maijs 30, 2005

  • Newspapers comment on responses to ratification of the Framework Convention
  • Saeima lawyers: possibility to study in Russian at state universities is a violation of the Law on Education
  • Yakovs Pliners, FHRUL, comments on the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution and international standards
  • Interview with MEP Inese Vaidere
Newspapers report on the response of the union for Freedom and Fatherland/LNIM to ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. FF/LNIM states that the ratified Convention does not correspond the interests of the state, because ‘the Convention provides a possibility to hostile forces dispute a number of Latvian laws and that will result in senseless meetings, demonstrations and pickets.’

Newspapers report on the response of the union for Freedom and Fatherland/LNIM to ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. FF/LNIM states that the ratified Convention does not correspond the interests of the state, because ‘the Convention provides a possibility to hostile forces dispute a number of Latvian laws and that will result in senseless meetings, demonstrations and pickets. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Chas comments on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The newspaper states that the adopted minority definition is so unclear ‘that mass media refrains from in-depth commenting of ratification. The newspaper adds that this time the government did not manage to ‘satisfy either the Council of Europe or nationalistically minded people.

Although the Law on Education stipulates that state universities should provide all studies in the Latvian language, it is possible to pursue both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Russian at the Riga Technical University. A student just has to apply as a foreigner and pay the study fee, which should be paid by foreign students. Lawyers of Saeima consider that it is an open violation of the Law, while the Ministry of Education and Science has concluded that it is possible to study in Russian at universities, if a student covers the study fee. 

Although the Law on Education stipulates that state universities should provide all studies in the Latvian language, it is possible to pursue both bachelors and masters degrees in Russian at the Riga Technical University. A student just has to apply as a foreigner and pay the study fee, which should be paid by foreign students. Lawyers of Saeima consider that it is an open violation of the Law, while the Ministry of Education and Science has concluded that it is possible to study in Russian at universities, if a student covers the study fee.

The Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Yakovs Pliners comments on the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international norms. Yakovs Pliners notes that first of all the Court ruled that the monitoring system of the quality of education is not effective and, second, the Court ‘indirectly stated that the minority education reform was not ready for the implementation.’ Yakovs Pliners provides his interpretation of the ruling ‘the Court concluded that the implementation of bilingual education is recommended. Although bilingual education is already launched, it is difficult to understand how this recommendation will be implemented.’ Yakovs Pliners concludes that the decision of the Court is ‘certain progress.’ 

The Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Yakovs Pliners comments on the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and international norms. Yakovs Pliners notes that first of all the Court ruled that the monitoring system of the quality of education is not effective and, second, the Court ‘indirectly stated that the minority education reform was not ready for the implementation. Yakovs Pliners provides his interpretation of the ruling ‘the Court concluded that the implementation of bilingual education is recommended. Although bilingual education is already launched, it is difficult to understand how this recommendation will be implemented. Yakovs Pliners concludes that the decision of the Court is ‘certain progress.

Latvijas Avize interviews MEP Inese Vaidere, FF/LNIM. She expresses concern regarding ratification of the Convention ‘in fact, nobody, but Russia has asked Latvia to ratify the Convention. She is also very concerned about the minority definition as ‘it includes all non-Latvians.

maijs 28, 2005

  • Newspapers discuss exclusion of Aleksandrs Kirsteins from the Peoples Party
  • Diena on responses of the international community on ratification of the Framework Convention
  • Minister of Interiors states that Latvian society is becoming less tolerant
  • Baltic Forum takes place in Latvia
  • Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe criticises the status of non-citizen
  • Joint European Russian committee aimed at combating discrimination against Russian-speakers in the Baltic States to be established
  • Interview with the US Ambassador to Latvia
  • Latvijas Avize on the media situation in Latvia
Newspapers discuss the decision of the People’s Party to exclude its member Aleksandrs Kirstiens from the party. As reported a number of human rights experts evaluated the Kirsteins’ statements as not being far from calls to national hatred and on the edge of anti-Semitic expressions.

