Dec. 8, 2005

  • Head of Naturalisation Board: if naturalization is among states priorities the government must increase funding for the Board
  • Legal Committee of Saeima rejects a proposal to grant non-citizens voting rights in national referendums
  • International conference The Baltic Ukrainians in Riga
  • Raivis Dzintars: Latvian citizenship is a privilege
The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane in an interview with

The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane in an interview with Telegraf spoke about a number of issues faced by the Board: Our employees leave their jobs because of low salaries… if naturalization is among states priorities, the government should increase funding for the Board… Russia could also provide its assistance to Russian residents in Latvia to learn the Latvian language. Eizenija Aldermane said that this year citizenship was granted to almost 21,000 persons, however, she predicts that the number of new citizens will drop in couple years. The Head of the Naturalisation Board also stated that discussions about the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by the right-wing political party FF/LNIM could result in increasing the gap between the communities. She believes the majority of MPs would not support the draft amendments.

Yesterday, the Legal Committee of Saeima rejected a proposal of the Saeima’s faction the Concord Centre to grant Latvian non-citizens voting rights in national referendums. A representative of the party stated that non-citizens should have rights to express their views, because non-citizens are paying taxes in this country as well. However, the Head of the Legal Committee pointed that the Latvian Constitution provides that only those residents who have the right to participate in parliamentarian elections may take part in  referendums.

Yesterday, the Legal Committee of Saeima rejected a proposal of the Saeimas faction the Concord Centre to grant Latvian non-citizens voting rights in national referendums. A representative of the party stated that non-citizens should have rights to express their views, because non-citizens are paying taxes in this country as well. However, the Head of the Legal Committee pointed that the Latvian Constitution provides that only those residents who have the right to participate in parliamentarian elections may take part in referendums. Chas, Telegraf

International conference “The Baltic Ukrainians” will be opened tomorrow in Riga. The representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, as well as guests from Ukraine will take part in the conference.

International conference The Baltic Ukrainians will be opened tomorrow in Riga. The representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, as well as guests from Ukraine will take part in the conference. Chas

“We stand for the united society – the unity of Latvians and those who are ready to stand with Latvians” – stated the leader of the nationally-patriotic organization “All for Latvia” Raivis Dzintars in an interview with

We stand for the united society – the unity of Latvians and those who are ready to stand with Latvians – stated the leader of the nationally-patriotic organization All for Latvia Raivis Dzintars in an interview with Vesti Segodnya. Raivis Dzintars also said: History shows that nationalism leads to economic development… Im not against other nations, but Latvia will prosper only when Latvians will feel that they are owners of this land. Dzintars believes that Latvian citizenship should be a privilege for non-Latvians and it should be granted only on special occasions.

Dec. 7, 2005

  • International human rights expert criticizes nationalistic statements of FF/LNIM
  • Academicians from Latvia and Russia held a seminar on relations between Latvia and Russia
The Open Society Institute (Budapest) consultant Leonid Raihman in an interview with

The Open Society Institute (Budapest) consultant Leonid Raihman in an interview with Chas stated that the statements made by the ruling right-wing party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM calls to neglect the obligations set by the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination binding to Latvia. As reported, one of the leaders of FF/LNIM Janis Straume stated that the government in Latvia should be Latvian. Leonid Raihman states that such statements demonstrate the belief that Latvians in Latvia are in a more privileged position than other ethnic groups and that such statements are discriminatory.

On Monday, academicians from Latvia and Russia held first joint seminar on interrelations in past 15 years. Latvian professor ethnologist Ilga Apine stated that Russophobia is widespread in Latvia, however, phobia towards the Baltic states is characteristic to Russia. Ilga Apine said that ethnic slogans are widely used in political manipulations and it is the main reason for tense relations between Latvia and Russia. The professor of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Maija Kule stated that the mission of scientists is to provide the truth and to make nations more tolerant and draw them closer. The academicians of the two countries stated they are ready to develop  joint projects and that would help Russian and Latvian societies to erase negative stereotypes about each other.

