Dec. 14, 2005

  • Naturalisation Board develops draft amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • Prosecutor reverses the judgement in the bribery case of former employees of the Naturalisation Board
The Naturalisation Board has developed the draw amendments to the Citizenship Law. The draft amendments foresee a number of changes. According to the draft amendments, a naturalisation applicant who would fail to come to naturalisation exams without notification and justified reason two times in a row, will be denied the grant of citizenship. A representative of the Naturalisation Board motivates the amendments by unserious attitude of a number of applicants towards naturalisation – “last year only, 1,200 persons failed to come to exams and did not provide any notification,” said the representative.

The Naturalisation Board has developed the draw amendments to the Citizenship Law. The draft amendments foresee a number of changes. According to the draft amendments, a naturalisation applicant who would fail to come to naturalisation exams without notification and justified reason two times in a row, will be denied the grant of citizenship. A representative of the Naturalisation Board motivates the amendments by unserious attitude of a number of applicants towards naturalisation – last year only, 1,200 persons failed to come to exams and did not provide any notification, said the representative. Chas

The Public Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court has abolished the ruling in the bribery case of two ex-staff workers of the Naturalisation Board. As reported, the Court charged the two accused with four years and one and a half year of conventional imprisonment for receiving bribes for helping to receive Latvian citizenship. A representative of the Prosecutor General Office stated that the Prosecutor believes that the accused should be sentenced to actual imprisonment in this case.

The Public Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court has abolished the ruling in the bribery case of two ex-staff workers of the Naturalisation Board. As reported, the Court charged the two accused with four years and one and a half year of conventional imprisonment for receiving bribes for helping to receive Latvian citizenship. A representative of the Prosecutor General Office stated that the Prosecutor believes that the accused should be sentenced to actual imprisonment in this case. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Dec. 13, 2005

  • Riga Regional Court adopted its final rulings in the appellation cases of 24 members of the unapproved protest action against Fascism in Latvia
  • Aleksandr Kazakov, activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Language Schools in Latvia, appealed his expulsion from Latvia
Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court announced its final rulings in the appellation cases of 24 members of the unapproved protest action. Three of appealers were justified, several were given smaller fines, however, the majority of previous rulings were not changed. As reported, the appealers were detained for ‘disturbance of public order’ when they participated in the protest action against ‘the revival of Fascism in Latvia,’ which was organized at the same place and time when a march to commemorate the controversial Latvian legionnaires of the Second World War was hold.

Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court announced its final rulings in the appellation cases of 24 members of the unapproved protest action. Three of appealers were justified, several were given smaller fines, however, the majority of previous rulings were not changed. As reported, the appealers were detained for ‘disturbance of public order when they participated in the protest action against ‘the revival of Fascism in Latvia, which was organized at the same place and time when a march to commemorate the controversial Latvian legionnaires of the Second World War was hold. Chas

Activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools in Latvia Aleksandr Kazakov, who was expelled from Latvia in September of 2004, has appealed with the Highest Appeal Court. Aleksandr Kazakov challenges the decision of the Latvian government to include him in the list of persons who are denied entrance in Latvia. As reported, Aleksandr Kazakov was expelled from Latvia because of his activities against the implementation  of the minority education reform.

Activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools in Latvia Aleksandr Kazakov, who was expelled from Latvia in September of 2004, has appealed with the Highest Appeal Court. Aleksandr Kazakov challenges the decision of the Latvian government to include him in the list of persons who are denied entrance in Latvia. As reported, Aleksandr Kazakov was expelled from Latvia because of his activities against the implementation of the minority education reform. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf





Dec. 12, 2005

  • Representatives of Russia meet Russias citizens in Latvia
A number of representatives of Russia held a meeting with Russia’s citizens in Riga. The Head of the Russia Citizens Association in Latvia Boriss Katkov stated that Russia is doing everything to renew its ties with Russian diasporas in other countries. The Ambassador of Russia in Latvia Viktor Kalyuzhniy stated that still there are problems with national minorities, the use of the Russian language and Russians in Latvia. “However, the stance of Russia regarding these issues and ways of solution should be changed…. Only dialog and positives steps can help to resolve the problems.” – said Kalyuzhniy.

