jūlijs 20, 2005

  • Newspapers continue discussions about Nils Muiznieks as a possible director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office
Newspapers continue discussions on Nils Muiznieks, deputy chairperson of the Latvia’s First Party (LFP)and the former Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration, as a possible director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office (LNHRO). As reported, The New Era states that Nils Muiznieks may not be approved for this post because he is a member of the party. The head of the New Era parliamentary group Karlis Sadurskis believes that Nils Muiznieks is not competent in human rights because he does not have legal background. While the deputy chairperson of the LFP Ainars Slesers believes that the objections of The New Era are of political character and have nothing to do with qualification and education of the candidate.

Newspapers continue discussions on Nils Muiznieks, deputy chairperson of the Latvias First Party (LFP)and the former Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration, as a possible director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office (LNHRO). As reported, The New Era states that Nils Muiznieks may not be approved for this post because he is a member of the party. The head of the New Era parliamentary group Karlis Sadurskis believes that Nils Muiznieks is not competent in human rights because he does not have legal background. While the deputy chairperson of the LFP Ainars Slesers believes that the objections of The New Era are of political character and have nothing to do with qualification and education of the candidate. Dienas columnist Aivars Ozolins argues that it could be very hard to find another candidate for the post who would be as competent as Nils Muiznieks. The columnist says that the objections of the New Era are populistic. The government will discuss the issue next week. The newspapers report that Nils Muiznieks is also nominated for the post of the European Commissioner for Human Rightsby the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas

jūlijs 19, 2005

  • The police will reinforce patrols in the centre of Riga due to the racially motivated attacks
  • The New Era: Nils Muiznieks cannot be approved for the post of the LNHRO director
Following the instruction of the Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons, the police decided to reinforce police patrols in the centre of Riga, especially in the Old Town. This decision was prompted by recent allegedly racially motivated incidents. Since yesterday, English-speaking policemen are also on duty in the two police departments in the centre of Riga. According to the statistics, during the first six months of this year the police have initiated five criminal cases, but the Prosecutor’s General Office – one criminal case for the incitement to racial or ethnic hatred. Three criminal cases have been forwarded to the Prosecutor’s General Office for criminal prosecution, and in two of these cases the court issued a verdict. Only one criminal case for incitement to racial or ethnic hatred was initiated during the last year.

Following the instruction of the Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons, the police decided to reinforce police patrols in the centre of Riga, especially in the Old Town. This decision was prompted by recent allegedly racially motivated incidents. Since yesterday, English-speaking policemen are also on duty in the two police departments in the centre of Riga. According to the statistics, during the first six months of this year the police have initiated five criminal cases, but the Prosecutors General Office – one criminal case for the incitement to racial or ethnic hatred. Three criminal cases have been forwarded to the Prosecutors General Office for criminal prosecution, and in two of these cases the court issued a verdict. Only one criminal case for incitement to racial or ethnic hatred was initiated during the last year. Latvijas Avize also features a discussion among legal experts on indicators of the incitement to the national hatred. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Despite the fact that Nils Muiznieks was recognised as the most qualified candidate for the post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office (LNHRO) by the selection committee, the party New Era stated yesterday that Muiznieks cannot be approved for this post due to his affiliation with the Latvia’s First Party (LFP). The New Era’s statement raised a question about a possible disagreement in the governing coalition. Nils Muiznieks expressed readiness to discontinue his membership in the LFP prior to the Saeima voting for the new director of the LNHRO.

Despite the fact that Nils Muiznieks was recognised as the most qualified candidate for the post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office (LNHRO) by the selection committee, the party New Era stated yesterday that Muiznieks cannot be approved for this post due to his affiliation with the Latvias First Party (LFP). The New Eras statement raised a question about a possible disagreement in the governing coalition. Nils Muiznieks expressed readiness to discontinue his membership in the LFP prior to the Saeima voting for the new director of the LNHRO. Latvijas Avize

jūlijs 18, 2005

  • Neatkariga Rita Avize continues to discuss possible damage to the Latvian states image due to the warning against racism in Latvia issued by the USA State Department
  • International policy researcher from the University of Pennsylvania on situation of Russians in Latvia

