Aug. 13, 2005

  • Article about the forum ‘Freedom vs Security: How to Respond to Threats in a Democrat Way?
  • MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins talks about naturalisation and societal integration in Latvia
  • In September there will be 100,000 people who have acquired Latvian citizenship through naturalisation

Vesti Segodnya reports on the forum ‘Freedom vs Security: How to Respond to Threats in a Democratic Way? organised by the Public Policy Centre Providus. The main topics of the forum were freedom of speech in Latvia, practices implemented by state institutions to deal with manifestations of intolerance and the level of intolerance in the Latvian society. The leader of the Afro-Latvian Association Christopher Ejugbo refereed to his personal experience and stressed that the situation is very serious as on many occasions attacks on black skinned personas are made by members of organised skinhead groups who wear the uniforms with reported that within last years in total 13 criminal cases has been initiated on the basis of the Paragraph 78 (incitement to ethnic hatred) of the Criminal Law during, five of them were forwarded to the prosecutors office to start criminal prosecution. The author of the article Nikolajs Kabanovs reproaches the organisers of the forum for not including problems of the largest minority in Latvia – Russian-speakers in the agenda.

Latvijas Avize prints an article by the MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins about naturalisation and societal integration in Latvia. The MP believes that the protest actions against the minority education reform as well as the ‘activities of the occupants during the protest meeting near the Monument of Freedom have ruined any illusions regarding the possibility to successfully integrate the ‘former citizens of USSR into the Latvian society. According to Kirsteins, the best solution is a step-by-step repatriation of the former USSR citizens and halting of naturalisation.

According to the information of the Naturalisation Board, in September there will 100,000 citizens who have acquired Latvian citizenship through naturalisation.

According to the information of the Naturalisation Board, in September there will 100,000 citizens who have acquired Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Aug. 12, 2005

  • Outgoing Polands Ambassador about Poles in Latvia

Neatkariga interviews the outgoing Polands Ambassador to Latvia Tadeush Fischbach. When asked to comment on societal integration processes in Latvia, the Ambassador stresses that Poles who reside in Latvia have strong roots in the country and they know that their culture is a positive contribution for the whole society.

Aug. 11, 2005

  • Ten years ago Latvia has launched naturalisation
  • Latvijas Avizes columnist calls to amend the Law on Citizenship
  • FHRUL will launch monitoring of the quality of education
  • Article about the Russian-Latvian Co-operation Association

Diena looks back at the beginning of naturalisation process in Latvia. Exactly 10 years ago first 103 persons acquired Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. Dienas columnist Askolds Rodins stresses that naturalisation provides a possibility to develop an integrated society, however, naturalisation is persons free choice. The columnist concludes that the growth of people who want to naturalise after Latvias accession to the EU is natural and no amendments should be introduced in the effective Law on Citizenship. The daily reports that within 10 years almost 100 thousand people acquired Latvian citizenship through naturalisation. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane notes that todays average naturalisation applicant is ‘young and active. She is convinced that ‘young and active Latvian non-citizens will continue to naturalise at the same pace, while older people (about 130,000) will remain non-citizens. Diena and Chas also feature articles about the first naturalised persons Irina Poga and Teodors Tverijons.

Latvijas Avizes columnist Voldemars Krustins calls to align legislation regarding calls and incitement to ethnic hatred. He refers to proposed amendments to the Citizenship Law and concludes that the draft amendments do not provide norms to combat terrorism and ethnic hatred. He believes that the Citizenship Law should provide that Latvian citizenship should not be granted to propagators of terrorism and ethnic hatred.

Newspapers report on the press conference held by the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Latvia and member of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Yakov Pliner. The main goal of the press conference was to remind the public about dissatisfaction of a part of society with the minority education reform. Yakov Pliner announced that as of this year FHRUL will launch monitoring of the quality of education provided by minority schools. He already reported on some results of the minority education reform provided by regional FHRUL members. According to their data minority schools choose bilingual education models and subject to be taught in Latvian at random and without thorough considerations.