On Monday, academicians from Latvia and Russia held first joint seminar on interrelations in past 15 years. Latvian professor ethnologist Ilga Apine stated that Russophobia is widespread in Latvia, however, phobia towards the Baltic states is characteristic to Russia. Ilga Apine said that ethnic slogans are widely used in political manipulations and it is the main reason for tense relations between Latvia and Russia. The professor of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Maija Kule stated that the mission of scientists is to provide the truth and to make nations more tolerant and draw them closer. The academicians of the two countries stated they are ready to develop joint projects and that would help Russian and Latvian societies to erase negative stereotypes about each other. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Dec. 6, 2005

  • Seven Somalians refused in provision of asylum in Latvia
  • Riga Regional Court will review a complaint from Yuriy Petropavlovskiy
  • Security Police started prosecution of Ainis Sprogis in referring to the conclusion of the director of the LCHRES
Yesterday, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs refused to grant the status of refugees or alternative status for seven asylum seekers from Somalia. The Office argues that the status of refugee is granted if the applicant faces real threats in his/her country because of his/her ethnicity/race/religion/political beliefs and that the status is not granted because of economic circumstances experienced by the applicant. According to Latvian legislation, the seven Somalians have seven days to appeal the decision. If the appellation is turned down as well, Somalians  have to leave Latvia. As reported, in August seven persons who claimed to be from Somalia  arrived in Latvia in August and applied for asylum.

Yesterday, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs refused to grant the status of refugees or alternative status for seven asylum seekers from Somalia. The Office argues that the status of refugee is granted if the applicant faces real threats in his/her country because of his/her ethnicity/race/religion/political beliefs and that the status is not granted because of economic circumstances experienced by the applicant. According to Latvian legislation, the seven Somalians have seven days to appeal the decision. If the appellation is turned down as well, Somalians have to leave Latvia. As reported, in August seven persons who claimed to be from Somalia arrived in Latvia in August and applied for asylum. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena, NRA

Today, the Riga Regional Court will review a complaint by Yurijs Petropavlovskis about the refusal of the Cabinet of Minister to grant him Latvian citizenship. As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers refused to grant Yurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship although he had passed naturalization exams. The Cabinet of Ministers argued that Petropavlovskis is not a loyal citizen because of his activities (as a member of the Headquarters) in organizing protest actions against the implementation of the minority education reform.

Today, the Riga Regional Court will review a complaint by Yurijs Petropavlovskis about the refusal of the Cabinet of Minister to grant him Latvian citizenship. As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers refused to grant Yurijs Petropavlovskis Latvian citizenship although he had passed naturalization exams. The Cabinet of Ministers argued that Petropavlovskis is not a loyal citizen because of his activities (as a member of the Headquarters) in organizing protest actions against the implementation of the minority education reform. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize is writing about the case of Ainis Sprogis accused in alleged incitement of ethnic hatred. As reported, the Security Police asked the Prosecutors Office to start criminal prosecution of Ainis Sprogis because of his calls to foster repatriation of occupants from Latvia on a TV show. The newspaper reports that the charges against Ainis Sprogis were brought on the basis of the conclusion about his statments made by human rights expert Ilze Brands Kehre. According to the newspaper, Ainis Sprogis has tried to object to the conclusion because IlzeBrands Kehre is not a neutral expert, but a person with certain political beliefs…who has criticized politicians who hold nationalistic beliefs. However, the prosecutor has also concluded that the statements made by Ainis Sprogis incite ethnic hatred.

Dec. 5, 2005

  • Concord Centrestands on the consolidation of the society
  • FF/LNIM will continue to hold on national policy
On Saturday, the Concord Centre held its conference in Liepaja. Party leaders announced that consolidation of society and protection of minority rights are among the key party’s priorities included  in its pre-election campaign. 

On Saturday, the Concord Centre held its conference in Liepaja. Party leaders announced that consolidation of society and protection of minority rights are among the key partys priorities included in its pre-election campaign.Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

On Saturday, the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM held a conference and announced key points of its pre-election campaign. Leaders of the party assured that  they will continue implementation of  policies which protect the interests of Latvians. The leader of the faction Janis Straume stated that the government in Latvia should be Latvian, and Latvians must actively fight for their rights. Janis Straume also stated that all non-citizens should leave the country.

On Saturday, the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM held a conference and announced key points of its pre-election campaign. Leaders of the party assured that they will continue implementation of policies which protect the interests of Latvians. The leader of the faction Janis Straume stated that the government in Latvia should be Latvian, and Latvians must actively fight for their rights. Janis Straume also stated that all non-citizens should leave the country. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena

Dec. 3, 2005

  • FHRUL founded its youth organisation on Friday
A left-wing political party For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) founded its youth organisation on Friday. The main aim of the youth organisation is to prepare future political, social and business leaders for the Russian diaspora in Latvia.

A left-wing political party For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) founded its youth organisation on Friday. The main aim of the youth organisation is to prepare future political, social and business leaders for the Russian diaspora in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

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