Estonia, who are distinct from Estonians on the basis of their ethnic, cultural, religious or linguistic characteristics and who are motivated to preserve their cultural traditions, religion or language, which constitute the basis of their common identity’.

Yesterday the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis stated ‘Latvia could ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities with such reservations which were made by Estonia. However, he stressed that this is his personal opinion and not the opinion of the working group. Estonia defined that ‘a national minority may be composed only of the citizens of Estonia who reside on the territory of Estonia, who maintain longstanding, firm and lasting ties with Estonia, who are distinct from Estonians on the basis of their ethnic, cultural, religious or linguistic characteristics and who are motivated to preserve their cultural traditions, religion or language, which constitute the basis of their common identity. Telegraf

Newspapers continue to write about the court proceeding, which reviewed compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international standards.

Newspapers continue to write about the court proceeding, which reviewed compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international standards. Neatkariga Rita Avize prints an article by the lawyer Elizabete Krivoca, who believes that it was possible to prevent many problems if the state had provided a real possibility for stakeholders to participate in political decision taking process. The lawyer notes that the state also avoids providing clearly formulated final goals of the reform: the Representative of Saeima at the court Gunars Kusins stated that the effective proportion of languages of instruction at minority schools is only a temporary phase and the final goal is that Latvian is the only language of instruction, while the Minister of Education and Science Inese Druviete stressed that the effective language proportion is a final stage of the reform. The author of the article concludes that the decision of the court will show if there are civic society and democracy in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee supported amendments to the Immigration Law. The amendments stipulate that when a foreigner receives a residence permit in Latvia, s/he should present the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs a signed declaration which confirms that s/he respects the Latvian language, culture and traditions and will pass the Latvian language exam.

Yesterday the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee supported amendments to the Immigration Law. The amendments stipulate that when a foreigner receives a residence permit in Latvia, s/he should present the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs a signed declaration which confirms that s/he respects the Latvian language, culture and traditions and will pass the Latvian language exam. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the Petition Committee of the European Parliament started to review a complaint submitted by Jurijs Petropavlovskis, member of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and defender of Russian-language schools. Jurijs Petropavlosvskis complained on the refusal of the Latvian government to grant him Latvian citizenship. The government refused to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship arguing that Jurijs Petropavlovskis is disloyal to the Latvian state.

Yesterday the Petition Committee of the European Parliament started to review a complaint submitted by Jurijs Petropavlovskis, member of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and defender of Russian-language schools. Jurijs Petropavlosvskis complained on the refusal of the Latvian government to grant him Latvian citizenship. The government refused to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship arguing that Jurijs Petropavlovskis is disloyal to the Latvian state. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya reports on a meeting of representatives of the Saeima Subcommittee on Society Integration with the director of the NGO Latvian Centre For Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands Kehris. The newspaper writes that Ilze Brands Kehris stated that ‘Latvias integration policy has reached the point when it should be re-evaluated. She believes that measures should be taken to deal with Anti-semitism and Islam phobia. While the member of the subcommittee Peteris Tabuns (For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM) argued that a moratorium on naturalisation should be established because the growing number of ‘new citizens who are not loyal to Latvia willlead to conflict.

‘USA President George W. Bush will meet with representatives of the Russian-speaking community during his visit to Latvia,’ yesterday announced the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma Konstantin Kosatchev. He refers to the information sources in the US House of Representatives and the US Department of State. According to Kosatchev, George Bush will announce that the formation mono-ethnic societies in the Baltic States is not acceptable. The Russian official also claims that the US president will express his attitude ‘towards the attempts to idealise Nazism in Latvia and the attempts to revise the consequences of the World War II.’

‘USA President George W. Bush will meet with representatives of the Russian-speaking community during his visit to Latvia, yesterday announced the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma Konstantin Kosatchev. He refers to the information sources in the US House of Representatives and the US Department of State. According to Kosatchev, George Bush will announce that the formation mono-ethnic societies in the Baltic States is not acceptable. The Russian official also claims that the US president will express his attitude ‘towards the attempts to idealise Nazism in Latvia and the attempts to revise the consequences of the World War II. Chas, Telegraf

A protest action against the implementation of minority education reform in Latvia is planned to be held in Tallinn (Estonia) this Saturday. The organiser of the protest action is a youth organisation of the Russian Party of Estonia.