Newspapers discuss the decision of the Peoples Party to exclude its member Aleksandrs Kirstiens from the party. As reported a number of human rights experts evaluated the Kirsteins statements as not being far from calls to national hatred and on the edge of anti-Semitic expressions. Diena writes that by excluding Aleksandrs Kirstiens the Peoples Party shows willingness to avoid any reproaches about tolerating radicals among its members. The partys decision also demonstrates that Peoples Party tries hard to show that there is no splitting in the party. While Aleksandrs Kirstiens announced that he would not comment on the decision because it was taken behind his back - he did not take part in the meeting when the decision was taken. The Latvian Prime Minister and the Latvian President have given their positive assessment to the decision to exclude Aleksandrs Kirsteins from the Peoples Party. The Peoples Party also proposes to dismiss Aleksandrs Kirsteins from the post of Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee and has nominated another its member - Vaira Paegle - for the post. Latvijas Avize prints a comprehensive two-page interview with Aleksandrs Kirsteins. Diena, NRA, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Diena reports that the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Ralf Ekeus has welcomed ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities by the Latvian government. However, at the movement the HC refrains to give any evaluation on the introduction of reservations and the adopted minority definition. The daily also foresees that Latvia will have a years-long dialogue with the Council of Europe to explain particular circumstances faced by Latvia. The newspaper believes that the Council of Europe will most likely suggest some amendments, however, they will not be binding to Latvia. The only country that commented on ratification of the Convention by Latvia was Russia. She sharply criticised the introduction of reservations to the Convention and the minority definition which according to Russia provides that Latvian non-citizens are not the subjects of the Convention and. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Chas talks to the Minster of Interior Eriks Jekabsons. When asked to comment on a number of allegedly racial attacks taken place recently, the Minister states that ‘there has always been tolerant attitude towards other cultures in Latvia, however, the recent attacks put this assumption under doubts. The Minister notes that his Ministry is successfully dealing with these incidents.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Baltic Forum launched its annual session on Friday. The main topic on the Fridays agenda was assessment of the development of post-Soviet countries. According to the newspaper, the overall conclusion of political scientists and sociologists was that democracy in Latvia is far from Western democracies. One of the factors, which influence the state of democracy in Latvia, is a big number of non-citizens in the country. The newspaper refers to the Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands Kehre who pointed at other particularities in this area: new born babies of parents, who are Latvian non-citizens, do not receive Latvian citizenship completely automatically – their parents still have to submit an application to relevant authorities; naturalisation applicants have to pass not only the language test, but also the examination in the Latvian history which is not the usual practice in other countries.

Vesti Segodnya quotes the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Alvaro Gil-Robles who after the meeting with the Russian President announced that he cannot tolerate the existence of the legal category ‘non-citizen in any country.

A joint European Russian committee aimed at combating discrimination against Russian-speakers in the Baltic States will be established next week.

A joint European Russian committee aimed at combating discrimination against Russian-speakers in the Baltic States will be established next week. Diena

Chas interviews Catherine Todd Bailey, American Ambassador to Latvia. When asked about the statement of the USA President George W.Bush in his speech when visiting Latvia about the inclusive society, the Ambassador says that ‘in our opinion Latvia makes a lot of effort in the field of integration and I think the President wanted to thank Latvia for this work. However, there is always space for improvement.

Latvijas Avize argues that Latvia faces information attacks from Russia. They are conducted both by mass media produced in Russia and the Russian language media produced in Latvia. The author concludes that it is a responsibility of the state that there is a lack of alternative Russian-language media in Latvia.

maijs 27, 2005

  • Yesterday Saeima ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Peoples Party evaluates the statements of its member Aleksandrs Kirsteins
  • Researcher of the Public Policy Centre PROVIDUS Marija Golubeva about problems in the Latvian education system
  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus will visit Latvia on 2 - 3 June
Yesterday Saeima ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The Convention was adopted with the previously developed two reservations – regarding the use of minority languages in communication with municipalities and in street signs, while the minority definition was slightly changed.

