Sept. 7, 2005

  • An interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Ainars Latkovskis
  • MP of the European Parliament Tatjana Zdanoka will prepare the report about the human rights situation in the European Union
  • Latvijas Avize reports on hearing in the case of Saeima MP Aleksandrs Kirsteins against the Russian-language newspaper Chas
  • Neatkariga Rita Avize prints an interview with the 100,000th naturalised person in Latvia
  • Opinion poll shows that youth in Russia have positive attitude towards Latvia and Latvians

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Ainars Latkovskis (The New Era) about society integration in Latvia and activities of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. The minister considers the statements of left-wing politicians and the chair of the party Latvias Way Ivars Godmanis about the existence of the two-community society in Latvia a ‘pure bluff. At the same time the minister confirms the plan of his secretariat to improve the society integration programme. Latkovskis also refutes any possibility to develop a dialogue with the representatives of the Headquarters, the organisation which, according to the minister, is becoming ever more radicalised and plans to involve the National Bolsheviks and other radical organisations in their activities to provoke incidents. The minister also foresees that the party New Era will not support the candidature of Nils Muiznieks for the post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office.

The Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament has nominated the MP of the European Parliament Tatjana Zdanoka to prepare the report about the human rights situation in the European Union. In interview to

The Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament has nominated the MP of the European Parliament Tatjana Zdanoka to prepare the report about the human rights situation in the European Union. In interview to Vesti Segodnya Tatjana Zdanoka confirms that she is also planning to continue to struggle for the implementation of a visa-free regime for non-citizens living in the EU as well as for the withdrawal of the in her view unfounded naturalisation restrictions in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize reports on a court hearing in the case of former head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins against the Russian-language newspaper Chas. In the article How the patriot Kirsteins was nearly deprived of Latvian citizenship, published on 16 December 2004, the newspaper allowed for the possibility that Kisteins has received his Latvian citizenship in a suspicious way changing his surname from Russian ‘Slivkins to ‘Kirsteins. According to the MP, during the investigation of the Prosecutors General Office and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs no violation of law was discovered and hence the information spread by the newspaper should be regarded as slanderous and violating his honour and dignity. Kirsteins demands the newspaper to recall this information.

Neatkariga Rita Avize prints an interview with a 100,000th naturalised person in Latvia, the youth of age 17 Deniss Rostovskis. According to the newspaper, his sister and mother has also naturalised in company with him.

“Youth in Russia have positive attitude towards Latvia and Latvians,” states the activist of the Riga Bureau of the European Students Forum Inga Zalite, referring to an opinion poll recently conducted by this organisation in Moscow. According to Zalite, the views of the older generation differ from the opinion of youth. For example, one part of them believes that Latvia still belongs to the Soviet Union and that Latvians are fascists.

Youth in Russia have positive attitude towards Latvia and Latvians, states the activist of the Riga Bureau of the European Students Forum Inga Zalite, referring to an opinion poll recently conducted by this organisation in Moscow. According to Zalite, the views of the older generation differ from the opinion of youth. For example, one part of them believes that Latvia still belongs to the Soviet Union and that Latvians are fascists. Latvijas Avize

Sept. 6, 2005

  • Council of Europe questions nominees for post of the Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Aleksandrs Kazakovs asks the Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons to exclude him from the list of persons whom entrance into Latvia is denied
  • Journalist of the national radical newspaper DDD Ilze Liepa becomes assistant for the MP Arvids Ulme
Yesterday the Council of Europe questioned nominees for post of the Commissioner for Human Rights. Latvia has nominated Nils Muiznieks, former Integration Minister. According to the daily

Yesterday the Council of Europe questioned nominees for post of the Commissioner for Human Rights. Latvia has nominated Nils Muiznieks, former Integration Minister. According to the daily Diena, the Council of Europe asked Nils Muiznieks about observation of minority rights in Latvia and possible solutions to human rights problems. A representative of the Russian delegation reproached Nils Muiznieks for taking part in the development of the Russophobic state policy in Latvia. Diena

Aleksandrs Kazakovs, representative of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language schools who was expelled from Latvia last autumn, has applied to the Minster of Interior Eriks Jekabsons asking to exclude him from the list of persons whom entrance into Latvia is denied. In his application Aleksandrs Kazakovs stresses that all accusations (including a call to maintain education in the Russian language, grant Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens, and warnings about a possibility of ethnic conflict) were only the realisation of the freedom of speech.

