Nov. 19, 2005

  • Posters condemning the current situation in Latvia posted on the Latvias Independence Day
  • Court charges ex-staff members of the Naturalization Board with suspended sentences
A few protest actions took place in Riga on 18 November – the Latvian Independence Day. Early in the morning of 18 November it was discovered that posters depicting Latvian national flags but in purple (color of the passport of Latvian non-citizens) and slogans “We are ashamed of this Latvia” were pasted on telephone boxes and other public places. The same day National Bolsheviks hung out a poster “Grave of Freedom” from the 5

A few protest actions took place in Riga on 18 November – the Latvian Independence Day. Early in the morning of 18 November it was discovered that posters depicting Latvian national flags but in purple (color of the passport of Latvian non-citizens) and slogans We are ashamed of this Latvia were pasted on telephone boxes and other public places. The same day National Bolsheviks hung out a poster Grave of Freedom from the 5th floor on the Hotel de Rome. Chas, Latvijas Avize

The Court issued its ruling in the bribery case, when employees of the Naturalisation Board received bribes for helping out with naturalization texts. The Court charged the four ex-staff members of the Naturalization Board with suspended sentences, forfeiture of property, and other financial penalties. 

The Court issued its ruling in the bribery case, when employees of the Naturalisation Board received bribes for helping out with naturalization texts. The Court charged the four ex-staff members of the Naturalization Board with suspended sentences, forfeiture of property, and other financial penalties. Chas, Latvijas Avize, Diena

Nov. 17, 2005

  • Naturalization Board is planning to modify naturalization exams
  • Russian Ambassador attended Faculty of Arts of the University of Latvia
  • Riga Council did not give its permission to the National Bolsheviks to hold a picket on 18 November
  • Ainars Latkovskis: intolerance is inherent to a large part of the Latvian society
  • Essay competition I am in Latvia
The Naturalization Board is planning to modify naturalization exams and to improve the tasks of the tests. A representative of the Naturalization Board reported that it is planned to re-elaborate the history test and set higher requirements for the written part.

The Naturalization Board is planning to modify naturalization exams and to improve the tasks of the tests. A representative of the Naturalization Board reported that it is planned to re-elaborate the history test and set higher requirements for the written part. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Yesterday, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Victor Kalyuzhniy attended Faculty of Arts of the University of Latvia. Victor Kalyuzhniy has met with students and professors of the Baltic, Slavic, and Classic departments of the University. The Ambassador spoke about the importance of the Russian culture and language in Latvia, about the problems of the Russian speaking residents of Latvia, and about problems in Latvian Russian relations.

Yesterday, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Victor Kalyuzhniy attended Faculty of Arts of the University of Latvia. Victor Kalyuzhniy has met with students and professors of the Baltic, Slavic, and Classic departments of the University. The Ambassador spoke about the importance of the Russian culture and language in Latvia, about the problems of the Russian speaking residents of Latvia, and about problems in Latvian Russian relations. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The Riga Council has refused its permission to  the National Bolsheviks to  organize  a public meeting at the Monument of Latvian Riflemen on 18 November. National Bolsheviks stated they wanted to show their  support for the Independence Day. The theme of the meeting would have been “Independent Latvia in democratic Latvia”.

The Riga Council has refused its permission to the National Bolsheviks to organize a public meeting at the Monument of Latvian Riflemen on 18 November. National Bolsheviks stated they wanted to show their support for the Independence Day. The theme of the meeting would have been Independent Latvia in democratic Latvia. Chas

Yesterday, the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis spoke about tolerance in Latvia at the events organised to celebrate the International Tolerance Day in Latvia. Ainars Latkovskis stated that intolerance is present in a large part of the society of Latvia, including politicians and policemen. Ainars Latkovskis also commented on the recent manifestations of intolerance in the streets of Riga. He said that on many occasions the police do not assaults on persons being racially motivated and classify them as simple hooliganism.. Therefore, the Secretariat of the Integration Minister is planning to organize educational seminars for policemen in the beginning of the next year.

Yesterday, the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis spoke about tolerance in Latvia at the events organised to celebrate the International Tolerance Day in Latvia. Ainars Latkovskis stated that intolerance is present in a large part of the society of Latvia, including politicians and policemen. Ainars Latkovskis also commented on the recent manifestations of intolerance in the streets of Riga. He said that on many occasions the police do not assaults on persons being racially motivated and classify them as simple hooliganism.. Therefore, the Secretariat of the Integration Minister is planning to organize educational seminars for policemen in the beginning of the next year. Diena

Yesterday, the Naturalization board organized the discussion on the essay competition “Iam in Latvia”. Russian secondary school students took part in the discussion. The themes for the essays were: “Iam a citizen of Latvia, and I am proud to be a citizen,” “What is patriotism?”, “My contribution to the development of the country,” and “The patriotism among peers.” The Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane said that from the essays she found that students have deep attachment to the country. One of the jury members said she was surprised by the high level of Latvian language skills and their sincere patriotism towards Latvia.

Yesterday, the Naturalization board organized the discussion on the essay competition Iam in Latvia. Russian secondary school students took part in the discussion. The themes for the essays were: Iam a citizen of Latvia, and I am proud to be a citizen, What is patriotism?, My contribution to the development of the country, and The patriotism among peers. The Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane said that from the essays she found that students have deep attachment to the country. One of the jury members said she was surprised by the high level of Latvian language skills and their sincere patriotism towards Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Nov. 16, 2005

  • Parliamentarians compare ethnic situations in Latvia and France
  • FFLNIM suggests amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • Head of the Saeima Human Rights Committee about tolerance in Latvia
Yesterday the Saeima’s Integration Subcommittee discussed conflicts in France and possibilities of such conflicts in Latvia. The Head of the Saeima’s Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee Ingrida Circene believed that the conflict in France is the result of the unsuccessful integration policy. Dzintars Abikis (The People’s Party) argued that situations in France and in Latvia were not comparable, because in Latvia national minorities belong to the Christian faith besides there are no differences in regard to living standards of Latvians and ethnic minorities. The Head of the Foreign Policy Institute Atis Lejins believed that France should consider Latvia’s experience in  ethnic  integration. The Head of the Anti-discrimination Policy Department of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Denis Hanovs stated that the Latvian government should pay attention to integration issues at practical level.