Yesterday Saeima ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The Convention was adopted with the previously developed two reservations – regarding the use of minority languages in communication with municipalities and in street signs, while the minority definition was slightly changed. Diena notes that the minority definition adopted by Latvia is among the most liberal in Europe because the definition provides that persons who are not citizens of Latvia and any other country may also enjoy the rights provided by the Convention. 64 MPs voted for ratification, while 9 MPs voted against it. The union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM protested against ratification, while the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia objected the introduction of reservations and the minority definition. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Diena reports that yesterday the Peoples Party convened an extraordinary meeting of the partys board to evaluate its member Aleksandrs Kirsteins statements about Jews and their role in Latvia. As reported a number of human rights experts evaluated these statements not being far from calls to national hatred and anti-Semitic. According to the unofficial information, the board discussed the possibility to exclude Kirsteins from the party. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Diena prints an article by the researcher of the Public Policy Centre PROVIDUS Marija Golubeva about problems in the Latvian education system. The author of the article refers to ruling of the Constitutional Court on the compliance of the minority education reform with the Constitution of Latvia and points to the conclusions of the court, which say that there is a lack of sustainability in the implementation of the minority education reform as well as the lack of education quality controlling mechanisms. The researcher states that defective education policy mechanisms deny a part of pupils in Latvia an equal access to the Latvian education system. In this respect, Maria Golubeva refers to the discussions, organised by the PROVIDUS, about the future of minority and multicultural education in Latvia. Almost all members of the discussion expressed their concern about grounds and means used in implementing any changes in the Latvian education system. While views about a possibility to have equal access to education differed drastically: representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science argued that all ethnic and linguistic groups in Latvia enjoy equal access to education, however, a representative of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies noted that there is segregation of Roma at almost all school where they are represented. In the conclusion, the researcher calls the broader society to discuss the future of the Latvian education system.

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus will visit Latvia on 2 and 3 June to learn about the situation in the area of social integration and the implementation of the minority education reform.

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus will visit Latvia on 2 and 3 June to learn about the situation in the area of social integration and the implementation of the minority education reform. Diena, Latvijas Avize

maijs 26, 2005

  • State officials, human rights experts and minority representatives comment on ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Interview with the advisor of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ilmars Mezs
  • Newspapers give evaluations to the recent statements of the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins
  • Latvian government comments on the reproaches of the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Yuri Fedotov
  • European Parliament may adopt two resolutions on the Baltic States today

Diena features views of state officials, human rights experts and minority representatives about proposals related to ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, in particular the definition of a national minority and two reservations. The former Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Nils Muiznieks states that the proposed minority ‘definition is good because it provides specific principles which defines minorities and it does not name specific groups. Regarding reservation, Nils Muiznieks admits that there was no need to make reservations regarding the usage of minority language in communication with local authorities. The director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands Kehris points that the citizenship criteria included in the minority definition raises problems. The human rights expert argues that according to the proposed definition those citizens who have naturalised recently are not the subjects of the Convention. Ilze Brands Kehris also believes that there was no need to make any reservations to the Convention. While the Chairman of Latvian Association of National Cultural Organisations Rafi Haradzanjan is convinced that both reservations are acceptable. The MP Boris Cilevics (the Peoples Harmony Paty) criticises the Convention for dividing Latvian citizens into two groups. The head of the parliamentary group of the union Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakovs Pliners argues that all non-Latvians who reside in Latvia and identify themselves as minorities should be subjects of the Convention.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the advisor of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ilmars Mezs. The key discussion topic is ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Ilmars Mezs states that by ratifying the Convention Latvia undertakes obligations, which will neither reduce nor increase the scope of rights, which minorities in Latvia enjoy at the moment. However, Ilmars Mezs admits that Latvia most likely will be criticised for the introduction of reservations.

Newspapers provide views and assessment of the recent statements made by the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (the People’s Party). Aleksandrs Kirsteins announced that several MPs of Jewish nationality ‘support Latvia’s external enemies and foster division of society… Taking into account historical experience, [the Jewish community] should not repeat the mistakes of 1940 and should not co-operate with Latvia’s external enemies.’ The MP made these statements in the response of the concerns expressed by the Council of Jewish Communities and Congregations that radicals and nationalists are trying to obtain the support of MPs. Human rights experts

