Nov. 25, 2005

  • Head of Minority Rights Group: Latvia is on the right way
  • Russian delegation in the PACE insists on the continuation of the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia
  • UCRCL will hold a meeting in Rezekne
  • Deputies from left-wing parties submitted an application to the Constitutional Court
  • Project Culture Mosaic of Different Nations in Liepaja
The Head of Minority Rights Group in an interview with

The Head of Minority Rights Group in an interview with Chas stated that Latvia is dealing very well with issues concerning ethnic minorities. He believes that citizenship should not be granted to a person who does not know the state language. However, he believes that the dialogue between Russians and Latvians should be more civilized.

Yesterday the Head of the Russian delegation in PACE Konstantin Kosachev stated, that Moscow will demand the continuation of the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia.

Yesterday the Head of the Russian delegation in PACE Konstantin Kosachev stated, that Moscow will demand the continuation of the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia. Segodnya, Latvijas Avize,

The board of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia will hold a meeting in Rezekne (a city in the eastern part of Latvia) on Saturday.

The board of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia will hold a meeting in Rezekne (a city in the eastern part of Latvia) on Saturday. Vesti Segodnya

According to Russian language newspapers, the quality of education and level of academic attainments among students of 10

According to Russian language newspapers, the quality of education and level of academic attainments among students of 10th grades of Russian schools have dropped since the inception of the minority education reform. The newspapers report on the situation in the school in Bolderaja (a district in Riga), where a teacher wanted to discuss poor results of students in one of subjects taught bilingually with parents and also representatives of the media and MPs. However, according to the newspapers, the school administration explains that poor results is normal practice in the first half of the semester when students are getting accustomed to the new system. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Yesterday the deputies from left-wing parties submitted an application to the Constitutional Court challenging some authorities of the State Language Centre set by regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers. As reported, the Harmony Centre believes that the authority of the State Language Centre to conduct examinations of staff’s actual state language skills at different organisations results in provocations and unjustified administrative penalties.

Yesterday the deputies from left-wing parties submitted an application to the Constitutional Court challenging some authorities of the State Language Centre set by regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers. As reported, the Harmony Centre believes that the authority of the State Language Centre to conduct examinations of staffs actual state language skills at different organisations results in provocations and unjustified administrative penalties. Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Today the Puppet Theatre of Liepaja in collaboration with the Art Centre “Peda,” with the financial support of the Society Integration Foundation, starts a project art festival “Culture Mosaic of Different Nations.”. The programme of the festival will be very diverse – including theatre performances and presentations national foods.

Today the Puppet Theatre of Liepaja in collaboration with the Art Centre Peda, with the financial support of the Society Integration Foundation, starts a project art festival Culture Mosaic of Different Nations.. The programme of the festival will be very diverse – including theatre performances and presentations national foods. Latvijas Avize

Nov. 24, 2005

  • PACE stopped the post-monitoring dialogue with Latvia
  • Head of Saeimas Foreign Affair Committee: Latvia should remain Latvian forever
  • Latvian politicians comment on a possibility to hold a national referendum on amendments to the Citizenship Law
Yesterday, the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), after listening to the report of the Head of the Monitoring Committee, stopped the post-monitoring dialogue with Latvia on the situation of minorities in the country despite the Head’s petition to continue the monitoring. Latvian high officials, including the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, believe that the closure of post-monitoring is a clear sign that Latvia corresponds to all European democracy criteria. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks stated that the closure of the post-monitoring dialogue is a victory of Latvian diplomacy. However,

Yesterday, the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), after listening to the report of the Head of the Monitoring Committee, stopped the post-monitoring dialogue with Latvia on the situation of minorities in the country despite the Heads petition to continue the monitoring. Latvian high officials, including the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, believe that the closure of post-monitoring is a clear sign that Latvia corresponds to all European democracy criteria. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks stated that the closure of the post-monitoring dialogue is a victory of Latvian diplomacy. However, Vesti Segodnya notes that although the post-monitoring has been cancelled, Latvia will have to account for the implementation of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. Latvijas. Vestnesis, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena, NRA

The Head of Saeima’s Foreign Affair Committee Vaira Paegle in an interview with

The Head of Saeimas Foreign Affair Committee Vaira Paegle in an interview with Latvijas Vestnesis said that Latvia has a good experience in integration of immigrants. However, she is convinced that the number of immigrants should be limited and Latvia should remain Latvian forever. Vaira Paegle expressed her concern about increasing intolerance towards the other in the Latvian society. She believes that the society should become more tolerant as intolerance brings harm to all members of the society.