Newspapers report on the press conference held by the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Language Schools in Latvia and member of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Yakov Pliner. The main goal of the press conference was to remind the public about dissatisfaction of a part of society with the minority education reform. Yakov Pliner announced that as of this year FHRUL will launch monitoring of the quality of education provided by minority schools. He already reported on some results of the minority education reform provided by regional FHRUL members. According to their data minority schools choose bilingual education models and subject to be taught in Latvian at random and without thorough considerations. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya features an article about activities of the Association of Latvian- Russian Co-operation, which deals with issues concerning Russias citizens who reside in Latvia.

Aug. 10, 2005

  • Opinion poll: Russian is the mostknown language in Latvia
  • Constitutional Court of Latvia will review the claim challenging the provision of the Law on Education
  • Discussions about the influx of immigrants in Latvia
The opinion poll conducted by the

The opinion poll conducted by the Latvijas Fakti shows that Russian is the well known language in Latvia because 94% of the respondents are able to communicate in Russian, while 91% are able to communicate in Latvian, 29% - in English, 16% - in German. Approximately 3% of the respondents speak Polish, Belorussian and Ukrainian, 2% – can communicate in Lithuanian, but less than 1% can speak Italian, French, Spanish and Estonian. 95% of non-Latvians speak Russian, but 80% of them can communicate in Latvian. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

This month the Constitutional Court of Latvia will review a claim submitted by left-wing politicians challenging the provision of the Law on Education. The challenged provision stipulates that the state may provide financial support only to those private minority schools which ensure education in the Latvian language.

This month the Constitutional Court of Latvia will review a claim submitted by left-wing politicians challenging the provision of the Law on Education. The challenged provision stipulates that the state may provide financial support only to those private minority schools which ensure education in the Latvian language. Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers continue to develop discussions on the possible increase of the influx of immigrants in Latvia.

Newspapers continue to develop discussions on the possible increase of the influx of immigrants in Latvia. Dienas columnist Peteris Strautins believes that Latvia will become attractive destination for refugees only after several decades when Latvias development and economic level reaches the welfare level of other Western countries. Meanwhile, Latvian institutions should consider the granting of the refugee status to recently detained Somalis. Thus, according to the journalist, the state would gain experience which could be used in the future when the number of refugees increases. Neatkariga points to the necessity to settle all issues concerning functionality of the state boarder to prevent an unpredictable influx of unofficial immigrants in Latvia in the future Telegraf prints an article about the living conditions in the Olaine refugee camp. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf

Aug. 9, 2005

  • Newspapers report on unofficial immigrants from Somalia
Newspapers continue to write about seven unofficial immigrants from Somalia who were detained on Friday by the Boarder Guard Service. According to the chief of the Boarder Guard’s Immigration Department Maris Domins, finally a person who can speak Somali was found and now it is possible to communicate with the immigrants. The information provided is contradicting and it is not clear whether they reached Latvia by ship. Maris Domins states that this is a first case in last 10 years when unofficial immigrants have arrived in Latvia in such a way. Usually the Boarder Guard officers detain persons who want to go to Latvia illegally at the border. Mostly these persons are immigrants from Moldova or Ukraine, travelling through Latvia to the United Kingdom or other Western Europe countries.

Newspapers continue to write about seven unofficial immigrants from Somalia who were detained on Friday by the Boarder Guard Service. According to the chief of the Boarder Guards Immigration Department Maris Domins, finally a person who can speak Somali was found and now it is possible to communicate with the immigrants. The information provided is contradicting and it is not clear whether they reached Latvia by ship. Maris Domins states that this is a first case in last 10 years when unofficial immigrants have arrived in Latvia in such a way. Usually the Boarder Guard officers detain persons who want to go to Latvia illegally at the border. Mostly these persons are immigrants from Moldova or Ukraine, travelling through Latvia to the United Kingdom or other Western Europe countries. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya

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