Yesterday the Saeimas Integration Subcommittee discussed conflicts in France and possibilities of such conflicts in Latvia. The Head of the Saeimas Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee Ingrida Circene believed that the conflict in France is the result of the unsuccessful integration policy. Dzintars Abikis (The Peoples Party) argued that situations in France and in Latvia were not comparable, because in Latvia national minorities belong to the Christian faith besides there are no differences in regard to living standards of Latvians and ethnic minorities. The Head of the Foreign Policy Institute Atis Lejins believed that France should consider Latvias experience in ethnic integration. The Head of the Anti-discrimination Policy Department of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Denis Hanovs stated that the Latvian government should pay attention to integration issues at practical level. Chas, Vesti Segondya

The Saeima’s faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has developed draft amendments to the Citizenship Law. According to the draft amendments persons who arrived in Latvia during the USSR’s regime should not be entitled to naturalisation. The rights to naturalization should be granted to  persons who arrived in Latvia after 1 July, 1992, and former citizens of Lithuania, Estonia, and Poland. The draft amendments stipulate that loyalty of the naturalization applicant should be confirmed by two Latvian citizens.

The Saeimas faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has developed draft amendments to the Citizenship Law. According to the draft amendments persons who arrived in Latvia during the USSRs regime should not be entitled to naturalisation. The rights to naturalization should be granted to persons who arrived in Latvia after 1 July, 1992, and former citizens of Lithuania, Estonia, and Poland. The draft amendments stipulate that loyalty of the naturalization applicant should be confirmed by two Latvian citizens. Latvijas Avize


In Diena the Head of the Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee Ingdrida Circene talks about tolerance. Ingrida Circene believes that the specific history of Latvia explains ethnic intolerance in Latvia. She notes, that the growing number of naturalized citizens is a positive tendency, because it shows that the command of the Latvian language is improving.. Ingrida Circene argues that the level of tolerance in Latvia is still higher than in other Eastern European countries.

Nov. 15, 2005

  • Parliamentarians will discuss possibilities of ethnic conflicts in Latvia
  • 16 November - the International Day of Tolerance
  • Modest Kolerov: Russia protects those who have no rights to citizenship in Latvia
  • Activities of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Embassy to Latvia
Today the Saeima’s Integration Subcommittee will analyse conflicts in France and discuss a possibility that similar conflicts could take place in Latvia. MPs will pay particular attention to mistakes of France’s integration policy. The Head of the National Security Committee Indulis Emsis is among the initiators of the discussion. Last week Indulis Emsis stated that conflicts taking place in France may take place in Latvia as well, though in the future.

Today the Saeimas Integration Subcommittee will analyse conflicts in France and discuss a possibility that similar conflicts could take place in Latvia. MPs will pay particular attention to mistakes of Frances integration policy. The Head of the National Security Committee Indulis Emsis is among the initiators of the discussion. Last week Indulis Emsis stated that conflicts taking place in France may take place in Latvia as well, though in the future. Chas

On 16 November Latvia will celebrate the International Day of Tolerance. A number of events aimed at promotion tolerance will be organised by governmental and non-governmental organizations.

On 16 November Latvia will celebrate the International Day of Tolerance. A number of events aimed at promotion tolerance will be organised by governmental and non-governmental organizations. Diena

The Head of the Department for Interregional and Cultural Ties with Foreign Countries of the Russian Duma Modest Kolerov in the interview with

The Head of the Department for Interregional and Cultural Ties with Foreign Countries of the Russian Duma Modest Kolerovin the interviewwith Latvijas Avize stated that in Latvia, Russia protects those who have no rights to citizenship and do not distinguish ethnicity of these persons. Modest Kolerov pointed out that ethnic minorities in Latvia must have the right to decide whether they want to speak and learn the state language. He argued that the minority education reform is discriminatory against minorities, because the quality of education in minority schools worsens. He also stated that schools must prepare the citizens of Latvia not Latvian citizens.

The representative of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Embassy to Latvia Igor Krivosheyev speaks about activities of the Service with

The representative of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Embassy to Latvia Igor Krivosheyev speaks about activities of the Service with Chas. Igor Krivosheyev says that the main task of the Service is to help Latvias residents who want to migrate to Russia. He reports that as of 2000 more than 4,560 persons have migrated from Latvia to Russia.

Nov. 14, 2005

  • Lack of funding for the Days of Russian Culture in Latvia
The Days of the Russian Culture in Latvia will not be organized in the near future because of the lack of funding, stated the Minister of Culture Helena Demakova. In March of 2004, Latvia and Russia signed the protocol on organizing the Russian festival in Latvia. The organization of the festival was planned in 2004, but because of the lack of funding the organization was postponed for 2006. Helena Demakova said that, unfortunately, the funding for the festival has not been included in the national budget.

The Days of the Russian Culture in Latvia will not be organized in the near future because of the lack of funding, stated the Minister of Culture Helena Demakova. In March of 2004, Latvia and Russia signed the protocol on organizing the Russian festival in Latvia. The organization of the festival was planned in 2004, but because of the lack of funding the organization was postponed for 2006. Helena Demakova said that, unfortunately, the funding for the festival has not been included in the national budget. Chas

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