Aleksandrs Kazakovs, representative of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language schools who was expelled from Latvia last autumn, has applied to the Minster of Interior Eriks Jekabsons asking to exclude him from the list of persons whom entrance into Latvia is denied. In his application Aleksandrs Kazakovs stresses that all accusations (including a call to maintain education in the Russian language, grant Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens, and warnings about a possibility of ethnic conflict) were only the realisation of the freedom of speech. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The journalist of the national radical newspaper

The journalist of the national radical newspaper DDD Ilze Liepa has became an assistant of the MP Arvids Ulme (the Union of Farmers and Greens). As reported, there has been initiated a criminal prosecution against Ilze Liepa and another journalist of this newspaper Liga Muzikante for their publications which call to ethnic hatred. It should be noted that the Saeima Presidium has refused to extend accreditation of these journalists in the Saeima. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Sept. 5, 2005

  • Newspapers continue to report on the seven illegal immigrants from Somalia who applied for asylum in Latvia
  • Article about a new protest action planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools
Newspapers continue to report on the decision of the seven illegal immigrants from Somalia to apply for asylum in Latvia. According to

Newspapers continue to report on the decision of the seven illegal immigrants from Somalia to apply for asylum in Latvia. According to Diena, the Department on Refugee Affairs of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs may take efither of decisions – grant the refugee or alternative status or deny the these statuses. If they are granted the alternative status, they have the same rights as refugees, but the right to emigrate from Latvia. The State Boarder Guard have initiated a criminal case about illegal movement of persons across the state border, however, no suspects have been identified yet. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Russian-language newspapers report on a new protest action, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools on 8 September near the Monument to the Liberators of Riga. According to the newspaper, participants of this meeting will demand to give back the Russian linguistic community their rights and grant Russian the status of the official language.

Russian-language newspapers report on a new protest action, planned by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools on 8 September near the Monument to the Liberators of Riga. According to the newspaper, participants of this meeting will demand to give back the Russian linguistic community their rights and grant Russian the status of the official language. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 3, 2005

  • Illegal immigrants from Somalia applie for asylum in Latvia
  • Chief of the State Boarder Guard Gunars Dabolins talks about immigration in Latvia
  • An interview with the Head of the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Latvia Juris Rozenvalds
Seven illegal immigrants from Somalia have applied for asylum in Latvia. According to the director of the Department on Refugee Affairs of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) Baiba Bieza, it may take up to three months for the OCMA to make a decision about the granting the immigrants the refugee status. In the case of refusal they will be expelled from Latvia.

Seven illegal immigrants from Somalia have applied for asylum in Latvia. According to the director of the Department on Refugee Affairs of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) Baiba Bieza, it may take up to three months for the OCMA to make a decision about the granting the immigrants the refugee status. In the case of refusal they will be expelled from Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas

Vesti Segondya prints an interview with the chief of the State Boarder Guard, general Gunars Dabolins about immigration in Latvia. According to Gunars Dabolins, the number of refugees as well as illegal immigrants in Latvia grows slowly, however, convincingly. According to the statistics this year? 74 persons from Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran and Mexico tried to cross the Latvian border illegally.

Chas features an interview with the professor and the head of the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Latvia Juris Rozenvalds about ethnic integration in Latvia. Referring to the study on democracy in Latvia, the professor states that the large number of non-citizens is one of the main problems in Latvia. ‘Ignoring views held by a part of society is a dangerous process, which may lead to radicalisation of the society, adds Rozenvalds. The professor also believes that the governing elite, but Latvias First Party, addresses only the interests of Latvians, therefore maintenance of the opposition is very important.

Sept. 2, 2005

  • Latvijas Vestnesis features an article about legal aspects on the procedure of asylum seeking in Latvia
  • Newspapers report on the tour for minority students Riga of Russians

Latvijas Vestnesis features an article about legal aspects concerning the asylum seeking and granting procedure in Latvia in the light of the case of seven refugees who arrived in Latvia at the beginning of August. According to the Law on Asylum Seekers and Refugees, the refugee status may be granted to an asylum seeker who has arrive or reside in the territory of Latvia because s/he has justified fear of persecution on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, affiliation to a particular social group or political group in the country of their citizenship. In regard to recently arrived unofficial immigrants from Somalia, the newspaper notes that they refuse deny that they left Somalia for Europe because of economic reasons. Besides, they have confirmed the newspaper that they want to stay in Latvia despite that it was not the planned destination country. The immigrants also state that their lives would be under threats if they return to Somalia. According to the newspaper, the immigrants from Somalia are informed about their rights to seek an asylum in Latvia, but the State Border Guards have not informed on the application procedure. Representative of the State Border Guards V.Bredikis comments that Latvian legislation does not obligate boarder guards to do this.

Newspapers report on the tour for minority students “Riga of Russians,” organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools yesterday. According to the organisers, the goal of the tour was to introduce minority students with important historical objects in Riga that are important for Russians.

Newspapers report on the tour for minority students Riga of Russians, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools yesterday. According to the organisers, the goal of the tour was to introduce minority students with important historical objects in Riga that are important for Russians. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

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