Chas asked Latvian politicians to comment an intention of the faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM to discuss amendments to the Citizenship Law at a national referendum. Yuriy Sokolovskiy (FHRUL) considers that the referendum would be only a PR action in FF/LNIMs pre-election campaign. Andris Berzins (Latvias Way) thinks that FF/LNIM wants to split Latvian society into two parts. Augusts Brigmanis (Union of Greens and Farmers) believes that Latvia does not need the referendum, because naturalization goes on according to all European norms and rules. Valeriy Ageshin (Harmony Centre) said that FF/LNIM wants to bring about ethnic tension, arguing that the proposed amendments would hamper ethnic integration.

Nov. 23, 2005

  • Latvia may hold a national referendum on amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • Guest workers might be invited to Latvia in four or five years
  • Security Police initiate cases against members of National Bolsheviks and the Union of National Forces
  • 534 new naturalized citizens of Latvia
  • Baltic Forum will organise discussions on integration issues
  • Members of East-West Network conference will attend a Russian school
The representatives of the Saeima’s faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM in an interview with

The representatives of the Saeimas faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM in an interview with Chas stated that the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law developed by FF/LNIM might be discussed at a national referendum. As reported, among other the draft amendments provide that persons, who arrived to Latvia during the USSRs regime, should not have the right to naturalization, while those, entitled to naturalization, should present guarantees of their loyalty provided by two Latvian citizens. One of the leaders of the Latvias First Party Ainars Slesers, in an interview with Vesti Segodnya, stated that he believes that there should not be any restrictions on naturalization and his party will not support the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law.

Yesterday, deputy head of the Saeima’s Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee Augusts Brigmanis, stated that Latvia may face the acute need in guest workers from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine after four or five years, arguing that the increasing number of local work force leaves the country. However, the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis believes that the situation is not so serious and there will be no need to make the Latvian job market more open.

Yesterday, deputy head of the Saeimas Human Rights and Social Affairs Committee Augusts Brigmanis, stated that Latvia may face the acute need in guest workers from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine after four or five years, arguing that the increasing number of local work force leaves the country. However, the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis believes that the situation is not so serious and there will be no need to make the Latvian job market more open. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Yesterday the Security Police initiated a criminal case against three National Bolsheviks, who hung out a banner “Burial of Freedom” from the window of the Hotel de Rome on the Latvian Independence Day. Another criminal case was initiated against a member of the ultra-right organization the Union of National Forces for incitement to ethnic hatred in a TV show in May of 2005. The member of the Union of National Forces called to create conditions for repatriation of people who came to Latvia during the USSR’s regime to their ethnic homeland.

Yesterday the Security Police initiated a criminal case against three National Bolsheviks, who hung out a banner Burial of Freedom from the window of the Hotel de Rome on the Latvian Independence Day. Another criminal case was initiated against a member of the ultra-right organization the Union of National Forces for incitement to ethnic hatred in a TV show in May of 2005. The member of the Union of National Forces called to create conditions for repatriation of people who came to Latvia during the USSRs regime to their ethnic homeland. Chas, Diena

534 persons, including 42 children, were naturalized yesterday in Latvia.

534 persons, including 42 children, were naturalized yesterday in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

The Head of the Baltic Forum Janis Urbanovics is planning to organize discussions on  integration issues in the end of November. 20 well known persons were asked to answer the following question “What measures should be taken by Latvians and Russian speaking residents to unite the two groups and improve mutual relations.” One of the surveyed persons Dzintra Hirsa, former head of the State Language Centre, in an interview with

The Head of the Baltic Forum Janis Urbanovics is planning to organize discussions on integration issues in the end of November. 20 well known persons were asked to answer the following question What measures should be taken by Latvians and Russian speaking residents to unite the two groups and improve mutual relations. One of the surveyed persons Dzintra Hirsa, former head of the State Language Centre, in an interview with Latvijas Avize stated that there will be no integration if there is no common understanding of history in the society. Dzintra Hirsa also believes that Latvians should not yield to Russians. Latvijas Avize

An international conference “East-West Network” will be organized in Riga on 25 and 26 November. Before the conference, its guests from Europe and CIS countries will attend a Russian school and hold discussions with Russian students about the implementation  and problems of the minority school reform launched in 2004.