Newspapers provide views and assessment of the recent statements made by the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (the Peoples Party). Aleksandrs Kirsteins announced that several MPs of Jewish nationality ‘support Latvias external enemies and foster division of society… Taking into account historical experience, [the Jewish community] should not repeat the mistakes of 1940 and should not co-operate with Latvias external enemies. The MP made these statements in the response of the concerns expressed by the Council of Jewish Communities and Congregations that radicals and nationalists are trying to obtain the support of MPs. Human rights experts state that there is hidden anti-Semitism in the Kirsteins statements and that these statements are not far from calls to national hatred. Human rights expert Ilze Brands Kehre adds that ‘the Peoples Party should finally decide whether they want to deal with this issue. Latvijas Avize prints a full text of the statements of Aleksandrs Kirsteins. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

In the response to the reproaches of the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Yuri Fedotov about non-observance of minority rights in Latvia, the Latvian government announced that Latvian legislation fully complies with all international standards in the area of minority rights. The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis noted that no discrimination of Russian-speakers in the Latvia’s job market had been observed. The Minister added that the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe has also admitted that Latvian legislation is in compliance with international norms. 

In the response to the reproaches of the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Yuri Fedotov about non-observance of minority rights in Latvia, the Latvian government announced that Latvian legislation fully complies with all international standards in the area of minority rights. The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis noted that no discrimination of Russian-speakers in the Latvias job market had been observed. The Minister added that the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe has also admitted that Latvian legislation is in compliance with international norms. Diena

The European Parliament may adopt two resolutions concerning the Baltic States today. One of them will call Russia to recognise the occupation of the Baltic States, while the another will call the Baltic States to grant their non-citizens the rights to vote in municipal elections.

The European Parliament may adopt two resolutions concerning the Baltic States today. One of them will call Russia to recognise the occupation of the Baltic States, while the another will call the Baltic States to grant their non-citizens the rights to vote in municipal elections. Telegraf

maijs 25, 2005

  • Diena discusses the implementation of minority education reform
  • Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Yuri Fedotov calls the OSCE to ensure the observation of minority rights in Latvia and Estonia
  • Chas reports on the growing number of naturalisation applications
In the middle of May the Ministry of Education and Science met with all directors of minority schools. In discussions directors stated that there is a strong need for text books as well as financial resources to implement individual work with those students whose Latvian is bad. Directors also noted that they expect bigger support from the Ministry of Education and Science in the formation of positive attitude towards the reform. Directors admitted that a psychological barrier experienced by minority students to use the Latvian language in classes has been reduced. While the views on the quality of education after the implementation of the minority education reform differ – several directors admit that the reform has no impact on the quality of education, another part states that the reform has an impact, while remaining part argues that any conclusions may be drawn only in 2007, when today’s 10

In the middle of May the Ministry of Education and Science met with all directors of minority schools. In discussions directors stated that there is a strong need for text books as well as financial resources to implement individual work with those students whose Latvian is bad. Directors also noted that they expect bigger support from the Ministry of Education and Science in the formation of positive attitude towards the reform. Directors admitted that a psychological barrier experienced by minority students to use the Latvian language in classes has been reduced. While the views on the quality of education after the implementation of the minority education reform differ – several directors admit that the reform has no impact on the quality of education, another part states that the reform has an impact, while remaining part argues that any conclusions may be drawn only in 2007, when todays 10th grade will graduate secondary school. Diena

The Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Yuri Fedotov called the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to develop and implement real measures aimed at granting national minorities living in Latvia and Estonia their rights. During the plenary session of the OSCE Economic Forum the Russian official stated that 460,000 residents of Latvia and 150,000 residents of Estonia have the ‘discriminatory status of non-citizen.’

The Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Yuri Fedotov called the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to develop and implement real measures aimed at granting national minorities living in Latvia and Estonia their rights. During the plenary session of the OSCE Economic Forum the Russian official stated that 460,000 residents of Latvia and 150,000 residents of Estonia have the ‘discriminatory status of non-citizen. Chas, Telegraf

Chas reports on the growing number of naturalisation applications. In particular the number of applications has increased from 15-17 year old people. According to the Naturalisation Board, 108 naturalisation applications from persons of this age were received during first two months of this year. The number of naturalisation applications received from young people has almost doubled during the last two years – in 2003 425 naturalisation applications were received, while in 2004 928 naturalisation applications.

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