A number of representatives of Russia held a meeting with Russias citizens in Riga. The Head of the Russia Citizens Association in Latvia Boriss Katkov stated that Russia is doing everything to renew its ties with Russian diasporas in other countries. The Ambassador of Russia in Latvia Viktor Kalyuzhniy stated that still there are problems with national minorities, the use of the Russian language and Russians in Latvia. However, the stance of Russia regarding these issues and ways of solution should be changed…. Only dialog and positives steps can help to resolve the problems. – said Kalyuzhniy. Latvijas Avize

Dec. 10, 2005

  • Research claims that TV programmes in Russian face discriminatory restrictions in Latvia
The research conducted by the Open Society Institute on TV programmes aired in Europe argues that there are discriminatory restrictions on TV programmes in the Russian language in Latvia. The research discuss the strict legal norms regulating the use of languages on public TV channels and notes “language restrictions are paradoxical considering that due to a high number of Russians in Latvia advertisers are very interested in TV programmes in Russian.”

The research conducted by the Open Society Institute on TV programmes aired in Europe argues that there are discriminatory restrictions on TV programmes in the Russian language in Latvia. The research discuss the strict legal norms regulating the use of languages on public TV channels and notes language restrictions are paradoxical considering that due to a high number of Russians in Latvia advertisers are very interested in TV programmes in Russian. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Dec. 9, 2005

  • Saeima did not support the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • Riga Regional Court adopts ruling in the appellation case of 24 members of the unapproved protest action against Fascism in Latvia
  • New alleged bribery in the Naturalization Board in Limbazi
Yesterday, the Saeima did not support the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by the right-wing political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, the draft amendments provided halting of naturalization till Latvia and Russia signs the interstate agreement on the liquidation of consequences brought to Latvia by the Soviet occupation regime. Besides, the draft amendments provided that persons, who arrived to Latvia during the USSR’s regime, should not have the right to naturalization, while those, entitled to naturalization, should present guarantees of their loyalty provided by two Latvian citizens.

Yesterday, the Saeima did not support the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by the right-wing political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, the draft amendments provided halting of naturalization till Latvia and Russia signs the interstate agreement on the liquidation of consequences brought to Latvia by the Soviet occupation regime. Besides, the draft amendments provided that persons, who arrived to Latvia during the USSRs regime, should not have the right to naturalization, while those, entitled to naturalization, should present guarantees of their loyalty provided by two Latvian citizens. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court started to announce its rulings in  the appellations case of 24 members of the unapproved protest action. As reported, the complainants were detained for ‘disturbance of public order’ when they participated in the protest action against ‘the revival of Fascism in Latvia,’ which was organized at the same place and time when a march to commemorate the controversial Latvian legionnaires of the Second World War was hold. One of the accused persons was completely justified and another was set a smaller fine. However, the Court did not change the previous rulings for the rest of appealers.. A representative of the convicted persons in an interview with

Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court started to announce its rulings in the appellations case of 24 members of the unapproved protest action. As reported, the complainants were detained for ‘disturbance of public order when they participated in the protest action against ‘the revival of Fascism in Latvia, which was organized at the same place and time when a march to commemorate the controversial Latvian legionnaires of the Second World War was hold. One of the accused persons was completely justified and another was set a smaller fine. However, the Court did not change the previous rulings for the rest of appealers.. A representative of the convicted persons in an interview with Chas stated that they will appeal either with the Highest Appeal Court or with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has forwarded materials of two criminal cases on the alleged bribery in the Naturalization Board in Limbazi (a town in the northern part of Latvia) to the Prosecutor General Office.

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has forwarded materials of two criminal cases on the alleged bribery in the Naturalization Board in Limbazi (a town in the northern part of Latvia) to the Prosecutor General Office. Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

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