An international conference East-West Network will be organized in Riga on 25 and 26 November. Before the conference, its guests from Europe and CIS countries will attend a Russian school and hold discussions with Russian students about the implementation and problems of the minority school reform launched in 2004. Chas

Nov. 22, 2005

  • Harmony Centre collects signatures to challenge authority of the State Language Centre at the Constitutional Court
  • Russian Community in Latvia held a conference
  • Headquarters discuss the future of the organization
  • About 100 Russian organisations in Latvia could claim funding from Russia
The Harmony Centre began the collection of signatures required to submit an application with the Constitutional Court. The party plans to challenge authorities of the State Language Centre set by regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers. The regulations stipulate that the State Language Centre has authority to conduct examinations of staff’s actual state language skills at organisations, institutions and companies. Leader of the party Andreys Klementyevs believes that examinations of actual language skills result in provocations and unjustified administrative penalties.

The Harmony Centre began the collection of signatures required to submit an application with the Constitutional Court. The party plans to challenge authorities of the State Language Centre set by regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers. The regulations stipulate that the State Language Centre has authority to conduct examinations of staffs actual state language skills at organisations, institutions and companies. Leader of the party Andreys Klementyevs believes that examinations of actual language skills result in provocations and unjustified administrative penalties. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize

The Russian Community in Latvia held a conference on the activities of the community and the situation of the Russian speaking residents in the country in 2005. The Community criticized the government of Latvia for not granting equal rights to Russians in Latvia according to international standards. The Community also submitted five proposals on the development of civil society to the member of the Saeima Vladimir Buzajev (FHRUL). The Community offers that, firstly, the Riga City Council  creates a unit which would deal with ethnic minority issues. Secondly, it is suggested that the Ministry of Culture forms an Advisory Council on National Minority Cultures. The third proposal is addressed to the President of Latvia and relates to resuming the work of the National Minority Council. And the last, to offer the President of Russia to create the Public Council of Compatriots.

The Russian Community in Latvia held a conference on the activities of the community and the situation of the Russian speaking residents in the country in 2005. The Community criticized the government of Latvia for not granting equal rights to Russians in Latvia according to international standards. The Community also submitted five proposals on the development of civil society to the member of the Saeima Vladimir Buzajev (FHRUL). The Community offers that, firstly, the Riga City Council creates a unit which would deal with ethnic minority issues. Secondly, it is suggested that the Ministry of Culture forms an Advisory Council on National Minority Cultures. The third proposal is addressed to the President of Latvia and relates to resuming the work of the National Minority Council. And the last, to offer the President of Russia to create the Public Council of Compatriots. Vesti Segodnya

Members of the Headquarters for the Defence of the Russian Speaking Schools held the discussion on the future of the organization. Participants discussed successes and failures in the past activities and protest actions. The Headquarters acknowledged that their activities regarding the minority education reform  have failed. However, it was stated that they will continue the activities, because it is the only way to preserve the Russian culture and community in Latvia.

Members of the Headquarters for the Defence of the Russian Speaking Schools held the discussion on the future of the organization. Participants discussed successes and failures in the past activities and protest actions. The Headquarters acknowledged that their activities regarding the minority education reform have failed. However, it was stated that they will continue the activities, because it is the only way to preserve the Russian culture and community in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

About 100 Russian organisations in Latvia could claim funding from Russia. As reported, Russia is planning to provide 17.5 million dollars for non-profit public organizations in those countries which violate the rights of Russia’s citizens. A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia clarified that the funding will be provided to the Russian Embassies in these countries, and not directly to organizations, then embassies will decide on the further distribution of finances.

About 100 Russian organisations in Latvia could claim funding from Russia. As reported, Russia is planning to provide 17.5 million dollars for non-profit public organizations in those countries which violate the rights of Russias citizens. A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia clarified that the funding will be provided to the Russian Embassies in these countries, and not directly to organizations, then embassies will decide on the further distribution of finances. Telegraf

Nov. 21, 2005

  • President of Latvia: everyone is welcomed in this country
  • PACE will decide about the continuation of the post-monitoring dialogue with Latvia
  • Language Auditors will analyse the effective language learning system and naturalization process in Latvia in 2007
  • Ambassador of Russia criticizes naturalization process in Latvia
  • Russia will give funding to public organizations in the Baltic States
  • Swastika and anti-Russian slogans in Daugavpils
  • Defender of human rights Vladimir Bukovskiy: Latvian and Russian communities must come together
The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in her speech on the occasion of the National Independence Day stated that all Latvia’s residents are a part of the country and the today’s Latvia is the heritage of the past. The President called to be tolerant towards each other, because “the fate and time have made us very different and diverse.” The President said that in the past decades “many people of different religions, convictions and blood have come to the country, however, we all may become patriots of this country… Everybody who respects Latvia, its order, legislation and democratic system, is needed, everybody is welcomed – both who are not citizens yet and those who have left for foreign countries to search for better lives.”