A protest action against the implementation of minority education reform in Latvia is planned to be held in Tallinn (Estonia) this Saturday. The organiser of the protest action is a youth organisation of the Russian Party of Estonia. Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 19, 2005

  • State officials comment on the demands of the second Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language Schools
  • Draft resolution on the minority education reform has been submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
  • Petition Committee of the European Parliament will review a complaint about the refusal of the Latvian government to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship
  • Participants of the unsanctioned meeting of 16 March appeal the judgement of the Riga Centre District Court
  • Web pages of the national radical organisation Latvian National Front and the national radical newspaper DDD are not available on the internet anymore

Latvijas Avize features views of several state officials about the demands of the second Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language Schools. As reported, the Congress demanded the state to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and harmonise the State Language Law and the Law on Education with the provisions of the Convention. Besides the Congress demanded to grant all Latvian non-citizens the right to participate in municipal elections and grant Latvian citizenship to all Russian-speakers living in Latvia through registration. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane states that by demanding to grant Latvian citizenship to all Russian-speakers these people are given false hopes. The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis believes that the Congress came up with these requirements because of the upcoming Saeima elections. Ainars Latkovskis argues that politicians who stand behind the activities of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language schools have realised that manipulations with the education reform have failed, therefore these politicians turn to actualisation of other issues. While Andris Berzins, the chairman of the Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration, states that he is 90% sure that the Convention will be ratified with reservations and adds that no laws will be amended. Vesti Segodnya continues to publish statements of Congress participants. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Two draft resolutions concerning Latvia – on the implementation of the minority education reform and granting the right Latvian non-citizens to participate in municipal elections - have been submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The draft resolutions have been developed and submitted by 20 member of the European Parliament from 12 countries. The authors of the resolution on the implementation of the minority education reform argue that the minority education reform has been implemented despite the mass protests of non-Latvians and recommendations of human rights organisations. The draft resolution states that the reform has limited the right of national minorities to education in their native tongue. The authors of the resolution also believe that the protest activities against the reform show that Latvian authorities lack the will and desire to start an open dialogue on the Law on Education. The Head of the Latvian delegation to the PACE Andris Berzins notes that this document has been initiated by representatives from Russia.

Two draft resolutions concerning Latvia – on the implementation of the minority education reform and granting the right Latvian non-citizens to participate in municipal elections - have been submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The draft resolutions have been developed and submitted by 20 member of the European Parliament from 12 countries. The authors of the resolution on the implementation of the minority education reform argue that the minority education reform has been implemented despite the mass protests of non-Latvians and recommendations of human rights organisations. The draft resolution states that the reform has limited the right of national minorities to education in their native tongue. The authors of the resolution also believe that the protest activities against the reform show that Latvian authorities lack the will and desire to start an open dialogue on the Law on Education. The Head of the Latvian delegation to the PACE Andris Berzins notes that this document has been initiated by representatives from Russia. Chas

Today the Petition Committee of the European Parliament will review a complaint submitted by Jurijs Petropavlovskis, member of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and defender of Russian-language schools, on the refusal of the Latvian government to grant him Latvian citizenship. The government refused to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship arguing that Jurijs Petrapovlovskis is disloyal to the Latvian state. While Jurijs Petrapovlovskis argues that the government’s refusal to grant him Latvian citizenship is related to his ethnic origin.  He stresses that he has defended the rights of ethnic minorities in accordance with the effective legislation. The Petition Committee will also review another complaint on ‘mistreatment and persecution of approximately 500,000 Russian-speaking Latvians’ submitted by Geoffrey Simmonds, the representative of Great Britain.  Simmonds demands Latvia to recognise that all Latvian non-citizens are citizens of the EU and that they have the right to exchange their non-citizens passports for passports of Latvian citizens without going through naturalisation. The International Council of Russian Compatriots has submitted a similar complaint as well.

