Sept. 19, 2005

  • LCHRES holds seminar on peaceful protests, hate and social cohesion
  • Journalist Andrey Voroncov about his plans to establish a right-wing Russian party in Latvia
  • Russian youth discuss the minority education reform
  • Young people from Moscow and Riga discuss social integration in Latvia
  • Russian Ambassador to Latvia talks about Russian Latvian relations

Chas reports on the seminar ‘Peaceful Protests, Hate and Social Cohesion: Policy, Law Enforcement and Legislation held by the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies on Saturday. The seminar was organised with the support of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Netherlands. The Riga City Council Mayor Aivars Aksenoks, vice-Mayor of the city of Amsterdam, representatives of police of both countries and anti-discrimination experts took part in the seminar. The newspaper refers to a number of statements made by participants of the seminar. Media expert Sergeys Kruks noted that in the Western Europe meetings and demonstrations are perceived as a sign of democracy and possibility for various groups of society to express their views, while in Latvia ‘the political elite prefers that everybody keeps silent. The newspaper concludes that there are many lessons ‘we can learn from other European countries, however, first of all, there should be a willingness to learn, and that is lacking among the Latvian political elite.

Chas talks to journalist Andrey Voroncov who has announced about his plans to establish a right wing Russian party in Latvia. He states that in Latvia although parties claim to belong to one or another wing their programmes and activities contradict these claims. Andrey Voroncov admits that Russians will be the electorate of his party. When asked to comment on the minority education reform, he says that his party believes that all education system should be reformed and municipalities should be a responsible body for the choice of the language of instruction at schools. He continues that at the moment Russian may not be granted the status of the official language, however, on the basis of European norms it would be possible that municipalities are free to decide in which language they want communicate with its residents.

Russian language newspapers account for the meeting of Russian youth from Latvia and Estonia in Daugavpils. According to the newspapers more than 300 young people took part in the seminar. The main discussion topic was education in the Russian language. Participants of the meeting agreed that the quality of education, since the minority education reform has been launched, has deteriorated.

Russian language newspapers account for the meeting of Russian youth from Latvia and Estonia in Daugavpils. According to the newspapers more than 300 young people took part in the seminar. The main discussion topic was education in the Russian language. Participants of the meeting agreed that the quality of education, since the minority education reform has been launched, has deteriorated. Vesti Segodnya prints the call of participants addressed to the European community asking for the help and support of the European community in attempts to abolish the minority education reform in Latvia. Chas

Telegraf reports on the youth conference ‘Aspects of Social Integration in Latvia. Representatives of Moscow and Riga youth took part in the conference. The main conclusion of the participants is that there are a number of issues to be solved, however, the main problem is the lack of co-operation and dialogue in topical areas.

The Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Viktor Kaluzhniy gave an interview for the Russia’s news agency Interfax. One of the main topics of the interview was the mass non-citizenship in Latvia.

The Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Viktor Kaluzhniy gave an interview for the Russias news agency Interfax. One of the main topics of the interview was the mass non-citizenship in Latvia.

Sept. 17, 2005

  • Interview with political scientist Maija Krumina about the Russian community in Latvia
  • Opening of the Turkish soldier cemetery in Cesis
  • Russian students from Latvia and Estonia to discuss topical issues

Chas talks to political scientist Maija Krumina about the Russian community in Latvia. She states that universal equality among people is not possible, however, Russians in Latvia should fight for legal equality. She believes that there is a strong link between ethnicity and welfare of a person and argues that Latvians are in much better socio-economic position than Russians. Maija Krumina is convinced that there are many Russians unsatisfied with the minority policy of Latvian government, however, only very few dare to protest. She argues that the most likely result of the minority education reform will be marginalisation of Russian children. However, she concludes that national issues are not the most important issue for Latvia at the moment. In her opinion social problems, such as housing, are of much bigger importance for people.

Diena reports about the opening of the renewed cemetery of Turkish soldiers in Cesis. In the 19th century in the Russian Turkish war a number of Turkish soldiers were brought to Latvia. Many of them died, some returned to Turkey while some stayed in Latvia. The cemetery is the only of the kind in Latvia. No deeper studies about the life of Turkish people in Latvia has been conducted, however, representatives of Turkey have showed interest in co-operation in conducting a study.

Latvijas Avize reports that Saturday Russian students from Latvia and Estonia will come together in Daugavpils to discuss topical issues of the Russian communities in these countries. Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 16, 2005

  • Constitutional Court: Article 59 of the Law on Education does not comply with the Constitution of Latvia
  • Telegraf reports on the formation of the Russian-Latvian working group on the prevention of illegal migration from former USSR countries
  • National-radical organisation Visu Latvijai! will be reformed into a political party
  • Russian National Union Fatherland will organise a march of the Russian opposition
  • Article about the Russian Diaspora in Latvia
The Constitutional Court ruled that the Article 59 of the Law on Education stipulating that the state may provide financial support only those private minority schools, which ensure education in the Latvian language, does not comply with the Constitution of Latvia. The spokesperson of the minister of education and science stated that the ruling of the Constitutional Court will be respected, however, she stressed that funding from the state budget for these schools might be provided only next year.