Neatkariga Rita Avize continues to comment on the consequences of the warning against racially motivated attacks in Latvia published at the homepage of the USA Department of State. The head of the Latvian Institute Ojars Kalnins believes that allegedly racially motivated attacks in the Old Town of Riga are to be blamed on some radical groups, and that Latvia can not be regarded as a ‘racist state. The Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks stresses that the state security institutions should take a proactive approach in combating racially motivated crimes which damage the international reputation of Latvia. The Head of the Latvian National Human Rights Offices (LNHRO) Analysis Department Liga Bikseniece states that the LNHRO received no complaints of racially or ethnically motivated attacks. The Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Ilze Brands Kehris points to the gaps in legislation, which does not provide for elaborate criteria in evaluation of racially motivated crimes.

Chas prints an interview with an international policy researcher from the University of Pennsylvania (USA), Michelle Commersio about the situation of Russians in Latvia. The researcher believes that Russians in Latvia encounter problems in the areas of language usage, education and citizenship. According to Commersio, the present Law on Education impedes Russians ability to maintain their ethnic identity. At the same time, the American researcher does not foresee an increase in the number of emigrants to Russia, as for majority of Latvian Russians leaving Latvia would mean a deterioration of professional life and living conditions.

jūlijs 16, 2005

  • Two candidates shortlisted for the post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office

Latvijas Avize, referring to unofficial sources, informs about two candidates for the post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office (LNHRO) nominated by the selection committee for the evaluation by the Cabinet of Ministers. These two candidates, according to the newspaper, are the former Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Nils Muiznieks, and the head of the Latvian National Human Rights Offices Analytical Department Liga Bikseniece. The newspaper interviews several politicians who all point to the fact that although one of the requirements for the post of the LNHRO director is non-affiliation with a political party, Muiznieks is still a member of the Latvian First Party. Maris Grinblats, leader of the union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, concedes that his party may not support the candidature of Nils Muiznieks. Grinblats claims that while acting as a Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration, Muiznieks implemented policy which ‘was directed against the national interests of the state.

jūlijs 15, 2005

  • Police initiate a criminal case on an allegedly racially motivated attack in Old Town Riga
Riga Central Police Office has initiated a criminal case on an allegedly racially motivated attack on a staff member of the US Embassy in Latvia. On 1 July the US Embassy employee and his family members were heading home in Old Riga when a group of four young people started to follow them and make comments in a scornful and offensive tone. The US Embassy staff member did not react as the members of a group spoke in a foreign language. Then one of the youths physically abused the US citizen by pushing him several times. It should be noted that the police initiated the criminal case on the basis of the Criminal Law's Section 231, Part 2 – hooliganism. As reported, two week after the incident USA Department of State issued the warning to US citizens who want travel to Latvia about expression of racism in Latvia.

Riga Central Police Office has initiated a criminal case on an allegedly racially motivated attack on a staff member of the US Embassy in Latvia. On 1 July the US Embassy employee and his family members were heading home in Old Riga when a group of four young people started to follow them and make comments in a scornful and offensive tone. The US Embassy staff member did not react as the members of a group spoke in a foreign language. Then one of the youths physically abused the US citizen by pushing him several times. It should be noted that the police initiated the criminal case on the basis of the Criminal Law's Section 231, Part 2 – hooliganism. As reported, two week after the incident USA Department of State issued the warning to US citizens who want travel to Latvia about expression of racism in Latvia. Latvijas Avize and Neatkariga Rita Avize comment that the reaction of the USA Department of State is exaggerated. The newspapers stress that neither the Latvian National Human Rights Office nor the annual report of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies (LCHRES) reports on cases of racism in Latvia with the exception of a case, when a Romani man was discriminated in the labour market. However, the Director of the LCHRES Ilze Brands Kehris notes that the increasing number of complaints on incidents, which are based on racial prejudices, has been received. She adds that the majority of victims do not report on these incidents to police. The daily Neatkariga Rita Avize adds that the state should take more active measures in the areas of legislation and investigation of allegedly racially motivated crimes. The state should also reach disclaimer of the warning about racism in Latvia issued by USA Department of State. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

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