Today the Petition Committee of the European Parliament will review a complaint submitted by Jurijs Petropavlovskis, member of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia and defender of Russian-language schools, on the refusal of the Latvian government to grant him Latvian citizenship. The government refused to grant Jurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship arguing that Jurijs Petrapovlovskis is disloyal to the Latvian state. While Jurijs Petrapovlovskis argues that the governments refusal to grant him Latvian citizenship is related to his ethnic origin. He stresses that he has defended the rights of ethnic minorities in accordance with the effective legislation. The Petition Committee will also review another complaint on ‘mistreatment and persecution of approximately 500,000 Russian-speaking Latvians submitted by Geoffrey Simmonds, the representative of Great Britain. Simmonds demands Latvia to recognise that all Latvian non-citizens are citizens of the EU and that they have the right to exchange their non-citizens passports for passports of Latvian citizens without going through naturalisation. The International Council of Russian Compatriots has submitted a similar complaint as well. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Yesterday 23 participants of the unsanctioned meeting, which took place on 16 March as a protest action against the commemoration ceremony of WW II Latvian legionnaires, appealed the judgement of the Riga Centre District Court (Rigas Centra rajona tiesa). As reported, Riga Centre District Court ruled that activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Viktors Dergunovs shall be fined with LVL 50 (EUR 72) for disobedience to police during the meeting. The court imposed a number of smaller fines on other members of the protest action.

Yesterday 23 participants of the unsanctioned meeting, which took place on 16 March as a protest action against the commemoration ceremony of WW II Latvian legionnaires, appealed the judgement of the Riga Centre District Court (Rigas Centra rajona tiesa). As reported, Riga Centre District Court ruled that activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Viktors Dergunovs shall be fined with LVL 50 (EUR 72) for disobedience to police during the meeting. The court imposed a number of smaller fines on other members of the protest action. Vesti Segodnya,Chas

Vesti Segodnya reports that the web pages of the national radical organisation Latvian National Front and the national radical newspaper DDD are not available on the Internet anymore. Although the representatives of the organisation stress that the web pages have been closed due to technical problems, Vesti Segodnya claims that the web pages have been closed by state security institutions.

aprīlis 18, 2005

  • Approximately 400 persons participated in the second Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language Schools
  • Views on the court case on the minority education reform
Approximately 400 persons, among them - 43%, 42% - students, 8% - teachers and 7% - representatives of minority NGOs, participated in the second Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language Schools. The Congress was organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. Although the fight against the implementation of the minority education reform remains one of the key priorities, participants of the Congress also approved new goals, such as achieving the official status for the Russian language, granting of Latvian citizenship to all Russian-speakers living in Latvia through registration.

Approximately 400 persons, among them - 43%, 42% - students, 8% - teachers and 7% - representatives of minority NGOs, participated in the second Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language Schools. The Congress was organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. Although the fight against the implementation of the minority education reform remains one of the key priorities, participants of the Congress also approved new goals, such as achieving the official status for the Russian language, granting of Latvian citizenship to all Russian-speakers living in Latvia through registration. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Newspapers continue to write about the court case reviewing compliance of the minority education reform to the Constitution of Latvia and international standards. The head of New Era parliamentary group and former minister of education and science Karlis Sadurskis in an interview with

Newspapers continue to write about the court case reviewing compliance of the minority education reform to the Constitution of Latvia and international standards. The head of New Era parliamentary group and former minister of education and science Karlis Sadurskis in an interview with Vesti Segodnya states that the main goal of the complainants is to re-open the Education Law. The MP also reproaches the complainants for repeating that the quality of education is getting worse, however, no valid evidence has been presented to prove the allegation. Karlis Sadurskis believes that there is no need to change the effective proportion of instruction languages. Telegraf features views of complainant Boris Cilevics and the representative of Saeima Gunars Kusins. The court will take decision in the middle of May. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

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