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in her speech on the occasion of the National Independence Day stated that all Latvias residents are a part of the country and the todays Latvia is the heritage of the past. The President called to be tolerant towards each other, because the fate and time have made us very different and diverse. The President said that in the past decades many people of different religions, convictions and blood have come to the country, however, we all may become patriots of this country… Everybody who respects Latvia, its order, legislation and democratic system, is needed, everybody is welcomed – both who are not citizens yet and those who have left for foreign countries to search for better lives.

The Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) will listen to the report on the situation of ethnic minorities in Latvia on Wednesday. The Committee will decide whether to stop the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia after listening to the report.

The Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) will listen to the report on the situation of ethnic minorities in Latvia on Wednesday. The Committee will decide whether to stop the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia after listening to the report. Diena

In 2007, the European Association of Professional Language Auditors will analyse the Latvian language learning system and naturalization process in Latvia. A representative of the Naturalization Board stated if the results of the audit are positive, Latvia will receive the State Language Learning Process Quality Certificate.

In 2007, the European Association of Professional Language Auditors will analyse the Latvian language learning system and naturalization process in Latvia. A representative of the Naturalization Board stated if the results of the audit are positive, Latvia will receive the State Language Learning Process Quality Certificate. Chas

The Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Victor Kalyuzhniy  met with students form the Netherlands. The group of students came to Latvia to study  the situation in the field of ethnic integration  and compare it with the situation in their country.  The Ambassador criticized naturalization process in Latvia and stated that many Russians do not want to pass the naturalization test in the Latvian history because they do not want to acknowledge that Russia has occupied Latvia. Victor Kalyuzhniy also pointed that a number restrictions on the rights of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia lead to tense  relations between Latvia and Russia.

The Ambassador of Russia to Latvia Victor Kalyuzhniy met with students form the Netherlands. The group of students came to Latvia to study the situation in the field of ethnic integration and compare it with the situation in their country. The Ambassador criticized naturalization process in Latvia and stated that many Russians do not want to pass the naturalization test in the Latvian history because they do not want to acknowledge that Russia has occupied Latvia. Victor Kalyuzhniy also pointed that a number restrictions on the rights of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia lead to tense relations between Latvia and Russia. Chas

Russia is planning to provide funding for non-profit public organizations in those countries which violate the rights of Russia’s citizens. A representatives of the Russian government stated that it will refer also to the Baltic States.

Russia is planning to provide funding for non-profit public organizations in those countries which violate the rights of Russias citizens. A representatives of the Russian government stated that it will refer also to the Baltic States. Vesti Segodnya

The slogan in Latvian “Russian Pigs” and the swastika appeared on a fence near one of the schools in the centre of Daugavpils after the celebratory fireworks on 18 November. The Russian Community of Daugavpils protested against the slogan and reproached the police in hesitating to take any measures.

The slogan in Latvian Russian Pigs and the swastika appeared on a fence near one of the schools in the centre of Daugavpils after the celebratory fireworks on 18 November. The Russian Community of Daugavpils protested against the slogan and reproached the police in hesitating to take any measures. Vesti Segodnya

In a seminar "Twenty Years of Baltic Peace and Freedom Cruise" in London, defender of human rights Vladimir Bukovskiy stated that the government of Latvia should not force national minorities to learn the Latvian language. Vladimir Bukovskiy believes that pressure results in a negative reaction and resistance. He also stated that the two communities - Latvians and Russians - should be united, and Latvians have to understand that national minorities are the part of multi-cultural Latvia.

In a seminar "Twenty Years of Baltic Peace and Freedom Cruise" in London, defender of human rights Vladimir Bukovskiy stated that the government of Latvia should not force national minorities to learn the Latvian language. Vladimir Bukovskiy believes that pressure results in a negative reaction and resistance. He also stated that the two communities - Latvians and Russians - should be united, and Latvians have to understand that national minorities are the part of multi-cultural Latvia. Telegraf

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