The Constitutional Court ruled that the Article 59 of the Law on Education stipulating that the state may provide financial support only those private minority schools, which ensure education in the Latvian language, does not comply with the Constitution of Latvia. The spokesperson of the minister of education and science stated that the ruling of the Constitutional Court will be respected, however, she stressed that funding from the state budget for these schools might be provided only next year. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Telegraf reports on the formation of the Russian-Latvian working group. The main task of the working group will be prevention of illegal migration from CIS. According to the information of the State Boarder Guard, 98 out of 99 illegal immigrants expelled from Latvia last years were from Russia and Ukraine.

Yesterday the leader of the national-radical organisation

Yesterday the leader of the national-radical organisation Visu Latvijai! Raivis Dzintars issued an official announcement that the organisation will be reformed into a political party before the next Saeima elections. Raivis Dzintars states that the main task of the new party is to make ‘Latvia for Latvians…halt mass naturalisation, repatriate USSR colonisers and build-up self-confidence of Latvians. Diena points to the fact that Raivis Dzintars continues to work as a staff journalist in the Latvian language daily Latvijas Avize. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the Russian National Union

Yesterday the Russian National Union Fatherland filed an application with the Riga City Council to authorise a march of the Russian opposition on 26 September. According to the chairman of the organisation Eduards Goncharovs, participants will demand to return citizenship to all Latvian non-citizens, grant the state financed education in the Russian language and the official status to the Russian language. Chas

Vesti Segodnya features a comprehensive article by the president of the Russian Community in Latvia Vjaceslav Altuhov about the Russian Diaspora in Latvia.

Sept. 15, 2005

  • Activist of the Headquarters Aleksandrs Kazakovs asks to renew his residence permit in Latvia
  • Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration holds a session with the head of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Kristine Vagnere
  • Chas reports on a meeting of Russian youth
Next week the Administrative Court will review a number of claims against the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs and the State Boarder Guard, submitted by Aleksandrs Kazakovs, activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. As reported, Aleksandrs Kazakovs was expelled from Latvia last year because according to high security officials ‘Kazakovs’ activities are related to national security issues.’ Aleksandrs Kazakovs asks to renew his residence permit in Latvia and receive compensation in the amount of Ls 76,000 (EUR 108,138).

Next week the Administrative Court will review a number of claims against the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs and the State Boarder Guard, submitted by Aleksandrs Kazakovs, activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools. As reported, Aleksandrs Kazakovs was expelled from Latvia last year because according to high security officials ‘Kazakovs activities are related to national security issues. Aleksandrs Kazakovs asks to renew his residence permit in Latvia and receive compensation in the amount of Ls76,000 (EUR108,138). Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports on a session of the Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration. The head of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Kristine Vagnere was asked to attend the session. Ethnic integration and manifestations of intolerance in society were on the agenda.

Chas reports on a meeting of Russian youth, organised by the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools in Daugavpils at the end of this week. According to the representative of the Headquarters Genadijs Kotovs, the main goal of this meeting is to develop a long-term programme for youth movement. Participants of the meeting will also discuss projects concerning support for Russian education, culture in Latvia and observation of human rights.

Sept. 14, 2005

  • Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee supports a candidature of Nils Muiznieks for post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office
  • Ministry of Welfare proposes to issue work permits to asylum seekers
  • Russian-language newspapers reprint fragments of the article by the leader of the Latvian Social Democratic Labour Party Juris Bojars about naturalisation
Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee supported a candidature of Nils Muiznieks for post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office (LNHRO). The Saeima will take a final decision. Nils Muiznieks believes that in the future the LNHRO should be a pro-active in anti-discrimination area and have a bigger capacity to review claims about human rights violations in closed institutions.

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee supported a candidature of Nils Muiznieks for post of the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office (LNHRO). The Saeima will take a final decision. Nils Muiznieks believes that in the future the LNHRO should be a pro-active in anti-discrimination area and have a bigger capacity to review claims about human rights violations in closed institutions. Latvijas Avize reports that Nils Muiznieks may be appointed by the Saeima if he receives the support of left-wing MPs because two ruling parties – The New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM – will vote against him. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers supported amendments to the regulations ‘On Work Permits to Foreigners’ submitted by the Ministry of Welfare. The draft amendments provide that ‘if within a year an asylum seeker has not received decision issued by the Refugee Department on the granting the status of refugee or alternative status, the Board shall issue the decision on the granting an asylum seeker a work permit.’

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers supported amendments to the regulations ‘On Work Permits to Foreigners submitted by the Ministry of Welfare. The draft amendments provide that ‘if within a year an asylum seeker has not received decision issued by the Refugee Department on the granting the status of refugee or alternative status, the Board shall issue the decision on the granting an asylum seeker a work permit. Vesti Segodnya

Russian-language newspapers reprint fragments of the article by the leader of the Latvian Social Democratic Labour Party Juris Bojars about naturalisation in Latvia, published by

Russian-language newspapers reprint fragments of the article by the leader of the Latvian Social Democratic Labour Party Juris Bojars about naturalisation in Latvia, published by Latvijas Avize 12 September. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

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